
=== jrib is now known as Guest10239
DonkersgoedI have a kernel panic using ipvs on the latest kernel06:48
Donkersgoedis this the right place to ask for support?06:48
jibelDonkersgoed, people on #ubuntu-kernel will know more about kernel panics07:04
Donkersgoednice, thanks07:04
jibelDonkersgoed, also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/KernelTeamBugPolicies contains useful information on reporting kernel bugs07:05
Donkersgoedthank you!07:06
=== Nigel_ is now known as G
=== Guest10239 is now known as jrib
hggdhTheLordOfTime: what's about crash bugs?15:45
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=== om26er|food is now known as om27er
=== om27er is now known as om26er
TheLordOfTimehggdh: nevermind, figured out17:00
TheLordOfTimehggdh: there was an nginx crash bug and the retracer wasn't clearly displaying the stacktrace, turns out it was my internet breaking that wasn't displauing the stacktrace17:00
hggdhTheLordOfTime: ah, cool17:58
TheLordOfTimehggdh: of course the stacktrace doesn't help much :P17:59
hggdhLOL. Incomplete resolution?17:59
TheLordOfTimeand they weren't actually using the repository's software when the error triggered...17:59
TheLordOfTimehggdh: haven't touched it yet17:59
TheLordOfTimetoo busy yelling at idiots on twitter17:59
hggdhwell, difficult to solve on software built elsewhere...18:00
TheLordOfTimewell... it's in a PPA18:00
TheLordOfTimeit's nginx :/18:00
hggdhugh. At least do they have the .dbg packages?18:00
TheLordOfTimewhich therein lies a problem18:00
TheLordOfTimehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nginx/+bug/1238307  <--18:00
ubot2TheLordOfTime: Error: launchpad bug 1238307 not found18:00
TheLordOfTimeif you care18:00
TheLordOfTimeyes, we know, ubot2, it's a bloody crash bug, be quiet18:00
* TheLordOfTime slaps ubot2 with a rotting trout18:01
TheLordOfTimehggdh: my problem is that they upgraded to the nginx mainline in the PPA...18:01
TheLordOfTimethen downgraded18:01
TheLordOfTimeand then therein lies the crash18:01
TheLordOfTimeno clue how to handle it, this is the first nginx crash bug i've seen that wasn't related to a CVE18:01
hggdhTheLordOfTime: it did not happen while in with the PPA code?18:04
TheLordOfTimeoh, and it's 13.10 so... i don't exactly trust that to be entirely "stable"18:04
TheLordOfTimehggdh: read comment 618:04
TheLordOfTimeit seems to be triggered because of the PPA, but...18:04
TheLordOfTimelooks like it happens in both the PPA and Saucy18:05
TheLordOfTimebut they said it was working in Saucy before, so...18:05
TheLordOfTimemaybe their upgrading to 1.5.6 introduced rogue stuff, but, if that's the case they should copy out their configs, purge the packages related to nginx completely, remove the ppa, reinstall nginx from repos only18:05
* TheLordOfTime isn't sure what ppa-purge does nor does he knwo if that introduced the issue18:06
hggdhit depends if the PPA forces updates of other packages. The ./debian/control should list it18:07
hggdhbut I do not see a segv indicated in the trace; and the trace has two more frames over the one that is (theoretically) the one that segv-ed)18:07
hggdhah, libc18:09
TheLordOfTimesee, you at least know how to interpret crash bugs better than I :/18:11
TheLordOfTimei don't like reading the stacktrace, i never have18:12
TheLordOfTimeeven when my own programs crash :/18:12
hggdhwell, the stacktrace is fully resolved, so I am guessing thissegv happened with the official packages18:13
TheLordOfTimei think so18:15
TheLordOfTimethe key operative buzzword is the word "downgraded"18:15
TheLordOfTimewhich means they returned to Saucy's stuff18:15
hggdhTheLordOfTime: now it is (mostly) backtracking -- ngx_conf_file.c @305 is probably calling on strcmp. YOu would need to find out what was being compared, and find out why one of the addresses was invalid18:15
TheLordOfTimei've got better things to do18:16
hggdhand I never dealt with ngix...18:16
TheLordOfTimelike... SRU verifications for the nginx package in precise...18:16
TheLordOfTimeand SRU prep for nginx 1.1.19-1ubuntu0.518:17
TheLordOfTimefor precise18:17
hggdhyeah, these are more important18:17
TheLordOfTimewell... maybe I shouldn't SRU verify something I personally prepared... but meh18:18
TheLordOfTimei need that to go through (it fixes a configuration purging problem!) so that i can get the other bug SRU ready to enable the naxsi_stub_status module in nginx18:19
TheLordOfTime(very tiny fix in the package, just add a line to the rules file)18:19
TheLordOfTimethen after that I have to figure out how to gain the courage to tell this girl who's a friend of mine that I like her... and then actually follow through with that... (personal issues take priority over all else!)18:21
TheLordOfTimeanyways, i digress, thanks for the assistance, hggdh18:21

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