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=== jalcine_ is now known as jalcine
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=== jalcine_ is now known as jalcine
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lenioshey there. I've packaged a new version of the dooble web browser which is unmaintained for a long time. I've uploaded it to my ppa for raring and i'm wondering what i should do next to get it into ubuntu. Should i create a bug needs-packaging? i'll try to get it into debian, but it can take some time...22:01
Noskcajlenios, Make an upgrade-software-version bug and attach the PPA link as a patch.22:16
NoskcajIf the package comes from debian, it's a lot better for everyone if it gets packaged there firsts22:16
leniosi know but it was an ubuntu only package.22:17
Noskcajthen my first responce22:17
leniosi will22:17
Noskcajand please make the package lintian clean22:17
leniostalking about that. there's a lib created by the package and i'm not sure where to put it. i've put it in /usr/lib/arch-linux-gnu/ and maybe it should be in /usr/lib/dooble22:19
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Noskcajlenios, for all your packaging help, you want #debian-mentors22:23
=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying

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