
phillwdarkxst: Hi, with Ali being ill, is there anything I can do to help? I'm thinking of updating http://ubuntugnome.org/ to reflect the fact that the Release Candidate is imminent (although it seems to be delayed as per http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/305/builds01:26
darkxstphillw, hi03:02
darkxstyeh that would be good, I've been flat out dealing with insurance/looking for a new ca03:03
phillwdarkxst: I'll need editing privs for http://ubuntugnome.org/ I promise I will not break it!03:10
darkxstphillw, sure, your launchpad ID is phillw?04:40
darkxstphillw, images are now spun04:43
darkxstwould be awesome if you could also send out a testing announcement to ubuntu-gnome and ubuntugnome-qa (launchpad list)04:44
phillwdarkxst: they seem to be having a bad RC day, they were all due 21:00 UTC yesterday. I am still awaiting for any sort of explanation.04:44
darkxstphillw, apparently they set them up, but were just waiting on the cron jobs04:45
darkxsti.e they didnt force re-spins04:45
darkxstphillw, you should have access to the website now04:45
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-gnome to: Ubuntu GNOME Development & Support | Latest Stable Release: 13.04 | Latest Development Release: 13.10 RC: Now in Testing | Download from http://ubuntugnome.org/download/ | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | http://ubuntugnome.org/community/
darkxstricotz, hi06:15
ricotzdarkxst, hey :)06:16
darkxsthow is your automake/conf foo?06:16
darkxstI have gnome-shell running on js24, but libshell-js needs to be ported to cpp06:17
ricotzreasonable good i think06:17
darkxstand for some reason or another it still wants to link to C libraries06:17
darkxstwell while compiling (not actual linking)06:18
ricotzso you don't have g-s *running* on js24 yet?06:18
darkxstricotz, I do06:19
darkxstI moved shell-js into gjs as a module06:19
darkxstbut Jasper doesnt like that06:19
ricotzhmm, i see06:19
ricotzdo you rebased the gjs mozjs24 branch to master yet?06:20
darkxstnot yet, but will over the weekend06:20
darkxsthad a crazy week dealing with car insurance06:20
darkxstand lookng for new car06:20
ricotzah, sorry to hear that, i hope you were not at fault06:21
darkxstand the wip/js24 gjs branch is missing some patches as well anyway06:21
darkxstnope, it was just parked outside my house and someone decided to crash into it and write it off06:21
ricotzok, i guess i could take a look if the branches are up2date06:21
darkxstricotz, I can push the missing patches now, but rebase will have to wait until sat or sun06:22
ricotzdon't push the shell-js "import" though06:23
darkxstI wont06:23
darkxstyou can probably ignore the stuff in shell-global.c (just comment it out for now)06:25
darkxstits shell-js.c which needs to be built as cpp06:25
ricotzdarkxst, regarding gjs motjs24, i noticed the makefile changes could need some cleaning06:26
darkxstright, probably, there is definately a mix of CFLAGS vs CPPFLAGS, beyond that I dont have too much experience with automake06:28
darkxstand also gjs/jsapi-private.cpp can probably be removed as well now (no need to wrap up c++ functions anymore)06:29
ricotzi will take a look06:42
ricotzi also pushed a gjs js24 snapshot to my unstable ppa06:42
ricotzbtw the package bump to "*0e" is not related to the js24 switch, it just indicates actual abi/api breaks of gjs06:43
darkxstricotz, ok06:47
darkxstbtw currently one failing test if js24 isnt built with --disable-intl-api06:48
darkxst(I think the test is wrong, and give ICU handles locales now, it should be ok to just fix the test, but I need to test this06:49
ricotzi see, although this prevents statically linking icu or requiring > 50.206:49
ricotzmeaning the package is built with --disable-intl-api06:49
darkxstricotz, ICU should be required at all with --disable-intl-api06:50
ricotzyes, that is what i meant06:50
darkxstI told the mozilla guys an in-tree ICU won't fly06:51
darkxstit shouldnt be a problem to get patches backported though06:51
darkxstthough it would likely hold up any release06:52
ricotzyeah, given the later buildsys commits they "know"06:52
darkxstthey are also happy to disable ICU by default if that works out easier06:52
ricotzok, i hope i will have time later to look into g-s06:53
darkxstok thanks06:58
TomoHey guys, I have a problem connecting to the internet, there is a DHCP running on the network so it should connect automatically. I have a dual boot  with windows 8 and ubuntu 12.04 where everything works fine. Could it be some incompatibility deu the new kernel on 13.10? Thaks!09:35
TomoI tried to set the network manually and that didn't work either. The network indicator always says "Connecting"09:37
darkxstTomo, doesnt sound specific to ubuntu GNOME, you will likely get more help in #ubuntu09:39
Tomodarkxst, ok sorry for posting in wrong channel :)09:40
NaviathanGood Morning (Eastern US). I've been running Ubuntu Gnome 13.04 for a while now and I just realized 13.10 was out. With mainline Ubuntu I could just run a dist-upgrade and it would take me to the next version. That appears to not work on here.13:20
NaviathanWhat's the easiest route to upgrade without wiping my system?13:21
mgedminoh, 13.10 is out already?  awesome13:22
mgedminapt-get dist-upgrade was never supported and could break your system; you're supposed to do sudo do-release-upgrade if you want to upgrade from the command line13:22
mgedminbut I don't think Ubuntu GNOME 13.10 has been released already13:23
NaviathanWell, it hasn't been "released", but the 13.10 beta is out.13:24
mgedminin fact I don't see 13.10 on http://releases.ubuntu.com/13.10/; what is there is just the "final beta"13:24
mgedminhttp://www.ubuntu.com/ talks about "Ubuntu Server 13.10", giving me the impression it was out already :/13:24
NaviathanI wasn't aware of the "do-release-upgrade" script either. Man I'm slipping.13:24
mgedminor not used to reading documentation :)13:25
mgedminif you want to upgrade into a pre-release version, you can do do-release-upgrade -d (and if you want a GUI upgrade, it's update-manager -d)13:25
Naviathangot it.  Thanks.13:26
bjsnideri think an rc is close13:27
Naviathanagreed. Usually by the RC things are pretty stable.13:27
Naviathanupdate-manager -d worked. It's pulling down 13.10 now.13:28
phillwmgedmin: the RC is out in the wild for the final testing, head over to http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/305/builds to grab a clean ISO :)13:46
Teegood morning15:10
TeeI installed ubuntugnome but now I have shell 3.8. Is this right?15:11
mgedminsounds about right: ubuntu gnome 13.04 has gnome-shell 3.8.3 (if you enable the gnome3 ppa) or 3.6.3 (if you don't)15:28
mgedminthe upcoming ubuntu gnome 13.10 will have gnome-shell 3.8.4 (without a ppa)15:30
mgedminthere's gnome 3.10 in the staging PPA: https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3?field.series_filter=saucy15:30
JoaoSantanahi all18:41
* snwh is away: Away21:36
Robbilieheyho just a short question, where can i find an installation with gnome 3.10? :)22:58
Robbilieanyone here active? :D23:06

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