
bigjoolsdoes charm config give an easy way to have multiple sets of the same named values?00:47
davecheneybigjools: as in00:48
davecheneynames: ["dave", "julian"] ?00:49
bigjoolsdavecheney: not quite00:49
* bigjools thinks of example00:49
bigjoolsset1: ["foo": "bar", "fizz": "bang"] and set2: ["foo": "bar2", "fizz": "bang2"]00:51
bigjoolsjust wondered if there was anything built in to help00:51
bigjoolsor if I need to slap it all in manually00:51
davecheneyi think config suports, string, bool and int00:58
davecheneyso sets have to be modeled as json/yaml encoded strings00:58
davecheneyi guess00:58
davecheneyit might support sets00:58
davecheneybut i've never seen a case of it in the wold00:58
davecheneyanyone else knw ?00:58
davecheneymramm: ping01:30
=== wedgwood is now known as Guest48850
dpb1Hi davecheney, thanks for your email on the haproxy charm, got a sec to chat?03:16
davecheneydpb1: sure03:58
davecheneyoff and on03:58
davecheneysmall water heater issue in our house right at the moment03:58
dpb1OK, I'll write back over email.  I guess I was not aware that the interface was so strictly defined.  Much work around that explanation has been done in the past 6 months (gets and sets in the metadata.yaml file being one example).04:00
davecheneywow, i had forgotten just how slow puppet is05:04
axwwallyworld: "--source is needed because it allows people (and the release tools) to put the07:01
axwtools tarballs in a local directory and upload from there."07:01
axwcan't you do the same thing with sync-tools though?07:01
wallyworldi thought that's what you were talking about? sync-tools?07:01
axwwallyworld: I'm saying remove it from "juju bootstrap", leave it in "juju sync-tools"07:02
axwit's in both.07:02
wallyworldoh. i didn't realise it was in juju bootstrap07:02
wallyworldi've never used it from bootstrap at all07:02
axwcool, I'll take that as +1 to remove then ;)07:03
wallyworldsounds like it :-)07:03
wallyworldi'll reply to the email in a sec. gotta attend quickly to some cooking07:03
axwbtw, I see your point about upload. it's a bit ugly, but I guess not having it is going to be a PITA07:04
rogpeppemornin' all07:05
axwmorning rogpeppe07:05
rogpeppeaxw: i'd appreciate a review of this, if you have a few moments: https://codereview.appspot.com/14531048/07:07
rogpeppeaxw: it'll allow us to log rpc messages but lose the pings07:08
axwsounds excellent07:09
rogpeppeaxw: it's a compromise (the message information can't be quite as accurate as the original logging) but i *think* it's the right compromise07:10
axwrogpeppe: where's the logging currently?07:23
axwor has it been removed07:23
rogpeppeaxw: in rpc/jsoncodec07:24
axwah yes, ta07:24
rogpeppeaxw: i'm going to leave it there, but reduce it to trace level07:24
rogpeppeaxw: because i think it might be still useful to have lower level logging sometimes07:24
axwcertainly, for tracing :)07:24
rogpeppeaxw: in particular, the new logging won't show unrecognised fields, because it's called *after* the marshalling has taken place07:25
axwrogpeppe: unknown fields? do you mean after *un*marshalling?07:27
rogpeppeaxw: ah yes, sorry07:27
axwjust making sure I understand the proble07:27
axwrogpeppe: not sure if you saw my lgtm. I think there might be a missing call to ServerRequest08:02
axwbut otherwise lgtm08:02
rogpeppe axw: ah, i haven't yet08:02
rogpeppeaxw: thanks08:02
rogpeppeaxw: good catch about the missing ServerRequest08:06
rogpeppeaxw: (not that that case can ever happen with the jsoncodec that we always currently use)08:07
axwwallyworld_: environs/sync.DefaultToolsLocation will change when we have <something>.canonical.com for tools, right?08:21
axwshould be the same as environs/tools default URL?08:22
wallyworld_let me check08:22
axwwallyworld_: sync points at s3, tools points at juju.canonical.com08:22
wallyworld_axw: yeah, the whole dependency on s3 thing will go away08:22
arosalesdavecheney, what is the latest gc toolchain needed by juju?  1.1.2?08:30
arosalesor is gc toolchain needed now that juju starting with 1.15 builds with gccgo?08:36
arosalesref bug 122263608:36
_mup_Bug #1222636: juju should compile with gccgo <juju-core:Fix Released by dave-cheney> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1222636>08:36
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #juju-dev to: https://juju.ubuntu.com | On-call reviewer: see calendar | Bugs: 3 Critical, 162 High - https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/
natefinchmorning all.  Quiet day today10:28
TheMuenatefinch: morning nate, yes, all busy or simply not here ;)10:30
rogpeppenatefinch: hiya10:32
rogpeppeanyone fancy a review?10:33
rogpeppethis mutes the Ping logging spam: https://codereview.appspot.com/14609043/10:33
natefinchrogpeppe: I think I owe you at least 2 I said I'd do and then never completed10:33
rogpeppenatefinch: well, here's your opportunity :-)10:33
rogpeppenatefinch: thanks!10:33
natefinchrogpeppe: to make it 3? ;)10:33
rogpeppenatefinch: lol10:34
* TheMue clicks too10:38
TheMuerogpeppe: log noise reduction? already this deserves a double +1 and lgtm10:39
rogpeppeTheMue: well, i know the princple is ok - but is the implementation appropriate? :-)10:39
TheMuerogpeppe: that is checked now10:40
rogpeppeTheMue: thanks10:40
wallyworld_mgz:  it's Friday night here, I've had too many drinks, so i'll miss the standup. i won't make much sense anyway10:41
mgzwallyworld_: sure :)10:41
* wallyworld_ opens another bottle10:41
mgzenjoy your weekend10:41
wallyworld_i've got 2 branches for review. that's my day essentially10:41
wallyworld_will do :-)10:41
natefinchrogpeppe: also reviewed w/ LGTM10:41
rogpeppewallyworld_: maybe you might make *more* sense... :-)10:42
wallyworld_ha de ha ha10:43
rogpeppeTheMue: i don't see your review BTW10:43
TheMuerogpeppe: still in progress, so far only one question in there.10:44
rogpeppeTheMue: ah, sorry, i've just approved the branch. will address any concerns in another branch.10:45
TheMuerogpeppe: ok10:45
natefinchrogpeppe: standup?10:49
TheMuerogpeppe: reviewed too, and as nate said: standup10:49
rogpeppehazmat: Ping messages are now elided from the log in trunk12:49
hazmatrogpeppe, awesome.13:06
rogpeppehazmat: the new scheme also provides us with the potential flexibility to avoid showing secrets too.13:07
hazmatrogpeppe, how's that?  you mean internal principal secrets not hook output.. and changing all the locations that might log that to tracef instead of debugf.13:09
hazmatas you say its flexibility not enforced though13:10
rogpeppehazmat: yeah. i don't think it's possible to avoid logging secrets entirely13:10
rogpeppehazmat: in the function that does the logging we have access to all the call data and its parameters13:11
rogpeppehazmat: so we could do call-specific munging13:11
rogpeppehazmat: (not that i've done that yet)13:11
hazmatrogpeppe, no worries.. this is nice win by itself..13:11
hazmatrogpeppe, the only way to not log principals secrets is to not log principal secrets ;-)13:12
rogpeppemgz: are the openstack tenant-name and region name attributes linked to userpass authentication in any way?13:32
* rogpeppe goes for lunch14:07
rogpeppenatefinch: could you take another look at https://codereview.appspot.com/14426046 please? i've made some more changes.14:07
rogpeppenatefinch: this is what juju init --show produces now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6222546/14:08
natefinchrogpeppe: on it14:11
jcastrook guys, I'm asking around for people to give manual provisioning a shot.14:20
natefinchjcastro: ooh ooh.. I actually have been meaning to try that14:20
jcastronext step is I'd like to document deploying to a container14:21
jcastroit's something like a flag to deploy to a container isn't it?14:21
natefinch--constraints container=lxc14:22
jcastroman, someone landed that on the container's doc page!14:23
jcastroI was all ready to come in here and make fun of someone.14:23
natefinchalso - https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/reference-constraints.html14:23
jcastroyeah so I think I'll add that also to the manually provisioning page as an example14:23
natefinchcool... the more documentation the better14:24
jcastrowhere does juju cache things? I want to bootstrap to another null node but the client isn't picking up my changes to the config file14:52
jpdsjcastro: ~/.juju/environments/<foo>.jenv14:52
natefinchjcastro: I think that's rogpeppe's new change.... environments.yaml is just a starting point, the realtime configs are ^^^14:53
jcastrook so do I blow those away to regen new ones or edit them by hand?14:54
natefinchjcastro: you can edit them.. but if you just want a second null provider you can copy & paste a new on in environments.yaml and just give it a different name14:54
natefinchnull2 : type : null14:55
jcastroblowing it away also worked14:55
jcastroI just wanted to see what would happen there14:55
jcastro2013-10-11 15:04:45 DEBUG juju.state open.go:88 connection failed, will retry: dial tcp connection refused15:04
jcastroI get that over and over when trying to manually provision a bootstrap node15:05
jcastroah, after about 5 minutes it just gave up15:06
mattywrogpeppe, ping?15:17
rogpeppemattyw: ping15:21
rogpeppemattyw: pong even :-)15:21
rogpeppemattyw: did you have a question?15:23
mattywrogpeppe, I don't suppose you have 5 minutes spare for a hangout?15:23
rogpeppemattyw: sure15:23
mattywI've got an odd error in my core branch15:23
mattywrogpeppe, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/01877422202d7d4982e8a135c06bbe6058de9ed015:23
=== wedgwood_ is now known as wedgwood
TheMueso folks, good night and have a nice weekend15:43
natefinchTheMue: have a good weekend!15:43
TheMuenatefinch: enjoy your time too, greetings to the family and have a good coffee ;)15:44
rogpeppenatefinch: could you try running tests against trunk, testing launchpad.net/juju-core/juju, please15:59
natefinchrogpeppe: sure15:59
natefinchrogpeppe: getting errors related to mgo16:14
rogpeppenatefinch: could you paste the full output of go test -gocheck.vv in that dir please?16:14
natefinchrogpeppe: sure thing16:15
rogpeppenatefinch: ta16:15
natefinchrogpeppe: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6223130/16:18
rogpeppecan anyone else replicate the test failure?16:33
rogpeppemgz: ^16:34
mgzseems to be a tear-down error with sockets? that's a known intermittent failure, no?16:35
mgz(cd juju&&go test -gocheck.v) passes here16:37
rogpeppemgz: it's happening consistently for mattyw16:37
mattywrogpeppe, thanks for your help16:38
rogpeppemattyw: np16:38
rogpeppemattyw: mgz might have some ideas16:38
mattywI'm going to take a short break but I'll still be here16:39
rogpeppemgz: i've been in a hangout with mattyw trying to work out what the issue is - you might want to carry on trying to help. unfortunately i've got to go now.16:39
rogpeppehappy weekends all16:39
mgzmattyw: you're running just that same subset of tests right?16:39
mgzbug 1236931 is the same symptom16:40
_mup_Bug #1236931: juju: sporadic test failure in TestDeployWithForceMachineRejectsTooManyUnits <test-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1236931>16:40
mgzand the same test even16:41
mgzI guess the next step, with reliable repo, would be to just run a single test that triggers if (if possible) with -gocheck.f= and change the teardown failtf into a something that gives us more debug possibilites16:44
mgzperhaps just letting it hang to it can be straced or similar16:45
rogpeppemgz: the problem never happens when running just a single test16:46
mgzthat's what I thought16:46
mgzbut if we can trigger it running two, it's a bit better than the whole suite16:46
mgzfeels like a mongoy isolation racey something :)16:47
mattywmgz, sorry, yes, just the juju tests17:09
mattywmgz, as in juju-core/juju/...17:09
mattywmgz, I'm using go 1.1.2 right?17:27
mgzmattyw: yeah, that's what I'm using17:27
mgzwhat mongo version?17:28
natefinchjcastro: for the record, I can't get null provider to work at all.   I hit this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/123571718:01
_mup_Bug #1235717: null provider bootstrap fails with error about sftp scheme <juju-core:In Progress by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1235717>18:01
jcastronatefinch, I just hit that18:24
jcastroyou need to blow away /var/lib/juju on the node18:24
jcastroit happens if you partially bootstrap and it fails18:24
jcastroit doesn't know how to resume18:25
natefinchjcastro: I did that.. lemme retry18:25
natefinchjcastro: are you using --upload-tools or just letting it find the S3 tools?18:26
jcastroletting it find the tools18:26
jcastroGet dial tcp connection refused18:27
jcastrois the next problem I am running into though18:27
natefinchis that IP localhost or something else?18:27
jcastroI just signed up for digital ocean to try it18:27
jcastroI bet I need to open some port or something18:28
natefinch(local to the bootstrap node that is)18:28
natefinchI would expect that juju would do that itself.  You shouldn't need to open stuff manually, else, why even bother?18:28
jcastrothat was a guess18:28
jcastroI have no idea what I am doing here, heh18:28
natefinchI'm trying to use trunk and not getting anywhere... keeps telling me my version number is 0.0.0  :/18:29
gary_posterhi.  we thought that juju core has the bootstrap node directly download charms, but we are getting evidence that they are being downloaded to a user's box and then uploaded the way pyjuju used to do.  what's the expected story?18:59
natefinchgary_poster: I think that's what it does right now, yeah.  Don't ask me why, I don't know, personally.19:01
gary_posternatefinch, so IOW you are not surprised that they are downloaded to the user's machine first?19:02
gary_posterI mean, not surprised to hear me say it :-)19:02
mattywmgz, mongo version is 2.2.019:03
natefinchgary_poster: correct. There's a folder under .juju called charmcache that appears to be a cache of charms (not surprisingly).  Why we download them to the local machine and then upload to the bootstrap node, rather than just directly download to the bootstrap node, I don't know.19:03
gary_posternatefinch, :-( but thanks for clarification19:04
mgzmattyw: hm, same here, must be something more environmental19:04
mattywmgz, I'm going to call it a night, will look again on monday, thanks for your help19:04
ahasenackgary_poster: yeah:19:04
ahasenack-rw------- 1 andreas andreas 44M Out 11 15:32 .juju/charmcache/cs_3a_precise_2f_juju-gui-77.charm19:04
natefinchgary_poster, ahasenack: it's possible that the folder there is just for the local provider, so it's not a smoking gun, however, the logs do seem to look like we're downloading charms before uploading19:06
ahasenackwell, the timestamp matches19:06
ahasenacknatefinch: look at these: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6223761/ (they are in utc for some reason, sounds like a bug)19:07
ahasenack10min to download, 24min to upload, that's my guess19:07
natefinchhot damn that is slow19:08
ahasenackyeah, I have the worst isp of Brazil for sure19:08
natefinchbut yes, we're definitely downloading and then uploading the charms.  There doesn't seem to be any reason why we couldn't just tell the bootstrap node to go get them itself, and save one leg of the trip (and reduce the use of the local bandwidth in the case of bad Brazilian ISPs)19:09
natefinchhowever, there may be a good reason I'm not aware of.19:10
jcastrohey sinzui19:13
sinzuihi jcastro19:13
_mup_Bug #1238934: manual provider doesn't install mongo from the cloud archive <juju-core:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1238934>19:14
jcastrokapil and I ran into this19:14
jcastroit basically makes the manual provider not work19:14
jcastronatefinch,  ^^ this is the issue I was having earlier19:14
sinzuijcastro, The issue looks familiar. We discussed this scenario last week in regards to lxc/local provider19:16
natefinchjcastro: doh19:16
sinzuijcastro, your do mean manual provider here, not local?19:16
jcastrosinzui, tldr, we're yeah19:17
jcastroI am trying to manually provision on a VPS19:17
jcastroand I couldn't figure it out so hazmat figured it out while trying the same thing19:17
hazmatnatefinch,  https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/123893419:17
_mup_Bug #1238934: manual provider doesn't install mongo from the cloud archive <juju-core:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1238934>19:17
sinzuiI will tentatively say 1.17 and let our leads scream if I am asking too much19:17
natefinchseems like installing mongo shouldn't be a big deal, but I'm not really the right person to ask19:18
jcastrosinzui, ok so basically we should not announce that the manual provider is ready?19:18
sinzuiyeas, that is right.19:19
jcastronatefinch, well, you'd have to ssh in, stop stuff, manually add the archive19:19
jcastrostart stuff19:19
jcastroI'd rather say "wait one more stable release" than have people doing that crap19:19
natefinchjcastro: what, it's just code, right? ;)19:19
natefinchjcastro: absolutely. I definitely would not announce it yet.  As far as I can tell, it's quite a bit away from being ready to go19:20
jcastroso close! I can taste it!19:20
natefinchjcastro: I'm pretty psyched for it, but far better to make people wait for a great experience than give them a bad experience a couple weeks sooner.19:21
jcastroindeed, I'll go ahead and make a note on the docs19:23
hazmatnatefinch, sorry that was meant for axw..19:52
hazmator sinzui19:52
hazmateffective the manual installation path is a totally separate installation path than what juju normally does19:53
hazmatit needs explicit testing before any release.. as the bit rot chance is much higher19:53
hazmatin this case its missing the cloud archive install before using mongodb19:53
hazmatfor precise to work19:54
natefinchhazmat: I hope it's not totally separate... but it definitely needs a lot of testing before the first release, and certainly it's enough of a special case to warrant at least some minimal testing each time19:54
hazmatnatefinch, well its not using cloudinit..19:54
natefinchhazmat: yes, there is that. And that is a pretty big difference.19:54
hazmatthe command stream serialized in cloudinit should be roughly the same though19:54
hazmatbut the envelope is different, so anything done by cloudinit outside of the command stream needs replicating19:55
hazmatjcastro, if we switch out to 13.04 instances it should work afaicr.. those distro mongos have ssl support.. but without the cloudarchive there's no mongodb version/feature normalization across series19:57
* hazmat tries it out19:57
natefinchhazmat: FWIW, I tried with 13.04 and had difficulties... but I was doing it with trunk, so there may be other factors there19:58
hazmatnatefinch, i'm also on trunk19:59
hazmatthe issue was the same for 12.04 as what jcastro hit namely juju-db didn't startup19:59
natefinchhmmm, the problem I had was that it couldn't find tools, even if I used upload-tools.  I didn't really look into it beyond that, though20:00
hazmathmm.. manual provider does some client side caching..20:01
hazmatie. changing the ip address of state server and bootstraping bombs out that provisioning has already happened20:02
hazmatand you can't destroy-environment on a manual env20:02

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