
didrocksMirv: hey, how are you?06:17
Mirvdidrocks: morning, fine if somewhat tired.06:34
Mirvdidrocks: how're you, you're working today? robru thought you'd visit only for a day.06:34
Mirvthe image #92 seems great on mako06:34
Mirvat least compared to how it was before06:34
didrocksMirv: no, if was 2 days (I came back yesterday late, at 10PM, and then an hour of non stopping requests ;))06:34
didrocksMirv: so, we have quite some good stuff flowing06:35
didrocksMirv: we'll need to restart building Mir as soon as duflu is done with his branch06:35
didrocksI'll handle that one06:35
didrocksMirv: gush is reviewing https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/ubuntu-keyboard/improve_kbd_info_ipc/+merge/19041806:35
didrocksMirv: as soon as it's done, can you handle ubuntu-keyboard?06:36
didrockswe need both in the first image this morning I guess06:36
didrockswould be nice to have this image start building in ~1h06:36
Mirvdbarth would like to have qtmultimedia upload, I've prepared it this morning although I'm not sure about all the hoops06:36
Mirvright, ok...06:36
didrocks(req 184)06:36
didrocksMirv: after this image06:36
didrocks(so 93)06:36
didrocksMirv: we'll handle all those requests after 93 to catch up I guess06:37
Mirvok, so refreshing that keyboard branch page06:38
didrocksMirv: maybe check with gush if we can't merge manually to speed things up?06:50
didrocksvila: hey!07:04
didrocksvila: I don't get 36+                line = line + ' ' # Add a space to preserve lines in the diff07:04
didrocks=== modified file 'tests/data/bzrlogs/classiclogdiff'07:04
didrocks=== modified file 'tests/data/bzrlogs/logswithlaunchpadcommits'07:04
didrocksthose were juts bzr logs output from bzr directly07:04
didrocks(so not sure why they need modificatoin)07:05
viladidrocks: the split later needs a separation otherwise lines are concatenated07:05
viladidrocks: almost from bzr log, some lines were arbitrarily split in the middle of words07:05
didrocksvila: they need to be concatenated for dch, right?07:05
viladidrocks: they will be re-concatenated but they need to be properly split first07:06
didrocksvila: not sure to follow you :)07:06
vilaachhh several splits are involved...07:06
vilathe root fix is to remove the leading spaces added by bzr log,07:06
didrocksyeah, that one, I got it :)07:07
vilabut that triggered a bug (shown in the bzrlogs/* fixes)07:07
didrocksvila: do you have a good example? if we remove the leading space, the words will be cut in the middle?07:08
vilafrom there we have a clean commit message from bzr but we've lost the spaces that were preserving the line in the join/split/Fixes:/... damn can't continue just from memory, let me get the mp back ;)07:08
didrocksvila: thanks :) just wanting to understand, I trust you, but better for me in the future ;)07:09
* vila nods07:09
vilaha right, the split I'm referring to is not shown in the diff07:11
viladidrocks: _extract_commit_bugs07:11
viladidrocks: the rsplits get rid of stuff we don't care, the final split needs spaces07:12
viladidrocks: the trailing one I'm adding sort of replace the leading ones I'm removing07:12
didrocksvila: ok, got you ;)07:13
didrockslet me merge it then07:13
viladidrocks: look closely at the diff in the bzrlogs... ok07:13
Mirvdidrocks: gusch has just identified a problem/crash with the keyboard MP07:14
vilafinishing anyway ;) : the fixes in the bzrlogs files shows 'of' (in 'of the barrier') being cut leading to a line with no leading spaces07:14
didrocksvila: yeah, this is because of this leading whitespace removal?07:15
Mirvah, saw now on other channel07:15
didrocksMirv: yep ;)07:15
didrocksMirv: ok, I'm handling Mir, prepare the other ones please meanwhile, please07:15
didrocksMirv: or you need more to be able to prepare? (I can add some)07:15
didrocks(fixing the arm64 issue meanwhile)07:15
viladidrocks: cumulative effect of the fixes around the spaces yes, a line with no leading spaces in bzr log became a bogus input since bzr cannot produce such lines07:16
Mirvdidrocks: can you specify "other ones", to be sure? the qtmultimedia for dbarth, and/or qtdeclarative for tsdgeos?07:17
didrocksvila: ok, sounds good :)07:18
didrocksMirv: can you do indicator + unity stack?07:18
Mirvdidrocks: the whole stacks, of both? is there a landing plan item for those?07:19
didrocksMirv: I guess unity will have no impact on the phone, so good to refresh it and stage that in proposed07:19
didrocksMirv: I'll add the landing plan in a few07:19
Mirvaha, ok07:19
didrocksMirv: indicators will impact phone, so needs testing first :)07:19
didrocks(on phone)07:19
Mirvwe also don't have desktop autopilot tests, still07:20
didrocksMirv: yeah, I know :/ I think there is a pending dbus fix07:20
didrocksMirv: we'll get that one today07:20
Mirvdidrocks: it got uploaded last night, I updated the container + host but still getting
didrocksMirv: can you check with jibel once he's around? (or vila?)07:21
Mirvvila is already looking at it07:21
didrocksvila: any progress? ^07:22
viladidrocks: and I'll close the loop with jibel when done07:22
viladidrocks: so far the bug is not fixed but the lxc/dbus guys ruled out otto (which is good news)07:22
viladidrocks: fixes are in the pipe for dbus and lxc, should have landed even, I'm unclear about the host/lxc setup now, either we missed a step and the bug is fixed or we don't and it's not ;)07:23
vilaoh, silly me jibel is there ! ^ otto is ruled out \o/07:24
Mirvvila: both dbus and lxc saw updates last night and are in release pocket07:24
didrocksvila: they did land07:24
viladidrocks: yes they did07:24
viladidrocks: the question is: do we really use them07:24
MirvI did update both intel and nvidia-gtx660, both host and inside lxc-start (dist-upgrade)07:24
Mirvif there's some service restarting/rebooting needed additionally, those I didn't do07:25
vilaMirv: right, that left the iso, can't see why dist-upgrade won't cover that though...07:25
Mirvvila: I saw them getting upgraded on both, so the packages are installed07:25
vilaMirv: but I'd rather make sure we have a clean plate before bouncing to the lxc/dbus guys07:25
vila*make triple sure even07:25
didrocksvila: what do you mean?07:26
Mirvvila: feel free to log in, look around and do reboots07:26
didrocksI think Mirv upgraded + reboot?07:26
vilaMirv: but I'm not super optimistic it will change anything07:26
didrocksvila: you know it's blocking the whole production for quite some days and we have to deal with everything by hand? it's really a priority07:26
didrocks(and should be fixed when it happens in the hours)07:26
viladidrocks: you know I'm been focusing on it for the last two days ;)07:27
didrocksvila: I wasn't there before yesterday, just giving you the context07:27
didrocksbasically, the consequence right now is "ok, let's dimiss the tests"07:27
viladidrocks: sure, no worries :)07:27
Mirvdidrocks: the only updated thing from unity stack affecting touch is unity-scope-mediascanner, so testing that too in addition to indicators07:29
jibelvila, to be certain new dbus and lxc are used I'd reprovision a new container07:31
didrocksMirv: oh, please ignore mediascanner07:31
didrocksMirv: there is a whole set of update for mediacsanner07:32
jibelvila, can I abort current test ?07:32
vilajibel: I think so07:32
Mirvdidrocks: aha, ok07:32
didrocksMirv: FYI, code for arm64 ignoring -> done07:32
vilajibel: be aware that the host is using the -11 kernel currently07:33
Mirvdidrocks: thanks, helpful, I skipped indicators arm64 again today07:33
didrocksMirv: if you see anything broken, ping me :)07:33
jibelvila, I'm marking saucy nodes offline07:33
jibelvila, abort the tests and reprovision07:33
vilajibel: ok, let me know when there is a run that can confirm the fix or not07:34
jibelvila, I'll also revert the kernel to latest version07:34
vilajibel: great, thanks07:34
jibelvila, kernel on the host and container must always be in sync otherwise graphics driver do not match07:34
didrocksMirv: indicator-network is in as well? so it will affect touch (but fine for those one)07:35
vilajibel: right, stgraber wanted to test a theory requiring the -11 driver07:35
jibelvila, jenkins configuration must be fixed. I can disable nodes as anonymous07:35
didrocksMirv: let me note all that in the landing plan07:36
vilajibel: cant ?07:36
jibelvila, I *can* without being logged in07:36
jibelit shoudn't be allowed07:36
Mirvdidrocks: indicator-network, indicator-bluetooth, indicator-messages, indicator-sound, indicator-location and their support packages are all in touch07:36
Mirv+ ido and qmenumodel07:36
vilajibel: errr, weird... yeah, but in the present case, good for you ;)07:36
Mirvdidrocks: if you don't want all of those, tell07:37
jibelvila, uh, i can login, I just didn't realize I wasn't07:37
vilajibel: I pinged retoaded and fginther about that in ci and will followup07:38
Mirvdidrocks: and bamf as well07:38
Mirv(on desktop)07:38
didrocksMirv: we do want those, I'm trying to list ;)07:38
vilajibel: may be that's expected based on vpn access being required anyway07:38
jibelvila, I don't think doing everything as anonymous, or root or other generic user is a good policy even behind a vpn but well07:40
MirvI can also try the desktop testing by moving to a backup machine and letting this main machine churn AP (for some reason I has some problem the last time although usually it's been fine)07:40
vilajibel: agree, just trying to understand why it's setup this way, there may be hysterical raisins I'm not aware of07:40
didrocksMirv: ok, should be updated now07:41
didrocksMirv: tell me if that makes sense (trying to list some dogfooding for touch)07:41
vilajibel: *I* wasn't able to look at job configurations 2 days ago...07:41
vilayesterday even07:41
vilajibel: I blame lack of tests all over the place ;)07:42
didrocksMirv: indicator-messages is also in 17207:43
Mirvdidrocks: should that be all indicators + unity except mediascanner (which is in unity)07:43
didrocksMirv: all indicators + all unity (so compiz, nux…) expect mediascanner, right07:43
Mirvand desktop AP:s on those, and then touch specific tests07:43
Mirvright, makes sense07:43
vilajibel: only put autopilot-intel is offline, shouldn't autopilot-ati and autopilot-nvidia receive the same treatment ?07:43
didrocksMirv: exactly!07:43
vilajibel: only autopilot-intel is offline, shouldn't autopilot-ati and autopilot-nvidia receive the same treatment ?07:44
didrocksMirv: please talk with the release team to got most of the things in proposed at least07:44
didrocksMirv: will be nice to have the touch ones in distro (system-settings depends on those indicators)07:44
jibelvila, -ati is not used and -nvidia is for raring07:44
vilajibel: ok07:44
jibelvila, nvidia running saucy is gtx66007:45
vilajibel: qa-nvidia-gtx660 ?07:45
vilaright, as seen in
popeydidrocks on #90 I am seeing the issue ogra_ saw the other day, memory leak using mir. init is now using ~1GB RAM on my device07:49
popey 1816 phablet   20   0  994m 789m 1008 S   0.3 42.2   8:39.77 init07:49
ogra_there is a fix in the landing asks page i think07:49
popeyok, coolio07:49
ogra_from slangasek07:49
ogra_didrocks, why did you strike 181 ?07:50
ogra_didrocks, did you just upload it ?07:50
didrocksogra_: wasn't that yesterday's lool upload?07:50
didrocksah, he updated with duplicate stop07:50
ogra_thats only half of it07:50
ogra_it still crashes when you stop it07:50
didrocksogra_: because of the duplicate stop?07:51
didrocksogra_: mind adding that to the landing plan for image 94?07:51
ogra_lools fix makes it only start and run without crashes07:51
didrockspopey: ok, so confirming what we thought07:51
didrockslet's hope slangasek's fix will do it07:51
ogra_popey, line 182 in landing asks should help07:51
jibelvila, no improvements, did you see denied on receive too or only send of dbus messages?07:55
ogra_didrocks, there is another issue with autopilot and maliit, i dont see an entry on the page for it, veebers and thomi were working on it07:56
vilajibel: I think they stop the diagnosis on the first send so we may be seeing something new07:56
vilajibel: what are *you* seeing ?07:57
ogra_didrocks, the unity8 autopilot test does not use upstart to start/stop unity during its runs ... that means maliit doesnt get started along07:57
jibelvila, can you remind me when this error started exactly?07:57
vilajibel: opinions diverged on that topic, mine is based on the job history...07:58
veebersogra_: I'm just passing though, but there is this: https://code.launchpad.net/~veebers/unity8/ap_launch_unity_with_upstart/ but it's being held up by this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/123841707:58
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1238417 in Mir "Unity does not process events from evdev device created before unity is restarted (autopilot tests)" [Critical,Confirmed]07:58
veebersogra_: I'm hopeing the first link (the branch) can be worked on/merged during my night/weekend (which is now :-) )07:59
ogra_veebers, oh, thanks !07:59
vilajibel: so circa 8 October, run 2442 ?07:59
didrocksogra_: interesting, I don't see anything as well08:01
* didrocks looks at autopilot trunk08:01
ogra_didrocks, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~veebers/unity8/ap_launch_unity_with_upstart/revision/435 but blocked by https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/123841708:02
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1238417 in Mir "Unity does not process events from evdev device created before unity is restarted (autopilot tests)" [Critical,Confirmed]08:02
vilajibel: nah, 2443 was still good08:02
ogra_didrocks, see abiove, what veebers said08:02
vilajibel: seems to be the first with denials08:03
vilajibel: so Oct  8 13:07:0708:03
didrocksveebers: ok, keep us posted please08:03
jibelis the first time the error appears08:06
jibelduring provisioning08:06
jibelvila, we want to diff the manifests between ubuntu desktop 20131008 and 2013100708:06
jibelvila, then downgrade the host to the packages of the 708:07
vilajibel: have you seen https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+source/dbus/+bug/1238267 ? It describes the understanding of the root cause for the last fix (which apparently is not enough but should still be relevant)08:07
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1238267 in dbus (Ubuntu Saucy) "AppArmor initialization code should open a file in apparmorfs instead of stat'ing it" [High,Fix released]08:07
didrockshey popey, already playing with 93?08:07
popeydidrocks: yes08:08
vilajibel: now if you see a new message I'd like to update the bug with it08:08
jibelvila, yes, but my goal is to make the system work, not finding a fix08:08
jibelvila, once it is back to work, you have all time to find a fix08:08
popeydidrocks: nothing alarming here08:09
vilajibel: I too would like to have a working system and so far the fix has been outside of any source I control (or even know about );)08:09
jibeldidrocks, 92 LGTM, I still have problem to dismiss OSK but it was already on previous build08:09
jibelvila, are manifests stored somewhere in the lab?08:10
didrocksogra_: want to play with it on maguro?08:10
didrocksjibel: you have a mako or maguro?08:10
vilajibel: I have no idea08:11
jibeldidrocks, mako08:11
jibelvila, nm, I'll figure from the machine's logs08:11
vilajibel: but I'm willing to learn if you give me enough info :)08:12
jibelvila, or not, there is a gap in the logs between sept 25 and oct 10 :/08:13
vilajibel: so far I've been trying to relay info being people knowing more than me about almost every piece involved.08:13
ogra_didrocks, i can, after the meeting though08:13
vilajibel: I'm slowly getting my way about what is involved and which people knows about the various pieces but I'm still far from being able to fix it myself08:14
jibelvila, I purged the gazillion of kernels installed on the machines, that'll make some room on the disk and speed up upgrades08:16
vilajibel: how ? apt-get autoremove ?08:16
jibelvila, sudo apt-get autoremove --purge list_of_kernels08:17
didrocksogra_: hey sil2100!08:21
didrocksargh -ogra08:21
didrocksasac: joining?08:31
didrockssil2100: joining?08:31
jibelvila, dx-autopilot-intel resumed normal operation08:48
vilajibel: seeing
jibelvila, nvidia is still offline, graphics driver fails to load08:48
vilajibel: this will work until triggers again right ? Should we disable it until we have a fix ?08:49
vilajibel: if I'm guessing correctly you forced an old container to be used right  ?08:49
vilajibel: what needs to be monitored to ensure it stays this way ?08:50
jibelvila, it will work even if setup run08:50
jibelvila, I disabled the purge though08:50
jibelvila, disk space :)08:50
vilawhich purge ? the otto triggered one ?08:50
jibel^ this is what you need to monitor08:50
jibelvila, the update script, updates the host, provision a new container based on lastest desktop image and purges old containers08:51
vilayou're giving me fish... I won't be able to diagnose anything without a better understanding :-(08:51
jibelvila, it runs when it detects a new image08:51
vilaby update script you mean ~jenkins/bin/update_host ?08:52
jibelvila, yes08:52
vilajibel: yeah I've seen the trigger in hence my question08:52
vilajibel: what I don't get is how the container is selected08:52
jibelvila,  the script that is called in the jenkins jobs you mentionend before08:52
vilajibel: ha ! Saw your patch in update_host, ack08:54
vilajibel: still miss the container selection though08:54
jibelvila, also add yourself to the notifications of this job08:55
vilajibel: thanks, will update that to use the ci-notifications email when I get to it08:55
jibelvila, it failed for a while with "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. "08:55
jibelvila, in this case it needs a hand08:56
vilajibel: ECONTEXT08:56
vilaupdate_host ?08:56
jibelvila, yes08:56
jibelvila, near the end08:57
vilajibel: ha, you switched to debug the nvidia one08:57
vilajibel: sry in the landing ho, hard to keep up with both08:58
jibelvila, I didn't, I'm trying to figure why the driver doesn't load08:59
looldidrocks: didn't see the libhybris upload either09:01
loolwin 1709:01
didrockslool: yeah, it's not in09:01
jibelvila, I might need to downgrade nvidia to -1109:01
vilajibel: ack. So back to container selection, where does that happen ? I want to make sure I can assist the dbus/lxc guys debugging on autopilot-intel (probably taking it offline when needed) and don't interfer with normal business more than strictly required09:05
didrocksogra_: mir is in, please kick #9309:05
jibelvila, calls $HOME/bin/run_otto_job which selects the most recent container, sets the environment from what jenkins defined and pass everything to otto-run09:11
vilajibel: yeah, just found it, so the trick is in the container name09:11
loolcyphermox: bluetooth-touch landing >> upload anytime!  :-)09:11
loolcjwatson: click landing >> upload anytime!09:12
vilajibel: so as long the lxc/dbus guys don't need too much stuff on the host they can even work in whatever container they need without even interrupting ci correct ?09:12
jibelvila, if no other job is running yes, otherwise it is not possible because access to the HW is exclusive09:13
vilajibel: ha right, so that means starting another container can't be done09:14
jibelvila, but they can use a specific container to debug, and you use another one for CI09:14
jibelvila, as long as they don't run at the same time09:14
vilajibel: ack, so either I monitor failures for retries (ugh) or I take the node offline when needed09:14
jibelvila, offline is safest, jenkins will just queue jobs until it is back up09:15
* vila nods09:15
vilajibel: thanks for the help unblocking that, I think I know how to assist the lxc/dbus guys know, will keep you informed about progress09:16
asacdidrocks: another question, do we promote 92?09:16
vilas/guys know/guys now/ obvisouly ;)09:16
didrocksasac: waiting on ogra's feedback on maguro, if good, yes09:17
asacdidrocks: let me see if QA also is happy09:17
asacjibel: ^^09:17
jibelvila, it is not completely unblocked, there is still this problem with proprietary graphics driver09:17
didrocksasac: already got those confirmations09:17
asacjibel: does QA have positive things to say yet about 92? e.g. stricly better and awesome?09:17
asacah nice09:17
didrockslet's try to not go in too much useless ping crazyness please ;)09:17
* asac wont bother about that part of the process then09:17
didrockswe have enough to do :p09:17
asacdidrocks: well, i think its important to get QA involved. if its now always in our process then its good09:18
didrocksit is09:18
asacand i wont ping in the future anymore :)09:18
vilajibel: on nvidia not on intel right ?09:18
jibelvila, right, intel drivers are open09:18
jibelnvidia are not09:19
jibelwell, we could use nouveau instead that'd fix the problem :)09:19
vilajibel: ack, different issue then. But then how should I read ? Doesn't it mean it works now ? Or is it because you tweaked something there ?09:21
jibelnice, top segfault on mako :/09:22
popeyin the final release will we still have the option of deleting that file and going back to SF?09:23
jibelvila, update of the host worked because Mirv fixed the upgrade manually yesterday.09:24
vilajibel: ha, same trick with the container name, will be nice if you could just tell me so I don't have to guess :)09:24
jibelvila, but the container doesn't work, you see the dbus denials at the beginning of the log09:25
didrocksMirv: while you are testing: what's need to be done for qtorganizer5-eds and qtdeclarative-opensource-src?09:26
didrocksMirv: those were done (testing done) and just need sponsoring?09:26
didrocks(did you retry qtdeclarative-opensource-src under Mir?)09:26
vilajibel: right, but that's the message without the dbus.*-0ubuntu10 fix while building a new container, pfew, getting there09:27
Mirvdidrocks: I think sil2100 was working on qtorganizer5-eds, I don't know about that update. qtdeclarative was fully tested on non-mir to not cause regressions, plus fixes what tsdgeos wants, so would only need upload unless wanted to be tried to somehow AP tested on Mir (I've been running it on my device, but not ran much tests)09:28
Mirvthe unity8 AP still fails for me if I try to run in one run09:29
didrocksMirv: can you try the calendar-app + notes-app integration tests?09:29
didrocksMirv: if good, let's push that one09:29
didrockssil2100: qtorganizer5-eds, AP tested, all good?09:29
Mirvdidrocks: ok09:31
vilajibel: so, in summary, workaround in place to use KEEPME_ILOVEAPPARMOR on intel and nvidia. Once the bug is fixed for intel, nvidia will still need to be fixed for the driver issue. Correct ?09:32
vilajibel: and there is an autopilot-saucy-daily_release in flight to check the workaround works ?09:33
vilajibel: ?09:34
psivaasil2100: i have a 92 image on maguro.. please let me know if everything needed has been built so that I could update09:34
didrocksogra_: so, image 92 on maguro is fine, promoted?09:36
ogra_still flashing, sorry09:40
ogra_it is rebooting now, gimme 1009:40
didrocksogra_: waow, you should start downloading the image even before it's built I guess! :)09:40
vilajibel: apparently that summary wasn't correct, saucy-i386-KEEPME_ILOVEAPPARMOR_20131007-0916 is gone on qa-nvidia-gtx660 ?09:40
ogra_didrocks, there was sdome other stuff i had to finish first that blocked it09:41
didrockssil2100: ok, done with my stuff, waiting for you on qtorganizer5-eds09:41
didrocksogra_: ah ok ;)09:41
Mirvdidrocks: good news, indicators + unity desktop AP better than ever (so they've sneaked some AP fixes in)09:44
Mirvdidrocks: I've also gone through the touch manual testing, except that I've only used wifi dialog, not sim password unlock. if needed, I do have a tablet with a microsim card which I guess could be used.09:45
didrocksMirv: \o/ awesome awesomeness of awesome :)09:45
didrockspopey: hey, around?09:45
didrockspopey: mind testing latest indicator-network in the daily-build ppa for this password unlock? ^09:45
didrocksMirv: so, you got everything with latest nux, compiz, and all the jazz? ;)09:46
sil2100didrocks, Mirv: I was only dogfooding that in the past, as when I was assigned to it AP tests were bad - but calendar-app autopilots went fine all of them09:46
didrockssil2100: just tested all of them?09:46
sil2100didrocks, Mirv: by 'only' I mean I just ran the few calendar-app APs09:46
didrocksso I can push?09:46
popeydidrocks: where's the daily-build ppa?09:46
Mirvdidrocks: yep latest nux, compiz, unity, bamf, indicators*, checked with synaptic (I like the sort by version number where I can make sure I'm not missing some support packages)09:46
sil2100Tested yesterday, probably not broken from yesterady09:46
didrocksMirv: marvellous! ;)09:46
didrockssil2100: ok, I'm going to push it09:47
didrocksMirv: so, let's wait for popey's feedback, and if all good, let's push ;)09:47
Mirvdidrocks: cool, ok09:47
didrocksMirv: have you tested on phone the indicator part?09:47
Mirvdidrocks: yes, so updated to the chart09:47
didrocksMirv: excellent! so be ready to push publish :)09:47
Mirvdidrocks: yep09:48
didrocksMirv: now, qtdeclaractive-*?09:48
* didrocks pushes while reflashing the qtorganizer one09:48
Mirvpopey: apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-unity/daily-build , apt-get update, apt-get install libido3-0.1-0 indicator-bluetooth libqmenumodel0 qmenumodel-qml indicator-sound indicator-network indicator-location indicator-datetime indicator-messages libmessaging-menu009:49
didrockssil2100: oh, it's under dailies, feel free to push it yourself then09:49
sil2100didrocks: aye!09:49
sil2100It's in misc09:49
ogra_didrocks, dialker app still doesnt come to foreground when answering a call and i cant save contacts09:50
ogra_didrocks, beyond that i see no regressions (and both of the above are older ones iirc)09:50
didrocksogra_: not a regression though?09:50
didrocks(well, regression from Mir, but nothing else)09:51
* ogra_ just adb'ed in for the first time and ran top09:51
ogra_load is >1009:51
didrocksogra_: getting down or up?09:52
didrocksogra_: I guess we can publish 92 anyway :)09:52
ogra_down now09:52
popeydidrocks / Mirv what am I testing btw? Just looking for regressions or is there new crack in this?09:52
ogra_around 409:52
* didrocks hopes 93 is soon finished to build09:52
ogra_but stays there09:52
ogra_didrocks, it just did this second09:53
Mirvpopey: SIM unlock at least. it has indicator updates as mentioned, so just no regressions09:53
didrocksogra_: \o/09:53
ogra_give system-image a few mins to pick it up09:53
popeyI am missing an indicator09:53
* didrocks just finished flashing 92, already on a deprecated image :p09:53
popeyi see no network indicator09:53
ogra_i have it here09:53
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|vt
Mirvpopey: hmm, I do have it just fine09:53
ogra_want mine ?09:53
popeyit is there, i can pull down and see it09:53
MirvI've the icon as well09:54
popeybut it says "No signal"09:54
popeyand I think search is overlaying it09:54
popeyso it only appears when i pull down09:54
popeythere.. once I get signal it "appears" again09:54
MirvI've wifis listed and I can connect09:54
Mirvaha, I don't have experience on the GSM side of things09:54
popeyooh, i see an access point I never saw before09:55
ogra_blame it then09:55
popeymuhahaha one of my neighbours has an open access point09:55
popeyMirv: i have no lock on my sim..09:55
popeydidrocks: i see no regressions from updating those packages09:56
didrockspopey: great!09:56
didrocksMirv: please, publish both then and ping/reassure the release team on the desktop part ;)09:56
didrocksmaybe we can get Laney involved if needed :)09:57
jibelvila, I reprovisioned again with ubuntu desktop 20131011 which has dbus 1.6.12-0ubuntu1009:57
didrockshe loves Friday uploads :p09:57
didrockspopey: thanks a lot! ;)09:57
jibelvila, and it should just work09:57
popeyis this some new definition of "love" that only the french know? ☻09:57
Mirvdidrocks: ok then09:57
jibelvila, unless bzr breaks :/09:57
didrockspopey: probably, you know my level of english… I keep applying it though :p09:57
vilajibel: for nvidia ?09:57
sil2100psivaa: ok, we seem to be having everything rebuilt now - I guess it's time for testing!09:58
jibelvila, can you retrigger a check without a build of the apps stack?09:58
vilajibel: EPARSE09:58
sil2100popey: Alan! Are you free for testing right now?09:58
vilajibel: still trying to figure out where my mental model diverges from reality 8-/09:58
jibelvila, and also fix the definition of the stack, there are missing packages09:59
jibel/var/log/upstart/otto-setup.log: +content-hub09:59
popeysil2100: for you, always09:59
jibel/var/log/upstart/otto-setup.log: +libgsettings-qt109:59
didrocksI guess popey will be free once he finishes hacking his neighbour :)09:59
sil2100How nice ;)09:59
popeyWell, I'll pop round there later and "educate" them on security matters.09:59
vilajibel: I can't do that, I have no idea what you're expecting09:59
sil2100It's almost the same as when I see someone around with WiFi with WPS enabled, so sad...10:00
vilajibel: I'm not even sure I understand what you did. Can we serialize a bit so I can catch up ?10:01
Mirvdidrocks: pkg acks (libnotify dep add), (ubuntu settings patch grid 1 new s10:01
vilajibel: " I reprovisioned again with ubuntu desktop 20131011 which has dbus 1.6.12-0ubuntu10" on nvidia ? You expect the dbus issue we see on intel to not occur here ?10:01
Mirvpopey: I'm sure you can come up with education methods that don't need you to even visit them in person10:02
popeyooh! Good call10:02
didrocksMirv: your last sentence was cut after "(ubuntu settings patch grid 1 new s"10:02
didrocksok +1 on both10:02
popeysil2100: what do you need testing?10:03
sil2100popey: let me prepare a list maybe10:04
popeydidrocks: 92 getting released soon?10:08
didrockspopey: already done and promoted :)10:09
didrocksor under promotion rather10:09
didrocksogra_ is finishing up on maguro10:09
didrocksso be ready for that email10:09
popeyits ready, just wanted to hit send10:09
ogra_yeah, maguro is fine i'd say10:09
ogra_popey, do it ... i'll publish alongside10:10
popeynah, i always wait to send the mail until after i have OTA updated my daily driver10:10
popeyso i test both flashing clean and OTA updating10:10
sil2100popey: this should be it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6221772/10:10
popeysil2100: ok10:10
popeysil2100: laptop or phone?10:11
sil2100popey: phone, we need to run all the AP tests related and serious dogfooding10:11
popeyand I take it that's from the daily build ppa I already have enabled10:11
sil2100psivaa: ^ http://paste.ubuntu.com/6221772/10:11
sil2100popey: yes, just upgrade now to have the latest of the latest10:11
psivaasil2100: ack, thanks. installing 93 now10:11
ogra_==== Image 92 / 20131010.2 published ====10:11
popey*all* ap tests...10:11
sil2100popey: that's what I have written on my Landing sheet :< Run *all* tests10:12
psivaapopey: sil2100: we could split if you want https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApRxJIi-SaMddEdtdWtMaXNkMzYtN2puZ2YxdU9MekE#gid=010:12
popeypsivaa: sure, split it up, just let me know which ones I'm doing ☻10:13
sil2100psivaa: I guess, but for such a serious landing I would also like that some of us run the same tests as well, making sure we don't miss anything or do anything wrong ;)10:13
sil2100So let's do some 'overlaps' for the most serious tests, like unity810:14
looldidrocks, sil2100: Hold on mediascanner / thumbnailer landing10:14
looldidrocks, sil2100: thostr_ just updated to #92 + packages from PPA10:14
popeysil2100: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6221785/ so do I seriously want all of that?10:14
looland found an issue with it10:14
thostr_sil2100: we just found one issue10:14
loolhe said to hold a bit10:14
sil2100popey, psivaa: SHTAPH!10:14
loologra_: woot10:14
didrockslool: can thostr_ talk to us? or here, that would be helpful10:14
looldidrocks: he's here10:14
didrocksthostr_: please, sync here directly…10:14
thostr_didrocks: so, we just discovered one issue10:14
looldidrocks: yup, just told thostr_ to best shoot here10:15
thostr_didrocks: it all works fine as such but when adding a video that codec cannot be understood something fails internally10:15
thostr_didrocks: we're on it...10:15
sil2100thostr_: what's the ETA for that fix?10:15
didrocksthostr_: which components will need to be update in your opinion?10:15
thostr_didrocks: grilo-plugins, libmediascanner, mediascanner, unity8 and unity-scope-mediascanner10:16
thostr_didrocks: those package bring thumbnailing and caching10:16
thostr_didrocks: however, to be able to test, you need to remove /home/phablet/.cache/mediascanner10:16
didrocksthostr_: all of them will be impacted by the fix?10:17
popeydidrocks: mail sent10:17
didrockspopey: thanks!10:17
Mirvindicators + unity stacks (minus mediascanner) published10:18
didrocksMirv: \o/ keep me posted how it's working with the release team10:18
thostr_didrocks: well, no. unity8 can still be updated10:20
thostr_didrocks: but the others we should land as a block10:20
thostr_didrocks: and, it's not a regression it seems, but something we need to fix nevertheless10:20
didrockssil2100: can you advance on the unity8 front?10:21
didrockssil2100: + other services but mediascanner10:21
jibeltyhicks, thanks for the dbus fix10:21
jibelvila, Mirv, sil2100, autopilot for daily release is back on intel and nvidia10:22
jibelmedia is currently running10:22
Mirvjibel, vila: wow, that was quite some push, nice to have those back10:23
sil2100jibel: thanks!10:23
sil2100didrocks: ok... but won't we need to re-run unity8 tests with the new mediascanner?10:24
vilajibel: great !10:24
didrockssil2100: no, it's more for the code we already have in10:24
vilajibel: can you elaborate a bit as I don't quite get what wasn't working, what you tried, what you fixed and why it's working now ?10:24
loolthostr_: It might be a good idea to update to what we have if the fix only comes in late today or monday10:25
loolthostr_: IIRC, it's a bug we already have, so unless it causes e.g. unity8 to crash when it used not to, we should update the stack to get all the benefits when it happens to work?10:25
loolthostr_: sil2100 was well underway in his testing10:25
thostr_lool: ok, then let's do that10:25
loolsil2100: Let's keep an eye on the ETA of the fix10:26
thostr_lool: and we're trying to get a fix asap10:26
loolthostr_: if you can get an ETA for the fix, we can decide whether to wait for it or not10:26
sil2100popey, psivaa: ok, let's test unity8 related stuff for now - please upgrade with the line as mentioned in the pastebinit and let's run unity8 autopilot, dogfooding and normal application APs10:26
loolthostr_: sil2100 is EU TZ and today is Friday, so he probably doesn't want to land this past 2pm UTC I'd guess -- sil2100?10:26
psivaasil2100: ack10:27
loolsil2100: when your ~EOD?10:27
sil2100lool: yes! Sadly, today I have an appoitment around 18 UTC, so I might have to EOD around that10:27
Mirvvila: jibel: swee-et, we has results10:27
didrocksasac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6221814/10:27
jibelvila, dbus was not working but upgrading in the container was not enough, so I decided to just rollback the container to the latest known good version to unblock the situation10:28
jibelvila, I didn't expect that nvidia wouldn't load in this configuration10:28
* lool lunch &10:28
Mirvdidrocks: notes_app + calendar_app 100% pass with qtdeclarative update10:28
jibelvila, during that time on new image has been publish with the dbus fix10:28
Mirvyeah I haven't eaten anything either and it's soon 2pm, hmm10:28
jibels/on new/a new10:28
Mirvthis would probably be a good(ish) time10:29
vilajibel: ack so far10:29
jibelvila, I restarted apps but it failed on missing deps in the stack definition10:30
jibelvila, and re-ran media which seems to be ok, so I removed the warkaroung10:30
vilajibel: ack (that bit I couldn't figure and start diverging from reality ;)10:30
vilajibel: from there new containers were created and we get succesful runs10:31
popeysil2100: ok10:31
vilajibel: so basically despite dist-upgrading the containers something was still missing that the new image gave us. Correct ?10:31
vilajibel: so basically despite dist-upgrading the containers (which Mirv did) something was still missing that the new image gave us. Correct ?10:32
psivaasil2100: popey: i'm thinking of taking the click app tests + unity8 +webbrowser so feel free to pick up the rest :)10:32
psivaaunity8 and webbrowser could do better with some overlapping10:33
popeypsivaa: will run unity810:33
popeypsivaa: sil2100 can i still use phablet-test-run for this or have things changed?10:33
psivaapopey: that still works :) with -n i suppose10:34
didrocksMirv: \o/ so sponsoring?10:35
Mirvdidrocks: yes please10:35
didrocksdoing in few minutes10:36
sil2100popey: I'm using phablet-test-run for for instance unity8 testing10:37
sil2100psivaa: ok ;)10:38
sil2100Since I want everyone of us to run unity810:38
sil2100I guess there might be failures anyway, but let's compare to the latest smoketesting10:38
didrocksMirv: are you still around for some more stacks then?10:49
popeysil2100: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6221897/ any use?10:52
psivaapopey: i *think we need to run 'stop powerd' before running the tests but not really sure10:53
popeypsivaa: sil2100 can you give me a set of steps to run to reliably run the tests pls?10:53
psivaasil2100: you'd be the best for this. i am also doing trial and error.. got 21 failures last10:54
loolCan you guys see the mediaplayer-app in the list of apps?10:58
loolI cant10:58
loolit's in the image10:58
loolin fact the installed list is quite small10:58
sil2100popey: shit ;/10:59
sil2100popey, psivaa: ran the tests as well twice, 22 failures10:59
psivaasil2100: popey: i ran 'stop powerd' before running for the second time and saw 'OK' in one of the tests.. did not complete yet11:00
psivaawill let you know the outcome in a bit11:00
sil2100psivaa: you think that's the way to go?11:00
psivaasil2100: i think in the smoke tests that's being done11:00
sil2100psivaa: if that's the case, I'll try that as well11:01
sil2100popey: ^11:01
psivaasil2100: popey: or if you could wait for 10 more minutes i'll confirm if it really worked :)11:01
asacdid we get 92 out?11:02
popeyyes asac11:02
* popey runs the test with powerd stopped11:02
asacstopping powerd?11:02
popeyasac: ignore me11:02
asacwhich tests are that?11:02
ogra_93 looks nice so far11:02
asacok ... maybe we have to put the screen in max brightness :)11:03
popeyooh, 93 is out?11:03
ogra_(not that the tests are very far yet)11:03
ogra_popey, on the dashboard11:03
popeywill update once these tests finish11:03
asacogra_: 92 looked similar from tha pass/fail at this stage last time. do we see less crashes as well?11:03
asacok as expected unity8 is still dying11:04
asacbut the maliit thing isnt everywhere ?11:04
Mirvdidrocks: right now, food. after that yes some more.11:05
sil2100popey, psivaa: with powerd disabled it doesn't look any better here at least in some way11:06
ogra_asac, but no maliit crashes yet ;)11:06
psivaasil2100: yea i get the same 21 failures.. damn11:06
sil2100The screen doesn't unlock itself ;/11:07
asacogra_: thumbs up!11:07
asacsil2100: if you disable powerd yuou first have to unlock screen11:07
asacotherwise its dead11:07
asacsil2100: the phone basically will stay in whatever state you have it when turning of powerd11:07
* cjwatson finally gets time to test click. landing now11:07
sil2100asac: but we restart unity8 every time11:07
asacsil2100: sure, just sayuing you need to turn the screen on before stopping powerd. otherwise it will never come back11:08
didrocksMirv: excellent! qtdeclarative sponsored btw11:08
sil2100psivaa: can you somehow learn how the smoketests run unity8 tests?11:08
sil2100asac: did that I guess11:08
ogra_asac, sil2100, well there is still bug 1238417 and https://code.launchpad.net/~veebers/unity8/ap_launch_unity_with_upstart/11:09
ubot5bug 1238417 in Mir "Unity does not process events from evdev device created before unity is restarted (autopilot tests)" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123841711:09
ogra_i wouldnt expect much to work without that11:09
didrocksyeah, we need that reviewed11:09
didrocksveebers is working on it this week-end (now then :p)11:09
sil2100ogra_: but how was that working like yesterday? Since I see some smoketesting tests from 10.10 that work11:09
didrockssil2100: it should at least starts and pass some tests11:10
sil2100didrocks: how are we supposed to run unity8 tests? We'll have to just do dogfooding + apps AP tests11:10
sil2100We cannot run any test successfully it seems sadly11:10
ogra_sil2100, it was working but will not start maliit if it isnt started via upstart11:10
ogra_sil2100, so all tests that involve OSK will be broken11:10
sil2100So we're blocked by something else then11:11
ogra_sil2100, no idea how the evdev part of this manifests though11:11
sil2100psivaa: can you check how they run the tests?11:11
psivaasil2100: doing that11:11
sil2100psivaa: thanks!11:11
asacsil2100: so unity8 APs are run with phablet-test-run -n unity811:12
asacwith using powerd-cli screen on11:12
asacor something before11:12
sil2100asac: we do that, 21 failures11:12
sil2100So only 1 test passing11:12
didrocksvila: around?11:12
viladidrocks: otp11:13
asacsil2100: so i think in worst case we can use utah scripts rather than phablet-test-run11:13
asacthose should have ALL we do in automation11:13
didrocksvila: anyway to break-lock lp:~ps-jenkins/webbrowser-app/latestsnapshot-0.22%2B13.10.20131011-0ubuntu1 without being ps-jenkins?11:13
asacsil2100: sergiusens knows how to set things up11:13
asacsil2100: utah basically does everything for you: flash phone etc.11:13
asacsil2100: do you test on mako?11:13
asacsil2100: on maguro the crashes will impact APs more because its slower11:13
viladidrocks: not that I know of without diving more, #launchpad ?11:14
sergiusensasac, hey, morning; for what?11:14
didrocksvila: I can workaround I guess11:14
asacsergiusens: how to run the stuff exact as utah does it.11:14
asaci feel if you use utah rather than phablet-test-run we get very close11:14
asacsergiusens: thats on image93?11:14
asacsil2100: ^^11:15
asacsil2100: did you try without our new staged changes?11:15
* asac installs unity8 AP from archive on maguro and runs11:15
asacGet:2 http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ saucy/universe unity8-autopilot all 7.82+13.10.20131010-0ubuntu1 [17.6 kB]11:15
asacdoanac: plars: sergiusens: so whagever we do we have to consolidate utah and phablet-test-run ASAP... all those hacks in utah have to move over or something11:16
asacit cant be that we dont know how stuff is run in utah11:16
asacnoone knows it seems11:16
asacev: ^^ :)11:16
asaci am mostly after the setup logic that seems to be doing things in utah that noone knows ohw its done11:17
asaca) unlock11:17
asacb) screen on11:17
asacc) other special stuff for utah etc.11:17
popeysil2100: psivaa FAILED (failures=21)11:17
popeywith powerd stopped11:17
sil2100Same here11:18
sil2100asac: trying with the display on thing11:18
asacsergiusens: so if i run phablet-test-run -n unity811:18
asacit doesnt seem to even kill unity11:18
asacat all11:18
asacsomething is broken for sure with phablet-test-run11:18
asaci guess since mir it doesnt work with -n anymore11:19
ogra_well, -n should just call initctl stop unity811:19
asaci think it does that11:19
sil2100display on might help!11:19
ogra_thats not Mir specific11:19
asacbut i saw the tests started according to adb/cli11:19
asacbut i still saw the unity with all those apps in there11:19
asacDisabling shell11:19
asacunity8 stop/waiting11:19
asacit says that11:19
ogra_you definitely need to switch the display on before killing powerd11:19
sil2100...or not...11:19
asacbut unity8 just continues to be on screen11:19
ogra_asac, Mir just doesnt wipe it11:20
sil2100No idea what to do to get the tests working11:20
asaci am sure powerd is a red herring again :)11:20
ogra_try touching it ;)11:20
asacnow the screen is blank11:20
thostr_didrocks: lool: coming back to the mediascanner issue: seems like some low level stuff still somehow using SF or trying to which causes time outs in gstreamer. so, this only happens under mir... we're investigating more11:20
sergiusensasac, is it being bloecked by maliit-server?11:20
asacsergiusens: how can i find out ?11:20
didrocksthostr_: ok, we publish the rest but mediascanner as soon as sil2100 finishes testing11:20
sergiusensinitctl list11:21
sergiusensor status11:21
sergiusensone sec11:21
ogra_sergiusens, thats fixed11:21
ogra_(or supposed to be)11:21
thostr_didrocks: yes, as it seem proper fix needs to happen somewhere else11:21
ogra_(in #93)11:21
asaci dont know ... i think i have 9311:22
* asac updates11:22
ogra_heh, if you can update you dont have 9311:23
asaci know i dont have 9311:23
asacstill i see good unity8 results on 9211:23
asacin dashboard, so ...11:23
ogra_but also a maliit crash when stopping it i bet11:23
psivaasil2100: popey just to let you  know, when i ran one test alone it passed: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6221958/11:26
psivaastill working on to make all run together11:26
=== gatox is now known as gatox_brb
sil2100psivaa: ;/11:30
didrocksasac: can we shift this Mir meeting half an hour later?11:54
asacdidrocks: of course11:54
=== gatox_brb is now known as gatox
asacdidrocks: but the earlier the more time thostr_ and rsalveti have to clear the road for monday :)11:55
didrocksasac: I think thostr_ is busy on mediacsanner :)11:55
didrocksasac: just need to run outside now that everything is under control for my own sanity ;)11:55
asacdidrocks: rigfht. but its part of the media11:55
asacMM stry11:55
asacdidrocks: ok talk later11:55
asacwill move by 3011:55
didrocks(meanwhile apps published)11:55
viladidrocks: did you sort out the lock issue ? Probably too late for me to try digging so just on the post mortem pov: what was the problem ? A pending lock ? Or a bzr operation hanging ? (I think both should recover automatically) Or something else ?12:00
didrocksvila: a bzr operation hanging and cancelled12:01
evasac: Sorry, was on a call. I'll kick off a discussion about getting that resolved.12:01
didrocksthen, not possible to push again12:01
asacev: yeahg. very important topic :)12:01
asaclike all this consolidation and getting some automation at the daily-release stage :)12:01
* asac goes for lunch12:02
viladidrocks: any job I can look at for reference ? I kind of understand this is not supported if the client is killed with prejudice but could use some more concrete data ;)12:02
viladidrocks: in any case, if you have write access I think you can just 'bzr break-lock' if you know what you're doing12:04
psivaasil2100: popey: so this is working for me: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6222107/12:07
psivaajust in case if you are still waiting :)12:07
psivaaif you get a device not found error, please retry :)12:08
* vila breaks for lunch12:09
thostr_didrocks: what's the status on updating click package scope?12:12
psivaasil2100: popey: i got 16 passes (including 2 system settle) and 8 failures in this way.12:16
Mirvis anyone aware of any other UI Toolkit branch that is wanted to be manually merged than lp:~jpakkane/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/video-image ? see https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/trunk/+activereviews12:18
Mirvif not, I'll merge only that and build12:18
sergiusens@ci hey, this has been stuck for a while
psivaasergiusens: aborted that. the rest have run12:24
ogra_cjwatson, do you think that would work ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6222163/12:24
cjwatsonogra_: That's probably OK if you check that the formats match up, but please drop the separator12:26
ogra_cjwatson, the heading you mean ? ok12:27
cjwatsonogra_: I don't think it's helpful to have a separator in there breaking the format - better for consumers to be aware that the package names might be either .deb or .click12:27
ogra_yeah, sorry, i looked at my diff instead of the actual manifest file :)12:27
cjwatsonIMO anyway12:27
ogra_yeah, you are right12:28
sil2100psivaa: ok, makes sense, let me try that - I was dogfooding in the meantime, running other tests as well12:29
loolthostr_: it sounds like the fix might not be in your stack but in gst stack, and that it will take some time to land it; would you agree we should land current stack and keep tracking this issue for a later landing?12:29
loolsil2100: ^12:29
looldidrocks: ^12:29
loolso I'm dogfooding the phone much more now that I've put my SIM card in it12:29
loolI'm spotting a bunch of issues12:29
psivaasil2100: in fact the unity8 has 16 passed.. identical to the smoke tests12:29
sil2100lool: I'm fine with that12:30
sil2100psivaa: it's running here as well, let me see if I get the same12:30
loolsil2100: let's wait for didrocks and thostr_ green lights, but then I personally think you should proceed with what we have12:30
loologra_, popey: Do you guys see mediaplayer-app or dropping-letters in #92?12:31
loolI dont12:31
Mirvok SDK team doesn't know of any other branches either (I'm in a hangout with them), so I guess that's it12:31
ogra_lool, i'm on 93 and see them12:31
thostr_lool: yes, agreeing. afterall, this is not about regressions, but things we uncovered never worked12:31
loologra_: updating12:32
loologra_: I see dropping letters fro mtime to time but not mediaplayer12:33
loolso many images12:33
loolah it didn't pick up wifi when I walked back home12:33
ogra_i think cyphermox has a NM upload pending12:34
sergiusenslool, what do you mean you don't see dropping letters?12:34
loolsergiusens: my Installed list was very truncated, but then it got longer again12:34
sergiusenslool, launching or in the image? The click test should fail if it's not in for come weird reason12:34
loolsergiusens: in the list of installed apps12:34
ogra_does click list have it ?12:35
loolsergiusens: I think it's just unity8 / scopes bugs, I've confirmed the packges are there12:35
sergiusenslool, ack; it's still listed with click list for phablet, right?12:35
loolI see it from time to time12:35
loolI never see mediaplayer-app though12:35
ogra_they are just shy12:35
loolbut I checked the .desktop file and it's not hidden in anyway12:35
loolah here's another bug12:35
ogra_hmm i dont see mediaplayer either12:36
ogra_since when should that be visible ?12:36
ogra_(i konw it wanst in the past since it has no file selector)12:37
* Mirv launched SDK build12:37
loologra_: it's been made visible some weeks back becuase upstart-app-launch wouldn't want to open URLs with it if it wasn't user visible12:41
looldidrocks, sil2100: So either someone sneaked in something clever somewhere to rehide mediaplayer-app, or we have some scopes/unity8 bug where some apps (mediaplayer is one, there might be others) are hidden12:42
ogra_lool, i honestly have never seen it12:42
* ogra_ wonders how the icon is supposed to look likr12:43
sil2100lool: I must say that I never remember seeing mediaplayer recently in the scope12:44
sil2100lool: since a few weeks I have been trying to find it in the list of apps but all I saw was music-app, and I thought that's normal actually (known 'feature'/bug)12:44
loolsil2100: I remember when mediaplayer-app was added12:44
looland the debate on whether it should be visible or not12:45
loolthis was 10 days ago or so12:45
lool  [ Bill Filler ]12:45
lool  * remove NoDisplay=true so that it can be launched via upstart-app-12:45
lool    launch12:45
lool -- Ubuntu daily release <ps-jenkins@lists.canonical.com>  Mon, 30 Sep 2013 12:39:52 +000012:45
loolbut then not when it disappeared12:45
sil2100Oh oh, missed that one then12:46
loolsil2100: but perhaps it's intentional12:46
loolit might be a regression or not12:46
loolI see we've dropped the share button from mediaplayer-app12:46
loolI guess this is to prepare removal of share-app12:46
loologra_: who sent the request to unseed share-app?12:47
loolso I found my phone off in my pocket12:47
ogra_lool, several people12:47
loolit didn't seem to be out of battery12:47
ogra_lool, i had 3 identical MPs12:47
loolthis morning it was a bit hot after 20mn in my pocket with screne off12:47
ogra_lool, bfiller, sergiusens and teg12:47
loologra_: do you know where the decision to axe it comes from?12:47
looljust curious cause I've missed this conversation12:48
ogra_lool, it isnt used anymore ... it was dropped once and somehow came back by accident12:48
loologra_: ooohhh12:48
loologra_: great12:48
loologra_: then I'm not worried12:48
ogra_lool, it was supposed to be gone when the dialer/contacts/messages app split happened iirc12:48
loolI see12:48
loologra_: great12:49
ogra_looong ago :)12:49
sergiusensogra_, lool share-app was removed on 9/11 and accidentally added back12:51
sergiusensogra_, lool it's an sdk component now12:51
ogra_now its gone again :=12:51
sergiusenshas been for a while12:51
looluh the screen turned black while I was using the phone and I had to hard stop it12:57
loolsergiusens: 9/11 uh12:57
loolthat's why12:57
psivaasergiusens: lool: i get this when i run phablet-click-test-setup on a ppa enabled device: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6222284/12:58
psivaaany remedy?12:58
plarsasac: what's the issue that your seeing with utah? I'd be happy to walk through what it does but there's really not so much hackery as you think12:59
loolpsivaa: apt-get update on the device?12:59
psivaalool: i did that. and still no improvement12:59
plarsasac: there are 2 scripts that get run in the jenkins jobs: 1. provision.sh  2. jenkins.sh12:59
loolpsivaa: ah13:01
loolpsivaa: this is an unity8 version from PPA13:01
loolpsivaa: so pull-lp-source can't find it in primary-archive13:01
plarsasac: provision.sh is mostly a frontend to phablet-flash and phablet-network. It makes sure they both get called, it also makes sure we know what version is installed and puts that in an easy-to-find place under /home/phablet so that all the jobs can get the correct tag so the version numbers look right in the dashboard13:01
loolpsivaa: you'll either have to hack things badly, or to downgrade unity8 from PPA to archive version13:01
psivaalool: ok, downgrading unity8 will defeat the purpose of testing i am doing, which is image 93 + unity ppa packages13:02
sil2100popey: ping13:02
sergiusenspsivaa, ppa is not supported13:02
plarsasac: oh, provision.sh also now calls phablet-click-test-setup - which is needed for testing the click tests... so it really just handles all the provisioning steps needed for the device13:02
sergiusenspsivaa, you can edit the script and remove the unity8 line from the packages to retrieve13:03
psivaasergiusens: ok, thanks will do that13:03
plarsasac: the last thing that provision.sh does, is something you may see as a hack or a bandaid - it does a dbus call to turn off the intro screen that comes up now13:03
plarsasac: jenkins.sh first reboots the device in preparation for testing, uses powerd-cli to ensure that the display comes on (as we discussed yesterday),  and makes sure we have the image installed that we thought was supposed to be there (sanity check)13:05
plarsasac: then after making sure the device is really up, and that we really believe we have a functioning network, it calls utah, telling it all the places it needs to pull logs from, the test name to run, etc13:06
plarsasac: utah doesn't really do that much, it gives us a simple way of defining the tests and it gathers the logfiles and gives us the results in a consistent way that the dashboard knows how to interpret13:07
asacev: doanac: .. ok see above with plars. i believe we need to do somethin very soon to get rid of this problem (e.g. utah doing something, but others doing something else)13:07
asacmaybe the answer is: standardize on using utah rather than phablet-test-run, but maybe there is something easier13:07
asacit must be super easy to use ... RUNTEST package-name -> does the right thing13:08
asacanyway, think we talked about this at length13:08
plarsasac: do you have a specific example? we do intend to call phablet-test-run from utah rather than autopilot directly, maybe that will help, but if you have a specific problem it would help us to ensure that it gets addressed13:08
asacso just hope we get a plan what to do13:08
asacplars: that was the idea for month'13:08
asacit didnt happen13:08
asachence we still have the problem13:08
asacso maybe its the wrong idea13:08
asacor we just dropped the ball or we had no time :)13:09
plarsasac: doanac has a branch that does most of that conversion already, but said he had some problem with it, we can try to take a look today and see if its something that can be resolved quickly. I do often try things with phablet-test-run at home and don't normally see any difference from what I get when I run things with our ci scripts13:10
plarsasac: but if you have a case where you're seeing that happen, I'd like to investigate why13:10
asacplars: we had those cases yesterday13:11
asacits always there13:11
asacwe still have to manually unlock etc.13:11
asaci dont want to investigate more cases and fix/bandaid them13:11
loolasac: can't believe the swipe left/right while scrolling up/down thing is already fix committed13:11
asaci want a bullet proof solution that always does the same thing13:12
asacthat can be done without investigating more cases imo13:12
asacjust ensure there is no special code in utah13:12
asacthen we are done13:12
plarsasac: so this is about the unlocking before running a test?13:12
asacits not a specific case13:12
didrocksthostr_: click package scope is done, see the landing plan, it should be crossed13:12
didrocksvila: I didn't have write access, hence the issue :p13:12
asacutah should do nothing special but flashing and booting and then use something else for everything else13:12
asacand this something else is what everyone else also uses13:12
viladidrocks: ha crap, still remember which job encountered the issue ?13:13
asacplars: anyway, just put it on the discussion agenda with ev doanac fginther and the rest of the team. i doubt that there can be any real doubts about the requirements.13:13
didrocksvila: it was a publishing job, don't remember the stack (and focusing on the rest ;))13:13
plarsasac: none of the code I just described was in utah, it is in our ci scripts. and we had to do it because it wasn't happening anywhere else. I thought it was generally agreed a long time ago that phablet-test-run was an equally bad place to do it, but until it gets done in autopilot, we have to have something that does it13:13
thostr_didrocks: that includes also removal of old app lens scope?13:13
didrockssil2100: give me good news! what's up?13:13
didrocksthostr_: yep13:13
didrocksthostr_: this is already in image 9213:13
asacplars: ci script is for me in utah as well... just replace utah with "anything special we do in utah or our infrastructure"13:14
asacplars: well, we discuss for month' ... i am just hear saying we must start deciding and doing13:14
thostr_didrocks: thansk13:14
asacall i want to ensure that the ball is carried on13:14
asacfeels for me this got stalled13:14
plarsasac: so we can either keep it in our scripts as it's working, or we can do the work to convert our scripts to run phablet-test-run (already in progress) and also move all the unlocking to phablet-test-run. But we'd still have to deal with the problem we dealt with yesterday of turning the display on early - probably before we get to phablet-test-run13:14
viladidrocks: ack, let's try to collect that data next time. I may be able to find it differently but not right now.13:14
fgintherdidrocks, there is a mir merge back here that is not approved, is that expected? https://code.launchpad.net/~ps-jenkins13:16
josephtplars: what's preventing it getting done in autopilot? resources?13:16
plarsjosepht: I thought that was the plan all along, but I wasn't involved in a lot of those discussions so I don't know the details. At some point it was supposed to be done there, then I heard it wasn't possible to do in autopilot right now though and we were back to square one.13:18
didrocksfginther: I guess it's part of the issue I talk to vila about, you can remove it13:18
vilaha an entry point may be13:19
vilafginther: url ?13:19
fginthervila, https://code.launchpad.net/~ps-jenkins13:19
vilafginther: sorry, I meant a recent job where bzr did hang13:20
plarsasac: also, I'm not sure if you saw my messages or heard me mention during the call yesterday - the new unlock method you mentioned using dbus is dependent on a package we don't yet install in the images: unity-greeter-session-broadcast13:20
sil2100didrocks: hm, still fighting with psivaa to get sensful results for unity8, but I think I got some now!13:21
fginthervila, ah. was missing the context13:21
asacplars: so we forgot to add that?13:21
vilafginther: yeah, sorry, my bad13:21
sil2100psivaa: how many failures you got?13:21
asacplars: anyway. ignore that. we have to live for the next few days with what we have13:22
didrockssil2100: I will be interested in the whole story then :)13:22
plarsasac: no, we could add it but it's not supported by the images yet, do you know if there is still a plan to include unity-greeter-session-broadcast?13:22
didrockssil2100: so you are testing all services + unity8 (everything bu media-scanner)13:22
asacplars: well, we wanted to add it 2-3 weeks ago13:22
asacnow its too late13:22
asacnot sure why noone asked that we needed it ... guess it just drowned in the noise :)13:22
plarsasac: well, we can unlock either way13:23
fginthervila, perhaps?13:23
plarsasac: I was just told that once this was in, it would be the preferred method. but it's still not in, so...13:23
plarsasac: how about this13:23
asacplars: we wanted to use this unlock feature. i even stressed folks like mterry to get this feature for us13:23
asacand then we didnt use it13:23
sil2100popey: ping13:23
asacno big problem, just definitely a fail13:23
plarsasac: sergiusens can we add an option to phablet-test-run to unlock the same way we are doing it now? Then we can direct people to use that option if they are running phablet-test-run by hand, and in the meantime it can be on or off while we get the patches into shape that convert our ci scripts to call phablet-test-run13:25
popeysil2100: pong13:25
asacplars: lets defer it until next week13:25
asacits too late for all this. this topic was just dropped sometimes in the back13:25
sil2100didrocks: so, it seems that with Mir enabled we cannot run unity8 tests normally - psivaa found a way of doing it, but it's error-prone13:25
asacwhich is the part i want to prevent happening again13:25
plarsasac: wasn't there something else depending on unity-greeter-session-broadcast though? I was under the impression it was going in because it was needed - I don't think it was just for unlocking13:25
sil2100I tried running other tests in the meantime which had 100% pass rate in smoketesting and all was fine13:25
asaci dont know13:25
sil2100popey: so, we found a way to run unity8 tests!13:26
sil2100popey: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6222311/13:26
didrockssil2100: how is UTAH running it then?13:26
sil2100popey: psivaa found this method, I tried it and after a few tries it works in the end13:26
didrocksasac: did you get answer on that from doanac? ^13:26
sil2100didrocks: no idea what they're doing, but for testing we're actually doing what UTAH is doing - we're installing utah locally and running the jenkins.sh for unity8-autopilot13:27
plarssil2100: that's how the ci scripts work13:27
didrockssil2100: can you document that on the wiki?13:27
didrockssil2100: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Testing#Testing_your_Ubuntu_Touch_Code_before_submission13:27
didrocksadd an unity8 section13:28
didrockswith what to install and so on13:28
evasac: on deferring it to next week, do you want a meeting where we can flesh out some action items?13:28
evso that this doesn't get dropped on the floor again13:28
sil2100Ok, psivaa if you don't mind I'll paste your solution there13:28
plarssil2100:  if you do the same things jenkins.sh does for setup (ensure the display is on), you don't get the same results as we started getting yesterday on unity8 tests by running phablet-test-run?13:28
plarsev: +113:28
psivaasil2100: sure go ahead :)13:29
vilafginther: nope, didrocks mentioned a push failing but the branch there is not the right one, don't worry, I only asked in case you were already on such a job13:29
sil2100plars: I got 7 failures and 17 passes, so it's the same result as on smoketesting13:29
didrockssil2100: great! so services + unity8 are good to go in?13:30
popeysil2100: ok, can test that13:30
plarssil2100: ok, good... from what asac was saying I thought this was the issue he was talking about but maybe not13:30
sil2100didrocks: btw. regarding mediascanner tests - we not including that? I thought lool said that after the analysis that thostr_ made, we'll be pushing what we have now13:30
didrockssil2100: everything but not mediascanner13:30
sil2100So thumbnailer yes?13:31
didrocksthostr_: ^13:31
sil2100I thought all is ok as we have in trunks - that it's ok, but just not fixing all issues13:31
thostr_sil2100: didrocks: we said we'll push everthing for now as it's not really regressing13:31
didrockssil2100: did you confirm the non regression?13:31
thostr_thostr_: the issues we're seeing have been there forever13:31
looldidrocks: it's strictly better than what we have13:33
didrockssil2100: ok, if it doesn't regress, please push what we listed then13:33
looldidrocks: but we wont get the bug fix for a newly uncovered bug today13:33
lool(bug is already in current image AIUI)13:33
sil2100didrocks: not yet, but testing didn't reveal anything new at least13:33
sergiusensplars, yes we can, only reason it was never added was because we never defined where it was supposed to be13:33
sil2100didrocks: right, we'll push it once popey ACKs ;)13:34
sergiusensplars, if you have something written up; get the MR and I'll test/happrove13:34
didrockslool: do you have the reference for it?13:34
sil2100popey: hope you're already running the tests ^ ? ;)13:34
didrockssil2100: great!13:34
* didrocks stare at popey13:34
popeyjust setting up now13:34
looldidrocks: sergiusens is preapring the daily release changes, but we will lose the .deb builds, no issue with that I guess?13:34
loolthostr_: bug id for new bug?13:34
looldidrocks: I dont13:34
plarssergiusens: well I thought the agreement was that it should go into autopilot but doanac would have more details about that. I was recently told that's not possible though. Let's talk to him when he gets in and make sure we have a sane plan for the time being.13:34
thostr_lool: for mediascanner? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mediascanner/+bug/1238599 will add another one, because there's yet another one :(13:37
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1238599 in mediascanner (Ubuntu) "mediascanner hangs" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:37
didrockslool: no issue at all13:38
didrocksthostr_: you think the fix will be a monday thing?13:38
thostr_didrocks: i hope we could fix it still today13:38
didrocksthostr_: ok, keep us posted13:39
popeysil2100: do i need to kill powerd?13:39
thostr_didrocks: it just takes a while to get the stack right now need to build with debug13:39
didrocksthostr_: yep, I imagine, no worry13:39
sil2100popey: no no13:40
sil2100popey: just do what the pastebinit says13:40
sil2100popey: of course, the -s needs to be different (or not provided)13:40
sil2100Since it's the device of psivaa13:40
sil2100popey: sometimes you need to try a few times before it works13:41
popeysil2100: uhm, the paste isnt clear, is utah installed on device or laptop?13:41
looldidrocks, sergiusens: smooch   <313:41
sil2100popey: it's all on host, not the device13:41
loolI'm going to school to pick up my son, then I'll pop by shortly and call it a day13:41
sil2100popey: since you do adb push ;)13:41
sil2100I'll clear it up on the wiki13:41
sergiusensdidrocks, I'll ping you in an hour or so13:41
loolI'll check a bit in the evening and over week-end13:42
loolyou guys keep rocking the boat cause frankly I'm baffled with the stuff landing; it's awesome13:42
didrockssergiusens: excellent, thanks man :)13:42
popeysil2100: running13:46
kgunnfginther: got a moment for a theory discussion ?13:46
fgintherkgunn, sure13:46
didrockspopey: s/running/passing/13:46
* didrocks updates popey's vocabulary :p13:46
popeyoptimistic as ever13:47
didrocksheh ;)13:47
kgunnfginther: so...not sure who the right person to talk to is...maybe didrocks has an opinion here as well....but13:47
didrockstoday is the perfect day13:47
didrockswe have tons of stuff landing13:47
didrockseverything is fine13:47
sil2100We love Friday releases13:47
kgunnas we are approaching freeze on touch...i assume we will need to branch13:47
didrocksI didn't get a ping from the Mir's team yet13:47
didrocksoh wait!13:47
kgunndidrocks: PING...now your day is complete13:47
didrockskgunn: not yet, we are all focusing on touch saucy right now13:48
didrockskgunn: we are discussing about how to handle T and upgrading today in fact13:48
didrocksso let's sync that next week?13:48
didrockslet's rock the Mir perf fix first I guess :)13:48
kgunndidrocks: ok...surely we will branch....(worrying about mir & unity8 & unity-mir)....so just want to know...is it lp:~team/project-T...or lp:project/project-T13:49
kgunnand i know you guys have some quid pro quos wrt that13:49
didrockskgunn: I like (as we don't have stable name) lp:~team/project-name/13.10, and so lp:project-name/13.10 is pointing to it13:50
didrocksthen lp:project-name will be 14.0413:50
didrocksthe new trunk13:50
didrockskgunn: that way you keep all MP against 14.0413:50
kgunnSaviq: ^ eventually13:52
Mirvcool that the desktop autopilots are back, happy to see green at cu2d as well13:52
didrocksMirv: yeah, it will be a nice way to end the week :)13:53
Saviqkgunn, didrocks k13:53
didrocksthanks jibel, stgraber and jdstrand :)13:53
fgintherkgunn, glad to help13:53
Mirvdidrocks: updtaing the landing asks since I merged and built the SDK default thumbnail branch, and adding that qtubuntu-sensors is in the same landing #13:56
didrocksMirv: I changed the description + test, but good! thanks :)13:57
* lool &13:57
Mirvdidrocks: yeah I noticed13:57
Mirvmy only problem is scheduling but I've now everything ready except test results, which I'm running starting now13:59
didrocksMirv: let's cross fingers!13:59
sil2100popey: how's the testing going?14:00
popeysil2100: still running I think..14:01
popeymaybe not14:01
Mirvthe good thing about SDK is that the trunk is not scary thanks to the stopped automerging14:01
popey13:50:44.108 INFO testcase:554 - Killing process 440414:01
popeythats the last output14:01
popeysil2100:  it's just sat there ☻14:02
evasac: I've made you optional on the meeting, just in case you have further thoughts. If not, we'll take it from here.14:02
sil2100popey: ok, so it means it hanged up ;)14:02
sil2100popey: you need to kill it and re-run!14:02
sil2100popey: psivaa said that tends to happen and re-runs help ;p14:03
plarsballoons: ping14:05
jdstranddidrocks: it was tyhicks who did the heavy lifting on my team. I only tested and advocated14:06
dobeylool: can i upload ubuntuone-credentials with our fixes for touch to ubuntu now?14:06
didrockstyhicks: thanks then! :)14:06
asacev: which meeting?14:06
Mirvdidrocks: ui-toolkit AP still gets Killed with updated Unity8 (unity-mir not updated), some others not14:06
didrocksjdstrand: testing is still a great assess. Thanks for the good news of the eow! :)14:06
plarsballoons: do you know what's going on with the new event test failing on calendar under mir only?14:07
didrocksMirv: ok, try to reboot between tests then14:07
evasac: to resolve this phablet-test-run produces different results issue14:07
didrocksMirv: I meant, between each app test14:07
jdstrandtyhicks: fyi, testing is back to green ^ nice job :)14:07
Mirvdidrocks: it was the first test and got killed14:07
evI want to make sure we understand what needs to get done and then divvy up the work14:08
didrocksMirv: argh, not good :/14:09
Mirvdidrocks: there are 60 tests there in ubuntuuitoolkit so a lot14:09
didrockshum, can be linked then14:09
MirvI'm getting a lot of 100% OK results from smaller apps14:09
didrocksMirv: then adb shell14:09
didrocksto check unity8 mem size14:10
plarsballoons: also music app seems to have 2 failures with both mir and sf since image 90 - I think maybe it's related to https://bugs.launchpad.net/music-app/+bug/1235475 ?14:12
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1235475 in Ubuntu Music App "Autopilot Tests fail with Upstream SDK" [Critical,New]14:12
asacev: yeah. i dont want to be part of that discussion again :)14:14
asaci will only make people including me feel uncomfortable and14:14
asacsimple rule is: if there is something that needs checking individual cases then we are on wrong track :)14:14
asace.g. why is something not working good in utah while people see better results in manual14:14
plarsballoons: oh wait, sheesh, I see the error there14:15
sergiusensballoons, did you get to the filemanager test issues while on click?14:16
doanacsergiusens, plars: reading backlog - you guys wondering what I know about screen unlock?14:17
popeyERROR: FAIL: Not all tests passed14:17
Mirvvila: jibel: I don't know what's happening there but seems stuck
Mirvnvidia finished fine which is nice14:19
plarsdoanac: yes14:19
thostr_didrocks: sil2100: when will #94 be available?14:20
doanacplars, sergiusens : i've never made any progress getting this fixed where it should be.14:20
plarssergiusens: I think https://code.launchpad.net/~music-app-dev/music-app/expandable-and-more/+merge/189483 has the fix for the typo that is preventing music-app from passing, but it seems to be growing a large history quickly. I see you commented on it recently, do you think it's going to land soon?14:20
didrocksthostr_: it will start building when rsalveti will finish the MM stuff (so will start building in ~2 hours)14:20
sergiusensplars, no I don't think it is14:20
thostr_didrocks: ok, thanks14:21
sergiusensplars, and they broke my click integration as well14:21
plarssergiusens: do you think it's worth it for me to just propose a simple fix for the untits typo that's preventing those tests from working then?14:21
popeysil2100: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6222590/ can you parse that gibberish? ☻14:21
sil2100popey: oh shit14:21
sil2100popey: 22 failures, 2 passes14:21
sergiusensplars, tests are completely broken for when it's a click app btw14:21
sil2100What did you dooo?!14:21
sil2100psivaa: ^14:21
plarssergiusens: :(14:21
plarssergiusens: but it's not a click app yet, it would at least reduce the noise a bit14:22
popeysil2100: followed your instructions ☻14:22
sergiusensplars, I had a semi working MR for that and I was broken by a refactor :-/14:22
sergiusensplars, well it has to be or it won't be on the image next week ;-)14:22
sil2100popey: let's just agree your test results never existed, we like swiping dirt under our carpets ;D14:23
sil2100popey: could you try again? One last time I would say14:29
sil2100Since maybe it had issues with screen-unlocking or something14:29
popeywill reboot, unlock, run tests14:29
* fginther will be back in a bit14:29
vilaMirv: rings no bell except it looks like nothing is happening inside the container14:31
vilaMirv: the timeout is set to 330 (wasn't it 120 yesterday or was it somewhere else ??)14:32
popeysil2100: seeing nothing on screen here14:36
sil2100popey: press the power button just in case14:37
popeyi did14:37
popeyah, now I see somethiong14:37
didrocksogra_: I retried ubuntu-touch-meta on amd64, it had chroot issues14:38
popeysil2100: this just isn't working, sorry.14:39
ogra_didrocks, ?14:40
didrocksogra_: it was happily waiting in proposed, I had a look and it failed on amd6414:40
sergiusens@ci can I get this merged? https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/ubuntu-terminal-app/click_improvements/+merge/19068614:41
didrocksyw ;)14:41
* ogra_ wonders why he didnt get a mail for the failure14:41
plarsballoons, psivaa: clock looks like it started failing on all tests today with both sf and mir, was there an update to the click package from yesterday?14:41
psivaaplars: let me run that locally.. dont know if there is any updates14:43
sil2100psivaa: you see any problems regarding releasing the unity8 stack?14:43
sil2100psivaa: or is it relatively green light from you as well?14:43
psivaasil2100: my testing so far has not been worse than 93 alone. so i would say that's a green14:44
balloonsplars, I believe it was updated a couple days ago, test-wise, but let's see14:44
sil2100Ok, I'll finish one last test suite and release then14:46
didrocksMirv: do you think you will go through this sdk + qtubuntu-sensors today?14:47
plarspsivaa, balloons, asac: terminal app had a failed test on mako (focusing on that right now), but it went back green on the retry14:48
plarsballoons: weather app is down to one failure, not sure how much is just flakiness or if it really got better14:49
plarsI'm going to try that one locally rather than rerunning, lest I just end up making it worse14:49
Mirvdidrocks: continuing, yes, trying to pick pieces of needed test results while doing also other stuff. so ETA 1h or so.14:53
didrocksMirv: rocking! thanks a lot dude :)14:53
balloonsplars, I haven't touched it.. but it seems that anything that enters text under Mir is having issues with Mir.. the entered text doesn't seem to line up with what AP is sending14:53
didrocksMirv: looking good until now?14:53
psivaaplars: clock app tests failed locally as well14:55
sergiusensfginther, i really need this in https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/ubuntu-terminal-app/click_improvements/+merge/19068614:55
alf_@ci I get a strange failure in https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mir-saucy-amd64-ci/835/console14:56
sergiusensfginther, hmm, it's merged, nevermind :-)14:57
* ogra_ grumbles watching the orange LED of death on mis mako14:58
didrockssil2100: done? we can publish everything?15:00
didrocksslangasek: oh btw, you can remove your hint for rsalveti's gstreamer/android/hybris15:00
sergiusensdidrocks, landing asks https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/ubuntu/saucy/lxc-android-config/no_appmanager_process_on_mir/+merge/19069215:02
sil2100didrocks: I would say done, wanted psivaa to test one last thing for me - waiting for a sign from him15:02
didrockssergiusens: just saving memory or fixing a bug?15:03
sergiusensdidrocks, I'll leave that for ricmm; but we might have unintended consequences if we run that for a while with mir15:04
looldidrocks: dobey had an ubuntuone-credentials upload to fix some issues with account handling in the UI, is it ok to upload?  I had postponed to at least after Mir stabilization15:04
didrockssergiusens: can you add a landing ask on the spreadsheet and update once ricmm has more info?15:04
vilaalf_: said line has 3 spaces between email and date instead of 2 for the other similar lines, didrocks ? typo ?15:04
didrockssergiusens: just to decide if it's today or if we handle that on Monday15:05
sergiusensdidrocks, I can't, I don't have write access15:05
sergiusensrsalveti, ^^15:05
didrocksvila: hum?15:05
viladidrocks: <alf_> @ci I get a strange failure in https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mir-saucy-amd64-ci/835/console15:05
didrockslool: which landing ask?15:05
viladidrocks: parsechangelog/debian: warning:     debian/changelog(l11): badly formatted trailer line15:05
didrocksvila: this is not upstream merger but fghinter, want me to have a look?15:05
vilaLINE:  -- Ubuntu daily release <ps-jenkins@lists.canonical.com>   Fri, 11 Oct 2013 06:59:30 +000015:05
looldidrocks: it's mixed with other things from r.alsina15:05
didrocksyeah, you need 2 spaces15:05
didrocksvila: ^15:05
looldidrocks: but it's actually independent15:05
looldidrocks: I think we landed the rest of the click stack15:06
viladidrocks: annotation says you did the commit ?15:06
loolah no we didn't15:06
didrockslool: can we get a proper ask on the spreadsheet?15:06
looldidrocks: ask is 15815:06
didrocksvila: oh that one (sorry, dealing with 100 stuff as you can see just on that channel), yeah, probably a typo when merging back15:06
didrocksfixing it15:06
viladidrocks: can that just be fixed  (remove spurious space) by alf_ ?15:06
dobeylool: yeah, we need a new daily-release of unity-scope-click to get the other half landed15:06
didrocksvila: yeah, please alf_ do it ;)15:07
looldobey: the click-scope and u1-credentials updates are completely independent yes?15:07
viladidrocks: sure, no stone thrown, again, just trying to understand15:07
dobeylool: yes15:07
looldobey: which bzr rev?15:07
looldobey: we have latest bzr rev 76 in PPA: http://people.canonical.com/~platform/cu2d/results15:07
didrockslool: so, everything is listed in?15:07
dobeylool: r76 needs to be included in the unity-scope-click landing15:07
didrockslool: we have nobody free to handle it before robru comes15:07
looldidrocks: yes, do you want us to update click scope too?15:07
Mirvdidrocks: probably dropping qtubuntu-sensors from agenda, I don't see/hear/feel any feedback on mako15:08
didrockslool: aren't you in week-end? :)15:08
looldidrocks: I thought we were landing the app + click scopes today actually15:08
didrocksMirv: ok, keep them posted on that and please go on15:08
Mirvdidrocks: if there's someone who can do manual testing by updating qtubuntu-sensors, then that's welcome, I'll concentrate on the SDK15:08
looldidrocks: Yeah, I said I check from time to time and I'm trying to answer pings blocking on me (when they shouldn't  ;-)15:08
Mirvdidrocks: yeah pinged kalikiana but not sure if he's around anymore15:08
didrockslool: well, no, see the landing plan, we try to go as for as we can15:08
didrockslool: we had issues, but landed 40 packages15:08
looldidrocks: looking15:09
didrocksMirv: ok, let me annotate the landing15:09
Mirvdidrocks: ok reportedly maybe workd on maguro, at least kalikiana says so. but nothing happens on mako - although if nothing means no problems, then I guess it could be ok if someone tests on maguro15:09
didrocksMirv: annotated15:10
looldidrocks: I actually see scope-click made it in image #92 according to plan15:10
didrocksogra_: "Fix maliit shutdown crasher" which package was the stop in already?15:11
didrockslool: scope-click alone15:11
didrockslool: not the app15:11
looldidrocks: Ok I see now that dobey has landed one last revision to scope-click (r76); I think I'll add that to the ubuntuone-credentials thing15:11
ogra_didrocks, ubuntu-touch-session15:12
dobeylool: ralsina added the bug that rev fixes to the ask in the spreasheet, earlier15:12
didrocksogra_: 0.80, right?15:12
ralsinalool, dobey: yes, I added it15:13
ralsinaask 15815:13
ogra_didrocks, right15:13
didrockslool: you are going to help them in that landing? (you assigned dobey, I don't think he can release the click scope)15:15
looldidrocks: I've added a new landing slot for scope-click last bzr revision + ubuntuone-credentials; I can help with it15:15
looldidrocks: yeah, I'm adding myself now15:15
didrockslool: please image 9515:15
sil2100didrocks: ok, things are fine, let's publish \o/15:15
looldidrocks: I listed him as PoC; note that u1-credentials is not CI-ed15:15
vilaMirv: some activity on suggests the job is not dead but encounter an issue with... unity ?15:15
looldidrocks: Ok; when is image #94 happening roughly?15:15
vilaMirv: /var/local/autopilot/autopilot.log: 15:06:50.040 ERROR __init__:64 - Unity doesn't appear to be running, exiting.15:16
didrockssil2100: please publish ALL of them! :)15:16
didrockslool: we'll start building in ~1h15:16
sil2100Publish all stacks o/15:16
looldidrocks: Ok15:16
looldidrocks: I can put a block hint in place and have him upload ubuntuone-credentials for me to test it in proposed?15:16
didrockslool: good enough to me, yeah15:16
looldobey: please upload ubuntuone-credentials15:17
vilaMirv: could that be http://pad.lv/123841715:17
ubot5Launchpad bug 1238417 in Mir "Unity does not process events from evdev device created before unity is restarted (autopilot tests)" [Critical,Confirmed]15:17
Mirvvila: ok. I'm running touch only testing now, so just reported that to you about a current example on desktop testing side15:17
Mirvkalikiana will join here and is testing flash + qtubuntu-sensors from daily-ppa on maguro15:19
didrocksMirv: yeah, let's not block on that though15:19
vilaMirv: ack, but who will be investigating that ? Doesn't look like a ci issue per se no ? We're far past the point were this could be considered related to the previous dbus/lxc/apparmor one right ?15:19
Mirvdidrocks: yeah, runing SDK tests all the time, plus booting15:20
* didrocks crosses fingers even more15:20
Mirvdidrocks: in a car, to be exact ;)15:20
Mirvnot driving15:20
kalikianaMirv: I'm stuck on "can't open /cache/recovery/ubuntu_command" :-(15:20
didrocksMirv: ahah, I was starting to get frigthened :p15:20
kalikianaoh wait it's doing something afterall15:20
didrocksMirv: we do want a photo now!15:21
ogra_did anyone notice that we have SHELL=/system/bin/sh in each and every crash file ?15:21
ogra_on utah15:21
didrocksogra_: popey: I think we should promote image 93 as well, did you try it a little bit?15:22
ogra_hmm, locally too15:22
Mirvdidrocks: http://people.canonical.com/~tjyrinki/car/2013-10-11-182153.jpg15:22
sil2100didrocks: packaging ACKs! http://paste.ubuntu.com/6222868/ <- I only browsed through them, still looking15:23
popeydidrocks: yes, not found any regesssions15:23
didrocksMirv: rock! :)15:23
didrockssil2100: -usr/share/dbus-1/services/*MessagingApp*.service15:24
didrocksthis is expected?15:24
didrocksthis it's the same in dialer one15:25
didrocksbfiller: can you enlight us? ^15:25
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# grep SHELL /etc/environment15:25
ogra_so we should definitely fix this ^^^^15:26
ogra_asac, didrocks ^^^15:26
didrocksogra_: indeed, do you mind tracking it?15:26
didrocksor you want us to?15:26
sil2100didrocks: I guess it is, as otherwise there would be missing files during package build - so I guess they switched that out15:26
sil2100bfiller: ^15:26
ogra_didrocks, not at all, its a livecd-rootfs change i think15:26
didrocksogra_: thanks (and good catches! ;))15:26
ogra_didrocks, i wonder if that also influences the testing behavior in any way15:27
ogra_(manual vs automated)15:27
didrocksogra_: influencing or not, it has to be fixed :)15:27
ogra_heh, yeah. thats clear15:27
didrocksogra_: do you mind poking a little bit image 93 before promoting?15:27
* ogra_ wouldnt be surprised if many of the unexplainable differences suddenly go away though15:27
bfillerdidrocks: don't need dbus services for those apps anymore15:28
bfillerdidrocks: they use qt.openUrl() now15:28
didrocksok great!15:28
didrockssil2100: please +115:28
didrocksthanks bfiller15:28
sil2100Ok, publishing... hope I won't miss any components, but I made a list what to release15:29
didrockssil2100: we can recheck together15:29
sil2100didrocks: ok, so I published: thumbnailer address-book-app address-book-service dialer-app history-service messaging-app telephony-service mediascanner unity8 unity-scope-mediascanner - did I miss anything?15:32
ogra_didrocks, landing asks 187 ... can i move it over and upload (then it can make the next build, i think this is serious)15:33
dobeylool: ubuntuone-credentials 13.10-0ubuntu2 uploaded15:34
didrocksogra_: looking15:37
didrocksogra_: please add and upload now :)15:37
ogra_great, thanks !15:38
looldobey: yeah, see #ubutnu-release15:39
didrockssil2100: sounds the list is complete!15:39
didrocksogra_: thanks to you :)15:39
loolI showed ubuntu-phone at the post office where they sell sim cards today15:39
dobeylool: not in there at the moment. did i miss something?15:39
looldobey: it's in unapproved, only seeded in touch, but somehow it's in an ubuntuone packageset, not sure what that meas15:40
loolin terms of freeze15:40
ogra_lool, and, did you sell it :)15:40
dobeylool: it's in the package set, but that's only an upload privileges matter afaik. the package itself is only in universe, so it really shouldn't be a problem to squeeze in with the freeze15:41
looldobey: Yeha that's whatI thought15:41
looldobey: waiting for it to come out, I might test it only later tonight if it's not out in 5 mn15:41
loologra_: they were asking "but why do you need a prepaid if you're not going to charge it super often" etc.15:42
loolthen I take the two nexus 4s out, android and ubuntu touch one15:42
looland start showing the UI15:42
loolI looked a bit like a freak I'm afraid15:42
loolthey were like  O.O15:42
loolbut it looked good!15:42
ogra_hah, cool !15:42
asacogra_: what needs fixing in the shell?15:45
ogra_asac, not in the shell15:45
didrockssil2100: all in proposed?15:45
didrocksasac: done past15:45
didrocksnext topic :p15:45
ogra_asac, grep SHELL /etc/environment ...15:45
ogra_asac, SHELL=/system/bin/sh15:46
ogra_pretty serious :)15:46
sil2100didrocks: mediascanner is! Looking at others :) But it seems all are landing nicely15:46
looldobey: It's accepted now -- 17:43 -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted ubuntuone-credentials [source] (saucy-proposed) [13.10-0ubuntu2]15:49
looldobey: but I'm out of time, so will come back to it later tonight15:50
loolaround 9pm my time or so15:50
looldobey: is there something specifically I should test outside of what I listed in the landing plan?15:50
dobeylool: just the 2 bugs that were in the ask, i think15:51
didrockssil2100: everything's in then?15:52
looldobey: Ok; thanks for the upload!15:52
looldobey: will ping you if I have issues or if it goes in15:52
Mirvdidrocks: just a status update this reboot + test + retest dance is quite slow, I've 15 of the AP:s ok (compared to image runs), gallery 20/22 pass (image has 100%, need to rerun), unity8 I'm right now running with one test at a time, weather app and rssreader app todo and then I'd need to somehow get uitoolkit's own tests run15:53
dobeylool: ok, thanks!15:53
didrocksMirv: ok! good luck :) (thanks for udpating)15:53
slangasekogra_, didrocks: if you're talking about the unity8 upstart socket change, the fix I uploaded was only half of the fix; we believe there are other uses of the socket in libupstart-app-launch which are contributing to the leak, tedg pushed a patch yesterday to fix one leak we identified but we haven't confirmed if that's actually what's causing the problem - I'm going to try to test on mako today to see for sure15:54
sil2100didrocks: all is in -proposed!15:54
slangasekdidrocks: remove the hint> android hasn't been uploaded, does that mean this plan was dropped?15:54
didrocksslangasek: @re socket: excellent, seems under control (at least we have progress) :)15:55
didrocksslangasek: hint: rsalveti detected an issue with Mir yesterday, he's testing the last fix and will upload, we want it in the image now15:55
didrockssil2100: nice!15:55
sil2100need to check something15:55
sil2100didrocks: hmmm, I don't see address-book-service address-book-app in -proposed :| And in the queue as well15:57
sil2100Even though PS Jenkins committed the release commits to trunks15:58
seb128sil2100, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+source/address-book-app/0.2+13.10.20131011-0ubuntu115:58
seb128sil2100, they are in there15:58
seb128sil2100, well, they moved to release15:59
ogra_slangasek, and the udev filtering too15:59
didrockssil2100: there is a slight delay when they disappear when copying15:59
ogra_slangasek, or does either of the other patches prevent us from doing this ?15:59
didrockssil2100: you will update the status on the spreadsheet while everything is transitionning?15:59
sil2100didrocks: phew... since I didn't even see it in the "Latest upload:" piece15:59
sil2100So I got worried ;p16:00
slangasekogra_: there is already a patch in place to filter uevents on maguro.16:00
=== jfunk is now known as jfunk-afk
slangasekand filtering events does nothing to fix the underlying memory issue16:00
* lool leaves for a couple of hours or so16:00
loolall: great landings today!16:01
loolcan't wait til next image16:01
ogra_slangasek, there is no path that makes udevd not eat 10% of my CPU while the screen is on16:01
ogra_slangasek, the filtering fix is in upstart-udev-bridge only16:01
slangasekogra_: that is a bug unrelated to what we're talking about16:01
ogra_slangasek, thats udevd recieving the uevents16:02
slangasekyes, I know16:02
ogra_(one for each vsync)16:02
slangasekwhich has nothing at all to do with the bug we were talking about16:02
ogra_that bug covers the uevent spam, no ?16:03
asacrobru: meeting?16:03
didrocksogra_: coming?16:03
robruasac, yes16:03
kalikianaseems like the clock in the panel is still broken with this image16:04
kalikianaMirv: any idea on the qtc problem? does it work for you to enable platform mode?16:04
mzanettikalikiana: what's wrong with the clock in the panel? that should work... the one on the greeter is broken though16:04
mzanettikalikiana: and I fixed the qtc problem16:04
mzanettiit's waiting for reviewers16:04
mzanettikalikiana: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/fix-device_run_app-for-mir/+merge/19067716:05
Mirvkalikiana: I can't test now16:05
kalikianamzanetti: the clock disappears from the panel, I saw the same bug with the latest released image on Wednesday16:05
kalikianait briefly worked to "restart unity8"16:05
mzanettikalikiana: oh... that one... haven't seen that yet. can you reproduce? or maybe check if you have a crash trace of indicator-datetime around?16:06
mzanettikalikiana: but you'll happy to see this one: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/fix-greeter-time-update/+merge/19063616:06
kalikianamzanetti: where would I find a trace? all I did was boot really16:06
asacthostr_: still a hud crash here: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/touch_mir/mako/93:20131011:20131010/4677/share-app-autopilot/16:06
mzanettikalikiana: /var/crash16:06
kalikianahmmm nothing related to clock there, only the rss app (just installed it and switched in a quick smoke test)16:09
thostr_asac: https://code.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/hud/fix-hud-crash-share-app/+merge/19071116:09
thostr_asac: we have I think 3 hud crashes in pipeline... so let's get those landed... (and merged before)16:09
asacmzanetti: Saviq: hey, so seems for notes-ao there is unity8 crashing FIVE times ... http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/touch_mir/mako/93:20131011:20131010/4677/notes-app-autopilot/16:10
asacfor all others we just get one16:10
kalikianamzanetti: ah, the mr is about the time getting out of sync, that would be lovely to see fixed, I felt quite insecure at the airpoirt with the delayed clock as it is…16:10
asac(probably shut down crash is that one)16:10
kalikianamzanetti: I'll reboot and see what happens wrt disappearing16:11
mzanettikalikiana: hehe, +116:11
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
rsalvetididrocks: we'll need to postpone the multimedia stack a bit more, we found another crash with mir16:17
rsalvetididrocks: let you know once I have more updates, but feel free to spin a new image without it16:18
ogra_didrocks, the oom stuff needs proper testing first, i just wanted to have it on the asks page already, dont move it to the plan yet16:19
kalikianatotally weird, cannot reproduce the clock issue anymore16:19
didrocksogra_: oh ok, let's not do it then16:19
ogra_just keep it on asks16:20
ogra_i'll update once it is ready16:20
* Mirv learns that image tests do not run full suites at once either16:22
didrocksrsalveti: ok, feel free to upload when you are ready16:22
didrocksMirv: same for you16:22
didrockswe're going to kick an image soon16:22
didrocksso will be on next for both of you16:22
sil2100thostr_: ping!16:22
sil2100thostr_: I seem to have found a problem ;/16:23
sil2100I'm so pissed off right now16:23
sil2100Since I missed this and shit16:23
asacall will be good16:23
sil2100didrocks: I'm really sorry, but we have a problem, and I might have to re-push mediascanner...16:23
sil2100I knew it was too good to be true16:24
* asac wonders if he should use the /clear command in irssi :)16:24
sil2100thostr_, didrocks: so, it seems mediascanner is FTBFS on powerpc because of a failing unit test16:24
asacppc... nice one :)16:24
rsalvetididrocks: thanks16:24
didrockssil2100: hum, you didn't get that in the build?16:25
didrocksrsalveti: thanks for keeping us posted :)16:25
sil2100I'm pissed because I knew about this, ran re-build and FORGOT ABOUT THAT16:25
didrocksah ok16:25
sil2100With hopes it was a 'flacky test' as always in ppc on mediascanner16:25
asacat least you are honest :) ... thats a good thing!16:25
didrockswell, no worry, let's hope thostr_ can fix it quickly16:25
sil2100thostr_: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/153485520/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-powerpc.mediascanner_0.3.93%2B13.10.20131011-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz <- but re-running didn't help this time16:25
didrockssil2100: feel free to republish mediascanner yourself once ready16:25
didrocksI guess we just need to coordinate with ogra_ or sergiusens to kick an image build then16:26
robrudidrocks, what were you saying about signon earlier? do you need me for that still?16:26
asacdidrocks: maybe he cant easily figure/fix this?16:26
didrocksrobru: no, cyphermox was the victim :p16:26
kalikianahmm can't add a gmail account anymore16:26
sergiusensdidrocks, hey, so I can switch the terminal app to click now; the other two need some work (tests)16:27
sergiusensdidrocks, want us to do that?16:27
didrockssergiusens: sure, just do it either right now (if less than 30 minutes to be ready) or wait for 94 build to start16:28
didrockssergiusens: maybe you will be the one kicking 94 btw :p16:28
sergiusensdidrocks, one sec16:29
cyphermoxdidrocks: going to go buy fish so I can make lunch, bbl16:29
ogra_sergiusens, we're waiting for livecd-rootfs 2.195 first16:30
Mirvdidrocks: yep, that's fine (next one), the UI Toolkit change alone is actually a pretty small one, the "fun" here is running all AP:s and such16:31
didrocksMirv: come on, you are doing that on a car! it's where you have the fun :)16:32
Mirvis there some single reason why screen FPS drops to ~10 very often after running some time? some package to update?16:32
didrocksMirv: mir…16:32
Mirvdidrocks: hehe :) I left the car now, now eating tacos16:32
ogra_Mirv, mako or maguro ?16:32
Mirvogra_: mako16:33
sil2100Mirv: I have the same thing on mako...16:33
* ogra_ has a dead mako today :/16:33
sergiusensogra_, didrocks https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/ubuntu-seeds/terminal_click/+merge/19072616:34
MirvI found that mimicking what image testing does is a good idea16:34
didrocksMirv: ;)16:34
didrocksmako isn't a taco!16:34
ogra_didrocks, does that need a landing entry ^^^16:34
didrockssergiusens: approved16:35
sergiusensogra_, that follows this http://paste.ubuntu.com/6223196/16:35
didrocksogra_: it already has one16:35
ogra_ah, great, so i can just merge and upload ?16:35
didrocksogra_: yes please, maybe remove the filemanager one16:35
didrocksand duplicate in a new entry16:35
didrocksor let's sergiusens add a new request for that one once ready16:35
sergiusensdidrocks, not sure if music app has an entry; but that and filemanager as click would remove the PPA16:36
ogra_well, or update the existing one16:36
Mirvnow my mako rebooted after running certain amount of ubuntuuitoolkit tests, before which several tests run attempts were killed16:36
ogra_sergiusens, so you want filemanager and terminal dropped ?16:36
sergiusensogra_, what, dropped from where? seeds, list or what? :-)16:37
ogra_touch seed16:37
ogra_(and meta)16:37
sergiusensogra_, not yet, it's under test still for click16:38
ogra_oh, ok. so only terminal16:38
didrocksogra_: so, apart from this requests, all the others that are transitioning are marked in proposed16:38
didrocks(and we need to check with sil2100)16:38
sergiusensogra_, filemanager and music do some extensive monkey patching to $HOME which fails badly with upstart ;-)16:38
sergiusensand under confinement :-)16:38
ogra_ouch !16:38
kalikianamzanetti: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/fix-device_run_app-for-mir/+merge/19067716:39
kalikianaI tried it, but got some errors16:39
kalikianasee the comment16:39
ogra_sergiusens, merged16:40
didrocksrobru: requests 200 and 201 for you then16:40
robrudidrocks, ok, will do16:41
didrocksrobru: ensure that we have trunk built first for all of them, I think you will need to rebuild the stacks16:41
sergiusensogra_, already sync too :-) http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/click_packages/click_list16:42
ogra_you are faster than the metapackage :)16:42
ogra_thats still updating here16:42
sergiusens@ci can we get this merged? https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/ubuntu-weather-app/click_improvements/+merge/19048416:45
robrudidrocks, everything is landed in trunk though, right? do i need to wait for some mps?16:46
didrocksrobru: I guess look at the trunks, normally, they should be there, but better to always double check TBH16:47
didrockssil2100: is everything going all right? how can we help you?16:50
robrudidrocks, ah, yes, all MPs in the ask are merged16:51
didrocksrobru: excellent, please kick some builds :)16:52
* Mirv warmly recommends trying to land something that has a description "run all AP:s" :)16:58
Mirvui-toolkit itself OK16:59
didrocksMirv: so, you want to sneak into that image?16:59
thostr_didrocks: I thought we don't care about powerpc any longer???17:00
Mirvdidrocks: I want to still prove to myself that the same unity8 tests that passed in #93 are still possible to run. almost there.17:03
didrocksthostr_: we do if it built before on it17:03
didrocksMirv: ok, if you have that working, feel free to push for 94 then17:03
thostr_didrocks: ok, but new stuff like mediascanner doesn't need to build/run there,r ight17:04
didrockswe're pending on sil2100/thostr_ anyway17:04
Mirvah, right, there was those delays17:04
didrocksthostr_: it was building on powerpc, I don't think we want to remove it from now on because tests don't pass on it17:04
thostr_didrocks: it's not even utilized on desktop17:04
didrocksthostr_: you can go on #ubuntu-release and discuss about it with the release team17:05
didrocksthostr_: it's clearly not my call17:05
didrocksthostr_: I do agree with the rationale though, people know what I think about powerpc anyway ;)17:05
cjwatsonIt's removable if we remove unity-scope-mediascanner there as well17:06
thostr_didrocks: :)17:06
cjwatsonI don't especially mind doing it17:06
didrockscjwatson: we surely can do17:06
cjwatsonFortunately unity-scope-mediascanner Build-Depends: mediascanner so it won't reappear in an uninstallable state17:06
didrockscjwatson: so, then, I hardcode the list (including arm64) of archs on the binaries?17:06
cjwatsondidrocks: No, just let it continue to fail to build17:07
cjwatsonIf it builds again it can come back, whatever17:07
didrocksah ok ;)17:07
didrocksok, great!17:07
didrockscjwatson: thanks for processing that one then17:07
cjwatsonWe should avoid hardcoding architectures wherever possible17:07
didrocksyeah, I agree, cu2d already will skip those if last binary wasn't available on that arch17:07
thostr_didrocks: ok, we got now all HUD crash fixes merged17:07
didrocksthostr_: need a slot for latest HUD crash fixes? mind adding to landing ask?17:08
didrocksthostr_: it's only the HUD right?17:08
thostr_didrocks: yes, will do17:08
asacoff for a bit17:08
asac(1h for now)17:08
didrockssil2100: FYI, cjwatson is going to ignore the powerpc failure and it's going to go to the release pocket17:08
didrocksogra_: ^ (if you are monitoring for building the image)17:08
cjwatsonno, I'm not going to ignore the powerpc failure, I'm going to remove the powerpc binaries from saucy17:09
didrockscjwatson: yeah, abusing the language :)17:09
cjwatsonwhich will have much the same effect but it's not the same thing :)17:09
cjwatsondone now pending the next publisher cycle17:09
didrocksright, I think I got the mechanic :)17:09
didrocksthanks again17:10
ogra_didrocks, on 93, dialer app still doesnt come up on incoming calls still cant save contacts ... so all normal :) seems good otherwise17:10
didrocksogra_: promoting then? :)17:11
ogra_popey, around ?17:11
* Mirv publishes ubuntu-ui-toolkit, after testing it a bit :P17:12
thostr_didrocks: check #ubuntu-release ... we should be green now17:12
popeyogra_: just cooking...17:12
popeyogra_: wassup?17:12
didrocksMirv: just "a bit" ;)17:12
didrocksMirv: thanks man!17:12
didrocksthostr_: yeah, we discussed there as well, thanks!17:12
Mirvyou're welcome. I hope the testing becomes 'slightly' easier very soon now :)17:12
didrocksMirv: me too :/17:12
ogra_popey, i want to promote 93/2013101117:13
didrocksogra_: so ubuntu-ui-toolkit is publishing and mediascanner will transition, then image 94 is ready!17:13
didrocksogra_: letting you tracking those?17:13
ogra_didrocks, and meta (for sergiusens change)17:13
didrocksogra_: I guess meta will be in first17:13
popeyogra_: ok, 5 mins17:13
ogra_that only went up now, i had some issues with updating it17:13
ogra_but yeah, it will likely build faster17:14
didrocksogra_: ah ok, I thought you uploaded it a while ago :)17:14
didrocksok, those 3!17:14
didrocksthat way, you won't finish really late17:14
didrocksnow, I trust plars to see good results on Monday17:14
ogra_no pressure :)17:14
plarsdidrocks: I'm off on monday, but I'll be peeking in as much as I can17:14
didrocksplars: no worry, I think you will have the image earlier than usual today :)17:15
didrocksogra_: no pressure at all! :-)17:15
didrocksok, I think it's time for week-end!17:16
didrockssee you guys on Monday (or Tuesday for the US side ;))17:16
* Mirv presses enter on firefox form suggestion before selecting "force publication", apparently losing the information about available build in cu2d :S17:16
Mirvdidrocks: I guess I need to rebuild for it to have the information on what can be published again?17:17
didrocksMirv: yeah, it's the easiest, we can cheat, but then, it's getting into more troubles17:17
Mirvdidrocks: oh, right, good weekend to you too, I'm almost finished (though I was already) :)17:17
Mirvyeah, rebuilding then, no new commits obviously17:17
didrocksrobru: added #202 for you17:18
robrudidrocks, ok17:18
didrocksrobru: when telling "running all AP tests", it's ensuring we don't regress compared to the dashboard itself17:18
ogra_hmmm ...  bug 1238696 ... what might be on this devs mind17:18
ubot5bug 1238696 in Ubuntu Music App "untits typo is causing autopilot test failures" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123869617:18
didrocksrobru: as we know some tests are failing17:18
didrocksrobru: and you need to restart after each app test (due to the memory leak we are discussing)17:18
Mirvthose sites are btw slightly annoying that listen for the Enter key press and the browser passes it when selecting a content from drop down list with that17:18
didrocksMirv: ok, I think you have to wait for an additional 25 minutes ;)17:18
didrocksogra_: ^17:19
didrocksMirv: agreed…17:19
Mirvdidrocks: at this point, that's little :)17:19
didrocksMirv: heh, I think starting Tuesday, you'll be able to take short days :)17:19
didrocksto compensate17:19
didrocksthanks again for all the work Mirv!17:19
Mirvdidrocks: yes, because I'm on vacation Wed-Fri :D17:19
sergiusensplars, doanac need to change the terminal tests to click for the next run17:19
plarssergiusens, doanac: ack17:19
didrocksMirv: let's ensure you finish early on Tuesday then ;)17:20
Mirvno prob, this ui-toolkit battle was sort of "battle against AP in mir-by-default" sort of learning experience17:20
didrocksindeed ;)17:20
* didrocks really waves good evening now17:20
didrockssee you guys!17:20
popeyogra_: ok, back17:20
popeyttfn didrocks17:20
Mirvdidrocks: yep, bye!17:20
ogra_popey, great17:20
didrocksbye popey, Mirv!17:20
ogra_popey, publishing 93/2013101117:21
popeywriting mail17:21
asacwas that 3 images today?17:29
asac :)17:29
ogra_2 iirc17:29
asacok.. still pretty good for a leisure friday :)17:30
ogra_92 and 9317:30
ogra_and lots new landing asks17:30
asacso someone pinged me somewhere and now i lost the tab :/ ... sorry if it was yiour ping :)17:32
ogra_if it is important they will call again17:33
dobeyis jenkins going bonkers? or just being manually frobbed to restart at the moment?17:34
ogra_dobey, i think Mirv restarted some builds, not sure thats related17:35
Mirvogra_: no, just sdk stack / ui-toolkit, shouldn't be seen outside that17:35
ogra_ah, k17:35
* ogra_ doesn know exactly nothing about our CI infra :)17:36
asacogra_: please learn more... especially how to retry jobs (lool knows by now)17:36
asacplars and siva will be gone for next week mostly :)17:36
asacdeep diving image testing for desktop17:36
ogra_k, i'll hook up to lool17:37
ogra_(next week though)17:37
asacall a bit messed up, but we keep the job flowing!17:37
asacyeah... ogra_ close this week :)17:37
ogra_once 94 is building17:37
asacgreat work here. 93 is awesome17:37
asacand we will land more stuff until almost release day17:37
ogra_if we can :)17:37
asacwe can17:37
ogra_well, stuff that we own17:38
asacwe just continyue to process as much as we can17:38
asacnot everybody will get in, yes, but we can still move small hills :)17:38
ogra_inidicators, NM etc are all ruled out17:38
asacnot necessarily17:38
asacthose can also still go in :)17:38
ogra_with a lot of begging, yeah17:38
asacjust a bit annoying and requires strict control what17:38
plarsasac: well, not gone17:38
ogra_drowning though17:38
asacits not begging. its applying strict pre-landing-rules :)17:38
asacsimilar to ours17:38
ogra_asac, they involve begging and bribing since ubuntu exists17:39
asacplars: we shouldnt put you on the hook to own too many critical things.17:39
asacalone :)17:39
asacthats not good17:39
ogra_its just that the bribes changed over the years :)17:39
asacno i think its all a known process now17:39
ogra_asac, see /topic in #ubuntu-release :)17:39
* ogra_ points to " we accept payment in cash, check or beer"17:40
dobeyogra_, Mirv: i see a build was aborted, and the message posted on the merge proposal has the private IP links rather than the jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com links, for the build logs17:40
asacogra_: yeah :)17:40
asacnice one17:40
asaci saw that before but forgot17:40
ogra_(used to be chocolate and fuzzy teddybears)17:40
ogra_they got more greedy17:41
asacmore realisitic :)17:41
asaci have beer and cash, but no fuzzy teddybears17:41
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
ogra_see, it used to be quite some effort in the past :)17:41
asacso to sum up it might indeed reflect an increase in corruptability of the release team :)... one could make a study on this i guess17:42
ogra_cjwatson, wonderful mail to ubuntu-users !17:44
Mirvallrighty, ui-toolkit really released this time17:51
Mirvdobey: if it's 'sdk' stack ('ubuntu-ui-toolkit' package), then it's ok and handled, and otherwise it's something completely else I don't know about18:05
Mirvdobey: and the only merge proposal I've handled is https://code.launchpad.net/~ps-jenkins/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/latestsnapshot-0.1.46+13.10.20131011.2-0ubuntu1/+merge/190735 which I merged manually (since auto-merger is disable for ubuntu-ui-toolkit)18:08
dobeyMirv: no, it's this one: https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-credentials/add-qml-unit-tests/+merge/18942618:09
Mirvdobey: yeah, no idea / haven't been there18:11
dobeyfginther: ^^ any ideas?18:13
fgintherdobey, the node that was running the job went offline during the build18:15
dobeyfginther: will it auto-retry? is that why the URL has the IP instead of the public jenkins domain?18:16
fgintherdobey, no, but i did restart it18:16
fgintherdobey, yes, that's why the link is there18:17
Mirvdobey: fginther: actually I'm interested in that if by any chance it affects the -credentials autopkg tests that ubuntu-ui-toolkit needs to have run to get migrated to -release http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html18:18
Mirvjust noticed that18:19
Mirvbut yeah right I'm really going to sleep now bye ->18:20
dobeyfginther: right, the links being there make sense. but it using the private IP for the log links instead of jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com doesn't18:20
fgintherdobey, the job actually runs on the private IP, the public jenkins is basically just a read-only instance18:20
fgintherthe job can't be restarted from the public instance18:21
dobeyfginther: yes, but it normally puts the public jenkins URL for the logs and only the private IP for the restart link18:21
dobeyfginther: so one doesn't have to connect to a VPN to see the logs18:21
dobeyhowever, in this case it didn't do that18:21
fgintherdobey, ahh... the other IPs were caused by a misconfigured script after the jenkins service move. those are now being replaced18:22
fgintherthis job was ran before the fix was in place18:22
dobeyfginther: oh, because i've seen failure messages elsewhere that had the public address after the move. (after I brought it up on the list in reply to the move e-mail that is). so it seemed weird to me that this one didn't use the public address.18:24
fgintherdobey, the rebuild is done, the current comment has the correct urls18:25
plarssergiusens, doanac: terminal app is good to go from our end18:34
ogra_plars, thats good, since it already went :)18:39
plarsogra_: we don't have a new image yet though18:40
ogra_plars, nope, but meta is in the archive18:40
plarsogra_: speaking of which... what's the best way to find out what  changed in the click packages for a new image?18:40
ogra_plars, the next image shoul dhave them listed in the .changes18:41
plarsogra_: oh awesome!18:41
ogra_i uploaded a change that attaches them to the manifest (hope it works as expected :) )18:41
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
cjwatsonogra_: Liam has some curious ideas sometimes ...19:00
ogra_heh, yeah19:01
ogra_he's a good guy though19:01
loologra_: heya19:02
loologra_: what kind of jobs would you want to retry?19:02
loologra_: I got all my ci / autolanding training from Francis, who was a great teacher for the 15mn it took to get me there  :-)19:02
loologra_: but you'll need permissions on jenkins too, and it's also becoming less necessary once the projects are back to autolanding enabled19:03
loologra_: there are 2 jenkinses with autolanding19:03
loologra_: coreapps, in our canonistack cloud, and internal canonical one for other projects19:04
loolI'll DCC send you my notes because that seems like a good 90s way of sending a file19:04
robruogra_, lool: running unity8-autopilot on my phone, I get 12 failures (as opposed to 7 listed in smokeng), so i guess we can't release this unity-mir fix then?19:11
ogra_lool, nne for tonight, asac meant that in general19:13
robruogra_, lool: I'm not very familiar with unity8's autopilot generally http://paste.ubuntu.com/6223834/19:14
ogra_lool, i'm just waiting for mediascanner and ui-toolkit to be landed, will kick off an image and be gone for the night ...19:14
loolrobru: which image are you on?19:20
loolrobru: I dont think it's the way to run the tests though19:20
robrulool, latest stable, but I installed unity8, unity-mir, ubuntu-keyboard from daily PPA19:20
loolrobru: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Testing#Testing_your_Ubuntu_Touch_Code_before_submission19:20
robrulool, how should i run the tests then?19:20
loolrobru: you want latest *proposed* image though19:21
loolrobru: see wiki for how to run the tests19:21
loologra_: ok; these are tested though?19:21
robrulool, those instructions will just install latest stable19:21
loologra_: Yeah I understood it wasn't urgent; I've sent you an email with them19:21
loolrobru: I'm speaking of the way to run autopilot19:23
loolphablet-test-run -n unity819:23
loolrobru: this is the official run rune19:23
robruok. how do i install latest dev image?19:24
loolrobru: seriously?  :-)19:24
loolrobru: --channel devel-proposed19:24
robrulool, ok19:24
ogra_lool, well, these were tested abnd are the last two bits to go into #9419:24
* ogra_ goes back to the TV19:25
ogra_will be back in 1h and kick the build19:25
loologra_: great; thanks for confirming19:27
Saviqlool, you'll be happy to hear https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1238637 is Fix Committed already20:06
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1238637 in unity-mir "Tapping on OSK does nothing once unity8 is restarted" [High,Fix committed]20:06
loolSaviq: great20:07
loolSaviq: did I have a personal link to this bug?  or is it particularly important?  the one I personally saw recently seemed to be around mir connection with slighlty different symptoms20:08
Saviqlool, it was in the "important bugs" document20:08
Saviqlool, https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1niO7JEyGEcs8W1h_DsAsAnAUMAOCHh3od0NARwGf3N8/edit#20:08
loolah the Julien list20:09
Saviq"The Julien list"20:09
loolSaviq: it also feels like it could help u8 tests20:09
loolSaviq: cause I saw another one which was similar but different20:09
loolSaviq: I changed the unity8 upstart job to rm the mir socket on startup20:10
looljust to see if that'd help20:10
loolSaviq: but the results was a bunch of apps such as osk talking to an old socket20:10
loolwhich actually made we wonder if we should have a mir socket management more like dbus's20:10
loolSaviq: the symptom was different in that typing would just crash the keyboard; it'd come back but crash again20:10
loolSaviq: anyway; good news!20:11
loolSaviq: you guys never stop!  :-)20:11
Saviqlool, actually we have everything in that should help u8 tests - except for any crashers we've missed20:11
loolSaviq: using the phone I feel like we're lowering the bar on bug reports worth reporting because the most offending crashers are so quickly going away20:11
loolI think we'll be jobless in a week at this rate20:12
robrulool, HAHAHAH20:12
Saviqisn't that the point? you'll relax on a beach then20:12
robruyes, because bugs will never regress, or new bugs never introduced ever again20:12
robrugood one20:12
Saviqlool, but don't worry, plenty of features still coming - with new bugs!20:12
loolI'll stay on the beach and never upgrade ever again20:12
* lool takes the 3310 out of the drawer20:13
loologra_: src:ubuntu-ui-toolkit in release pocket20:13
=== jfunk-afk is now known as jfunk
loologra_: and src:mediascanner20:14
loologra_: were there other mediascanner related packages you were tracking?20:14
loolsergiusens: Ah your mp to add a manifest to music-app is gone?!20:15
looljfunk: can you please do something about the pass rate of touch_mir going up; it's about to beat SF pass rates20:16
loolSaviq: we're indeed getting unity8 crashes in tests20:16
loolSaviq: e.g. http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/touch_mir/mako/93:20131011:20131010/4677/dialer-app-autopilot/20:16
Saviqlool, there were a slew of fixes today20:17
Saviqlool, or are coming20:17
Saviqas in are proposed - but most are committed20:17
loolSaviq: Cool; note that we have to count the shots next week20:17
Saviqlool, I'd like to see a run after we release current unity8 and unity-mir trunk20:17
loolSaviq: likely stopping on wed, so realistically one landing on monday and perhaps a last minute landing on tuesday20:18
Saviq+ https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/workaround-lp1238645/+merge/190724 for good measure20:18
Saviqlool, yeah, I imagine20:18
loolSaviq: curious why you need the inictl there20:18
Saviqlool, although it'd be good to release over the weekend, so we can see the real stuff on Monday20:19
Saviqlool, in case maliit crashes20:19
loolSaviq: just "start maliit-server" doesn't work?20:19
Saviqlool, ah, ogra_ ↑ he wants a slap20:19
Saviqlool, I'm not entirely sure why, but "initctl" I imagine is more reliable / future-proof20:19
Saviqlool, "stop" "start" are pretty generic20:19
loolwe use them everywhere too  :-)20:20
Saviqlool, and the "correct" way is to feed them through initctl apparently20:20
Saviqogra_, ↑↑ he wants more slaps20:20
Saviqlool, anyway - once we (re)start unity8 for testing with upstart20:21
Saviqlool, that's going to go away20:21
Saviqlool, 'cause upstart will make sure maliit is running for us20:21
=== dpm-afk is now known as dpm
loolSaviq: the other thing is that *theoritically* maliit-server should restart if unity8 restart20:21
Saviqlool, there's already a branch, just not complete and I wanted to see the results asap20:21
Saviqlool, yeah, that happens with upstart20:21
loolah but we don't launch it with upstart?20:22
Saviqlool, but atm we're directly launching unity8 in the tests20:22
loolI see20:22
Saviqlool, there's a branch20:22
Saviqlool, it's mostly the same for all the apps' tests - need to transition over to upstart20:22
loolSaviq: I see robru has landed unity8 in archive says the spreadsheet20:22
Saviqbut TBH I'd rather see a python binding somewhere instead of calling subprocess everywhere20:22
loolso you'll get a run later tonight20:22
Saviqlool, not the latest one - nor unity-mir - several commits behind20:22
sergiusenslool, it's in the big ass MP now20:23
loolsergiusens: haha20:23
Saviqsergiusens, added super() btw20:23
loolsergiusens: yeah I've seen this one20:23
loolsergiusens: "last week of development of all missing features in one branch" mp?20:23
Saviqsergiusens, sorry for being an ass on this today - thanks for safe-guarding20:23
loologra_: there's an unity8 in proposed which is probalby worth waiting for before kicking the build20:24
robrulool, oh, sorry20:24
loolrobru: so tests passed for you?20:24
robrulool, ogra, yes, unity8 confirmed to have many fixes20:24
loolrobru: how many tests passed?20:24
robrulool, only 3 failures, very impressed20:25
Saviqlool, ah, indeed unity-mir just published20:27
Saviqyay, everything's getting pushed through, next run will be a good run20:28
Saviqlool, btw, the .crash files on smokeng seem to be truncated20:32
Saviqlool, a .crash for unity8 needs to be ~14MB20:32
loolSaviq: ah that's a very good one20:33
loolSaviq: I bet the tests stops, the crash file is captured before being done20:33
loolSaviq: there are two bugs here20:33
Saviqlool, yup, probably20:33
loolSaviq: a) apport is writing straight to .crash (instead of renaming it once written)   b) infra should wait for settle and grab the crash20:34
Saviqlool, yup20:34
loolSaviq: good catch; not sure where we file this, but worth pinging plars / doanac on20:34
loolplars, doanac: ^  looks like we capture crash files before they are done writing20:34
loolplars, doanac: Perhaps looking at their permissions (000 when being written IIRC) is enough to detect?20:34
loolplars: or sleep 5 or something, but that seems costly20:35
Saviqlool, plars, doanac, it'd be good if it did preprocessing, too (the thing apport-cli "View", "Keep" does)20:35
Saviqthis way we could avoid having to collect locally before retracing20:35
Saviqlool, plars, doanac - one more, it should actually pick them up per-test-run20:35
Saviqlool, plars, doanac as now we only get one .crash where 5 tests error out due to crashing20:36
doanachey guys. i was just walking out the door for a bit. i'll have to re-read this transcript when I get back20:36
Saviqdoanac, no worries20:36
looldoanac: no hurry, important improvement to make, or to log to do soon, but not blocking anything20:36
ogra_lool, do you want to drive #94 ?20:36
ogra_assuming unity8 wil still take a while20:37
loologra_: wont take much, but can do20:37
loologra_: whatever you prefer20:37
loologra_: not sure I want to take away the pleasure of kicking an almost crash free build  ;-)20:37
ogra_well, i wanted to kick it off now ... and dont want to do an all nighter20:37
loologra_: ok will kick in a bit; unity stuff stillin proposed20:38
ogra_lool, the manifest shuld have click: lines too now20:39
ogra_i guess the first changelog will look a bit odd20:39
loologra_: oh that's cool, thanks20:40
ogra_well, i only tested locally, hopefully it all works :)20:40
loolwhat's the worst that could happen?  fire starts in build farm?20:41
loologra_: have a good night / we20:41
ogra_you too !20:41
ogra_and stay away from kbd ... do something with your kid ;)20:41
looltyping on my kid feels weird20:41
loolI have this popey trend of doing a star wars miniset each saturday20:42
ogra_i think cjwatson does that at times :)20:42
loolawful habbit20:42
loolworst thing that happened to me is that they are opening a lego store some 2 km from my house20:42
loolfortunately the ceiling broke or something and they delayed the opening by a couple of months20:42
loolso I can still work a bit20:43
loolrobru: was pushing unity-notifications intentional?20:47
robrulool, uhhhh, i just pushed the stack20:47
loolrobru: Was that the landing subject or was it just the unity8 source package?20:48
robrulool, the landing plan was unity8, unity-mir, and ubuntu-keyboard, and hud. I forgot to check the stacks and just pushed whole stacks instead of individual packages. you can drop unity-notifications if it's a problem, i don't care about it personally20:49
robru(and i'm still working on hud)20:49
popeyhaha lool ☻20:49
loolrobru: the thing is I cant drop it20:50
fginthermfisch, are you the powerd-cli guy?20:50
loolit's going in release pocket now20:50
robrulool, by 'drop' it I meant get the release team not to approve it.20:50
mfischfginther: I can help, but not officially anymore, whats up?20:50
loolrobru: it's already past that20:50
robrulool, does it break anything? i don't really understand the problem20:50
loolit's already approved for entering release pocket20:50
fginthermfisch, can it be used to query the device for the screen state (i.e. is it on?)20:50
loolrobru: I dont know whether it breaks anything, that's the problem!20:50
robrulool, well let me install it and run the tests again i guess.20:51
loolrobru: that's be helpful; thanks20:51
fginthermfisch, I see a 'list' but don't know how to interpret20:51
mfischfginther: I dont think so, it can only request a state20:51
mfischfginther: let me fire up my phone, 1 sec20:51
loolrobru: the changes are around wifi password UI changes in the snap dialog, and around support for action less snap decisions albeit I dont know how to trigger20:51
loolperhaps volume button20:51
loolwhich might be useful for indicator-sound20:52
robrulool, i saw some wifi password stuff pop up during the unity8-autopilot.20:52
mfischfginther: list is just what people have requested for the state20:52
mfischfginther: there's no way to ask it what the status is currently20:53
fginthermfisch, bummer20:53
mfischyou can tell what the state should be from the list20:53
mfischand so powerd has told the display what state it wants based on those20:53
mfischbut in theory the display could not match I suppose20:53
fginthermfisch, I think I'm seeing that. I ask the screen to be on, and it's not :-(20:54
mfischfginther: you should enable debug mode for powerd and restart it20:54
mfischfginther: directions are in the upstart job itself20:54
fginthermfisch, I shall try that, thanks20:55
loolrobru: as a bug or just as a running test?20:56
loolrobru: haha there was another landing for ubuntu-keyboard + unity-mir20:56
robrulool, as a running test. what i was trying to say is that unity8-autopilot should help confirm that unity-notifications works20:56
loolSaviq: ubuntu-settings-components entered landing asks many moons ago, I never knew what it was for and it sat there; is it something we still want?20:58
loolrobru: ack20:58
Saviqlool, probably too late for 13.10 - obviously since it's not there yet - we're not using it20:58
jdstrandlool: the release team would like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6224151/20:58
Saviqlool, but it's components common between indicators and settings app, more or less20:58
jdstrandlool: it is a trivial one character shange to the /usr/sbin/aa-status script to use python3 instead of python20:59
jdstrandthat will get python 2 off the image. why this wasn't adjusted before I don't know-- we wrote it to be bilingual in the first place21:00
robrulool, wtf?? http://paste.ubuntu.com/6224218/ but the package is clearly in the PPA, which i have enabled21:00
loolrobru: apt-cache showsrc unity-notifications21:00
jdstrandwe even have debian/control use python3 already. simple ommission21:00
loolrobru: to see the list of binary packages it produces21:00
loolSaviq: ah QML components, got it21:00
jdstrandanyway, yes I tested aa-status with python3 on mako and it works21:00
loolSaviq: should we drop it from asks then?21:01
sergiusensplars, lool was there an sdk change?21:01
looljdstrand: please upload now if you can21:01
Saviqlool, yes, please21:01
robrulool, oh, ok21:01
jdstrandplus, aa-status is run as part of the security smoketests21:01
loolsergiusens: there was an ui-toolkit change, and there are some qt changes too21:01
loolsergiusens: what's up?21:01
jdstrandlool: ack, thanks21:01
sergiusensplars, lool this is what I get with the clock app: creating surface at (0, 58) with size (720, 1222) with title 'Window 1'creating surface at (0, 58) with size (720, 1222) with title 'Window 1'This plugin does not support propagateSizeHints()21:01
sergiusensthat's clock app21:02
loolrsalveti: ofono isn't ci-ed right?  Do we need to merge https://code.launchpad.net/~rsalveti/ofono/apn_mnc_passwd_fixes/+merge/190424 by hand?21:07
loolrsalveti: Or I can kick autolander21:07
Saviqoh wow the release is behind...21:07
loolsergiusens: I read it was broken indeed21:07
loolSaviq: which one?21:07
rsalvetilool: hm, thought cyphermox fixed that21:07
Saviqlool, unity821:07
Saviqlool, 435 released as r449...21:07
loolSaviq: Hmm changelog says 44921:08
sergiusenslool, it's not from a clock change though21:09
Saviqlool, Releasing 7.82+13.10.20131011.1-0ubuntu1 (revision 435 from lp:unity8)21:09
Saviqlool, there's a difference between where the release *changelog* is merged in, and where it actually fits21:09
sergiusenslool, according to popey this is the build that broke it http://people.canonical.com/~j-lallement/touch/changes/20131011.html21:09
loolSaviq: this merge is crash, but the uploaded changelog says snapshot of r44921:09
loolrobru: what happened to the unity8 changelog?21:10
Saviqlool, oh ok21:10
Saviqlool, where?21:10
robrulool, somebody must have done a manual release to distro, because there was a changelog in distro that wasnt' in trunk. jenkins gets fussy about that, so i had to merge it back into trunk despite being quite stale21:10
Saviqlool, 4421:10
Saviq  [ Ubuntu daily release ]21:10
Saviq 21:10
Saviq  * Automatic snapshot from revision 43521:10
loolSaviq: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/7.82+13.10.20131011.2-0ubuntu121:10
Saviqlool, ah so that's not merged to trunk yet21:10
loolSaviq: I dont think it will though21:11
loolSaviq: let me try21:11
Saviq*idea* daily release should be tagging revs on release21:11
jdstrandlool: uploaded. #ubuntu-release pinged21:12
robruSaviq, it does, but some genius turned off autolanding, so now we have all these changelog MPs sitting around getting stale21:12
loolSaviq: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/1238417 shouldn't say fix committed or should it?21:13
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1238417 in Mir "Unity does not process events from evdev device created before unity is restarted (autopilot tests)" [Critical,Fix committed]21:13
Saviqlool, nope21:13
Saviqrobru, right...21:14
loolSaviq, robru: Kicked autolanding of unity8 changelog mp21:15
Saviqlool, thanks21:15
robrulool, kicked? how? it was already approved. what did you do21:15
robrulool, also, tests are completely fucked here. won't even run. doesn't seem like unity-notifications fault though (for that I would expect simple test failures). no idea wtf is happening21:17
loolSaviq: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound/+bug/1236292 should be fix commited in unity8?21:18
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1236292 in Unity 8 "Using volume buttons on phone triggers spurious popup" [High,In progress]21:18
loolrobru: I actually ran the autolanding job21:18
loolrobru: since as you noted it's disabled21:18
loolrobru: did you reboot?21:18
Saviqlool, released, even21:18
Saviqlool, marked so21:18
robrulool, can it be enabled? because it's gonna need to get run for every package that we release, ever21:18
robrulool, yes, rebooted many times.21:18
loolrobru: it's been reenabled on packages with green testsuites21:19
loolrobru: so what did you change since it was mostly passing?21:20
robrulool, uh, installed hud I guess.21:20
loolrobru: maybe try downgrading it then?21:20
loolrobru: did you install all hud packages or just hud itself?21:20
robrulool, just hud i think21:20
loolhmm actually it's a single package it seems21:21
loolrobru: try downgrading to saucy?21:21
robrulool, ok, gonna try it21:21
loolHmm not it's NOT a single package21:22
loolah right typo here21:22
loolrobru: You need to install ALL binary packages21:22
loolrobru: (that were prevously installed)21:22
robrulool, ok, trying that too21:22
loolrobru: That's crticailly important for testing the right thinsg21:22
sergiusenslool, do you make sense of this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/1238798/comments/521:25
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1238798 in Ubuntu Clock App "Clock app doesn't work on mir on maguro" [Critical,Triaged]21:25
loolsergiusens: The hud warnings, do you think they are serious?21:26
lool Could not determine application identifier. HUD will not work properly.21:26
lool Provide your application identifier in $APP_ID environment variable.21:26
loolsergiusens: if you want to start it, use upstart-app-launch-tools or start application-click APP_ID=com.ubuntu.clock_xyz21:27
loolnot sure of exact vars21:27
sergiusenslool, running through upstart just makes the app blank21:27
loolsergiusens: check .cache/upstart/application-click-com.ubuntu.clock_xyz.log?21:28
loolsergiusens: oh dconf21:28
loolsergiusens: dconf wont work, will it?21:28
loolsergiusens: dmesg|grep DEN?21:28
sergiusenslool, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/1238798/comments/621:29
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1238798 in Ubuntu Clock App "Clock app doesn't work on mir on maguro" [Critical,Triaged]21:29
sergiusenslool, also, I'm not running it under confinement21:29
sergiusenslool, dconf works for certain cases; jdstrand can confirm21:30
sergiusensclock has the 'calendar' policy which lets it talk to eds21:30
sergiusensor at least was working until today21:30
Saviqlool, we need a release of upstart-app-launcher for bug #122955121:32
ubot5bug 1229551 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Facebook launcher doesn't work on Home scope" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122955121:32
Saviqurl-dispatcher, that is21:32
looldobey: somehow I managed to create an empty email address account again; keyboard was crashing, and I ended up with literally 2 single quotes ('') in email address and then coulnd't enter password (keyboard was crashing); fixed keyboard that I had specifically forgotten to upgrade; empty account was there and broke install21:33
looldobey: but I guess that's not a regression21:33
Saviqlool, shall I add to ask or is it there already?21:33
loolSaviq: it was released earlier today21:33
Saviqlool, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/url-dispatcher21:34
loolSaviq: r76 is what we have21:34
loolof u-al21:34
Saviqlool, sorry - not u-al that's fine21:34
loolthat one is riskier but it's needed for stuff21:35
loolI thought we had queued it for today21:35
loolSaviq: Ok, I know about that change and talked to didrocks about landing it to allow more clickifcations21:36
loolSaviq: if it's useful for other things, could you mention which?21:37
loolSaviq: I thought it was only useful for opening urls with click packages21:37
looldo you have appid:// use cases?21:37
Saviqlool, yeah, although temporary - we have a set of "frequent" apps in dash home21:37
Saviqlool, those that are clicks would need hardcoding their version without appid:// support21:37
Saviqlool, so tricky21:38
loolSaviq: aha ok21:38
loolSaviq: Yeah, +121:38
sergiusenslool, so my system was completely busted, I went to sf to get a bt21:39
loolsergiusens: erf ok21:42
loolSaviq: I've updated the ask21:43
Saviqlool, thanks21:43
loolSaviq: will let didier pick it up monday21:43
looldobey: rejecting the click scope update -- list of installed apps only updated on install, not on removals; unity8 crashed on second removal21:43
looldobey: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scope-click/+bug/123898021:46
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1238980 in unity-scope-click (Ubuntu) "Doens't update list of installed apps on removal and sometimes crashes unity" [Undecided,New]21:46
loolrobru: where are you with unity-notifications and hud testing?21:48
robrulool, still not working after updating all of hud; just reflashed to latest dev image; just installed unity8 but not hud; just about to start tests to see if notifications are the source of the breakage21:49
loolrobru: I'll be building an image in a few; wont wait for hud landing; unity-notifications went into archive with unity-mir anyway, so will kick it with image 9421:54
loolrobru: please confirm/infirm the AP regression with unity8 APs and report as one bug against unity8+unity-notifications and add the bug id to the spreadsheet21:55
robrulool, ok. right now i tried as best as possible to recreate the env that only had 3 failures, and the tests seem to be running ok. when that's done i'll install just unity-notifications and then see how badly broken it is; that will determine whether it needs to be reverted or not21:55
cyphermoxrsalveti: lool: what is it that you thought I had fixed?22:00
rsalveticyphermox: nothing specifically, was just going to test the attach bug fix for ofono22:00
rsalvetiwanted to make sure I was using the latest nm in the pipeline22:00
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
cyphermoxrsalveti: there is a bug fix for NM that also helps with the Attached thing, but that's not uploaded... it's not something you'll hit every time though, it's just another bug that you can hit sometimes after reconnecting22:02
rsalveticyphermox: got it, have the bug number for that?22:02
loolrobru: I've scheduled a build for 2 hours from now unless another fix lands22:34
sergiusens@ci am I the only one? The server at is taking too long to respond.22:35
loolsergiusens: wfm22:36
loolsergiusens: but isn't clock-app on the canonistack one?22:36
sergiusenslool, yeah, but the click build is here ;-)22:36
loolsergiusens: I can load e.g.
loolover VPM22:36
sergiusensyeah, vpn reconnect worked22:37
sergiusensseems my vpn connection went stale22:37
robrulool, great news, unity-notifications didn't break unity8-autopilot.22:44
robrulool, still working on hud though22:45
=== dpm-afk is now known as dpm
loolrobru: ok22:47
* lool &22:53
robruLOOL AND WHAT?? LOOL AND WHAT?!?!?!23:02

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