
=== aicasn is now known as aicasn-away
edgarhallo, bitte helfe mir: Xubuntu, 12.10 - Im Anwendungsfinder ueber "bearbeiten" Anwendung versteckt. Wie mache ich das rückgängig?02:35
phillw!de | edgar02:39
ubottuedgar: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!02:39
kj5t! sp | kj5t02:40
phillw!sp | kj5t02:40
kj5tI don't know -- just messing around :)02:41
phillwkj5t: maybe you are asking for spanish?02:41
kj5tYes just curious02:41
phillwkj5t: you can tell why I'm not on the translations teams!02:42
phillw!fr | phillw02:42
ubottuphillw, please see my private message02:42
phillwkj5t: I think the bot just told me off, and I've also getting a telling off from a human. c'est la vie.02:44
ubottuHi! I'm #xubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots02:45
Unit193phillw: Please /msg ubottu !fact  or checkout http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi02:47
xabsterCan you help me solve some of these problems? 1) Chromium is set as default browser many times, but it keeps forgetting. 2) How can I replace all parole's MIME bindings with VLC player instead? 3) Various processes crash and give me an option to submit the problem. Do you know of a "database" of such issues to find solutions faster than googling?05:01
Poisoned_Dragonxabster, Close Chromium. In settings manager, select Preferred Applications. Set Chromium as default there. If Chromium should complain that it's not the default browser, don't set it in chromium. Just tell it to not ask you again.05:04
xabsteralright, i did that now05:05
Poisoned_DragonNo problem. All links should open chromium by default now.05:06
xabsterlooks like it works fine05:06
mappsgood evening.trying to install xubuntu on an old machine (p4 512mb ram) but i am having issues...on boot it either a ) hangs on xubuntu logo or b) it drops to acommand prompt05:07
Poisoned_Dragonxabster, As for Parole, I just uninstalled it. :)05:07
cfhowlettmapps, did you md5sum the ISO to verify a good download05:07
Poisoned_DragonVLC ftw05:07
xabsterdoes that fallback to VLC taking those entries then?05:08
mappsi should mention it's a matrox g400/g450 gfx card according to lspci | grep VGA --- ive tried booting with nomodeset etc but no luck05:08
xabsteruninstalling immediately :)05:08
mappsPoisoned_Dragon, yep checked and the iso was fine05:08
Poisoned_Dragonxabster, I'm pretty sure it does.05:08
Poisoned_Dragonmapps, cfhowlett made that suggestion05:09
mappsah damn05:09
mappsthanks cfhowlett  but yea i checked05:09
Poisoned_DragonUgh... matrox? really? That's gonna be a tough one.05:09
xabsterlovely, it did05:09
mappsya its a matrox g400/450 ..damn for real05:09
mappsthere's no easy way?05:10
Poisoned_DragonI don't have much experience with that gpu.05:10
mappsdamn thing what a PITA05:10
Poisoned_DragonI try to shy away from those and VIA05:10
mappsi thought it would be fine..as i mean it starts to boot up but stops on the xubuntu logo ya know05:10
mappsyea like broadcom for wifi..those are a pain hey05:11
Poisoned_Dragonmapps, maybe you should remove quiet and splash from the boot options.05:11
Poisoned_DragonThen you can see where it hangs05:11
mappsah is quiet splash what makes it have the boot logo05:12
mappswhere or how do i do that i know how to add options when i press f605:15
elfysame place - you should be able to edit the boot line there somewhere05:16
mappsgot it..thanks mate05:16
mappsthats handy..didnt know about that so il see it hang on something i assume05:17
Poisoned_Dragonthanks elfy. I kinda wandered off there05:27
xabsterAnyone know how to get magnet links (torrents) to be recognized to belong to Transmission?06:09
baizonxabster: http://askubuntu.com/questions/122930/how-to-make-firefox-open-magnet-links-in-transmission06:11
xabsterI got chrome, and the stuff that relates to Chrome talk about files06:13
xabsterBut a magnet URI is not a file06:13
xabsterhold on, reading on06:13
xabsterit did not work, but i will try one of the other solutions too06:16
baizonxabster: http://askubuntu.com/questions/108925/how-to-tell-chrome-what-to-do-with-a-magnet-link06:16
xabsternot working either06:19
xabsterit's the same suggestion06:20
xabsterthey all are06:20
xabsterxabster@xabster-xubuntu:/usr/share/applications$ xdg-mime default transmission-gtk.desktop x-scheme-handler/magnet06:20
bazhangno idea about chrome, got it in firefox though06:24
xabsterok, thanks though06:27
=== aicasn-away is now known as aicasn
=== CarlosNeyPastor_ is now known as CarlosNeyPastor
gdoscan drop box be installed without installing all of the kde desktop?12:29
well_laid_lawn!find dropbox12:30
ubottuFound: nautilus-dropbox, libnet-dropbox-api-perl12:30
TheSheepI don't think we ship dropbox12:30
TheSheepyou would need to ask their support12:31
cfhowlettgdos, dropbox doesn't install kde desktop12:38
gdosok. 'cause last time i tried installing it, it was pulling QT4 files and somehow parts of the kde desktop got installed.12:39
cfhowlettgdos, similar for installing to xubuntu if not exactly the same :   http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/04/install-dropbox-in-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/12:40
gdosok. will check it out, thanks, cfhowlett. (btw, are there are 'free' services similar to dropbox?)12:41
cfhowlettgdos, ubuntuone ....12:42
cfhowlettassuming you mean cloud storage ?12:42
gdoscfhowlett: yea. but preferabbly something that uses both linux and windows. ubuntuone can do that?12:43
ubottuUbuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone12:43
cfhowlettyep.  and android and even IOS12:43
gdosandroid? nice. (but not the kindle fire, huh?)12:43
cfhowlettgdos, never owned a kindle and know nothing about it beyond the name.  sorry.12:44
gdoschecking out ubuntu one now; i don't need to install 'UBUNTUONE-CLIENT-GNOME' just need to install 'UBUNTUONE-CLIENT' correct ?12:46
cfhowlettgdos, what is your ubuntu?12:46
TheSheepisn't kindle fire just android?12:47
gdoscfhowlett: Xubuntu 13.0412:47
cfhowlettxubuntu?  just got to software center and install the client12:47
cfhowlettTheSheep, it's a skinned android ... I don't believe it even uses the google play store ...12:47
gdosTheSheep: the kindle uses a 'customized' version of Android (go figure, right?)12:47
gdoscfhowlett: the kindle doesn't even use the google play store. but you can use the kindle app store with android devices. figure that one out.12:48
TheSheepas long as you can install apps from outside the app store, you should be fine12:49
TheSheepand if they locked it out, you can always root it12:49
cfhowlettgdos, I've got kindle reader on my ipad and my nexus 4 phone.  I'm quite happy with that for the few epubs and books I read12:49
TheSheepdepending on the country in which you live, that may be perfectly legal or a crime against humanity12:51
gdosfound spideroak.com checking it out now too. it also, like UbuntuOne & DropBox, has free storage as well as both a Windows and Android apps.13:48
gdosso how do i launch ubuntu one after installation?13:57
SuperEngineergdos: here's 2 easy ways: press <Super> key - start typing Ubun... it will appear in list.. select & click13:59
SuperEngineeror click on imail icon in ndicator area - U1 is at bottom of drop list14:00
SuperEngineer[may I also recommend the whoops - sorry gdos - saw question hewre - thought i was still on #Ubuntu14:02
SuperEngineermy bad14:02
SuperEngineerin Xbuntu... look fo the drop down menu - its in there [or do as I have done & install gnome-do... once installed you just start typing Ub... it appears as 1st option in gnome-do ;)14:04
SuperEngineertalking of which.. Xubuntu on an old Acer netbook.. works a treat, best OS replace I've done in years [full blown Ubuntu slowed it down too much14:14
tencI haven't met a rig I didn't like Xubuntu on.14:19
gdosfirst time i've used xubuntu since 8.10 and must say i'm impressed with the bug fixes. :)14:20
gdosone thing that i am glad is fixed is that before when i would install an app that used several gnome or kde libararies, somehow gnome or kde desktops would install. not so anymore.14:23
thebopehi. I keep receiving a notification about software updates but there is no icon to click. Where is this notifications icon I'm supposed to click?14:51
thebopeoh stack overflow may have the answer here14:52
xabsterHi, I finally got my ATI drivers to work really well. FPS is almost same as Windows. One issue I got is that I need the "overscan" feature in the control to be set at max so it will cover my screen15:01
xabsterThe icons for the control panels are the same except one is "(administrative)" and that one does nothing15:02
xabsterand the non-administrative one tells me that it doesn't have rights to save the setting15:02
xabsterand so I gotta do it on each boot up15:02
xabsteri tried gksudo amdcccle and changing it, but didn't do the trick (still forgets the settings but doesn't complain about rights)15:03
GridCubexabster, its inside the plugins indicators applet15:36
GridCubeyou need to re-add it15:36
xubuntu058hello all, first time xubuntu user here15:53
baizonhi xubuntu05815:56
xabsterGridCube, sorry what?16:02
xabsterWhere is the plugin indicator?16:02
zukeprimexabster: right click on any panel-->'panel'-->'panel preferences'-->drop down pick your panel-->tab 'items'--> add items '+16:05
zukeprimethen add notification area16:05
zukeprime...or go to settings menu, then pick 'panel', the rest is same.  You need 'notification area' added16:06
xabsterit's already added16:07
peyamxabster: if you dont find it any way you could install it again16:07
xabsterbut the ATI control panel is not there, like GridCube said16:07
peyamxabster: if you have ATI controller installed you can added in "startup aplication"16:07
xabsterstarting it won't do the trick16:08
xabsterunless there's a commandline parameter to re-set overscan16:08
peyamxabster: I use the freeversion and I know it starts16:08
peyamxabster: what do you need it for?16:08
xabsterfree version of what?16:09
peyamdont you talk about ATI deriver?16:09
xabsterno, what is that?16:09
peyamWhat are you talking about?16:09
xabsterI installed proprietary ATI drivers, they come with a control panel16:09
zukeprimewhoops, sorry xabster...got you and thebope mixed up16:09
xabsterin the control panel I need to set overscan to 0% (possibly it's actually +15%)16:10
xabsteri have to do this on each start up16:10
thebopeahh thanks though zukeprime16:10
GridCubexabster, sorry, i meant thebope16:11
GridCubei missreaded the nick16:11
thebopelol its kind of funny two people did16:12
thebopei just found system update in the settings manager and did it manually16:12
GridCubeyou both got the same color in xchat16:12
thebopebut ill add the area now16:12
thebopethanks GridCube16:12
GridCubedont worry16:13
peyamxabster: just make a launcher of ATI control plan16:13
peyamright click > add new > launcher and fill it with right path16:13
gdosalright i still don't see any place to launch the ubuntuone UI.16:14
GridCubethebope, even if its added sometimes if it gets closed by mistake the network manager restart it, but just for itself, so you loose all other icons, like sound control, update manager, etc.16:14
thebopeHmm thats weird16:14
zukeprimethebope: typically if the notification misbehaves, just open a terminal and run 'sudo apt-get update' then 'sudo apt-get upgrade' that should take care of the updates for you16:15
xabsterpeyam, then I still gotta find the menu option and re-set it each time16:15
xabsteryour sugestion only solves the part about opening "settings" first516:15
xabsterand then click the control panel icon from there16:16
thebopeAhhh. I knew there was a terminal command I could run but I wasn't sure exactly what it was.16:16
GridCubethebope, when in doubt, apt-get16:17
zukeprimethe notification area is great for opening the GUI for software updates so you can look at changes easily. Typically, though, when the update icon pops up, I just go straight to terminal16:17
peyamxabster: its not posible what you want16:17
thebopeI'm used to unix still :/16:18
thebopePretty close but not quite the same16:18
xabsterpeyam: it works on linux mint.....16:19
GridCubenever used unix16:24
xubuntu410Hello Guys16:54
xubuntu410How many MB of video memory i need to work at Xubuntu 13.04?16:54
=== Barnabas is now known as BarnabasDK
xubuntu410Русские есть?16:55
holsteinxubuntu410: i woud try it live.. and i would just add as much as you can.. how much do you have?16:55
xubuntu410I want install Xubuntu on education computers in my school16:56
xubuntu41064 mb16:56
GridCubemy vm has 12mb and runs just well16:56
holsteinxubuntu410: i would try something like puppy linux with those specs16:57
GridCubei would try a live session16:57
GridCubemy opinion is that it will run just well16:57
GridCubeyou might get limited by ram though16:57
xubuntu410Windows XP SP3 works wery well16:57
GridCubemore than 512mb of ram is highly recommended16:58
holsteinxubuntu410: windows xp is quite older than xubuntu 13.0416:58
holsteinxubuntu410: ubuntu from that era, or linux, will run fine as well16:58
xubuntu410Yep,it have 512 ram16:58
GridCubexubuntu410, it will be cripled by that16:58
holsteinxubuntu410: you said 64mb of ram16:58
GridCubeyou can try lubuntu with zram16:58
GridCubeholstein, he said video memory16:58
holsteina 512ram with 64mb of video ram should be fine16:59
GridCubexubuntu410, or xubuntu and install zram16:59
xubuntu410Ok,here specs:Celeron 3066,512 ram,64 video16:59
holsteinxubuntu410: try it live.. should be fine16:59
GridCubexubuntu410, as said, lubuntu will be better16:59
GridCubexubuntu will run, but painfully slow17:00
xabsterhe said video memory at the start, holstein  :)17:00
GridCubeif no zram installed17:00
holsteinxabster: i see that.. thank you all for the updtae17:00
xabsterno worries, he's talking about ram on the gfx card17:00
xabstervideo ram17:00
holsteinits rather irrelevant, so i assumed and asked about the system memory17:00
xabsterhe talks not about ram in pc17:00
holsteinxabster: yes, i see that, and appreciate your reiteration.. again17:01
xabsterabout the video memory? no problem17:01
xabsterit's the stuff only used for the video card17:01
xubuntu410Remember:no openSUSE17:06
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.17:08
holsteinxubuntu410: ^17:08
youngxubuntuuseri have some questions for samba417:49
youngxubuntuusercan someone help me17:51
holstein!ask | youngxubuntuuser17:51
ubottuyoungxubuntuuser: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:51
youngxubuntuuserknow someone samba417:52
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.17:52
youngxubuntuuseri install samba4 but i want to open it.17:52
youngxubuntuuseri do not know how17:53
holsteinyoungxubuntuuser: i use gigolo to connect to shares17:53
holstein!info gigolo17:53
ubottugigolo (source: gigolo): frontend to manage connections to remote filesystems using GIO/GVfs. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.1+dfsg-1 (raring), package size 143 kB, installed size 753 kB17:53
youngxubuntuuserI'm 14  years old and I want to learn how to use samba417:54
holsteinyoungxubuntuuser: samba is not something you click on and run.. what are you trying to do? share a samba share from linux to windows?17:54
youngxubuntuusersomeone gave me a project -> i must share files from my Windows Computer to my Notebook with samba17:56
holsteinyoungxubuntuuser: i use gigolo to connect to shares17:56
youngxubuntuuserhow can I get gigolo17:57
holsteinyoungxubuntuuser: you can install it if you like.. the process is likely still quite similar to http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/10/share-files-between-windows-7-and-ubuntu-12-10-quantal-quetzal/17:58
youngxubuntuuserif I have gigolo, how can i use it17:58
holsteinyoungxubuntuuser: gigolo is just a suggestion. dont overthink it.. or get fixated on it17:58
youngxubuntuusercan I install it with the Terminal?17:59
holsteinyoungxubuntuuser: you'll need to learn to use something to connect.. i would try the link i gave, and see if its releavant to samba4 and your windows version17:59
holsteinyoungxubuntuuser: sudo apt-get install gigolo17:59
youngxubuntuuserthx u very much18:00
youngxubuntuuserhow get i a Samba Server18:00
GraveMrWhiteHi! I have questions about Xubuntu18:36
GridCube!ask | GraveMrWhite18:36
ubottuGraveMrWhite: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:36
GraveMrWhiteI cannot download updates. The systems says I have no more space in my root drive, but the partition is very large.18:38
Myrttiso, how big are your partitions then?18:39
GridCubeGraveMrWhite, on a terminal run: df -h18:40
GraveMrWhiteFilesystem               Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/ubuntu-root  451G  101G  328G  24% / none                     4.0K     0  4.0K   0% /sys/fs/cgroup udev                     3.9G  4.0K  3.9G   1% /dev tmpfs                    793M  924K  792M   1% /run none                     5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock none                     3.9G  408K  3.9G   1% /run/shm none                     100M   28K  100M   18:41
GraveMrWhitecrap sorry18:41
GridCube!pastebin | GraveMrWhite18:42
ubottuGraveMrWhite: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:42
GraveMrWhiteSorry I remembered as I sent it.18:42
GridCubeGraveMrWhite, only yout /boot/ partition seems quite full18:44
GridCubethe rest seems fine18:44
GridCubeyou probably can free some space there by removing old kernels if im not mistaken18:44
GraveMrWhiteIs the encryption "writing" the dead space to keep it safe?18:45
GridCubeno idea18:45
Myrttiyeah, removing old kernels should do the trick18:46
GraveMrWhiteOkay, how can I do that, and would expanding my partition be a good idea too?18:48
Myrttihttp://askubuntu.com/questions/2793/how-do-i-remove-or-hide-old-kernel-versions-to-clean-up-the-boot-menu seems to have quite a good grasp on the subject18:50
Myrttialthough it seems to be a bit faily18:52
GridCubeGraveMrWhite, this program should handle it graphically https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-tweak18:52
GridCubethough you can just search the kernels in the USC or if you have synaptic and select them to uninstall manually, or there are some commands that do it in the internet, but they fright me because i dont understand how they work18:54
JaZZyCooLhey guys is there anyone you can dual boot xubuntu and windows 8 (pre-installed)? Does xubuntu support UEFI like Ubuntu? Will it have the same steps for dual boot?18:56
GridCubewell, in order: i don't know, yes,  and yes.18:57
JaZZyCooLwell how then how to do it18:57
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI18:57
JaZZyCooLbecause I liked xubuntu and want to dual boot18:57
JaZZyCooLso it will have the steps for the dual boot as for ubuntu18:58
GridCubeas i said before. yes.18:58
JaZZyCooLok thanks sir that is great man as xubuntu supports UEFI big problem solved18:58
JaZZyCooLyeah well I come from crunchbang, ubuntu and Linux mint so wanted to try something else first decided to go with opensuse but then thought of xubuntu less fancy, GUI configs and large repository to support my needs rather than in crunchbang where I had to install from source once again thanks19:00
GraveMrWhiteGride Cube, thank you for your help!19:08
GridCube:) dont worry19:08
GridCubei just installed the ubuntu-tweak program and its a pretty fancy way of doing it :D19:08
GraveMrWhiteGood deal I'll give it a shot19:08
GridCubeGraveMrWhite, http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2013/08/remove-old-kernels-from-ubuntu-13-04-13-10/19:09
GridCubeGraveMrWhite, if you download the .deb package and install it, it will be under the "system" submenu of the Settings Manager, not in any menu19:11
GraveMrWhiteYou guys/gals are great, thank you for helping a new user!19:12
mappshi folks19:23
mappsi was told earlier19:23
mapps' mapps, maybe you should remove quiet and splash from the boot options.'19:23
mappshow do i do that?!19:23
elfyfrom an install or from a live image?19:24
mappslive cd19:25
elfy2 secs19:25
mappswait this is odd..im trying to boot off xubuntu 13.04 but it doesnt come up saying 'install' run off live cd etc19:25
dunpealHi. I just rebooted, and for some reason, my desktop "theme" ("style"?) doesn't render. Chaging the "Style" in the Settings menu doesn't help either. How do I troubleshoot this?19:25
mappslike ubuntu/lubuntu do - is that right?! surely i should be able to choose ..but no meny comes up19:26
elfymapps: can't remember what you get from 13.04 tbh19:26
mappsok il try 12.04 and see;D19:27
elfybut if you are in live cd/dvd/usb - F6 - then you get a menu - esc - you'll see the boot options then - you can use the cursor to move back and remove the quiet and splash19:27
mappsat what point19:27
mappsit comes up as if its booting into live right away19:28
elfywhen you get the man/kbd - hit any key and it'll give you the menu19:28
mappsman/kbd? after my system boots it is booting right off cd and not giving any meny19:29
mappslike just straight away it comes up with the little logo at bottom of screen19:29
elfymapps: http://imagebin.org/273403 - you can see I've started to remove spash19:29
elfythat is probably the time to hit any key :)19:29
mappswhat versions that19:29
mappsI dont get tha boot menu thats what ive been saying19:30
elfyhang on mapps19:30
mappsits booting up right into the live/try without installing so no option to do so19:30
mappsthanks mate19:30
elfydo you see that?19:30
mappsah ok19:31
mappsf6 there brings it up19:31
mappsthats weird..in ubuntu and lubuntu the boot menu comes up right awya howcome in xubuntu 12.04 and 13.04 it brings that up and no menu?19:31
elfyno idea what others do19:31
elfyok - so f6 - you'll see the noapic etc choices - escape then you should be able to edit the boot line19:32
mappsedited it19:32
mappsremoved  quiet and splash19:32
xabster_can i make the panel at the top be at the bottom instead?19:32
mappslets see where it hangs..it just hung on a blinking cursor last time..tried with lubuntu and either command prompt or blinking so is a gfx issue19:32
xabster_in the panel options i can only find vertical/horizontal and deskbar19:32
elfyxabster_: you need to unlock them - then you can move them19:33
xabster_and how do I do that?19:34
xabster_i can move the vertical one19:34
xabster_wait, no19:34
xabster_the "lock panel" option isn't at the top panel19:34
xabster_i can't seem to hit the panel, but instead i hit separators19:34
xabster_ah got it19:35
mappsholy hell19:35
mappsi remove quiet and splash and it has booted up into xubuntu desktop19:36
mappsthats crazy i thought the quiet and splash were just to stop us seeing everything that happens during boot?19:36
elfydid it not boot before then?19:37
elfyif it didn't then install now :)19:39
mappsbefore it would boot up then get stuck on a blinking cursor OR drop to a command prompt and when i tried to start manually..problems then and couldnt get intpo thre GUI19:39
mappsso what does removing splash and quiet do i thought it was just there normally to stop people seeing all the text output on boot?19:39
elfynot sure tbh19:40
dunpealanyone has any idea why xfsettingsd would fail to load on startup?22:23
dunpealor how I should troubleshoot this?22:23
well_laid_lawntried starting it in a terminal so you can see what it errors on ?22:24
`Fibz`check launcher menu -> settings -> settings manager -> seesion & startup -> application autostart22:24
ner0xHello all. Where can I edit the "next song, pause, last song" etc volumn keyboard shortcuts?22:52
ner0xAlso, what would you suggest as a PDF viewer that is cabaple of saving a form.22:52
=== Maple__ is now known as Guest95952
bekksner0x: adobe acrobat reader22:53
peyamner0x: well I use edvice or whatever it called22:54
bekksevince isnt capable of saving PDF forms.22:54
=== Guest95952 is now known as Mapley
ner0xbekks: It saves a copy but doesn't save combo boxes.22:59
bekksner0x: what is "it"?22:59
ner0xbekks: evince.22:59
bekksI know. Thats why I told you: adobe acrobat reader23:00
ner0xbekks: Yeesh. Bite my head off why don't you. :)23:01
bekksNot that tasty ;)23:01
ner0xTrue story.23:02
bekksI prefer pizza baguettes currently ;)23:02
ner0xTotinos pizza baguettes.23:03
ner0xI wanted to avoid using acroread because of the non amd64 arch but I'll deal.23:03
bekksmultiarch is no big deal nowadays.23:04
bekksIt wasnt ten years ago, either.23:05
ballHow do I list the packages that are installed?23:13
bekksdpkg -l | grep "^ii"23:13
* ball writes that down23:14

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