
gnome-power93How do I completely disable the laptop lid functions so it "does nothing" when the lid is closed?00:45
gnome-power93Using Lubuntu 10.04 and I can't see a "do nothing" option in the power manager.00:46
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu.  Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support continues. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details.00:47
gnome-power93OK, lets reshape this question....00:47
holsteingnome-power93: sometimes, it can be a bad idea, since air gets pulled in from the keyboard.. i currently have a machine that the lid closes on and it doesnt sleep00:48
phillwgnome-power93: 10.04 was not even an adopted system into the canonical family00:48
gnome-power93How do I use gconftool to enable "do nothing" when lid is closed?00:49
holsteingnome-power93: i didnt.. i just chose it in a supported version of ubuntu00:49
holsteingnome-power93: you can always try a supported version live, and see if it fits your needs, and has the features you seek00:50
gnome-power93it's a real pain to install because this tablet has no cd and won't boot from usb, so i really want to stick with 10.04 which is already installed00:50
holsteingnome-power93: you can.. but, the support for it has ended.. so, you'll need to support it on your own00:51
phillwgnome-power93: how did you manage to get it installed in the 1st case?00:51
gnome-power93phillw:  using a lot of trickery with sd card, ide adapter, usb ports and 2 PCs ;- )00:52
gnome-power93It's working fine now, just need to disable the lid so I can access tablet mode00:52
gnome-power93I found this command:00:52
gnome-power93gconftool-2 --type string --set /apps/gnome-power-manager/buttons/lid_ac "nothing"00:52
gnome-power93I modded the code slightly so hope it works...  testing...00:53
gnome-power93awesome..it works on AC00:54
phillwgnome-power93: as holstein said, do have a look as to if it will support the new version. If it can support 13.10 which is now in Release Candidate testing you have a very good chance of catching the next LTS. If your machine can only support the elder chip sets, we do keep the download there, but cannot support it.00:57
gnome-powerHey, i'm back01:02
gnome-powerI managed to enable "do nothing" when lid is closed.   Works fine now.01:02
gnome-powerthe gconftool did the trick.  I'm also using "onboard" for on-screen keyboard in tablet mode.01:03
R0b0t1`Hi, I have this issue where I have like nested desktops02:14
holsteinR0b0t1`: you have a screenshot? or a picture?02:17
R0b0t1`holstein: http://i.imgur.com/KuNThRK.jpg02:19
R0b0t1`note my mouse is trying to draw past that02:19
R0b0t1`I can't select on the area outside of that, either02:20
holsteini would just reset.. try using arandr02:20
R0b0t1`I did02:21
holsteintry going to one monitor and get things "normal", then go from there with arandr02:21
holsteinR0b0t1`: you did what?02:21
R0b0t1`ah, fixed02:21
phillwR0b0t1`: ànd how did you fix it?02:37
R0b0t1`phillw, set to one screen with arandr. Which is funny, because I did pretty much the same thing earlier, but to no benefit03:10
phillwR0b0t1`: multi screens are somewhat of a dark art. I had no issues with lxrandr on my presentation, but installed arandr JIC. As with things in linux... try a couple of variants out and then you will stick with the one that does everything you need.... until it doesn't :D03:13
phillwhaving a plan 'B' is always good. sometimes you need the external device to be connected when you boot up, other times you do not...03:15
andreiiarHello. I have live disk and want to skip the startupmenu as I dont ever want to install and alwyas use english. How do I do that?10:01
rcmanso.. for this stuff .. https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Touchpad_Synaptics12:18
rcmanwhat is the correct way to turn RBCornerButton off?12:19
jaredJust upgraded my Lubuntu VM to 13.10 - shiny.13:02
phillwjared: it's nice, isn't it :)13:33
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