
slangasekNoskcaj: looking00:02
slangasekNoskcaj: it's not correct that it only fixes a CVE; there are changes to thread support handling, which I'm in no position to vet at the moment00:03
Noskcajoops, ok00:05
sarnoldI believe there's more work to be done to fix the security issues: http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2013/10/11/800:10
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infinitypitti: I just vomited a little at that udev/hv patch.10:49
infinitypitti: How do these people not have a kernel driver that's doing the right thing here?  Letting userspace manage cpu/memory hotplug sounds like madness.10:50
infinitypitti: Aaanyhow, now that that's out of my system, closing my eyes and pressing "accept".10:50
c_kornhello, a question regarding gensymbols. when building a package there is a warning: "warning: debian/liboyranos0/DEBIAN/symbols doesn't match completely debian/liboyranos0.symbols.amd64" but running "dpkg-gensymbols -pliboyranos0 -Pdebian/liboyranos0" does not do anything.12:16
mdeslauryesterday's iso gets stuck at the timezone selection screen...is that a known issue?12:48
sladenmdeslaur: file it12:50
sladenmdeslaur: dups can be sorted out later12:50
mdeslaursladen: thanks12:50
mdeslaurbug 1239127 for the curious12:55
ubottubug 1239127 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "20131011.1 iso gets stuck at timezone selection screen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123912712:55
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Laneywgrant: did you forward the gst-base change?17:27
reabyhello everybody, i'm new to this, and found out that it's very challenging to create a new launcher (shortcut) to desktop17:39
reabycould it be possible for next release to have easier way ?17:39
reabynative linux apps are fairly easy since you can just make a link, but a wine app or launcher for minecraft is impossible to do17:42
reabywhat i tried for minecraft was to do a bash script to launch it, but even if i put executable flag for the file, it still wants to open the file at gedit17:43
reabyand when i try to change the file opener, there is no way to "just open"17:43
reabyand if i try the search button from internet is just crashes17:44
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dokoLaney, pitti: any chance to have a look at the gmime test failure?17:50
dokolooking at 2.6.1817:58
dokosame failure with this version18:00
Laneydoko: probably https://git.gnome.org/browse/gmime/commit/?id=bb1c6094e04ce54de52289cd5ba7f9b73694ef1f18:04
Laneylet me try this18:04
Laneyseems to work18:11
dokoLaney, please upload18:17
Laneyjust being killed on hitman18:17
Laneyok, I died :( /me uploads18:19
Laneydone, it is18:25
halfiehi, do you guys turn on "-Werror=format-security" by default in Ubuntu?20:24
halfiecjwatson, are you around?20:27
halfiewhat do you guys think about "prelink" in general? is there demand for it from Ubuntu users?20:27
Noskcajhalfie, I don't think we do because Werror has many false positives. One of the more experienced devs might actually know.20:27
halfieNoskcaj, oh I see. I was told that it had very very few false positives. weird.20:28
halfieif it has known false positives then I can't "fight" to get it enabled.20:28
NoskcajWell, when Werror get false positives, it makes things FTBFS20:29
halfieyes ;(20:30
slangasekprelink defeats ASLR and modifies files owned by the package system; it should be avoided.20:31
slangasekNoskcaj, halfie: we absolutely do turn on -Werror=format-security by default20:32
Noskcajslangasek, Thank you for knowing far more than i do about this stuff20:32
slangasekNoskcaj: that's not the same as turning on -Werror generally, it's about treating a specific class of warnings as errors20:32
halfieslangasek, how do I verify / see the default flags? (I am a Fedora guy ;( )20:33
cjwatsonthey always show up in gcc -dumpspecs, although reading that takes practice20:33
slangasekhalfie: 'dpkg-buildflags' tells you the defaults; build logs for individual packages should show how these flags are actually applied, though many packages misbehave and hide their compiler commandlines in the output20:33
halfieslangasek, yes, prelink is the first thing I remove. I am trying to get Fedora to disable it and give the choice to the user instead.20:33
slangasekFedora uses prelink? oy20:34
halfieslangasek, BY DEFAULT!20:34
cjwatson(my answer is the default for the compiler; slangasek's answer is the default for package builds, at least those that honour dpkg-buildflags)20:34
halfiecjwatson, both answers are useful for me. thanks!20:34
halfieso, I have two action items. 1) do *not* use prelink by default 2) enable "-Werror=format-security" by default.20:35
slangasekman, that sounds like a lot of work - maybe you should just switch to Ubuntu instead ;)20:36
halfieslangasek, I did run Ubuntu for some years :-) ... I get paid to work on Fedora these days ;) have to be "loyal", right? :D20:37
halfie(but I am trying to pick-up Ubuntu packaging stuff)20:38
halfieUbuntu also has "-Bsymbolic-functions" turned on. I have read that "it is permitted for users of the shared library to override a symbol (function name or global variable) with their own versions." ... how is this overriding actually done?20:44
sorenI'm confused. I'm looking at an ELF binary that doesn't seem to have an RPATH set ("objdump -x `which binary` | grep RPATH" is silent), says it needs libwhateverclient.so. libwhateverclient.so resides in /usr/lib/whatever, which isn't in /etc/ld.so.conf. Somehow it manages to find it anyway.20:46
soren"ldconfig -v | grep libwhatever" is also silent.20:46
sorenOh, hang on. Now it doesn't work anymore.20:47
sorenwhat the..20:47
sorenpostinst has: "ldconfig /usr/lib/whatever"20:48
sorenRunning "ldconfig -v" restored normalcy.20:49
sorenThat's a first.20:49
soren(and hopefully last)20:50
mdeslaursoren: wow21:11
infinitysoren: Eww, seriously?21:24
infinitysoren: Is this packaged IN THE ARCHIVE?21:25
soreninfinity: Gosh, no.21:30
soreninfinity: It just has a built-in facility for producing (some sort of) debian packages.21:30
infinitysoren: Some sort of, indeed.21:31
sorenOk, so according to http://lintian.debian.org/tags/binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath.html, it's fine for this package (let's call it "whatever") to have binaries specify /usr/lib/whatever as an RPATH.21:31
sorenOr is it? Man, my packaging-fu is really rusty.21:33
infinitysoren: Yeah, a self-contained RPATH like that is fine.21:33
sorenNo, my initial statement seems accurate... but how does that work with multiarch?21:34
infinitysoren: With multiarch, the rpath should also be multiarch?21:34
soreninfinity: Let's pretend that I'm an idiot...21:34
infinitysoren: lib in /usr/lib/$(triplet)/package21:34
infinitysoren: And RPATH of same in binary.21:34
infinitysoren: Not that it would matter desperately if it was /usr/lib, since your binary is /usr/bin (which isn't multiarch already), and the exlicit allowance here is for private libraries *in the same package*.21:35
infinity(If you choose to read that as "from the same source package", which might be valid, then yeah, you could multiarch the private libs package, and use a multiarch RPATH).21:36
soreninfinity: Ah, ok. Yeah, it was the bit about the binary being in a non-multiarch location that got me confused.21:36
sorenDoes one of the dh_* things remove rpath automatically?21:37
infinityNot that I know of, unless someone made dh_strip more clever.21:37
infinityI used to build-dep on chrpath and strip it myself.21:37
sorenI just wonder why my more proper debian packaging spits out binaries without this rpath set.21:37
sorenNow I know better where to look. Thanks.21:37
infinityOh, is the RPATH set in upstream's binaries, but stripped in yours?21:38
sorenThis thing is a treasure trove of curiosities.21:38
infinitysoren: The only debhelper/rpath mention I see is:21:41
infinitydebhelper (7.3.9) unstable; urgency=low21:41
infinity  * cmake: Avoid forcing rpath off as this can break some test suites.21:41
infinity    It gets stripped by cmake at install time. Closes: #53897721:41
infinity -- Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org>  Sat, 01 Aug 2009 15:59:07 -040021:41
sorenYeah, saw that. Maybe I'm full of it. The only RPATH I see mentioned now is pointing to my dev area (presumably, as Joey also mentions, for testing).21:42
sorenI wonder how this is mean to work anywhere.21:43
infinityWell, it's meant to "work" due to that postinst snippet and a funamental misunderstanding that subsequent ldconfig calls will make it explode. :P21:43
infinityIt's not the first upstream who doesn't understand ldconfig.21:44
infinityI've been in a long and heated debate with McAffee over their insistence that it's not a bug for one of their random crap libraries to claim an SONAME of ld-linux.so.221:45
infinityYou can guess what happens to user's systems on the next ldconfig run after installing their software.21:45
mlankhorstnot much any more, I guess21:46
soreninfinity: whuh?21:47
* soren falls asleep, confused21:50
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slangasekhalfie: overriding the symbol is done by simply providing a symbol of the same name in your application, which then takes precedence in the linker resolution22:13
NoskcajWhat is the best way to see what things on the iso still need porting to python 3?22:15
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infinityNoskcaj: germinate, or walking package dependencies would be the "right" way, but fiddly if you're not sure how.  The simple way would be to install ubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-live in a chroot and then "apt-get remove libpython2.7-minimal" and see what goes with it. :P22:36
cjwatsonsoren: man-db does that very thing (although with RUNPATH, not RPATH - which means it remains overrideable using LD_LIBRARY_PATH) for its private libraries.22:48
cjwatson(Not sure my last attempt at that got through.)22:48
ersiNoskcaj: If you start pulling in that mess, feel *very* free to write up findings. I got "Help with porting to python3" on my TODO (albeit not at the top spots)23:07
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