
LjLi, for one, could never have guessed the password was "coffee"00:19
iceswordhow do you launch terminal in 12.0401:13
iceswordyou GUYS banned me01:14
chuTo be honest, just looking at the condition under which you were banned, it's no surprise you were banned, and I honestly don't see it being removed.01:22
IdleOneicesword: you are banned and the ban won't be removed. this is not a support channel, try askubuntu.com or the ubuntu forums. Please part this channel now.01:29
iceswordyou suck idleone why you kick me01:40
chuBecause there is a no idle policy in this channel.01:41
iceswordnow you only want money and ubuntu01:41
chuThe fact of the matter is, your ban will *not* be removed. As such, there is no point for you to be in this channel.01:41
iceswordidleone you are lacking the patience and affections of being volunteers01:43
iceswordnow you only want money01:43
IdleOneicesword: We don't have time to waste on these games. Please leave this channel now.01:43
iceswordBazhang fuck die01:44
IdleOne@mark icesword #ubuntu See ban 57358 and comments/attitude in -ops01:45
ubottuThe operation succeeded.01:45
IdleOnechu: Please change that ban forward to a straight ban in -ot. We don't need to waste more time on this person.01:46
ubottuwilee-nilee called the ops in #ubuntu (rrykua)01:57
Myrttiisn't byobu nowadays by default tmux+goodies?10:56
Unit193Was pretty sure, but they need to update the apt description, it's not apt.10:58
iceswordcan i speak now11:00
iceswordin ubuntu11:00

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