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pittiGood morning04:45
robruMirv, pitti: good morning!04:58
Mirvrobru: good night! :)04:59
robruMirv, haha, yes, before i go to bed i need to talk to you!04:59
Mirvrobru: shoot05:00
robruMirv, if you can get this landed: https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.saucy-noaudioengine/+merge/185568 please also try to get this one too: https://code.launchpad.net/~robru/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu.saucy05:00
robruMirv, dbarth wants us to ram this through05:00
Mirvrobru: right, so it's ogra_ that needs to pinged to make sure that both of them go in at the same time05:01
robruMirv, ok, yeah. ogra already tried to land my branch but was told by the release team to stop because of conflicts because the first one hadn't gone through yet.05:02
pittihey robru, how are you?05:02
robrupitti, a bit frazzled by the freeze here!05:02
robrupitti, and you?05:03
Mirvrobru: I just wonder if all the bits and pieces are in now in the discussion. surely the audioengine can be dropped, but I understood there is a problem on the source package side as qtmultimedia still build-depends on openal. or was that now foregone so it's enough that binary dependencies are ok.05:05
robruMirv, well, i checked and you yourself dropped the dependency on qtmultimedia from ubuntu-ui-toolkit, so there is nothing even pulling qtmultimedia into main anymore (except that one seed). so it should all be good as far as I know05:05
Mirvrobru: well the next line in the seed pulls qtdeclarative5-qtmultimedia-plugin05:06
pittirobru: quite fine, thanks05:06
Mirvbut it's mterry proposing that change so there must be some sort of general idea there05:06
Mirvrobru: maybe the plan includes actually uploading a qtmultimedia that completely drops qtaudioengine, it just isn't said there. that might be a tough sell at this hour.05:07
robruMirv, yeah, i dunno. i am quite confused about this whole thing05:08
Mirv" If we dropped this recommendation, we could drop the plugin from the archive and promote qtmultimedia easily."05:08
robruMirv, right, qtmultimedia is ok but openal/qtaudioengine was problematic05:08
Mirvalthough only because we lack manpower to get them evaluated into main05:09
robruMirv, frankly this whole thing is a mess. we need 'convergence' but we don't need a new audio layer in main.05:09
Mirvit's possible mterry has thought up the whole plan how he'll proceed, but just in case I'll prepare https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/qtmultimedia-opensource-src_5.0.2 that drops the audio engine package05:13
robruMirv, it's appreciated. please coordinate with dbarth on this as well, it's his baby.05:13
Mirvok, will do, and will take bzoltan also into the discussion of actually dropping the whole Audio Engine which may impact some people althouh surely less important than not having webapps05:16
robruMirv, great, thanks a bunch. last time i spoke to dbarth he said he was preparing to get this done "in the morning" but i'm not sure what TZ he is. presumably that's much sooner than my morning, which is the latest of the mornings.05:17
robruogra_, it sounds like we are ramming through this webbrowser-app stuff, please be available to update some seeds ^^ ;-)05:18
Mirvrobru: he's Europe TZ05:20
robruMirv, should be up soon then ;-)05:20
Mirvin 1-2h I think, he's in Central Europe unlike me05:21
Mirvrobru: I need some core-dev to sponsor the qtmultimedia as well05:21
Mirvwell, didrocks should be awake soon, he's the guy05:21
robruMirv, isn't didrocks on honeymoon? i thought he just came back for one day only to catch up on emails ;-)05:21
Mirvrobru: one last thing I worry about is talking about today, final freeze was already 8h ago05:21
Mirvrobru: oh, was it just one day? sad.. I mean, great for him, he shouldn't be here anyway :)05:22
Mirvseb128 then05:22
robruMirv, yes, that is the trouble. in fact jasoncwarner_ already told me to drop it. but then dbarth told me not to drop it. so i am slightly conflicted, and expecting that dbarth has some magic to ram this through with.05:22
Mirvrobru: ok, I'll prepare this branch and get dbarth magic involved05:22
robruMirv, great, thanks again05:23
chrisccoulsonhappy friday!08:11
seb128good morning desktopers08:20
seb128oh, a chrisccoulson08:20
seb128chrisccoulson, happy friday! ;-)08:20
chrisccoulsonhi seb128 :)08:20
seb128chrisccoulson, how are you?08:21
chrisccoulsonseb128, i'm not too bad thanks. how about you?08:21
seb128I'm good thanks08:22
seb128chrisccoulson, have you seen that email from bkerensa on the desktop list?08:22
bkerensaseb128: I informed him of it08:22
bkerensain #ubuntu-mozillateam08:22
seb128bkerensa, thanks for making our work more difficult and convincing more than firefox is a pain and that we should use chromium btw08:23
* seb128 hates firefox dictating how you can't do proper OS integration08:23
bkerensaseb128: its about transparency... why would you hate Mozilla having policy seeking transparency for end users?08:23
chrisccoulsonwe should write our own browser ;)08:24
seb128bkerensa, I hate the "I've asked them to block Ubuntu"08:24
seb128bkerensa, it's nothing about being open with users, it's about preventing vendors to integrate with their OS08:24
bkerensaseb128: I didn't ask them to block Ubuntu. I request a block of extensions that do not comply with add-on policy08:24
seb128which you quote as "you can't enable anything by default"08:25
bkerensathats what the policy says08:25
seb128which means "you can't integrate with your OS by default"08:25
chrisccoulsonit's not that the extensions don't comply. we patched firefox to disable that feature (with permission from mozilla). nothing to do with the addon....08:25
bkerensaseb128: Chrome and Chromium have the same policy fwiw08:25
seb128bkerensa, I doubt chromium does the "you can't call it chromium if you patch/change it"08:25
bkerensaseb128: Chromium calls it "ExtensionInstallBlacklist"08:26
seb128bkerensa, with chromium we could just patch the source to do what we want08:26
bkerensaseb128: you could08:26
seb128chrisccoulson, so what's next, we just have to deal with no unity integration because upstream disallow that sort of things?08:27
seb128bkerensa, I though those processes were to block buggy/dangerous/untrusted code, not to block integrator to make the browser looks better on their platform08:28
bkerensaseb128: they are to block buggy/dangerous/untrusted code but also add-ons that are not transparent08:28
seb128what does that mean?08:29
bkerensaseb128: installing add-ons by default into Firefox without any notification to the end user is not transparent08:29
seb128how are you supposed to do integration?08:29
seb128or do they lock down to keep a competitive advantage08:29
bkerensaby have opt-in08:29
seb128and block others to do a good job of it?08:29
chrisccoulsonwe got permission from mozilla to disable the opt-in dialog for system addons08:29
seb128because users like to opt in08:29
bkerensaseb128: ^^08:30
seb128so what's the issue?08:30
bkerensachrisccoulson: what about the lack of descriptions also an add-on policy?08:30
chrisccoulsonat the time, it was decided that having a dialog on first run effectively saying "do you want a working menubar?" was crappy user experience08:30
seb128bkerensa, so you raise issue with upstream and ask them to block us before even trying to figure out if that's something we discussed with them? great...08:31
seb128chrisccoulson, it is ;-)08:31
bkerensaseb128: The issue was at summit it was discussed and I said I would file a bug on it08:31
chrisccoulsonbut these addons are going to stop working at some point soon anyway, and with us switching to chromium then i'm not sure it matters too much anymore08:31
chrisccoulsonand i have no time for firefox these days ;)08:31
seb128chrisccoulson, you never seeded that addon anyway it seems... so virtually it's optin08:32
chrisccoulsonseb128, oh, this is for the webapps stuff, isn't it?08:32
bkerensachrisccoulson: yes08:33
bkerensachrisccoulson: not for the improvement bit08:33
chrisccoulsonbkerensa, where is the upstream bug?08:33
seb128chrisccoulson, isn't "unity" the integration with the unity launcher?08:33
bkerensalet me grab it08:33
seb128chrisccoulson, e.g the download bar in the launcher icon08:33
chrisccoulsonseb128, no, that's the unity webapps addon08:33
chrisccoulsonconfusing ;)08:34
seb128chrisccoulson, which one is the launcher integration?08:34
chrisccoulsonseb128, unityfox, but that's not in the archive08:34
seb128chrisccoulson, :-(08:34
bkerensachrisccoulson: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=92563708:34
ubot2Mozilla bug 925637 in Blocklisting "Blocklist unity-firefox-extension add-on" [Normal,Unconfirmed]08:34
bkerensachrisccoulson: your welcome to add your feedback and I will surely ping the folks who discussed the blacklisting of it when they land back home in europe08:35
sil2100seb128: hi! Could you see my comment on the buildNumber branch you proposed? :)09:06
seb128sil2100, good morning09:06
seb128sil2100, just did, nicely spotted, copy/paste error09:06
seb128sil2100, I'm going to fix it in a bit09:06
sil2100seb128: awesome! Those tend to happen a lot when there's a lot of work around, thanks ;)09:07
seb128sil2100, btw, another issue with the background panel09:08
seb128sil2100, the welcome screen image is always the fallback image for me09:08
seb128do you see that as well?09:08
seb128in the preview widget09:08
sil2100Yes, indeed - I didn't really notice that as I'm rarely using the show all09:09
sil2100I guess we need that fixed up along with the welcome-screen changer09:09
seb128sil2100, ok, I'm going to open a bug, do you want to work on it?09:09
seb128ok, I'm going to do that09:11
seb128but I'm out for some errands before09:12
didrockssil2100: everything restarting to build?09:14
didrockssil2100: I think we really need to focus on the landing today09:14
pittidesrt: FYI, just uploaded pygobject with the thread safety and a memleak patch backported09:14
pittidesrt: just in case we don't get 3.10.1 into saucy any more on Monday09:15
sil2100didrocks: restarted, waiting for it to finish ;) No worries, today I prioritize the testing09:24
didrockssil2100: I cheated a little bit to speed things up09:24
* Laney peeks in09:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 1238410 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Inconsistent cursor visibility with cursor plugin enabled" [Undecided,New]09:29
LaneyIs it true that the cursor plugin isn't used in Unity?09:29
Laneycan we disable it? That hidden pointer bug is annoing09:29
Laneydarkxst: any idea about that?09:31
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darkxstLaney, sorry no, I have poked through most of g-s-d, but never looked at the cursor plugin09:37
LaneyI'll try disabling it and see what happens09:39
darkxstLaney, btw, did you see https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=70941909:40
ubot2Gnome bug 709419 in nm-applet "nm-applet should be still autostarted in fallback/flashback sessions" [Normal,Unconfirmed]09:40
darkxstthat is the upstream fix for nm-applet09:40
darkxst(pending testing atleast)09:42
darkxstgotta run though will be back in half an hour09:42
Laneyfair enough, seems sensible09:44
Laneyit might fix the duplicate indicator-network/nm-applet too09:44
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mhr3didrocks, one more thing - we now really need to land https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-lens-applications/+bug/123725710:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 1237257 in unity-lens-applications (Ubuntu) "Running applications scope should be disabled" [Undecided,New]10:19
mhr3but for desktop10:19
mhr3cause hud now implemented appstack-bridge and desktop therefore gets recent apps in two different categories10:20
didrocksmhr3: this is landing as we speak, please help Mirv discussing on the release team10:20
mhr3didrocks, k10:20
pstolowskiand they don't even work because of other unimplemented stuff on the desktop10:20
Mirvmhr3: #ubuntu-release10:21
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mhr3pitti, viewing a report with apport-cli does some basic parsing and adds data to the crash file, right? can i delete something from the updated crash file so it'll do it again?12:03
mhr3and answering myself... everything after CoreDump12:08
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desrtpitti: cool.  thanks.12:38
seb128ChrisTownsend, hey, thanks for the work on that scrolling issue/gtk patch13:14
ChrisTownsendseb128: No problem:)  Do you think we can get that in as a zero day SRU for Saucy?13:14
seb128ChrisTownsend, not sure how responsive the GTK guys are to bugzilla patches nowadays, you might want to try to give a gentle "can you tell me what you think about that patch" to garnacho on #gtk+ irc.gnome.org13:14
seb128ChrisTownsend, we can but I would prefer to get an upstream review first ;-)13:15
ChrisTownsendseb128: Right, I meant if/when upstream accepts it.  I'll try pinging garnacho.13:15
seb128ChrisTownsend, thanks13:15
seb128ChrisTownsend, I plan to upload GTK 3.8.5 soon, it's going to go through SRU but I can include that fix with the upload13:16
ChrisTownsendseb128: That would be great!13:16
didrocksargh, ken is on holidays…13:24
seb128didrocks, yes13:27
* didrocks wonders who will land the signon thingy then13:28
didrocksI guess robru will be the victim13:28
seb128ChrisTownsend, you might just want to ask your question, so he knows what you ping about if he does filtering/when he's back13:29
ChrisTownsendseb128: Ha, ok, I was just trying to be polite and not throw a bunch of stuff on him, but I'll do that:)13:38
seb128ChrisTownsend, being polite is good, but giving some context to ping as well ... make easier to judge what you have time/interest to pong ;-)13:39
ChrisTownsendseb128: Yep, makes sense.  Thanks!13:40
seb128yw ;-)13:40
seb128ChrisTownsend, see, you got a reply :p13:42
seb128context helps ;-)13:42
ChrisTownsendseb128: :-D13:42
seb128lol, I like pre release time13:58
seb128that's when user wake up and start reporting obvious issues...13:59
* seb128 just stacked like 5 fixes this morning13:59
seb128"since this morning "rather14:00
Sweetsharkseb128: thanks for reassigning the "openoffice.org dustbunny edition on Ubuntu 9.04" bug to me (well admittedly better then on nautilus as it was before, but still ...)14:24
seb128Sweetshark, I though you wouldn't be subscribed to openoffice anymore ;-)14:25
Sweetsharkseb128: the libreoffice packaging team is still subscribed to those ;)14:26
seb128Sweetshark, you should fix that ;-)14:26
mdeslaurseb128: all bugs are discovered in the week before release, didn't you know that? :)14:26
seb128mdeslaur, I knew and forgot, I'm learning it again every cycle ;-)14:26
seb128mdeslaur, happy friday btw ;-)14:29
mdeslaurhehe, thanks you too :)14:30
jasoncwarner_morning all.14:48
jasoncwarner_anyone know why I might be getting two network indicators this morning (and yesterday)?14:48
MirvI haven't seen that14:52
didrocksjasoncwarner_: hey! I think it's because you installed on the desktop ubuntu-system-settings14:55
didrockswhich deps on indicator-network14:55
jasoncwarner_didrocks: lol, that would have done it! I did lots of my testing that way for a while.14:55
jasoncwarner_didrocks: , will uninstall it and see how that goes.14:55
didrocksjasoncwarner_: uninstall indicator-network14:56
seb128or edit /usr/share/unity/indicators/com.canonical.indicator.network and delete the desktop section14:56
seb128that way unity stops getting it14:57
* didrocks keeps his 2 indicators, only one handle vpn :)14:57
seb128but you can keep testing settings14:57
* seb128 does that14:57
seb128you need to divert/redo the hack after updates though14:57
jasoncwarner_seb128: I also will do that!14:57
jasoncwarner_thanks, seb12814:57
seb128you can as well uninstall nm-applet if the other one is enough for you14:58
seb128but as didrocks said, no vpn integration in the new one (yet)14:58
jasoncwarner_speaking of seetings, seb128 and/or laney, I noticed that brightness works just great from the power indicator, but when I use the birghtness slider in settings, it doesn't seem to adjust the brightness? (I am updating to 92 image right now, so that might fix it as well).14:58
seb128we use the indicator's slider through qmenumodel14:59
seb128we just don't set it to "dynamic"14:59
seb128so it applies when you stop moving it14:59
seb128we should change that14:59
jasoncwarner_seb128: ah...I see what you mean now15:00
jasoncwarner_yeah, that is inconsistent15:01
seb128the indicator used to do what ours does15:01
jasoncwarner_I thought it did nothing b/c I always wen tot 100% to test it15:01
seb128they changed it recently15:01
jasoncwarner_and it seems going to 100% doesn't actually adjust the setting...but going to 99% does15:01
seb128that's a bug lars fixed15:01
seb1280% and 100% aren't working15:01
seb128shurg, with the new landing rules fixes don't land regularly...15:01
seb128that just landed today15:02
jasoncwarner_seb128: does your brightness persist? I seem to have to adjust it everytime I lock and unlock?15:02
jasoncwarner_oh, nice, thanks seb128 and larsu15:02
seb128no, it doesn't15:03
seb128that's not a bug in our side of things though15:03
seb128likely a powerd issue15:03
jasoncwarner_seb128: ok. who you think I should be poking there?15:03
seb128didrocks, ogra_, ^ do you know if that's known?15:03
jasoncwarner_nm ;)15:03
didrocksseb128: not that I know of, but we are not at that granularity of bugs TBH ;)15:04
ogra_seb128, that we have no config for the brightness implemented in unity yet ?15:04
seb128ogra_, that doesn't seem like a "config" to me15:05
seb128ogra_, same as sound volume btw15:05
seb128ogra_, on desktop sound level is stored at shutdown and restored by alsa at start15:05
ogra_seb128, the shell is supposed to manage storing the configuration15:05
ogra_thats not existing yet15:05
ogra_so powerd jumps back to its defaults15:05
seb128ok, makes sense15:05
seb128ogra_, thanks15:05
seb128ogra_, not sure unity8 is the right place15:06
seb128especially that it runs as user, which is not the case of powerd15:06
seb128ogra_, imho the init jobs/powerd should do that (same as alsa for audio traditionally)15:06
seb128but I guess that's a discussion for next cycle15:07
ogra_seb128, it is what i was told ... not my design15:10
seb128ogra_, k15:11
seb128I'm going to blame Saviq15:11
jasoncwarner_seb128 ogra_ so what should we do for 13.10 then? (seb, you mentioned sound doesn't persist either? noted)15:11
Saviqseb128, and I'm taking your blame15:11
seb128jasoncwarner_, not a lot we can do, it's really a powerd thing...15:11
Saviqand going back somewhere else15:12
seb128jasoncwarner_, sound has the issue across reboots15:12
seb128Saviq, do you know if there is a bug discussing that something (just looking to unity8 bugs but didn't find one)15:12
seb128Saviq, though having unity8 handling the setting might be sense if we want by-user values15:13
Saviqseb128, don't think so, no15:15
jasoncwarner_seb128 Saviq I do see some sense in having the by user values for something like this, just fyi.15:16
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Saviqseb128, pulseaudio stores your per-port/per-user volumes anyway15:20
Saviqseb128, so it does make sense to be per-user kind of15:20
seb128Saviq, right15:20
Saviqobviously then you lock your session...15:21
seb128Saviq, that's when fun start15:21
Saviqseb128, indeed ;)15:21
seb128Saviq, you can imagine doing the same was we do for background/keyboard, e.g apply the setting of the selected user15:21
Saviqseb128, I can imagine, yes, not sure I like to have that in my head ;D15:23
Saviqseb128, will you switch device owners with that, too ;)15:24
Saviqseb128, I think logging *in*/unlocking is the only place where user-stored volume/brightness should be applied15:24
seb128Saviq, that would be a bit weird, it would me that for a 1 user device, if you power it on and put it on the pocket you wouldn't get the right values until you unlock it15:25
seb128Saviq, it's like if the ringtone was wrong until you unlock it :p15:26
seb128seems buggy ;-)15:26
Saviqseb128, or well, yeah, on shutdown/power-up, too15:28
Saviqseb128, I meant for switching between users15:28
Saviqseb128, lock → nothing changes, unlock → new things are applied, shutdown → store, power on → restore15:28
Saviqseb128, question is - who turned the device off and who's turning it on :D15:29
seb128Saviq, yeah, I prefer not thinking too much about the multiple user scenarios yet ;-)15:29
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happyaronpitti: when would I expect language packs available in -proposed?15:59
happyaronor anywhere can be downloaded and tested?16:00
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* didrocks waves good evening17:21
Mirvme waves good night18:14
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