
fritiSo i have a problem. I went to launchpad yesterday for the first time in years, thinking i'd do some translating of kubuntu-docs, just to find out that kubuntu-docs have been removed from LP. Aparrently, the official(?) documentation is now at wiki.kubuntu.org. My question is now,how do we i18n the docs?02:21
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit02:44
spyke_Is anybody at home?03:08
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit03:34
blackkde1new light display manager user account found  in kubuntu 13.10 fresh install login screen . any help?04:15
valoriefriti: that's a real problem04:47
valorieeventually we hope to have a small set of docs in docbook, which could be translated into everything04:48
valorieand which would rarely change04:48
valorieour former doc folks left or got busy with other stuff, and us newbies are doing the best we can04:49
valorienot quite good enough, so far04:49
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Guest3903someone around who could help me with a ubiquity issue?06:37
Guest3903this is the issue i'm facing: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/123844606:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 1238446 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity is stuck after "Prepare" step" [Undecided,New]06:37
valorieGuest3903: have you asked in #ubuntu+1 ?07:10
valoriethat chan is for all flavors of Ubuntu07:10
Guest3903valorie: already tried there, yes07:12
valoriethat's where the specialists are, and those who can help07:13
valorieif they aren't answering, they are probably asleep/busy with other tasks07:14
valoriedid you file the bug?07:14
valorieif not, did you add your experience to it?07:14
Guest3903yes, i did file a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/123844607:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 1238446 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity is stuck after "Prepare" step" [Undecided,New]07:15
valorieah, I see from #kubuntu-devel that you did file it07:16
valorieplease stick to the proper chan and don't cross-post07:16
valorieand the proper chan is +107:17
valoriethat said, you might add that you have tested both the beta and the daily07:19
* valorie isn't in +107:19
Guest3903valorie: i generally wouldn't cross-post, but i thought it might be an important bug, being this close to the release07:20
Guest3903so i wanted to provide all the info i could get07:20
Guest3903valorie: if nothing else, at least get all info in07:20
valorieoh, I agree07:21
valoriehowever, cross-posting 1. doesn't get you the info any faster and 2. sets a bad example07:21
valoriethat said, thanks for caring enough to post a bug with extensive information07:22
valorieas you say, it's close to the deadline, and this needs fixing07:22
Guest3903valorie: indeed: i have a feeling i can resolve the problem by clearing out all my partitions, but i thought i'd rather file the bug so that if it's a ubiquity problem, it can be fixed07:23
valorieclearing out all your partitions sounds rather extreme07:24
Guest3903wouldn't hurt, i was planning to use that installer option anyway.07:25
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lordievaderGood morning.09:47
BluesKaj_Hey folks10:57
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user_мудашлепы!!! есть кто на русском?11:50
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.11:51
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ZepoHey Guys, I have a problem with fish ( the ssh protocoll ) I create a config file and am able to connect via ssh, but not with fish , it just say "Could not connect"13:18
zhicki need help debugging a problem. i just upgraded my 13.11 install and afterwards did an autoremove to remove old kernels n stuff. now my networkmanagement-plasmoid wont show.13:42
zhickwhen i try to add a new widget it also does not appear in the list13:44
zhickplasma-nm and plasma-widget-networkmanager are both installed though13:45
BluesKajzhick. that's a bug in 13.10 , update and upgrade and the plasma-nm should reinstall , also 13.10 queries should done in #ubuintu+113:45
zhickBluesKaj, sorry didnt know about #ubuntu+1. thanks for solving my problem :)13:47
BluesKajzhick. np , just reinstall the NM widget , it should be there13:47
BluesKaj type net in widget search13:48
zhickproblem is ive got no network on the machine due to the networkmanagement widget missing.13:49
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ZepoHey Guys, I have a problem with fish ( the ssh protocoll ) I create a config file and am able to connect via ssh, but not with fish , it just say "Could not connect"13:49
BluesKajzhick. , not connected to the internet ?13:50
zhickbut ill figure something out :)13:50
BluesKajzhick. open a terminal and run sudo dhclient13:50
zhickBluesKaj, ive only got wireless available13:51
BluesKajfor ethernet13:51
zhickill just download the package on this machine and transfer it via usb-stick13:51
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zhickBluesKaj, it's working now. thanks :)14:04
BluesKajzhick. good to hear :)14:06
ZepoSo noone has a quick solution for me ? :(14:10
BluesKajZepo. try smb or samba14:13
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dagleI want to do an uefi install. Do I need to do anything execpt creating an efi partion and making it bootable and choosing to install the bootloader to that partion?14:32
dagleUefi can boot the bootloader but the bootloader drops into a shell.14:33
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tatiewhy the Firefox doesn't offer "Open file with", but  only "save" or "cancel" when clicking on file link?16:10
LinuxDadtatie:  are you right clicking or just clicking ?16:17
tatiefile is PDF16:19
tatiesame hapens with right click & open in new tab16:20
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alvinIs Kubuntu Active only 32-bit?17:26
Shivaalvin, as far as I know 32 bit is recommended , but 64 bit should work fine as well :)17:27
alvinThe machine has 8 GB ram, hence the question. But where do I find the images? Or can I start with Kubuntu and then add plasma-active?17:28
alvinThat's not only 1.5 years old, it's also only 32-bit17:30
keithzgIs there any effect or program out there for using a key-combo to "ping" a mouse? My officemate often can't find his mouse, heh, and I *swear* I remember that being a thing.17:31
* alvin was looking here http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-active/daily-live/current/17:31
alvinkeithzg: It's in system settings -> desktop effects somewhere17:31
keithzgalvin: Yeah, I'm looking there and I don't see it...17:31
keithzgaha, I'm just blind, it's "Track Mouse"17:32
alvinYes :-)17:32
Shivaalvin, you can get  at regular download section download  button of link i pasted17:33
alvinShiva: I think you misunderstodd. I'm looking for a 64-bit version of Kubuntu Active17:33
Shivaalso since its LTS  version you could get long term support as well17:33
alvinNot just Kubuntu17:33
ShivaI m sorry, I thought its just kubuntu17:34
alvinWell, I don't believe in Long Term Support. There are quite a lot more bug fixes in the Kubuntu PPA's within monthly KDE updates, than in an LTS. An LTS just supports your bugs longer. Not what I want.17:34
alvinThe KDE version in Saucey (not Saucy itself) is far more stable than the KDE version in 12.0417:35
alvinThe Ubuntu layer has regressions unfortunately17:36
Shivamight be helpful, but though cant find 64 bit on quick look17:36
dagleAny body have any clue why my uefi system wont boot by default (I'm pretty sure I could fix it but it's not my computer)?17:36
alvinYes :-( Ans as you can see, that's 64-bit only17:36
alvindagle: Good question. I'll wait a year and then try UEFI. It's probably possible, but not easy.17:37
daglealvin: So the installer can't do uefi by default?17:37
dagleI have used uefi for almost 2 years now on linux...17:37
alvinI didn't say that. I believe it can, but maybe not on every motherboard yet. I've used it in the past. By accident. It was hard to fix when things started to go wrong.17:38
dagleAnd, sure I could fix it but I don't want to maintain it on his computer and I want him to be able to reinstall if he needs to.17:38
alvinI've read somethig about setting the GPT volumes bootable, but I'm really not sure about that one.17:39
dagleI created an efi partion, set it to bootable and installed grub to that partion.17:40
dagleSo far so good, grub starts but it can't find the install and I don't know why.17:40
dagleShould be pretty easy to fix with a chroot etc but it still bothers me.17:40
dagleSo, what does the efi options in the kubuntu installer do? Or is it just a bug?17:46
keithzgdagle: worked fine for me when I installed on my current desktop at work, although that was 12.10 IIRC.17:49
alvinA friend of mine reently tried to install using UEFI, but he didn't succeed17:50
keithzgI've failed once, because I dumbly forgot to boot the DVD in UEFI mode. But other than that every time I've installed has been peachy keen.17:50
daglekeithzg: And did you do anything more than I did? Because grub boots just fine but drops to a shell... smells like kubuntu is doing something wrong.17:50
keithzgdagle: I certainly didn't do anything fancy; just made an EFI partition and a partition for everything else. Even used BTRFS as my root just to be cowboy ;)17:53
mohidin_i am from indonesia18:04
mohidin_i use ubuntu 13.0418:04
BluesKajmo olk , do you have a question ?18:08
mohidin_yes.. i have question..18:09
mohidin_if i want application like internet download manager in ubuntu....is there any app it is same with IDM ?18:10
BluesKajmohidin_. try kget18:12
BluesKaj!kget  | mohidin_18:13
BluesKaj!info kget18:13
ubottukget (source: kdenetwork): download manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.10.5+dfsg1-0ubuntu0.1 (raring), package size 1553 kB, installed size 4276 kB18:13
mohidin_in software center ?? is there ?18:13
BluesKaj or sudo apt-get install kget in the konsole , mohidin_18:14
mohidin_oke..i will try it...thanks.18:14
BluesKajmohidin_. for torrents use ktorrent18:15
BluesKajmohidin_. but kger works too18:16
mohidin_oke ....i will test it as soon i download kget.18:16
mohidin_i want to ask again18:18
mohidin_if i want to connect kget with mozila ??18:18
BluesKajmohidin_. use ktorrent with FF/mozilla18:24
BluesKajfor torrent files18:24
BluesKajfor other types of files i use wget in the terminal , youtube-dl for youtube flash files18:25
mohidin_it is kget can download from youtube ?18:27
mohidin_can you mention me ?18:28
rickyrayjaykubuntu...kinda like. i know it has the "auto detect" where it knows if its a netbook or desktop/laptop based on resolution. is there a way i can have my netbook use the desktop version?18:30
BluesKaj_FF froze my desktop , some kind of glitch and it wouldn't shutdown so I had to REISUB with alt + prtscrn ..running latest daily 13.1018:38
xxxHello all, may I beg for help? :)18:42
BluesKaj_no need to beg , xxx , just ask18:43
xxxThanks. :)18:43
xxxanyway, I tried installing Kubuntu on manual partitioning, I made / partition and swap as well home partition. Installation starts, I set up my options and at the end I get this message: http://img4.imagetitan.com/img.php?image=8_error.png18:45
xxxCould you help me with this? I have preinstalled Win818:45
lordievaderxxx: Is it a UEFI computer?18:45
xxxUnfortunately yes.18:45
lordievaderxxx: Ugh, I have heard of many troubles with UEFI, hopefully for you this guide gets you through the maze: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI18:46
xxxI think it might be connected with Ubuntu being previously installed. I think I managed to clear it out of the PC, but in boot options in BIOS, I still have Ubuntu boot option.18:46
xxxYes, I know about that tutorial, but I am a Linux beginner and find it not very understandable.18:47
xxxProblem is, as Win8 was preinstalled I have 5 partitions(C: and D: normal , but 3 hidden) and I can't make it out, if they were installed by Win or one is left from the Ubuntu installation.18:48
xxxI think that, removing the left Ubuntu partition, would solve the problem, but I can't decide if there is a Ubuntu partiotion or no.18:49
lordievaderxxx: You could mount them and see what is on there.18:50
xxxProbably need to do that in Kubuntu?18:51
lordievaderxxx: Yes, probably. Then you can mount them too if they are of the ext family.18:52
lordievadertoo if = even if18:52
xxxWill I be able to mount even the Win8 hidden partitions?18:53
xxxin Kubuntu?18:53
lordievaderxxx: Yes you can mount ntfs partitions in (K)Ubuntu.18:53
xxxOk, thanks a lot. I will try this way to find out. Cheers. :)18:54
lordievaderGood luck!18:54
sunny_leisn't there ubuntu software center in kubuntu ?19:00
BluesKaj_yes it's called muon19:01
BluesKaj_and muon software center19:01
sunny_leBluesKaj_, yeah but the packges are not organized according to category as done in ubuntu software center19:02
sunny_leok got it :)19:02
sunny_leit's all the same only bit different layout :)19:03
BluesKaj_sunny_le. well ,neither is desktop on kubuntu , but I'm sure you'll find the muon software center quite comprehensive if you use it for a while19:03
sunny_leBluesKaj_, yeah you are correct, i need to get bit familiar to it.19:04
BluesKaj_or you could use muon as a reference for info on packages and use the konsole to install them19:05
sunny_leBluesKaj_, ok :)19:10
sunny_leBluesKaj_, if i am installing file server, print server and other such services  on my kubuntu then the transition from 13.04 to 13.10 is smooth or there may be some issues ? because i have heard that we have to install new version every 6 months ?19:14
BluesKaj_sunny_le. you don't "have to" install a new version every 6 months , most versions are supported much longer , like the LTS versions19:16
BluesKaj_!LTS | sunny_le19:16
ubottusunny_le: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)19:16
sunny_leBluesKaj_, this means that there is no breakages of packages on upgrading to a newer version correct ?19:17
sunny_lei have started loving Kubuntu :D :D19:17
BluesKaj_the next LTS version will be 14.04 , due to be released in April 201419:17
BluesKaj_sunny_le. there are no guarantees , , but best practice usually means to install a new release at least one month after the official release date.19:19
BluesKaj_espcially if you are an "on the job" user...home users can be more adventurous19:20
sunny_leBluesKaj_, what you suggest if i want to create a home server ?19:20
sunny_lekubuntu 12.04 or 13.04 ?19:21
BluesKaj_depends how you want to use the server ,m are you thinking of hostiong a website or just stream media etc on a home network19:23
BluesKaj_sunny_le. ^19:23
sunny_lehosting my  website too19:24
lordievadersunny_le: For my server I use Ubuntu Server 12.04, a gui for a server is pretty pointless.19:26
BluesKaj_I was about to suggest sunny_le  ask in #ubuntu-server19:27
rodniceQUESTION: Does anyone know how I would go about fixing AUDIO?  Specifically, Studio programs (Ardour, Hydrogen) tend to hog all of the audio when they are opened and don't let go of the resource until I restart the computer.19:27
lordievaderrodnice: Are they set to use ALSA directly?19:29
BluesKaj_lordievader. i don't host a website , but this pc is server for our home network , and it would pointless not to have a DE19:29
rodnicelordievader: not sure.  I had installed and uninstalled some pavuaudio stuff that was mentioned19:29
BluesKaj_what are you using ardour etc for , are you recording with jack or audacity ?19:30
lordievaderBluesKaj_: To me a server is typically without a monitor. Depends on the/your definition of server I guess.19:30
BluesKaj_yeah , my external drive could be called a server , it has no OS or DE :)19:31
eagles0513875_hey guys i just installed raring on my laptop which has a uefi bios and for some reason i dont get any login screen what so ever19:32
eagles0513875_just a black screen19:32
BluesKaj_eagles0513875_. can you get to a tty ?19:32
eagles0513875_what is the shortcut to get the grub menu? was going to go down into recovery with networking and upgrade that way19:32
eagles0513875_BluesKaj_: no19:32
eagles0513875_BluesKaj_: i was actually going to do a network upgrade over the network if i could get into recovery through grub which does pop up19:33
eagles0513875_its after that which doesnt19:33
eagles0513875_hold on one min19:33
rodniceBluesKaj: just a sec19:33
BluesKaj_eagles0513875_. have you tried the shift key immediately following the Bios19:33
lordievadereagles0513875_: You mean shift? Hold that and you should get the grub menu.19:33
eagles0513875_it used to be the esc key19:34
BluesKaj_left shift preferrably19:34
rodniceBluesKaj:  I was trying to play with Hydrogen while watching a Hydrogen tutorial at the same time.  I installed and uninstalled a Jack program. Have not installed Audacity.19:38
eagles0513875_going to upgrade to saucy BluesKaj_  and see if that helps me any19:38
eagles0513875_BluesKaj_: lordievader  will chat with you in ubuntu +119:38
lordievadereagles0513875_: I'm not in ubu+1.19:38
eagles0513875_well i will chat with you then in offtopic lordievader19:39
lordievaderrodnice: Jack claims your sound card, so you browser(?) can't have any sound output.19:39
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rodnicelordievader: hm... I was playing video in VLC and had Hydrogen open.  A friend has a similar problem when running a video and Hydrogen.19:56
rodnicelordievader: sorry, we're both inexperienced Linux users19:57
lordievaderHydrogen probably claims the audio card through ALSA or JACK and therefore other applications cannot access it anymore.19:57
lordievaderrodnice: There is no real fix for it, other than closing Hydrogen.19:58
ed8744564399hi anyone knows a good utility or smth for open vpn so that when it disconnects it would automatically reconnect or atleast block traffic while disconnected?20:00
rodnicelordievader: is that due to system limitations or my understanding of how Linux works vs. Windows?20:04
lordievaderrodnice: Hydrogen wants low latency, for browsers or media players latency isn't much of a problem.20:05
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rodnicelordievader: ahhhh20:06
rodnicelordievader: how do you know all this stuff?20:12
rodnicelordievader: (thanks by the way)20:12
lordievaderrodnice: Experiment, read, think, that sort of stuff ;)20:14
lordievaderAnd no problem.20:14
rodnicelordievader: Man, latency?  I'm not sure what in my search would have triggered me to read up on that.  It's like I was looking for a Dunkin Donuts on the wrong street.20:15
rodnicelordievader: but I'll research the latency (whatever that is, lol) issue more in depth. at least I know now where to go20:16
lordievaderrodnice: Latency is the time it takes from input to output. For example if you use your computer as a guitar fx-box if the latency is more than 5 ms you'll hear it the sound coming from your computer lagging behind.20:19
rickyrayjaydoes anyone know if i can install the lastest version on kubuntu as the desktop version on my netbook? it has the auto detection on install that defaults to netbook version based on resolution detection...20:22
rodnicelordievader: ooooooh20:24
rodnicelordievader: I'm learning and I really do appreciate it20:24
rodnicelordievader: Just thinking that my fellow newbies coming from Windows would be totally lost trying to understand that20:25
rodnicelordievader: closing Hydrogen seems to keep my audio "locked" until restart.  Do you think Ubuntu Studio would be optimized to avoid that affect?20:26
eagles0513875_rodnice: is hydrogen working with real time audio? if it is it could be that its failign to release the lock after hydrogen is closed20:27
lordievaderrodnice: It exists in Windows too, it's ASIO ;)20:28
rodniceeagles0513875_: I'm not sure ift it is or how to check for that20:28
lordievaderI remember having that problem with Jack often, decided Linux wasn't for pro-audio.20:29
eagles0513875_rodnice: top or htop and find the process20:30
lordievaderrodnice: Or "ps aux|grep jack"20:30
rodnice<==== newbie :-(20:31
lordievaderrodnice: Open the Konsole and type the stuff between the " in the konsole and hit enter ;)20:32
rodnicelordievader: Linux not for pro audio?  But there's Ubuntu Studio... surely it has these issues hammered out20:32
lordievaderrodnice: Just a one man opinion.20:32
rodnicesensei@sensei-Inspiron-6000:~$ ps aux|grep jack20:34
rodnicesensei    4553  0.0  0.0   4684   816 pts/1    S+   16:34   0:00 grep --color=auto jack20:34
lordievaderrodnice: You can also use "ps aux|grep [j]ack" to not let the grep process show up.20:36
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rodnicelordievader: now what :-(20:40
rodnicelordievader: I'll be back... thank you for all your help!20:43
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keithzgHmm, really hoping that http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/pengpod-1040-quad-core-linux-android-dual-booting-tablets gets funded; considering the (understandable, but irritating nonetheless) inability of the Vivaldi tablet to take off, seems like the best bet for a tablet that Kubuntu Active could run nicely on.22:02
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