
josejono: ping04:30
jonohey jose04:31
josejono: hey, wanted to confirm with you if you'll be able to host your Q&A next week04:31
jonojose, yes04:31
josegreat, thanks!04:32
jonosorry I couldnt do it this week04:34
jonoI thought I could make it, but it was not to be04:34
joseyeah, people told me you were in Japan04:34
dholbachgood morning06:59
* dholbach → office08:20
* dholbach → lunch, brb12:41
jcastrohey balloons14:09
jcastroyou have digital ocean right?14:09
nigelbjcastro: if you just want DO, I have two machines there.14:40
jcastroDUN DUN DUN14:49
SergioMenesesjcastro, awesome!14:53
jcastroif anyone wants to test those docs, deploy something14:54
jcastrolet me know!14:55
jcastroI am playing with it now14:55
jcastrohey mhall11916:11
jcastrothey have been up and working for a while right?16:11
mhall119jcastro: yeah, for months16:14
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jcastronext week then we should see a nice improvement in the corpus?16:16
jcastrothe data that improves the search16:23
jcastroremember they said it wouldn't work awesome until a bunch of people use it?16:23
mhall119oh, yeah, that should start getting better16:26
dholbachall right my friends - I call it a day17:06
dholbachsee you all on Monday17:07
jcastrojono, man, here's a band that just came up on spotify and I tossed  on the greatest hits19:35
jcastroforgot how awesome ... SEPULTURA is19:35
jonojcastro, yeah, pretty awesome band19:45
jonoalthough I largely stopped caring when Cavelera left19:45
jonoI should check them out again19:45
jcastroyeah I am listening to the old stuff19:45
jcastroman, what a week19:46
jcastrofound a bug in manual provisioning19:46
jcastroso it's going to have to get bumped to 1.1819:46
jcastrothis one is for you balloons20:14
mhall119jcastro: that's why you should have automated testing for all the things20:15
jcastros not get crazy mike20:16
balloons+1 jcastro20:17
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balloonsmhall119, jcastro does have automated testing for all the things20:22
balloonsmhall119, http://meta.askubuntu.com/questions/1900/is-jorge-castro-a-robot20:23
jcastroI think at some point I had touched or edited 10% of AU questions20:23
jcastrothough there's no way that is correct today20:23
* balloons thinks jcastro needs an upgrade.. he can't keep up with the demand :-)20:30
mhall119he only has a 32bit CPU, I think he's max-ed out his memory address space20:34
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