
ScottKrohan: It's only for certain Macs to work around UEFI boot issues.  If your Mac boots the regular amd64 image fine, then you don't have one of the Macs that image is for.04:12
ScottKRiddell: You might consider accepting quassel for saucy.  I"ve uploaded 0.9.1 as I think it's worth pushing in even in final freeze.04:40
ScottKRiddell: Nevermind, infinity is dealing with it.04:46
ScottKclaydoh: Are you still doing release notes?04:54
Guest3903i'm seeing quite serious issues while trying to install kubuntu using beta2 or latest ISO 06:11
Guest3903looks like it's failing in some partition parsing, so the installer is completely stuck after the "Prepare" step 06:11
Guest3903with no indication of what's going on 06:11
Guest3903i have filed a bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/123844606:31
ubottuUbuntu bug 1238446 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity is stuck after "Prepare" step" [Undecided,New]06:31
ScottKxnox: ^^^ does that sound familiar to you?07:03
Guest3903ScottK, xnox: i have added some more info to the report if it helps 07:28
Riddellhappy frozen friday 07:41
debfxalmost frozen, 5°C this morning ;)07:47
Guest3903do you guys know if kubuntu 13.10 will use the antiquated pm-utils, or the new systemd-logind? 07:48
Guest3903i see pm-utils as a depedency of kubuntu-desktop in saucy too 07:48
debfxaren't they orthogonal to each other? logind manages logins/seats and pm-utils provides hooks for suspend/resume.07:56
Guest3903i thought systemd-logind handled the suspend/resume stuff? at least it does on fedora/arch07:56
debfxsystemd handles suspend/resume but I don't think systemd-logind has anything to do with it07:58
Guest3903oh i see 07:59
Guest3903i thought upower preferred logind for handling suspend/resume if present, at least that's what i was told in #kde 07:59
Guest3903but i could be just misremembering 08:00
RiddelldigiKam Software Collection 3.5.0 released...08:21
Riddellbah i only just did 3.408:21
Riddellbackports for it i think08:21
mustafa_muhammadHi Riddell, did you see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/123830008:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 1238300 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "No boot menu when I started the live USB drive, only black screen" [Undecided,New]08:24
shadeslayerRiddell: my kubuntu-meta upload got rejected08:25
shadeslayerRiddell: because it alters image contents08:25
shadeslayerhowever, no one updated it for active ( after PA4 was uploaded )08:26
shadeslayershould I email ubuntu-release or would you like to sneak it in?08:26
Riddellmustafa_muhammad: hmm no, wibble08:27
Riddellshadeslayer: just file a FFe bug no?08:27
shadeslayerRiddell: dunno " Rejected by Stéphane Graber: Alteration of image content after FeatureFreeze, please at least come explain the change to the release team."08:28
Riddellshadeslayer: yeah FFe and discuss in #ubuntu-release08:35
Riddellfortunately there's a friendly release team member or two who will respond08:35
shadeslayerRiddell: maybe close https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-meta/+bug/122760208:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 1227602 in kubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "FFe for Plasma Active 4.0" [Medium,Triaged]08:36
Riddellshadeslayer: yep08:37
shadeslayerRiddell: and maybe delete https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/contour from saucy ?08:39
Riddellshadeslayer: file me a bug and it's gone (I never worked out what contour was anyway)08:39
shadeslayerRiddell: I don't think it's a good idea to ship active btw08:40
shadeslayerbecause it's only introducing more issues on the desktop08:40
shadeslayerI installed active last night and everything is broken08:40
Riddellshadeslayer: how would it affect desktop?08:40
Riddelloh yes if you install it then it messes everything08:40
Riddellconclusion is don't install it on a desktop :)08:41
shadeslayerbut people will install it on a desktop :P08:41
shadeslayerbecause it's available08:41
Riddellput a big warning in the description if you want but it's clearly intended for tablets08:41
shadeslayer*we* made this horrible beast be installable on the desktop xD08:41
shadeslayerdo you think people read descriptions ^_^08:42
shadeslayerthey go "Oooh plasma-active packages! lets try them on the desktop" leading to a broken desktop08:42
shadeslayerRiddell: why not provide them from the kubuntu active PPA08:43
shadeslayerand have a warning there08:43
shadeslayerRiddell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-meta/+bug/123854008:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 1238540 in kubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "kubuntu-active meta package depends on non existent contour packages" [Undecided,New]08:48
* shadeslayer changes description a bit08:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 1237854 in contour (Ubuntu) "Countour package has duplicate files, Kubuntu-Active metapackage not installable" [Undecided,New]08:49
shadeslayergood stuff08:49
Riddellshadeslayer: because ideally we'd like working plasma active installable images which need to be made from the ubuntu archive08:58
shadeslayerRiddell: could you accept plasma-mobile?09:12
shadeslayerjust uploaded it09:12
* Riddell looks09:15
benvantendemorning friends of kubuntu ;) i just saw somone mention networkmanager. it disappeared completely for me just now after the latest 13.10 update. 09:15
Riddellshadeslayer: accepted!09:16
soeebenvantende, same for me09:23
soeethough im using cable connection atm not wifi09:23
benvantendesoee luckily yea good ol' wire works for me too 09:24
benvantendesoee it is weird because everything is installed and seems to be running09:24
benvantendesoee but there is no aoption anymore to add it  in System Tray Settings09:25
soeeyeah i know :)09:25
benvantendesoee just to make sure we are on the same page ;)09:25
soeeuesterday all worked fine, and as you said after lates NM updates09:26
soeeits gone09:26
yofelshadeslayer: whatever you did to plasma-nm yesterday seems to have gone wrong...09:31
shadeslayerI just added a transitional package, what happened?09:31
yofelthere's no network management anymore in the system tray widget settings09:31
* yofel is sad anyway because he was still using the old applet :(09:32
shadeslayerah damnit09:32
shadeslayerI thought we were dropping networkmanagement09:32
shadeslayerwhich is why we needed a transitional package09:33
shadeslayersee https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plasma-nm/+bug/123406809:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 1234068 in plasma-nm (Ubuntu) "add transitional package from networkmanagement" [High,Fix released]09:33
shadeslayerso, what do we do ... hmm09:34
yofelrather try to find out what happend09:35
shadeslayerwell I get what happened09:35
yofelI think people can live with the new applet even if it's ugly, as long as it works09:35
shadeslayerI added plasma-widget-networkmanagement that depends on plasma-nm and that overrides the one with the actual files09:36
shadeslayerbut now that I think about it more, why do we need a transitional package :S09:37
yofelwe don't...09:37
shadeslayerso why did apachelogger file that bug :S09:37
razor_Just upgraded and even the plasma-nm package is now empty. Not just the new transitional package.09:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 1238221 in plasma-nm (Ubuntu) "plasma-nm is missing the program" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:38
benvantendeshadeslayer would removing the trans package solve the problem of not have nm at all 09:38
debfxI think shipping both isn't sensible, especially since they have exactly the same name09:38
shadeslayerI broke it09:39
yofeloh lol, I see what happened09:39
shadeslayersilly mistake09:39
shadeslayerthat's what you get for not test building, and not having install files09:40
shadeslayerso what do we do09:40
yofeladd install file and upload09:40
shadeslayerI am totally unsure whether to keep networkmanagement or not09:40
yofelmay the old NM applet rest in peace09:40
yofelit's unsupported upstream anyway09:40
shadeslayeryofel: can you file a removal request for that09:40
shadeslayerwe can kill it then09:41
yofel(at least AFAIR)09:41
shadeslayerRiddell: kubuntu-meta uploaded09:42
shadeslayerplz review before accepting09:42
shadeslayerRiddell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/contour/+bug/123856809:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 1238568 in contour (Ubuntu) "Please remove contour from the archive" [Undecided,New]09:43
Riddellremoved!  accepted!09:46
lordievaderGood morning.09:47
shadeslayerRiddell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/networkmanagement/+bug/123405509:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 1234055 in networkmanagement (Ubuntu) "please remove networkmanagement source and binary from archive" [Medium,Fix released]09:48
Riddellshadeslayer: what about it?09:48
shadeslayeraha so deleted09:48
shadeslayerI could see it in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/networkmanagement09:48
shadeslayerso I was wondering wth?09:49
Riddellnot for saucy09:49
shadeslayerd_ed didn't make strong enough tea09:49
Riddellah he's in Cataonia?09:49
shadeslayersitting right next to me09:49
Riddellwave an independence flag at him just to wind him up :)09:50
shadeslayerwe don't have any09:50
shadeslayerhe's also using Arch now09:50
RiddellI'm yet to work out the attraction of arch, I should probably take a look sometime09:50
shadeslayersome silly stuff like "OMG we ship headers"09:51
shadeslayerRiddell: plasma-nm with fix for 1238221 uploaded10:01
shadeslayerbenvantende: thanks for the report, I've uploaded the fix, and it'll get to you once Riddell approves the fix10:04
Riddellbug 123822110:05
ubottubug 1238221 in plasma-nm (Ubuntu) "plasma-nm is missing the program" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123822110:05
benvantendetHNx shadeslayer you guys rock!!10:05
shadeslayerthanks for catching my stupid mistake ;)10:05
shadeslayercould have fixed this as well https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plasma-nm/+bug/123019810:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 1230198 in plasma-nm (Ubuntu) "[upstream fix] Cannot add static routes on OpenVPN connections" [Low,Triaged]10:09
shadeslayerhm, maybe when they do a release, we can SRU10:13
shadeslayerRiddell: yofel would it make sense to push a fix that drops pm-utils and uses logind to suspend stuff so late in the cycle?10:29
Riddellshadeslayer: yeah I think it would10:29
yofelafter final freeze? no?10:29
Riddellshadeslayer: pm-utils doesn't get used as far as I know10:29
shadeslayerRiddell: it does afaict10:29
yofelit does right now10:29
yofelsomeone patched upower to use it IIRC10:30
Riddellwell leave it then, don't play with fragile thing10:30
shadeslayerbut afiestas_ and I debugged it last night10:30
shadeslayerand basically upower is fscked10:30
shadeslayerand solid goes "version of systemd?" , ubuntu goes "fuck you", solid goes "falling back to upower", upower goes kaput10:31
shadeslayerand then somehow pm-utils suspends stuff10:31
yofelthat's partly correct10:31
shadeslayerwhat's wrong there  ? :)10:32
yofelupower goes kaput - should be "always_use_pm-utils_backend.patch"10:33
shadeslayerso upower always defaults to using pm-utils10:36
shadeslayerbut it doesn't work since I removed pm-utils10:36
yofelI think the logind backend actually does work in ubuntu with systemd-shim, but nobody bothered to really verify it and simply patched the support out10:37
shadeslayerwell if I call the suspend method in logind it works10:37
apacheloggeryofel, shadeslayer: actually we do, unless a user has kubuntu-desktop there is no relationship chain that would pull in plasma-nm when networkmanagement is removed10:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: right10:42
yofelgood point10:42
apacheloggerif the card/bug whatever did not mention the rationale then I am sorry for that, must have forgotten :P10:43
shadeslayerit did10:43
shadeslayerI understood that part10:43
shadeslayerI just thought that networkmanagement hadn't been removed10:43
BluesKaj_Hey folks10:57
Riddellanyone got ideas for a name for a kubuntu blog?10:58
Riddellin the spirit of omg ubuntu10:58
BluesKaj_the kde network-manager doesn't seem to exist as a gui for the panel , it shows as installed and it's workng, but i need it for other networking apps that require a gui settings dialog 11:01
BluesKaj_font end in other words11:02
BluesKaj_just did a daily clean insttall to both / and /home11:03
RiddellBluesKaj_: there was an error in the last upload, see if there's a new version of plasma-nm to install11:12
BluesKaj_Riddell. ok , checking11:15
BluesKaj_Riddell. plasma-nm is installed , but it doesn't show in the panel widgets search11:18
RiddellBluesKaj_: is anything in the package?  dpkg -L plasma-nm11:21
apachelogger    lp = KDTLaunchpad.login_with(credentials_file=options.credentials_file, version="devel")11:22
apacheloggerTypeError: login_with() got an unexpected keyword argument 'version'11:22
apacheloggeroh eh11:22
apacheloggeryofel: didn't we have compat for 12.04?11:22
apacheloggeroh it's using the wrong one11:23
apacheloggergod do I hate python modules11:23
apacheloggerhow do you set the python lib path again?11:23
BluesKaj_Riddell. yes it lists the locations11:24
yofelexport PYTHONPATH=foo11:24
RiddellBluesKaj_: do you have /usr/lib/libplasmanm-internal.so ?11:26
apacheloggerthat seems to have done the trick \o/11:26
fritiWill the docs really live on the wiki from now on? I mean, really really?11:28
BluesKaj_Riddell. no , just some /usr/share/doc files11:30
apacheloggerRiddell: shadeslayer broke the package yesterday11:30
apacheloggersupposedly he forgot the .install file11:30
apacheloggerso both the transitional and the actual package were empty11:30
fritiapachelogger: That may work for the English docs, but what about localization?11:30
RiddellBluesKaj_: right, wait for the new package11:30
Riddellfriti: the export will go into launchpad to be translated is my plan11:31
apacheloggerfriti: I don't know, ask whoever decided that we should use moinmoin11:31
apacheloggerRiddell: that's incoherent11:31
BluesKaj_Riddell , ok , wait it is 11:31
apacheloggerthen you'd go wiki -> launchpad -> wiki11:31
apacheloggerbecause otherwise help.kubuntu is worthless unless one speaks english11:31
apacheloggerand then people will complain again about how we are english elitists etc. :P11:32
apacheloggerkeeping all that in mind translation must happen in the wiki11:33
apacheloggerfor which there is no architecture with moinmoin that we know abut11:33
fritiSuggestion, based on Riddell's model : Wiki (en) > LP > Wiki where the translated entry/enries will live in page/lang. For example http://wiki.kubuntu.org/Welcome/nl_NL11:34
apacheloggerwhy go through LP at all?11:34
fritiBecause LP works well for the translating process.11:34
apacheloggernot documentations11:35
Riddellwiki -> LP -> package/docs.kubuntu.org11:35
apacheloggerthat's madness11:35
apacheloggerstart using mediawiki11:35
apacheloggersolves all problems11:35
Riddellit's an idea11:36
fritiI wish the idea came BEFORE the docs were moved off of LP11:36
apacheloggerbut as I said during KDS or UDS or whatever it was .... ultimately someone needs to talk to upstream11:36
apacheloggerbecause upstream is not too happy with docbook either11:36
apacheloggerso synergies should be made use of11:36
apacheloggernot that we end up with translation architecture X and upstream with Y and then everything is terrible and unmaintained11:37
apacheloggerfriti: the idea is as old as the idea of moving docs to a wiki11:37
apacheloggerit's just that no one takes me serious11:38
fritiWell, as it stands now, Saucy will ship without a localized kubuntu-docs, and that does not show great foresight.11:38
Riddellit's not ideal but it's better than no docs in my opinion, more help always needed11:40
apacheloggerI am reasonable certain there never was any release that actually had localized docs in the release image :P11:40
RiddellI think nixternal did a few11:42
fritiI think it would be preferable to have the docs from oneiric included than to have no localized docs at all. There are many users who barely know how to introduce themselves in English, let alone read documentation in English.11:43
apacheloggerfriti: that's implying that the quantal docs had localization11:47
Riddellthey didn't11:48
Riddellalthough some teams did transate it in launchpad, it never got used, which is a shame11:48
apacheloggerwell, in all fairness, they did on launchpad :P11:48
fritiI have been working on them two days ago (en > nl), until i found out that the docs were moved away from LP. But if i were to know for sure that the Oneiric translations would get used, i would continue to work on them for the next few weeks.11:49
friti*would get used to base the newer docs off of11:49
apacheloggeroneiric is irrelevant, content-wise11:50
apacheloggerquantal also barely manages to stay relevant11:50
fritiNot entirely. There are sections that are still fully relevant11:50
apacheloggerand tehre are section that are utterly useless11:51
apacheloggeroneiric had a different package manager, quantal had a different package manager.11:51
apacheloggerprinting is different since (I think quantal) and I doubt that the docs were updated for that11:52
fritiThose small changes do not invalidate the docs package as a whole11:52
apacheloggersmall? installing and managing the software on one's system is small? Oo11:53
fritiTo the system, those changes were anything but small, but as far as the docs go, it is11:53
apacheloggerwe are not going to ship outdated documentation.11:55
Riddellshadeslayer: hmm11:59
fritiI am not saying that you should. Update the docs, but do not discard the entire package because a few chapters are no longer accurate. Updating the docs should be easy enough, but it just needs to be done. and then it can be shipped.11:59
Riddellshadeslayer: do you have any use of the three ec2 machines you launched in june running in tokyo?11:59
Riddellfriti: the old docs package was a nightmare to maintain, such that it caused people who were maintaining it to get divorced and have mental breakdowns12:00
apacheloggerfriti: we are a week from release. changing docs at this point is not an option.12:00
fritiWell, localized docs are an essential part of Kubuntu, it is a determining factor in the perception of user-friendliness for new(er) users. Especially for non--English speakers.12:03
apacheloggerYes! but what am I supposed to do a week from release?12:06
BluesKaj_friti. perhaps you can help 12:07
apacheloggerwe do not even have the automation to pull documentations from launchpad and into a package, or at least no one ever bothered to mention it12:07
apacheloggerwhich is why quantal documentations are actually not localized in terms of packaging12:07
apacheloggerthe documentation l10n in saucy is not going to be any more broken than it was before, however now there is a real opportunity to get it fixed in a scalable fashion and at the same time align our documentation procedure with what upstream may want to do in the future12:08
fritiI still say that a new system should have been ready to take its place before scrapping the old. The way it's done now is way messy and will leave users and translation teams hanging until a new system has been decided upon and implemented. It's all very very sloppy.12:10
friti(forgot the documenters, i should have mentioned them too)12:11
shadeslayerRiddell: o_o12:13
apacheloggeryou are not reading me... it is exactly as it was before12:13
shadeslayerRiddell: please kill all of them12:13
shadeslayerRiddell: also, maybe we can have a script that kills all machines running for more than 3 days?12:14
Riddellshadeslayer: yes please (although it should be just an e-mail rather than killing them and it needs to check all regions which I don't)12:21
shadeslayerRiddell: how much did those machines cost us :S12:22
Riddellshadeslayer: $lots12:23
Riddell$60 this month so far12:23
Riddellshadeslayer: daily e-mail setup to go to me12:40
shadeslayeroh you already wrote the script ? :D12:40
Riddelljust running euca-describe-instances12:40
Riddellthe faffy bit is finding a server to run it on (our docs server can't send out e-mails) and setting up the access keys12:41
=== ghostcube is now known as Guest46159
lordievaderRiddell: Can't the docs server send email using another smtp server using something like msmtp. That is how I send email from my server.12:44
Riddelllordievader: I'd just rather it wasn't able to at all so there's no danger of it being a spam host12:44
lordievaderRight, makes sense.12:45
shadeslayerRiddell: I was looking for a way to programatically get all the instances via go12:49
shadeslayerand then send an email12:50
shadeslayerbut meh12:50
shadeslayerno SDK for GoLang12:50
Riddellshadeslayer: whyever with Go?12:56
shadeslayerbecause it's awesome ! 12:56
Riddellmm hmm12:56
shadeslayerI just like Go over Python right now12:56
shadeslayerthough it has a GC ... which isn't something I like12:56
* shadeslayer starts implementing jockey support thingy in s-p-k12:57
Riddellshadeslayer: you ok to lead the testing and release next week?12:59
RiddellScottK: you ok to sign off on release next week?12:59
Riddellshadeslayer: doing release notes and announcement too?12:59
Riddellskeat is a useful person to get that started12:59
shadeslayeryep, will be available from 10 AM CEST to 9 PM CEST13:00
Riddellshadeslayer: no arm images, no powerpc images, you'll also need to decide if plasma-active should be released.13:00
shadeslayerRiddell: IMHO it shouldn't13:00
shadeslayervery broken13:00
Riddellstill time to fix :)13:00
shadeslayerI tried to, the dbus fix doesn't work13:00
Riddellthen give up on it I guess13:01
shadeslayerall I get is a black screen13:01
shadeslayerthough better than a white screen xD13:01
lordievaderOr a blue one ;)13:02
shadeslayerRiddell: I can try and get the release notes and announcement together, but will need some help :)13:03
Riddellshadeslayer: you've got smartboyhw at your disposal13:04
Riddellshadeslayer: announcement is just the beta 2 announce updated and copied onto the website13:05
* apachelogger thinks shadeslayer finally has a reason to blog :P13:08
shadeslayerapachelogger: want to take a look at startactive?13:09
apacheloggerwhat's to be looked at?13:15
apacheloggertoday is phonon week, stop stealing work time from phonon week -.-13:15
BluesKajRiddell. ok got the NM widget in the panel , thanks 13:19
shadeslayerapachelogger: active doesn't startup?13:20
apacheloggerdid contour get the boot yet?13:20
soeehmm i had some updates, and wanted to add them and i have: /var/cache/apt/archives/kipi-plugins_4%3a3.4.0-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb13:20
soeetrying to overwrite '/usr/share/kde4/config.kcfg/photolayoutseditor.kcfg', which is also in package digikam 4:3.3.0-0ubuntu113:20
shadeslayerapachelogger: yes13:21
Riddellsoee: bah13:21
benvantende_shadeslayer: okidoki nm fixed wireless up and running again! tHNx13:21
Riddellsoee: fix uploaded thanks13:24
Riddellsoee: sudo dpkg --install --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/kipi-plugins_4%3a3.4.0-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb13:25
ScottKRiddell: Yes.  Who's doing release notes?13:34
RiddellScottK: shadeslayer and smartboyhw13:37
RiddellI'm going to be away this weekend and I'll be in hospital first thing on monday so last chance for any questions to me13:37
Riddell(assuming the operation goes ahead, these things are often cancelled)13:37
shadeslayerScottK: would you be around to approve uploads if the need be?13:38
shadeslayerif not should I just ask in #ubuntu-release?13:39
ScottKshadeslayer: Off and on.  Ask in #u-r and I'll react if I'm available.13:39
shadeslayerRiddell: apachelogger thoughts on implementing the driver stuff in the same kcm category as "About System" ? ( Seems like a better place to put it )13:48
shadeslayeras opposed to s-p-k13:48
apacheloggershadeslayer: yes, but the thing is that spk core has the codez to manage that rubbish13:48
soeeRiddell, thanks13:48
apacheloggerso no clue how practical it is to separate things13:48
ScottKWe do need to get off of using Jockey and start using ubuntu-drivers (or whatever it's called) as a back end.13:49
ScottKAIUI, we're the only remaining user of Jockey, so it's totally unmaintained.13:49
shadeslayerScottK: and that's what I'm fixing13:49
ScottKshadeslayer: Excellent.13:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: well, there's a softwareproperties python3 module13:49
Riddellshadeslayer: yeah, keep it simple and just translate the gtk code to qt I'd say13:52
Riddellshadeslayer: about system is informational so it doesn't make sense to have the code there13:52
shadeslayerRiddell: sure, but it won't be a tab under about distro, it'll be another entry in the side list13:53
shadeslayerlike in Account Details has a list on the side13:53
RiddellI'd rather it was in muon, that's where software installation is13:53
apacheloggerit's not installation13:54
shadeslayerit's not?13:54
apacheloggernot from a perception POV13:54
apacheloggerit's driver management13:55
shadeslayeryou're installing drivers -> installation?13:55
apacheloggerthat happens to be able to install drivers and drirvers are software13:55
apacheloggershadeslayer: no, you are managing drivers13:55
shadeslayerI see13:55
apacheloggeryou could just as well have combobox selecting the video driver you want to use13:56
apachelogger(*) nvidia13:56
apachelogger( ) nv13:56
apachelogger( ) rubbish13:56
shadeslayerapachelogger: but my system has a bunch of other stuff13:56
shadeslayerlike broadcom wifi drivers13:56
apacheloggeryou could also have a combobox for the wifi driver :P13:56
apacheloggermy point is.. you are manging what driver ought to be used, not what driver is installed13:57
shadeslayerapachelogger: and putting it under the same category as "About System" is fine with you?13:57
apacheloggerabout-distro has a category?13:57
apacheloggersystem administration?13:58
shadeslayerX-KDE-System-Settings-Parent-Category is what I was talking about14:00
shadeslayerfor eg : X-KDE-System-Settings-Parent-Category="About System" , then have about-distro and the driver manager under there14:01
apacheloggernot so sure about that TBH14:05
apacheloggergnome does it that way for 3d settings IIRC14:05
apacheloggerdidn't seem particularly obvious to me14:05
apacheloggershadeslayer: maybe discuss on lsit14:05
* apachelogger rolls eyse at amount of packages kubuntu-active drags in 14:06
shadeslayerand ofcourse, apt.Cache is not iterable14:08
apacheloggershadeslayer: THIS IS PYTHAR :@14:12
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
yofelshadeslayer: what's your plan exactly? I thought jt gave up last time because you can't write py3 kcm's (or something like that) (or I'm misunderstanding where you want to put it)14:15
apacheloggeractive breaks lightdm14:15
shadeslayeryofel: we can14:15
shadeslayerwe can't?14:15
yofelIIRC we only have py2 kpythonpluginfactory or something14:16
shadeslayersomething to fix then?14:16
shadeslayerpython3-pykde4: /usr/lib/kde4/kpythonpluginfactory.cpython-33m.so14:16
apacheloggerpython just not something you should use :P14:16
yofelyeah, it's theoretically there - but not used because kde only loads /usr/lib/kde4/kpythonpluginfactory.so14:17
apacheloggershadeslayer: what's wrong with active again?14:17
shadeslayerapachelogger: doesn't start?14:17
apacheloggermy vm disagrees14:17
apacheloggerit even starts two plasmas or something ^^14:17
shadeslayerI can't start guest sessions14:18
shadeslayerand my desktop completely breaks14:18
apacheloggerthat's a different thing then, isn't it14:18
apacheloggerboth plasma-device and plasma-desktop are running14:20
apacheloggerthat seems wrong14:20
shadeslayersounds broken to me14:20
apacheloggerthat's rather wrong14:21
apacheloggerhow does that even happen14:21
apacheloggerI think startactive messes with the env14:22
* apachelogger sighs14:28
apacheloggershadeslayer: non trivial breakage14:29
apacheloggerneeds poking14:29
apacheloggerwe could easily make it so that it always picks up settings-active14:29
apacheloggerbut then it must depends settings-active14:29
apacheloggeroh, maybe it doesn't actually14:30
ScottKyofel and shadeslayer: Do we still need the python2 one?14:30
shadeslayerI have no idea14:32
yofelthere are several applications in /usr/share/kde4/services/ so I think we do14:35
yofel... that use it ...14:35
* ScottK wonders if Arch has patches to make all that stuff python3?14:45
apacheloggerfixed active http://i.imgur.com/Zl8X4zm.png14:49
yofelpossibly, though looking closer, what I have here is: usermanager (obsolete), syntapiks (we really need to figure that out...), system-config-printer-kde (what was that?), plasma's python scriptengine (probably most problematic)14:50
yofeler, right14:51
apacheloggersystem-config-printer-kde is the printer-appelt config14:51
apacheloggerwhich Riddell should do something with upstream14:51
apacheloggerdeprecate or somethign14:51
shadeslayer<infinity> shadeslayer: I believe kubuntu-active was marked disabled in the ISO tracker, because someone didn't want them to be in milestones/release.  Has that position changed?14:52
shadeslayerwhy this is going to be fun14:52
apacheloggerI think that only affected ARM?14:52
apacheloggeror perhaps because it was entirely fckd until yesterday?14:53
smartboyhwProbably the later;P14:53
apacheloggerthere's no xsession without settings-active14:53
apacheloggermadness, all of it14:54
apacheloggerstartactive not havign a bzr branch is also ugly14:55
apacheloggeroh wait what14:55
apacheloggernot applied14:55
apachelogger  * Disable kubuntu_02_remove_upstream_KDEDIRS.diff not sure what it's for14:55
apacheloggerRiddell broke it!14:56
apacheloggeranyway, I am going to change this to another patch as that also helps me fix the active-desktop conflict14:57
soeesomeone can take a look: http://pastebin.com/FWJdLJrK ?14:59
soeeen version: http://pastebin.com/6M4W8XPP15:00
Riddelluh oh15:07
apachelogger  Uploading startactive_0.4-0ubuntu2_source.changes: done.15:07
apacheloggerSuccessfully uploaded packages.15:07
smartboyhwRiddell, good uh oh time;015:07
Riddellshadeslayer: today's image working good for me, besides plasma-nm not working :)15:07
shadeslayerRiddell: should be fixed?15:07
apacheloggershadeslayer, Riddell, ScottK: startactive now adds settings-active to the KDEDIRS used by startactive15:07
shadeslayerI fixed the isntall file15:07
apachelogger  Uploading kubuntu-settings_13.10ubuntu14_source.changes: done.15:09
apacheloggerSuccessfully uploaded packages.15:09
Riddellshadeslayer: yeah, I just mean with that fixed I recon we're almost good for release15:09
shadeslayerRiddell: I think active should be fixed as well not15:09
shadeslayerjust waiting for the CD build to finish15:09
apacheloggershadeslayer, Riddell, ScottK: active-settings no longer contains /etc/..Xsession.d/ setting KDEDIRS as result of startactive change which should resolve bug 118550315:09
ubottubug 1185503 in kubuntu-settings (Ubuntu) "active applies to -desktop sessions" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118550315:09
apacheloggerand perhaps next time we can try to not have a broken active until a week before release -.-15:10
apacheloggershadeslayer: plz be makign sure you get a plasma-device shell, because I cannot reproduce that15:11
apacheloggermay have been related to the settings clash though15:11
shadeslayerplasma-device shell>15:11
apacheloggerotherwise I'd put my money on kwin_gles15:11
apacheloggershadeslayer: when starting active15:11
apacheloggeryou should get plasma-device rather than plasma-desktop15:12
Riddellhow's Kubuntu Heat for a kubuntu blog?15:27
smartboyhwRiddell, Kubuntu Heat!?15:28
smartboyhwIs that Launchad bug heats!?15:28
Riddellor Kubuntu Base?15:32
Riddellsuggestions welcome15:32
smartboyhwRiddell, erm, you mean, a specific Kubuntu blog?15:36
smartboyhwWhat is it gonna contain?15:36
Riddellsmartboyhw: whatever interesting stories we find, there's a super cool one on dot.kde.org just now that needs reblogged15:43
smartboyhwRiddell, we should do interviews of ~kubuntu-council, ~kubuntu-dev and ~kubuntu-members! 15:46
Riddellsmartboyhw: yeah :)15:46
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shadeslayerapachelogger: seems to work16:25
shadeslayerthough I have a black wallpaper on boot16:26
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=== BluesKaj_ is now known as BluesKaj
alvinIs there a reason for Kubuntu Active to be 32-bit only? I'd like to test it.17:41
apacheloggeralvin: there's nothing preventing you from using i386 on amd6419:06
apacheloggershadeslayer: strace it I guess19:09
apacheloggeronly thing I can imagine is that the wally is in a package that is only pulledin by recommends and you removed that somehow at some point and now it won't reinstall because it's recommends19:11
apacheloggerrandom guess of the day19:11
* BluesKaj_ ponders Waldo19:14
ahoneybunRiddell: could I make a meeting with the council about my membership?19:17
apacheloggershadeslayer: wally problem on a clean .kde?19:29
apacheloggerkde-artwork-active is a fixed dep of plasma-active so it's likely not that its missing but simply that the config is kaput or using a non-existent thing or whatever19:30
ScottKahoneybun: Would you characterize your contribution as significant and sustained (6 months is normal, but it's not a hard rule)?19:48
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R33D3M33Rhello, can someone of the devs look at these language related bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-l10n-es/+bug/1083372, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-l10n-sl/+bug/1074420, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-l10n-sl/+bug/1238941 ? Thanks19:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 1074420 in kdesudo (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1083372 kdesudo Missing german translation" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 1074420 in kdesudo (Ubuntu) "kdesudo Missing german translation" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 1238941 in kde-l10n-sl (Ubuntu) "Missing files for kanagram, khangman and ktuberling" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:52
R33D3M33Rfor kdesudo, the fix is pretty easy19:53
R33D3M33Rfor the missing files: it worked in previous versions of kde ...19:54
shadeslayerR33D3M33R: thx, looking20:11
R33D3M33Rgreat, thanks!20:12
shadeslayerapachelogger got to it first :(20:12
* apachelogger throws keyboard at shadeslayer20:12
* shadeslayer ducks20:12
R33D3M33Rif there is anything wrong in the repo, please let me know so I will be able to commit the fix20:13
apacheloggershadeslayer: for kdesudo someone should grab kdesudo translations from launchpad and throw them at the tar20:13
apacheloggerand the -sl issue is upstream20:13
apacheloggergood thing albert is hiding20:13
yofel-sl is fun, someone "accidentally" deleted the CMakeList.txt's o.O20:13
R33D3M33Rlol :)20:14
shadeslayerapachelogger: I am a noob at i18n20:14
R33D3M33Ryeah, that was me20:14
R33D3M33Rbut I did it at my own computer20:14
shadeslayerapachelogger: you'll need to explain the LP process a bit to me20:15
R33D3M33Rwhen I built the l10n, a bunch of these were created20:15
shadeslayerI blame R33D3M33R for breaking i18n20:15
R33D3M33Rin order to prevent them from appearing in kdesvn, I just added them to ignore20:15
R33D3M33Rwhoops :(20:15
shadeslayerand svn deleted them ? :S20:15
R33D3M33Ri'm not sure, I was thinking this was local computer only20:16
yofelthe ones in the folder levels above do seem to get auto-generated by the release scripts20:16
yofelbut not the files that need to do the actual file installing20:16
R33D3M33Rbut shouldn't the files be auto-regenerated regardless of this delete?20:17
R33D3M33Rdoesn't scripty do this?20:17
apacheloggeryofel: what?20:17
apacheloggeryofel: haha, lol20:17
apacheloggershadeslayer: I totally cannot explain something I do not know20:18
apacheloggerfind out if kdesudo templates are imported and translated in saucy20:18
apacheloggerif not there is lp:kdesudo which should have translations20:19
apacheloggerthen you either write a script or manually download the translations and put them in bzr20:19
apacheloggerthen you roll a tar from bzr20:19
yofelR33D3M33R: no idea, I don't know much about l10n - I just went by what I saw when comparing sl and de ^^20:19
R33D3M33Rthis might really be the cause ... because nothing else changed20:20
apacheloggerR33D3M33R: you cannot autogenerate installation instructions really20:20
shadeslayer"Translations" is grayed out20:20
apacheloggernot for arbitrary data anyway20:20
apacheloggershadeslayer: for saucy?20:20
apacheloggeralso https://translations.launchpad.net/kdesudo20:20
shadeslayerI have no idea how to read that :/20:21
apacheloggerlearn english then :P20:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 356331 in KdeSudo "Default translation template" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:22
R33D3M33Rso you cannot really translate this in lp20:22
apacheloggersure you can20:23
apacheloggerit's just not set up20:23
R33D3M33Ryes, thats what i meant20:23
apacheloggershadeslayer: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+sources/kdesudo/+translations20:23
shadeslayerdunno but apt-file search gives me : kdesudo: /usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/kdesudo.mo20:24
apacheloggerno string changes, so simply use precise :P20:24
apacheloggershadeslayer: the files are empty20:24
shadeslayerheh fun20:24
apacheloggeror at least some20:24
apachelogger== german is20:24
apacheloggerso I'd just sync all with what precise had20:24
apacheloggerseeing as we are somewhat close to release20:24
apacheloggerI love how everyone comes up with l10n issues 6 days before release20:25
shadeslayerapachelogger: okay seriously, I have no idea how to do this :/20:25
apacheloggershadeslayer: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/kdesudo/+export20:26
shadeslayer Sorry, you don't have permission to access this page or the information in this page is not shared with you. 20:26
shadeslayerokay I can view it now ...20:26
shadeslayerapparently that link is non sharable20:26
apacheloggernah it's administrative for whatever reason Oo20:27
apacheloggerbut shouldn't that thing be in the kubuntu package set?20:27
shadeslayerokay requested mo format20:27
apacheloggerpo format20:27
shadeslayerit is, I just had to go  through https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+sources/kdesudo/+translations20:27
* apachelogger throws keyboard20:27
shadeslayeryou clearly have too many keyboards20:28
* apachelogger wonders if Riddell cleared up things with patched l10n :O20:28
apacheloggershadeslayer: there's a stack of 5 not 10 cm from my right arm actually20:28
apacheloggerso yes20:28
shadeslayerhurray http://i.imgur.com/9mmPwCh.png20:29
shadeslayernow all I need to do is make a tree model20:29
shadeslayerthen throw it at a tree view20:29
shadeslayerand implement installing and reverting20:29
shadeslayerapachelogger: have the po's20:30
shadeslayerjust untar into kdesudo and upload?20:30
apacheloggerI dunno what the tar contains20:30
apacheloggermost likely you'll need to write a tiny script that places them with right name in the right dir20:31
shadeslayerhas a po filder20:31
shadeslayerwith other langs inside po folder20:31
R33D3M33Rah, apachelogger, I see now, renaming kdesud to kdesudo only partially improves the translation of the dialog, my bad, I wasn't paying enough attention20:31
apacheloggerkinda hard to ls if I did not request an export :P20:31
apacheloggerI put down a task for 14.04 to fix kdesudo l10n20:32
apacheloggershadeslayer: file names are wrong20:32
R33D3M33Rgreat, so for the missing files, we will need help from Albert?20:32
apacheloggerand there are stray files that have no dir20:33
apacheloggerand you need to make sure it builds20:33
* shadeslayer throws monitors at Launchpad20:33
apacheloggerso the stray files will need a new dir and cmakelists accordingly20:33
apacheloggerR33D3M33R: someone from kde-l10n/i18n anyway20:33
apacheloggerseems the commit yofel pointed to was the regression.... but I do not feel comfortable poking around in l10n stuff upstream20:34
R33D3M33Rwell, I don't want to break anything else, so I won't touch it until it's fixed20:34
apacheloggerand why is it so flipping cold20:35
* apachelogger freezing20:35
R33D3M33RI can mail the kde mailing list and ask for fix, would that be ok?20:35
apacheloggerR33D3M33R: yep20:35
R33D3M33Rgreat, I will do that, thanks for all the help so far!20:35
apacheloggershadeslayer: I think a script exporting one-by-one may be more useful :P20:37
apacheloggerin the long run20:37
apacheloggerseeing as Riddell also wanted something like that, though I do not know what for or rather if he wrote a script, because I also suggested that to him :P20:38
shadeslayerapachelogger: moment, trying to understand the drinking game that afiestas_/vHanda/d_ed are discussing20:38
shadeslayersuch nerds20:41
apacheloggerdon't drink and code.20:41
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shadeslayerfind  -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \*.po | cut -d\-  -f 2 | sed 's/.po//' | xargs mkdir20:57
valorieisn't the Ballmer Peak just about drinking and coding?21:05
* valorie brews up a hot toddy for apachelogger21:05
geniiI thought they used the "mushroom method". eg: keep programmers in the dark, feed them feces, and hope something good grows21:08
apacheloggervalorie: :*21:10
valoriegenii: lol21:11
apacheloggervalorie: also unless one constantly tries to be at ballmer's peak it will have bad impact on code as code produced whilist peaking is so far ahead of normal brain capacity that one will not be able to make sense of it in any other state21:11
valoriethat's only companies21:12
apacheloggeralso since one is so very efficient one canot be bothered with writing comments21:12
valorieapachelogger: sounds about right21:12
apacheloggerit's a tradeoff :P21:12
valorieI've heard the same about songs written while tripping on LSD21:12
valoriethey don't make quite the same sense as they did from miles high21:13
valoriewhich explains a lot of acid-rock to me21:13
valorieand the continuing popularity of Frank Zappa21:14
* genii puts on "Joe's Garage"21:18
valoriedon't bogart that joint, my friend21:20
valoriehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oH8u9PxWJo :-)21:21
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://pastebin.kde.org/psxrkuo9g21:28
shadeslayerbetter http://pastebin.kde.org/pbweqghmn21:32
valoriesup, shadeslayer?22:30
shadeslayerraging at translations stuff22:31
shadeslayerno idea why the po22:31
valoriethat's been a problem for as long as I can remember22:31
shadeslayeris not installed22:31
valorielaunchpad destroys 'em22:31
shadeslayerno no no22:31
shadeslayerthe stupid gmo is built22:31
shadeslayerbut the mo isn't installed22:31
shadeslayerI'm awesome22:32
shadeslayerand tired22:32
shadeslayerwas looking at the wrong deb22:32
shadeslayerapachelogger: pign22:33
valorieshadeslayer: did you finally find a good place to live?22:33
shadeslayervalorie: *hugs*22:34
shadeslayervalorie: yep22:34
shadeslayervalorie: and d_ed is living with me \o/22:34
shadeslayerapachelogger: can test http://people.ubuntu.com/~rohangarg/kdesudo_3.4.2.4+repack-2ubuntu2~ppa1_amd64.deb22:34
valoriedid you find a violin teacher?22:35
shadeslayerd_ed is teach us how to play the guitar22:35
shadeslayerand then at home I learn the violin 22:35
valorievery nice22:35
valoriedid you ever see the film The Red Violin ?22:35
shadeslayerno, haven't gotten to it yet22:35
shadeslayerand no internet at the apartment22:35
valorieotoh, relaxation....22:36
shadeslayeryeah :P22:36
shadeslayerI am finally going through my books 22:36
valoriejust torrent at the office22:36
shadeslayerleave the laptop at the office22:36
shadeslayerjust have my phone at home22:36
valorieI've been reading a lot lately22:36
valorieit's a good thing22:36
valoriehelps me write more22:37
shadeslayeranyone have an idea how to force some app to be shown in a different language?22:41
shadeslayeryofel: want to test kdesudo ^^22:46
ahoneybunhello valorie22:50
valoriehi ahoneybun22:51
valoriehow are ya?22:51
ahoneybungood you.22:51
valoriepretty good22:51
valoriejust about to launch into a massive repiping/bathroom redo project22:52
valoriesorta crazy22:52
ahoneybunoh boy22:52
ahoneybundocs are going well22:53
valorieI haven't worked on them for a long time22:54
valoriebut it's cool to see them on the website22:54
ahoneybunit's in the second beta22:54
valorieI wish we had been able to complete the installation section22:55
valoriebut it's a big job, and getting it done whenever will still be valuable22:56
ahoneybunI would to get what we have finalize first then have the installation on a +1 or the next LTS23:00
ahoneybun*to like to get what23:00
ahoneybunwhat do you think23:08
valoriewe can get those mini-docs prepared as well, so we have something for the translators23:10
valoriethey are starting to ask23:11
valorienot sure you noticed23:11
valoriethank you so much for thinking big, aaron23:11
valorieyou kickstarted us23:11
valorieand though I really miss darkwing, I think we can get it done with the new crew we have23:11
ahoneybunI miss him too23:14
ahoneybunyes I noticed one person23:14
ahoneybunwhat should be in the mini-docs?23:14
skellatahoneybun valorie: There is an Ubuntu Documentation Project meeting coming up and a Doodle poll is happening to fix a date & time.  Jack Fromm & I will be there to represent Xubuntu.  If you want to join in, contribute to the Doodle poll http://doodle.com/75zbukag5fgk8ri4 and talk to pleia2 about getting a Kubuntu Documentation team added under the Ubuntu Documentation Project umbrella perhaps.  There may not be much there useful for flavors 23:15
valoriethanks, skellat23:16
valoriewhat do you do for xubuntu docs?23:16
ahoneybunskellat: thank you for the info though, yes that would be great and it could get more people involved23:16
valorieahoneybun: so much less than we used to have, IMO23:17
valorieand links to our new docs23:17
valoriepermanent links, not to the wiki23:17
ahoneybunvalorie: Riddell was talking about linking our server to the main kubuntu site23:18
skellatvalorie: I help write, update things, and make sure it gets into the sponsorship queue for upload23:18
valoriebut I mean, what is there for content other than the standard ubuntu docs?23:18
valoriewhat do you ship, and what do you have on your website?23:19
valoriesheesh, that is basic info I should know already23:19
skellatvalorie: We seed apt-offline so we've got a chapter on how to use it.  I've got tentative tasks for 14.04 to write some more in-depth stuff.  You can find it at http://docs.xubuntu.org23:19
skellatWhich mirrors what we ship in the xubuntu-docs package23:19
valorieah, I do remember looking at that23:19
valorieso you ship a big set of docs23:19
valoriedo you get good translations?23:20
skellatI'm not plugged in on the translation side, alas.  I heard from a PT translator that he's going to work hard to get it all translated for 14.04.23:20
valorieI think it's really important to have at least the core docs well-translated23:21
valorieapps and stuff like that, we can rely more on the KDE translations23:21
skellatThe delta between 13.04 and 13.10 wasn't too bad so there wasn't much to change translations for.  We had to search & destroy all references to the pidgin-microblog package as it is hopelessly broken but beyond that we did some tweaking this round.23:21
ahoneybunskellat: valorie and I were thinking of having the main in english but have a mini set so it is easy to translate23:21
valorieand i think the ubuntu docs are generally well done23:21
ahoneybunvalorie: I think it would be a great idea to go 23:22
valorieyeah, that's the problem with having much about specific packages23:22
ahoneybunI already did the poll skellat23:22
valoriethey change23:22
valorieimo better to have links23:23
valorieand let the app devels do the translations23:23
skellatvalorie: We update it as time goes by.  LTS requires attention but it works.  Since Xfce does some stuff differently than you'd see in Unity, we have to explain those processes.23:23
valoriefor instance we have a list of games, but aside from a short phrase about each, there is basically a link to the kdegames page about it23:24
valorieskellat: yes, same here23:24
valorieKDE provides different fuctionality than Unity23:24
skellatOur seeding doesn't change too drastically.  As to pidgin-microblog, I also wound up doing merge proposals to get it completely unseeded as it is just broken and now orphaned in Debian.  We got it unseeded in Lubuntu and Xubuntu as of 13.10 so nobody will ship it on-disc.  Kinda drastic but also a rare case.23:25
valorieyeah, the kde version is pretty broken as well23:27
ahoneybunvalorie: can you make a few changes on the trello so we can see what we want in the mini-docs23:27
valorieI don't think we've shipped it for awhile23:27
valorieahoneybun: that requires thinking23:27
valoriewhich..... I can't do at the moment23:27
* skellat disappears so as to deal with LoCo-related matters23:28
valoriebut I'll open the page for when my brain is working23:28
valorietoo much going on atm23:28
valorieI'm missing the SeaGL meet too23:28
valoriefirst ever Seattle GNU/Linux conf.23:30
ahoneybunI'll try my best to be at that meeting23:30
ahoneybunoh dare23:30
ahoneybunyep I'll be there 23:30
* valorie goes to check on the doodle23:30
valorieusually everyone meets while I'm still sleeping23:31
ahoneybunyea I'll be there for both of us If I can23:31
valorieyou might drop on note on kub-devel and see if some other docs folks will join in too23:33
ahoneybunI don't know how23:34
valoriea post23:37
valoriean email 23:37
valorieto the kubuntu-devel list23:37
ahoneybunemail the list23:37
valoriedamn it, I doodled23:38
valoriebut trello won't let me in23:38
valorieI'll look at my email23:44
valoriemaybe I used the wrong email or something23:44
valorieor chromium forgot my passw23:46
valorieresetting it23:47
valorieok, got in to catch up a bit23:51

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