
=== jrib is now known as Guest10239
dholbachgood morning06:59
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=== Guest10239 is now known as jrib
RhondaIs there a wiki or help page on the difference between regular suite and -update suite?14:38
RhondaAnd the timeline for when -update flows back into regular one?  I.e. the point releases?14:38
RhondaAh, I guess I found it, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule14:39
RhondaAre all packages in -update flowing into the next point, or are there sometimes packages getting rejected?14:40
cjwatsonRhonda: all packages in -updates go to the next point release - in fact the point release is basically a snapshot of -updates15:15
RhondaA snapshot of -updates?  So -updates is a full suite, not just the revised packages?15:17
cjwatsonSorry, a snapshot of (release + release-updates)15:19
cjwatson-updates is a partial suite15:19
RhondaThanks :)15:31
Legendariobzr builddeb fails and says "secret key not available"17:09
Legendariobut I have the key17:09
Legendariomay be it is because I have multiple keys in it17:10
Legendariois there a way to specify the key?17:11
Legendariolike there was in dh_builddeb17:11
psusiwhat is a "multi byte string"?  Does that mean UTF-8 or does it depend on your locale?18:14
jtaylorany unicode string can be multibyte18:19
jtaylore.g there are unicode codecs with fixed size, 2, 3 or 4 byte, or variable size codecs like utf-818:19
jtaylorutf-8 is multibyte as soon as you go beyong ascii (or latin1?)18:20
psusiI mean the C functions like wctomb... what does it mean when it says multi byte?  what is the actual char set used?18:23
psusiparted seems to be taking the UTF-16 string in the partition table and just decimating it to 8 bit chars by discarding the upper 8 bits18:24
psusiso I'm trying to figure out how to fix it to translate it to the proper form, but I'm not sure what that is and how to do it...18:24
psusiI'm guessing it is UTF-818:25
psusior does the native code set depend on the current locale?  and some don't use utf-8?18:26
jtaylorthere is utf-16 in the partition table oO18:28
jtaylorI think what the C w* functions do is locale dependent18:28
jtaylorbut luckyly I never had to actually use them18:29
jtaylorso can't really help you18:29
psusilooks like I need to convert from utf-16 to wchar_t, then convert that into whatever encoding the current locale is using... wait... what is wchar_t?  isnt't that always utf-16?18:32
jtaylorI think so18:32
jtaylorno not utf-16, but always 2 byte18:32
jtaylorcould be UCS-16 or whatever weird 2 byte encodings there are18:33
jtaylorhm no its not even defined what size it is in the standard18:34
jtaylor(4 byte on my system btw)18:36
psusijesus christ... how can all of these conversion functions talk about what they are converting from/to without knowing what the actual format of either end is!18:37
jtaylorthey get it from the locale18:38
Legendarioany help up above?18:38
psusiso the locale defines BOTH the format of wchar_t, and the multibyte char set?18:38
psusithis is fubar18:39
jtaylorLegendario: pass -k<keyid> to the build18:39
jtayloror DEBSIGN_KEYID= in ~/.devscripts18:39
jtayloryes unicode in C is no fun18:39
jtaylorman problems would be solved if everything would just be utf8 :(18:40
Legendariojtaylor, I've tried but got an error "bzr: ERROR: no such option: -k"19:06
jtayloradd it after --19:06
jtaylorit goes to dpkg-buildpackage19:06
jtaylorbzr-buildpackage -- -k19:06
Legendariojtaylor, cool! Worked out! :-)19:11
Legendariojtaylor, what does the -- stand for?19:12
jtaylorits convention to indicate stop parsing for own parameters and pass the rest on to sub-processes19:12
cjwatsonor treat as literal strings rather than options19:12
Legendariojtaylor, cjwatson , awsome! :-) Is it still possible to add a package to saucy or is it already frozen?19:23
cjwatsonWe're pretty hard-frozen for non-essentials19:24
cjwatsonBut T is only six months away19:24
psusiTiny Trilobyte? ;)19:45
psusiI could have sworn that redhat had a nice page that made it simple to see what patches they have applied to their packages,  but google is being unhelpful.  Anyone know what I'm talking about?20:09
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