
=== wedgwood is now known as Guest48850
bjfwgrant, StevenK just fyi, qastaging is sad. i'm getting 403 errors talking to it via the api06:02
wgrantbjf: Are you sure your OAuth token is valid?06:03
bjfwgrant, pretty sure. i was using it just fine earlier today then it just stopped. also, i have another script that connects with login_anonymously and that is failing as well for same reason06:10
bjfbut i could be wrong06:11
wgrantAh, the icing is broken, so the WADL can't be retrieved.06:12
bjfwgrant, no rush on my account, i'm heading to bed. just wanted to let someone know.06:12
wgrantAh, asuka OOMed during the last update06:13
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=== Nigel_ is now known as G
bjfwgrant, qastaging still borked?14:31
wgrantbjf: I've asked sysadmins to recover it. Hopefully will be fixed soon.14:34
bjfwgrant, thanks14:34
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=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
=== Guest6383 is now known as vednis
=== vednis is now known as marsf
=== Barnabas is now known as BarnabasDK
shadeslayerhiya, it seems like my git import is a bit screwed up, https://code.launchpad.net/~blue-shell/blue-shell/homerun-kicker is very different from http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=clones%2Fhomerun%2Fhein%2Fhomerun-kicker.git&a=shortlog&h=888aab0f096397f2faf9b14d03faeefdd7010c0016:58
shadeslayerahhh seems to be updating now16:59
=== zenitraM is now known as zenitraM^away
psusithe upstream parted bug tracker registered in launchpad is defunct... I fixed it to point to the new tracker, but the existing remote bug watches are now defunct... should they be cleaned up ( and could someone do that )?19:23
lifelesspsusi: I think you'll want to open a ticket for that19:49
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=== marsf is now known as mars
=== Guest34795 is now known as marsf
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
=== dpm-afk is now known as dpm

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