
=== robert__ is now known as nudtrobert
slangasek^^ this gets the cross-compiler in sync with gcc-4.7-source for release, which is probably a good idea; I actually want them in sync to try to pin down an issue where gcc-4.7 is reportedly behaving differently for certain code for native vs. cross building01:52
slangasek(and the native compilation is giving buggy results, but that's beside the point... we don't know that the compiler itself is at fault)01:53
slangasekoh, is the final freeze still advisory for universe? ok then01:54
darkxstIs there some reason that there arent yet Ubuntu GNOME RC builds?03:03
infinitydarkxst: We created the milestone, and are just letting them cron in at their usual time.03:05
infinitydarkxst: Which for ubuntu-gnome, appears to be 15:32 UTC...  A bit of a wait.03:06
infinitydarkxst: I can do a manual spin for you, if you have confused testers.03:06
infinitydarkxst: Spinning you a set now.03:08
=== henrix_ is now known as henrix
darkxstinfinity, thanks ;)04:40
ScottKinfinity: Thanks.04:51
infinityCan someone do a quick review of that gdb upload I just made?06:04
slangasekinfinity: doh - right, I forgot about the efi binary new, didn't I06:33
slangasekinfinity: gdb> looking06:33
slangasekor not06:33
infinityslangasek: Does anything read /lib/init/fstab other than mountall, and ever before /etc/groups is available?06:49
slangasekinfinity: well, I had a conversation with stgraber and hallyn about possibly making lxc read it, but no.  Also, how can /etc/group ever not be available?  /etc must be on the rootfs06:50
infinityslangasek: Well, it could be unavailable if something pulled that file and mountall into an initrd, for instance.06:50
infinityslangasek: (Which doesn't ever happen currently, I assume?)06:51
infinityslangasek: Anyhow, was just asking because of the "gid=tty" instead of "gid=5" in there, which would go awry if one couldn't resolve "tty" to anything useful.06:51
slangasekinfinity: yes, no mountall in initramfs07:03
infinityI'm beggining to think maybe I should revert the pt_chown change for now.07:04
infinityAnd maybe fix mount to add gid=5,mode=0620 to the "defaults" set.07:04
infinityThere's this curious feature where, even if your base system is booted and mounted correctly, if you "mount -t devpts devpts-foo foo/", all instanced of devpts (including the base system) pick up the new defaults.07:05
infinityAnd lose the gid/mode bits.07:05
infinityWhich has always been true, but then pt_chown picked up the slack for this misconfiguration in the past.07:05
infinityslangasek: On the other hand, Fedora already pushed this out as a security update a couple of months ago, and basically said "if stuff breaks, mount /dev/pts correctly, derp" in their announcement. :P07:09
didrocksinfinity: if you are still around, the mir one is for this touch image ^ (it's just a build-dep of xorg, but the fix is for touch only), not seeded anyway08:27
shadeslayerstgraber: poke poke08:28
infinitydidrocks: I'm not here, and you can't prove it.08:28
infinitydidrocks: Oh, also: congrats.  Where was my invite? :)08:29
didrocksinfinity: ahah, thanks a lot! :-)08:29
ogra_hey, i accidentially triggered an ubuntu-gnome build, hope i didnt cause havoc with this09:29
cjwatsonslangasek: Probably ought to be changed, yes.  Can you file a bug and I'll do it next cycle?  I don't think I should mess with it now for 13.1009:32
infinityogra_: They'll probably live.  There's going to be a cronned one today too, anyway.09:35
xnoxinfinity: well i have two installer bugs fixed now, and if/when ubiquity upload will happen today. I'd love to respin all ubiquity images and test them before departing for the weekend.09:39
xnoxunless too late.09:39
infinityxnox: Not too late.  I'm sure this won't be the last installed upload of the cycle (though one can always hope).09:40
infinityxnox: The freeze pretty much explicitly doesn't apply to installers, since this is when we get all the good/juicy bugs.09:40
xnoxinfinity: oh and base-files are not in yet, so yeah we will be respining =)09:42
infinityIndeed, I'll upload that on the weekend, probably.09:42
infinityOr maybe today sometime.09:43
infinitySince I lost a bunch of my weekend to flying in the wrong direction.09:43
infinitySilly timezones.09:43
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
Mirv↑ and ↓ indicators + unity stacks, fully tested on desktop, best autopilot results ever so seems pretty nice. indicators also tested on touch (manually) for the parts that are affected.10:19
Mirvof course the best AP tests comes down to unity7 team fixing AP false alarms, but still, makes for nicer numbers10:20
mhr3Mirv, so are there any issues with landing it?10:21
Mirvmhr3: not that I know of, as mentioned good AP results, manual testing on touch fine.10:22
mhr3Mirv, cool, pls ping me if there's any problem with it10:23
Mirvmhr3: sure. if release team has any worries, they'll tell us here.10:23
asaccjwatson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6221814/10:30
asacthose are components that didnt make it it seems.10:31
asaccjwatson: what are the options? what do you need from us?10:31
cjwatsonIt was only 15 minutes ago :)  I'll review10:34
asaccjwatson: ok cool. let me know. especially if we need to divert one of those to -updates or wait much longer10:34
cjwatson(I'm mostly fixing a problem with the publisher right now, so if anyone else can help ...)10:35
asaccjwatson: what kind of help? I assume that is "anyone from release team"?10:35
cjwatsonasac: Is ido one of yours as well?10:35
asaccjwatson: so thats all that is comnig from CI10:35
asacwe unfortunately have still desktop stuff in CI10:35
asacfortunately actually, but in this case a bit awkward10:35
asacasking didrocks10:36
seb128ido has a desktop bug fix10:36
seb128it doesn't impact touch10:36
asaccjwatson: ido is also coming from CI, but its pure desktop only10:36
cjwatsonseb128: Do you know if the fix in ido affects anything in screenshots?10:36
cjwatsonIt's fine otherwise10:37
seb128cjwatson, it means the indicator-session avatar icon being properly aligned if you use a non default font size10:37
seb128I doubt we have any screenshot of the bug10:37
cjwatsonAh, so not screenshots10:37
asacso yeah we missed ido10:37
seb128asac, I'm glad you uploaded it :p10:37
seb128that bugs annoys me ;-)10:37
seb128asac, btw "unfortunately have still desktop stuff in CI" ... does it mean you plan to drop CI for desktop components?10:38
seb128cjwatson, thanks10:38
Daviey /3710:41
cjwatsonasac,didrocks: all accepted now10:57
didrockscjwatson: thanks a lot :) one worrying things less :)10:57
asaccjwatson: awesome!10:57
asacwhat an amazing day10:57
asaci will have to buy flowers for my wife still :P10:57
* asac puts that on his "nice to have TODO list" :)10:58
didrocksasac: "nice to have" only?10:58
didrocksI think qtdeclarative-opensource-src is unseeded, right?10:58
* didrocks checks10:58
cjwatsoncan't be unseeded if it's in those packagesets10:59
cjwatsonbut it looks fine, is it OK from the touch POV?10:59
didrockscjwatson: yeah, it's fixing the "unity8 is taking 100% of GPU" :)10:59
didrocksthanks colin!11:00
didrocksok, now touch-only uploads, all tested, fine, let's publish them11:00
asacdidrocks: yeah i should prioritze that more appropriately :)11:01
cjwatsoninfinity: Did you retry the failures due to lp-buildd vs. pt_chown?11:12
infinitycjwatson: The one or two I knew about.  Were there many?11:13
cjwatsonI only knew of the ones you told me about :-)11:13
infinityFair.  I did those. :P11:14
Mirvthanks seb128 cjwatson asac didrocks :)11:44
MirvI even got to eat proper food today, so I'm even more happy11:45
didrocksMirv: lucky you! :)11:46
seb128Mirv, yw ;-)11:48
jamespageopenstack just pushed out a second rc for glance with a number of critical and high bug fixes - zul preparing and reviewing now13:16
didrocksI think platform-api is what is freezing location-service ^14:43
=== doko_ is now known as doko
xnoxubiquity ^ diff will be large, but it's really one bugfix per commit on lp:ubiquity. Also note that majority of the diff is debconf-updatepo, which means unfortunately that many strings were not possible to translate up to now.14:45
shadeslayercjwatson: any reason why kubuntu-active ISO's aren't built?14:48
didrocks(thanks to whoever accepted location-service ;))14:51
infinityshadeslayer: I believe kubuntu-active was marked disabled in the ISO tracker, because someone didn't want them to be in milestones/release.  Has that position changed?14:51
infinityshadeslayer: Active wasn't in any of the alphas or betas, only dailies.14:53
cjwatsonshadeslayer: check the build failures14:53
cjwatsonshadeslayer: it's been failing for a while14:53
shadeslayerI don't know where :(14:53
cjwatsonI hadn't had a chance to look14:53
infinityOh, did you literally mean "not built" rather than "not posted to the tracker"?14:53
cjwatsonhttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs/ somewhere14:53
shadeslayerinfinity: yes14:54
shadeslayercjwatson: infinity could you trigger a build now?14:54
shadeslayershould be fixed14:54
cjwatsonas of when?  today?14:55
shadeslayerI pushed fixes early today14:55
infinityI don't see how that would fix it.14:56
infinityshadeslayer: If both contour and plasma-active are being installed, you've not improved the situation by adding an unversioned Breaks.14:57
shadeslayerinfinity: contour is no more14:57
shadeslayerdropped it from the seed14:57
shadeslayerremoved from archive14:57
cjwatsonI guess we'll find out14:58
infinityshadeslayer: Ahh, that was a bit more informative than the plasma-mobile link. ;)14:58
shadeslayersorry about only providing half the info14:59
loolHey, I've added a block ubuntuone-credentials hint to test it while it's in -proposed (it's not under cu2d CI)15:18
lool(dobey is the uploader and has tested it "upstream" / in trunk)15:18
lool(it's only seeded in touch)15:18
xnoxstgraber: updating ubuntu-meta does "* Added shotwell to desktop-recommends [powerpc]" yet i was just removed "* Removed shotwell from desktop-recommends [powerpc]" by your last upload. is that correct?15:33
cjwatsonxnox: Looks like it was removed from powerpc at one point and then restored15:36
xnoxcjwatson: ok. uploaded.15:36
xnoxit's recommends and powerpc.... maybe it was removed/FTBFS at the time of last upload?!15:37
cjwatsonYeah, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/powerpc/shotwell, deleted from release entry #715:37
xnoxcjwatson: otherwise it's a FTBFS fix.15:38
lool17:36 -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ubuntuone-credentials (saucy-proposed/universe) [13.10-0ubuntu1 => 13.10-0ubuntu2] (ubuntuone)15:38
loolwhat does the ubuntuone package set mean?15:38
looldoes it have special rules for reviews or something?15:38
cjwatsonI think it's for upload perms15:38
dbarthcan i bring the case of bug #1206268 to your attention again15:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 1206268 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "[MIR] unity-webapps-qml" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120626815:38
xnoxdon't think so, just uploads perms & release-bug tracking / owners.15:39
mterryHeyo folks!  There is a change that dbarth and folks would like to make to the ubuntu-sdk package.  ^ This would involve dropping a Recommends from that seed, and then changing qtmultimedia to stop building a certain package only referenced by the sdk metapackage.  How doable is that (we have branches, just looking for approval) at this stage?15:39
xnoxmterry: are all changes required reviewable somewhere? is it all the branches attached on the bug report?15:40
xnoxmterry: can you comment links with merge proposals against seeds and/or all packages involved?15:40
xnox(comment on the bug that is)15:40
loolstgraber: There might be some possible improvements to the autoaccept script if you like to: ubuntuone-credentials is only seeded in touch, but is stuck in queue because it's in a special upload packageset (ubuntuone)15:41
xnoxcause it's hard to see what the scope of changes is....15:41
mterryxnox, sure.  let me link15:41
stgraberlool: I'll whitelist that one15:41
dbarthmterry: should Mirv also comment on the bug directly, with the plan he proposed earlier in the thread?15:42
loolstgraber: thanks15:42
stgraberlool: added to whitelist now15:43
ogra_can someone please let livecd-rootfs through ?15:43
ogra_(first is adding click packages to the manifest, second is a fix for a serious touch bug)15:44
mterrydbarth, the plan is basically "land these three branches"15:45
mterryxnox, three branches added to bug in comments15:45
mterryrobru, ^ btw15:47
stgraberogra_: I'm a bit concerned by that manifest change, won't that break Ursinha's script and anything that expects packages listed in the manifest to be avaiable from the archive?15:47
ogra_stgraber, it wont break my script, Ursinha's is still not merged afaik15:47
ogra_stgraber, and jibel picks his data from my location15:47
ogra_stgraber, in any case we need that info in the manifest15:48
stgraberwell, I'd argue we should have a separate manifest file for click15:48
ogra_sure, we can do that later15:48
stgrabercjwatson: I'd like your opinion on this if you have a minute?15:48
ogra_stgraber, this is the quick variant to get it in before release15:49
ogra_stgraber, i'l happily teach cdimage about a new file and how to publish it in T15:49
cjwatsonstgraber: I recommended the approach ogra_'s taken - I think manifest consumers should be prepared for the packages to be either .deb or .click15:49
dbarthmterry: right15:50
cjwatsonIf it breaks anything then surely it'll be straightforward to fix15:50
cjwatsontry: except:15:50
ogra_the format is the exact same too15:50
stgrabercjwatson: is there an easy way for something reading the manifest to determine whether it's a .deb or .click?15:50
ogra_<pkgname> <version>15:50
cjwatsonstgraber: "does it exist in the archive as a .deb"15:50
cjwatsonI mean, it has to go looking for the changelog anyway, it can just check, no?15:51
ogra_stgraber, most likely the namespace will be com.ubuntu.foo.bar.*15:51
cjwatsonogra_: that's definitely not a reasonable thing to check for in the consumer15:51
cjwatsonif it would be helpful to prefix the package name with "click:" or something, that would be possible15:51
stgrabersure, it's just going to be tricky to know whether something is a click package or a package coming from a PPA (even though we're not supposed to ever use PPA, the past as showed that we sometimes do)15:51
cjwatsonI dunno, I guess a separate file would be possible, I'd just like to avoid a proliferation of output files15:52
cjwatsonI think it's confusing15:52
ogra_in any case a separate file is nothing for the week before release imho15:52
stgraberI think I'd be fine with a click: prefix as it shouldn't break ogra_'s script and will let other parsers easily detect click and either act on it or ignore them15:52
ogra_i dont want to do big plumbings in cdimage that close to release15:52
stgraberxnox: do we really have to introduce a new string in ubiquity that close to release?15:56
stgraberxnox: hmm, well, it doesn't really matter since none of the ubuntuone strings were translated anyway... I guess it's going to be one of those releases...15:57
xnoxstgraber: note that none of the other strings introduced this cycle in ubiquity didn't make it into .pot and were not translated due to not running debconf-updatepo this cycle at all. So in fact I am introducing new strings anyhow in that plugin.15:57
ogra_stgraber, so do you let it in ? i urgently need the second fix15:58
xnoxstgraber: it only affects ubuntu images, as nobody else seeded ubiquity-ubuntuone plugin.15:58
* ogra_ notes the mail15:58
stgraberogra_: I'll accept your /system/bin/sh change and reject the other15:58
ogra_k, thanks :)15:58
xnoxstgraber: yeah, it is shame that translations will be bad..... (note U1 api only returns back errors in english =/ )15:58
stgraberogra_: hmm, actually I can't since you stacked the /bin/sh one on top of the manifest one... (I was hoping it was the other way around and I could simply pull the old one from the reject queue)15:59
stgraberogra_: if you re-upload adding a click: prefix to the manifest entries, I'll accept it. Alternatively, just upload the /bin/sh fix and I'll accept that.15:59
ogra_ok that has to wait 1h then ...16:00
stgraberogra_: why?16:00
* ogra_ has meetings now 16:00
stgraberah ok16:00
ogra_i'll re-work the click part ...16:00
ogra_since we need that16:00
ogra_(i doubt any of the scripts can handle columns in the package name though)16:01
stgraberogra_: ping me once it's back in the queue if I don't notice and I'll make sure it's reviewed quickly16:01
stgraberogra_: well, either they really care about the source name existing and they'll fail either way or they don't and a click: prefix won't make any difference16:01
cyphermox^ didrocks: signon-ui as requested16:07
stgraberI'm reviewing it now16:07
cyphermoxstgraber: thanks16:07
ogra_stgraber, cjwatson http://paste.ubuntu.com/6223092/ does that look ok to you ?16:09
alex-abreucyphermox, is the ball rolling for webbrowser-app ?16:10
stgraberogra_: did you mean "while read line"?16:10
cyphermoxalex-abreu: best I can tell you is it *did* for image 94, I don't know more16:11
ogra_stgraber, not really, i tested that variant locally16:11
stgraberogra_: hmm, actually, both do the same, ignore me ;)16:11
ogra_but i can tiurn it into a while loop :)16:11
stgraberit's just the first time I see it done with for I believe ;)16:11
ogra_stgraber, heh, now that i think about it, me too :P16:11
stgraberogra_: anyway, yes, that looks good to me16:12
ogra_great, committing and uploading 2.194 then16:12
stgraberogra_: you know that you can just squash all the changes and upload 2.192 right? as none of those got accepted into the archive16:13
stgrabercyphermox: are you familiar with the actual changes in that upload?16:13
ogra_stgraber, i'm to lazy to roll back the bzr branch16:13
stgraberogra_: ok :)16:13
ogra_its upstream committed16:13
cyphermoxstgraber: I tested that you could still create accounts and such, and ran the autopilot tests16:14
stgrabercyphermox: I'm not entirely confident that this is a bugfix only upload based on the wording of the changelog and the number of qml changes, does that upload cause any kind of user visible change?16:14
didrocksthanks cyphermox!16:15
cyphermoxstgraber: not that I noticed16:15
cyphermoxdidrocks: do you know more? ^16:16
stgraberit's a bit hard to figure it out from the diff with all of those qml files being renamed/split/merged...16:17
stgraberogra_: just to confirm, that click change is in a touch specific section of auto/build, right?16:18
ogra_stgraber, yep. ubuntu-touch and armhf even16:18
stgraberok, thanks16:19
stgraberogra_: there you go ^16:20
* ogra_ hugs stgraber 16:20
ogra_thanks :)16:20
cjwatsonogra_: "for line in read" runs the loop body once with $line set to "read"16:21
cjwatsonogra_: that needs to be a while loop instead16:21
cjwatson(I tested this ...)16:21
ogra_cjwatson, eeek16:21
ogra_will fix in a minute16:21
cjwatson$ (echo foo; echo bar; echo baz) | for line in read; do echo $line; done16:21
cjwatsonI would be very surprised if any POSIX shell did otherwise16:22
didrocksstgraber: only on touch AFAIK16:23
didrockscyphermox: ^16:23
stgraberogra_: those don't look prefixed to me16:23
cjwatsonogra_: that only works at all by sheer coincidence16:24
cjwatsonAnd indeed will never be prefixed16:24
cjwatsonogra_: What that does is cause the shell to evaluate the output of "click list" as a file name, attempt to redirect stdin from it, and then emit an error message saying that that (ridiculous) file name doesn't exist16:25
cjwatsonogra_: still broken16:25
cjwatsonogra_: you need:16:25
stgraberogra_: FWIW I tend to prefer: Chroot chroot "click list | while read line; do ...; done16:25
cjwatsonChroot chroot "click list" | while read line; do ...; done16:25
cjwatsonAnd indeed your second version is broken for the same reason - <"$(...)" is basically nonsensical shell :)16:26
stgraberright and cjwatson's will actually work since he didn't forget a " :)16:26
shadeslayercjwatson: ISO seems to have built \o/16:26
cjwatsonshadeslayer: cool16:26
ogra_ok, final attempt http://paste.ubuntu.com/6223157/16:26
cjwatsonshould work yes16:27
didrocksthanks stgraber16:37
thostr_we got a test failure on ppc https://launchpadlibrarian.net/153485520/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-powerpc.mediascanner_0.3.93%2B13.10.20131011-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz17:06
thostr_however, mediascanner is currently not utilized by any desktop, it's only used for phone where it works17:06
thostr_so, could we ignore the test error under those circumstances?17:07
cjwatsonWe can remove the binaries on powerpc17:07
cjwatsonSorting that out now17:07
cjwatsonIt just needs unity-scope-mediascanner removed too17:08
thostr_cjwatson: thanks17:09
cjwatsondone now pending the next publisher cycle17:09
stgraberhmm, interesting, pre-release freeze isn't considered as development by Launchpad?17:13
stgraber>>> list(lp.distributions['ubuntu'].getDevelopmentSeries())17:13
stgraber(I noticed because I had to pass -s saucy to a few of our tools recently and finally got around to checking why)17:14
slangasekstgraber: correct17:14
cjwatsonstgraber: .current_series17:18
cjwatsonstgraber: I fixed ubuntu-archive-tools for that fairly recently - you may want to update17:18
cjwatson(r775 last week)17:18
stgrabercjwatson: haha, I was indeed a bit behind on ubuntu-archive-tools! thanks for the fix17:22
xnoxlooks like ubiquity 2.15.23 has landed, can we respin all ubiquity images?17:24
stgraberwe're still on cronned run17:25
xnoxstgraber: i know, but it has so many fixes and duplicate bugs are kept being filed.17:25
xnoxstgraber: can ubiquity images that have already been build today be respun? e.g. ubuntu-desktop at least?17:26
stgraberxnox: ok, I'll trigger a rebuild of all images listed on the manifest17:26
xnoxstgraber: thanks.17:26
stgraberdone (selected all the desktop images listed under the Final milestone)17:27
rtginfinity, re: bug #1236666 - should I request a sync ? get the source deb and upload manually, or go away and never mention it again ?18:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 1236666 in msr-tools (Ubuntu) "[Feature] update msr-tools package to revision 1.3" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123666618:04
mdeslaurcan I upload a fix for python-xlib? (LP: #1231453, and LP: #1221514). Looks like it's seeded on the edubuntu dvd.18:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 1231453 in python-xlib (Ubuntu) "get_full_property() throws exceptions" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123145318:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 1231453 in python-xlib (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1221514 get_full_property() throws exceptions" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123145318:31
mdeslaurstgraber: ^18:34
infinityrtg: Sell me on why we want a new version 6 days before release, and what it won't break.18:35
stgrabermdeslaur: sounds reasonable18:40
mdeslaurstgraber: thanks, uploaded18:40
rtginfinity, why is msr-tools in main ? the new 1.3 version doesn't look like it has any compelling new features to warrant uploading right now. 14.04 ought to be soon enough.19:34
infinityrtg: It's in main for cpu-checker19:35
infinityrtg: Which, in turn, is in main for qemu.19:35
infinityrtg: Which is in main because we hate our users and refuse to support Xen.19:36
rtginfinity, ok, I'll take option 3 (i.e., go away)19:36
infinityrtg: Sure.  It's not modified in Ubuntu, so it'll autosync when we open 14.04.19:36
jdstrandinfinity: fyi, got approval from #ubuntu-ci-eng for the apparmor upload21:05
jdstrandinfinity: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6224151/21:05
jdstrand$ apt-cache depends apparmor|grep python21:06
jdstrand  Depends: python321:06
jdstrand$ apt-cache depends apparmor|grep python21:06
jdstrand  Depends: python21:06
jdstrandinfinity: so, does your comment in #ubuntu-devel mean I can upload?21:06
* jdstrand uploads21:10
jdstrandif there is a problem, reject it21:11
knomehmph, apparently ubiquity slideshow translations weren't uploaded since a few weeks.21:12
stgraberknome: hmm, that's unfortunate... let me do that quickly now21:27
knomestgraber, cheers :)21:27
ScottKjdstrand: Seems fine.21:42
stgraberknome: uploaded21:42
ScottKOh, someone got it already.21:43
stgraberyeah, I did21:43
jdstrandstgraber, ScottK: thanks! :)21:43
stgraber^ that diff will likely be quite massive, it's a translation update from LP, so I'd recommend just checking that I'm not doing anything else :)21:44
knomestgraber, thanks again! :)21:45
loolhint-unblocked ubuntuone-credentials (touch only)21:48
slangasekstgraber: diff looks fine, but is kind of late?  Why didn't the translation updates get done before final freeze?22:11
slangasekand do we know for sure that we're having another set of images rolled, so that we should definitely accept this now?22:11
slangaseklool: what unblocking is needed?  the fact that it's touch only means it should go through automatically, and anyway I don't see it uploaded22:19
loolslangasek: just a followup to: 17:18 < lool> Hey, I've added a block ubuntuone-credentials hint to test it while it's in -proposed (it's not under cu2d CI)22:19
slangaseklool: ah22:20
loolslangasek: I did my own blocking and unblocking basically, but wanted to keep the RT in the loop for hints22:20
slangasekack :)22:20
stgraberslangasek: right, we apparently dropped the ball on that one and nobody updated the translations in weeks... knome noticed a bit earlier today22:28
slangasekstgraber: so we're planning full ISO respins to pick this up?22:28
stgraberslangasek: we're still running on cron at the moment and infinity is planning to turn off cron probably tomorrow/sunday22:29
slangasekaccepting, then22:29
knomeslangasek, ta22:30

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