
dobbosany idea how to find Jesus in Ubuntu 13.04?00:03
swaagiewater your screen00:04
wilee-nilee!ot | dobbos00:04
ubottudobbos: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:04
dobbosdone that as per a couple of how-to's, no luck :(00:04
wilee-nileethere is a ubuntu Christian edition however00:04
ersatzhey, can anyone help me figure out why my 12.04 stops booting for me?00:08
swaagiewilee-nilee: any pointers from the gist?00:08
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ersatzwhat would the gist be?00:09
cbilljonesI have an init script that is looking for rc.local which ubuntu doesnt use, can anyone assist me to get it working?00:09
ryaninwaHello I am trying to use the startup disk creator to make a bootable usb drive but when I try to choose my source disc image I cannot find it00:15
ryaninwain the online instructions for creating one it doesn't specify a location other than the default location that opens when choosing other00:16
ryaninwacan anyone please help me?00:17
swaagieryaninwa: you sure the disk is still mounted?00:17
ryaninwaI am not sure what you mean. I am not using a disc for installation00:18
wilee-nileeersatz, could be any number of reasons give details to the channel.00:18
swaagieryaninwa: usb/disk/storage unit ;)00:18
swaagieryaninwa: what are you using?00:18
ryaninwaI am using ubuntu 12.0400:19
ryaninwaThe steps I am taking are: I got to dash home open startup Disk creator open it and then select other00:20
ersatzI posted on ubuntu forums http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217997400:20
swaagieryaninwa: nvm I didnt read properly, you already stated usb drive, question remains is it mounted, easiest is to check the 'disk' program00:20
wilee-nileeryaninwa, open gparted take a screen shot of any and all HD's and imagebin them.00:20
swaagiegparted is not  installed by default in 12 right?00:21
ryaninwaThis is the first time I have used linux or unbuntu so I am not sure what gparted is00:21
wilee-nilee!nomodeset | ersatz00:22
ubottuersatz: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter00:22
ryaninwaI am having trouble locating the, "downloaded ISO file"00:22
wilee-nileeersatz, Not much detail however with what you have posted I would guess a missing graphic driver, or the wrong one.00:22
swaagieryaninwa: should be under ~/Downloads normally where ~ is your home folder, e.g. /home/<username>/Downloads00:24
ihabWhat to do after Gnome 10 release on ubuntu00:24
ersatzwilee-nilee, the thing is, I got the graphic driver working nicely.  in one case it stopped working when I installed the 32 bit version also, in the 32 bit version, it was working fine until I rebooted (one time).00:24
ryaninwaSorry what I am trying to do is make a bootable USB drive and I am following the steps listed on http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu and I am stuck on step 400:24
k1l_ihab: can you rephrase?00:25
ihabStep 4: you should browse to locate the .iso source file00:25
ersatzubottu, I will certainly look at that pointer and see if I can get nomodeset to help me.00:25
ubottuersatz: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:25
wilee-nileeryaninwa, You in windows?00:25
swaagiewilee-nilee: btw I fiddled a bit with the partner repo's so that I could install skype from the package manager, then however it bails on a lacking skype-bin and when I try to install that it borks on libqt4-dbus:i38600:25
ihabryaninwa: What about it00:25
ryaninwaWIlee nillee I am in ubuntu 12.0400:26
ihabk1l_: You must have the Ubuntu or any linux distro source file as .iso file format00:26
swaagiethen hit the other button :)00:26
k1l_ihab: what are you actually trying to do?00:27
wilee-nileeryaninwa, This a installed ubuntu?00:27
ryaninwaSwaagie I hit the other button but I cannot locate ISO the source file00:27
ihabI am helping ryaninwa with his/her problem\00:27
wilee-nilee!tab | ryan00:27
ubotturyan: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.00:27
wilee-nilee!tab | ryaninwa00:27
ubotturyaninwa: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.00:27
* swaagie chuckles00:28
wilee-nileeryaninwa, YOu on a live cd trying to use it as the iso to install with the startup disk app?00:29
FreederHi folks, I'm looking at an example inittab line of code: zz:12345:respawn:/usr/bin/sudo -u user1 /path/to/my_daemon  . the file my_daemon ... that is the file I always want running, right? Or does that need to be code to check if a file is running?00:29
reisiodoes Ubuntu even use /etc/inittab anymore?00:30
ryaninwawilnee nilee I am tryin to intall with the startup disk app http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu00:30
Freederactually, it doesnt.00:30
wilee-nileeryaninwa, Can you answer my last question?00:30
Freederwhat is the equivilent now?00:31
ryaninwaSorry wilee nilee was your last question about the startup disk app?00:31
wilee-nileeryaninwa, You are not using the tab key to complete nicks, nor are you really communicating with those that address you, do you speak english?00:32
swaagielol wtf:  wine1.4:i386 : Depends: wine1.4-i386:i386 (= 1.4.1-0ubuntu5) but it is not going to be installed00:32
k1l_swaagie: PPAs?00:32
AndroUserHey there, i made a big blunder, i followed some tutorial to remove gnome, with some pasting, and now after a reboot my laptop is useless, i only have access to the command line, could somebody help me out to restore my system?00:32
ryaninwawilee-nilee: sorry this is the first time I have used this forum00:32
wilee-nileeryaninwa, Where is the iso you are trying to use?00:32
swaagiek1l_: I dunno it started with an attempt to get skype installed on 64bit 13.04, but somewhere I completely borked my repo's it seems, I already remove all custom  ppa's00:33
ryaninwawilee-nilee:  I am not sure where it is located. I think that is the problem.00:33
wilee-nileeryaninwa, Are you in a ubuntu install or on in a live enviroment?00:34
ryaninwawilee-nilee:  In a live environment I believe I am currently running ubuntu00:34
nishanthi am noob at linux i just installed ubuntu with a windows 7 partion and i dont see the grub after restart can someone help me00:34
FreederAndroUser: what did you expect to happen when you removed gnome?00:35
reisioAndroUser: you want GNOME back?00:35
wilee-nileeryaninwa, Is the iso in another OS? you can't use the live environment as the install iso, for the install yes, but not as.00:35
tarheellol sudo apt-get install gnome00:35
tarheelive no idea why anyone would use gnome anyway00:36
nishanthcan someone help me with a grub issue please??00:37
iklaroscan anyone help with a uefi install? i get a secure boot error on startup, i cannot turn off secure boot on this machine. what do i do?00:37
ryaninwawilee-nilee: I downloaded and installed ubuntu alongside windows so I did install and download it with windows and this is my first time running the program00:37
reisionishanth: any particular grub issue?00:37
AndroUserActually i had lxde already installed, but my computer can''t recognize my graphic card!?00:37
wilee-nileenishanth, This a wubi install, ubuntu does not install to a ntfs unless it is a wubi.00:37
swaagiek1l_: perhaps you can make anything of it, https://gist.github.com/Swaagie/6927503 some stuff I did to get skype installed, tried to revert to just single arch amd64, still seems to be still stuck somewhere on i386, now I retried and the funky shit I just linked happened00:38
reisioAndroUser: well pick a problem00:38
ryaninwawilee-nilee: Would I need to download ubuntu again on the ubuntu OS to be able to create a bootable USB drive00:38
nishanthreisio : i installed ubuntu using a live cd and when i restart it goes directly to windows00:38
wilee-nileeryaninwa, YOU installed from windows a wubi correct?00:38
swaagiewhat was that repo rebuild site again?00:38
nishanthwilee-nilee : so am i supposed to reinstall from windows using wubi?00:39
AndroUserThe problem is that i don't know how to connect to the internet from the command line00:39
ryaninwawilee-nilee: Correct I used wubi to install it00:39
wilee-nileenishanth, I would not.00:39
iklarosno-one knows uefi and secure boot?00:40
nishanthwilee-nilee , i want ubuntu as a an option to dual boot00:40
wilee-nileeryaninwa, I would just do another download of 12.04 to load the usb, the iso is somewhere in windows and it is accessible, but few here know wubi or how to navigate from it to windows.00:40
nishanthwilee-nilee : so how do i make my grub start at boot?00:40
wilee-nileenishanth, Do you have more than one HD, and is this a dual boot, if so with what?00:41
wilee-nileewhich windows release00:41
nishanthwilee-nilee : i have only one HD and i made a partition with windows 700:42
ryaninwawilee-nilee: So would you save the file to the desktop and then browse to it? If so is the ISO file end with ".ISO"00:42
iklarosnishanth: you created the partition using the tools provided by windows 7?00:42
wilee-nileenishanth, You can't make a ubuntun partition in windows.00:42
iklarosnishanth: The recommended method is make a bootable ubuntu USB, then reboot the machine from that, and use that instsaller. That will setup grub.00:42
nishanthwilee-nilee :  i mean i made some free space and then boot from live cd00:43
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iklaroswell good luck with it,im going back to trying to sort out secure boot install, seems no-one here knows how to do UEFI00:43
wilee-nileenishanth, Run the bootrepair app, and save the bootinfo summary ion case it does not work to post for more help. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair00:44
wilee-nileenishanth, This was not originally a W8 computer with gpt right, and no raid involved?00:44
nishanthwilee-nilee : this is a win7 computer00:45
nishanthi used the disk manager to free space00:45
wilee-nileenishanth, YOu understand my question though on gpt and raid right?00:46
nishanthwilee-nilee : i did not understand your question00:47
swaagieok giving up00:48
swaagiestuff is utterly broken00:48
wilee-nileenishanth, It is important to say so then, boot the live ubuntu environment and open gparted in the menu and take a screen shot of it and post it at a imagebin.00:48
reisioyay, giving up00:48
swaagiewhat is there evebn beyond apt to manageestuff00:48
reisioswaagie: ?00:48
swaagiereisio: ?00:48
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reisioswaagie: need help with something?00:49
iklarosnishanth: The way you can tell if you have GPT in windows is open command prompt, type 'diskpart' and then 'list disk'. there is a tick box in GPT if oyu have it.00:49
wilee-nileeiklaros, In windows?00:49
swaagiereisio: any help is always welcome, ill try to make a long story short00:49
reisioiklaros: what does it mean if he's got GPT?00:49
iklaroswilee-nilee: That will work in Windows 7. Linux doesn't have a monopoly on terminal commands ;-)00:50
nishanthwilee-nilee right now i am chating using on the win7 environment, am i supposed to restart from live cd?00:51
wilee-nileeiklaros, did I say they did, you have not followed the posts, but just spit out info to serve yourself.00:51
iklaroswilee-nilee: You can also do it from disk adminstrator but I can't remember which screen it's in. The command line is easier sometimes ;-)00:51
swaagiereisio: attempted to install skype, see https://gist.github.com/Swaagie/6927503, required to add arch i386, no success, reverted, state still tries to get non amd64 packages, did cleaning/rebuild repo/keys with http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/ retried same result00:51
reisioswaagie: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype00:52
swaagieobvisouly I also did all regular cleaning and rebuilding stuff in between as well,-f / clean / autoclean / --configure -a00:52
wilee-nileenishanth, Yes, I would like to see what exactly is on the HD, if this can be fixed generally the live cd is where it would be done from, a new install made.00:52
iklaroswilee-nilee: Well I did say in the post it was on windows ... I'd say it wasn't me that wasn't following00:52
swaagieif nly it was that simple00:52
nishanthwilee-nilee ok i did what iklaros said and the section under   gpt is blank00:52
wilee-nileeor a new install*00:52
swaagiereisio: basically that page describes exactly what I did00:53
iklarosnishanth: It's MBR then, not GPT. That's cool.00:53
reisioswaagie: if it did that, I wouldn't have linked it00:53
swaagiekeeps moaning about skype-bin00:53
reisioswaagie: try reading it again00:53
nishanthiklaros : so what do i do next?00:54
swaagiereisio: how would that help?00:54
nishanthwilee-nilee : i installed, deleted and reinstalled ubuntu like 3 times all the 3 times the grub was not loaded at restart00:55
reisioswaagie: if you read it again, maybe you'd read it properly00:55
iklarosnishanth: If you used the microsoft tools in disk administrator to resize the partition, you don't hav RAID either, since it can't do that on a raid.00:56
swaagiereisio: sorry didn't want to offend you, but i'd rather not play a guessing game in the middle of the night00:56
reisioswaagie: all the more reason to read00:57
iklarosnishanth: do you have any read only boot loader options set in the bios?00:57
iklarosnishanth: the bios could be preventing writes to the boot sector as a security measure00:57
nishanthiklaros , i actually dont think so, but how do i find out?00:58
wilee-nileenishanth, Can you just do what I have suggested.00:58
iklarosnishanth: You'd need to look in the bios, it's system dependant. usually you press one of the f-keys as it boots up. but i'm goign to tell you follow wilee-nilee 's advice since im sort of AFK trying to sort out this UEFI nonsenses00:59
nishanthwilee-nilee, could you please walk me through this00:59
nishanthwilee-nilee,  what do you need a screenshot of?01:00
wilee-nileenishanth,  boot the live ubuntu environment and open gparted in the menu and take a screen shot of it and post it at a imagebin.01:00
wilee-nileenishanth, I'm not good at walking people through stuff, so I doubt I can help you.01:01
swaagiereisio: reread, i'm not seeing what your after, my feeling is that would have probably worked if I wouldn't have done it otherwise to start with, looking for a way back from my failure01:02
nishanthif i boot on the live cd how do i have my xchat continue?01:02
reisioswaagie: have you tried doing that at all yet?01:02
wilee-nilee reisio Whats the key pressesto separate the channel from the list in a irc app01:02
swaagiereisio: of course01:02
reisionishanth: continue?01:02
reisioZachintosh: hi01:02
rizalnishanth, have you tried this ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair01:02
reisiowilee-nilee: ctrl+i?01:03
Zachintoshwhat are you people up to?01:03
reisioZachintosh: stuff, things; you?01:03
wilee-nileereisio, Heh, thanks hit it by accident, and forgot the keys.01:03
ZachintoshTrying IRC for the first time01:03
reisiowilee-nilee: yeah, that's a rough one :p01:03
wilee-nileeZachintosh, This is support not chat. try #ubuntu-offtopic for chat01:04
reisioZachintosh: right on01:04
iklarosDoes Canonical have a paid support service for end users?01:04
MrMonkey31quick question, ubuntu!  anyone know a linux file manager that enables you to drag to or from an open file dialog in any program, e.g. while using gimp, save as, then before picking a name you drag some files into the save as list box?  or am I thinking too 'windows'?01:04
Tylertwonishanth, http://webchat.freenode.net/ will work for IRC01:04
ZachintoshDo any of you happen to know anything of the Chimera boot loader?01:04
swaagiereisio: purged, cleaned, and repeated the stepss again, I keep getting: The following packages have unmet dependencies:reisio  skype : Depends: skype-bin01:04
wilee-nileeZachintosh, would not be supported here.01:05
reisioheh, samuel01:05
reisioMrMonkey31: which have you tried that don't?01:05
reisiosamuel: sup01:05
samuelreisio: hows it going?01:07
reisiosamuel: okay, over there?01:07
reisioswaagie: autoremove?01:08
MrMonkey31reisio, erm so far I've experimented with Files as included with ubuntu unity, and the viewer of XFCE whatever that is called01:08
samuelreisio: not bad, house flooded... been raining non stop for 2 days01:08
swaagieyup did that as well after purging01:08
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samuelthis is supposed to be Mexico, not England01:08
iklarosMrMonkey31: xfce uses 'thunar', ubuntu uses 'nautilus' and you're right, neither of them do it.01:08
reisiosamuel: probably warmer at least :p01:09
reisioMrMonkey31: try dolphin from KDE, then01:09
iklarosMrMonkey31: I can tell you PCMan doesn't either. I have never used Dolphin so can't comment on that one.01:10
samuelreisio: yes... at least we can still say that :_01:10
MrMonkey31iklaros, thx, that's strange my distro came with the generically named Files. whether it's a stripped down nautilus I don't know, but it didn't look like the screens I'd seen of nautilus...01:10
MrMonkey31well then, I'm going to duck out!01:12
iklarosMrMonkey31: Nautilus changed a lot, recently. Caused some controversy. ;-)01:12
SmilexI'm trying to run an apache2 server with the web root at a folder in my home folder, yet I'm get access forbidden for a sub directory. Why and how can I fix it? I've tried chmod a+r ~/web -R01:14
iklarosSmilex: Whihc user account is apache under? Your own?01:16
Smilexiklaros, how do I check that?01:16
iklarosSmilex: Is it a default ubuntu install?01:17
Successwhat is \xb8\x00\x00\x0001:17
Smilexiklaros, yes01:17
iklarosSmilex: The user account for a apache is "www-data" then. You'd need to give that access. I'm going to recommend you don't for security reasons, but that's up to you01:18
Smilexiklaros, it's only for local hosting. I send it to a remote server for public use. Thanks01:19
Smilexiklaros, another question. Is that done with chown or chmod?01:19
Smilexalso, chmod a+r should have given all users access01:19
Successchmod 000 -R /01:20
Successhow do i recover from that01:20
k1l_Success: i dont think that is to recover.01:21
iklarosSmilex: You need chown to create files though01:21
swaagieok time for bed, this is hopeless01:21
reisioSuccess: the fastest way would be to reinstall01:21
swaagienn all01:21
Successis there a way to do it without reinstalling01:22
swaagiethx for the all the hints01:22
Smilexiklaros, doing chmod a+r ~/web -R did not fix it01:22
k1l_Success: that is impossible since you would need to set every permission of every folder and file yourself.01:23
iklarosSmilex: Yea, i said it wouldn't. Apache needs to own the files as far as I'm aware01:23
reisioSuccess: yes, but it'd take much longer01:23
Successyou cant do chmod 777 -R / or something01:23
Successbut that command fails for some reason01:23
reisioSuccess: you can something, but it'd take much longer01:23
k1l_Success: that will not lead to a stable system.01:23
Smilexiklaros, ok thanks01:24
Successand what about my original quetsion01:24
k1l_Success: boot up a live cd. save the files that are important to you to your backup and maka a reinstall01:24
Successwhat is \xb8\x00\x00\x00\xff\xe001:24
reisioSuccess: in what context?01:24
iklarosSmilex: When I see this MOST people change the apache account to their own, and have it run in their account. It makes me very sad though as it's utterly insecure. And probab;y a sackable if you work as a sysop :-)01:25
Successits in a c script insigned char = that01:25
Successbut someone said it was mallicous01:25
Smilexiklaros, I'm just testing it on my end, and then git pushing it to the actual server. How do I change the apache account01:26
k1l_Success: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=193295401:26
iklarosSuccess: char is an int in C...you've got 6 bytes there. 32 bit ints are 4 bytes.01:27
reisioSuccess: would take a lot more context to say if it's malicious or not01:27
iklarosSuccess: They're probaby assuming it's an overflow I'd guess.01:28
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Successwhat hapens when you get an overflow01:28
Successand can you guys run a site for me that would normally be malcious in windows01:29
reisioto what end01:29
iklarosSuccess: it overwrites the next char thus changing the program in an unexpected (to the programmer) way01:29
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k1l_Success: that is offtopic for a ubuntu support. please stick to ubuntu support in here01:29
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brainacidhaving issues with my ubuntu install on windows01:41
brainacidtrying to boot into a cd now01:41
brainacidburning as we speakl01:41
reisiogood to know01:41
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k1l_!nickspam > Helen_Yolanda_Be01:53
ubottuHelen_Yolanda_Be, please see my private message01:53
trimetaThe medibuntu repository just went offline. What's the best way to cleanly remove this repository from my system, using the command line directly? I could just remove my /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list file, but I don't know if that would cause potential problems.01:56
brainacidgot it01:57
wilee-nileetrimeta, gksudo nautilus and delete the medibuntu text, then run a sudo apt-get update.01:57
brainacidhad an i386 cd in my drive...lol01:58
trimeta...Nautilus? This is a headless server, all I've got is vim.01:58
trimetaBut if you mean "edit the file and comment out the line which references medibuntu," that I can handle.01:58
wilee-nileetrimeta, Then whay did you have medibuntu installed?01:58
trimetaFor codecs? I can stream from the server to other things...and honestly, maybe I had wanted to set it up as a HTPC at some point and ended up not going forward with that.01:59
wilee-nileetrimeta, all you have to do is remove the text file from sources.list.d02:00
trimetaIs there a way to check if anything currently installed comes from that repository? Or will running an apt-get update check that for me?02:00
reisiofinally, a fun chat zone :p02:00
moesI have a /boot/grub/menu.lst in my file system on 12.04 when I boot menu.lst open first and I have to select Ubuntu to proceed to the ubuntu grub display. Can I remove menu.lst and not affect my Ubuntu grub02:02
reisiomoes: what's listed, just 'Ubuntu'?02:03
trimetaAnyway, since "ls /var/lib/apt/lists/|grep medibuntu" returned nothing, I'm going to assume that means I had nothing installed from that repository, and the deleting the file left me in a clean state. Very good.02:04
reisiosounds like maybe you have GRUB "legacy" booting GRUB 202:04
wilee-nileemoes, menu.list is legacy grub you want to keep the grub 2? how do you have both?02:04
moesreisio, The title the (hdo,o) and an entry Kernel /boot/grub/core.img02:05
moeswilee-nilee, This was caused by a bad duel boot02:06
reisiomoes: probably start with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair02:06
wilee-nileemoes, hardly explains it but okay.02:07
wilee-nileemoes, You can purge both from the desktop of the kept install and reload one and load the mbr.02:08
moeswilee-nilee, What if I just remove and purge menu.lst as there are no other files installed from the duel boot02:10
dustinspringmanokay ubuntu server experts... need some help...02:11
wilee-nileemoes, If you want a definitive answer run the bootrepair app, just the bootinfo summary and post the url to that script.02:11
wilee-nileedustinspringman, #ubuntu-server02:11
wilee-nileeI suspect they are experts02:11
dustinspringmanwilee-nilee: thanks much, headed that way02:12
moeswilee-nilee, Okay thanks for the info02:12
wilee-nileemoes, I can't really say that removing a menu.list without knowing what is reallt there and where its at is all.02:13
wilee-nileemoes, I suspect all you really have to do is reload the mbr with the kept installs grub is all, sounds like the bad dual boot is still there and in the mbr.02:14
dsnydersCan anyone recommend a good context sensitive editor?02:19
moeswilee-nilee, Well if all else fails I have good backup on cd's and dvd's02:19
semitonesi forget, does unetbootin let you have many isos on one usb drive?02:20
kieppie1I have a new laptop, but for some reason they decided not to ship it with a contextual menu key. how can I remap my caps as the context key (presently disabled)02:21
kieppie1or maybe there is a command I can call to init the menu/cotext key behaviour & then I can map it to a shortcut02:21
nishanthi have a windows partition on my hard drive grub do not list it, could someone help?02:23
nishanthwilee-nilee : i fixed my grub to access ubuntu, but now my windows partition is not listed in it could you help?02:25
dsnydersIs there a difference between pluma and gedit?02:26
Dr_Willis!info pluma02:26
ubottuPackage pluma does not exist in raring02:26
Dr_Willis!info gedit02:26
ubottugedit (source: gedit): official text editor of the GNOME desktop environment. In component main, is optional. Version 3.6.2-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 519 kB, installed size 2699 kB02:26
kieppie1anyone available online to assist/advice re keybindings, please?02:26
Dr_Willisi tend to use geany for my text editong needs.. or vim. ;)02:26
Dr_Williskieppie1:  state the question, and id suggest checking askubuntu.com - i think theres a lot of info about that on their site.02:27
kieppie1got a new laptop, but does not have a contextual menu key, and my touchpad is somwhat sensitive (with no buttons), making click & crag & right-cick tricky02:28
dsnydersDr_Willis: apparently pluma is a fork of gedit.02:29
kieppie1I'd like to remap my caps to act as my contextual menu (right-click) & possiblibly something like shift+caps or alt+super as left-click02:29
nishanthi have a windows 7 partition on on my HD my grub do not list it , could someone help?02:30
Dr_Willisdsnyders:  we all know we need more text editors. ;)02:30
Dr_Willisnishanth:  so if you do a 'sudo update-grub' it dosent mention  windows as seen eh?02:30
dsnydersDr_Willis: I'd like one that will re-nest a flattened XML file.02:30
kieppie1Dr_willis: the above ^ description make sense?02:31
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:31
wilee-nileenishanth, you run the boot repair app perchance and have the bootinfo summary link?02:31
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/02:31
Dr_Williskieppie1:  you want to map a key-sequence to be 'right click' and anothr key sequence to be left click?02:31
VivekanandaI am trying to open a pdf ( unlocked) for editing but it says 'linearized' and I cannot select text or highlight it. Can someone tell me what is wrong ?02:31
Dr_Williskieppie1:  i DO recall some sort of numpad-mouse feature in gnome. but never used it. of course you may not have a numpad :)02:32
nishanthDr_Willis : this is what i get02:32
nishanthFound linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.8.0-29-generic02:32
nishanthFound initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-3.8.0-29-generic02:32
nishanthFound Windows 7 (loader) on /dev/sda202:32
nishanthFound Windows 7 (loader) on /dev/sda302:32
FloodBot1nishanth: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:32
kieppie1Dr_Willis - essentially, yes, but the important one is to hook the context menu key/right-click 1st. cant locate that option in the keyboard tweak tool02:32
Dr_Willisnishanth:  looks like it found windows 7 to me. one is your install. one is your windows boot, or recovery p[artiopn02:32
Dr_Williskieppie1:  ive never done it. so really cant suggest more then to check askubuntu.com02:33
kieppie1know how to call up the right-click/context menu from CLI?02:33
Dr_Williskieppie1:  if the grub menu does not show the 2 windows entries. then its possible you are booting the wrong hard drive. and booting a differnt grub.02:33
nishanthDr_Willis : when i boot i dont see it as options02:33
Dr_Willisoops wrong nick. l)02:34
wilee-nileenishanth, do you use the arrow keys to go down the grub list?02:34
nishanthwilee-nilee yeah02:34
Dr_Willisnishanth:  you could also put a custome grub entry to boot windows in /etc/grub.d/40_custom02:34
Dr_Willisnishanth:  if your custom entries dont show. that would definatly point to grub not being the same as the grub you are booting02:35
wilee-nileeprobably missing the boot menu, or there is no boot flag02:35
nishanthDr_Willis so what do i have to exactly?02:35
Dr_Willisi dident think grub paied attention to the boot flag. but for windows booting.. not sure02:35
wilee-nileenishanth, If you had the bootinfo summary tp post from the boot repair app we could be not guessing here.02:36
nishanthwilee-nilee is there a way to add a boot flag02:36
=== chainsaw is now known as Guest79319
Guest79319anyone want to help me with bash scripting?02:36
Dr_Willisnishanth:  a bootinfo summary would answer most of the 20 questions that are going to be asked next.. ;) like.. how many hard drioves to you have02:36
Dr_WillisGuest79319:  ask the question and see. and theres always #bash02:36
Guest79319I going to hit that channel02:37
nishanthDr_Willis : so how do i get a bootinfo summary?02:37
Dr_Willisof course #bash will most likely refer you to the docs02:37
jon8I'm having problems adding a user to the www-data group and being able to overwrite files. I followed this tutorial, http://tinyurl.com/kuqmuny ..however I'm still getting permission denied when trying to edit and save a file within /var/www02:37
Dr_Willisnishanth:  that boot-repair tool can print one out i belive02:37
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub202:37
Dr_Willisjon8:  you did log out the user, after changeing his groups>?02:38
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jon8Dr_Willis: yes sir.02:38
Dr_Willisjon8:  thats common problem #1 ;)  so firs thing we ask.. heh02:38
jon8Dr_Willis: I understand02:38
Dr_Willisi got a job to do.. bbl02:39
daftykinstest failed02:41
nishanthDr_Willis ok here is the bootsummary info http://paste.ubuntu.com/6220643/02:41
wilee-nileenishanth have you run sudo update-grub in ubuntu?02:43
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit02:44
=== zenix`away is now known as zenix`
jon8More specifically, this is the error that I get http://gyazo.com/4894a16f7a1a1f8f88a457a3b2c4ff28 when trying to edit a file via WinSCP after following this tutorial http://tinyurl.com/kuqmuny -- Any thoughts?02:45
=== Vivek is now known as Guest86586
=== jrib is now known as Guest10239
TylertwoI installed Debian (after Ubuntu, and as a dual boot) and Debian reformatted Grub's appearance on startup. I want it to go back to Ubuntu's Grub appearance. I tried "sudo update-grub" from Ubuntu which seemed like it was working, but when I rebooted it was still Debian's screen. Any ideas?02:47
nishanthi think i got disconnected for a while02:47
nishanthwilee-nilee http://paste.ubuntu.com/6220643/02:48
wilee-nileenishanth,  have you run sudo update-grub in ubuntu?02:48
sujxubuntu mini remix, why i can`t install  it ,something wrong has happen?5555555555502:48
nishanthwilee-nilee i just did02:48
wilee-nileenishanth, windows should now show in grub choose sda2 if you see it.02:48
gmzamzwhat is it called when you use a laptop as a wifi dongle? i.e. using an ethernet cable from laptop to desktop to give desktop internet02:49
nishanthwilee-nilee thanks a lot, let me try restarting02:49
=== jack is now known as Guest60053
wilee-nileegmzamz, hub02:53
wilee-nileesujx, 3rd party not really technically supported here, but is here. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-mini-remix  However if you can give some details we may be able to help.02:58
scottbI just did an apt-get update, then apt-get upgrade on my Saucy box, rebooted and desktop doesn't load up02:59
scottbanyone else see that problem02:59
wilee-nilee!saucy | scottb02:59
ubottuscottb: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) will be the 19th release of Ubuntu. Announcement: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1252 - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. Release date will be 17th October 2013.02:59
wilee-nileescottb, You want to ask that in #ubuntu+103:03
scottbwilee-nilee, thanks will do03:03
cheapieIs there an easy way to send keypresses to another terminal? I have a monitor showing some stats over sort of close to me, and I would like to control it remotely.03:04
wilee-nileecheapie, THis spying on another's session?03:05
cheapieNo... I can see the monitor from over here anyway, I just want to control it.03:06
cheapiewilee-nilee: It's sitting there running htop, and I'd like to be able to change screens and such without having to get up and go over there. I can see what it's doing from here, though.03:08
fxhpcheapie: research screen + ssh03:09
fxhpscreen and ssh03:09
wilee-nileecheapie, Not sure here.03:10
fxhpwilee-nilee - I just gave him the answer03:10
wilee-nileefxhp, good for you.03:10
wilee-nileehe asked me a question I was just answering03:11
somsipcheapie: as fxhp says, stop htop on the remote. Run screen on the remote. Run htop on screen. then ssh from your PC and attach to the session of screen03:11
cheapiesomsip: I'm going to go try that now....03:12
somsipcheapie: and for screen, you can use tmux, byobu and...maybe others03:12
fxhpsomsip cheapie I think screen ships with ubuntu03:13
somsipfxhp: ah. Always used tmux myself, but I live and learn03:14
cheapiesomsip: I started screen (with the -R option, like some random guide online suggested), and started htop within that. Now what? When I go to the other terminal (and login as the same user) and run screen, I don't see htop anywhere. Just a bash prompt.03:15
somsipcheapie: you created a new session of screen. You need to do something like 'screen ls' to get a list of existing sessions then 'screen -a {sessionId}' to connect to it.03:15
somsipcheapie: Like I say, I use tmux so you will have to man screen to get the right commands03:15
=== OGRE is now known as Guest33376
fxhpcheapie - from your other computer you need to ssh to the computer running screen+htop03:17
fxhpcheapie - then invoke 'screen -rd'03:17
cheapiefxhp: That made it show up on my local terminal, but it went away on the remote monitor. Is there a way to attach it to two terminals at one time?03:19
=== Guest33376 is now known as THE_OGRE
fxhpcheapie - yup03:21
cheapiefxhp: I just tried tmux, and that seems to be working.03:21
bob---Hey in linux when i run counter-strike in 4:3 video there's no black bars like in windows03:21
bob---where in ubuntu can you change this?03:22
bob---i seen no video settings03:22
fxhpcheapie - http://www.debian-administration.org/article/Using_GNU_screen%27s_multiuser_feature_for_remote_support03:23
fxhpcheapie: you got sharing working with tmux?03:23
fxhpcheapie: gratz03:23
fxhpbob--- you want the black bars, aka you want to stop it from zooming?03:24
bob---4:3 full screen is stretching03:24
fxhpbob---: bummer03:24
fxhpare you using wine?03:24
bob---nope steam03:24
bob---its native for linux now03:24
fxhpoh yeah I forgot the ported03:24
cheapiefxhp: Yeah, I started tmux on the terminal that should always be running htop, and started htop in that. Then I SSHed into that box, and run "tmux attach". Now I just have to figure out how to unattach it... yes, I am ReadingTFM right now,03:25
fxhpit doesn't do that for me, although I'm wondering why you are playing with that aspect ratio03:25
fxhpcheapie - cool, nice work, make sure you stick around to give pointers!03:25
bob---competitive gamers generally use 640x480 800x60003:25
bob---a lot of the casual gamers max out their resolution03:26
fxhpbob---: are you sure about that?03:26
bob---yes im positive03:26
somsipcheapie: CTRL A then CTRL D (from memory) to detach03:26
=== vemacs is now known as vemacs|ded
fxhpbob---: why would a competitive gamer use a resolution from the early 90's?03:27
bob---in counter-strike\css\csgo it's easier to hit shots03:27
cheapiesomsip: Turns out it's Ctrl-A then D (not Ctrl-D). Everything seems to be working great now.03:27
ampwthe effect to make windows transparent when moving them and wiggle.03:28
ampwwhich is it?03:28
fxhpbob---: the hitbox is related to the end users resolution, that has to be the crappiest idea ever03:28
somsipcheapie: sorry - you're right. Finger memory is good, but brain memory nowadays...meh ;)03:28
bob---no it's not03:28
cheapiesomsip: I also just found out that SIGHUP detaches it, so I don't even need to worry about that.03:29
=== JoshDreamland is now known as Guest41938
fxhpcheapie: isn't screen/tmux amazing?03:30
JoshDreamlandI can't log in to my account; something crashes and I'm taken back to LightDM. Has something changed that would cause this?03:31
wilee-nileeampw, http://askubuntu.com/questions/203064/wobbly-windows-effect-missing-from-12-1003:31
cheapiefxhp: I haven't played around with the window management that it promises to do, but the one-program-in-multiple-terminals thing is quite cool. Reminds me of VNC, somewhat.03:31
JoshDreamlandIt's local to my settings, as the guest account works fine.03:32
JoshDreamlandWas something updated that doesn't like old settings? I've tried five different desktop environments.03:32
bob---anyone know where xorg.conf is?03:32
JoshDreamlandbob---: /etc/X1103:33
javanichello all03:33
bob---someone claims adding Option "FlatPanelProperties" "Scaling = Native" will fix the problem03:33
dvineonehas anyone tryed ubuntu touch yet?03:33
bob---hopefully it works03:34
JoshDreamlandfix what problem?03:34
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit03:34
somsip!touch | dvineone03:34
ubottudvineone: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch03:34
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=== phantomcircuit is now known as Guest94644
cheapieIf only that whole multi-server IRC thing was more stable...03:36
JoshDreamlandokay, I'm going to assume the problem is local to me, since the only channel flooding here is from a netsplit03:36
JoshDreamlandso I guess I'll fix it myself03:36
javanicanyone have any idea why when I delete large files from my hd it doesn't seem to free up any space? I'm stumped here lol03:36
somsipjavanic: how are you deleting them?03:37
cheapiejavanic: Did you empty the trash?03:37
javanic"send to trash" then empty03:37
dvineoneshift + delete will delete them permanently03:38
somsipjavanic: you could check they are really being deleted from trash. No idea why they shouldn't though03:38
javanic<somsip> how do i check?03:38
cheapieWhile I'm here... does anybody know of a good font that looks like plain text-mode? Courier is rather difficult to read in comparison.03:38
somsipcheapie: Monospace?03:39
cheapiejavanic: Doesn't Ubuntu ship with a file usage analyzer thingy? That might show you where they went.03:40
dvineonethere is a terminal command that will show you what amount of disk space is being used file systems are using03:41
=== jack is now known as Guest99183
javanic<cheapie> I have no idea.. but it's strange, when i use gparted it shows that I have like NO space on my HD but I can still download large files. The only thing that doesn't seem to work is when I try to download updates03:41
javanic<dvineone> what is the terminal command?03:42
cheapiesomsip: Unfortunately, I'm SSHing into the server from Windows, so that font isn't preinstalled. But, browsing through the list, I found "Terminal", which looks quite nice.03:42
somsipjavanic: du -h . (fromt he directory you want to check). It will be slow in large directories03:42
cheapiejavanic: That sounds strange... Does fsck complain about anything?03:42
somsipjavanic: well, not slow, but excessively verbose03:43
dvineonedf is the command03:44
javanicto be honest, my knowledge of how to navigate around terminal is very limited.. I was fluent in DOS but linux base is relatively new to me03:44
dvineoneyou will need to searchy the man page to see how to specify it to a certain directory03:44
dvineoneor du may be it03:45
cheapieI think it's du. df is for the whole disk,03:45
dvineoneyea its du03:45
javanicjavanic@javanic-basment:~$ df03:45
javanicFilesystem              1K-blocks     Used Available Use% Mounted on03:45
javanic/dev/mapper/ubuntu-root 238049928 24381500 201569460  11% /03:45
javanicnone                            4        0         4   0% /sys/fs/cgroup03:45
javanicudev                       958456        8    958448   1% /dev03:45
FloodBot1javanic: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:45
javanictmpfs                      193404     1072    192332   1% /run03:45
cheapieOK.. now I have another question. What does "+zq" mean?03:47
javanicnone                            4        0         4   0% /sys/fs/cgroup03:47
javanicudev                       958456        8    958448   1% /dev03:47
javanictmpfs                      193404     1072    192332   1% /run03:47
javanicnone                         5120        0      5120   0% /run/lock03:47
javanicnone                       967008      344    966664   1% /run/shm03:47
FloodBot1javanic: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:47
javanicnone                       102400       28    102372   1% /run/user03:47
cheapiejavanic: Please stop flooding. Use Pastebin...03:47
javanicok.. got the DU thing to work, what exactly am I looking for.. it won't let me paste03:47
cheapiejavanic: http://paste.ubuntu.com/03:48
WordOfGoddid justin bieber see selena gomez naked?03:50
javanichttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6220833/ this is what i got from terminal03:50
WordOfGoddid justin bieber see selena gomez naked?03:51
OddityWho cares what he saw?03:51
Paulus68_1!offtopic |WordOfGod03:51
ubottuWordOfGod: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:51
somsipjavanic: so boot is nearly full. Delete some old kernels maybe?03:52
=== Jan11 is now known as ON1
cheapiejavanic: You spelled basement wrong. Anyway, it's showing that your root partition is nearly empty, but /boot is full. Try 'sudo apt-get autoremove' and see if it removes any old kernels.03:52
somsipjavanic: and just for info, 'df -h' gives friendlier output03:53
WordOfGoddid justin bieber see selena gomez naked?03:55
somsipjavanic: if unsure, there is helpful information on how to do this here, but *be careful* and make sure you know what you are doing before running anything http://is.gd/uwxbfw03:55
javanic<cheapie> thanks for the spelling correct... beer does amazing things for spelling and grammar.. but not that important during an install of ubuntu lol03:57
jon8This is an error that I get http://gyazo.com/4894a16f7a1a1f8f88a457a3b2c4ff28 when trying to edit a file via WinSCP after following this tutorial http://tinyurl.com/kuqmuny -- Any thoughts?03:57
javanic<cheapie> I did the apt-get autoremove and got  195mb03:58
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=== crbpisdoqszglmfg is now known as sepero
javanicdo updates download to a different partition then regular downloads then?04:00
cheapiejavanic: You should be okay for a while then. The problem was that the kernels go in /boot, and you had a lot of old ones there.04:00
javanic<cheapie> thanks for the help!04:01
javanic<cheapie> does it have to do with how my HD is partitioned?04:02
cheapiejavanic: Regular updates go in /, and you had plenty of space there. When the kernel (the core of the OS) gets updated (that's when it makes you reboot), that goes in /boot.04:02
cheapiejavanic: Sort of. A bigger /boot partition would make it take longer to fill up. The only real solution would be to never update (not recommended), or to autoremove every month or so.04:03
javanic<cheapie> ok, so if it happens again i'll just do the autoremove.. thanks again for your help!04:05
javanicthanks for your help everyone, night!04:07
=== Guest8201 is now known as alone
rrmWhy does my touchpad enabled itself after a reboot or sleep?04:18
reisiorrm: why wouldn't it04:18
rrmreisio: well, i turn it off04:18
reisiorrm: you want it always off?04:19
Dr_Willisi got a toggle-touchpad script. :)04:19
rrmi have a thinkpad and i like the pointer04:19
reisiorrm: is there not a hardware toggle switch that persists?04:19
Dr_Willispastebinit bin/touchpad-toggle04:20
reisioor is that what you're talking about?04:20
Dr_Willishardware toggle dosent work on my eeePC for some reason04:20
reisiono matter if software does :)04:20
rrmreisio: no04:20
reisioyeah just add an xinput command to disable it to your auto start04:21
rrmreisio: any idea04:22
reisiorrm: Dr_Willis' paste has a command you can copy04:22
dariusc93do anyone know if saucy daily build ever changed or is it stuck at the final beta build?04:30
somsip!saucy | dariusc9304:32
ubottudariusc93: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) will be the 19th release of Ubuntu. Announcement: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1252 - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. Release date will be 17th October 2013.04:32
zykotic10dariusc93: try #ubuntu+1, but once you've installed, it doesn't really matter?!?04:32
zykotic10!ru | jmabudabi04:32
ubottujmabudabi: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.04:32
dariusc93somsip and zykotic10 the reason why i ask i because theres bugs on ubuntu related to the audio drivers and it bugs me how it  acts but I dont want to download ubuntu over and over if its just the same file with no changes04:33
jmabudabiI can't join to ubuntu-ru.04:33
jmabudabihelp me04:33
zykotic10jmabudabi: if you are comfortable in english, ask your question here.04:33
Dr_Willisi stil have to wondwer how my eeePc is 'ubuntu certified' according to the ubuntu web site. but  the fn-toggle touch pad and other keys dont work. ;)04:33
zykotic10!register | jmabudabi04:34
ubottujmabudabi: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode04:34
jmabudabiI want check one problem on #ubuntu-ru, but I cann't join.04:34
zykotic10jmabudabi: see the !register message above (unless you are banned)04:35
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode04:35
Dr_Willisand does  your client give a reason why?04:35
jmabudabi!register | jmabudabi04:35
ubottujmabudabi, please see my private message04:35
lotuspsychjehappy ubuntu halloween to all http://oi42.tinypic.com/33cutm0.jpg04:38
Dr_Willisoh look a 'My Little Ponies' Costume...04:39
* Dr_Willis watches the site crash now from overload04:39
lotuspsychjeDr_Willis: url? :p04:39
jmabudabiWho knows how to "kill" vhba-dkms04:40
jmabudabihello all)04:40
lotuspsychje!info vhba-dkms04:40
ubottuPackage vhba-dkms does not exist in raring04:40
jmabudabi!info vhba-dkms04:40
jmabudabi!info vhba-dkms04:40
reisiojmabudabi: kill?04:41
jmabudabidelete from kernel04:42
Dr_Willis!find vhba-dkms04:42
ubottuPackage/file vhba-dkms does not exist in raring04:42
jmabudabi!find vhba-dkms04:42
Dr_Williswe have no ideq aparently what  VHBA-dkms is...04:42
jmabudabi!info vhba_2013060704:43
ubottuPackage vhba_20130607 does not exist in raring04:43
Dr_Williscare to tell us what is it?04:43
jmabudabi!info vhba2013060704:43
ubottuPackage vhba20130607 does not exist in raring04:43
jmabudabiMy english is bad. very bad04:44
lotuspsychjejmabudabi: maybe this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=150282604:44
jmabudabiinstall cdemu on ubuntu 12.0404:44
Dr_Willis!info cdemu04:44
ubottuPackage cdemu does not exist in raring04:44
Dr_Willisand whats cdemu?04:45
lotuspsychjejmabudabi: wich ubuntu version are you on?04:45
Dr_Willisapt-cache search vhba    shows nothing..04:45
jmabudabiemulation cd, as deamn toools on Windows04:45
lotuspsychjeoh 12.0404:45
Dr_Willisapt-cache search cdemu    shows nothing..04:45
reisioit's like mount -o loop for software that is really picky, IIRC04:45
reisiosoftware that won't just take a path04:45
Dr_Willisso it emulates an actual /dev/sr0 then?04:46
reisioI hope so, otherwise it has no advantage over mount :p04:46
Dr_Williscant recall ever needing any thing like thatin linux. :) but its not in the repos any more it seems.. so aparently not many other people needed it either04:47
reisiomost software should be happy with a loopback _path_04:47
sunny_i can use qemu if there is not virtualization support ?04:47
reisioWindows software is the kind that makes assumptions, or that, as commercial software, requires you to have things like discs04:47
reisiosunny_: qemu yes, qemu with kvm no04:48
zykotic10sunny_: yes.  qemu don't require it, but it's slow...04:48
reisiobut without virt extensions, virtualbox would be faster04:48
jmabudabi"so it emulates an actual /dev/sr0 then?" No.04:48
jmabudabiUnknowingly installed. Thought would work. And it did not want deleted. I did using this deleted04:48
reisiojust an unnecessary Windows analogue, then04:49
Dr_Willisjmabudabi:  installed  how exactly?04:49
sunny_reisio, virtulabox would be faster than qemu if their is no virtualization support ?04:49
reisiosunny_: yup04:49
jmabudabiNow I get confused in the comments and responses04:49
reisioqemu with kqemu might be comparable, but that's apparently not supported anymore, and it's kind of involved to use anyways04:50
Dr_Willisjmabudabi:  your statements are equally confuseing. You want to Install or remove cdemu >?04:50
sunny_reisio, ohk04:51
jmabudabiI deleted it, but the kernel module has an effect. Google Translate.04:51
Dr_Willisjmabudabi:  blacklist the module so it dosent get loaded perhaps.04:51
Dr_Willis!blacklist |  jmabudabi04:51
ubottujmabudabi: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist.conf and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »04:51
Dr_Willisbest to talk here in the channel jmabudabi  not in private msgs04:52
jmabudabi<Dr_Willis> I undestand04:54
jmabudabi<ubottu>Thanks bot))04:55
jmabudabi<Dr_Willis>Thanks for information04:55
jmabudabiIf the error update-initfarms is not given, then all is well?04:57
Omen_20Is it possible to have the bookmark dropdown button show in Firefox with Ubuntu? I read that it will only show if the Menu toolbar was hidden. It can't be hidden in Ubuntu because of Unity's global tool bar.04:57
paulz111Hey guys, is there a way to disable TLS compression in Ubuntu 12.04 for Squid?04:58
Dr_WillisOmen_20:  you can disable the  global menu for firefox if you wanted to try that route.04:58
freaky[t]hi all. i got windows 8 with bitlocker. is there any possibility to install ubuntu on my laptop?04:59
paulz111This is on a reverse proxy server, I want to disable it for all the clients who connect04:59
paulz111I've read how to do it on RHEL6, or specifically for apache and nginx on Ubuntu.04:59
paulz111Is there a way to do it system-wide?04:59
Omen_20Dr_Willis: how would I do that? Some sort of white list, or is that a Firefox option?04:59
wilee-nileeOmen_20, FF addons05:00
=== AndresSM is now known as AndresSM_away
Omen_20Ah. I found a setting "ui.use_unity_menubar" in config. Flip it to false and the global menu goes away. I prefer that since it matches what I use on Windows at work. Otherwise I love global menu.05:07
abhisar/etc/security/limits.conf  The file is responsible to limit resources of users/groups on a Linux server. Unfortunately, the file does not generate any logs (or the case could be that i do not really know of it).How can i  hack it (not necessary internally) so that it starts logging when the limits are hit.05:08
abhisarneed help in this05:08
lmintIs there a modified version of Ubuntu available that doesnt send data to a server?05:10
reisiolmint: hrmm?05:10
cfhowlettlmint, ?  huh?05:11
lmintI thought that Ubuntu had this feature that sent data to a server that was owned by the company that develops Ubuntu05:11
lmintI think users were complaining about the privacy implications05:11
ubottulmint,: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, from 12.10 an up install the "ubuntu-gnome-desktop" package. From 11.04 to 12.04, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic05:12
zykotic10lmint: that's basically "off topic" here.  but that would be an interesting fork.  but if you use unity, then yes, everything you type into unity - does go back to canonical.05:12
Paulus68_1freaky[t]: try out this guide http://linuxtutorialscratchpad.blogspot.be/2013/01/dual-boot-windows-8-and-ubuntu-1210.html05:12
dvineonegnome-tweak is awsome05:12
reisiolmint: there's a package that helps amazon sell you things05:12
reisiolmint: it's uninstallable05:13
cfhowlettlmint, they're complaining about a feature in lens.  to do without, logout, choose a non-unity desktop environment, login.  no data sharing.05:13
reisiobut if you aren't into Canonical, you can just use Debian05:13
wilee-nileehehe its debian either way, ;)05:14
reisiobut not Canonical05:15
lmintThat seems like alot of trouble.   No I am not interested in the operating system doing anything on my behalf, I dont understand why developers think that. If I want to buy something on Amazon for example, I will go to www.amazon.com and find it. By sending a users search terms to some server, this means that I would have to censor myself so as to not search anything I would not want Amazon and Ubunto and who knows who else to know about. That i05:15
lmints a hassle05:15
FloodBot1lmint: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:15
cfhowlettlmint, or use an official variant; kubuntu, lubuntu, xubuntu, ubuntustudio etc05:15
abhisar/etc/security/limits.conf  The file is responsible to limit resources of users/groups on a Linux server. Unfortunately, the file does not generate any logs (or the case could be that i do not really know of it).How can i  hack it (not necessary internally) so that it starts logging when the limits are hit.05:16
Dr_Willisthis has been argued to death in the forums and at blog sites lmint. we really dont care to discuss it either way in this channel. its a rather pointless discussion even on the forums.05:16
cfhowlettlmint, you can negate the issue in less than a minute but using a different desktop environment or do a little more work and choose a different ubuntu.  So easy a caveman could do it.05:16
lmintSigns of censorship here are already starting to appear..this is "off topic", now we cant type in a way that is interpreted as "flooding"05:17
wilee-nileelmint, the lenzezs are unity only and can be turned off05:17
Dr_Willis13.10 does have more fine tuned control of lenes and that stuff ive noticed05:17
Dr_Willisits not censorship when the FOCUS of this channel is support.. not  general discussion. Feel free to join #ubuntu-offtopic for NON support discussion05:18
zykotic10cfhowlett: i hear in 13.10... disabling isn't an option... and only using non-unity will fix the issue </OT>  lmint05:18
Dr_Williszykotic10:  omgubuntu or webupd8 has an artical on how to disable it05:18
lmintOk I see that the room name includes support in it, my mistake05:18
Dr_Willisin 13.10 -05:18
reisiolmint: that's any irc channel :p05:19
=== jacerx_ is now known as jacerx
cfhowlettzykotic10, I wouldn't know, as I only use LTS (12.04 currently) and I'm in xfce-based ubuntustudio05:19
lmintunity...non unity? what is that?05:19
Dr_Willis!unity  | lmint05:19
ubottulmint: Unity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity05:19
universalwhen is 13.10 coming out ?05:19
Dr_Willisuniversal:  date is the 17th i hear05:19
zykotic10!13.10 | universal05:20
ubottuuniversal: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) will be the 19th release of Ubuntu. Announcement: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1252 - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. Release date will be 17th October 2013.05:20
lmintDoes Gnone spy on its users?05:20
zykotic10lmint: no.05:20
lmintOk great, thanks05:20
universalsidebar is not reducing in size when setting it up to 3205:20
Dr_Williserr.. Unity uses gnome. ;)05:20
Dr_Willisbut i guess he left happy.05:20
Dr_Willisuniversal:  what ubuntu version you using?05:21
Dr_Willisuniversal:  as a test. see if it works for a new user, or the guest user05:22
Dr_Willisive seen cases where some setting files get owned by root and cant be altered by the user05:22
sunny_is it a good idea to run multiple services on a single machine, like web service, file service etc ?05:24
cfhowlettsunny_, they're computers.  they do multi-task.05:25
reisiosunny_: as opposed to?05:25
hitsujiTMOsunny_ it can be as long as the load for anyone service isn't effecting the other services05:25
cfhowlettsunny_, single device, single application ...05:25
=== Chris__ is now known as chrisward
zykotic10sunny_: the more services you run, the greater the security risk... but sure, run as many as your system can handle.05:25
sunny_reisio, in terms of stability and security05:27
sunny_zykotic10, this is what i wanted to know.05:27
universalthe problem looks like that its missing its schema link - http://www.tiikoni.com/tis/view/?id=09d37bf Dr_Willis05:27
universalhow to restore or set a new schema ?05:32
=== anonymous is now known as Guest44991
Guest44991any one here05:34
Guest44991how to hack ip adress in anonymous05:35
sunny_Guest44991, good boys don't do bad things :)05:36
wheatthinUmm you won't find out here lol05:36
cfhowlettGuest44991, wrong channel05:36
Guest44991u know how to do that05:36
wheatthinGuest44991, if you aren't here for ubuntu support, will you please go?05:37
Guest44991sorry wheatthin05:37
Guest44991im here to support05:38
wheatthinThing is, we don't support hacking here. It's only for ubuntu help05:38
Guest44991ok .. sorry for that05:38
Dr_Willisof course 'hacking' is such a broad and overused term these days. its rather meaningless05:39
zykotic10!hacker > cfhowlett ;)05:39
ubottucfhowlett, please see my private message05:39
Dr_Williswe dont support what could be considered illeagle activies05:39
wheatthinYes, but the will to do ill intended deeds :)05:39
Dr_Willisnow if you are wanting to hack your raspberry pi into running a lego mindstorm robot... ;)05:39
cfhowlettzykotic10, your ubottu-fu is unstoppable!05:39
zykotic10cfhowlett: years of practice05:40
Guest44991zykotic ..05:41
Dr_Willis!tab | Guest4499105:41
ubottuGuest44991: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.05:41
Guest44991ok thanks for help05:42
* wheatthin <3 virtual machines and linux :D05:43
=== zykotic10 is now known as zykotick9
=== Petazz is now known as Petazz_
CharSet1 Server running Ubuntu Server - 2 clients: a) running ubuntu with locale set to ca_ES@utf8 - b) running crunchbang with localce set to ca_ES@UTF-8 - a) mounts a network device with no iocharset or codepage set to mount command and characters are well shown - b) characters are not well shown using exactly the same command as a)06:09
CharSet1 Server running Ubuntu Server - 2 clients: a) running ubuntu with locale set to ca_ES@utf8 - b) running crunchbang with localce set to ca_ES@UTF-8 - a) mounts a network device with no iocharset or codepage set to mount command and characters are well shown - b) characters are not well shown using exactly the same command as a) - HELP ME PLEASE!06:09
ubottuCharSet,: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server06:09
icmpv6ubuntu 13.1006:13
Dr_Willisicmpv6:  support for 13.10 in #ubuntu+1 untill the 17th.06:13
Dr_WillisUnless theres a delay in release06:14
icmpv6why delay06:15
icmpv6<icmpv6> ubuntu 13.10 final beta, screen flashes bright on startup before desktop is shown. how do i remove that06:17
ubottuicmpv6,: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) will be the 19th release of Ubuntu. Announcement: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1252 - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. Release date will be 17th October 2013.06:17
=== linuxlite1969 is now known as nhaz
nhazgood day to all06:23
ryannathanshttp://wiki.winehq.org/BuildingBiarchWineOnUbuntu i get to the last step sudo make install on my 64bit os and i get 32/64bit errors06:23
ryannathansyou can answer my problem :P06:33
cfhowletttcstory, quiet means Ubuntu is working!06:33
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
=== GingerGeek[Away] is now known as GingerGeek
Guest3903someone around who could help me with a ubiquity issue?06:37
Guest3903this is the issue i'm facing: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/123844606:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 1238446 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity is stuck after "Prepare" step" [Undecided,New]06:37
=== g_byers is now known as gbyers[Away]
ryannathanshow can I have libpng12-dev and libpng12-dev:i386 installed at the same time?06:47
foofoobarHi. So I get this strange wifi connection problems: http://pastebin.com/Dh9ijK1K I found a thread on the manufacture forums of my model (dell xps 13 with ath9 driver) where ppl suggest two different solutions:06:49
foofoobar1) update kernel06:49
foofoobar2) install a backport06:49
foofoobarThis is the thread: http://en.community.dell.com/techcenter/os-applications/f/4613/t/19515554.aspx06:49
foofoobarWhat is more "safe"? I dont want to lose functionality like the keys on my keyboard to controll background light06:49
=== mozzie- is now known as garson
Ben64foofoobar: safest would be to get a different wireless card06:51
gulag2013foofoobar, always check the physical. You checked the wires correct?06:51
foofoobargulag2013, the wires for the wireless connection? :D06:52
foofoobarThe wireless ap is a connection I'm using a long time, just with a different notebook06:52
foofoobarBen64, I cant replace the card of my notebook06:52
Ben64you probably can, but i meant usb06:52
foofoobaruh, no. I dont want to attach a usb wireless every time06:54
foofoobarIt would be nice to get this card working on ubuntu06:54
foofoobarI read that on windows it has no problems06:54
foofoobarThere are also two suggestions on the thread06:54
Ben64get a tiny one06:54
foofoobarI'm just trying to figure out which is the better one06:55
Ben64can stay plugged in all the time06:55
foofoobarNo, this is not a solution for me :/06:55
foofoobarThis notebook is new. I dont want to extend it because of a software bug06:55
foofoobarso .. backport or linux kernel update? :)06:56
Ben64you don't want to extend the notebook?06:56
Ben64what does that even mean06:56
gordonjcpfoofoobar: I don't see anything in your paste that suggests a problem06:57
cfhowlettfoofoobar, backport is the "safer" method I would say.06:58
gordonjcpfoofoobar: have you filed a bug?06:58
cfhowlettfoofoobar, Also, let me point out that LTS is the preferred OS so 12.04.306:59
Ben64foofoobar: might help if you post more details, like what wireless card, what version of ubuntu06:59
qq_q_zHi. My screen randomly freezes sometimes. It will show the same image no matter what I do until I turn it off. How do I debug this and find the cause?07:27
sunny_what's the name of the login manager of ubuntu lightdm or gdm ?07:29
sunny_it must be lightdm07:29
floryn90hi everyone07:30
cfhowlettfloryn90, greetings07:30
floryn90where can i find the ubuntu roadmap ?07:30
floryn90cfhowlett, hi :P07:31
cfhowlettfloryn90, you mean the development type map?07:31
floryn90do you know if will be release a rc of saucy ?07:32
ubottuUbuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) will be the 19th release of Ubuntu. Announcement: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1252 - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. Release date will be 17th October 2013.07:32
cfhowlettfloryn90, best to ask in #ubuntu+107:33
floryn90cfhowlett, ok thanks07:33
floryn90thanks to cfhowlett07:34
NetCattywhat happend to the bottom panel in nautilus 3.8.2?07:34
=== CyclicFlux is now known as Guest29308
=== Harry is now known as Guest8455
swaagieday to of the skype will not install due to held  broken packages, missing skype-bin, on ubuntu 13.04, clean not had any previous version installed, followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype but not until after I did a manual install, tried all repository/apt clean/purge/fix commands, anybody any other pointers07:35
Dr_Willisa lot of nautilus featres have been getting trimmed out NetCatty07:35
=== Guest8455 is now known as Harryfromthebloc
=== Harryfromthebloc is now known as Jupp
Dr_Willissunny_:  lightdm is the default. but i tend to use gdm because i like it better. ;)07:36
sunny_Dr_Willis, than i need to try gdm07:36
Dr_Willissunny_:  also i think xubuntu and lubuntu have differnt lightdm themes.07:36
swaagieday two* btw07:36
Dr_Willisactually i Might be usng xubuntu's on this netbook. Im not sure ;) its a cleaner layout then the default ubuntu lightdm look07:37
NetCattyDr_Willis: that's just swell. Whoever thought that "trimming" the bottom panel would be a great idea? I cant read the last file name cuz it's been overlayed with the pop-up notification07:37
Dr_WillisNetCatty:  cant say ive noticed. general gnome trend for the last few years has been to remove stuff and make everything cleaner if less functional.07:38
NetCattyDr_Willis: is there a way to stop the notification pop-up at the bottom?07:38
Dr_Willisim nore annoyed at a lot of the other things removed from notilus07:39
sunny_Dr_Willis, is their any theme package for lightdm ?07:39
Dr_WillisNetCatty: what desktop are you using?07:39
NetCattygnome 307:39
Dr_Willissunny_:  check the package manager and see. It may depend on your release07:39
Dr_WillisNetCatty:  id look at the gnome3 extensions and see if theres one to put them somewhere else07:39
Dr_Willisi dont use gnome-shell much07:40
sunny_Dr_Willis, ok07:40
sunny_Dr_Willis, which DE you use ?07:40
Dr_Willisim on xubuntu on my netbook most of the time. or lubuntu07:40
=== Hexeon|2 is now known as Hexeon
Yoyahello guys07:43
Yoyaany one on?07:43
cfhowlettYoya, greetings07:43
NetCattyDr_Willis: if it weren't for docky's limitating and annoying need for nautilus I'd have changed to thunar or nemo long time ago07:43
Yoyahello cfhowlett07:43
=== jorn is now known as Guest94138
Yoyahey guys, i have a doubt07:43
cfhowlettYoya, no there's only a few THOUSAND here..  What's the issue?07:43
cgtdkcfhowlett: 165007:43
Yoyai have to set a cron job, that job have to execute each one minute07:44
cfhowlettcgtdk, sorry.  I'm in China: pop. 1.3  BILLION so I tend to get a bit fuzzy on small numbers :)07:44
Yoyai use crontab -e, but if the user use another login07:44
Yoyathat job will be do?07:45
* cfhowlett Says nothing because he doesn't do cron stuff ...07:45
Ben64what does this mean...? <Yoya> i use crontab -e, but if the user use another login07:46
=== Wug[Hyperspace] is now known as Wug
NetCattylol!? http://www.bilder-space.de/bild-askpng-10272.htm  > http://askubuntu.com/07:46
Yoyai mean, i did a crontab -e with Yoya login, but if another person login with other user-login07:47
swaagieso why doest apt-cache search skype show skype-bin as packkage on ubuntu 13.04?07:47
Dr_Willisswaagie:  you dont have a repo with skype enabled. or if you do. you havent dond a sudo apt-get update yet07:48
jorn_Hallo Welt!07:50
bazhang!info skype partner | swaagie07:50
ubottuswaagie: skype (source: skype): client for Skype VOIP and instant messaging service. In component main, is extra. Version (partner), package size 15 kB, installed size 61 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)07:50
bazhangenable partner repo swaagie07:50
swaagieDr_Willis: I haven't added a custom repo, only enabled i386 arch and enabled partner repo07:50
swaagiebazhang: ^07:50
bazhangswaagie, so update your sources.list07:51
swaagiebazhang: Dr_Willis apt-get update && apt-get cache search -> https://gist.github.com/Swaagie/693111407:52
=== ionut is now known as ionutica-99
bazhangswaagie, its apt-cache search ...not apt-get search07:53
swaagietypo, see the gist07:53
swaagiepretty funky stuff07:56
lesshasteshould I install gnuplot-x11 or gnuplot-qt?07:59
lesshastefor a standard ubuntu 13.04 install07:59
swaagiebazhang: also yesterday I already rebuild to whole source.list, updated, dist-upgraded etc, the whole shabam it keeps on trying to install that package, which in turn fails on other i386 package like libqt4..08:01
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest38088
MickSswaagie: do you have output of that?08:03
HaiHHHello World08:03
tunageI am trying to do a usb0 connection to my serria wireless device snd_bcm2835. lsusb shows the device and modprobe snd_bcm2835 works but ifconfig usb0 -> usb0: error fetching interface information: Device not found  .   What step am I missing?08:03
swaagieMickS: what specifically, the rebuild or any of the clean commands?08:04
lesshastethe answer is gnuplot-x11 it seems08:04
MickSswaagie: any of those steps that gives you an error/conflict08:04
swaagieMickS: not getting any errors, just a rogue skype-bin listed as dep for skype while im on 13.04, see https://gist.github.com/Swaagie/6931114 and I  just can't seem to get it out08:05
MickSswaagie: it's meant to be a depencency for the skype package. Why would you want to get it out?08:07
RoryWhat option can I add to my ssh config to avoid having to use the -t flag to connect to a particular host? Or how can I make it so I can run screen like "ssh hostname screen -dr" without having to do "ssh -t hostname screen -dr" - either method for the same result08:07
dr_willisor make an alias Rory08:08
MickSRory: RequestTTY08:09
Rorydr_willis: I know it should be possible, "man ssh_config" shows it's very very exaustive08:09
RoryMickS: RequestTTY On? True?08:09
swaagieMickS: ok lets go deeper in the rabbit hole ;) https://gist.github.com/Swaagie/693126208:09
MickSRory: force in your case perhaps08:09
somsipRory: I use aliases and autossh to reconnect too, eg: alias knd1="autossh knd-1 -t tmux a", with knd-1 being an entry in ~/.ssh/config08:09
=== rain is now known as Guest94283
Rory!cookie | Thanks MickS - "RequestTTY Force" did the trick08:10
ubottuThanks MickS - "RequestTTY Force" did the trick: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!08:10
ionutica-99can anybody help me with my launchpad PPA? i have some problems compiling my game it appears that libloadpng4-dev is not available under ubuntu 12.10 and without it my game can't work08:10
Guest94283How to permanently mount ntfs drive to mnt/data ?08:10
ionutica-99use /etc/fstab guest08:11
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions08:11
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions08:11
Guest94283Any way to do this with mount command?08:12
=== Wug[Hyperspace] is now known as Wug
MickSswaagie: it almost looks like your apt is refusing to use i386 packages. Did you somehow restrict it to only use 64-bit that you remember?08:12
ionutica-99Guest94283: fstab mounts anything you specify at startup08:13
ionutica-99Guest94283: it's like executing mount every time you boot up08:13
ionutica-99Guest94283: and it always runs as rootr08:13
swaagieMickS: good hunch, however dpkg --print-architecture && dpkg --print-foreign-architectures: amd64, i38608:14
swaagienow I did do a --remove-architecture twice yesterday08:14
swaagieremoving the i386 so to speak, each time updated and dist-upgraded after, what is freeking me out though is the fact that when I just plain out delete sources.list in /etc/apt/ and open the package manager to readd some repo's, try to install skype, all repo's and even custom added sources are there again08:16
swaagielike wtf how does it even know it's old sources still08:17
swaagieerr custom old*08:17
swaagiesource.list/ is empty08:17
ikonia!wtf | swaagie08:17
ubottuswaagie: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.08:17
tunageI am trying to do a usb0 connection to my serria wireless device snd_bcm2835. lsusb shows the device and modprobe snd_bcm2835 works but ifconfig usb0 -> usb0: error fetching interface information: Device not found  .   What step am I missing?08:18
dr_willisyou sure its   ifconfig usb0?08:19
dr_willistry just ifconfig08:19
swaagieikonia: yeah sorry, was more an expression of being perplex08:19
dr_willisa usb wifi dongle is  wlan0  here08:19
tunagedr_willis snd_bcm2835 is a usb device08:20
joe222looking for help with broadcom 4311 driver08:20
tunagedr_willis ifconfig only has my eth0 and 108:21
swaagiewhat cache/source/w.e. is also keeping track of repo's besides apt08:21
tunageand loopback08:21
dr_willistunage:  so are my wifi dongles.  you got 2 wired network cards?08:21
tunagedr_willis eth0, eth1 and hopefully soon a usb008:22
dr_willisive never seen a wifi card be usb008:22
tunage* with usb0 and eth0 bridged *08:23
cfhowlett!details|joe222, details please08:23
ubottujoe222, details please: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:23
joe222i have a problem with wifi drivers08:24
MickSswaagie: sorry for slowness .. I'm at work, so distracted now and then. Ok, do you have some files in /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/ ?08:24
cfhowlettjoe222, d - e - t - a - i - l - s08:24
joriswHi. If my machine has six CPUs, does 100% CPU usage in 'top' mean it's at one sixth capacity?08:24
swaagieMickS: np likewise let me check08:24
joe222version 13.04 for broadcom 431108:24
joriswWith 100% I mean that one process says it's at 100% CPU08:24
ikoniajorisw: it means its fully utilised , press "1" to see each core08:25
joriswikonia: thank you08:25
mijn!htop | jorisw08:25
swaagieMickS: dpk.cfg.d/ is empty08:25
MickSswaagie: ok, as it should08:25
joe222i am not able to load broadcom-wl08:26
MickSswaagie: dpkg --print-foreign-architectures   still gives you i386, right?08:26
dr_willisjorisw:  try htop  its more detailed08:26
joriswmijn dr_willis : ty08:26
mijn!info htop | jorisw08:26
joe222no internet what soever on the machine08:26
ubottujorisw: htop (source: htop): interactive processes viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-1 (raring), package size 66 kB, installed size 185 kB08:26
dr_willisjorisw:  all used would be 600% i think08:26
swaagieMickS: hmm quite certain I didn't delete anything there, and yes foreign still gives i38608:27
Guest94283how to get UUID for GPT ntfs disk? blkid does not say anything08:27
ikonia%100 = %10008:27
dr_willisjorisw:  i think i saw this asked on askubuntu.com08:27
cfhowlett!details|joe222, you're killing me here.  Tell us details or no one is going to help out.    A little information goes  a long way08:27
ubottujoe222, you're killing me here.  Tell us details or no one is going to help out.    A little information goes  a long way: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:27
mijn!htop is a graphical (ncurses), interactive version of top. it can display running processes, per-core cpu utilisation, memory usage, process tree, also allows modifying nice values and sending signals to processes. http://htop.sf.net/08:28
joe222OK... I have a dell vostro 1500, running  ubuntu 13.4 with a broadcom 4311 wireless chipset and not network connections at all how do i install the proper drivers with no internet08:29
dr_willisGuest94283:  try  sudo blkid  ?08:29
cfhowlettjoe222, easiest way:  plug in to a  hard wire connection and run the additional drivers utility under the systems menu08:30
Roryjoe222: It might be simpler to just plug in with an ethernet cable08:30
joe222does not recognize etho08:30
joe222from fresh install08:31
dr_willisi use a usb dongle that works out if the box. to get the other drivers. ;-)08:31
joe222iwconfig+ no lo and no eth108:32
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Ben64try ifconfig08:32
cfhowlett!networking | joe222, now THAT is surprising.08:32
icerootwhat was this local "database" called which is designed to store passwords? cant find the name. it was a program which was able to save localy passwords and other stuff (encrypted)08:32
icerootbazhang: thx08:33
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline08:34
joe222im trying to install the b43-fwcutter and bcmwl-kernel-source but am having problems all over the place08:35
joe222any one know if it might be the kernel headers08:35
Guest94283Is it enough to write UUID="66DC7800DC77C937" /mnt/data ntfs defaults 0 0 in fstab to permanently mount ntfs drive? or do i need to write anything else?08:36
dr_willisGuest94283:  make the directory also. then test it08:37
dr_willisGuest94283:  sudo mount -a08:37
Guest94283Just mkdir?08:37
njsgGuest94283: yes08:37
njsgGuest94283: as root, of course08:37
dr_willisthats how to make a directory...08:38
e01is there a way to rewrite my own URL requests that apps sending08:38
Guest94283Some examples have another line after this line: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab08:38
Guest94283UUID=cee15eca-5b2e-48ad-9735-eae5ac14bc90  none  swap  sw  0  008:38
Guest94283/dev/scd0  /media/cdrom0  udf,iso9660  user,noauto,exec,utf8  0  008:38
e01for example if i open a browser and it request some js, i want to point it to my own in my www directory08:38
Guest94283do I also need 2nd line?08:38
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Guest94283or what's that for?08:38
dr_willisthats a cdrom drive..  scd008:38
Guest94283I mean something similar08:39
Guest94283Or is 1 line enough?08:39
dr_willisthere is ONLY one line per device08:39
Ben64both of those lines are for different things08:39
dr_williswell filesystem08:39
njsgGuest94283: the second line is cdrom, just try to read it, scdX is SCSI CD X, then it gets mounted at cdrom08:39
njsgGuest94283: each line is for a different filesystem08:40
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount08:40
njsgGuest94283: so if you are adding a new filesystem you need exactly one line08:40
dr_willisno more.. no less..08:40
dr_willisneither shall there be 2. no 3..08:40
dr_willisand 4 is definatly forbidden...08:41
njsgbut what about 42?08:41
dr_williswe are doing monty python.... not hitchickers guide...08:41
Rorydr_willis: I thought it was "4 is completely out of the question"08:43
RoryWhy is there a direct correlation between years using Linux, and ability to quote Holy Grail?08:44
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foofoobarBen64, gordonjcp, cfhowlett: I'm sorry for my late answer, I had to leave in a hurry, I'm back now08:49
foofoobarI'm using a dell xps 13 with the following wireless card: 01:00.0 Network controller: Qualcomm Atheros AR9462 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)08:49
foofoobarThe problem is that I lose my internet connection in irregular time intervals08:50
tyteen4a03hey - what is the package for texlive package manager (tlmgr)?08:50
foofoobarSometimes they are more often, sometimes less08:50
=== erry_egg is now known as erry
ActionParsnipfoofoobar: look for other options on the ath9k module08:51
ActionParsniptyteen4a03: run:   tlmgr   in a terminal, if it is available it will give the package08:52
foofoobarActionParsnip, I found this thread: http://en.community.dell.com/techcenter/os-applications/f/4613/t/19515554.aspx08:52
tyteen4a03ActionParsnip, I installed texlive but terminal says command not found08:52
foofoobarThey are suggesting a) a different kernel or b) a backport08:52
foofoobarAs someone mentioned here, the backport might be the safer option to try08:53
ActionParsnipfoofoobar: what is the output of:  uname -a08:53
Ben64foofoobar: try this or get a new card http://askubuntu.com/questions/301442/atheros-ar9462-wifi-very-unstable-package-loss08:54
foofoobarLinux box 3.2.0-30-generic #48+kamal6~DellXPS-Ubuntu SMP Tue Aug 28 16:28:43 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux08:54
ActionParsnipfoofoobar: try the 3.5 kernel, or the 3.8 which are in backports.08:54
foofoobarIt's the kernel/ubuntu version which was factory installed by dell08:54
ActionParsnipfoofoobar: you could even try the 3.11 from PPA08:54
Ben64dell kernel :|08:54
Ben64what version of ubuntu is it08:54
foofoobarUbuntu 12.04.3 LTS08:55
Ben64try what was in that link i just gave you, if that doesn't work then get rid of that dell stuff and try "linux-generic-lts-raring"08:56
foofoobarthanks, I will read that thread now08:56
JC_Yangany simple command to remove files recursively according to a reference folder? what I need to do is to clear files and folders which I just unpack from tar08:56
cfhowlettfoofoobar, so replacing the card isn't an option?08:59
Ben64its always an option, and a pretty awesome one08:59
cfhowlettBen64, not sure Dell didn't make hardware replacement very difficult a la Apple ...08:59
Ben64usb would work too09:00
cfhowlettBen64, true but ... I've seen and played with the XPS 13.  Having to shovel in a USB after laying out 1.5 large would irritate me to no end.09:01
Ben64like $5 lol09:01
foofoobarI have two usb ports. Blocking one permanent because of a wifi card - which is also already inside the notebook - is a bad option09:02
foofoobarAlso i thought the "dell xps developer" would also has a good linux compatibility09:02
foofoobarmakes me angry that I have to put time on this wifi issue now09:02
foofoobarbad dell work09:02
cfhowlettfoofoobar, it does but ... seems the wifi issue is a common complaint09:02
foofoobarI will try the suggestion from Ben64 link now and see if it works09:03
ActionParsnipfoofoobar: try the 3.11 kernel too, its easily rolled back09:03
foofoobar3.11 kernel = linux-generic-lts-raring?09:04
wander_I wanted to test RC of 13.10 but I can't find the image09:05
k1lfoofoobar: see http://en.community.dell.com/techcenter/os-applications/f/4613/t/19515554.aspx09:05
wander_am I missing something or have I just to use the daily image?09:05
k1lfoofoobar: scroll some down, there are named possible and working solutions to the wifi problem09:05
Ben64only 2 usb ports? : /09:06
Ben64anyway, this is the linux compatible wireless usb i use http://i.imgur.com/FMbPvPa.jpg09:06
cfhowlettBen64, yep.  hopefully, the 14.04 dell XPS 13 will add ports09:07
foofoobar_awesome, opening the /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/essid file resulted in a freeze09:08
foofoobar_I restarted now and can open it now. No "system-ca-certs=true" in there09:11
foofoobar_It's not a WPA network, I think its because of this09:11
foofoobar_I cant see if someone answered on my last question09:11
foofoobar_ActionParsnip, is the 3.11 kernel the package linux-generic-lts-raring?09:11
serapathi managed to share a directory and access is from a windows computer on my local network, but i do not have write access. how can i enable that too?09:11
Ben64no, 3.8 is raring09:12
MadHatter_Anyone really familar with useing scripts with rtmpdump in linux?09:12
swaagieMickS: gave up tool it as a chance to install 13.10 ;)09:13
it-guyHey.. I'm trying to execute a file but it says "./test: No such file or directry".. The file is there.. "file test" prints "test: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.24, not stripped" and I'm on a "x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux" 12.04 Ubuntu… What could it be?09:14
ikoniait-guy: what is "test"09:14
foofoobar__ok, different computer for irc now..09:14
it-guyit's a hello world program09:14
it-guyI wrote it09:14
it-guyIf found that if I compile the test program with "gcc test.c -o test" it works fine09:14
Roryit-guy: Is it executable? (chmod +x test)09:14
it-guyI compiled it on a different machine09:15
ikoniait-guy: ok, so show me the output of "uname -a" please09:15
it-guyikonia: Linux nbewk1 3.2.0-34-generic #53-Ubuntu SMP Thu Nov 15 10:48:16 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux09:15
it-guyuname -a of the machine I compiled it on: Linux UbuntuSRC 3.2.0-32-generic #51-Ubuntu SMP Wed Sep 26 21:33:09 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux09:15
ikoniait-guy: right so straight away, it's a different kernel, although why you've put a reference to 2.6 in your code I don't know09:15
ikoniait-guy: what libraries does it depend on09:15
llutzit-guy: btw bad idea to name it test, "test" is a linux program and a shell-builtin command too. (does not matter in your special case, but. ..)09:16
ikoniaI suspect the file not find error is a missing library09:16
ikoniawhich considering it's just "hello world" seems very unlikley09:16
it-guyikonia: i think just libc09:16
ikoniaso I suspect it's not actually a "hello world" program09:16
it-guyThe thing is.. ok if I compile it like this: gcc test.c -o test it works fine09:17
Roryit-guy: How are you compiling it for it to not work?09:17
it-guyIf I compile it with a Makefile that uses ldd with crt's it doesn't work09:17
ikoniait-guy: pleaes run "ldd" against it on the broken machine and pastebin the output09:17
it-guylinux-vdso.so.1 =>  (0x00007ffffa3ff000)09:18
it-guylibrt.so.1 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/librt.so.1 (0x00007ff349d9c000)09:18
it-guylibc.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 (0x00007ff3499dd000)09:18
it-guylibm.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6 (0x00007ff3496e0000)09:18
it-guylibpthread.so.0 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 (0x00007ff3494c3000)09:18
FloodBot1it-guy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:18
it-guy/lib/ld64.so.1 => /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00007ff349fac000)09:18
ikoniallutz: no, I said pastebin it09:18
ikoniait-guy: I said pastebin it, not flood the channel09:18
ikoniallutz: sorry about that09:18
Ben64....pastebin; also... how is this ubuntu support? :O09:18
ikoniait appears not to be09:19
Americanuhello there friends09:19
it-guyikonia: You're right, I tried it at one point with just the libc, but it didn't work either09:19
it-guyikonia: should I remove all the other libs quick and try it again?09:19
ikoniait-guy: apologies, I don't believe you are being honest about what you are doing, and it's not really an ubuntu issue, so I'd suggest taking this to a C channel09:20
swaagiedr_willis: MickS bazhang thx for your help, reinstallation done ;) .10 now09:20
Americanuis this channel for helping purposes too?09:20
it-guyikonia: I am honest.. what did I say that's wrong? I guess it is a C-problem though...09:20
ikoniaAmericanu: it's for ubuntu support09:20
Ben64Americanu: its only for helping with ubuntu09:20
ikoniait-guy: a hello world program does not need all those libraries09:21
ikoniait-guy: so I suspect it's not a hello world application.09:21
Americanuyeah that's what i meant...sorry if you guys didn't understand :) How do i make my webcam to work?09:21
swaagieMickS: btw dpkg.cfg.d is still empty so I guess that is intended09:21
it-guyikonia: You're right.. I am actually programming a daemon right now and got the error message. That's why I made a hello world program to track down the error using the same Makefile09:22
Americanui got skype..and i have a webcam :-? that doesn't get recognised... any tips?09:22
ikoniait-guy: truth normally gets you better responses, I don't trust you now, so can't really progress this, I'd suggest taking it to a c channel09:22
Ben64hello world needs almost nothing, heres mine http://2.ben64.com/hw 52 bytes09:22
foofoobar__ActionParsnip: So I installed linux-generic-lts-raring (3.8.0), disconnects still occur. How to get 3.11 kernel ?09:22
Ben64nearly the smallest hello world possible09:22
it-guyikonia: I was truthful.. I don't know why you're calling me a liar now. I didn't lie.09:23
Ben64foofoobar__: did you try all the stuff in the thread?09:23
it-guyikonia: I am trying to get the hello world program running with the Makefile of a daemon I'm writing09:23
Ben64foofoobar__: and paste the output of "uname -r"09:23
Americanuikonia do you know by any chance to solve the webcam plugin ?09:24
ikoniaAmericanu: sorry no09:24
Americanuah..thanks anyway09:24
swaagieMickS: skype installed like a breeze, I guess an earlier problem with getting gnome 3.10 to work left my apt repo's in a serious bad state09:24
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga09:24
k1lAmericanu: ^  see the bots message09:25
foofoobarben64, I tried the  /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/essid thing09:25
foofoobaruname -r now is 3.8.0-31-generic09:25
Ben64there was a lot more than essid09:25
k1lfoofoobar: did you actually try the solutions suggested in the dell-support-forums i posted?09:25
foofoobark1l, no. I first tried the solutions suggested here09:26
foofoobark1l, do you mean the backport thing?09:26
Ben64probably the ath9k.conf stuff09:26
Americanuk1l: why? i did :/ i googled in the forums too...09:26
Ben64the same thing i directed you to09:26
k1lfoofoobar: yes09:27
foofoobarBen64, I already tried the nohwcrypt=1 option for the ath.conf09:27
Ben64the page i linked you to had a lot more09:28
foofoobark1l, you mean the post http://en.community.dell.com/techcenter/os-applications/f/4613/t/19515554.aspx "Posted by chicochaz on 27 Aug 2013 4:33 PM" ?09:28
k1lAmericanu: did you see the "troubleshooting" sections in the skype wiki page mentioned by the bot?09:28
foofoobarBen64, one moment09:28
k1lfoofoobar: yes. it also mentions in the bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1160188  that it sonna be fixed in 13.03 and is fixed in 13.1009:30
ubottuUbuntu bug 1160188 in linux (Gentoo Linux) "ATH9K wireless signal weak" [Undecided,New]09:30
Americanuk1l: aaaaahh lol..i didn't knew the bot would "respond" AFTER my message...i was searching on the topic section09:30
k1l!skype | Americanu09:30
ubottuAmericanu: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga09:30
foofoobark1l, the backport there is the same fix which is mention by the bug on launchpad you posted?09:31
foofoobarI will try this backport now09:31
Americanuk1l: yeah i saw it xD thanks a lot09:31
EnissayHow can I monitor my lan traffic ? [who downloads a lot, what, ...]09:31
foofoobark1l, is this "backport" a module or what do I install with this?09:32
nitkDoes anyone know about ns309:32
MickSswaagie: sorry, just returned to my pc.. I see you got it working on .10, nice! Yeah, it must have been something really odd in your .04 install. Good to see it's working for you now ;-)09:32
k1lfoofoobar: the problem is the kernel-module (driver) is not 100% working with your card. but the fixes are just put into 13.04 and 13.10 since they got the newer kernels. maybe it gets backported with the "LTE enablement stack" kernels, but im not sure.09:32
NiwregIs there somebody that can help me out with file permissions?09:33
k1lfoofoobar: yes.09:33
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Rory!ask | Niwreg09:33
ubottuNiwreg: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:33
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swaagieMickS: I tend to blam ppa-purge, as I used that at some point to revert from gnome 3.10 to .8 and it seriously messed up, was able to work around it until now09:35
Niwregthanx :)09:35
eseany body knows how to change the mouse cursor pointers with a custom made one? i like to change the default arrow09:36
yoggI try to turn off "SSLCompression" in apache 2 ("2.2.14-5ubuntu8.12", Ubuntu 10.04.04). The changelog said, that there was a patch for this https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/apache2/+changelog09:38
MickSswaagie: let's also just blame Skype for having 32-bit only. Just because we can ;-)09:38
mgregsonAnyone here familiar with building ubuntu packages?  I'm trying to build a package that includes multiple upstart configurations, but I can't seem to get extra ones to install.09:39
Niwregi'm building an application that uses ftp, php and iwatch. i'm running in the problem that i want user1 (php and iwatch) to acces and delete files from user 2. I added user1 to the group of user2. How ever i still cannot delete the files from his homedir. File permission is done from pure fpt and has full permission on the uploaded files. How can i09:39
Niwreg delete files from another user without using sudo?09:39
yoggBut if I write into "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ssl.conf" -> "SSLCompression Off" and restart apache nothing happens. Compression is still available09:39
foofoobark1l, installed and rebooted, lets see how long it works09:40
_gpg_hi all09:40
buuNiwreg: A) the files need to be 'owned' by the shared group B) you need group read/write09:40
yogghas someone an idea what i have done wrong?09:40
k1lfoofoobar: just keep in mind, that you need to the last steps everytime you get a kernel update.09:41
EnissayIs there a way to monitor my lan traffic ? [who downloads a lot, what, ...]09:41
buuEnissay: Yes, ask your router09:41
Niwregbuu that's why i added user1 to the user2 group. and there is group r/w09:41
foofoobark1l, okay, I will save this link09:42
ActionParsnipEnissay: ntop09:42
serapathin order to give "write" access to a user, i found this command: "chown -R user:user /path/dir", but i'm not sure what "user:user" means.  from the help of "chown" i know its owner:group, but how do i know what to specify?09:42
_gpg_i have an ubuntu machine on a windows network, to remote access this ubuntu machine i have to provide its IP ADDRESS, i would like to be able to adress it using a FQDN, for example mymachine.mydomain.com. what's the different steps to do please ?09:42
MickSNiwreg: does user2 have write permission on the dir of user1 where the files are in?09:42
_gpg_i have modified my /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts, the administrator told me that he added it to windows domain, but some glue actions is messing somewhere09:42
NiwregMickS no acces denied09:43
Enissaybuu, ask him how ? his interface is pretty basic, nothing special09:43
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Caelumif I made a new dir /usr/share/fonts/truetype/mine how do I add those fonts?09:44
hitsujiTMOyogg SSLCompression defaults to off ... is it enabled elsewhere?09:44
Niwregbut the dir i try to write to has group acces from user2 and user1 is in the user2 group09:44
Niwregthat's why i don't understand why it wont work09:44
swaagieMickS: yeah that 100% as well ;) I already tweeted mad at them yesterday09:44
buuCaelum: fc-cache?09:45
Niwregis it possible that user2 can not log in?09:45
Caelumyeah thanks!09:45
Niwregthat that is the reason?09:45
swaagiesince its microsoft now I doubt they care09:45
swaagieiin the end I can blame myself ofc09:45
swaagiefor being reckless09:45
foofoobark1l, it looks like it fixed it.. I got no disconnects so far09:45
kali_eskrimahi, i have a problem with wifi. i already tried to do few days ago, sudo...unblock all, and it worked, but when i swithced off my laptop, and started again is not working. it is saying AGAIN... "wireless is disabled by hardware switch".... can you please help,. i have been going through different google pages and ask ubuntu, but i cant figure it out... thanks09:45
k1lkali_eskrima: rfkill is the command you are looking for09:46
foofoobark1l, are you also using a dell xps 13 ?09:46
ActionParsnipfoofoobar: oooh, what's the fix?09:46
kali_eskrimak1l i tried.. is not doing anything,.. just brings me back to the new line for input09:46
kali_eskrimalet me try again09:47
MickSNiwreg: user2 needs to have write permissions on the directory the files are in. Either via user or group rights.09:47
it-guyCan't find the package that contains "ld64.so.1" for Ubuntu precise 64bit09:47
k1lfoofoobar: no. i used to have a dell vostro until it died some weeks ago09:47
foofoobarActionParsnip, http://en.community.dell.com/techcenter/os-applications/f/4613/t/19515554.aspx the post from "Posted by chicochaz on 27 Aug 2013 4:33 PM"09:47
noob7hi all, I always thought that i686 is 32bit but typing lscpu tells me that my architecture is i686 but "CPU op-mode(s)" tells:   32-bit, 64-bit ->??09:48
foofoobarI still ahve to wait some time to see if it looses the connection, but usually I lost the connection after I connected when I bootet09:48
noob7so i686 can be either 32bit or 64bit?09:48
foofoobarI think in about an hour I can tell if that fixed it09:48
foofoobarbut looks good09:48
MickSswaagie: yeah, I still think it's odd that they bought it. Having MSN already and all ... maybe it's a recognition that their MSN product is inferior ;-)09:48
buuNiwreg: which group is the containing directory in and does it have g+rw?09:49
yogghitsujiTMO: thanks for the help. I just found my failure09:49
MickSswaagie: however, this goes off-topic and there's other channels for that :P09:49
hitsujiTMOyogg: np09:49
kali_eskrimak1l so what now, should be fixed..no command necessary to input after that? because i did few days ago, i did rfkill unblock all / and unblock wifi and it worked, and after few days is back to not working. wireless disabled by hardware swithc..as previously said09:49
swaagieMickS: they do own the majority of voip now and can force-feed their users again, yeah agree :)09:49
NiwregMickS it is his homedir so it should be writeable by user and group acces09:49
llutznoob7: you run a 64bit capable cpu on 32bit architecture09:50
buuNiwreg: Look this really isn't that complicated, make a few test files in a test dir, su to various users, chown to groups, see what happens09:50
MickSNiwreg: should be is an assumption, and assume makes an ass out of u and me. So please verify these rights. By default the homedir is not group-writeable.09:51
kali_eskrimaRory hi can you help me with the wireless?09:51
noob7llutz, so i686 is always 32bit but can also do stuff like a 64bit cpu?09:51
k1lkali_eskrima: do you have a hardware switch? or are you booting into windows?09:51
k1lkali_eskrima: or are you having some fn-key setups on that?09:52
k1lkali_eskrima: if there is no output after a command it means: "no error" most times in linux09:52
kali_eskrimak1l i dont see or dont know where is th e hardware switch,.. i installed ubuntu 12.04 from windows 8. so i only have ubuntu09:52
llutznoob7: i686 is 32bit, amd64/x86_64 woul dbe 64bit. your OS just is 32bit, while your cpu is 64bit (which has no benefits now)09:52
kali_eskrimak1l its been giving me problems since i installed it... really disappointed. i have another laptoop with 12.10 working like a charm. this.. su**s09:53
it-guynever mind. /lib/ld64.so.1 normally is a symlink to /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-linux-x86-64.so.209:53
llutznoob7: 64bit cpu can run in 32bit OS fine, but a 32bit CPU cannot run on 64Bit OS09:53
kali_eskrimathe fn F2 doesnt work.09:54
kali_eskrimak1l i thought i fixed it few days ago..with that rfkill and updated all ...hm didnt work09:54
ActionParsnipfoofoobar: you will need to rerun that every time you get a new kernel, so keep the source available, you may want to make a script09:55
foofoobarActionParsnip, yeah I did :)09:56
TheRiddlaDo any of you jokers recommend zorin OS?09:57
noob7llutz, so i686 tells me that the architecture of my cpu is 32bit but it can work like a 64 bit cpu? (I don't get how the 64 fitts in into i686)09:58
k1lTheRiddla: since this is a ubuntu support channel: no09:58
llutznoob7: your kernel/OS is 32bit (i686)09:58
k1lnoob7: x86_64  is the 64bit part09:59
kali_eskrimak1l another thing. this 12.04 version in downloaded it from ubuntu/canonical. i actually purchased the original dvd 12.10, and guess what, is not bootable, so it doesnt work. so i was forced to download the 12.04 because i couldnt find the 12.10 download on the website. since i installed this current os 12.04 lts, i have been having problems, when it boots is says "could not write bytes" broken pipe"? and very often when im in09:59
k1lnoob7: every other stuff like i386 or i686 is 32bit09:59
noob7ok, but I can run a 64bit OS on my i686 architecture cpu right?10:00
mgregsonnoob7: No.10:00
k1lnoob7: no10:00
k1lyou need a 64bit cpu to run 64bit OS10:00
noob7then why ""CPU op-mode(s)" tells:   32-bit, 64-bit"10:00
k1lit is just downwards compatible: you can run a 32bit OS on a 64bit cpu.10:01
llutznoob7:  "architecture" shown by lscpu is your OS, not your CPU10:01
noob7ah ok10:01
k1lnoob7: what cpu modell is it?10:01
llutznoob7: its the kernel-arch you currently run10:01
SoItBeginsI'm having trouble with my MacBook Pro's internal keyboard and trackpad10:01
kali_eskrimak1l i wold get a message "sorry ubuntu has experienced an error". than i go to "additional drivers" and there is completley nothing?!! so that means that i dont have much with this version and its only giving me problems.!!!! it says "no propretary dirvers are in use on this system"... whatis this? i thought it might help you help me.10:01
=== tsongki is now known as _tsongki
Niwregi followed this command set but i still can get it to work http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16549417/how-to-allow-to-create-a-directory-in-home-folder-another-user10:02
SoItBeginsThe system simply stops recognizing the hardware, at random, without warning.10:02
kali_eskrimak1l i will wait for your help. i know you guys are helping a lot of people at once. so i will wait. please read my messages sent to you. i will wait. thank you10:02
SoItBeginsKB and trackpad always go out at the same time.10:02
Frank81hello i have grep \[ERROR\] in my process list is there any way to find out what happens there i mean what or who startet to grep for what10:02
noob7 AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 64010:02
Niwregboth users are in a third group and has group write acces10:02
Niwregbut i cannont write from user1 in the dir of user210:03
noob7(I think it's 64 bit) but what bothered me was the i686 in the architecture10:03
k1lkali_eskrima: the "experienced a error" thing comes up on every error. it doesnt need to be a big error.10:03
k1lkali_eskrima: run a "sudo apt-get update &&sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" to make sure you have the latest updates installed. maybe there are some fixes for you included10:04
Frank81Hello i have grep \[ERROR\] in my ps aux and i need to know what happend there10:04
noob7but if I type cpuinfo I want to get the info about my cpu and not my OS???10:04
llutznoob7: lscpu tells you:  your OS just is 32bit (i686), while your cpu is 64bit (x86_64)10:04
noob7I mean lscpu10:04
andreiiarHello. I have live disk on usb and want to skip the startupmenu as I dont ever want to install and alwyas use english. How do I do that?10:04
andreiiarAlso It uses so much memory10:05
noob7I thought lscpu will list stuff about my cpu and not my OS that the problem I think10:05
andreiiarAnd it is lubuntu10:05
kali_eskrimak1l ok will try in a minute. but did you read my messages/concerns? thanks10:05
llutznoob7: you're right, it's confusing. maybe file a bugreport :)10:05
SoItBeginsIf it helps any, when my kb/mouse go out, the following log entry appears:10:07
SoItBegins(EE) synaptics: bcm5974: no synaptics event device found10:07
kalakjhow to disable DVD drive in ubuntu10:08
kalakjjust like device manager in windows10:08
Frank81Realy no one knows how i can look what executed this misculinus command  grep [\ERROR\]10:08
kalakjit is ejecting automatically in ubuntu, and working flawlessly in windows10:08
Rorykali_eskrima: Not really, I'm cleaning my flat, and about to go out. I'm sure someone else can help you10:08
kalakjanybody, please help10:08
Frank81kalakj maybe simply unmounting it helps10:09
noob7llutz, where would one file a bug like this to? launchpad or is there a bugzilla thing of kernel stuff?10:09
llutznoob7: i'd think launchpad10:09
SoItBeginsAnd the kernel log has this:10:09
Frank81noob7 you can fill it as all on launchpad right10:09
kalakjFrank81: it has not any CD/DVD INSIDE but it is ejecting randomly10:10
SoItBegins bcm5974 7-2:1.2: could not read from device10:10
noob7or just write a mail to the authors told in the man page?10:10
SoItBegins bcm5974: mode switch failed10:10
kalakjit never happens when i login to windows, but it happens randomly when i login to ubuntu10:10
Frank81kalakj maybe remove the cd driver from loading10:10
kalakjFrank81: how to do that10:10
kalakjis there any program, where i can simply disable , enable drive10:11
kalakjother than BIOS10:11
noob7will this not marked as "never fixed" cause it's not ubuntu stuff?10:11
=== GingerGeek is now known as GingerGeek[Away]
Frank81If you wait for a more radical solution, you can simply remove the module file from the file system:10:14
Frank81rm /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/scsi/sr_mod.ko10:14
Frank81But don't forget to make some backups because you will not able to use cd-rom drive at all since next reboot after this operation10:14
noob7found https://bugzilla.kernel.org/ it tells "...for posting bugs against the mainline Linux kernels (not distribution kernels)." Do you think it's ok to report there?10:14
Frank81or look for a other cd driver that get used10:15
Frank81this sr_mod.ko is the scsi stack for cd it normaly gets used10:15
llutznoob7: lscpu is part of util-linux, not the linux kernel10:15
minimeckalakj: Try "eject -i on" once. That should lock the cd-rom drive. "eject -i off" unblocks it.10:16
Frank81llutz any ideas? how i can find out where the grep ERROR comes from in ps aux10:16
Frank81i don't know what did that grep and what should it grep for10:16
llutzFrank81: i'd guess it greps for "ERROR", some background-scripts. find the parent-pid of that process10:17
noob7https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/util-linux/ ??10:17
llutzFrank81: check the time it started, check logs for cron-jobs running that time10:18
minimeckalakj: Other interesting post here... http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/59707/lock-cd-dvd-drive-prevent-eject10:18
noob7found a mailing list http://vger.kernel.org/vger-lists.html#util-linux10:19
Frank81good idea thx how to find the back pid10:19
Frank81the the pid that started it10:19
Frank81parent-pid i mean10:19
llutzps -p <greps pid>-o ppid=10:19
llutzFrank81:  ^10:19
Frank81what the hell :D10:21
Frank81i dont understand what i do there but i am sure it will work10:21
Frank81does nothing10:22
Frank81ps -p 14189 -o ppid=10:22
Frank81simply no output :D10:22
Frank81so it simply runs self contained or is anything other wrong?10:22
Frank81ya ok answered my question :D it runs at it self it has no parent pit10:23
sharpshooterI was installing ipwraw in ubuntu 13.04 (sourse: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1106376&page=2) I am getting an error WARNING: $SHELL not set to bash. If you experience build errors, try 'make SHELL=/bin/bash'. make -C /lib/modules/3.8.0-32-generic/build M=/home/sharpshooter/ipwraw-ng (2) modules /bin/sh: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected make: *** [modules] Error 210:24
noisignalhello everyone, I cannot enable "enable wireless" on network manager menu. it is greyed and I don't know how to make networks be displayed10:27
kali_eskrimak1l ok i did what you said and it almost download / updated all, but few things failed to complete and install. i can tell you which ones10:27
noob7just subscribed to the "util-linux" mailing list ->noob7 feels like a real kernel hacker10:27
kali_eskrimaRory thanks anyway enjoy10:27
foggedhey everyone. I'm trying to use USB stick connected to host within a VboxGuest, but the Vbox keeps saying that I have no usb devices connected. vbox extension pack is installed. could you please advice me what to do next? my OS version is 13.0410:28
revelationI need smtp10:28
cp1024Hi all, bit of a noob here :) - i have a mdadm raid, its all in the mdadm.conf fine, but i want ubuntu to mount and use it normally on startup, any advice?10:29
krambiorixhi, my numeric keyboard shows a dot in Firefox when i press the button next to zero.... How can i make it to show a comma?10:30
ikoniacp1024: put it in the fstab10:30
hitsujiTMOsharpshooter what is the exact command you're using to build?10:30
sharpshooterhitsujiTMO, make10:30
noisignalhello everyone, I cannot enable "enable wireless" on network manager menu. it is greyed and I don't know how to make networks be displayed10:31
hitsujiTMOsharpshooter have you tried?: make SHELL=/bin/bash10:31
hitsujiTMOas the error suggests10:31
cp1024ikonia - any advice on what i put in there? i am in the file now10:32
cp1024but what options etc10:32
lkeijserhi, I want to run both proftpd and pure-ftpd on one ubuntu server but apt wants to deinstall one if I try to install the other ... Can this behavior be avoided?10:33
sharpshooterhitsujiTMO, I tried :  make SHELL=/bin/bash make -C /lib/modules/3.8.0-32-generic/build M=/home/sharpshooter/ipwraw-ng (2) modules /bin/bash: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `(' /bin/bash: -c: line 0: `make -C /lib/modules/3.8.0-32-generic/build M=/home/sharpshooter/ipwraw-ng (2) modules' make: *** [modules] Error 110:33
sharpshooterhitsujiTMO, above was its output10:33
=== GingerGeek[Away] is now known as GingerGeek
ScottUbuntuHello. Does anyone know of a financial program for linux that allows you to keep track of your transactions while also having a forecast of your bank balance that includes scheduled transactions. Like AceMoney Lite on Windows?10:34
krambiorixhow can i change the dot in a comma on my numeric keypad??10:34
geirhasharpshooter: well the error is clear, (2) is not valid there. It needs to be inside shell quotes10:35
edknoisignal: is wireless disabled by the hardware switch?10:35
kali_eskrimak1l ok this is my message error from your command updated that u gave me10:36
kali_eskrimak1l W: Failed to fetch cdrom://Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS _Precise Pangolin_ - Release amd64 (20130820.1)/dists/precise/main/binary-i386/Packages  Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs  W: Failed to fetch cdrom://Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS _Precise Pangolin_ - Release amd64 (20130820.1)/dists/precise/restricted/binary-i386/Packages  Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM10:36
k1l!paste | kali_eskrima use this service to show all the text10:37
ubottukali_eskrima use this service to show all the text: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:37
tsongkihi everyone! Need help please. my vlc player is not working after i change the skins.10:37
sharpshootergeirha, can you explain it little more am newbie to installing from source code :)10:37
k1lkali_eskrima: and start the "software and updates" option in systemsettings. go to the "other software"-tab and uncheck the to cdrom entries10:38
geirhasharpshooter: Well, the makefile is badly written, that's for sure. It's hard to say how to fix it without seeing the code though10:39
Dai_1987tsongki: define "not working"10:39
tsongkiDai_1987, i cant launch it.10:40
sharpshootergeirha, here is the Makefile http://paste.ubuntu.com/6221856/10:40
Dai_1987tsongki: try launching it from a terminal and see what the output is10:41
tsongkiDai_1987, it closes automatically without error message10:41
Dai_1987so there's no output in the terminal?10:42
geirhasharpshooter: Probably line 114. I'm betting the DIR variable contains (2)10:42
kali_eskrimak1l ok here you go. please take a look http://paste.ubuntu.com/6221859/10:42
tsongkiyah nothing happens10:42
Dai_1987damned if I know then, remove it and reinstall it10:43
tsongkiDai_1987,  well i tried it and doesnt work10:43
geirhasharpshooter: And DIR appears to be set to current working directory, so what's the output of   echo "$PWD"   ?10:43
sharpshootergeirha, /home/sharpshooter/ipwraw-ng (2)10:44
kali_eskrimak1l i cant find the software and updated in my system settings..10:44
tsongkiDai_1987, well i had found a webpage http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=100337310:45
hitsujiTMOsharpshooter: mv "/home/sharpshooter/ipwraw-ng (2)" /home/sharpshooter/ipwraw-ng10:45
kali_eskrimak1l i meant software and updates, i cant find... there are only few icons, the general ones.10:45
noisignalhello, my wireless networks cannot be enabled. "rfkill list" shows it is hardware blocked, but there is no hw switch on my netbook10:45
tsongkiDai_1987, i cant delete the  .config/vlc folder10:45
geirhasharpshooter: Right, so it fails because of that directory name. You can either change line 114 to $(MAKE) -C "$(KSRC)" "M=$(DIR)" modules  or rename the directory to not contain special characters like whitespace and parenthsis10:45
sharpshooterhitsujiTMO, ok10:46
slartyAnyone know what command to give Scribus to pipe a gnuplot graph to a scribus render window?10:46
Dai_1987tsongki: why not?10:46
tsongkiDai_1987, i dont know how to access the .config/vlc10:47
k1lkali_eskrima: start "software-properties-gtk" from a terminal10:47
kali_eskrimak1l i sent you the website for the full text as you requested earlier...10:47
hitsujiTMOtsongki: rm -r ~/.config/vlc10:47
kali_eskrimak1l i will do that now10:47
geirhasharpshooter: Looking close at the makefile, rename the directory like hitsujiTMO suggested. There's a lot more bugs in that makefile.10:47
Dai_1987tsongki: it's in your home directory, just type rm -r ~/.config/vlc into a terminal window10:47
tsongkiDai_1987,  ok wait ill try10:48
Dai_1987tsongki: and while you're at it, type "vlc" into the terminal instead of launching it from the menu10:48
lkeijserhi, I want to run both proftpd and pure-ftpd on one ubuntu server but apt wants to deinstall one if I try to install the other ... Can this behavior be avoided?10:48
eseHi in 13.04 is not longer possible to customize the mouse pointer like before by clicking System -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Customize -> Pointer  ?10:49
kalakjFrank81: NO10:49
kali_eskrimak1l ok i did unselect the cd room entries. waiting for further instruction10:49
sharpshootergeirha,  I changed the directory http://paste.ubuntu.com/6221896/10:49
sharpshootergeirha,  but still not working10:50
Frank81then do this10:50
Caelumhas anyone seen this from unattended-upgrades "ERROR Internal error while building a minimal partition.Cache has not allowed changes10:50
tsongkiDai_1987, thank you very much!10:50
Caelumseems like some sort of general error10:50
tsongkiDai_1987,  it works10:50
geirhasharpshooter: right, but at least one step further10:50
Dai_1987tsongki: no worries, maybe avoid using that skin again10:50
marloshouselkeijser, i'm a little curious why you would want to run both?10:50
hitsujiTMOlkeijser: why do you want both?10:50
noisignalhello, can anyone help please?10:50
k1lkali_eskrima: again the "sudo apt-get udpate &&sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" command"10:50
tsongkiDai_1987, hell yeah! that was a very stupid idea. lol thanks again10:51
kali_eskrimaok k1l10:51
sharpshootergeirha, yes10:51
lkeijsermarloshouse, hitsujiTMO: because we have customers that want implicit and explicit TLS10:51
marloshousenot sure how to advise10:51
kali_eskrimak1l i will paste the results now..10:52
geirhasharpshooter: does   locate ieee80211.h   output anything?10:52
k1lkali_eskrima: yes10:52
hitsujiTMOlkeijser: install one via apt-get,  the other you'll have to manually build/install and set it up for a different port10:52
Dai_1987noisignal: is there a key combo for it? like FN+<button with picture of antenna on it>?10:52
lkeijsermarloshouse: I think my only option is to cheat and use LXC ... but I was hoping apt could be tricked somehow10:52
ScottUbuntuHello. Does anyone know of a financial program for linux that allows you to keep track of your transactions while also having a forecast of your bank balance that includes scheduled transactions. Like AceMoney Lite on Windows?10:53
marloshouselkeijser, yea, i'm no apt-expert, so i really can't say, but manually installing/building one may be your only option10:53
noisignalDai_1987, no, there is no key I can see. I just checked all Fn keys to see if there is a change when I use them. but nothing happened10:53
sharpshootergeirha, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6221900/10:53
Dai_1987noisignal: weird, and you're positive there's no HW switch?10:53
lkeijserhitsujiTMO: I'd rather not install anything manually as it'll be hell trying to maintain it, but yeah, next to using lxc it's probably my only option10:53
noisignalDai_1987, yes10:54
sharpshootergeirha, above is the output of locate ieee810:54
Dai_1987noisignal: also check BIOS, probably not there but can't hurt10:54
sharpshootergeirha, ieee*10:54
geirhasharpshooter: right, you have the file, but it's not in a net/ subdirectory like the code expects10:54
foofoobark1l, so far no disconnects, I think this is the solution, thanks a lot!10:54
noisignalDai_1987, yes10:54
sharpshootergeirha, so do i need to update the location in makefile ?10:55
kali_eskrimak1l done.. here is the link http://paste.ubuntu.com/6221906/10:55
noisignalDai_1987, sorry..I checked bios, network boot is enabled. this is the only one that seems related10:55
noisignalin the bios10:55
Dai_1987noisignal: it seems that I can't help you, all I can say is try googling your laptop model, wifi, and ubuntu10:55
noisignalDai_1987, thank you. I will try that way10:56
geirhasharpshooter: line 43 in ipwraw.c  try removing net/10:56
ansuhey folks. how do you deal with JAVA_HOME? I've installed openjdk 7 on 12.04 and now in /usr/lib/jvm I have java-7-openjdk-amd64 and java-1.7.0-openjdk-amd6 as symlink that points to the other directory. Do you set it in /etc/profiles or export it in every application's startup script?10:56
noob7thanks for the help guys. I sent a mail to the util-linux mailing list.10:56
sharpshootergeirha, ok10:57
k1lkali_eskrima: ok. your system is now up to date. what is your issue now? you dont find drivers? what dirvers do you want?10:57
kali_eskrimak1l it appears that it updated all without errors. now probably i have to restart the laptop to get in effect all the updates. and maybe the wifi will work. i have few more question to ask you but i will wait. no rush. is just bugging me because i have had problems since i installed this 12.04. even when i wanted to upgrade to 12.10 it completely crashed my ubuntu. couldnt do nothing.10:57
kali_eskrimaoh yes10:57
BluesKaj_Hey folks10:57
k1lkali_eskrima: wifi drivers do not appear in that prop. driver section you mentioned10:57
foo357Hello. I have a ubuntu server that's running samba and dishing out a share. I upgraded the machine from 10.4 to 12.04 and now I'm having some issues with it. I have a linux client that can't get the share but I also have a few windows client that can.10:58
k1lkali_eskrima: the wifi gets managed from kernel drivers. not from external drivers like some video cards need etc10:58
kali_eskrimak1l oh yes ok good memory!  i went to "additional drivers" and tried to get updates and it said "no propretiary drivers are in use on this system". should i be concerned? i mean sounds like i dont have any drivers.10:59
ActionParsnipfoo357: if you run:  smbtree     do you see the shares?10:59
foo357ActionParsnip: on the server or the client?11:00
kali_eskrimak1l so kernel driver is the terminal command? so if i do the update (as i just did, suggested by you the sudo command) thats how i updated my wifi kernel driver and should work in my next restar?11:00
k1lkali_eskrima: no. i just means that you dont use drivers that are not included in the linux kernel already.  if you have a nvidia video card you could need such a prop. driver to get better 3d support (for videos and videogames etc). but there is no need to use that driver since linux already got another driver which nearly same functionality in the kernel11:01
kali_eskrimak1l.. oh11:02
krambiorixhow can i change the dot in a comma on my numeric keypad??11:02
ActionParsnipfoo357: both11:02
k1lkali_eskrima: that command you did makes sure you got that latest version that ubuntu ships. but depending on make and model and other circumstances this could need some more work. but in general that is enough.11:03
k1lkali_eskrima: but what is your actual problem?11:03
ubottuFor help debugging your program, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures11:03
icmpv6i want to stop crash reports11:03
sharpshootergeirha, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6221922/11:04
kali_eskrimak1l i actualy went to "sys settings" - details - and i showed no drivers there either for my graphics.. it says "unknown".?11:04
sharpshootergeirha, above is the error output11:04
kali_eskrimamy actual problem is wifi... disabled by the hardware swithch.11:04
kali_eskrimak1l i think now is or should be resolved.. will try in the restart soon11:04
k1lkali_eskrima: please put "sudo rfkill list" into a pastebin. and put "lsusb" and "lspci" into that too11:05
geirhasharpshooter: what does line 43 of that file look like?11:05
sharpshootergeirha, #include <ieee80211.h>11:05
sharpshootergeirha, before : #include <net/ieee80211.h>11:05
kali_eskrimak1l and my next problem is ...oh ok. will say later what is my problem. been having problems with 12.04 and i get lost. im new to linux and ubuntu. and i really really want to learn.11:06
kali_eskrimak1l hold on,. let me do the command11:06
ActionParsnipkali_eskrima: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue11:06
foo357ActionParsnip: hmm, yes. The output on both machines are identical.11:07
ActionParsnipfoo357: ok, can you ping the server from the clients?11:07
ActionParsnipfoo357: does the output show the shares correctly?11:08
Rorykali_eskrima: Hi I am returned, could you summarise your issue on one line for me please?11:08
kali_eskrimak1l did it.. here is your link http://paste.ubuntu.com/6221936/11:08
ActionParsnipkali_eskrima: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue11:09
sharpshootergeirha, what if we add change the path in line 43 to location of ieee80211.h11:09
kali_eskrimaRory thank you i have someone helping me already. i have another issue, but i want to first finish with the current issue im dealing.11:09
kali_eskrimaActionParsnip what do i do? what that means?11:10
ActionParsnipkali_eskrima: run it in terminal and a single line will be output. Paste it to the channel please11:10
blunblupwhat do i type in terminal to find out my current user-session ?11:10
Roryblunblup: What do you mean by user-session? What sort of output would you expect?11:11
ActionParsnipblunblup: env    will show you11:11
k1lkali_eskrima: your wifi is still blocked11:11
Rorykali_eskrima: Are you dual-booting with Windows? It's possible the wifi is somehow disabled using the driver in Windows, and that might be the only way to re-enable it again11:12
foo357ActionParsnip: yes the computers can reach eachother through the network, ping goes fine. I think the output shows the shares correctly, but I am not very familiar with samba11:12
RoryIn absense of a hardware switch11:12
hitsujiTMOsharpshooter: what is the output of "uname -r" and "locate ieee80211.h" ??11:12
ActionParsnipfoo357: the output is the shares which _you_ specified11:12
k1lkali_eskrima: there should be a hardware switch or a fn+…  key-combination. or if you have windows too it could be you must not disable that wifi in windows11:12
blunblupActionParsnip: ok done thanks11:12
ActionParsnipkali_eskrima: its not a long command, what is output please?11:13
sharpshooterhitsujiTMO, ouput of uname -r : ieee80211.h and output of locate ieee80211.h : http://paste.ubuntu.com/6221951/11:15
hitsujiTMOuname -r11:15
sharpshooterhitsujiTMO, sorry typo outpu of uname -r : 3.8.0-32-generic11:15
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hitsujiTMOsharpshooter: you're running kernel 3.8.0-32-generic but you may not have the headers for it in /usr/src11:17
sharpshooterhitsujiTMO, what should I do in order to add it in /usr/src11:17
foo357ActionParsnip: ok what can I else do to determine what's wrong11:18
hitsujiTMOsharpshooter what's the output of: ls -l /usr/src/11:18
ActionParsnipfoo357: can you tell nautilus to connect to the share if you manually specify the share and server name in 'connect to server'?11:18
sharpshooterhitsujiTMO, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6221968/11:19
ItsMeLennyis "File system is NOT clean." a problem?11:19
hitsujiTMOhmm, seems the file is removed from the kernel headers11:19
ActionParsnipItsMeLenny: is it NTFS?11:19
foo357ActionParsnip: hm, well the "client" is another server more or less, it has no graphical DE11:19
ActionParsnipfoo357: can you mount the share manually?11:20
ItsMeLennyActionParsnip, Yes11:20
ActionParsnipItsMeLenny: then yes, Ubuntu will struggle with it11:20
ActionParsnipItsMeLenny: if you make sure you use the "safe remove" feature in your OS before you pysically unplug it, rather than just yanking it out. You will have fewer issues11:20
ItsMeLennyi have an external drive which never was a problem but now it is, but i think the fault in it is the controller board, and it took 10 hours to copy 10 gig, so now im putting everything onto this new drive and after 16gb i decided to check and it says not clean11:21
loahello, my ubuntu unexpetedly halt, and i can't find any reason, it works good 99.9% of time but some times i found my PC with black screen and don't respond on commands11:21
loawhat i can check?11:21
ActionParsnipItsMeLenny: plug it into a Windows PC, chkdsk it then use the safe removal option in the system tray11:21
sharpshooterhitsujiTMO, do i need to create a link11:21
ItsMeLennyActionParsnip, i wonder if thats what broke it, i would always use safe remove but it still has somehow played up11:21
kali_eskrimak1l  Rory ActionParsnip sorry i had an emergency11:21
ActionParsnipItsMeLenny: run a chkdsk on it, should help11:22
ItsMeLennyActionParsnip, i have no windows11:22
ActionParsnipItsMeLenny: then why use ntfs?11:22
ItsMeLennyActionParsnip, would it work in a virtual box11:22
ActionParsnipItsMeLenny: maybe, i'd ask in #vbox11:22
loais there way to reinstall system without deleting home if i have only one partition?11:22
loai have crypted home folder11:23
Roryloa: Back up /home to another drive11:23
ItsMeLennyActionParsnip, its what came with the hard drive, it was pre formatted, and the hard drive im putting it onto which i made NTFS is because i plan to take it out and make it external, its my one i take places so it needs to be compatible with other OS's11:23
ActionParsniploa: yes, mount the partition and run nautilus using gksudo and delete all folders except home11:23
Dr_WillisYou might be able to force the ntfs to mount read only. but really - if you have no windows  - its time to switch that drive over to ext2/3/411:23
ActionParsniploa: why do you not have a backup?11:23
loaActionParsnip, it is too big for me.11:23
ActionParsniploa: what if the drive IDE fails. Where is your data?11:24
hitsujiTMOsharpshooter: that could be dangerous ... whats the output of ?: ls -l /usr/src/linux-headers-3.8.0-32-generic/include/linux11:24
kali_eskrimaActionParsnip Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS \n \l11:24
kali_eskrimak1l yes its still blocked11:24
ActionParsnipkali_eskrima: have you tried:   sudo rfkill unblock all11:24
loaActionParsnip, i want to save data, but it is not so expensive for 100% save11:24
loaall my really usefull data is in dropbox11:25
sharpshooterhitsujiTMO, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6221984/11:25
ActionParsniploa: then you can delete the folders except home and install to the partition using the 'something else' option. Set it as / but not to be formatted11:25
hitsujiTMOweird the file is there, just not showing up in locate11:25
minimeckali_eskrima: Just a question. Is this a lenovo laptop by chance? Is only wifi blocked, or is bluetooth blocked too?11:26
Dr_WillishitsujiTMO:  you have recently yupdated the locate database?11:26
foo357ActionParsnip: I'm looking at this site: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Samba/SambaClientGuide and it says that you should be able to see shares by doing "smbclient -L //server -U user" ... how should the server be specified?11:26
ItsMeLennyActionParsnip, is there something like chkdsk on linux11:26
theadminItsMeLenny: fsck.11:26
kali_eskrimaRory no it shouldnt be dualbooting. i had win8, i donwloaded 12.04 ubuntu and made a bootavble cd and installed and delited win8. i just have been having problems since then,,,,oh but wait,. maybe if i go to bios and check about the wifi... how do i do. what should i enable there. or disable. do you know?11:26
ActionParsnipItsMeLenny: for NTFS I would not advise using anything but Microsoft tools11:26
Dr_WillisItsMeLenny:   the ntfs checking tools just tag the disk as 'ok' i recall and dosent really fix anything. that can cause issues later11:26
theadminIt's a pain that FAT32 has this silly filesize limit.11:27
ItsMeLennyi rekon11:27
theadminNTFS is a major problem to get working right :/11:27
kali_eskrimak1l i dont remember disabling it anywhere. it just started doing on its own. in win8 it was working fine, actual perfectly. when i instaled ubuntu 12.04 it started malfunctioning.... maybe bios? i shoudl go there to see and enable/siable something? any suggestions11:27
ItsMeLennyi shouldve went with exfat11:27
Dr_Willisyou MIGHT beable to force the ntfs to mount (read only perhaps?) with the ntfs-3g command.  then  read your files. but writeing to the disk may not be a good idea11:27
ActionParsniptheadmin: if only Microsoft could somehow find out how Linux based file systems worked.....11:27
theadminActionParsnip: There's a filesystem driver for ext2 and ext3.11:28
theadminActionParsnip: Is of free software, even. But I don't trust it much...11:28
ActionParsniptheadmin: exactly, part of the OS, to allow users to access data11:28
foo357ActionParsnip: ok by doing "smbclient -L //<hostname of server> -U someuser" I can see a list of shares. Anonymous login is ok too so I don't even have to supply a password11:28
ItsMeLennyDr_Willis, i'm very slowly pulling everything off, im just worried about killing this new hard drive if that actually is the problem, but i feel its the controller board in this external WD11:28
ActionParsnipfoo357: ok, mount away, is it ok?11:28
ItsMeLennymaybe i should just which to Ext411:29
kali_eskrimaActionParsnip yes did that few days ago, and it worked. than i started the laptop, didnt work no more. it says again.. .that the wireless is disabled by the hardware switch.... which i dont  understand.. hm. it did it on its own. it was working fine with win8. and in ubuntu  i fixed it few days ago and it worked. today no  more, same old story again11:29
Dr_WillisItsMeLenny:  if the disk is to never be used on a windows machine. that would be a good idea11:29
hitsujiTMOok, sharpshooter try changing from """#include <net/ieee80211.h>""" to """#include <linux/ieee80211.h>"""11:29
ActionParsnipkali_eskrima: do you dual boot the system?11:29
ItsMeLennyis ext4 actually alright for portability11:29
Caelumis there a cinnamon channel somewhere? no one in #cinnamon11:30
ActionParsnipItsMeLenny: Windows cannot ouch it as far as I am aware11:30
sharpshooterhitsujiTMO, ok11:30
ItsMeLennyDr_Willis, i think it will be11:30
kali_eskrimaminimec no its asus x75a/ just the wifi blocked. the bluetooth i can switch on and off...11:30
ActionParsnipCaelum: could try the mint channel11:30
ItsMeLennyis the problem*11:30
kali_eskrimai have lenovo laptop too and it works great, never ever had a problem. it runs on 12.1011:30
ActionParsnipCaelum: cinammon is also in the ubuntu repos, so is supported here11:30
loaRory, ActionParsnip what do you think about stability issues? How i can detect them?11:30
galaxyAbstractorHello, we have some issues with a Ubuntu 13.04 install. All the menues and launcher are gone and we cannot start applications (since the launcher is completely gone)11:30
ActionParsnipkali_eskrima: different hardware in the different system....11:31
ItsMeLennyvirtual box couldnt recognise it11:31
hans__Looking for an evaluation of the last update11:31
Dr_Willisi noticed the qtrazor desktop is in the 13.10 repos. :) good to get more desktops to play with.11:31
galaxyAbstractorWe've tried opening a terminal with ctrl + alt + t but it doesn't do anything11:31
ActionParsniphans__: update of what?11:31
Caelumin saucy I can't seem to turn off screen locking, I checked the disable lock screen thing in gconf-editor and I turned it off in screen prefs, but it still locks on waking the display11:31
ActionParsnipCaelum: saucy is not supported here til release day11:31
ActionParsnipCaelum: ask in #ubuntu+111:31
Dr_WillisgalaxyAbstractor:  this is a brand new install?   tell the channel your video card/chipset and drivers youa re using also.11:31
hans__ubuntu 10.0411:31
galaxyAbstractorThe only thing we can see is desktop and a couple of random files on the desktop, also we can open the settings dialog (but the apply button is missing)11:32
ActionParsniphans__: on the desktop?11:32
minimeckali_eskrima: Ok. I asked, because I had to reset BIOS to default settings on my last Lenovo laptop, after a battery power fail for example.11:32
kali_eskrimaActionParsnip no i dont dual boot. just ubuntu 12.0411:32
eivlIs it possible to uninstall from apt-get?11:32
ActionParsnipeivl: yes11:32
galaxyAbstractorDr_Willis: pretty much, I have no idea what kind of video cards these computers are using11:32
ActionParsnipeivl: sudo apt-get --purge remove packagename11:32
eivlthanks ActionParsnip =)11:32
ItsMeLennydoes linux do exfat?11:33
ActionParsnipeivl: man apt-get11:33
galaxyAbstractorIntel Q45/Q43 according to the System details window, Dr_Willis11:33
ItsMeLennyoh, exfat isnt supported in xp anyway11:33
kali_eskrimaActionParsnip. so different hardware in dif system.. means like i shouldnt have installed ubuntu and delited the win8?11:33
Dr_WillisgalaxyAbstractor:  well start with a 'apt-get update, and apt-get dist-upgrade' in teh consoles.   to be sure the systems are up to date. Most intel video shoul dbe supported out of the box.11:33
foo357ActionParsnip: If I try to do an anonymous login (just pressing enter at password promt) I get NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED. If I supply a password I get NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER11:33
minimeckali_eskrima: ... to get wifi work again. rfkill showed a 'hard blocked' wifi device in that case.11:33
hans__yes. I've noticed strange behaviour after the security update yesterday and I want to know more about it11:33
galaxyAbstractorDr_Willis: How do we do that?11:33
ItsMeLennyNTFS5? hmmm11:34
kali_eskrimaminimec i see... hmmm maybe i should do to, but im afraid i mightnot know ho to do next. in case i fail to do something.11:34
galaxyAbstractorIf we restart it only goes back to the login screen again11:34
Dr_WillisgalaxyAbstractor:  use the console..11:34
Dr_Willisor text mode11:34
eivlActionParsnip: i where aware about the man command, i just did not think about it first11:34
Dr_WillisgalaxyAbstractor:  alt-ctrl-f111:34
hitsujiTMOgalaxyAbstractor: ctrl + alt + f111:34
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode11:34
galaxyAbstractorah ty11:34
galaxyAbstractorNot used to ubuntu/linux11:34
hitsujiTMOgalaxyAbstractor: did you do anything or try to install anything before this happened?11:35
sharpshooterhitsujiTMO, here is the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/6222031/11:35
Dr_WillisgalaxyAbstractor:  you may also want to install a fallback desktop such as 'lubuntu-desktop'  which should work without any 3d drivers.11:35
hans__Before actualize I would like to know if the update doesn't create a new problem.11:35
minimeckali_eskrima: I don't know if you have some 'UEFI BIOS', or the normal 'old' BIOS. Normally a BIOS reset should not harm your machine.11:36
sharpshooterhitsujiTMO, I guess the file that includes have wrong path's declared right ?11:36
galaxyAbstractorhitsujiTMO: We installed Virtualbox to run minix, and dropbox, that's all we did11:36
ItsMeLennysince its been formatted to NTFS using disk utility, if i just pull everything off and format it to ext4 will that effect performance, or should i do a write zeros pass first11:36
ActionParsniphans__: desktop Lucid is EOL and no longer supported11:36
sharpshooterhitsujiTMO, So i need to rewrite all those path in source ?11:36
hitsujiTMOsharpshooter: looks like theres a number of errors with the code11:37
kali_eskrimaminimec http://paste.ubuntu.com/6222034/11:37
galaxyAbstractorHmm, unity is the desktop environment right?11:37
sharpshooterhitsujiTMO, I will work around with is and let you know if any problem occurred  !11:37
hans__I understand, but in general: how to know about the problems people encounter after installing the security updates?11:38
kali_eskrimaminimec yes i have the new uefi bios which really brought me to the extreme of brain. i really did an extensive reasearch for weeks, to then realize that i needed to disable secure boot, i even couldnt find it11:38
galaxyAbstractorAh we solved it, someone probably had a grudge against us or something and removed unity -.-11:39
kali_eskrimaminimec im used to old bios, its easy. i found out that the new uefi bios is set by the microsof to not accept linux programs .11:39
kali_eskrimaActionParsnip so what did you meant...11:39
galaxyAbstractorInstalling it again solved it, but unity uninstalled all our apps :/11:39
hitsujiTMOSharpshooter: i'd presume that the module you're trying to build is written for a much older kernel11:39
kali_eskrimaActionParsnip what are your thoughts. or conclusion about different driver...11:40
galaxyAbstractorThey even went as far as removing the software center lol11:40
minimeckali_eskrima: That's the problem with that UEFI stuff. ;) I have no experience at all with UEFI, sorry. So it could be that you reenable secure boot, when resetting UEFI to default values.11:40
ActionParsnipkali_eskrima: worth a try11:40
hitsujiTMOgalaxyAbstractor: prob a dependency conflict with one of the apps you installed triggered it11:41
galaxyAbstractorProbably Dropbox then, as virtualbox worked across reboots11:42
ItsMeLennyActionParsnip, do you know if that disk utility is reliable, its what made the ntfs unclean in the first place11:42
kali_eskrimaminimec i was thinking too, if i go back to uefi and re enable the secure boot while i have already installed ubuntu. i was wondering whats gonna happen. and yes uefi changed the game11:43
ActionParsnipItsMeLenny: bad unmounts, sudden unplugs and power loss11:43
kali_eskrimaActionParsnip sorry i dont understand,. maybe i missed a thread u sent me.. what is worth a try.. i just changed from windows 8 to ubuntu. but im sure i completely cleared the win 8 and delited all and installed ubuntu. i must have missed something.....???11:44
ItsMeLennyActionParsnip, i mean i used it to format to ntfs, and its unclean straight away11:45
minimeckali_eskrima: hmm... ('go back to UEFI') meaning, that you use the 'normal' BIOS option now? If that is the case, I would try to reset the BIOS.11:45
hans__is there any webpage where the roll-out of the last security-update is evaluated?11:45
ActionParsniphans__: you can read your own updates by reading /var/log/dpkg.log11:46
ActionParsniphans__: I suggest you upgrade to Precise. Lucid desktop is no longer supported by the community11:46
hans__thanks! I'm going to read that.11:47
kali_eskrimaminimec no i meant this. when i finally figured out that secure boot was preventing me from runing the livecd ubuntu 12.04, when i was gonna change from win8, i actually disabled it11:48
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minimeckali_eskrima: I certainly guess you tried the hardware switch on your machine. Looking at the images for your device the key shoud be the 'F2' key or 'FN'+'F2'. Just in case... ;)11:48
kali_eskrimaminmec so now i wanted to go back to bios uefi and just re enable it while i have ubuntu os. i was just afraid to do it, becuase i didnt know what its gonna happen. will it let me still run ubuntu os or will again block me out like a dumb11:49
kali_eskrimaminimec i tried that fn f2 is not working. like is freaking dead.11:49
kali_eskrimasorry the language.11:49
kali_eskrimaminimec i got a bit upset because i have been having problems with this. and the worse thing is that i dont know much about linux and i really wish i would know more. to help myself11:50
minimeckali_eskrima: And simply pressing 'F2'. Newer Laptops set the 'F*'-keys as second option, as the 'F*' keys are rarely used.11:51
kali_eskrimaminimec so anyway i wanted to update to 12.10 few days ago,. and it downloaded the update, and when the system asked me to restart the laptop to give effect the changes, guess what... the ubuntu os and desktop wouldnt even start. like is broken, wouldnt even load to the sign in screen, for password. i just had some glichy image quickly and than black screen with underscore. no keyboard or nothing worked. you dont know how many11:52
kali_eskrimaminimec i dont know if i told u but my wireless was fixed few days ago. i fixed it and today is like i never fixed anything... and i didnt touch no settings. all on its own11:53
hans__No thanks, I don't want to change anything on this old laptop; Precise with the gnome-fallback does not behave like this 10.0411:54
whatever_42i just created a software raid using mdadm. how ever one hard drive is used as spare device?11:55
minimeckali_eskrima: What you describe is a typical xserver failure. So after the update, the xserver hanged for the device. By the way... You should not update to 12.10. Either stay with 12.04, or switch to the newest release. That's my opinion.11:55
ikoniawhatever_42: depends how you created it if you allocated a spare11:55
hans__Nautilus is different in the fallback11:55
hans__I'm only a user11:55
whatever_42i did not want a spare device ^^11:56
ikoniawhatever_42: that doesn't change what I just said11:56
kali_eskrimaminimec so what means new realease... 13? where do i find it... and will my system have xserver error.,... failure. do you know what and why it happend while uploading to 12.10?11:57
charnelafter upgrading from 12.04 to 12.10 after boot I am getting a blank screen and a cursor. How can I fix it ?11:58
mrrcpwhy are people upgrading?11:58
mrrcpwhats the point to upgrade from a stable to a non stable?11:58
* mrrcp shakes his head11:59
whatever_42how do i keep mdadm from creating a spare device? i am having 3 x 3 TBte drives. so basically i should be able to have 6 Tbyte right?11:59
charnelI wanted to try the 13.x11:59
ikoniawhatever_42: what mdadm command did you use11:59
hans__ok so when there is an update available I would like to read on the internet the problems people encounter after installing this update11:59
kali_eskrimaminimec  k1l helped me earlier by giving me the sudo update apt and i still have to restart my laptop to see if the changes took place. it might be working now. will have to see in a bit. i just needed to get more help on different things while i can speak to you guys while you guys can,.11:59
minimeckali_eskrima: Ok. So reboot and come back here. We will stay tuned.12:00
mrrcpX error12:00
ciastekI'd like to have an eye on root's mail on remote server. Is it a good idea, to install dovecot and receive messages with local client?12:01
kali_eskrimaminimec will you explain me where to get the 13 or the newest edition ubuntu. and do you think will it crash again my xserver...?  i really need to get my laptop to work because i have work to do, and i cant..... :/12:02
ItsMeLennyi just dont partition the drive, so it appears as /dev/sdb instead of /dev/sdb112:02
minimeckali_eskrima: I guess you have a dedicated GPU in that laptop, and you were using the restricted drivers for the GPU, when you upgraded. That could explain the xserver failure after upgrade.12:02
ItsMeLennyah, now see, ext4 is already using 50GB despite nothing being on the drive, how do i fix that?12:03
minimeckali_eskrima: the integrated Intel i3-7 series GPU should not make any problems.12:03
kali_eskrimaminimec who give me the restricted drivers.. and where did i found them,. i was just updating from ubuntu update...12:03
hans__In the morning to you foxy1604 but i'm waiting on a response12:04
whatever_42ikonia: i even added the parameter --spare-devices=0 and it still uses one drive as spare12:04
kali_eskrimai see i have intel i512:04
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ikoniawhatever_42: can you please give me the EXACT command you run12:04
ikonianot a link to an example12:04
ikoniathe EXACT command12:04
minimeckali_eskrima: ok. and there is no dedicated Nvidia AMD(ATI) GPu in it?12:05
kali_eskrimaminimec i dont know..12:05
whatever_42ikonia: sudo mdadm --create /dev/md1 --chunk=64 --level=raid5 --raid-devices=3 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc112:05
kali_eskrimaminimec what is the command to find out what do i have12:05
ikoniawhatever_42: ok, so can I now see in a pastebin, the output of "cat /proc/mdstat"12:06
hans__After a security update yesterday i find strange behaviour (libreoffice-errors, fast link button bar in chrome dissappeared)12:06
minimeckali_eskrima: can you 'pastebin' the results of the command 'lspci' for me12:06
whatever_42ikonia: here you go12:07
kali_eskrimaminimec i think i did that beofre for k1l12:07
kali_eskrimalet me see if its still active12:07
hans__So from now on I would like to read peoples evaluation after installing updates12:07
hans__cannot find where updates are evaluated12:07
ikoniawhatever_42: no spare there, and the array is still building12:07
faugusztinwhatever_42: http://serverfault.com/a/4358112:08
whatever_42then what about this? http://pastebin.com/Enn3MWnq12:08
kali_eskrimaminimec http://paste.ubuntu.com/6221936/     or this  ?12:08
whatever_42so the total array size is 6 TByte?12:09
ikoniawhatever_42: "rebuilding" is the key word, your array is still being assembled12:09
faugusztinwhatever_42: see the link i gave you12:09
kali_eskrimaminimec http://paste.ubuntu.com/6221859/12:09
minimeckali_eskrima: Ok. Got it. You don't have any additioinal GPU.12:09
hans__Is there a way to undo updates?12:09
k1lhans__: there is no evaluation. problems with ubuntu get reported to launchpad.net but 10.04 is EOL for desktop.12:09
ikoniawhatever_42: if you look at /proc/mdstat you'll see there is no spare allocated12:09
k1l!bug | hans__12:09
ubottuhans__: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.12:09
k1l!EOL | hans__12:09
ubottuhans__: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades12:09
hans__But I got a security update for 10.04 yesterday12:10
auronandacehans__: it is only supported on the server12:10
whatever_42ikonia: so the UU_ is normal?12:10
ikoniawhatever_42: it's building, it should go to UUU when it's assembled12:10
faugusztinwhatever_42: it is quicker for initial rebuild12:10
faugusztinwhatever_42: the link i gave you explains it - it builds with spare, then adds it to the array12:11
whatever_42ok. so can i start using it now? or should i wait for the assembly?12:11
ikoniawhatever_42: god no12:11
ikoniawhatever_42: it needs to be built befor eyou even consider putting a file system on it12:12
ScUbunI have a cosair M90 keyboard but the Numlock, capslock and scroll lock LEDs won't work on Linux. Any idea?12:12
hans__Thanks! I'll be reading that, Ciao!12:12
waykool99why did Canonical wipe the download URL's for Ubuntu Studio v10.04.4 LTS 64 bit DVD/ISO 1.7 GB?12:12
whatever_42ikonia: does this only apply to raid5 arrays? because i was able to use my raid 1 you see in the pasteebin before it was done12:12
ikoniawhatever_42: you should not touch arrays until they are built12:12
cfhowlettwaykool99, because 10.04 is end of life12:13
faugusztinwhatever_42: you can use it, but it will totally slow down the rebuild process.12:13
whatever_42ikonia: ok. can i ask it to increase the speed?12:13
ikoniawhatever_42: no12:13
whatever_42or rather force it12:13
waykool99but... they still archive studio v9.x12:13
ikoniawhatever_42: no again12:13
faugusztinScUbun: flash the "BIOS/standard mode" firmware ?12:14
cfhowlettwaykool99, some reason you don't want a *supported* version?12:14
waykool99i found v 9, 11, 12, 13 but no 10.0412:15
minimeckali_eskrima: Ok. Back to your wifi... Can you give me the output of 'uname -a'?12:15
whatever_42ok. when the device name sdX changes mdadm won't break?12:15
ikoniawhatever_42: sorry what ?12:15
faugusztinScUbun: http://www.corsair.com/vengeance-k90-performance-mmo-mechanical-gaming-keyboard.html#tab812:15
kali_eskrimaminimec thank you just a sec12:15
ScUbunI've just actually done that, ha! It works but then the Scroll Lock keeps flashing on and off. I've just set my keyboard to 16-bit with sudo kbd_mode -u and it all works except the Caps Lock LED doesn't.12:15
kali_eskrimaminimec Linux kaligoddess 3.8.0-31-generic #46~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Sep 11 18:21:16 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux12:16
whatever_42in case i plug the sata cable to another port on my mainboard this should change the label of the hard drive, right?12:16
faugusztinScUbun: did you used that WinLock+F1 too ?12:16
ikoniawhatever_42: no, it should not change it12:16
ikoniawhatever_42: and your mdadm config should be referencing uuid12:16
ScUbunYea, the standard mode makes the board work like a charm but that flashing LED is annoying... lol12:16
whatever_42ikonia: so how do i do that now? i haven't rebuilded my mdadm.conf yet12:16
faugusztinScUbun: well yeah, that is a feature if you read the description :) complain at corsair forums :)12:16
ikoniawhatever_42: how do you do what ?12:17
ScUbunI may just do that :/ I got my M90 to finally work properly.12:17
waykool99i installed studio v10.04.4 LTS 64 bit for DJing in Second Life. my last ISO/DVD got a crack in it. *dvdisaster* worked for an hour trying to save the data, but no luck12:17
whatever_42write the uuid to my mdadm.conf12:17
ikoniawhatever_42: you're scaring me a lot, you seem to know nothing about the tools you are using apart from copying and pasting commands12:17
faugusztinScUbun: in meantime, duck tape can fix it :P12:17
faugusztinScUbun: *duct tape12:18
Caelum#ubuntu+1 is very dead :(12:18
cfhowlettwaykool99, you were running the live session?  why not install?12:18
ScUbunAny decent ubuntu/linux boards around without a windoz key?12:19
waykool99installed it on 5 pc's for 3 years12:19
cfhowlettCaelum, last few weeks before launch?  I'd assume they're busy as beavers getting ready12:19
ikoniaScUbun: it's called "windows"12:19
waykool99i loved studio 10.0412:19
faugusztinScUbun: you have a mechanical keyboard, get yourself a custom linux keycap12:19
ikoniaScUbun: no, "windows"12:19
cfhowlettwaykool99, using an out of support version is not recommended.12:19
ScUbunOh yeah - never thought of that12:19
whatever_42ikonia: i wouldn't go that far yet maybe i don't express myself correctly12:19
ikoniaScUbun: I'd advise you not to push this, please call tools their proper names12:19
ScUbunAll in jest ikonia12:20
ikoniawhatever_42: I am going that far, you don't know how the array build process works, or how to read the output, how to build your config, how the devices are referenced, I'd suggest a bit of basic reading before doing anything more with the array12:20
faugusztinScUbun: here you go : http://www.wasdkeyboards.com/index.php/os-mx-keycap-set.html they have linux and ubuntu keycaps, it is easier than hunting for keyboards with them built in, especially when you already got a mechanical keyboard12:20
ikoniawhatever_42: thats not a critisism, but knowing the basics before going any more in depth may help you12:20
waykool99i imagine its not recommended but for advanced audio production, its still the best OS12:20
ScUbunThanks :)12:21
ikoniaicmpv6: yes ?12:22
ikoniaicmpv6: what ?12:22
kali_eskrimaminimec be right back12:22
Caelumubuntu keycaps? you can just get a couple of stickers...12:22
Caelumor put some electrical tape over them12:23
ScUbunI built this system for gaming on but don't really have the time anymore. It's kinda overkill - just removed Windows 8 as I cannot stand Metro.12:23
Frank81join #magento12:23
waykool99using studio v10.04 LTS 32 bit, plus installed 12.04 LTS 64 bit along side. still take gnome2 over XFCE and Unity.12:24
ionutica-99I need a way to remove all the apps that come with ubuntu so that I only remain with CLI12:24
ikoniaionutica-99: why ?12:25
ikoniaionutica-99: why do you need to do that ?12:25
Caelumionutica-99: install server version12:25
whatever_42ikonia: yeah you're right. i'll do that. thanks for now12:25
ionutica-99well I want to install a display manager and a de of my own12:25
ScUbunI forgot to ask, I have my ubuntu installation on an SSD, is there anything I should be concerned about? I'd like to prolong the life of my SSD as long as possible.12:25
DJones!minimal | ionutica-9912:25
ubottuionutica-99: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD12:25
CaelumScUbun: add discard to fs opts in fstab for ext412:26
ionutica-99thanks I now to wipe all of this12:26
ionutica-99and customize to the MAX!12:26
ionutica-99it needs the proper goodbye sudo apt-get autoremove --purge ubuntu*12:27
tangorrijust installed ubuntu13 on vm, but something as gone wrong as it ask me to login with ubuntu13 accout, what would be the default password please ?12:27
Caelumionutica-99: making up commands isn't going to work12:29
lesshasteCaelum, what does discard do?12:29
Caelumionutica-99: you can just run tasksel and remove unity and install the de of your choice12:29
Caelumlesshaste: turn on trim12:30
lesshasteCaelum, do you get any warnings when your ssd starts to corrupt?12:30
Caelumssds don't do that12:30
Americanuhello there12:30
lesshasteCaelum, sorry but what does trim do?12:30
Americanucan someone tell me why steam gives me the error: glXChooseVisual failed , i'm using ATI Radeon HD 3200 :)12:31
abanggcan i ask something about linux?12:31
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:31
Caelumlesshaste: it rebalances the data so that the flash chips don't wear out as fast12:31
abanggi also wan to ask about steam12:31
lesshasteCaelum, ok.. and what happens when a flash chip does wear out?12:31
tangorriubuntu should allow azerty on login12:31
lesshasteCaelum, what are the symptoms?12:31
Caelumlesshaste: it won't write to that chip anymore12:32
lesshasteCaelum, oh.. that's quite nice.12:32
lesshasteCaelum, so you don't lose data12:32
abanggi cannot update steam when i install.. .. how to update? i got error..12:32
Americanuwhat error abangg?12:32
Caelumlesshaste: no you don't lose data...unless it's a crappy OCZ ssd that just dies on you12:32
lesshasteok thanks12:33
lesshasteocz is a brand?12:33
ionutica-99wow 35 MB12:33
abanggerror ..it about network..12:33
ionutica-99that's extra extra extra small ubuntu12:33
Zhadeshey guys, i am trying to make a netinstall of ubuntu 12.04 LTS on a VM through the vsphere client, i used the "mini.iso" as mentioned on their website, but everytime i finish the setup till it has to download essential data from a mirror (i tested many) the shell freezes or doesn't do anything more, and i can't do something on a shell cause command12:34
Zhadess are completely missing, can anybody help me out?12:34
Americanucan someone tell me why steam gives me the error: glXChooseVisual failed , i'm using ATI Radeon HD 3200 GPU :)12:35
ItsMeLennyive completely failed at trying to mount ntfs via "mount", any help?12:36
=== ScUbun_ is now known as ScUbun
ikoniaItsMeLenny: you have to provide more info12:37
ItsMeLennymount: can't find /dev/sdd1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab12:37
ikoniaItsMeLenny: what command are you typing12:37
ItsMeLennysudo mount -r /dev/sdd112:37
ikoniaItsMeLenny: that's never going to work12:37
abanggcan i use graphic card HD 5450 in ubuntu??12:37
ikoniaItsMeLenny: have you put the entry in /etc/fstab ?12:37
abanggto play games..12:37
hitsujiTMOZhades: it could just be taking a while to run? why not use the normal iso?12:37
ZhadeshitsujiTMO: my internet connection to the vsphere is horrible12:38
ItsMeLennyikonia, i thought it was somehow in there automatically..12:38
hitsujiTMOzhades ... ssh to the host and wget the iso to the datastore ... that way the iso is on the server12:39
hitsujiTMOyou can then just mount it from the datastore rather than mounting from client12:39
ItsMeLennyikonia, is there a different command that doesnt require adding to fstab12:39
ikoniaItsMeLenny: sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdd1 /where/you/want/to/mount/it12:40
ceilwhat's wrong with adding to fstab?12:40
kali_eskrimaminimec did you got my uname12:40
ItsMeLennyikonia, how would i add read only to that?12:40
ZhadeshitsujiTMO: yeah, i tried that, the problem is my server provider is setting up ssh till the next week (some holiday or something) that means this is actually the only way i can install it, at least to my knowledge...12:41
minimeckali_eskrima: yes.12:41
ikonia-o rw12:41
ikoniaItsMeLenny: why don't you do a bit of basic research before just trying random commands12:41
ZhadesZhades: ever tried a scp/ssh conversion?12:41
hitsujiTMOZhades: can you no enable ssh yourself in the client?12:42
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ItsMeLennyikonia, i had12:42
ItsMeLennyid been to about 20 different sites and did what they said12:42
ItsMeLennyalso, wouldnt rw mean read write?12:42
ikoniasory ro12:43
minimeckali_eskrima: So it looks, that newer kernels or ubuntu versions could have better support for your card. I would try to boot a 13.10 live install on a usb stick or cdrom. See how it works.12:43
Zhadesi don't see any option in the vsphere, i can only set some vm essentials like ram or cpu, but i can't go to the machine nor the direct console it is disabled till my provdied activates ssh12:43
ItsMeLennyikonia, ok that finally mounted, thankyou very much12:44
Zhadesif i surpass the firewall would it be a violation even if i am the customer?12:45
minimeckali_eskrima: I don't know whethter that solves your 'hard blocked' problem, but again there I would consider a 1. test hardware switch; 2. try rfkill; 3. reset BIOS.12:45
abanggi try install again..(steam)12:45
kali_eskrimaminimec ok thanks, i will restart my system and see what next., one more thing, i would like to go into bios when i will be restarting my system. how do i enter the bios? im using asus x75a. i want to see if my wifi is disconnected. and do you know if i enable back secure boot, will it in ANY way alter my current ubuntu os? i mean if i do enable it, what will hapen, or is there even any point enabling back again secure boot?12:46
aalecsi used dpkg get selections, set selections, apt-get -u dselect-upgrade and it installed me x86 and I am on x64...12:46
kali_eskrimaminimec what is live cd,,, bootable cd? is the same?12:46
hitsujiTMOzhades goto config tab on host. goto security profile. hit property on services and enable ssh service12:46
minimeckali_eskrima: that depends on the brand. search for 'asus access bios' on the web.12:46
minimeckali_eskrima: The thing you booted up to install ubuntu.12:47
abangg  i got this fatal error12:47
abanggsteam need to be online to update please conform12:47
ZhadeshitsujiTMO: security profile is grayed, i can't click it12:48
abanggyour network connection12:48
hitsujiTMOahh, your account doesn't have permissions then :(12:48
abanggwhat i need to do?12:48
bananapieCups is giving the error '**** Unable to open the initial device, quitting.' but this error is not in the cups source code, any body know which library has this error ?12:49
kali_eskrimaminimec ok. 1 where do i find hardware switch? and how to test it? 2 refkill already did.... couple of times today  3. how to reset bios?12:49
hitsujiTMOZhades, the only thing i can suggest is to just wait at that point if the install, it could simply just be downloading a lot of data12:49
kali_eskrimaminimec oh ok i will download from website 13. something (i forgot) and boot the ubuntu on it.12:50
minimeckali_eskrima: After the reboot 'F2' 'FN'+'F2'...12:50
nightmare365hi guys which library contains dladdr()?12:50
DJones!find dladdr12:50
ubottuFile dladdr found in gnulib, manpages-dev, manpages-fr-dev, manpages-ja-dev, manpages-pl-dev12:50
kali_eskrimaminimec ok.12:51
minimeckali_eskrima: Go for 13.10!12:51
DJonesnightmare365: See the bots response above12:51
bananapie!find Unable to open the initial device12:51
ubottuto is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, raring, raring-backports, raring-proposed, saucy, saucy-backports, saucy-proposed, stable, testing, unstable12:51
kali_eskrimaminimec got it!12:51
bananapie!find 'Unable to open the initial device'12:51
ZhadeshitsujiTMO: i tried it yesterday over night, and also on a local vm which took only 20-30 min to download stuff, i think the problem is elsewhere....12:51
nightmare365DJones: thanks12:51
abanggfatal error : steam need to be online to update please conform your network ..12:55
Snowieevening all12:55
abangganyone can help me??12:55
nightmare365!find ssl12:56
ubottuFound: curl, docbook-dsssl, erlang-ssl, fetchmail, libcrypt-openssl-bignum-perl, libcrypt-openssl-random-perl, libcrypt-openssl-rsa-perl, libcurl4-gnutls-dev, libcurl4-nss-dev, libcurl4-openssl-dev (and 103 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ssl&searchon=names&suite=raring&section=all12:56
Snowiehave a ubuntu machine here. have ubuntu server version on amazon ec2. Is it possible to connect libre office base on local machine to mysql on server? if so, any reading material on same?12:56
nightmare365!find openssl12:56
ubottuFound: libcrypt-openssl-bignum-perl, libcrypt-openssl-random-perl, libcrypt-openssl-rsa-perl, libcurl4-openssl-dev, libevent-openssl-2.0-5, libgnutls-openssl27, libruby, libruby1.8, libruby1.9.1, openssl (and 26 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=openssl&searchon=names&suite=raring&section=all12:56
DJonesabangg: I don't use steam but might be worth asking in #ubuntu-steam (which I think is the support channel for steam issues), may be fairly quiet though so could take a while to get a response12:56
hylianI wonder how many times people created channels like ubnutu, lol.12:57
abanggok thank you very much :)12:57
loulanI have dependency problems when I try to install things.12:57
Snowienightmare365: was that for me?12:57
hylianloulan: what does it say exactly?12:57
loulanand apt-get install -f doesn't say anything12:57
loulanit gives a lists of unsatisfied dependencies12:58
nightmare365Snowie: nope12:58
hylianloulan: i need to restart, be right back12:58
loulansaying that they won't be installed12:58
abangghow can i update my graphic driver in ubuntu?12:58
nightmare365Snowie: was trying to find libopenssl-dev or smthing12:59
fidelabangg: it most likely depends on which gfx-driver you need and want to install12:59
fidelas a first step12:59
fideland you should only mess with that if you have issues right now - as messing with gfx-drivers isnt always that trouble-free ;)12:59
Snowielspci | grep VGA13:00
Snowieto see what card you have first of all13:00
hyliansorry, that took longer than I thought it would.13:02
Snowieomg, i realise ive been looking at the wrong thing this whole time. nm, PEACE13:03
ubottuery: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:04
bashiierim having issues trying to install without a cd i can make a disk because i dont have one and i know there is a way to install with out it but i dont remember how to any ideas?13:08
Zhadesok i managed to download all the stuff via a forced wget script behind the firewall, now i am able to partition the disk, but i never heard of partition tables (aix,amiga,bsd,dvh,gpt,mac,msdos,pc98,sun,loop), for what are they actuall (do they make raid setup or something?)13:09
kali_eskrimaminimec ok i restarted the laptop. the button f2 and than fn f2 dont work. the wifi still is greyed out and still says that is disabled by hardware. which i cant understand,. what hardware??? and then i went into uefi bios, and the nework and wifi are unlocked. so it should be good.13:11
qwebirc74224is there a way to find out who is in a channel? (besides the list at the beginning?13:14
geirhaqwebirc74224: There are over 1700 in this channel. Are you sure you want that list?13:15
Zhadesyou can filter the names i think13:15
faugusztinqwebirc74224: or use a client which shows the list, like xchat13:16
minimeckali_eskrima: ok. So you are still on 12.04, right?13:17
kali_eskrimaminimec yes.,13:17
kali_eskrimaminimec im rite now trying to find out how to download the bootable cd or iso image. im one some ubuntu 13.10 website following directions.13:18
minimeckali_eskrima: Do the other 'hardware' keys react? Can you change backlight for example?13:18
kali_eskrimaminimec oh let me try13:18
minimeckali_eskrima: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/13:19
abanggi love ubuntu.. ubuntu look very cool :)13:19
kali_eskrimaminimec yes they work.13:20
kali_eskrimabut not the key for wi fi13:20
hellyeahhow can i check on ubuntu is there a firewall or not13:20
minimeckali_eskrima: ok13:20
kali_eskrimaminimec thank you :) i will go try now to download and create the livecd. i will have to come back tomorrow. if here i would appreciate help. thank you very much for patience and help! hopefully i get more done tomorrow with new verison. oh and before i go. so i just start and install new version all in new, not upgrade right?13:22
minimeckali_eskrima: Are you connected by 'wire' to the network right now?13:22
kali_eskrimaminimec yes13:22
minimeckali_eskrima: Well read that comment... ;) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1621768&p=10118002#post1011800213:23
kali_eskrimaminimec i tried disconnecting from wire and seeing if i can connect. but it wont.. its like disabled.... weird!13:23
minimeckali_eskrima: Reboot once without the cable and try all the commands... ;) Maybe your laptop blocks the wifi card when 'wired'...13:23
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minimeckali_eskrima: ok. Then try to to 'sudo rm /dev/rfkill', then 'sudo reboot'. That shouldn't harm your installatioin. ;)13:25
Zhadesis kernel-virtual just kernel with kvm capabilities?13:26
mircoblitzHi, can someone please helpme quick. I try to install nginx-extras on an ubuntu precise server, but i get this message from apt-get   nginx-extras : Depends: nginx-common (= 1.1.19-1ubuntu0.2) but 1.4.1-1~dotdeb.1 is to be installed13:27
kali_eskrimaminimec AHA i get it. i will definely try. hope it helps13:28
ToREnTHi guys!13:29
minimeckali_eskrima: whole thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1621768&p=10118002#post1011800213:29
ikoniamircoblitz: you've setup / added a 3rd party repo called dotdeb that conflicts13:30
Picimircoblitz: You are using the dotdeb repositories, aren't you? We do not provide support for them and they really shouldn't be used on Ubuntu anyway.13:30
=== carissa is now known as Winston_Smith
mircoblitzMy ill working partner did. and that on the other hand is needed to install the correct php5 version :-( Howto solve ?13:31
ionutica-99now I need a very lightweight de that doesn't use many resources or less than unity-2ed13:31
SadlyMistakenHello there. Could someone help me with SANE? I got printer works, but not Scanner (It is a combi printer-scanner)13:32
kali_eskrimaminimec one more thing , i tried using my  wifi witch is already been set up an working by my router few days ago. and after trying all differnt things it still wouldnt work. not even picking thethering with my phone. it usually does. i wonder if this is a ubunt bug or just my laptop13:32
ikoniamircoblitz: undo all he did13:32
geirhaionutica-99: lxde or xfce perhaps, or you could just use a wm13:32
ionutica-99wm? what's that13:32
mircoblitzCant, then theres a wrong php version on teh system wich breaks our site13:32
ionutica-99anything except twm(what I use now, temporarely)13:33
ikoniamircoblitz: then you need to either look at getting packages from sane resources that don't conflict or accept the limitations13:33
minimeckali_eskrima: I don't understand the question, sorry. You tried that on windows?13:33
kali_eskrimaminimec thanks for info will go  try it out, all tips i got.13:34
kali_eskrimaminimec sorry i meant13:34
geirhaionutica-99: WM means Window Manager. A DE has a window manager plus other tools, like panels and settings and stuff13:34
ionutica-99ok can you recomend me a WM13:34
ionutica-99that looks like MATE( but faster)13:34
kruxrazor qt13:35
jmabudabijoin to ubuntu-ru not workibg13:35
geirhaNo idea what MATE is, but I also like fluxbox13:35
jmabudabijoin to ubuntu-ru not working13:35
kruxit's up to you really everybody has defferent needs and likes13:35
kali_eskrimaminimec that i tried few days ago to use my wifi and it worked no problems. and than all of a sudden wouldnt recognize my cell phone hotspot thethering nor my house wifi13:35
ionutica-99ok lxde13:35
ionutica-99now how do I install it in ubuntu minimal13:35
kali_eskrimaminimec so i was just wondering if the wifi disabled by hardware switch is a bug or my laptop is tripping out13:36
ikoniaionutica-99: just insall lubuntu13:36
minimeckali_eskrima: Did that happen after a kernel update? Otherwise I see no reason for that behaviour.13:36
ikoniaionutica-99: it's a lightweight dsitro13:36
geirhaionutica-99: you could install lubuntu-desktop  that gives you lxde plus whatever else is installed in a fresh lubuntu install13:36
usuarioi use linuxmint 14,  cant install whatspp ?13:37
minimeckali_eskrima: As I told you, I had similar problems. Resetting the BIOS worked in my case, but that was'good old BIOS', not UEFI.13:37
ionutica-99no I will google and find a untouched version of LXDE for ubuntu13:37
ikoniausuario: nothing to do with ubuntu - nothing to do with this channel, as you know13:37
kali_eskrimaminimec im not too sure. i think i just installed ubuntu 12.04 and i couldnt connect after few days.13:37
ikoniaionutica-99: I'm not sure why you are making this so hard for yourself,13:37
kali_eskrimai dont rembember if i did any update13:37
ionutica-99it's not hard everything is so easy after playing with arch13:38
ionutica-99apt-get install lxde13:38
ikoniaionutica-99: then why do you seem to not have a clue what you are doing13:38
ikoniaif it's easy13:38
ikoniayou seem to be making everything very hard for yourself for no-obvious reason13:38
otakjmabudabi91: it's ##ubuntu-ru , o13:38
kali_eskrimaminimec this uefi is weird i really dont like it, it has only few options. not very useful13:38
kali_eskrimaminimec thank you for all help!!13:39
wawrekhello, I run ubuntu 13.04 and I cannot et sound in/out to work.13:39
ionutica-99it's the way I like it to install only the programs I need13:39
kali_eskrimaminimec will try install 13.1013:39
wawrekthe docs and forum posts seem to be about previous releases13:39
ikoniaionutica-99: and you will miss important dependencies as everything in ubuntu is designed to work together.13:39
minimeckali_eskrima: ok. no. problem. Good luck witch the 13.10 live disk13:39
ionutica-99those can be installed later13:40
ionutica-99relax apt-get install lxde only install WM13:40
ikoniaionutica-99: right...so you'll end up needing them, so why not use the correct meta package to get them in at the right time13:40
ionutica-99If you want to use the Lubuntu-packages (for Ubuntu-based systems), type apt-get install lubuntu-core lubuntu-icon-theme lubuntu-restricted-extras.13:40
ikoniaionutica-99: I know how to use it,13:40
ikoniaionutica-99: the easy option is to install the lubuntu-desktop meta package13:41
ionutica-99Ik but that also installs other lubuntu packages not just pure lxde13:41
ikoniaionutica-99: yes, packages it NEEDS13:41
TylertwoAlso miscellaneous packages like Leafpad and Lxterminal, etc13:42
ionutica-99basic lxde doesn't need that13:42
ionutica-99lubuntu modified packages need that13:42
ikoniaionutica-99: you're making a mess of this for no reason13:42
ikoniaionutica-99: I have no idea why you want to do this, and make it so hard/messy for yourself, but fine, carry on13:43
ionutica-99BTW it's my pc13:43
ionutica-99Ik what i'm doing13:43
ikoniaso ?13:43
ikoniaha ha ha13:43
ikonia"ok" you "know" what you're doing13:43
ikoniathat's why you're asking questions such as how to install packages13:44
ikoniacarry on13:44
ionutica-99I prefer to do it this way13:44
ubottuActionParsnip: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:45
jmabudabihello, command for join channel please13:45
ikonia /join #channel13:45
Dai_1987how do people get i here without knowing how to join a channel...13:46
ikoniadeng: xchat auto joins13:46
Dai_1987ah right13:46
ikoniaDai_1987: xchat auto joins on an ubuntu install13:46
Dai_1987sensible, i suppose13:46
Dai_1987given the purpose of ubuntu13:46
=== deng is now known as ircdeng
subby1Out of hurry I installed ubuntu in a  hdd partition of 598gb....... I want to shrink it so that I can unallocate it and gv the space to another partition..... can anyone help me how to do dat.....13:49
ikoniasubby1: boot from livecd, install gparted, shrink partition13:49
ikoniasubby1: be aware of risks13:49
kickroxgparted live cd13:49
subby1Ikonia: wat type of risks???13:49
DJonessubby1: And backup any essential data just in case13:49
ikoniasubby1: possible data loss13:49
foofoobarThe brightness of the display is automatically decrease on inactivity. Can I set the the deplay for this?13:50
kickroxsubby, you'll be ok13:50
abangg i need go sleep now.. thank you very much for help :)13:50
kickroxjust make sure to back up important files13:50
subby1ikonia:Ok by data loss u mean only frm da ubuntu partition or frm other drives also????13:51
kickroxeverything on that drive13:51
ikoniasubby1: the whols disk13:51
ionutica-99sorry ikonia13:52
kickroxmatter of fact, any disk attached to that computer is at rick if you're not careful13:53
ionutica-99for not listening13:53
subby1Actually I hv 2 hdd and 5 partitions..... on one hdd I hv intalled windows and on the other hdd I hv installed ubuntu.......so wuld my windows also go through data loss????13:53
ikoniaionutica-99: no need to apologise, I don't care what you actually do, it's up to you how you run your machine13:53
ionutica-99what I did only installed the login screen, not a desktop environment, nothing13:53
kickroxsubby I've used gparted countless times.. never had data loss13:54
kickroxbut it's better to be safe than sorry13:54
WordOfGodthere is all kinds of sins people despise christ13:54
ActionParsnipWordOfGod: that is offtopic here13:55
subby1Kickrox: thanks ... actually I hv installed ubuntu yesteray and I hv never used it before.....13:55
WordOfGodActionParsnip, listen without holiness no one will see the lord, FOLLOW THE BIBLE DONT TRUST IN YOUR DECEITFUL HEART13:55
ActionParsnipWordOfGod: that is offtopic here13:55
James0r2how does ubuntu respond to criticism about it's privacy policy?13:55
WordOfGodnooooooooooooooooooo waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa13:55
WordOfGoddont ban me13:55
WordOfGodnooooooooooooooooo waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa13:55
RoryWordOfGod: shut up then13:55
Rorysubby1: When you are changing partitions on a drive, there is always a small possibility of data loss on that drive13:56
ActionParsnipJames0r2: you can report bugs if you find an issue13:56
Rorysubby1: Mostly if there is a power loss or something halfway through an operation13:56
Rorysubby1: Other drives won't be affected, because they are not being changed.13:57
subby1kickrox: k jst tell me ...wuld my partitions " other fan the ubuntu" go under data loss???13:57
subby1Rory: thanks...13:57
Rorysubby1: Other partitions *on the same drive* could be affected13:57
Rorysubby1: But it is not something you should be very worried about, it is rare. Back up first to be sure13:58
subby1Rory: so I can assume the drive where I hv installed Windows will not be affected...?13:59
Rorysubby1: Correct if it is a different physical hard drive14:01
subby1Rory:ok u can consider me dumb bt wat is a "physical" hard drive???14:03
moushirahola, any recommendations for virtual machine? Xen or Vmware14:03
jhutchinsmoushira: vmware14:04
merandusi use vmware, it's great14:04
Rorysubby1: One you can hold in your hand14:04
Rorysubby1: "physical" doesn't have a special meaning, I just mean physica14:05
subby1Rory: ooh k.14:05
hitsujiTMOI'll also say vmware14:05
moushirathanks! Did anyone by any chance run Rhino3D via vmware? Any comments on performance?14:05
subby1Rory: sorry for asking such a dumb ques..14:05
Rorysubby1: It's OK, better to be sure14:05
=== vemacs|ded is now known as vemacs
subby1Rory: thanks....14:06
ActionParsnipmoushira: try both, see which you prefer14:06
repudiatesubby1: It's ok.14:06
repudiateNot everyone can be as intelligent as me subby114:06
subby1Rory: then I ll try gparted den.....14:06
ActionParsnipmoushira: looks like something blender can do14:07
moushiraActionParsnip, am on a tight schedule, no much time to try, and I need to use grasshopper..so blender can't :)14:07
=== SeySayux_ is now known as SeySayux
anonI installed ubuntu 13.10 dual booting with windows 8 on UEFI. After the installation windows 8 works but ubuntu complains that the file /EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi is missing or corrupt. Sure enough, all I have in /boot is the standard old grub files and nothing `*efi*`. How can I solve this? boot-repair doesn't help.14:09
Roryanon: 13.10 support in #ubuntu+114:09
hitsujiTMOmoushira: if you're using a graphical environment on the guest machine, vmware 5.5 now offers graphic acceleration for linux guest OS14:10
SadlyMistakenMy scanner isn't located, xsane can't open.14:10
moushiraaha, nice! Thanks hitsujiTMO14:10
RorySadlyMistaken: What scanner, what Ubuntu version?14:10
boohAfter update, I can't boot and 2 problems... 1) switch to busybox at boot telling me ALERT about my root drive can't be found by UUID.  2) udev timeout for /sbin/blkid and yesterday it was about modeprobe...  What I've done: Smart test with live cd, the disk is healthy.  I disable audio AC97 in BIOS and the message change from complaining about modprobe to complain about blkid.  I check with14:11
booha livecd, the fstab versus the UUID and all is correct.  I reinstall grub and no change.  I try to add rootdelay=90 with 'e' in grub, no change.14:11
SadlyMistakenRory I use Ubuntu 12.04LTS and The scanner-printer MG315014:11
SadlyMistakenof canon14:11
zykotick9SadlyMistaken: if you "gksudo xsane" does it find the scanner?14:11
vanchelawhat is it?14:11
SadlyMistakenzykotick9: first it say "It is dangerous" but anyway it doesn't find the scanner neither14:11
zykotick9SadlyMistaken: oh, a printer/scanner... good luck, you might need it.14:12
RorySadlyMistaken: What is the output of running the command "uname -i"14:12
SadlyMistakenIt says i38614:13
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
RorySadlyMistaken: Go to this page and click the Download Now button http://support-sg.canon-asia.com/contents/SG/EN/0100393702.html14:13
=== sintrixx is now known as flanks
zykotick9SadlyMistaken: see if your printer/scanner is listed here http://www.sane-project.org/sane-supported-devices.html14:13
RorySadlyMistaken: A .tar.gz file will be downloaded, extract it somewhere. Then browse to where you extracted it and go to the packages folder14:13
SadlyMistakenRory i just installed this. And second, this is to the Printer. I can print, I can't scan.14:14
RoryAre you sure you installed the right one SadlyMistaken - they offer printer and scanner drivers on separate pages14:15
RorySadlyMistaken: http://support-sg.canon-asia.com/contents/SG/EN/0100394102.html14:15
RorySadlyMistaken: It says at the top of the page: MG3100 series ScanGear MP Ver. 1.80 for Linux (debian Packagearchive)14:15
RorySadlyMistaken: You might have installed the printer driver, but you also need to install the scanner one separately whic is on that page14:16
SadlyMistakenRory, yes. It is another program different of SANE, it allow me to use the scanner, of course, but i need to use it in XSANE because this program is a shit. I only can scan 1 page, in GIMP.. without lots.14:16
RorySadlyMistaken: Could you try: sudo apt-get install sane-pixma14:17
SadlyMistakenif i try to install this it says it can't. It doesn't exist14:18
RorySadlyMistaken: What Ubuntu version are you using?14:18
EfhacheBonjour quelqu'un a une quelconque idée de ce que devient le groupe "ubuntu-be" ?14:18
RorySadlyMistaken: sudo apt-get install libsane-common14:18
SadlyMistaken1 hour ago i installed this downloading the deb14:19
SadlyMistakenbut i am going to try14:19
boohAfter update, I can't boot and 2 problems... 1) switch to busybox at boot telling me ALERT about my root drive can't be found by UUID.  2) udev timeout for /sbin/blkid and yesterday it was about modeprobe...  What I've done: Smart test with live cd, the disk is healthy.  I disable audio AC97 in BIOS and the message change from complaining about modprobe to complain about blkid.  I check with14:19
booha livecd, the fstab versus the UUID and all is correct.  I reinstall grub and no change.  I try to add rootdelay=90 with 'e' in grub, no change.14:19
zykotick9!fr | Efhache14:19
ubottuEfhache: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:19
Rory!patience | booh14:19
ubottubooh: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/14:19
SadlyMistakenit says: libsane-common is in its recently version14:19
RorySadlyMistaken: Do you know if your scanner is actually supported by the Sane project?14:20
boohI am very patient... 2 days now without any clue! :-)14:20
SadlyMistakenRory yes, because my sisters uses with xsane too, and she uses LinuxMint, so...14:21
SadlyMistaken(the same printer-scanner)14:21
Efhache@zykotick9 : sorry wrong windows14:21
SadlyMistakenand of course in the device list of sane it says mine works14:21
vionxhello, I hope this question is not too irrelevant..mp3 files that I can play on ubuntu are not played on mp3 player as "format not supported"..though I played other mp3 files without problems. can the reason still be something related to ownership of files?14:22
zykotick9vionx: i'm assuming you copied them to your mp3 player (which 99% is FAT filesystem), so all ownership *nix permission stuff, would be lost.  so no, it's not ownership/permission problem.14:24
hitsujiTMOvionx what brand of player?14:24
RorySadlyMistaken: wget rory.sh/files/scangearmp-mg3100series-1.80-1-deb/packages/scangearmp-common_1.80-1_i386.deb14:25
vionxhitsujiTMO it is Sony Walkman14:25
hylianhow new a version of android sdk can i run on ubuntu 12.0414:25
RorySadlyMistaken: wget rory.sh/files/scangearmp-mg3100series-1.80-1-deb/packages/scangearmp-mg3100series_1.80-1_i386.deb14:26
hylian64 bit14:26
RorySadlyMistaken: sudo dpkg -i scan*.deb14:26
vionxzykotick9, but I've been copying music files all along. it is the first time this happens14:26
hitsujiTMOif its sony then i'd expect the cause of the problem to be an invalid mp3 file ... what created the files?14:26
Ahwanafter installing ubuntu  ....   when I login to the system keyboard & mouse stop working .. why ? plz help ..14:26
SadlyMistakenrory... i did it... now?14:26
RorySadlyMistaken: Did it install them correctly? No errors?14:27
Eit8hi, aftre updating this morning my desktop environment has some problems,I can't see my wallpaper and in place of it I see previous windows I was using ...like it's not refreshing , everything esle looks fine. what could be the problem ?14:27
ionutica-99Does anybody know how to make LXDE have round corners?14:27
SadlyMistakenRory: I told you... I installed this hours ago..14:27
SadlyMistakenit say: ldconfig deferred processing now taking place14:27
Ahwanafter installing ubuntu .... when I login to the system keyboard & mouse stop working .. why ? plz help14:27
hylianionutica-99: i have used lxde extensively, never seen round corners. I'll see if I can dig up an answer though...14:27
vionxhitsujiTMO it was a zip file composed of mp3 files.14:27
vionxhitsujiTMO I downloaded the pack from internet14:27
ionutica-99hylian I like it very much but rounded corners would guarantee my stay!14:28
ActionParsniphylian: http://forum.lxde.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=10414:28
ActionParsniphylian: seems to be an openbox thing14:28
hylianionutica-99: the short answer is no, the long answer is yes, as long as you use something other than openbox. LXDE sits on top of another window manager, the default being openbox.14:29
vionxhitsujiTMO I don't know if the original creator of the files made a mistake there. but is there a way to reformat them or do sth similar to make them acceptable?14:29
=== dasda is now known as asdasfsd
ionutica-99ok I will just forget about it14:29
hylianActionParsnip: great minds think alike, i just dug that up myself. Thanks though!14:29
hitsujiTMOi suspect whatever tool was used to create them didn't make them to standard. you could try and use ffmpeg or avconv to convert them to wav and back, or even convert them from mp3 to mp314:29
vionxsomewhere on the net I'd read of these tag versions, can it be related to that?14:30
ActionParsniphylian: ive seen it though....14:30
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hylianionutica-99: this might help: http://forum.lxde.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=10414:31
hitsujiTMOvionx. the player should ignore any tags it doesn't understand14:31
Eit8anybody could help me? my wallpaper isn't showing up and I've this windows persistency in place of it14:31
Ahwanafter installing ubuntu .... when I login to the system keyboard & mouse stop working .. why ? plz help14:32
hylianionutica-99: it's not impossible. it would just take some research into what window managers allow for rounded corners, and how to implement lxde with those window managers. Openbox is by far the best window manager (in my opinion, ofcoarse) and so it's the default.14:32
ionutica-99hylian no i'm not giving away this fast de for anything14:33
ionutica-99hylian it's so fast :)))))14:33
ionutica-99i'm shocked14:33
ionutica-99well gotta install nvidia now bye14:34
ionutica-99thank you for your help14:34
hylianionutica-99: i know, i am a openbox fan myself. LXDE is the prettiest openbox add-on out there. I have also made a plain openbox setup using feh, tint2 and gkrellm for email updates and weather. runs slicker than greased lightning.14:34
Eit8is there a way to see latest updates I've made ? I can't understand where my problem is coming from14:35
vionxI changed now mp3 to ogg format. still the same. very strange. both formats were recognized until now.14:37
hyliani am trying to get android sdk installed, but whenever the install manager fires up, the "install button is greyed out..??14:40
hitsujiTMOvionx in that case i'd check with sony14:41
hylianvionx: trying to upload files directly to an audio/mp3 player?14:43
hitsujiTMOhylian: you should have some sort of error message14:43
hylianhitsujiTMO: i think it was because I am running an older version. I am updating the tools first, it let me do that.14:44
=== simion314_ is now known as simion314
jhutchinsvionx: The file extension doesn't really determine the file format.  You can use the command "file <filepath>" to determine what a file is.  (I'm not sure how fine grained that is for music formats.)14:45
jhutchinsvionx: It could be a matter of the encoding - a bitrate or something that the player can't handle.  If you have a file that will play and one that won't you could compare.14:45
ionutica-99my lxde keeps showing an errror at startup complaining about libmenu-cache214:45
jhutchinsmplayer/ffmpeg utilities should be able to identify the metadata that describes the encoding.14:46
nydelanyone use one of these system76 machines? i think i'm about to invest in one of the laptops14:46
hylianionutica-99: let me look that up, brb14:47
ionutica-99hylian failing command line at startup: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmenu-cache2/libexec/menu-cached14:48
=== jmunsch___ is now known as jmunsch
hylianionutica-99: any way you can show us it via pastebin? http://paste.ubuntu.com/14:49
ionutica-99hylian I can't copy and paste from a system error report window14:50
clikCan anybody help me with a partition/dual boot section?14:50
ionutica-99what if I upgrade menu-cache to 0.5.0 from sourceforge?14:50
hylianionutica-99: can you make a screenshot of it with the printscreen button, and then use tinyupload.com?14:50
ionutica-99instead of 0.4.114:50
ionutica-99gotta reboot it only happens then14:51
ionutica-99wait I gotta go for 10 min14:51
hylianionutica-99: ok14:51
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs, ed - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code14:51
hylianand leafpad, don't forget leafpad! :)14:52
clikcan anyone help with a duel boot issue?14:52
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:53
hylianclik: i'll try, what's the issue?14:53
zykotick9vionx: "mediainfo" is a very detailed terminal program for reading the tech specs of media files.  jhutchins14:54
zykotick9!info mediainfo14:54
ubottumediainfo (source: mediainfo): command-line utility for reading information from audio/video files. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.59-1 (raring), package size 31 kB, installed size 135 kB14:54
=== mathisen is now known as Mathisen
repudiateDoes anyone here have Ubuntu?14:56
clikWell I have a HP laptop that I would like to duel boot Win7 and Ubuntu. Win7 is already installed. The problem is the HP already has 4 partitons. Now 2 of the partitions I need for windows. The other 2 are recovery and HP tools. I need to delete one of these partions but i'm not sure which. Help anyone?14:56
nydelsure do, repudiate, do you have a question?14:56
repudiateSorry, wrong channel.14:56
hylianrepudiate: using Xubnutu 12.04, which is ubuntu with xfce desktop14:56
nydelrepudiate: lol okay then :)14:57
repudiatehylian: As opposed to Unuty?14:57
hylianrepudiate: yep. unity is beautiful, easy to use, and is way too heavy on resources for me.14:57
nydelhylian: hear hear14:58
repudiatehylian: Why does everyone love Unity so much?14:58
repudiateWhat does it offer?14:58
MalsasaI like Unity too.14:58
hyliannydel: not a hater, just wante my resources for other things.14:58
=== lone is now known as abd-allah
=== Dave is now known as Dave2
Malsasanydel: tweak your Unity and you will get fast DE. I have it.14:59
nydelhylian: nono, i'd love to use beautiful unity, but i just can't on this hardware. i hear ya14:59
k1lrepudiate: this is a channel for actual technical support. for discussions and opinions we have #ubuntu-discuss and #ubuntu-offtopic14:59
ionutica-99sorry the error just doesn't appear any more14:59
hitsujiTMOi don't find unity heavy on resources at all.14:59
hyliannydel: ahh, gotcha. ;)14:59
Wiz_KeeDHow would I know if this notebook is compatible driver wise with ubuntu guys? http://www.emag.ro/laptop-acer-aspire-v3-772g-747a8g1tmakk-cu-procesor-intel-174-core-small-sup-tm-sup-small-i7-4702mq-2-20ghz-haswell-8gb-1tb-nvidia-geforce-gt-750m-4gb-linux-black-nx-m74ex-005/pd/EQYM0BBBM/14:59
ionutica-99hylian what lxde theme do you use?14:59
hylianhitsujiTMO: you probably aren't using a 3 year old laptop from Walmart.14:59
BluesKajhylian. compiz as a wm is meant for higher cpacity cpu/and gpus14:59
ionutica-99hylian may I have it14:59
hylianionutica-99: just the standard xubuntu theme. I do change the window theme to bluebird.15:00
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ionutica-99hylian I always liked clearlooks15:00
OerHeksWiz_KeeD, try it with a live usb15:00
hylianionutica-99: have what.. xfce?15:00
ionutica-99hylian no lxde15:00
hitsujiTMOno but i'm using a really crappy processor with a really crappy graphics support so had to install unity-tweak-tool to disable the blur effect in unity to get it to run smoothly15:00
hylianionutica-99: you are asking me if you can have lxde? I think i don't understand your question.15:01
ionutica-99hylian your lxde theme15:01
ionutica-99hylian I asked about the theme15:01
repudiatek1l: I have irssi, and I use ALT+E to switch to  Window 13, but it interferes with the EDIT MENU on what I think is the UNITY BAR. I can use ESC+E on irssi to do the same exact thing that I want, but I'd rather either disable that bar on the top when a window is open, or disable it entirely. How can I do this?15:01
hylianhitsujiTMO: i didn't know that was an option. this lappy locks up alot on unity whenever i try to go into the menu section.15:01
ionutica-99ok let me try to reboot again to see if the error happens15:02
repudiate*when a window is focused k1l15:02
hitsujiTMOhylian: yeah thats the blur effect ... disable it and it will run smooth15:02
hylianionutica-99: i use xfce, not lxde. the theme I use comes from the generic Lubuntu install. (I mean vanilla, because Lubuntu is beautiful)15:02
k1lrepudiate: i am quite sure alt+e will not only trigger on unity but on other desktops enviroments as well15:03
repudiatek1l: I have irssi, and I use ALT+E to switch to  Window 13, but it interferes with the EDIT MENU on what I think is the UNITY BAR. I can use ESC+E on irssi to do the same exact aforementioned thing, but I'd rather either disable that menu bar (that has the EDIT drop down) on the top when a window is in focus, or disable it entirely. How can I do this?15:03
hylianionutica-99: i was suggesting xfce because it is only marginally harder on resources and has things like rounded corners (based on theme you choose)15:03
=== cruisereg is now known as CrazyReg
repudiatek1l: k1l There is nothing I can do, to preclude that trigger15:03
ionutica-99_ok I did reboot and no error, it is because I ran the executable manually I think!15:03
hylianthanks hitsujiTMO i will try that right now15:03
=== JohnGrisamore is now known as BigWeinie
ionutica-99_and it removed it's cache15:04
repudiatek1l: Or change the triggers for unity?15:04
=== BigWeinie is now known as BigBadJohn
hylianionutica-99_: well that's good15:06
k1lrepudiate: well, did you take into the systemsettings for keyboard before coming in here for ranting?15:07
k1l*take a look15:07
boohis it possible to disable some modules when ubuntu boot?  with a livecd.15:08
hylianhitsujiTMO: is there a walkthrough on disabling all the visual goodies possible for unity? This is a really craptastic laptop. (Runs great for me because a gamer i am not, but...)15:10
=== mike is now known as Guest62917
hylianhitsujiTMO: cq57-229wm from compaq (my shame knows no bounds, because my wallet knows too many bounds.)15:11
=== lex is now known as Guest51459
abd-allahI've downloaded a website then i open the index file offline and it opens but when i open a link which is in .asp format opens in gedit. How to fix it?15:12
abd-allahpls help15:12
abd-allahI'm using Firefox on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS15:12
hylianabd-allah: right click the file, and then oe of the choices is what to open it with15:12
Roryhylian: install "unity-tweak-tool" from the repositories, and disable blur on the dash; that made the biggest change for me15:12
hylianRory: so that is probably the biggest/only thing to worry about then?15:13
hitsujiTMOhylian: don't know of any walkthru ... i just played with unity-tweak-tool till i was happy ... The main thing is disabling background blur in search15:13
abd-allah@hylian I do it but it opens a blank page in firefox then opens in gedit actually.15:13
figgycity50i need to check if my pc supports ubuntu server15:13
figgycity50it's a hi-grade15:13
abd-allahnot viewing in firefox15:13
figgycity50with a celeron d15:13
hylianhitsujiTMO: ok, thanks. I was just curious, it seems you are quite a bit more familiar with it than I am. as much as I like unity though, i think it will be a hard sell for me, because XFCE rocks. it's by far my fave de or window manager, and I have tried them all.15:14
hitsujiTMOhylian: disabling blur there also disables it for the switcher15:14
hylianabd-allah: in file manager, right click the file, and you will have a choice there.15:14
hitsujiTMOhylian: i'd also suggest changing font hinting to medium ...15:16
quick1123hi I have a HP system with Corei5 processor and uname-m give x86_64 but when i restart after the install i get the grub prompt . How can i fix it ?15:16
hylianabd-allah: go here, and load my image. it will show you what I mean... http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=3397562270289511560015:17
grendal-primehey guys.15:17
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hylianhello grendal-prime15:17
grendal-primewho knows pcie?15:18
grendal-primei got this new server and when i run the decode on the bios i get this.15:18
grendal-primeType: x16 PCI Express15:18
hyliangrendal-prime: been a computer repairman since 1993. I can try and dig my brains for you15:18
grendal-primeandType: x4 PCI Express15:18
OerHeksabd-allah, an .asp file is just a text file, maybe this (old but usable i think) howto to open asp.net files > http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/run-aspnet-applications-on-ubuntu-for-developers/15:18
hyliangrendal-prime: those are the speed options available for you via your pcie slot.15:19
quick1123 hi I have a HP system with Corei5 processor and uname-m give x86_64 but when i restart after the install i get the grub prompt . How can i fix it ?15:19
grendal-primenow there is one slot on the machine with a 90 degree on it15:19
hitsujiTMOoerheks: asp != asp.net15:19
hyliangrendal-prime: if it looks like the letter L then it is a sata slot, not pcie.15:20
hyliangrendal-prime: i should say, if it is rather small and looks like the letter L...15:20
grendal-primeriser type deal the card i have is a pcie X1  i think ...rocketraid pcie card that is.15:20
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grendal-primeok back to the slot.., it has the right config ..the pcie card fits into it ..15:21
hyliangrendal-prime: is this a server? because on regular desktops, there is usally only one pcie slot, and that is slated for graphics card use (usually)15:21
grendal-primeand is flush to the frame and whatnot.15:22
grendal-primeyes its a dell server15:22
hitsujiTMOgrendal-prime: can you tell us the exact model15:22
hyliangrendal-prime: ahh, i see. so what you have is a pcie to sata raid card, nice. so what's your question.15:22
hyliangfgfdgh: hello15:22
Rogue-3reisio: /win 315:23
grendal-primething is if i plug the raid rocketraid in the box just does not boot.15:23
grendal-primehitsujiTMO, sure15:23
grendal-primewell i think so mobo id good enough?15:23
hitsujiTMOshould be, that way anyone can look up a reference15:23
hyliangrendal-prime: does it make any noises at all? any visuals? some beeps? or does it fail to post altogehter?15:24
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hylianabd-allah: did you see my image i posted to tinyuplod for you? http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=3397562270289511560015:27
grendal-primehitsujiTMO, thats thats the product id.15:27
hitsujiTMOlooking now to see if i can get the specs15:27
MangaKaDenzaI'm trying to run sudo apt-get update15:27
MangaKaDenzabut it keeps failing15:27
hylianMangaKaDenza: what does it say exactly?15:28
TheLordOfTimeMangaKaDenza: perhaps this will help: http://askubuntu.com/questions/30072/how-do-i-fix-a-problem-with-mergelist-or-status-file-could-not-be-parsed-err15:29
MangaKaDenzaalso this error15:30
MangaKaDenzaE: GPG error: http://repo.steampowered.com precise Release: The following signatures were invalid: NODATA 1 NODATA 215:30
TheLordOfTimeMangaKaDenza: basically, you have to remove the merge list: sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf      then you have to recreate it: sudo apt-get update15:30
grendal-primehylian, it initially it comes up and as soon as it starts the boot up it goes black15:30
TheLordOfTimeMangaKaDenza: that's a different problem, and that has to do with invalid signatures on Steam's repository, that's a tad harder to fix15:31
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hyliangrendal-prime: so it posts, starts to go to where your os starts, then goes blank?15:31
repudiatek1l: Ranting?15:31
repudiateI was just asking15:31
ActionParsnipMangaKaDenza: wget https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/fixpackage; chmod +x ./fixpackage; sudo ./fixpackage15:32
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hyliangreg-44: hello15:32
greg-44ehm can someone help me pls?15:33
MangaKaDenzagreg-44, ask pls15:33
hyliansorry caps lock + big fingers = my bad15:33
greg-44lol ok15:33
greg-44so i just installed ubuntu on my comp and i try to install a local IRCU server15:33
hyliangreg-44: and?15:34
greg-44when i compil the ircu, i got an error.15:34
grendal-primei get a bios but then black15:34
ActionParsnipgrendal-prime: what GPU?15:34
greg-44can i paste here the error ?15:34
MangaKaDenzaActionParsnip, it isnt... doing anything15:34
EaglemanI am planning on getting another 3 TB Disk so i end uo having 6 TB in total ( 2* 3TB ), what i want is a way to setup thise 2 disks as one partition so for example i only have to mount one folder for 2 disks on ubuntu, can LVM be used for this?15:34
grendal-primealso just so you know the card does work i have it running in an xps unit and everything works fine on that machine . It has a pcie X115:35
hyliangreg-44: use http://paste.ubuntu.com/. copy the url when your done and paste that here15:35
greg-44ah ok i do this !15:35
ActionParsnipMangaKaDenza: it is, give it time15:35
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ActionParsnipgrendal-prime: yes, gpu15:35
MangaKaDenzahow much15:35
hyliangrendal-prime: this is starting to sound like an issue with the bios, perhaps the bios is set to attempt to run a graphics card through that port?15:36
greg-44hylian,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/6222941/15:36
MangaKaDenzaalso... the update list thing is gone...15:36
hyliangreg-44: thanks, give me a minute to read it15:36
MangaKaDenzaits just 4 things15:36
grendal-primeoh ya..good point15:36
MangaKaDenzathen exits15:36
MangaKaDenzais that a bad thing15:36
ActionParsnipMangaKaDenza: let it run, its not a fast process15:36
MangaKaDenzaI'm pretty sure it is15:36
abd-allahin which directory ubuntu apps remain?15:37
grendal-primeumm think its ati..hold on i have to migrate some hosts off of it so i can back into it.15:37
abd-allahIn ubuntu 12.04 LTS15:37
ActionParsnipMangaKaDenza: it clears out all package knowledge, then redownloads the package lists from the sources15:37
FloodBot1abd-allah: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:37
Ben64greg-44: thats not an error...15:37
greg-44ah ??15:37
ActionParsnipabd-allah: there is no single folder they are stored in like windows15:37
drmagooEagleman, yes, you can use LVM for that. Although if you already have data on the first disc, then you need to move that before you start setting lvm up.15:37
ActionParsnipabd-allah: libs are stored once in the HDD and are only loaded once into RAM if multiple apps need it,15:38
greg-44Ben64, ah ok.15:38
abd-allahhow can i locate an app like xchatIRC??15:38
Malsasaabd-allah: check your /usr/bin15:38
grendal-primeati rage XL15:38
ActionParsnipabd-allah: the binaries you run are in various places too depending on tas15:38
hyliangreg-44: that doesn't look liek an error, it looks like it succeeded...15:38
greg-44hylian,  okok15:38
ActionParsnipabd-allah: apps dont install to a single place like they do in windows15:38
Eaglemandrmagoo, so when for example one of those 2 disks die in like a year, i will loose data on both disks since they are both in the same LVM Pool?15:38
ActionParsnipabd-allah: why do you ask?15:38
Ben64greg-44: i'd suggest not running an irc server unless you know exactly what you're doing15:38
greg-44but why when i launch the ./ircd, nothinggonna work ?15:38
ActionParsnipgrendal-prime: try the boot option: nomodeset15:38
ActionParsnipgrendal-prime: or:  radeon.nomodeset=115:39
abd-allahan irc link needs an app to open?15:39
grendal-primehylian, so basically check the bios .  Will there be a way to toggle what that port is used for?15:39
ActionParsnipabd-allah: what sort of link?15:39
wolfyboxhow do i open the console15:39
ActionParsnipwolfybox: ctrl+alt+t15:39
hylianabd-allah: are you using plain ubuntu? clicking on the top left icon you can type it in, or alt-f2 and type xchat, if it is installed.15:39
grendal-primeaction can i just make an adjustment in the bios?15:39
ActionParsnipabd-allah: so a web url?15:39
zykotick9wolfybox: for the real "console" aka "linux console" use ctrl+alt+f1 (alt+f7 to get back)15:40
grendal-primeActionParsnip,  would a bios adjustment typically fix that issue?15:40
ActionParsnipgrendal-prime: no, the driver is having issue with the hardware, so extra options may be needed15:40
Malsasaabd-allah: do you want to open link inside Xchat with preferred browser?15:41
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ActionParsnipabd-allah: again, are these web pages to access?15:41
drmagooEagleman, lvm isnt the same as raid.. you "shouldnt" loose any data.. but you can never be 100% sure15:41
drmagooEagleman, i havent tested it, but according to most documentation you shouldnt loose any data15:41
grendal-primeok. so that is a kernel boot option?15:41
ActionParsnipgrendal-prime: yes15:41
yenalhi can somebody help me? in bash when I type $ xdotool type z it types y ..but locale should be set correctly when I run xev y = y and z = z15:41
grendal-primethanks man15:41
abd-allahit should be a irc Chat link.15:42
hylianThanks for helping grendal-prime, ActionParsnip. You ae the man!15:42
grendal-primei think hes a robot actually15:42
grendal-primehes always here..helped me several times in the past..alsways so full of vigor.15:42
grendal-primehes like zorro for it.15:43
ActionParsnipabd-allah: chat.mibbit.com    will give a web based IRC client15:43
Eaglemandrmagoo i am thinking about LVM for a step between ZFS at a point where i have 3-4 HDD's set up, i cant afford to loose any data when using LVM when only 1 of the 2 disks fail since i do not have the capacity to also run backups for 6 TB data15:43
greg-44Ben64, you can try to sitch on my ircu ?15:43
Malsasaabd-allah: http://webchat.freenode.net is the best web based IRC for me15:43
hylianActionParsnip and abd-allah this link will also take you here via any browser with java installed: http://webchat.freenode.net/?randomnick=1&channels=ubuntu&prompt=1&uio=d415:44
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drmagooEagleman, there is no cheap way to make sure that your data is safe. The "cheapest" way would be 4 discs, configure them in pairs under raid 1 and the use lvm to span the partition over both raid1-volumes15:45
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grendal-primei dont think i have ever set boot options in grub2.15:46
drmagooEagleman, that is the setup i'm currently running and then you can loose 1 disc without your data being lost15:46
hyliangrendal-prime: sorry things got busy, have you gotten any further with your issue?15:46
quick-121Hi my system isn't loading . It stops at the grub> prompt. Please help15:46
Eaglemandrmagoo, i think ZFS might be better than RAID, but i am very new to this stuff since i just started expanding15:46
abd-allahi have installed PlayOnLinux and installed CODMW3 in it.But when i run then it views texts as boxes and then the screen goes blank. What to do?15:47
hylianquick-121: what exactly does it do/say?15:47
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abd-allahI used to play the same game on windows on the same PC.15:47
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drmagooEagleman, cant help you with ZFS, got no experience there =( Only worked with raid and lvm15:47
abd-allahI use Ubuntu 12.04 LTS15:47
Roryabd-allah: You should ask in #playonlinux for support specific to that15:47
quick-121hylian: I just installed ubuntu and after the restart it stops at grub> giving a message that possible command and the shell is like emacs shell.15:47
hylianabd-allah: that's a font issue. I have had the same problem with a program called watchtower library. you probably need to install the fonts available via microsoft.15:48
ActionParsnipabd-allah: did you check the wine appdb for compatibility?15:48
grendal-primehylian, i think i found something that explains it pretty well thanks guys15:48
hylianquick-121: without any error message?15:49
abd-allahyes it is on the compatiable list.15:49
quick-121hylian: yup.15:49
hylianabd-allah: i am pretty certain this is a corefonts issue. you will most likely need them installed. I have had the "boxes" issue before.15:50
ActionParsnipabd-allah: askin #winehq too15:50
abd-allahhylian:how to do it?15:51
hylianabd-allah: this is a good walkthrough http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/15495/add-microsoft-core-fonts-to-ubuntu/15:51
hylianActionParsnip: can you help quick-121? he has a strange issue. he gets grub to boot only, no errors... whihc is strange..??15:52
Roryhylian: abd-allah That guide won't help because they need to be installed in Wine. If you look in PlayOnLinux's options there should be a way to install the Microsoft Fonts from there15:52
abd-allahI'm checking it.15:52
hylianabd-allah: did you see Rory's post? you will have to do it from inside PLayOnLinux15:53
Roryabd-allah: When you very first opened PlayOnLinux, it should have prompted you to install the fonts. If you chose not to, you can do it later from the options15:53
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ActionParsniphylian: is it a wubi install or a proper install? What disk setup is it? RAID? LVM?15:53
ActionParsniphylian: details....15:53
hylianRory: yeah, i have had the "boxes instead of letters" issue before. it was always the corefonts not being installed,.15:54
Roryhylian: Never had that issue, but then I always let PlayOnLinux install the fonts the first time it opens15:54
abd-allahRory:which option?15:54
hylianActionParsnip: i am afraid I don't know, it's quick-121's issue. good point though, details help15:54
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hylianRory: yeah, i'm an "only install if neccessary" kind of a guy.15:55
ActionParsniphylian: can you relay to him/her please15:55
ionutica-99I prefer not to emulate windows15:56
ionutica-99it takes too much space15:56
Roryionutica-99: Until Riot releases a native League client, I'm stuck with Wine. It's better than dual-booting just for that!15:56
hylianquick-121: can you give us more details on your hardware... what type of hard drive? sata? eide? raid?15:56
ionutica-99Rory nah I don't play games15:56
ionutica-99Rory I'm glad finnaly I can run free pascal full screen for school15:57
bibi346when I open a new terminal in ubuntu, is it running the bash shell?15:57
Zalbibi346, most probably15:58
Rorybibi346: yes15:58
Roryabd-allah: Go to Install a Program -> Other -> Microsoft Fonts15:58
Zalbibi346, "echo $SHELL" to find out15:58
hylianionutica-99: there is such a thing as free pascal? I did some programming work in turbo pascal for the mac classic back in the late 80's.. hmm. I didn't think it was even around anymore. Is it from borland like turbo was?15:58
luminousif a developer has released a package through PPA, and then updates the versions.. is there a way to get older versions through ubuntu PPA?15:59
quick-121hylian: hylian sata corei5 x86_6415:59
ionutica-99hylian no it's 100% free oss15:59
ionutica-99hylian to use it just type sudo apt-get install fp-ide16:00
hylianActionParsnip: he says it's a sata drive... why wouldn't grub give an error message.. strange..16:00
ionutica-99hylian and run it by typing fp16:00
hylianionutica-99: i might just do that, thanks.16:00
Denza252it still didn't work16:00
ionutica-99hylian and it works on 64 bit systems too!16:00
bibi346Zal: ok, indeed it's bash, I'm documenting myself on shell, I'm not sure I get the difference between terminal and shell, why the shell can't run on it's own without the terminal?16:01
hylianionutica-99: that's cool, because that's all i use now is the 64 bit iso.16:01
hyliansorry all, i need to reboot.16:01
ionutica-99hylian here and it even has a wiki http://www.freepascal.org/16:01
Denza252ActionParsnip, help16:02
Zalbibi346, shell is what interprets the commands you type. Terminal is how you see and interact with the shell. A shell can exist without a terminal, but you can't see it.16:02
Denza252someone help16:05
Denza252I cant do anything16:05
Denza252because this damn thing keeps making it error16:05
Denza252E:GPG error: http://repo.steampowered.com precise Release: The following signatures were invalid: NODATA 1 NODATA 216:05
bibi346Zal: so for example why is there "bash autocompletion" package, it's completing commands before I execute them, it's on terminal level not the shell right?16:06
RoryDenza252: Can you please run the command "sudo apt-get update" and put the output on http://paste.ubuntu.com16:06
Denza252Rory, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6223084/16:07
bibi346Zal : oh or maybe it's interacting with the shell when I press tab to get completion? then I understand16:07
* Denza252 pokes Rory 16:08
Zalbibi346, "autocompletion" means that the shell will guess and complete the words you're about to type, so you can type less. It's in the shell, but pretty useless without a terminal since you wouldn't otherwise be able to type in the shell.16:08
Zalbibi346, right16:08
luminousoes the official PPA keep around previous releases16:08
bibi346Zal: ok thanks I think I understand the difference16:09
* repudiate caresses Denza252 16:09
Denza252y u no do help Rory ?16:09
luminousseems like a no: 0.15.1-1oneiric and 0.16.4-1raring, but only .17 for precise16:11
rawrmonsterhmm I have looked up my problem on google but all i can seem to find is what to do if ubuntu loads to a black screen. My problem is slightly different, I see grub load then plymouth load as well but when lightdm is suppose to load i see lightdm load for about a half second then it just loads some purple background with the ubuntu logo in the middle but i am never able to login. I see the login screen for about a half second before it switches to this o16:16
lesshasteI get these messages all the time which are really annoying16:19
lesshasteERROR:audio_output_device.cc(186)] Not implemented reached in virtual void media::AudioOutputDevice::OnStateChanged(media::AudioOutputIPCDelegate::State)16:19
lesshastewhat are they?16:19
adeebnqoIs it possible to run Ubuntu on the Kindle Fire HD without installation, I want to evaluate it first.16:20
hitsujiTMOadeebnqo #ubuntu-touch16:21
rawrmonsterI mean tab not shift lol16:21
adeebnqohitsujiTMO: Thank you. Off I go16:22
grendal-primewell with the nomodeset im just getting a flashy white cursor top left of screen16:26
Tylertworawrmonster, Does anything happen if you press Ctrl-Alt-F1?16:28
rawrmonsterTylertwo: give me a few seconds and find out when do you want me to press it? when i am at the purple screen with out lightdm?16:29
Tylertworawrmonster, yeah16:29
rawrmonsterTylertwo: yea it kills lightdm and loads to tty116:31
Tylertworawrmonster, You could try logging in there and then typing the command "startx"16:32
rawrmonsterTylertwo: I am guessing i would have to "/etc/init.d/lightdm stop" to release the x server from lightdm but wont that just restart the gui?16:33
rawrmonsterTylertwo: reason i say is it says "fatal server error: server is already active for display 0"16:35
Tylertworawrmonster, gotcha, sounds like it's an issue with the GUI. I'm not sure about how you should proceed16:36
TJ-rawrmonster: Examine the logs in /var/log - in particular /var/log/lightdm/*16:36
miaqinashi there16:36
rawrmonsterTJ-: ok give me a few seconds :D16:36
ggherdovhello. Here the result of me running `apt-cache policy postgresql` : http://bpaste.net/show/vYyBm7dW6duGQT3aYHVC/ I don't understand if it's installed or not. It say 'yes' but also lists aa few 500 errors. So ?16:39
rawrmonstereverything looks normal till you get down to the end and it says "Got signal 15 from process 1"16:39
MangaKaDenzawell dang16:40
MangaKaDenzamy ubuntu is borked up even more now16:41
deeps1l3nthi there16:41
Tylertwoggherdov, It appears to be installed. I don't think those "500"s are errors..16:43
deeps1l3nthow to copy a text from vim text to the terminal16:43
ggherdovTylertwo: ok16:43
Tylertwodeeps1l3nt, Depends what vim version you have. You can do it with the mouse + right click, right?16:43
rawrmonsterTJ-: oo and there is one more error in x-0-greeter.log as well (warning: getting layout failed: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: no such interface 'com.canonical.dbusmenu' on object at path /com/canonical/indicator/users/menu)16:44
Malsasadeeps1l3nt: copying from terminal emulator: highlight text by cursor and Ctrl+Shift+C16:44
MangaKaDenzamy sudo apt-get update is still giving errors16:44
deeps1l3nti want to do without mouse16:44
deeps1l3ntjust from the terminal16:45
deeps1l3ntno gui16:45
MonkeyDustMangaKaDenza  type sudo apt-get update| pastebinit and paste the url here in the channel, so we can see16:45
MangaKaDenzaMonkeyDust, http://pastebin.com/Tf9JenYK16:46
Tylertwodeeps1l3nt, what is the result of entering :echo has('clipboard') from Vim? Should be a 1 or a 016:47
MonkeyDustMangaKaDenza  is that all, or just a part?16:47
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TheLordOfTimeMonkeyDust: that seems to be all they have, they're  getting GPG errors from Steam's repository16:48
deeps1l3ntit is 116:48
MonkeyDustMangaKaDenza  what the the outcome of    cat /etc/issue16:49
MonkeyDustMangaKaDenza  what's the outcome of    cat /etc/issue16:49
MangaKaDenzaMonkeyDust, Ubuntu 13.04 \n \l16:51
rawrmonsterTJ-: any idea from thos two errors?16:52
MonkeyDustMangaKaDenza  looks odd... tip: there's also #ubuntu-steam16:53
AndChat406100Hi all. Any ltsp expert?16:53
Rory!anyone | AndChat40610016:53
ubottuAndChat406100: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.16:53
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.16:54
grimetonis there a way to disable the "do you want to start the degraded array" question when an ubuntu system comes up and just let it boot?16:54
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CatKillergrimeton: maybe https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootDegradedRaid16:59
rawrmonsterWould it be better to just post my issue on the ubuntu forums?17:00
BluesKajrawrmonster., why not pastebin it ?17:01
rawrmonsterBluesKaj: what file do you want me to pastebin?17:02
Tylertworawrmonster, Yeah, I think that's often a good idea when google/irc can't help.17:02
BluesKajrawrmonster. dunno i just got here17:02
TJ-rawrmonster: I wonder if there's a state ~/.Xauthority, or /var/lib/lightdm/.Xauthority lying around?17:02
BluesKajdepends what you want us to look at17:02
rawrmonsterTylertwo: ok will do thanks for trying anyways :D17:02
TJ-rawrmonster: s/state/stale/17:03
YcareneSo, medibuntu is gone right?17:03
rawrmonsterTJ-: one sec let me look for thos files17:03
MonkeyDustYcarene  it's down17:03
rawrmonsterTJ-: there is a .Xauthority now let me look for the other file17:04
BluesKajyeah , but if you're looking for the codecs youcan find them at videolan, Ycarene thw vlc site17:04
rawrmonsterTJ-: i guess i should have said which one ~/.Xauthority17:05
MonkeyDustYcarene  I guess we'll soon read why it's down17:05
TJ-rawrmonster: If that file is left behind by a crashed session it can prevent log-in because of either the greeter's authority being stale, or the user's17:05
BluesKajYcarene. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu17:06
TJ-rawrmonster: As long as you stop the lightdm service first you can delete those two files (you'll need 'sudo' to remove the lightdm instance)17:06
wolfybox_why does this show up while installing a package: 'Ubuntu 13.04 _Raring Ringtail_ - Release amd64 (20130424)17:06
MonkeyDustBluesKaj  that's a better reply, tnx17:07
rawrmonsterTJ-: it is in both places do you want me to delete both?17:07
wolfybox_why does this show up while installing a package: 'Ubuntu 13.04 _Raring Ringtail_ - Release amd64 (20130424)17:07
BluesKajMonkeyDust. yeah  guess the medibuntu maintainer gave it up17:08
TJ-rawrmonster: "sudo service lightdm stop && sudo rm /var/lib/lightdm/.Xauthority && rm ~/.Xauthority" - assuming you're currently logged in at a tty or via ssh, as the affected user17:08
MangaKaDenzaubuntu steam isn't helping17:08
spm-DragetThis wiki-page says I could add executable scripts to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/<foo>… http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/XServer/xsession-errors Is this a mistake? Because in my opinion it is only for xorg config - and my test-script wiht +x I put there was not executed!17:08
wolfybox_MangaKaDenza: hi17:08
MangaKaDenzacan someone tell me how to force an upgrade?17:08
rawrmonsterTJ-: i am in root with (sudo -i) when i do "service lightdm stop" i get "stop unknown instance"17:09
wolfybox_why does a package ask for installation media if it's already there17:09
BluesKajMangaKaDenza. make sure you have all the relavant repos enabled first17:09
TJ-rawrmonster: Then just "sudo rm /var/lib/lightdm/.Xauthority && sudo rm /home/$USER/.Xauthority" - assuming you're currently logged in at a tty or via ssh, as the affected user17:09
TJ-rawrmonster: else, replace $USER with the username itself17:10
TJ-rawrmonster: Then check "sudo ls -l {/var/lib/lightdm,/home/$USER/}/.Xauthority"17:10
TJ-rawrmonster: If they're both gone restart with "service lighdm start"17:11
Marleneeanyone know http and https proxy and socks5 manger web based17:11
rawrmonsterTJ-: I am suppose to be a reg user again to start lightdm correct?17:12
TJ-rawrmonster: If you're still root you don't need sudo, else use sudo prefix17:13
TJ-rawrmonster: system services have to be started by root17:13
MangaKaDenzasomeone help me!17:13
MangaKaDenzaE: GPG error: http://repo.steampowered.com precise Release: The following signatures were invalid: NODATA 1 NODATA 217:13
MangaKaDenzait keeps stopping apt get update!17:14
wolfybox_how do i install the "libsdl1.2-dev" package, whenever i try to install it says package not found17:14
rawrmonsterTJ-: Yea i have the same issue where i boot to the purple screen with an ubuntu logo but no place to login17:14
hitsujiTMOMangaKaDenza that could be an issue with steams repos there were having problems over the last few days17:15
TJ-rawrmonster: If it is still affecting things you need to inspect the log files again carefully, one or more of them ought to offer some clue as to what is going wrong.17:15
rawrmonsterTJ-: ok sounds good :)17:16
wolfybox_how do i install the "libsdl1.2-dev" package, whenever i try to install it says package not found17:16
TJ-rawrmonster: You should be able to press the Escape key to make the purple splash screen disappear, and press Alt+F1 to get to tty1 terminal17:16
=== BluesKaj_ is now known as BluesKaj
hitsujiTMOMangaKaDenza, i would suggest commenting out steams repos and see if the rest of your repos update17:17
TJ-rawrmonster: Pressing Alt+F1 through F7 should get you to tty1-7 respectively. If on tty7, which is reserved for the GUI, and the GUI is running, you'll need to press Ctrl+Alt+F{1..6} to escape it17:17
rawrmonsterTJ-: ill brb have to do something for work real fast17:17
wolfybox_how do i install the "libsdl1.2-dev" package, whenever i try to install it says package not found17:19
Rorywolfybox_: What Ubuntu version are you using? Why are you wanting to install that package, are you following a guide?17:19
trismwolfybox_: which ubuntu version are you on? have you run: sudo apt-get update; yet? it is in main so if your repos aren't completely messed up it should be there17:19
wolfybox_Rory: ubuntu 13.04 64bit and yes i need it to compile my game17:21
Rory!info libsdl1.2-dev raring17:22
ubottulibsdl1.2-dev (source: libsdl1.2): Simple DirectMedia Layer development files. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.15-5ubuntu1 (raring), package size 848 kB, installed size 2487 kB17:22
Rorywolfybox_: please run the command "sudo apt-get update"17:22
wolfybox_i did17:23
wolfybox_E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/ E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?17:23
wolfybox_Rory: ^^17:24
Rorywolfybox_: Close anything like update manager, or the software center.17:24
MonkeyDustwolfybox_  try this line17:24
MonkeyDustsudo fuser -vki /var/lib/apt/lists/lock17:24
MonkeyDustwolfybox_  then apt-get update again17:25
wolfybox_doing that17:25
Rorywolfybox_: If apt-get update completes without errors, you'll be able to install your package17:26
wolfybox_there was a software update available and now it is installing17:27
MonkeyDustwolfybox_  problem solved?17:27
wolfybox_MonkeyDust: i am waiting for the software update to finish and will try again17:28
ArmegednIs it possible to startup directly to CLI with Ubuntu Desktop (12.04 LTS) ? I have a VM that I mainly use via SSH, and only want to load the Desktop Environment when needed.17:29
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MangaKaDenzaMonkeyDust, now the whole thing is broken17:29
MangaKaDenzaand I think I accidentally uninstalled python17:30
rangergordafter Unity, what Ubuntu desktop environment has the most devs working on it?17:31
lolcatrangergord: I doubt more than one person made unity, it is 100% terrible and useless17:32
rangergordI hate the tablet look (didn't buy a 1920x1200 monitor for nothing) but IIRC the other WM are buggy due to lack of proper support on Ubuntu17:32
rangergordat least Kubuntu was a few years ago17:32
lolcattried xfce or kde?17:32
lolcatthey have gotten better17:32
rangergordwhich one shows me text instead of expecting me to memorize icon photos?17:33
rangergordxfce seems nice enough. you're saying its stable?17:33
jon8This is an error that I get http://gyazo.com/4894a16f7a1a1f8f88a457a3b2c4ff28 when trying to edit a file via WinSCP after following this tutorial http://tinyurl.com/kuqmuny -- Any thoughts?17:34
TJ-Armegeden: Sure. The "lightdm" service needs disabling (/etc/init/lightdm.conf). The best way to do that is to add runlevel 2 to its list of runlevels it should *not* start for17:34
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rawrmonsterTJ-: I am back, i have an idea to try before i get too far into this17:34
ArmegedenThanks, TJ-, i'll look int it17:34
trismArmegeden: alternatively you can add text to the kernel command line, or: echo manual | sudo tee /etc/init/lightdm.override;17:35
TJ-Armegeden: This should do it: "sudo sed  -i 's/runlevel \[!06\]/runlevel [!026]/' /etc/init/lightdm.conf"17:38
TJ-trism: That's nicer... wish I'd known about that ages ago!17:38
Armegedenwoof. Thanks! I'll need to research that command line lol. Once it's disabled and I want to enter/exit the environment, is this doable?17:39
nullicwhen does ubuntu 13.10 released?17:39
auronandacenullic: 17th17:39
MonkeyDustnullic  next week17:39
nullickk thanks17:39
trismArmegeden: yeah I believe you can just: start lightdm; I think it ignores the text option when you start it manually17:39
ArmegedenThanks, I'll give it a shot.17:40
feeshonErr http://packages.medibuntu.org precise/non-free Translation-en Something wicked happened resolving 'packages.medibuntu.org:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)17:47
feeshonI cannot ping that site...anyone else having this issue?17:47
ikoniafeeshon: look at the hostname.....17:48
ikoniabut medibuntu is also dead17:48
MonkeyDustfeeshon  here's why http://www.medibuntu.org/17:48
Roryfeeshon: host packages.medibuntu.org -> Host packages.medibuntu.org not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)17:49
feeshonahhh yea....I don't see that repo in my sources.list17:49
feeshonHow else can I remove it?17:50
TJ-feeshon: "grep --n medibuntu /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*"17:52
feeshonTJ-: remove that medibuntu.list ?17:54
feeshonTJ-: yes that got rid of it!17:55
feeshonThanks everyone!17:55
jhutchinsubottu doesn' tknow anything about it either.17:55
ubottujhutchins: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:55
Rory!medibuntu | jhutchins17:55
ubottujhutchins: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org17:55
jhutchinsTypos in the brain.17:56
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BluesKajmy phat phingers cause me endless typo grief17:57
wolfyboxhow do i run a python script?17:57
hitsujiTMOwolfybox: python scriptname.py17:58
hitsujiTMOthats one way of doing it17:58
hitsujiTMOif its +x and starts with a shebang then you can just: ./scriptname.py17:59
feeshonwolfybox: What version of python was it written for?17:59
wolfyboxthe script is going to install python 2.7.517:59
asdasfsdhi all, i want to install Ubuntu on one really old laptop: acer travelmate 8004LMi. What version is best for this. I try 10.10 only in LiveCD, working really hard.18:00
feeshonwolfybox: puppylinux18:00
TJ-wolfybox: What script? Python should be installed via the package manager18:01
feeshonwolfybox: There is a distro called puppylinux, very lean. ubuntu isn't the leanest flavors of linux18:01
hitsujiTMOasdasfsd: give 12.04 a try18:01
MonkeyDustasdasfsd  one reason may be, that 10.10 is !eol, that is: dead18:01
msbrownwolfybox:  xubuntu is also pretty lean18:02
feeshonTJ-: wolfybox I think there is come confusion, if you are running python code you use python scriptname.py if you want to install the python packages use apt-get install python18:02
wolfyboxfeeshon: there is python 3 installed but i need python 2.7.518:02
feeshonso do ' apt-cache search python and you will see all the options to install python18:03
Zalwolfybox, surely you have both? At the very least, both are surely available18:03
BluesKajasdasfsd. http://www.ubuntu-mini-remix.org/18:03
TJ-wolfybox: "apt-cache search '^python2\.7' to see what is available18:03
wolfyboxZal: no, i only have python 3, i'm trying to install python 2.7.518:03
Zal"at the very least, both are surely available"18:04
TJ-Zal: Yes, I think 3 and 2.7 are installed alongside.  ... wolfybox: check "ls /usr/bin/python*"18:04
ZalTJ-, yeah, I'd think so too (of course, we don't know how wolfybox installed)18:04
TJ-Zal: indeed ;)18:05
hitsujiTMOwolfybox: python2 and 3 are installed in ubuntu normally18:05
wolfyboxok well how do i disable python3 then18:05
MangaKaDenzau explod it18:06
mudkip908but why?18:06
neonlightinstalled mod_musicindex in apache server, i see music files but when i download the playlist, its playlist.tar18:06
wolfyboxi need python 2.7.5 to compile18:07
Roryneonlight: What were you hoping to get?18:07
Zalwolfybox, did you do "ls /usr/bin/python* " ?18:07
feeshonAny suggestions for DVD ripping software via command line?18:07
feeshonto run in ubuntu18:07
Zalfeeshon, cdpranoia18:07
mudkip908wolfybox: change the first line in your script to "#!/usr/bin/python2"18:07
Zalcdparanoia tha tis18:07
neonlightRory, something like playlist.m3u as it did before. the playlist.tar doesnt play18:08
wolfyboxok python 2.7 is installed but i need to disable python 318:08
ikoniadisable python3....I think not18:08
Roryneonlight: .tar is a tar archive, you need to extract it18:09
TJ-wolfybox: You do not need to disable it, you simply need to call python2.7 instead. "python" is linked to python3.3 which is why you get that.18:09
hitsujiTMOwolfybox: type: python --version18:09
Roryneonlight: it will have the mp3s or whatever in it, similar to Zip on Windows18:09
TJ-wolfybox: Try "python2.7 <your script name>"18:09
Roryneonlight: an m3u is useless on its own it contains no music, only lists of filenames18:09
neonlightRory: using file on the playlist shows its data, even winrar won't open the file18:10
feeshonZal: Looks like that is for audio only...I need to rip a DVD video18:10
Roryneonlight: have you considered using tar to extract the tar file?18:10
Roryneonlight: I think you should ask in #apache for help specific to an apache module, this channel is the Ubuntu support channel18:11
Zalfeeshon, hm, not sure then, I assume mplayer and friends do it. I've always used k3b, which is awesome, but not CLI18:12
mudkip908feeshon: maybe Handbrake? I think it has a CLI version18:12
neonlightRory: .m3u used to work fine with vlc from a client machine..i think i broke or misconfigure something. let me check #apache18:12
feeshonThanks guys I'll give those a try18:13
TJ-wolfybox: To ensure particular Python scripts always start using Python 2.7, edit the script's 'shebang' line (line 1) to be "#!/usr/bin/python2.7"18:13
wolfyboxit's not a script18:13
wolfyboxit's scons18:13
bindiI have my speakers connected with optical, how can I control the volume using alsamixer?18:14
juniourhi these days my cpu is always showing 90-100% , and my system got slow, plz help???18:14
TJ-wolfybox: OK then you should be able to set the default version of Python using an environment variable18:14
Zaljuniour, type "top" to see what process is using all that CPU18:14
juniourZai its telling some .ruby.bin 70%18:15
wolfyboxTJ-: ok how18:16
=== wolfybox is now known as wolfy[A]
tarelerulzDo any of you have samsung Android phone?   How do you mount the sd card and the internal memory at the same time?18:17
Myrttitarelerulz: you don't.18:18
Rorytarelerulz: They should both appear in nautilus's sidebar18:18
tarelerulzThey don't18:18
bindimy spdif only has options for muting and unmuting on alsamixer, why?18:19
Rorytarelerulz: It must be hardware-specific then because they do on my Galaxy S2 running AOKP18:19
tarelerulzIT could be the rom18:19
Myrttitarelerulz: which phone?18:19
tarelerulzBoth my Asus transformer tf300 and  Samsung note 3 do the same thing? My note don't even show up18:20
tarelerulzI don't get why they don't show up .  I understand mtp is not supported native ,but I thought  usb 3 would be18:22
eerI want to practice using cron on Ubuntu. Anybody has good ideas for automation a home linux machine that is running 24/7?18:23
rypervencheeer: Backups :)18:25
Mathisenapt-get update && apt-get upgrade18:25
tarelerulzAny of you have stock  Sumsung phone? that you try to mount ?18:25
MonkeyDusteer  try this simple cron task     0 5 * * * rm /home/.cache     it removes the hidden cache folder daily at 5 am18:25
TJ-wolfy[A]: I just installed scons (in Raring) with "sudo apt-get install scons" then checked its start-up file "head $(which scons)" that shows that /usr/bin/scons launches the default python. So that file needs changing: "sudo sed  -i '1,1 s/python/python2.7/' /usr/bin/scons"18:25
MonkeyDusteer  try this simple cron task     0 5 * * * rm /home/[user]/.cache     it removes the hidden cache folder daily at 5 am18:26
eerIs that the internet files cache?18:26
MonkeyDusteer  that too18:26
eerbackups is good18:27
MonkeyDusteer  you can also use @daily   it executes at midnight18:27
eerWhat else could be automated on an Ubuntu machine?18:27
eerIs it possible to refresh a web page with a cron script?18:28
samholmesIs there a way to list the status of daemons in init.d?18:28
ikoniadaemons are not in init.d18:28
ikoniaubutu uses upsart18:29
llutzMonkeyDust: rm -r if you want to remove the dir18:29
wheatthinlol ubuntu uses upstart*18:29
wheatthin :P18:29
ikoniawheatthin: why is that funny ?18:29
ikoniaits a correct statement18:29
wheatthincalm down killer18:30
ikoniawhat ?18:30
bazhang!ot | wheatthin18:30
ubottuwheatthin: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:30
MonkeyDustllutz  true18:31
TJ-samholmes: Usually, "service $SERVICENAME status" will be sufficient, and should deal with both Upstart and SYSV init scripts18:31
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wheatthinwas just correcting his grammar, and he got butthurt. sorry. ahh well idiots.18:32
Guest71871m new to this plz help18:32
RayWizardis there a way to use  tts engines  using windows  text to speach api under linux?18:33
samholmes"-bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory"18:34
samholmesWhat kind of message is that?18:34
Guest71871m new18:34
mudkip908Guest71871: yes we get it, just ask your question.18:34
TJ-samholmes: An informative one!18:35
Guest71871wat do u discuss here .is it wholly techy stuff?18:35
TylertwoGuest71871, yeah support issues and such18:36
PiciGuest71871: This is the official Ubuntu Support channel. If you'd like just general chat, we have #ubuntu-offtopic18:36
samholmesTJ-: I cannot even run cat18:36
eerIs it possible to refresh a web page with a cron script?18:36
samholmesHow do I solve this issue?18:36
Guest71871ok tell me hw to download a youtube video through terminal18:37
MonkeyDustGuest71871  youtube-dl -t [url]18:37
kaddihi, i'm looking for info on dualbooting win8 and ubuntu18:37
kaddiis that possible?18:38
Tylertwokaddi, yes18:38
kaddii have a samsung netbook, there was this uefi bug that bricked some machines, is there a way to check if i'm affected or not?18:38
Guest71871can anyone ans my q.hw to download youtube videos through terminal.18:38
MonkeyDustGuest71871  just told you: youtube-dl -t [url]18:39
BluesKaj_install youtube-dl . Guest718717118:39
Guest71871well i hv installd youtube-dl .but cant locate it .like i m trying to search it but unable to find it18:40
bazhangit needs to be used from the terminal Guest7187118:40
BluesKaj_Guest71871. use it in the terminal18:40
Guest71871and the command would be?18:41
bazhangGuest71871, 4 people have told you already18:41
loluGuest71871: youtube-dl http://www.youtube.com/watch\?v\=oHg5SJYRHA018:42
OerHeksis there a youtube uploader?18:43
Guest71871ok got it buddy.m a little slow to catch. but the thing is i hv already tried that youtube-dl stuff .the video had downloaded too.but i was unable to locate it in my downloads drive18:43
TylertwoGuest71871, check in your home directory18:44
MonkeyDustGuest71871  it's saved in the folder you're in, when you type the command18:44
liahimcociuba@guest do pwd to see where you have the file18:44
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Dudytzhi all ... how is the best way to start a program automaticaly when a specific user login?18:47
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Dudytzin unity18:47
liahimcociubaDudytz - add the program to startup applications18:48
Dudytzbut startup applications seems to startup off all users18:48
Guest71871wow got it . u guys r gud . ok i hv another problem. its regarding skype .unable to detect video device . i got a command "LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l1compat.so /usr/bin/skype" which works only till the skype window is open .18:48
eerIs it not possible to check  what a job is that was created with the at command? I can only get the job number with atq ?18:52
TheSnowSpikeHello please help18:52
TheSnowSpikeHow to install amd drivers18:53
TheSnowSpikeanyone please18:53
DuncanNZTheSnowSpike: be patient18:53
TheSnowSpikeokay sorry18:53
llutzeer: unfortunately, you could check the jobfiles in  /var/spool/cron/atjobs, at the end of those files you find the commands to run18:53
DuncanNZTheSnowSpike: you can try going in to settings and finding something along the lines of "proprietary drivers" or "hardware drivers"18:54
TheSnowSpikeokay i will try18:54
TheSnowSpikethank you18:54
tjbiddleHey guys - if I want the 'jenkins' user to be able to run a `reprepro` command without a password and any arguments - would that be: jenkins ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/reprepro in my sudoers file?18:55
=== __Trullo is now known as _Trullo
tjbiddleer- without a password, and all arguments are allowed18:55
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eerllutz, how? I can not enter into that directory.18:56
llutzeer: need to be root/use sudo18:56
eersudo cd doesn't work18:56
llutzeer: sudo cd is nonsense18:56
DuncanNZany success there, TheSnowSpike? are there any options there to enable AMD drivers?18:56
tjbiddleeer: sudo -i, then cd.18:56
TheSnowSpikeno it can find drivers18:56
eerllutz, then how?18:56
llutzeer: see tjbiddle18:56
llutzeer: or sudo less /var...../filename18:56
DuncanNZOK, sorry I don't know then, you can wait for someone else to help18:57
TheSnowSpikeikay thanks alot any way18:57
tjbiddleeer: If you're looking for an explanation of why - you need the execute bit on directories for your user/group in order to cd to it.18:57
Guest96477hw do i set my username.i dnt lyk guest.18:57
DuncanNZGuest96477: are you using XChat?18:57
llutzGuest96477: /nick newnick18:57
tjbiddleCan anyone toss me a bone on my sudoers file question? :)18:57
DuncanNZGuest96477: go XChat -> Server List and set your preffered nicknames there18:58
DuncanNZllutz's command will only work temporarily18:58
eerok, thx18:58
wissam_Hi ,i've read that configuring /etc/security/limits.conf can prevent so called fork bomb,why it's not configured by default? for example ubuntu 13.04 freezes when excuting this command ":(){ :|:& };:"18:58
DuncanNZGuest96477: and after you've done that you can reserve your nickname so other people can't steal it; type /nickserv help register18:59
Guest96477u mean goto xchat n open servertab19:01
DuncanNZGuest96477: in Xchat, click "XChat" at the top left, then click "Network List"19:01
k5673tjbiddle: You want to run a command without entering the root password?19:01
tjbiddlek5673: I think I have what I want - what I posted worked. Specifically wanted to grant a user only sudo access to a single command19:02
k5673tjbiddle: Edit /etc/sudoers with visudo19:02
tjbiddlek5673: I did :)19:02
k5673tjbiddle: Ah. OK!19:02
Guest96477it has'nt wrkd19:03
Tex_Nick13.04 ... i have a used 1 TB used HDD, disks shows "15 bad sectors" ... i ran badblocks to see where the sectors were ... it ran for ~2 hrs then terminated without showing any bad sectors ... wondering what gives there ?19:03
TheSnowSpikeAny one have amd HD grapich card on linux 12.04 LTS19:04
compdocTex_Nick, you need to read the drive's SMART info19:04
vimpulseTex_Nick:  Hi :)  Why did you run badblocks?  Are you hoping to save and reuse the disk, or do you just want to rescue your data?19:04
Tex_Nickcompdoc : SMART says the disk/health is OK19:05
compdocTex_Nick, can you pastebin.com the output of:  sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda     (or whatever the device is)19:06
Tex_Nickvimpulse: i don't need any data off drive ... want to partition & format it for new use19:06
vimpulsecompdoc:  ^  Is this wise?19:07
compdocwhy wouldnt it be?19:07
vimpulsedear all:  thoughts?  If a used hard drive shows "15 bad sectors", is it OK to reformat and reuse it as your primary HDD?19:09
Tex_Nickcompdoc: sudo: smartctl: command not found ... uess i need to install it ?19:09
Guest96477unable to change username19:09
compdocTex_Nick, instead, run the program: Disk utility19:10
vimpulseGuest96477:  please choose a new nickname, and tell me your choice.19:10
vimpulseGuest96477:  one moment please19:10
vimpulseGuest96477:  please type:  /nick starhunter19:10
=== Guest96477 is now known as starhunter
vimpulsestarhunter:  it worked!  Thank you.19:11
starhunterdid u do anything on ur part19:11
=== Guest71871 is now known as rakes
compdocTex_Nick, run disk utility from the desktop from dash19:13
=== rakes is now known as rak_pat
vimpulsestarhunter:  I double-checked that the nickname was unused and unregistered, but I changed nothing.  Next time you try to connect to Freenode, tell XChat to use starhunter as your first choice.  Also specify second and third choices.19:13
vimpulsestarhunter:  To avoid the possibility of a collision, choose uncommon nicknames for your second and especially for your third:  preferably include a few digits at the end.19:13
Tex_Nickcompdoc : will do sir ... had to answer phone ... brb19:13
starhuntern hw do i double check .earlier i tried with a differnt name bt  it wasn't working .may b it wasn't available19:14
=== rak_pat is now known as rakes
FloodBot1usuario: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:15
=== rakes is now known as rak_pat
vimpulsestarhunter:  a two-step process.  first:  /whois SomeNickName19:15
vimpulsestarhunter:  second:  /msg nickserv info SomeNickName19:15
eerAfter the last update to Ubuntu 13.04 a few moths ago I have the problem that during inital login into KDE y and z are reversed. Then however after logging in and for example locking the screen, y and z are correct on the keyboard. Only on initial KDE login. Any idea?19:15
vimpulseeer:  Do you know what the term "QWERTZ" refers to?19:16
DuncanNZvimpulse: I believe it's some European version of the QWERTY keyboard19:16
vimpulseDuncanNZ:  correct.19:16
vimpulseeer:  ^19:16
starhunterthanks buddy.well i m new to x chat jst joind 2da. also m new to techy stuff .would u tell me what are the different servers for. are they like differnt  chatrooms?19:17
vimpulsedear all:  can anyone help eer avoid his QWERTZ problem?19:17
jhutchinseer: Where is your Z key on the keyboard?19:17
eerThe Z key is to the right of "T"19:17
jhutchinsvimpulse: That request is pretty much implied if someone posts here.19:17
hayhi all.. why do I get apparmor DENIED and the permission denied error for a profile that I do aa-complain for?19:17
jhutchinseer: Ok, you're using a US/International keyboard at login.  I believe that's set in kdmrc (locate kdmrc).19:18
jhutchinseer: You might also be able to set it in "loigin preferences" in the KDE settings menu.19:18
vimpulsestarhunter:  you should read about IRC on the Web first, perhaps on Wikipedia.  :)  If you still have questionsabout IRC itself, please type "/join #ubuntu-offtopic" before asking them.19:18
kkpp0guys...i installed windows 8.1 alongside ubuntu 13.04, and it messed the linux partition up19:19
kkpp0take a look19:19
eerFound kdmrc19:19
kkpp0on the left the 32gb free space in the 'extended' block19:19
MonkeyDustQWERTZU is german, AZERTY is belgian and french19:19
kkpp0was my partition19:19
kkpp0so i ran testdisk (right)19:20
kkpp0to recover it19:20
eerkdmrc is huge. which option is it?19:20
kkpp0but i can't figure out what to set each partition as (*,L,P,D)19:20
starhuntervimpulse:thanks.but i believe i can post q here itself.can i?19:20
Bentydoes anyone is french ?19:20
vimpulsestarhunter:  it is better not to ask about IRC itself here.19:20
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:20
DuncanNZ!ubuntu-fr | Benty19:20
helpmehelpmehow do you get files from ubuntu onto lubuntu( music, photos, etc. ) ?19:21
vimpulsestarhunter:  and, for a few reasons, it is usually better not to ask on IRC for information that you can easily find on Google.19:21
vimpulsehelpmehelpme:  hi :)  welcome to the channel.  why do you want to do that?19:21
starhuntervimpulse:thats scary.thanks anyways19:22
vimpulsestarhunter:  why is it scary?19:22
helpmehelpmei just installed lubuntu and i only want my music, photos, and movies back.19:22
vimpulsehelpmehelpme:  what happened to your Ubuntu installation?19:23
vixxohi guys, is It true that starting from 13.10 Amazon search can't be removed ?19:23
starhunterwell ur ans."can't q abt IRC"!!!19:23
vimpulsestarhunter:  you can.  In #ubuntu-offtopic.19:23
hitsujiTMOvixxo i doubt it but #ubuntu+1 would know19:24
helpmehelpmevimpulse; i didnt delete ubuntu or anything. i don't even know how to mount ubuntu to lubuntu. just want to figure out how to run the partitions together i suppose ?19:24
starhunterso hw do i get into #ubuntu-offtopic19:24
kostkonstarhunter, /j #ubuntu-offtopic19:24
DJonesstarhunter: /join #ubuntu-offtopic19:24
hitsujiTMO/join #ubuntu-offtopic19:24
Tylertwohelpmehelpme, If you open your Lubuntu file manager you should see the Ubuntu file system listed. Tell me if that's right.19:25
helpmehelpmeit don't see anything.19:26
Tylertwohelpmehelpme, What file manager?19:27
vimpulseTex_Nick:  I asked in ##linux if you can reformat and reuse your hard drive with "15 bad sectors" as your primary hard drive.  Psi-Jack said no.  You can ask him there why not, if you like.19:27
vimpulsecompdoc:  ^19:27
helpmehelpmevimpulse; PCManFM19:27
vimpulsehelpmehelpme:  please direct everything to Tylertwo :)19:28
AllanDhelpmehelpme: are you sure that you did not make the install OVER the old one and replace all that you had?19:28
helpmehelpmetylertwo *19:28
Tylertwohelpmehelpme, Can you pastebin the output of lsblk?19:28
helpmehelpmeknowing my inferior self, I probably did that.19:28
AllanDhelpmehelpme: if you did that then you will of course need to get your files from a backup19:29
Tex_Nickcompdoc : http://www.imagebam.com/image/c0894228105207619:29
compdocTex_Nick, smart records everything that happens to the drive, including all the bad things. If you have seen problems reading or writing to the drive, then it has been recorded in SMART.19:30
vimpulsehelpmehelpme:  if the data is gone, there may be ways to recover some or all of it.  But, unfortunately, they may be expensive and/or time-consuming.19:30
compdocTex_Nick, it is completely safe, and also a very good idea to know how to read smart. And it is worth it to install smartctl.19:30
helpmehelpmetime is not problem.19:30
compdocTex_Nick, it shows in your pic that the drive has bad sectors19:30
AllanDhelpmehelpme: STOP using the system IMMEDIATELY - the longer you use it the less data will potentially be recoverable - assuming you have no backup19:30
kieppie1my new laptop is missing the context menu key19:31
eerI am using lang=en.us-utf8 but my keyboard is Logitech with a Swiss German layout.19:31
kieppie1I believe the keycode for the key should be 11719:31
Tylertwohelpmehelpme, Can you pastebin the output of lsblk? > this should make it clear if you've overwritten your Ubuntu filesystem.19:31
pallavhi there...does anyone know if it is normal to have a box with a red cross inside displaying in ubuntu 13.04 at the top right hand corner next to the clock?19:31
compdocevery time that number increases, it means the drive had a problem, and it has 'reallocated' the sector19:31
kieppie1how can I execute a keycode event, so that I can remap it to a different key?19:31
compdocso it looks ok now19:31
helpmehelpmetylertwo, i've no idea what that means. not a power user, nor am I ubuntu-smart lol.19:32
compdocthe drive needs to be retired19:32
delinquentmeso which rvm still fails here  ... I think the paths are correct19:32
daninoz_hi guys. I installed lamp-server with php5-gd but it was php 5.5. How can I downgrade to php 5.4?19:32
hitsujiTMOpallav what does is say when you mouse over it?19:32
AllanDhelpmehelpme: if you are going to do even that lsblk and pastebin - do it from a live cd/usb - DO NOT USE the system19:32
helpmehelpmei've got lubuntu on a usb.19:32
MonkeyDustdaninoz_  any reason you want a lower version? maybe there's a different solution for what you want19:33
hitsujiTMOpallav: if it's what i think it is then that only means the system was unable to check the repo for updates19:33
Tylertwohelpmehelpme, Open a terminal, type "lsblk".19:33
phy1729How often do the IPs for us.archive.ubuntu.com security.ubuntu.com extras.ubuntu.com  change?19:33
AllanDhelpmehelpme: boot of that usb stick and look around that way - that way if you have overwritten the old file system there is some chance of recovery19:33
pallavhitsuji it doesn't say anything but it is the button that can be used to view about this computer and system settings etc.19:33
dragonflypallav: can you post a screenshot of the "box with a red x"19:33
daninoz_MonkeyDust: The production server I'm working is on php 5.4. I want to have the same version on my local server.19:33
pallavdo you know how to fix that hitsujitmo19:34
helpmehelpmetyped in 'lsblk'19:34
AllanDphy1729: I have never noticed them change - have you?19:34
Tylertwohelpmehelpme, copy the output and paste it on paste.ubuntu.com19:34
helpmehelpmeoutput .-. ?19:34
helpmehelpmenot great with the terminology either, guys.19:34
hitsujiTMOpallav can you screenshot it?19:34
helpmehelpmeyou're dealing with a moron.19:34
Tylertwohelpmehelpme, type lsblk then press enter19:35
Tex_Nickcompdoc : thanks for the input there ... i will monitor SMART from time to time ... was really wanting to find location of bad sectors ... create 2 or more partitions, excluding bad sectors ?19:35
helpmehelpmepressed enter.19:35
Tylertwohelpmehelpme, there should be writing on the terminal that comes below it - that's the output19:35
AllanDhelpmehelpme: are you running from that stick or ignoring my advice and running from the new install - if the latter you are probably reducing your chances of recover and increasing the cosyt too19:35
helpmehelpmei think from the stick.19:35
jhutchinsdelinquentme: Did you log out an d lot back in to source .bashrc?19:35
phy1729AllanD: just asking19:35
helpmehelpmei have no idea how to do either, lol.19:35
compdocTex_Nick, your data is at risk if you continue. the drive is dying.19:36
AllanDphy1729: a strange question then - any reason for the question then?19:36
loluphy1729: http://www.domaintools.com/research/whois-history/?q=us.archive.ubuntu.com19:36
jhutchinsTex_Nick: That might make sense on an old drive, but modern drives the sectors you see are virtual, modeled by the controller.  If you're actually seeing bad blocks then the drive is failing.19:36
delinquentmejhutchins, I did still non functional $which rvm19:37
eerWhy is there no ~/-bash_profile in Ubuntu?19:37
jhutchinsTex_Nick: If they're increasing or you're seeing repeated entries from smart in the logs, the drive is failing NOW.19:37
phy1729AllanD: setting up a default deny iptable outbound19:37
Tex_Nicki understand ... i bought it used ... only want to use it for non-critical data storage19:37
helpmehelpmepasted to paste.ubuntu.com19:37
Ari-Yanghow to I make a specific command not log in terminal?19:37
llutzeer: there is ~/.profile, works with bash too19:38
PiciAri-Yang: What do you mean by 'not log in the terminal'?19:38
AllanDlolu: that is a commercial/pay site - I believe that it is inappropriate to promote it here19:38
Tylertwohelpmehelpme, good, what's the resulting URL?19:38
Ari-YangPici: as in it won't log in bash_history19:38
jhutchinsdelAre you using bash as your shell?19:38
Ari-YangPici: I know typing a space before a command in terminal isn't logged in bash_history, but I want to make the command not log at all so that I don't have to type a space before it all the time19:38
loluAri-Yang: unset HISTFILE19:39
Tex_Nickok ... hey compdoc, vimpulse & jhutchins ... thanks for the input guys ... understand i can't cure a dying patient ;-)19:39
Ari-Yanglolu: huh? O_o19:39
llutzAri-Yang: prepend a space " cmd goes here"19:39
lolujust run unset HISTFILE19:39
antarHi people19:39
antarany one have an idea about Chromium OS19:39
Ari-Yanglolu: what will running unset HISTFILE do?19:40
Tylertwohelpmehelpme, Well it looks like you are on your live USB now19:40
Piciantar: Why would we? This is #ubuntu19:40
loluAri-Yang: there is an env variable19:40
eerIf I want to individualize the vars shown by locale per user, do I have to redifine them in .profile or elsewhere?19:40
helpmehelpmeTylertwo, what should i do from here ?19:40
=== bageera is now known as bageera566
loluAri-Yang: HISTFILE which tells which file to write history to19:40
Ari-Yanglolu: ah19:40
Tylertwohelpmehelpme, And I'm not 100% on whether you deleted your Ubuntu partition yet. If you open your file manager are you able to access the files you had saved on your Lubuntu partition?19:41
pallavhow do i send a screenshot here?19:41
Tylertwopallav, you can upload it on imgur.com19:41
helpmehelpmetylertwo, i believe so, yes.19:42
MonkeyDustpallav  http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add19:42
hitsujiTMOpallav ... use imgur or some similar service19:42
Tylertwohelpmehelpme, Well, it's showing 2 main partitions, and they both say "Lubuntu". Did you install Lubuntu twice?19:42
kieppie1how do I raise a keybooard event rom the CLI?19:43
dragonflypallav: http://picpaste.com/19:43
daninoz_hi guys. I installed lamp-server with php5-gd but it was php 5.5. How can I downgrade to php 5.4?19:43
helpmehelpmemaybe .-. i dont really know, lol.19:43
nullkuhlhello, is it possible to create my own custom live cd ? basically i wanna install some applications and store some default files , and i want to end up with an iso that i can burn to usb flash drives, and be used as live version of ubuntu19:43
joarthe boot loading screen with the four dots is messed up for me, it shows lots of text (ply*.c debug messages) simultaneously as the dots.19:43
joarnullkuhl: what are you going to use it for?19:44
nullkuhljoar: its for a class, where students will be given the flash disks to use some simulator, however i will build it for them19:44
loludaninoz_: what version of ubuntu19:44
starhuntercan anybody get me through this "skype unable to detect video device" problem.19:44
Svetlanakieppie1, http://www.semicomplete.com/projects/xdotool/xdotool.xhtml#keyboard_commands19:45
daninoz_lolu: 13.1019:45
ubottuThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.19:45
eerAnybody knows?19:45
Tylertwohelpmehelpme, Heh, in the future you may want to keep a log or something of major computer ventures you undertake, such as installing an OS.19:45
kieppie1Svetlana: thanks19:45
joarnullkuhl: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization19:45
jhutchinsthanks joar.19:46
loludaninoz_: php 5.4 is no in the ubuntu repos. You can use this ppa https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/php5-oldstable19:46
helpmehelpmewhat should i do now ?19:46
nullkuhljoar: yeah read that, but i was trying to create the live cd from an already existing installation19:46
loludaninoz_: i have no idea how well its maintained though19:46
helpmehelpmemove on with my life and start a new, or try to get the past back?19:46
joarjhutchins: you wouldn't happen to know the issue of my garbled plymouth run?19:46
nullkuhljoar: "You might also want to create a LiveCD from an existing installation; in this case, Remastersys is for you." .. unfortunately remastersys seems to be halted19:47
Tylertwohelpmehelpme, in your file manager under "Places" do you see something along the lines of "367 Gb Filesystem" and "97Gb Filesystem"?19:47
helpmehelpme103 gb and 394 gb19:47
Tylertwohelpmehelpme, Check both of those and see if you can find your movies/music/whatever that you wanted.19:48
joarnullkuhl: I see, that's what I can find for now, is it an option to do it the way described in the article?19:48
joardo you have any time constraints?19:48
nullkuhljoar: kinda yeah, i was hoping for a more on the fly thing.19:48
kieppie1Svetlana: ACE! `xdotool key Menu`19:49
joarnullkuhl: I see, it would be nice if it was just magic, but it seems you have to do some work.19:49
nullkuhljoar: if i have a live cd on a flash usb already, is there a way to make an iso image of that flash usb including the boot loader , mbr if any and so on ?19:49
joarin my opinion: you would get a cleaner install if you make it from scratch.19:49
helpmehelpmei couldn't find anything. i checked under media .-.19:50
wilee-nileenullkuhl, Why?19:50
nullkuhlwilee-nilee: ?19:50
kaddii have a samsung netbook, there was this uefi bug that bricked some machines, is there a way to check if i'm affected or not?19:50
Tylertwohelpmehelpme, How did you locate them in the past, when you watched the movies and whatnot?19:51
joarI had plymouth:debug in my boot command, that was the issue.19:51
wilee-nileenullkuhl, It is a copy of the iso why not download it again.19:51
helpmehelpmethey were all in a file. 'moviessss'19:51
Svetlanakieppie1, :)19:51
Tylertwohelpmehelpme, Where was that file located?19:51
helpmehelpmebut since nothing on this is like ubuntu 12.04 , i'm clueless.19:51
nullkuhlwilee-nilee: because the flash usb will be modified , more apps installed , own files included etc..19:51
snickerdoodlesWho has managed to make air play video stream from ubuntu to an apple tv?19:52
nullkuhlwilee-nilee: there was thise tool that makes the live cd when written on the flash drive to have read/write access, so that it doesnt reset if machine is restarted.19:52
kieppie1Svetlana: I'm trying to map it to a custom keyboard shortcut, but fails to activate......19:52
Tylertwohelpmehelpme, Ok, under both those drives check /home/<user>/Desktop19:52
joarnullkuhl: I can't help you much more, my recommendation is to follow the article I linked. I can't bear to suffer from any constraints placed on you at the moment.19:52
nullkuhljoar: thanks :)19:52
joarnullkuhl: good luck :)19:53
helpmehelpmetylertwo, i love you.19:53
Tylertwohelpmehelpme, find em?19:53
helpmehelpmeinsinuating i've found them19:53
helpmehelpmethank youuuuuu19:54
wilee-nileenullkuhl, that is the wrong way to make a custom iso in general there used to be a app remasterd to make custom setup for install, you can make a custom cd.19:54
helpmehelpmemany thanks from the bottom of my non religious heart <319:54
Tylertwohelpmehelpme, yw!19:54
helpmehelpmei wish you the best of days, my friend.19:54
nullkuhlwilee-nilee: yeah its halted now :(19:54
Tylertwohelpmehelpme, cheers19:54
wilee-nileenullkuhl, there are other ways there is a wiki.19:55
nullkuhlwilee-nilee: i just want a fast way to prepare bootable ubuntu flash disks with custom software and files installed19:55
=== jack is now known as Guest92468
c0re15use something like yumi19:55
wilee-nileenullkuhl, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization19:56
hitsujiTMOpallav ok, don't recognise that symbol ...19:56
pallaverrr :(19:56
hitsujiTMOcould be just the system can't find the image file that's supposed to be there19:56
kieppie1Svetlana: any ideas on disabling caps lock (action, not key event) - I'd like to remap that without init UPPERCASING19:56
hitsujiTMOtry changing the theme19:57
olabazhey guys I'm having trouble with Ubuntu19:57
ABX5BWhich one?19:57
nullkuhlwilee-nilee: yes but it seems like a lot of work, also i dont see a way where i can install custom software (not from ubuntu's repos) and have it on the live cd19:57
wilee-nilee!details | olabaz19:57
ubottuolabaz: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:57
olabazI installed it fine but then I upgraded an nvidia driver and I think that's causing my ubuntu to not boot up19:57
nullkuhlwilee-nilee: ill try to find a working copy of remastersys19:58
wilee-nileenullkuhl, Hehe, yes it does and thats what you will have to do.19:58
olabazinstalled 12.04 LTS19:58
wilee-nileeI would like to fly, but the work is a bit to hard.19:58
olabazso I just booted using the live CD and was wondering how I can undo the install of that driver or if I need to reinstall?19:59
pallavthat worked thanks19:59
pallavchanging the theme fixed it20:00
nullkuhlwilee-nilee: joar: this seems to do it  http://system-imaging.blogspot.ca/p/blog-page.html20:00
loluolabaz: at the point when boot stops, can you do a ctl+alt+f120:00
ABX5BCan't launch without startx?20:00
=== wolfy[A] is now known as wolfybox
wilee-nileeolabaz, That driver, what are you talking about look at the bots message on details.20:00
loluolabaz: that must get you to a terminal. You can purge the driver from there and install the correct one20:00
wilee-nileenullkuhl, nothing but it does not work there.20:01
olabazlolu: ok all that comes up is a _ and I spammed all the keys and nothing happened20:01
olabazlolu: I will try the ctrl alt f1 though20:01
nullkuhlwilee-nilee: ?20:01
olabazbrb gonna go try20:02
hitsujiTMOglad it worked pallav20:03
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ABX5BDoes anybody ever used VT-x to emulate x64 CPU for guest OS?20:05
hitsujiTMOABX5B what exactly is your question?20:06
codekKHi all i have problem when i suspend my laptop with Ubuntu 13.04. After suspend it and get it working again the system get freeze and only can move Mouse.  I can swap into other TTY then i think is cause of gnome3. Anyone know how solve it?20:06
ABX5BHave anybody some experience with VT-x emulation?20:07
MonkeyDustcodekK  maybe you need more swap space20:07
bekksABX5B: Why?20:07
codekKand i can increment it without reinstall?20:07
ABX5BNeed to emulate Ubuntu x64 on Oracle Virtualbox - fails over and over20:07
hitsujiTMOABX5B yes, but what exactly do you want to know about it20:07
manornk_Hi, on ubuntu-touch i get no answer, I want to install Ubuntu on my 1.2 dual core 512 mb RAM phone, what is the easiest way?20:07
hitsujiTMOis it booting at all ABX5B ?20:08
rostovoh hai. what is the newest version of ubuntu that will fit on a CD?20:08
TylertwocodekK, How much swap do you have now? And how much RAM?20:08
ABX5Bif u mean Ubuntu 1320:08
hitsujiTMOi mean grub20:09
codekKTylertwo: i have 4gb ram and same in swap20:09
hitsujiTMOor anything20:09
olabazlolu: hey I just tried the key combination and it does not do anything20:09
TylertwocodekK, That's gotta be enough20:09
olabazlolu: this is the screen i am currently on: http://i.imgur.com/Q1ivpKj.jpg20:09
codekKi think the same20:09
OerHeksrostov, mini iso 13.04 or the 12.04 lts20:10
hitsujiTMOABX5B is the interface giving you any specific error messages20:10
eerWhy are Linux programs written in C and not in C++ which is more advanced?20:10
bekksABX5B: "fails over and over" - what is the exact error message?20:10
helpmehelpmewhat should i do about clearing storage space so i can transfer all +13,000 songs over to lubuntu ?20:10
bekkseer: Because the applications in c++ do work fine.20:10
wilee-nileerostov, Use the mini install and any version will fit.20:11
OerHekseer ask the developer of each program.20:11
rostovOerHeks: Thanks for info. However I forgot to mention it needs to the full distro not the alternate installer. It's for a friend who is new to Ubuntu so needs the regular desktop etc.20:11
BluesKaj_eer , go ask in #linux20:11
bekkseer: s/c++/c/20:11
c0re15somebody telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl20:12
rostovhe's not going ot be happy with the command line20:12
wilee-nileerostov, the mini is a net install, it has more options, however not a beginners method in general.20:12
ABX5BThere were a lot, haven't write they down, maybe, I will raise the issue, when I have em.20:12
wilee-nileerostov, use a usb20:13
bekksABX5B: Without the actual error message, no one can help you.20:13
ABX5BI guess20:13
rostovwilee-nilee: It has t be a CD, not a DVD or USB. The laptop is old and cannot boot from USB20:13
codekKTylertwo: know what i can do? :S20:13
rostov12.04 will fit on a CD?20:14
ABX5BThere is some other Qs regarding Continious Integration...20:14
TylertwocodekK, Is this a recent problem? Ie did it work in the past?20:14
bekksABX5B: CI of what?20:14
wilee-nileerostov, I believe lubuntu will fit, maybe xubuntu, this is easily found on the web, which is where you should be looking, limiting this to a cd is a bad start to be honest for full use and understanding the OS.20:14
OerHeksrostov, the mini iso gives you a gui to install unity/gnome3 > http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-BnPUzUPJ6us/UeGmG2gh5sI/AAAAAAAAAwk/lJ2fDSmhxNM/s1600/Step22.png20:14
codekKidk because is first time i install ubuntu on this laptop20:14
ABX5BSoftware developement20:14
bekksABX5B: be more precise please.20:15
ABX5BI am using Ubuntu as host platform for CI20:15
OerHeksrostov, taken from http://amjjawad.blogspot.nl/2013/07/ubuntu-mini-iso-installation-process.html20:15
bekksABX5B: So whats the actual ubuntu related question?20:15
TylertwocodekK, So if you wanted to go back to Gnome3 you would have to restart the computer (or restart gnome)?20:15
loluolabaz: i got nothing, in that case sorry20:15
olabazok thx anyway20:15
codekKi dont try restarting gnome just restarting computer20:16
codekKTylertwo: i will go to try restarting gdm20:16
oplexhello, can anyone help me what to do when mp3 files are not supported by the player device (which it used to support until now) ?20:16
wilee-nileerostov, They will probably be best with lubuntu, it does not have a the pae kernel, and is light enough maybe for a computer to old to boot a usb, maybe20:16
ABX5Bok, installed Jenkins, Ant, Java, etc.. but I need to link with SVN repository on Windows. Is it possible?20:16
jetroHey guys noob here, I am trying to install Ubuntu, I currently have windows 7 and created a partition to install ubuntu on. Now I am asked if I want use a partition for swap space. I only have one free partition though (the one I intended to install ubuntu on). How can I reduce the size of this partition and create another partition for swap space?20:16
rostovOerHeks: Again thanks for the info. However this isn't going to work for the guy. He really needs the standard one click installer. I'm looking on the web to find the newest one that will fit on a 74 minute (the laptop cannot read 80m CD) CD20:17
wilee-nileejetro, How many partitions are there now and are they all primaries?20:17
rostovwilee-nilee: Oh ubuntu uses a pAE kernel now?20:17
bekksABX5B: man svn20:17
wilee-nileejetro, Also be sure that you know a unallocated space is not called a partition here.20:17
ABX5BUbuntu is emulated alias guest OS20:18
jetrowilee-nilee I have 1 partition for windows 7, and one blank partition that I wanted to use for ubuntu20:18
wilee-nileerostov, The main ubuntu does, I believe xubuntu and lubuntu do not20:18
codekKTylertwo: i do restart lightdm and it dont start.. :(20:18
jetroso no way to add swap space?20:18
llutzjetro: you always can add a swapfile later20:18
bekksABX5B: So how is the usage of svn directly related to Ubuntu?20:18
olabazlolu: do you think I should try anything from booting into recovery?20:18
ABX5BDon't know :)20:19
wilee-nileejetro, No boot partition for Windows, can you run sudo fdsik -l and pastebin the info.20:19
TylertwocodekK, Before suspending the computer were many processes running? Or not much activity?20:19
ABX5BSome way I guess20:19
codekKTylertwo: noting running20:19
codekKjust gdm with default utilities from laptop20:19
bekksABX5B: No way I know :) The usage of svn isnt related to ubuntu.20:19
codekKis a new installation of ubuntu 13.0420:19
ABX5BStill, my CI runs on it20:19
wilee-nileejetro, sorry sudo fdisk -l20:19
jetrowilee-nilee, I am in the process of installing, should I quit, run ubuntu from the cd, and run that command?20:20
codekKand i boot computer whe is up i close the screen of laptop... when i open the screen again and push some key it return to Windows in same state when i close but it get freeze20:20
wilee-nileejetro, This a wubi install?20:20
codekKonly can move mouse and swap with other tty (alt+ctrl+fx)20:20
bekksABX5B: Still, using svn is not related to ubuntu.20:21
bekksABX5B: you may ask #svn too20:21
jetrowilee-nilee, I burned ubuntu on to a cd, and am trying to install from the cd20:21
TylertwocodekK, you may find this interesting: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214390620:21
wilee-nileejetro, My concern is have you maxed out the amount of partitions possible, so n o swap is possible for one.20:21
ABX5BChecking channels already... #Discovery Science should be as well20:21
loluABX5B: you just need the jenkins subversion plugin right?20:22
ABX5BPlugin? Nop20:22
ABX5BMake shared folder as repo20:22
jetrowilee-nilee, I think so, I just have two partitions. So I guess I should just cancel the installation, logon to my windows 7 os, and then create another partition from there?20:22
ABX5BFrom both OS - Ubuntu and Win20:22
bekksABX5B: You want to check out a repo, not making a shared folder.20:22
ABX5BI don't know really20:23
bekksABX5B: I do :)20:23
ABX5BShared is shared, security concerns..20:23
bekkscheckout the repo.20:23
bekksNo need to use shared folders at all.20:23
codekKTylertwo: i saw it but isnt the same problem he get freeze 50% and get freeze all (mouse include). I get 100% of times freeze and can reboot computer from other tty no needed hard reset20:23
ABX5BRight :)20:24
loluABX5B: let the repo be on guest machine, then set up port forwarding from vbox20:24
wilee-nileejetro, You can't create a partition for ubuntu from windows, making a unallocated is not making a partition. You can do all of this from ubuntu, we just need to see what is there now with a screenshot of the gparted partitioner on the live cd or the fdisk command.20:24
bekkslolu: Why not just checking out the repo?20:24
hitsujiTMOjetro are you sure you just have 2 partitions ... windows uses at least 220:24
bekkslolu: Thats what it is for,20:24
codekKTylertwo: and i dont have password on my ubutun then i can wait some mins before enter the password20:25
wilee-nileejetro, If you want definitive answers we have to know what is there now.20:25
lolulolu: oh, you need the same checkout available between guest and host?20:25
loluABX5B: oh, you need the same checkout available between guest and host?20:26
TylertwocodekK, after the error occurs you could go to tty1 and enter "top" to see if some applications are using a lot of CPU.20:27
jetrowilee-nilee, I used EaseUS partition master to create a partition20:27
ABX5BThat would be weird.. I am programming on both OS, but I need to link or make a single repo to use from both sides20:27
bekksABX5B: Why not using svn?20:27
bekksABX5B: One repo, two clients, checkin, checkout, commit, update...20:27
loluABX5B: mount as network volume20:28
codekKTylertwo: only init and top is using cpu (0,3%)20:28
rostovwilee-nilee: OerHeks thank you both20:28
hitsujiTMOjetro, delete that partition and leave it as free space, leave the ubuntu installer make the partitions for you20:28
helpmehelpmewhat should i do about clearing storage space so i can transfer all +13,000 songs over to lubuntu ?20:28
codekKTylertwo: and sometimes kworker20:28
OerHeksrostov, have fun20:28
jetrohitsujiTMO, I have two partitions for windows it seems, 1 that is very small (104 mb), and one that 200GB. Then I have the partition I created recently (20GB) for ubuntu20:28
wilee-nileejetro, you don't need to and should not, use the ubuntu tools for linux. This can be taken care of easily from the ubuntu live cd if you just follow the help.20:28
ABX5BNetwork volume sounds intriguing20:29
loluABX5B: sshfs20:29
ABX5BGotta try20:29
hitsujiTMOjetro, delete that 20gb one, and run the ubuntu installer again, just tell it to leave windows alone and it will create a root partion and swap partition for you20:29
wilee-nileejetro, It may be if you have actually hit the install button that you are okay, however if we do not get a clear description of where you are at and what is there this is a waste of time.20:30
hitsujiTMOyou'll end up then with 4 primary partitions20:30
TylertwocodekK, Have you looked into syslog to see if it recorded any errors?20:31
wilee-nileehitsujiTMO, Not waiting for actual proof of what is on that HD is a foolish help.20:31
jetrowilee-nilee, there were three options: Install ubuntu inside windows 7, replace windows 7 with ubuntu, and "something else" (you can create or resize partitions yourself, or choose multiple partitions for ubuntu)20:31
jetroI chose "something else"20:31
hitsujiTMOwilee-nilee you're right20:32
helpmehelpmetylertwo: could you assist me once more?20:32
wilee-nileejetro, I give up, you do not seem to understand that actually seeing what is there is important, best of luck.20:32
codekKTylertwo: nah, at syslog i dont see error :(20:33
codekKmaybe the better way is trying with 12.04... what u think?20:33
jetrowilee-nilee, sorry, I am on the computer that I am trying to install ubuntu on (on the windows partition), so I would have to shutdown the computer and then take screenshots and come back20:33
wilee-nileejetro, are you installing from windows?20:34
TylertwocodekK, I mean, I like 12.04 a lot.. Why did you decide to get 13.04? Switching versions is kinda a lot of effort to solve a issue like this..20:34
Tylertwohelpmehelpme, not now20:35
qazwerthttp://pastebin.com/ZhACJ2uY can someone tell me whats wrong with this code, gives error: field ‘k’ has incomplete type20:35
jetrowilee-nilee, no, I burned ubuntu ISO onto a cd, and to install I shutdown my computer and boot from the CD20:35
codekKTylertwo: I chose 13.04 just because is newest... no other reason20:35
wilee-nileejetro, You can come to #ubuntu from the live cd.20:35
MonkeyDustqazwert  sure you're in the right channel?20:36
TylertwocodekK, You mentioned Gnome3 DE. Did you download that? I thought the default is Unity.20:36
jetrowilee-nilee, ok, I will try that now20:36
loluqazwert: in line 9 when you wrote b k, the class b was not defined. Hence the error20:37
wilee-nileejetro, Cool, it will be easiest to help you from there.20:37
codekKTylertwo: no sry when i said gnome3 i refer to unity. I have unity installed ofc sry20:38
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wilee-nileecodekK, Unity actually is a plugin in compiz running on gnome 3 to just be clear, the gnome-shell is the gnome 3 desktop.20:39
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Guest80457dam wrong channel :/20:40
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codekKOk but i have unity20:40
pc-worldI want to get the 13.04 source of Unity using bzr. However "bzr branch lp:ubuntu/raring/unity" leads to the following error message: http://pastebin.com/jABj0wj3 – What's up there?20:40
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codekKTylertwo: i will try install 12.04 and see if the problem  disappear. Thank you a lot for all help u let me :)20:42
Ari-YangcodekK: what problem?20:42
codekKAri-Yang: After suspend laptop with 13.04 i get freeze the DE only can move mouse and swap with tty's20:43
Ari-YangcodekK: oh.... what DE are you using?20:43
codekKor gnome3 + compiz + unity20:44
codekKjust is a new installation from official img from ubuntu20:44
TylertwocodekK, Ok. Your problem is probably solveable but I'm not sure how. 12.04 should be a bit more stable in general though.20:45
Ari-YangcodekK: what's the specs of your computer?20:45
codekKi5, 4gb ram, hd 640gb20:45
codekKlaptop toshiba l75020:45
Ari-YangcodekK: j/w and it could be a gnome3 or unity bug....20:45
Ari-YangcodekK: tbh I'd try re-installing unity if I can before installing a whole new ubuntu version20:46
Ari-Yangbut that's me20:46
Ari-Yanggood luck20:46
codekKAri-Yang: ok i will try reinstallinmg unity20:47
lolucodeKK do you have an nvidia card with optimus chipset20:47
codekKjust apt-get install  --reinstall unity, no?20:47
codekKlolu: dont know isa GeForce GT 520M cuda20:48
lolucodekK: pretty sure its an nvidia issue, have come across this earlier20:49
codekKlolu: yes i see on nvidia webpage and its a optimus chipset20:49
thneeI have a poiting device with special Copy and Paste buttons. Somehow they are mapped correctly automatically, but when I run xinput test it doesnt pick up any button code. Where might this be configured?20:49
codekKlolu: cant solve it? if i install 12.04 continue the issue?20:50
Ari-YangcodekK: you checked logs right?20:50
codekKAri-Yang: syslog20:50
lolucodekK: browse a little on askubuntu, its a known issue20:50
Ari-Yangto see if the error has been logged...20:50
codekKand in syslog i dont see nothing about errors20:50
hitsujiTMOpc-world: bzr branch lp:unity trunk20:51
pc-worldhitsujiTMO: is trunk the 13.04 source?20:51
lolucodekK: checkout Xorg.0.log also20:51
hitsujiTMOpc-world https://unity.ubuntu.com/getinvolved/development/unity/20:52
raevolhi all, i just do-release-upgrade 'ed one of my server VMs from 12.04 to 12.10 and now it won't boot- gets past the VM bios and then just shuts down. can anyone help me fix it?20:52
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pc-worldhitsujiTMO: that sounds like the development version of the source, however I'd like to get the 13.04 branch/tag (not familiar with bzr, only with git)20:53
daftykinsraevol: restore your backup? :)20:53
Ari-YangcodekK: pastebin the logs as well..20:53
Ari-YangcodekK: use this http://paste.opensuse.org/20:53
raevoldaftykins: i can, but is there any known issues with do-release-upgrade? is there just a grub setting i need to fix or something?20:53
wilee-nileeraevol, YOU save the original image of 12.04?20:54
codekKAri-Yang: syslog and Xorg.0.log ?20:54
daftykinsraevol: well, i'd be more concerned with you upgrading away from an LTS release. why do you want to do that?20:54
Ari-YangcodekK: yes20:54
hitsujiTMOpc-world i'm in the same boat tbh, bzr confuses me20:55
raevolwilee-nilee: i do have a saved image of the VM, yea, but it's from yesterday, and i'd like to recover the upgraded one if i can20:55
trismpc-world: I think you want https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/7.020:55
raevoldaftykins: i need packages that aren't available in 12.0420:55
daftykinsraevol: wouldn't a clean install make more sense?20:56
raevoldaftykins: for a server?20:56
daftykinswell, a fresh VM20:56
wilee-nileeraevol, I would boot a live cd and use the bootrepair app to get a bootinfo script, we could then see what is there. The 12.04 has 5 years support 12.10 is 9 months and not long from ending I believe.20:57
nishanthi have a wireless USB adapter which is not detected on ubuntu.....could someone help me with this issue?20:57
tgm4883wilee-nilee, 12.10 is supported for 18 months20:57
wilee-nileeah still much shorter then 12.0420:57
lolupc-world: if you just need the source you can do an apt-get source unity20:57
nishanthwilee-nilee : thanks a lot yesterday i was able to fix my grub20:57
tgm4883wilee-nilee, yes, still much shorter and I'm not sure why anyone would want to put a non-LTS version on a server20:58
pc-worldlolu: that's what I've been doing in the meantime20:58
wilee-nileenishanth, cool, no problem.20:58
lolunishanth: lsusb20:58
tgm4883wilee-nilee, FWIW, I believe 13.04 is the first release that support is only 9 months20:58
wilee-nileetgm4883, Heh, my thoughts exactly. ;)20:58
pc-worldwill probably stick with that, though wanted to try the bzr way as well. trism's way seems to work, at least it appears to be downloading something20:58
wilee-nileetgm4883, Thanks I was not sure it helps to be accurate here.20:58
nishanthlolu i am now on windows if i am on my ubuntu i cannot get connected to internet20:59
nishanthlolu i did that command20:59
nishanthlolu : it showed that i have a usb adapter20:59
nishanthlolu : wireless usb adapter20:59
codekKAri-Yang: Xorg.0.log --> http://paste.opensuse.org/9989034621:00
nishanthlolu : i think i need a way to install the driver for my adapter without having access to internet on ubunutu21:00
Ari-YangI'm surprised 12.10 will be supported 'til April 201421:01
Ari-YangcodekK: I g2g in a bit, link that to lolu or someone who was helping you earlier~21:01
lolunishanth: you vendor/model21:01
codekKAnd syslog of last 30min http://paste.opensuse.org/3992206821:02
nishanthlolu cicsco linksys wireless-n usb adapter n30021:02
nishanthlolu model number AE120021:03
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raevolwilee-nilee: i'll try bootrepair21:06
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nishanthlolu u there?21:07
lolunishanth: not sure abt your device drivers21:07
lolunishanth: you might have to try ndiswrapper21:08
nishanthlolu i dont have ndiswrapper could you please tell me how i can download a package and install it on ubuntu21:09
lolunishanth: you have to install ndisgtk package21:11
helpmehelpmei need to get the newest adobe for lubuntu so i watch youtube videos. i'm not which to download though. i also need to clear space for my music. any assistance ?21:12
lolunishanth: maybe get a wireless/ethernet for some time and get ndisgtk installed21:12
linuxknow how to get rouletechat.com to work on ubuntu21:14
linuxIt will be great if ubuntu have on login option to choose effects ccsm like21:15
linuxminimum , medium , maximum with all posibilities like fire , wather , cube ... etc that will be great in unity for new users like girl and boys21:15
raevolok downloading the backuprepair disk is going to take forever on this office's internet... i'll just restore a backup..21:16
tgm4883raevol, out of curiosity, why did you upgrade a server to a non-lts version21:17
somekinghi guys, can i set apt-get to install/update always a package from a ppa, even if it's an oldest version compared to the official repositories?21:18
linuxIt will be great if ubuntu have on login option to choose effects ccsm like21:18
linuxminimum , medium , maximum with all posibilities like fire , wather , cube ... etc that will be great in unity for new users like girl and boys21:18
tgm4883linux, stop repeating yourself, and that isn't a question21:18
lolusomeking: you can specify the exact version. apt-get install pacakge=version21:19
lolusomeking: you can find out the available version using apt-cache showpkg package21:20
tgm4883someking, you probably want to set the priority of the repo higher and/or pin the package http://askubuntu.com/questions/135339/assign-highest-priority-to-my-local-repository21:21
somekinglolu: but what if I want to install all the packages from a ppa and in the official repositories I have21:21
seedshello, anyone21:21
tgm4883!ask | seeds21:21
ubottuseeds: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:21
lolusomeking: that last part was not clear21:22
seedswhat generates that message with login greeting? when we perform a console login the message of memory usage etc and apt package status is shown21:22
tgm4883seeds, you mean MOTD?21:22
somekinglolu: but what if I want to install all the packages from a ppa and in the official repositories I have a newest version.21:22
seedstgm not only a banner21:23
seedsit must be a script21:23
tgm4883someking, you probably want to set the priority of the repo higher and/or pin the package http://askubuntu.com/questions/135339/assign-highest-priority-to-my-local-repository21:23
lolusomeking: ya so specify the older version you want to install21:23
somekinglolu: I think i will try tgm4883 solution21:23
tgm4883seeds, I'm not completely sure what you are talking about21:24
seedstgm4883 yes the motd, however it shows system load, swap/memory/disk usage, processes etc21:24
lolusomeking: that i think is to resolve when two packages are available on same version. try that out any ways.21:25
lnxslckeverytime i boot ubuntu tell's me there's a severe problem and if i want to report it21:26
lnxslckhow can i disable this?21:26
tgm4883lnxslck, have you tried reporting it?21:26
raevoltgm4883: i need a package not available in 12.04, and it's a non-critical server21:26
loluseeds: i think you are talking about landscape-sysinfo21:26
seedstgm4883 ah found it by locate motd - its was specifically that, which lolu said21:27
seedsthanks to you both21:28
seedsnow, only to have it deployed on my debian farm :)21:28
cgtdkWhere can I find a list of APT hooks?21:28
cgtdkor dpkg21:29
lnxslcktgm4883, yes21:29
lnxslcktgm4883, it happens every time i log in21:29
tgm4883lnxslck, did you bother looking at the report and seeing what was actually failing?21:31
lnxslcktgm4883, yes21:31
lnxslcktgm4883, nothing i could fix by myself though21:32
tgm4883lnxslck, so what is actually causing it?21:32
lnxslckubuntu system itself21:32
lnxslcklet me get the error again21:32
tgm4883yea, get the error again21:32
somekingcan i add a specific series of a ppa using add-apt-repository?21:34
bekkssomeking: sure.21:34
tgm4883bekks, how, I don't see a way21:35
bekksfor i in ppa1 ppa2 ppa3; do sudo add-apt-repository "${i}"; done21:35
tgm4883bekks, maybe I misread what he wanted, but how does that allow him to add say the lucid version of a PPA on his precise box?21:36
bekkstgm4883: I dont think that that would be supported, since it might entirely break his box.21:37
somekingtgm4883: that's what i want. I tried "ppa:xxx/xxx raring main" but didn't work21:37
tgm4883bekks, completely true, but I'm just trying to figure out what he asked21:37
tgm4883someking, yea, that won't work21:37
tgm4883someking, you'd have to add it manually, and hope it doesn't break anything21:38
bekkssomeking: so what does "didnt work" mean - whats the error message? And you you realize that doing so might break your box?21:38
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zerowaitstateThe global menu on mysql workbench suddenly stopped working when I stretched it over two screens.  Anyone have an idea how to get it working again?21:38
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bekkszerowaitstate: use "mysql" in a terminal.21:39
jared_im ?jared21:39
jared_im _jared21:39
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Guest71570anyone here play minecraft?21:40
bekks!anyone | Guest7157021:40
ubottuGuest71570: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.21:40
tgm4883Guest71570, not exactly a support question21:40
somekingbekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6224369/21:41
Guest71570Is there a possibility to share files with A mac from a linux computer without installing any software on the mac?21:41
Guest71570not through ssh21:41
bekkssomeking: Thats an error when doing what?21:41
Guest71570Is there a possibility to share files with A mac from a linux computer without installing any software on the mac? if so can someone teach me since im on vacation and need a file from my mac21:42
wolfyboxok how much hdd is recomende for ubuntu21:42
Guest71570200 GB21:42
somekingbekks: add-apt-repository:" ppa:xxx/xxx series main" Anyway, I'm going to stay with the up to date version.21:42
Guest71570Is there a possibility to share files with A mac from a linux computer without installing any software on the mac? if so can someone teach me since im on vacation and need a file from my mac21:43
tgm4883!patience | Guest7157021:43
ubottuGuest71570: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/21:43
tgm4883Guest71570, so what you actually meant is, is there a way to get a file from your Mac without touching the Mac, is that correct?21:43
Guest71570the mac is on though21:44
tgm4883wolfybox, it depends on what you want to do. For my base system, I have about 20GB.21:44
ggherdovhello. How do I list all package I have installed that contains the string "foo" in their name?21:44
tgm4883Guest71570, that sounds like a Mac question, not a Ubuntu one21:44
Guest71570but im doing it from a mac21:44
tgm4883ggherdov, 'dpkg -l | grep foo'21:44
bekksggherdov: dpkg -l | grep -i "^ii" | grep foo21:45
ggherdovtgm4883: thanks21:45
tgm4883ggherdov, actually, what bekks said21:45
tgm4883I forgot that would show you uninstalled packages too21:45
Guest71570tgm4883 any suggestions21:46
tgm4883Guest71570, so? You need to gain access to a Mac. Just because you are doing it from Ubuntu doesn't necessarily mean it's a Ubuntu question21:46
Guest71570what can i do? mac wouldnt know about anything ubuntu21:46
tgm4883Guest71570, Mac doesn't need to?21:46
tgm4883Guest71570, Is the file you need from the Mac in some sort of file share?21:46
Guest71570I dont think so, no its not21:47
tgm4883Guest71570, so then no, it's not possible21:47
Guest71570Fuck you bitch, thanks for u help dick succer21:47
Guest71570Fuck you bitch, thanks for u help dick succer21:47
FloodBot1Guest71570: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:47
* tgm4883 sighs21:48
tgm4883thanks IdleOne21:48
somekingGuest71570: you don't say succer, you say fuutball21:49
ph8hey all, i've just added my own '51-ph8' to my /etc/update-motd.d - i'm on a 12.04 (LTS) server. All it does is echo "hihihi" - and when i disconnect and reconnect that's not showing in the MOTD, any idea what i've done wrong? It's 755, root:root and emits a new line at beginning and end21:52
jribph8: does it have a shebang line?21:54
ph8looks ok when i run it as well with just ./51-ph821:54
ph8i've tried a reboot as well 'just in case'21:54
jribph8: are you getting a motd displayed at all?21:54
ph8yes i'm getting the landscape one21:55
ph8cpu etc21:55
ph8it's just like it hasn't updated now i've added 5121:55
joelmothere is a ubuntu share at my school i can access via ssh, i am allowed to store 300 MB there, fusermount is available, can i use this to get some extra storage, like a fs provided over ssh?21:56
bekksjoelmo: you have a quota of 300M, no matter how you access it.21:57
jribph8: pastebin your script21:58
ammar83Q: 12.04 vs 13.04?21:58
bekksammar83: That not a question at all.21:59
joelmobekks: ah really? but if i can use the tmpfs, im ok with just having the information there for a short period of time21:59
ammar83bekks: why not?21:59
bekksammar83: Why should it?21:59
bekksammar83: red vs. blue? :P21:59
ammar83bekks: good point!22:00
joelmoi like blue22:00
ammar83bekks: I have been using 13.04 and it crashed everytime and had many problems and I don't know exactly what better features it has over the 12.0422:00
bekksammar83: then just use 12.0422:00
ammar83bekks: What would I lose if I went back to 12.04?22:01
bekksammar83: Nothing, if you ask like that,22:01
daftykinsammar83: 13.04 only has 3 months left anyway. 12.04 is a long term support (LTS) release22:02
ammar83daftykins: Thank you! Finally someone who is helpful22:02
ammar83daftykins: Do you use 12.04?22:03
daftykinsi only use servers really22:03
SteveH0Is there anyone that can help me debug a problem in backintime?22:12
Tex_Nick!details SteveH022:12
Tex_Nick!details | SteveH022:13
ubottuSteveH0: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:13
myrtihi guys.. i tried to run ubuntu from a liveusb, but the screen is black. Is there anything that can help me troubleshoot.. I saw these icons during boot: http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/_media/installation/live_cd_maverick1.png?cache= but now there's nothing22:15
SteveH0I'm getting a consistent error, but I didn't want to post to pastebin.  I'm running 12.04 and after a long period of backing up, it craps out with a 5888 on main.c(30).22:15
myrtiit's a 13.04 install22:15
bekksSteveH0: why dont you want to pastebin the error?22:15
VialasSteveH0 you from NSA?22:16
Vialastee hee22:16
myrtiok, i can even select "run ubuntu from this USB" and then the screen goes black22:16
bekks!nomodeset | myrti22:17
ubottumyrti: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter22:17
SteveH0It is located at <http://pastebin.com/SQEEUYc8>22:17
=== m0ngrel is now known as theriddla
Aerosdoes anyone here know how to get and HFS+ journaled drive mounted in ubuntu server 12?22:18
SteveH0myrti: you see nothing?  Not even a command prom[t?22:18
myrtibekks i have an intel with integrated grpahics, does that also apply then?22:19
myrtiSteveH0 no, it's like the screen is turned off22:19
zykotick9!nomodeset | myrti22:19
ubottumyrti: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter22:19
myrtizykotick9 yes, that's what bekks linked as well. just wondering if this is also applicable when i don't have a graphic card but integrated grpahics from an intel cpu22:20
Vialascan someone help me with a cloud9 error im having. essentially i cant edit / open any file through the web portal22:20
SteveH0I believe that my problem comes from either a bad attr or perhaps link, but don't know how to debug from the error I've posted.22:20
bekksmyrti: yes.22:21
myrtibekks thanks, i already tried it and it worked :)22:22
bekksmyrti: :)22:22
myrtinow i'm at the login page and the user is live and asking for a password.. Anyone know what that is?22:22
bekksmyrti: press enter22:23
myrtiit says incorrect password, pelase try again22:23
=== soul is now known as Guest48150
daftykinsmyrti: are you sure the user isn't 'ubuntu' and password blank?22:27
myrtii just rebooted and now it logged in automatically... things sure are being weird22:28
daftykinsthat ubuntu consistency we all know and love22:28
myrtidaftykins: i actually added my own user, because i was already logged in tty, and still with the new user account and the password i set myself mere seconds ago (the password was: j) it would sya wrong password22:29
daftykinsmyrti: why would you modify a live session that will disappear? :)22:30
myrtidaftykins to be able to get passed the login screen :p22:30
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
myrtiwell, thanks guys, at least I now know that the laptop can boot ubuntu if necessary.. i'm prolly gonna wait for 13.10 instead of installing 13.04 now22:36
daftykinswise decision22:36
reisioquite a silly decision22:37
daftykinsgiven 13.04 will only last 3.5-ish more months?22:38
daftykinswhy would anyone install that now.22:38
SteveH0Any thoughts on my backintime problem at <http://pastebin.com/SQEEUYc8>22:38
Aerosi'm getting 'temporary failure resolving' messages for apt-get22:38
Aeroscan someone try sudo apt-get install hfsprogs ?22:39
Aerosi'm trying a temporary DNS to see if that fixes the issue22:39
=== myrti__ is now known as kaddi
Aeroshm, that fixed it. never mind.22:40
* kaddi = myrti 22:40
kaddifascinating quit messages i have there o.022:40
kaddireisio, one of the reasons I decided not to install straight away is that ubuntu seems unhappy with my screen resolution and given that this is a haswell processor I have hopes that 13.10 is better suited than 13.0422:41
daftykinsyeah you're going to want a 3.10+ kernel with haswell22:42
kaddithis being said by the time I've found the time to read up on these issues and the difference between 13.04 and 13.10 for them, 13.10 will have been released anyways :p22:42
Aerosgrrrr. i still can't mount the HFS+ volume22:42
Aerosanyone have suggestions?22:42
daftykinsperhaps inform us of what you're *really* trying to do, rather than the specific step you're getting stuck on22:43
reisioyou can use a 3.10 kernel with whatever version you like22:43
TausenI'm having some issues when I switch user or log out of xubuntu - I just get a black screen with a white prompt in the upper left. Ctrl-alt-Fx keys not working either - any ideas?22:43
reisioAeros: ?22:45
reisioAeros: what's up?22:47
Aerosi have a backup drive formatted for time machine backups, and i'm putting that into an ubuntu server system so that i can share it over samba and backup over the network22:48
Aerosusing mount -t hfsplus /dev/sda /mount/point, it says  wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda,22:49
Aeros      missing codepage or helper program, or other error22:49
Aeros       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try22:49
Aeros       dmesg | tail  or so22:49
FloodBot1Aeros: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:49
daftykinsis HFS+ even going to be happy about storing other data?22:49
daftykinsAeros: so what does dmesg say?22:49
daftykinsuse paste.ubuntu.com22:49
Aeroshfs: unable to find HFS+ superblock22:49
Dr_Willissounds li18:49:05 @FloodBot1 | Aeros: Please22:50
Dr_Williske it dosent think the disk is a HFS+ partition22:50
Dr_Willissilly touchpad pasteing oddly..22:50
daftykinsAeros: should that not be /dev/sdaX not just /dev/sda22:51
Dr_Willismultitouch still seems to need a bit of work22:51
Aeroswell using fdisk -l it says under type that it's GPT22:51
Aeroswhich doesn't make sense22:51
daftykinscan you pastebin the fdisk output?22:52
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Aeroshm, perhaps i should have been using sda122:52
Aerossda1 returns the same errors22:53
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=== funkyHat_ is now known as funkyHat
nishanthcan someone help me install driver for my USB wireless adapter23:03
Dr_Willisnishanth:  have you determined its chipset yet? that would be step #123:03
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:03
nishanthDr_Willis http://wikidevi.com/wiki/Linksys_AE120023:04
nishanthDr_Willis Broadcom BCM4323523:04
=== LoganG|off is now known as LoganG
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx23:05
Dr_WillisI think you basically have to download a few packages from another machine, then transfer them over via a usb flash drive.23:06
samholmeswhat's the dif between apt-get and aptitude?23:06
nishanthDr_Willis i have that link but i dont know where to go from there....it looks highly technical23:07
reisioaptitude has more automagic23:07
Dr_Willisi bought a cheap $10 edimax wifi dongle the other month that works out of the box. makes installing needed drivers for problem wifi dongles much easier23:07
reisiogood sometimes, awful others23:07
SteveH0Aptitude is a fancier GUI.23:07
Dr_Willisnishanth:  i never need to follow the guide. so no idea on what parts may cause issues. easiest way is to run a wire for a few min, or use a dongle that works out of the box23:07
Dr_Willisive learned to avoide aptitude.. :) or at least pay VERY close attention to what its doing23:08
Aerosdaftykins, any ideas?23:08
Dr_Willisaptitude decided to remove 300+ packages, then reinstalled them.. for me once. ;)23:08
nishanthDr_Willis basically i want to know how i can install brcmfmac open source driver23:08
daftykinsAeros: nah, i don't even think what you want to do is going to be a good idea23:08
Dr_Willisnishanth:  open sourced should be included by default as far as i know23:08
Dr_Willisnishanth:  unless its some new driver not in the default kernel23:09
Dr_Willisor it may still need the firmware packages23:09
reisioyeah aptitude is better for installing things23:09
reisionot maintenance or removal23:09
zombietoadj/ #fedora23:10
Dr_Willisaskubuntu.com may have more detailed guides  nishanth23:10
Aeroswhy not, daftykins?23:10
nishanthDr_Willis  a lot of these terms like firmware are kind of new to me23:10
daftykinsAeros: sorry GTA V calls23:10
AerosxD okay23:10
Dr_Willisnishanth:  well i guess you can ask a lot of questions here.  but id suggest doing some reading of the guides first so you sort of get the basics of whats going on first23:11
Dr_Willisnishanth:  the drivers load the firmware that  the code the card uses internally basically. thats the part that often cant be included by default for legal reasons23:12
zombietoadCan i ask a quick question before i install fedora ? :)23:13
reisioI think you just did23:13
Dr_Williszombietoad:  we dont really care what you install. ;) or ask as long as its somehow ubuntu support related23:13
Dr_Williszombietoad:  and there is a fedora channel23:14
Dr_Willisnishanth:  http://askubuntu.com/search?q=Broadcom+BCM43235  seems to have some good info23:14
zombietoadi have installed 3 different versions of linux now, and none of them support my amd mobility HD 4250, i red somewhere that fedore support it. true or false ? :)23:14
bekkszombietoad: ask the fedora support23:15
zombietoada shit... i pressed the wrong tab ... sorry23:15
Ben64zombietoad: pretty sure the open source drivers would work for that23:15
bekkszombietoad: and i bet ubuntu supports it, too.23:15
linuxany way to get chatroulete.com to work with ubuntu ?23:15
linuxno camera in web site23:16
reisiodoes your camera work at all?23:16
bekkslinux: why do you need a cam to play roulette?23:16
linuxand with cheese23:16
Dr_Willisrun cheese.. does the cam work?23:16
reisiobekks: how else are you supposed to show off your crotch?23:16
kaddii want cheese >.>23:16
linuxyes it works  fine23:16
linuxon other stuf and on skype to23:17
bekksreisio: well play, sir. :)23:17
OerHekslinux, maybe some flash settings, see the flash settings page @ adobe23:17
linuxyes yes all time ubuntu have flash problems23:17
linuxold story23:18
reisioyup, old _yarn_23:18
bekkslinux: which is not true.23:18
nishanthDr_Willis could you please guide me where to go from here , only 2 questions basically how do i download brcmfmac and how do i install it23:18
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bekkslinux: flash works fine here, since 2003 at least.23:19
linuxI wish that they set on logon defoult rule   with ccsm like basic, middle and maximum with crazy compiz settings so other oss users sheet pents when they see desktop on ubuntu XD23:19
bekkslinux: ah, you were banned before for that statement.23:19
bekks!rootirc | ammini23:22
ubottuammini: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.23:22
=== administrateur is now known as pikoups
bekks!rootirc | amzari23:23
ubottuamzari: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.23:23
pikoupshi someone can help me pls?23:23
bekkspikoups: how do we know?23:23
OerHeksJust ask and find out pikoups23:24
pikoupsi installed a ircu server (it works!), and i want to connect a cservice on it, but i got the error Link with x.chu-nantes.fr cancelled: Write error, closing link23:24
pikoupsi think my CNH lines doesn't works23:24
pikoupscan i paste them here?23:24
bekkspikoups: No. Use a pastebin.23:25
bekkspikoups: And which ubuntu do you use?23:25
pikoupsthe last23:25
pikoupscan u verify the cline to link the services server?23:26
bekkspikoups: Not without the actual error statement,23:26
bekkspikoups: Which error do you get?23:27
Ben64pikoups: again, you probably shouldn't be running an irc server if you have to come here an ask about everything23:27
pikoupshttp://pastebin.com/uuLWCQCT this error23:27
pikoupsben64 this is my last question lol23:27
Ben64how to compile, how to run, how to connect, how to configure23:28
Ben64seems like a bad idea23:28
bekkspikoups: The IP of the server you are trying to connect to is a non routable IP.23:28
pikoupsben64 i know the error in compiling, i did a -lresolv in my flags23:28
pikoupsbekks AH OK23:29
Ben64you're going to end up getting hacked :|23:29
pikoupsi had to ry you think?23:29
bekkspikoups: Do you think localhost is the remote chat server you want to connect to?23:29
pikoupsdésolé je parle francais et je n'ai pas très bien compris ta question23:30
pikoupsyes it's my comp23:30
bekksJe ne comprais francais bien, mais je comprends ton phrase ;)23:31
pikoupshehe :)23:31
pikoupswhen i type localhost23:31
pikoups *** Notice -- Connect to *@loalhost failed: host lookup23:32
pikoups* *** Notice -- Host loalhost unknown23:32
jribpikoups: you typed "loalhost"23:32
kaddiif necessary i can also translate / si besoin, je peux faire la traducation23:32
pikoupsLOL §23:32
pikoupsomg sorry :)23:32
pikoups*** Notice -- Connect to *@localhost failed: host lookup23:32
Marleneein screen tool can i set scroll back more that 30 lines and if possible how can i set it ?23:34
Ben64pikoups: you should see if there is a help forum for the irc server you're running, this isn't really an ubuntu issue23:35
pikoupsah ok23:35
pikoupshis is a ircu version 2004, forum is probably off right now23:35
reisioMarlenee: you can set it on demand by hitting CTRL+a, : (shift+;)23:35
Ben64Marlenee: you can usually see further back using CTRL+A [23:35
reisioMarlenee: then typing 'scrollback 7777', then enter23:35
reisioor you can start screen with -h #23:36
reisioor you can put defscrollback # into ~/.screenrc23:36
pikoupsbye and ty a lot23:40
reisioAND YOU!23:41
Marleneereisio : there's no ~/.screenrc in my server23:41
reisioMarlenee: feel free to add one23:42
reisioif you have root and want to change it for everyone, modify /etc/screenrc23:42
nishanth_can anyone help me guide through downloading and installing brcfmac driver?23:42
Marleneereisio : it work fine what about screen work befor i change defscrollback23:46
reisioMarlenee: pardon?23:46
Marleneethis screen still have the defscrollback 102423:46
Marleneeand i set fro all new screen 2000023:46
reisioMarlenee: yes, well I wouldn't expect it to reread a config after it's already started23:48
reisioMarlenee: use the CTRL+a thing I said earlier for already running ones23:48
TLoFPhi, I am trying to install 10.04 LTS from USB stick23:59
TLoFPin the process it says no common CD-ROM drive was detected23:59
TLoFPhow can I get passed this prompt?23:59

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