
Noskcajknome: Should we add something about python3 to the blueprint?01:01
NoskcajAnd should we add something about whiskermenu?01:02
Noskcajmicahg: Is there anything i can do to help with the remaining uploads we need?02:56
micahgI think I'm ok with xfce4-panel now, will start on it in a little bit02:58
Noskcajok. 02:58
Noskcajone other thing, what's the process for joining the ~xubuntu-dev team? 02:59
micahgjust for bzr, familiarity with good branch practices and packaging03:01
NoskcajMy parents have decided that xubuntu is a bad influence on me, so i won't be able to do anything other than small amounts of irc for the next 24 hours. sorry06:41
Unit193Corsec pulled xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin in, for those of you that care.07:30
NoskcajUnit193: fyi, i said that two days ago and Most of the work was one of the linux mint devs07:37
Noskcajbluesabre: PING07:37
Unit193But it wasn't in NEW, so not in repo or anywhere close to installable. :)07:38
Noskcajgood point, it was just the svn that mati and i got it to.07:38
lderangood morning people :)08:24
ochosiUnit193: cool! that's good news, so we can basically sync that "for free"09:03
Unit193It'll autosync for Trixy Tiger.09:03
ochosimm, yummy09:03
slickymastermorning all09:08
bluesabreanybody know what Noskcaj wanted from me?09:23
ochosinot really, maybe it was about python3?09:23
bluesabreor being on xubuntu-dev09:25
* bluesabre needs to finish his developer application today09:26
bluesabrepatching light-locker for gdm, seems a bit redundant09:28
ochosiyeah, but that's for *bsd09:29
ochosiand they don't have the latest gdm i think, which includes the locking09:29
bluesabreah, I see09:29
ochosibut we'll see whether that's gonna happne09:29
ochosifor now i love the screensaver-autolocking09:29
brainwashI still hate the vt switching =S10:30
brainwashochosi: so I fixed the delayed kbsa (keyboard shortcut actions) on my test system by running a wrapper for xfsettingsd, it adds just a debug env var and redirects the error output10:34
ochosii agree that the VT switching isn't ideal, but maybe that'll get less flickery with X/Mir10:35
brainwashmaybe it's the minimal delay added by the wrapper10:35
ochosiweird, so why would you say does the wrapper work exactly?10:36
brainwashmaybe it's just randomness, but both accounts work now10:36
brainwashI also did clear any session cache10:36
brainwashusually that did not help10:37
ochosikinda odd still10:37
brainwashand I noticed that xfsettingsd gets started by the session manager, but there's also an activated autostart entry for it10:38
brainwashthe autostart entry doesn't do much, because xfsettingsd is already running at this point10:38
ochosihm, weird10:40
ochosidid removing it from there do any good?10:41
brainwashno, but leaving it and removing the session entry might10:41
brainwashif it really is some sort of race condition / process starting to earyl10:42
brainwashI'll file a bug report today10:43
brainwashprobably just a fall back solution, if xfce session is failing or not used at all10:45
ochosigood work!10:49
brainwashand I noticed that users-admin triggers apport after you did create a new account and relog10:49
brainwashbut that's a general ubuntu issue10:50
brainwashochosi: still, I have no single log file which explains the strange xfsettingsd behavior 10:51
brainwasha glib critical can occur, but even when everything works fine10:52
brainwashif anyone wants to test the patch for bug 1232363 and none of the updated packages trigger a restart, simply run "sudo touch /run/reboot-required" and reopen update-manager11:08
ubottubug 1232363 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Update Manager Restart button fails on xubuntu" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123236311:08
ochosibrainwash: you could add that info to test the patch to the bugreport so others see it as well11:25
ochosihave you already thugged a dev bout itß11:26
brainwashyes, I've asked the dev who uploaded the last fix to update-manager, but he wasn't in the mood to write a patch, only told me that he gladly sponsor the upload11:28
brainwashthe report is marked for the review team to test.. but who knows how long it will take11:29
brainwashbut with the amount of kernel updates there shouldn't be any need to request a reboot manually :)11:33
brainwashxfce4-panel xcb io assertion fail on login11:49
brainwashapport redirects me to some ancient bug report11:50
brainwashI started to launch/test different applications (everything ubuntu related), and apport keeps bugging me11:52
elfyI've got a update-manager restart hanging around - I can test the patch later - but you'll need to run me through applying it - don't do it often and consequently forget each time11:55
brainwashelfy: cd /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/UpdateManager && sudo patch < /path/to/patch11:57
elfythat's just hanging around - I'll see if it's still hanging around in a few hours when I get back :)12:02
brainwashyou'll need to restart the update-manager12:03
ochosiali1234, andrzejr: an update for the sound-indicator just came in that enables a "volume" action that does the same as scrolling but without showing a notification...12:14
brainwashnotification popup?12:15
brainwashor tooltip12:15
ochosiafaik the indicators don't have tooltips12:16
brainwashxfce4-volumed is responsible for showing a notification when the volume changes12:17
ochosii know12:18
ochosibut now there seems to be support for not showing a notification in the sound-indicator, so that could theoretically be used in the volumed12:19
ochosihaven't looked at the implementation yet though12:19
ochosijust thought i'd mention it since we had talked about it before12:19
brainwashthe never-ending gtk2 indicator story =S12:19
brainwashor wait, are you talking about the gtk3 one?12:20
ochosigtk2 is dead-dead-dead in terms of indicators as far as i am concerned12:21
brainwashwish I could help with the xfce gtk2 -> gtk3 transition and even wayland... but I have no clue about almost anything12:27
brainwashit would basically mean forking the project and start coding, experimenting,..12:29
ochosinot necessarily forking, cloning git and making your private branch is usually the first step12:30
ochosithen you can always push your stuff, as soon as you have working code, to e.g. github for others to try12:30
brainwashbut it would be my way of doing things12:31
brainwashwell, too much work anyway :P12:31
ochosiwell usually people do things their way12:31
brainwashbug 123863512:33
ubottubug 1238635 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Inconsistent logic of file navigation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123863512:33
brainwash(just a random bug report)12:35
ochosiwell it's actually quite an important one i'd say12:36
ochosii've come across it several times, and it's true that it should be addressed12:36
ochosiand it shouldn't be too hard i guess, if you wanna give it a try ;)12:36
brainwashneeds to be fixed upstream12:37
ochosiyeah, i meant you could try to compile thunar and fix the bug12:37
ochosithen attach a patch to bugzilla upstream12:38
brainwashif I run out tasks :)12:39
brainwashthere's also the maximize button on dialog windows issue12:39
brainwashcosmetic one12:40
ochosiyeah, not sure about that bug tbh12:53
GridCubethe ones under "saucy final" are the release candidates13:18
jjfrv8Don't know. I assumed they were but they seemed to be linked to the ones marked "daily".13:20
jjfrv8the 'final' ones don't have any previously reported bugs showing either, but the 'daily' ones do.13:21
thadochosi: can you please test http://lpaste.net/9415113:27
brainwashochosi: getting closer to a solution :)13:32
brainwashochosi: so basically something fails when xfsettingsd daemonizes14:34
brainwashelfy: I recall that you also did confirm the initial ~10sec delay, please test http://lpaste.net/9415114:36
brainwashochosi: looks like xfsettingsd and xfce4-appfinder share the same problem :)14:37
ochosibrainwash: that's both good and bad i suppose14:52
brainwashit explains, why we both are affected by the same issue14:54
brainwashif you are affected by one of them, you are also affected by the second one14:55
brainwashthe question is still, why isn't it a general issue everyone can confirm :/14:57
brainwashmy test system isn't an upgrade one, but a bloated one14:58
ochosimine is an upgraded one14:58
ochosiso it's still possible that clean installs aren't affected (which would be good i suppose)14:58
brainwashbut it's mainly only xubuntu or?14:58
brainwashwhich you've installed14:59
brainwashI installed every single DE afterwards14:59
brainwashdo you plan do a fresh installation of xubuntu 13.10 (RC?) anytime soon?15:00
ochosii only have xubuntu here, but it's polluted with quite a bit of git-compiled stuff15:02
ochosiso my system is just a little more reliable than an archbox in terms of bugreporting15:03
brainwashok, I don't expect a patch anytime soon unless more people start to confirm the delay15:05
skellatOkay, it looks like we can add LP Bug #1232363 as a "Known Issue" that will be address after release according to the most recent comment from Brian Murray on it15:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1232363 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Update Manager Restart button fails on xubuntu" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123236315:13
ochosiwell done brainwash ^15:16
brainwashmmh, why not before final release =S15:17
ochosilet's hope people won't do an upgrade in saucy before that ;)15:18
brainwashafter release means, that everyone not downloading updates during installation will encounter a non working restart button once15:18
ochosiit's not such a big deal, only ppl who are currently testing saucy are really affected15:18
ochosiyeah true, but it could be worse15:19
brainwashand the people downloading the final iso?15:19
brainwashye :)15:19
ochosiafter all, it's getting fixed15:19
ochosiyou oughta look at the bright side15:19
brainwashwe have to reduce the amount of annoyances.. because the indicators already generate so much confusion :D15:21
ochosia few days in, the focus will shift to 14.04 anyway, and it's much more important to get that one right15:28
skellatochosi: As much as it is not good to say it...every release is indeed important but some releases are more special than others.15:30
skellatAnd LP Bug #1238718 is odd to see popping up **now**15:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1238718 in xubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "Errors in "Chapter 6. Connecting to Internet and Networks" of the Xubuntu Documentation saucy series" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123871815:34
jjfrv8I did notice the inconsistency, but it was that way in the Raring docs so I let it go.15:39
slickymasterskellat, jjfrv8, I did file that bug after discussing it with knome 15:41
skellatslickymaster: That's likely going to be stuff for a Stable Release Update and not something we're going to get into the shipping image15:42
slickymasterskellat: yeah, I'm aware of that, but the way I see it at least it will be corrected for the LTS release15:44
skellatslickymaster: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2013-October/001064.html15:44
slickymasterskellat: :) I've received that one, and knew about it15:45
jjfrv8We're probably going to be doing a major rewrite for T, eh, skellat?15:46
slickymasterskellat: I've already made all the corrections, are you implying not to push it?15:46
skellatslickymaster: Go ahead.  We'll have to prep it to be an SRU15:46
slickymasterskellat: okie dokie, thanks15:47
* slickymaster hopes to have all the xubuntu-docs translated before the LTS release :P15:48
skellatjjfrv8: I'm still wondering what'll come up at the Ubuntu Documentation Project meeting.  Theoretically we should attend since Xubuntu Documentation is considered part.15:50
jjfrv8Right. I plan on attending.15:51
skellatjjfrv8: Do you want to set a time & date after the Ubuntu Documentation Project meeting to hold a Xubuntu Documentation meeting?15:53
jjfrv8Sounds like a good idea.15:53
skellatWe'll have time before UDS to do so15:54
jjfrv8We'll talk more after the Ubuntu meeting?  Gotta go for now.15:56
skellatjjfrv8: Bye15:57
* skellat goes to lunch16:07
elfybrainwash: not getting that patch to work. and as far as "you also did confirm the initial ~10sec delay" I might have - but I'm not seeing it now16:44
elfyand it's pointless showing me code - it means absolutely nothing to me at all 16:44
brainwashelfy: you can edit the Dialogs.py and add the lines manually16:58
brainwashelfy: and an easy way to verify the 10sec delay is to run "xfsettingsd --replace" and hit some kb shortcuts like super-t17:00
elfyno delay 17:01
elfyas I said :)17:01
brainwashok, great :)17:01
elfyand that has knackered xchat17:01
ali1234brainwash: what's this 10 seconds delay? this is with upstart?17:09
ali1234the new fixed version?17:09
brainwashno, xfsettingsd and xfce4-appfinder respond with a slight delay (10/5) to dbus messages after daemonizing17:10
brainwashhardly anyone can reproduce it17:11
brainwashnot calling the daemonize function resolves it17:11
ali1234yeah i can't reproduce17:12
ali1234i'm not fully up to date tho, i'll try again in a bit17:12
brainwashthe appfinder report is more than a year old17:12
brainwashstarting with xfce 4.1017:13
brainwashnick already migrated the appfinder to gdbus communication upstream, which solved the issue for me17:14
ali1234can you have a look what is happening with dbus-monitor and/or dfeet?17:15
ali1234also maybe ~/.cache/upstart/dbus.log17:16
ali1234also, try making a fresh user profile and see if it still happens17:17
brainwashI'll try it again for xfsettingsd, the the daemonized appfinder process gets stuck at some point and therefore doesn't respond to dbus messages anymore17:18
brainwashit gets stuck loading icon theme files...17:18
ali1234is it possible you have some stale dbus sockets or something? like maybe because you ran dbus as root one time by accident17:18
brainwashmaybe it's random17:18
brainwashin my home folder?17:19
ali1234yeah, perhaps17:19
ali1234or maybe /tmp17:19
ali1234but proably ~17:19
brainwashunlikely, /tmp gets cleaned on every reboot and I already tested with new user accounts, same result17:20
ali1234that's really weird17:20
ochosiyeah, i have the same issue17:20
ochosibut it more or less suddenly showed up17:20
brainwashcan't reproduce it when booting the daily iso 17:20
ochosialthough i can't say whether it showed up after upgrading to 13.10 or sometime running 13.10 upgrades17:21
ali1234i've seen where buggy apps spam dbus to the point where it crawls and/or crashes17:21
brainwashochosi: run "xfsettingsd --replace" and hit some kb shortcuts17:21
ali1234and by buggy apps i mean gnome system monitor, lol17:21
ochosithat makes things get stuck again17:21
brainwashafterwards "xfsettingsd --replace --no-daemon"17:22
ochosiyeah, it works as you suggested before17:22
brainwashit's like... we need to ask nick for help :)17:23
brainwashto explain this mystery17:24
ochosiwho knows, maybe ali1234 has some tricks up his sleeve :>17:25
ochosianyway, i have no idea how to debug this kinda dbus stuff17:25
ali1234check all the log files i mentioned, plus ~/.xsession-errors for anything even slightly related to dbus17:25
ali1234use dbus-monitor --session to watch dbus requests (very spammy though)17:26
brainwashalready did17:26
ali1234use dfeet to see what is connected to the bus17:26
brainwashyea, d-feet for the xfsettingsd issue, I'll test that17:26
ali1234try to see at what point it joins the bus17:27
ali1234if all else fails get the source and fill it with printfs17:27
ali1234until you find the exact point where it is hanging17:27
brainwashyes, did exactly this for the appfinder17:27
brainwashand it gets stuck loading icon theme files17:28
brainwashdoesn't make much sense17:28
ali1234are you both using the same theme by any chance?17:28
ali1234xfsettingsd is of course doing stuff with icon themes too...17:28
ali1234maybe there is a corrupt icon that stalls it17:28
brainwashbut it works when not calling the daemonize function17:29
brainwashI should wash my brain and forget about this issue :)17:29
ali1234that could be just a side effect17:29
brainwashit's the default xubuntu icon theme17:30
ali1234"elementary Xfce"?17:30
ochosihey – it's not my fault!17:31
* ochosi hides17:31
ochosibut good idea to check whether it happens with other icon-themes too17:31
brainwashI'm pretty sure that I tried other themes too, but let me try again17:31
ali1234hmm i just noticed that when i run xfsettingsd --replace it does not background, ie it does not run as a daemon17:31
brainwashit does not background?!17:32
ali1234yeah, weird huh?17:32
ali1234oh wait that's not true17:32
ali1234it outputs to the terminal still, but it is backgrounded17:33
ochosiother icon themes also don't work (just tested gnome)17:33
ali1234that's weird17:33
brainwashwhat did it output?17:33
ali1234a load of debugging messages17:33
ali1234TRACE[xfce-shortcuts-grabber.c:382] find_event_key(): Positive match for <Super>t17:33
ali1234and so on17:33
brainwashafter pressing the key, right?17:34
ali1234i am using ubuntu-mono-light icon theme btw17:34
ali1234yes, after pressing the shortcut. there is loads more both before and after that17:34
ali1234couldn't reproduce with elementary xfce though17:34
ali1234maybe it is an icon for a program i don't have installed17:34
elfyI got the same outputs17:35
ali1234what about running it with strace -e file17:36
elfyand it's sent xchat back to 1999 again 17:36
ali1234strace -f -e file xfsettingsd --replace17:38
ali1234hmm interesting - i just ran it and i got a very short freeze - but the whole display froze for about 2 seconds17:39
ali1234you'll want the -r option on strace too to get timestamps17:40
brainwashali1234: thanks for the valuable information, it will help a lot to find the cause of this faulty behavior17:59
slickymasterskellat, FYI -> https://code.launchpad.net/~slickymaster/xubuntu-docs/xubuntu-docs/+merge/19073918:10
knomejjfrv8, from my point of view, we do not need a complete rewrite for T, we just need to make sure things are up-to-date18:48
pjotrHello, I have a question about the merging of the translations. I noticed that the Dutch slideshow translation isn't in the daily build yet, although it has been completed some weeks ago....19:56
pjotrI mean the ubiquity slideshow19:56
pjotrfor Xubuntu 13.10 Saucy19:57
pjotrknome: can you shed some light on this matter?19:58
brainwashochosi: do you still have overlay scrollbars activated? need you to confirm something20:22
brainwashochosi elfy ali1234: we have a winner, the overlay_scrollbar module is somehow causing the delay20:38
elfywhich will be why I don't see it then 20:40
brainwashright, it explains a lot20:40
brainwashbut still... What the heck?!20:40
brainwashalready filed bug 123627120:41
ubottubug 1236271 in xfwm4 (Ubuntu) "GTK3 applications do not react to scroll wheel input when overlay scrollbars are activated" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123627120:41
Unit193Never used it.20:41
brainwashguess we should add it to the known issues list20:42
brainwashxubuntu not fully compatible with overlay scrollbar20:42
elfyohhhh 20:43
elfythose fat arrow thingys that they use in ubuntu20:43
brainwashso it's time to get rid of this unity scrollbar invention20:46
brainwashochosi: try LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR=0 xfsettingsd --replace20:47
brainwashI assume you have them activated as well20:47
ochosibrainwash: i do have them active, yes20:57
ochosiand yes, deactivating them fixes the issue20:58
* ochosi goes to purge the overlay-scrollbars20:58
elfyfrom the repositories ? 20:58
ochosiif it were possible..20:58
ochosibrainwash: another job well done, so the bug should be re-assigned to the silly overlay-scrollbars i guess21:04
brainwashyea.. uhm.. screw those scrollbars21:06
brainwashthey glitch the theme, they prevent scrolling in gtk3 apps and they delay some xfce apps21:08
elfygood job we don't use them then :)21:09
Unit193Have xubuntu-desktop, or xfwm4 conflict with them. :----D21:09
brainwash^ :D21:09
brainwashwe could export the env var when logging into xubuntu21:10
knomepjotr, i will have to look at it.21:11
brainwashwould that be a valid option? well, people would ask, why the overlay scrollbars are missing in xubuntu21:11
brainwashif they use unity side by side21:12
Unit193Eh, doesn't make things unusable or crash them, right?  Just a delay.21:12
brainwashthe daemonized appfinder instance does get stuck21:13
brainwashzombie mode21:13
brainwashfrom now on appfinder starts delayed21:14
brainwashthe new instances21:14
brainwashso, what about deactivating them?21:15
pjotrknome: thanks!21:15
knomebrainwash, deactivating them would be an option.21:15
brainwashjust like canonical disabled hibernate21:15
knomepeople can't expect us to work like unity, that's not our goal by any means anyway21:15
knomeand people should acknowledge that when told21:16
knomei don't think it's really a bug, it's just a differently working feature21:16
elfythat would certainly be my point of view21:16
knomeby that argument people could start filing bugs like "xubuntu doesn't have left-hand panel" and expect us to think they are valid bugs21:17
brainwashit does cause faulty behavior21:17
knomewhich is?21:17
brainwash"they glitch the theme, they prevent scrolling in gtk3 apps and they delay some xfce apps"21:17
knomethe overlay scrollbars?21:17
brainwashin saucy21:17
knomeyeah, well then *having* them is the bug.21:17
knomegetting rid of them is not a bug.21:18
knomeeven if that meant it was working a bit differently than in unity21:18
brainwashit should be added to the known issues list at least :)21:18
knomeif there is an env var that can disable them, then we should look at using that21:19
knomethat sounds fair21:19
knomefeel free to link to http://pad.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu1310FinalRelease21:19
knomei mean, add a link to the bug in ...21:20
knome+ people are still free to poke that document.21:20
brainwashyea, let me file a meta report first21:20
knomesure, thanks21:20
brainwasha "fix" can be shipped after release, if needed21:21
elfyknome: yep - I'll be on that pad in the next few days21:21
knomeelfy, cheers :)21:21
elfymostly bugs people might see during install/upgrade21:22
knomenot necessarily21:22
knomejust bugs that are going to be annoying21:22
knomeincluding most visual bugs21:22
knomeor bugs that make things lag21:22
elfywell ... 21:23
elfyI'd call a bug you might find during install annoying :)21:23
knomeif it only happens at installation time, and isn't critical, meh21:24
brainwashdoes the pad save automatically or do you have to hit the save button all the time?21:25
elfyknome: okey doke21:25
knomebrainwash, saves automatically21:25
knomeelfy, but i don't mind if we list a dozen of bugs again, then pick the ones we think are worth mentioning21:26
knomeelfy, and whatever pick i made is always debatable21:26
elfyI'd rather have them there and then we can remove - rather than each of us think oh that's not worth mentioning and finding it was 21:26
elfylol 21:27
knomeyep, that's good21:27
knomefor pjotr (who left already) and others; slideshow translations are getting uploaded by stgraber21:27
brainwashadd bug 1232363 too? it will get fixed after release21:31
ubottubug 1232363 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Update Manager Restart button fails on xubuntu" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123236321:31
knomewill get fixed means what?21:31
knomedo we have a working patch ready?21:31
ochosibrainwash did one21:32
elfybrainwash: add it to the pad please 21:32
knomebrainwash, ochosi: would you like to beg at #ubuntu-release to get that fix sponsored/uploaded?21:32
ochosisomeone already promised to SRU it21:32
ochosi(read the last comment)21:33
ochosidon't think we can get much more at this point...21:33
knomeok, that works for me.21:33
knomebut yes, we should list that21:33
brainwashoh, the layout changed21:34
brainwashelfy: it's your bug report, so add it :P21:35
elfyok - I'm off - cya when I cya 21:43
knomeok, ubiquity slideshow translations are uploaded and waiting to get in the images.21:45
ochosibrainwash: fwiw, i haven't seen the scrollbar problem again in firefox21:52
ochosiso it's possible i'll really flip the switch for 14.04 on that one21:52
brainwashochosi: great news21:52
brainwashI switched to numix though =S21:53
knomeochosi, did you acknowledge we have https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/topic-t-flavor-xubuntu with stuff on the whiteboard?21:53
ochosibrainwash: it's still one of our themes, so i don't mind ;)21:53
ochosiknome: i did, but haven't really had many new ideas yet21:53
ochosithe things i'm interested in are mostly there already (light-locker, mugshot, menulibre)21:54
ochosialso whiskermenu, gtk3-indicators and xubuntu-core metapackage21:54
ochosiok, just added one item21:56
knomethere was an editing conflict21:56
knomeshite :P21:56
ochosinot for me i think :)21:56
knomewell there was21:56
knomeLP just doesn't notify about that21:56
ochosimy line is shown in my ff though21:56
knomebut meanwhile, i had done other updates21:56
knomeand those are lost21:57
knomei'll poke that a bit21:57
knomedirty hands off!21:57
ochosiwhoopsie :)21:57
knomethat's okay, they were mostly formatting stuff21:58
knomewe should separate the *discussion* from that to wiki or pad21:59
Unit193Heh, I don't really care about Whiskermenu, or else I'd use that mintmenu or KDE kickoff crap. :D21:59
ochosiUnit193: it's a nice alternative to appfinder if you bind it to a kb-shortcut22:00
ochosii used it for a while to launch apps22:00
ochosibut yeah, it's not as clever as appfinder (no custom command system etc)22:01
brainwashochosi: we don't have a gtk3 indicator (meta) bug report yet, or?22:01
ochosipossible that we don't22:01
brainwashonly the soundindicator one22:01
brainwashyet another report I need to file :)22:03
Unit193knome: You can assign the core meta more or less to me since I'm already creating it. :P22:08
Unit193Or better yet, assign to someone else and I slip the information to them. :D22:10
knomeUnit193, lol, assigning you.22:11
knomeUnit193, do you think you can slip that kind of stuff without having to face the consequences? ;)22:12
Unit193I liked the second option better. :(22:13
knomenah. just ask for help if you need it.22:14
skellatDo I dare ask how we're doing with the sound/volume issue at this point?  Will we be shipping with working "conventional" sound controls or is that gonna be a Known Issue?22:18
Noskcajbluesabre: It was about python3. Should we really be adding extra programs to the seed that aren't yet python3? I can help with converting them if you want22:26
NoskcajAnd if you're trying to get added to xubuntu-dev i'd like to see what you had to do so i can get added in a few months22:27
knomeinstead of poking the LP blueprint, please poke: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Goals/T22:35
knomei'm going to more or less  have the edit lock in the next 15mins.22:35
Noskcajknome: Do you think we are still going to try and get python3 only for 14.04?22:39
knomeif it's not too much work, and if the things are convertable22:41
Noskcajhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1238997 just appeared22:44
ubottuUbuntu bug 1238997 in xfce4-panel (Ubuntu) "Add support for GTK3 panel indicators" [Undecided,New]22:44
NoskcajIsn't that slightly reduntant22:44
brainwashdoes another report already exist?22:44
knomei don't think there is a bug filed about that.22:45
knomethe previous B/FFe was handled in -release ML22:45
knomeok, i'm done with the wikipage for now22:47
knomei'm not22:47
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ochosibrainwash: there is a tiny bug in xfwm4-settings currently – the checkbox for vsync doesn't seem to be hooked up to xfconf correctly (if you're looking for low-hanging fruit to dive into code a little)23:00
brainwashochosi: how can this even happen? :P23:04
ochosino clue23:04
ochosibut that seems to be the case in 4.11 (haven't checked whether it's fixed in git-master already)23:04
bluesabreNoskcaj: I've been developing my applications to work with python 2 or 3, so we can flip the switch for catfish and mugshot at any time23:06
bluesabreI think one of the big things is still gimp23:06
Unit193bluesabre: Nice, good forward thinking.  2to3?23:06
bluesabrenope, careful programming and if statements for python version23:07
Noskcajbluesabre: It might be worth making them all python 3 by default at the next upload. gimp is python?23:07
bluesabreseveral of gimp's plugins are23:08
Noskcajoh yeah, i think most of them are done though. I was looking at the gnome bug tracker and i think the last few just got fixed23:08
knomemaybe it's worth seeing if the gimp core can run with 3, and see what's missing, and if that's reasonable23:08
bluesabreoh sweet23:09
Unit193knome: Run 2to3! :D23:10
Unit193Still gtk2 of course.23:10
NoskcajSpeeking of gtk2 and python3, is there anyone who has time to help with porting testdrive to gtk3 and python3? I lack the skills and no one else has the time23:13
knomeoff for today, see you all later (and nighty!)23:14
bluesabreNoskcaj: I've got the skills, and perhaps some time23:15
bluesabreall of my apps are a lot more stable than when I started :)23:15
Noskcajbluesabre: yay. If you want to help, the code, along with dan and my attempts, are at code.launchpad.net/testdrive23:16
bluesabrehow do some of those files have a revision with a decimal point?23:17
Noskcajbluesabre: I think it's from merges23:18

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