
Limy354I'm running ownCloud on ubuntu 12.04 and am having an issue with uploads larger than just over 800 MB. I have set .htaccess and setting in ownCloud to allow larger uploads. The problem is that when a file reaches around 820 MB or so, which is stored in /tmp, it stops getting larger, then a new tmp file is created.00:32
Limy354the "upload" continues, enlarging the next tmp file. This continues until the root partition is full.00:33
Limy354the ownCloud works is that uploads go to /tmp first, then when its completed, the file moved the the ownCloud data directory.00:33
Limy354files less than 800 MB are fine.00:34
Limy354on user with a similar issue said that php 5.3 on ubuntu 12.04 causes this kind of problem: http://forum.owncloud.org/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=312400:35
sarnoldLimy354: many applications can use a TMP or TMPDIR environment variable to tell them what to use instead of /tmp -- you might be able to set this for ownclowd to use the same filesystem as the destination data00:35
sarnoldoh jeeze, that'd be sad if true..00:36
sarnoldeveryone else had their 2gb teething troubles back in 2001 or something.00:36
Limy354sarnold, that's something I'd like to do to prevent so much writing to root partition, but I'm hoping the file size limit doesn't continue if tmp is somewhere else.00:36
Limy354and like I said, the limit I'm experiencing is just over 800 MB. I don't know why my limit is different.00:38
Limy354trying a large upload now, and the limit is about to be reached so I can post what it is00:42
Limy354oh wow it works now00:45
Limy354well I'll be...00:45
sarnold*sigh* PHP documentation is amazingly poor sometimes http://php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.files.php00:46
Limy354no more problem now. I'll look into this more but the problem is gone.00:46
shaunothere's a bunch of links in php.ini that are usually more useful, eg at PHP will accept.00:49
sarnoldLimy354: you'll want to set the php variable upload_tmp_dir to use your destination filesystem: http://www.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.upload-tmp-dir00:49
Limy354lol I spoke too soon00:50
Limy354the problem is back00:50
Limy354it stopped at 926 MB and it's now creating a new temp file00:50
sarnold"Generally speaking, memory_limit should be larger than post_max_size."00:50
sarnoldmight as well stick a big giant FAIL sticker on that :) hehe00:50
sarnoldLimy354: multiple files might not be a problem00:50
sarnoldLimy354: it's only a problem if it fails to reconstruct a single file in the destination00:50
Limy354sarnold, oh ok so I'll wait for it to finish and see what happens.00:51
sarnoldLimy354: yeah00:51
Limy354it's a 1GB file00:51
Limy354the second one is already at 188 MB00:52
sarnoldgood, close..00:52
Limy354sarnold, it's still growing. I think it's going to go all the way to just over 900 MB like the last one. It's over 250 MB now.00:54
sarnoldLimy354: o_O00:54
Limy354I'll try what you posted above.00:54
Limy354with the post max size00:54
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sunny_if i want to create a home server should i go for ubuntu server or ubuntu 13.04 ?03:48
pr3d4t0rI'm setting up Ubuntu Server as a Xen guest in another Ubuntu server.  The host is already configured as a bridge, static IP address, and it's reachable in the network.  The guest is configured as but I'm not sure about what should be the gateway; can't finish the installation since mirrors aren't reacahble.  What should be the correct gateway?  Thanks in advance.06:54
pr3d4t0r(I recognize that may be wrong as well -- not sure about how net configuration inside the VM.)06:55
jamespagezul, https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/cinder/havana-rc2/+merge/190789 if you happen to checkin today08:04
* pr3d4t0r re-reviews the Xen docs.08:13
chemist^hello everyone11:02
chemist^i've got a question regarding the security of ubuntu-server11:02
chemist^or rather, i have a couple of questions11:03
chemist^hitsujiTMO hello :)11:03
chemist^hitsujiTMO i managed to get the thing working ok...11:03
chemist^connected my server with a cable to a wifi router11:04
chemist^and connected to wifi with my client pc11:04
chemist^without defining a gateway, so it doesn't screw with my internet connection11:04
hitsujiTMOno more travelling arounf eu for you11:04
chemist^static ip11:04
chemist^yes! :D11:04
chemist^i have a new question11:04
chemist^if you explain it to me in simple words....11:04
hitsujiTMOgo ahead11:05
chemist^why is it better to have a separate PC as a firewall for my server instead of just running a FW application on it?11:05
chemist^i don't have another old pc to use as a firewall.... so i'm thinking of installing a fw on my server.... which one would you suggest? is "ufw" good?11:06
hitsujiTMOthats not my area of expertise i'm afraid11:06
hitsujiTMOyes i just use ufw11:06
chemist^thanks, i'll get on with the config right now11:06
chemist^i've read somewhere on the net that it is a good idea to change the ssh port11:07
chemist^from the default 22 to smth else11:07
chemist^(4 security reasons)11:07
hitsujiTMOi can be11:07
hitsujiTMOthe main thing is to use key auth11:07
chemist^i would host a webpage and nothing else....so closing all ports except 80 and (22) is ok?11:08
chemist^what do you mean by that? key auth?11:08
hitsujiTMOthe norm is to set up a vpn and only allow ssh from that11:08
chemist^yes ok...11:08
chemist^or just allow it from my newly established local network11:08
chemist^a static ip...or mac address11:09
hitsujiTMOssh key authentication11:09
chemist^local...so everyone else would get connection refused11:09
chemist^i had it like this before....so only from certain computers i could connect11:09
hitsujiTMOyou use a private public key pair for login to ssh11:09
hitsujiTMOyes blocking net is good for ssh but, mean you can't ssh from outside11:10
chemist^i don't quite understand the private public key pair....11:10
chemist^i have a password for connecting via ssh11:10
chemist^a strong password11:10
chemist^is that not enough?11:10
hitsujiTMOclient os are you using ? windows ? linux?11:11
hitsujiTMOprivate pubkey gen is really easy then11:11
chemist^what is that for anyway?11:12
chemist^care to explain a little? :P11:12
hitsujiTMOyour using a much stronger token to identify yourself to the server ... with it ssh ing also becomes transparent11:13
hitsujiTMOyou don't even get asked for any details11:13
hitsujiTMOwith that you can disable password auth, which thwarts 99.9% of ssh attacks in the first place (most just attempt to brute force passwords)11:14
chemist^does that mean connecting to the server in a different way? or do i still do "ssh username@ip"11:16
hitsujiTMOstill the same11:16
hitsujiTMOopen terminal and i'll get you started11:17
chemist^will you guide me here or in pvt?11:17
hitsujiTMOin pvt11:18
jamespagezul, ditto for https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/neutron/havana-rc2/+merge/19079512:21
jamespagezul,  and https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/heat/havana-rc2/+merge/19079612:24
jamespagezul, and nova - https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/nova/havana-rc2/+merge/19079712:29
jamespagezul:  nova failing tests - will investigate later12:45
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zuljamespage:  this regression? https://github.com/openstack/nova/commit/7161c62c22ebe609ecaf7e01d2feae473d01495a13:54
WerringAnyone got advise on what type of ftp-server i should install and why I should choose that one?14:11
ersiWerring: How about one of the most commonly used ones, called "vsftpd"?14:15
whatever_42i am only able to write with 18 mbyte/s via netatalk on my raid 5. however i can write with 222 mbyte/s if i do it local. are there some limits? gigabit ethernet is available14:17
whatever_42i am using a realtek rtl8111/8168/8411 or a realtek rtl8169. the 8168 was also on the previous motherboard and i did not recognize any problems there14:19
hitsujiTMOWerring does it have to be ftp and not sftp?14:20
Werringftp is preferred since i need to hook it up to an existing service that does not have sftp support14:23
ggherdovhello. On my Linux Ubuntu-server, for a specific user (other users are fine) I get a "Input/output error" when she does `ls`. Here the relevant part of syslog http://bpaste.net/show/QYyRyZEbbL7vTHP9Z8d9/ .14:25
ggherdovAny clue on what is going on?14:25
ggherdovWhat would be a commonly available linux tool to validate the hypothesis that the integrity of my hdd is compromised?14:25
ersiYou don't do that "after the fact". You need to prepare that prior to getting hacked AFAIK.14:26
ersiAlso, it looks like your harddrive is dying on you - if that's what you meant by "integrity of hdd".14:27
ggherdoversi: yes, I mean, that all blocks are OK. No hacking here, just me burning my own kitchen I guess14:30
ggherdoversi: the tool I am looking for is for assess the damages I have on my hdd, and possibly fix some.14:31
ersiggherdov: I'd def checkout doing some SMART diagnostics on it. It might tell you how many unrecoverable read errors you've had and such.14:32
ersiI wouldn't count on that disk for too long though, unrecoverable read errors == bad.14:33
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ggherdoversi: thanks14:40
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jamespagezul, looks like it yes15:39
jamespagezul, fyi I'm going to raise a bug to track the rc2's15:48
jamespagezul: bug 123915615:51
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1239156 in glance "Havana RC2 Tracker" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123915615:51
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dustinspringmananyone around here today?17:01
ersiYes, of course.17:32
dustinspringmanersi: i have a networking question18:02
cs415any juju devs out there?18:09
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shockwavenecesito aprender a usar ubuntu server y para q me serviria =?18:51
shockwavealguna recomendación!.18:51
shockwavespeak englih)==??18:55
hxmhi, how can I verify if mod_rewrite is working ok?18:57
ikoniasend a page to it that it will re-write19:01
ikoniacheck it re-writes the page19:01
hxmyes that was what I did and didnt work19:05
hxmnow im not sure if it is because of the php site or the module19:05
dustinspringmangot an issue with an x64 12.04 LTS server that requires me to "ip route flush cache" manually to restore a route after a connected route drops (due to ISP fail or other).. The route will not restore automatically... what can I do to troubleshoot this? I've tried to google a solution, but i am not certain how to ask the ?19:07
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ChaosInMindhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6228128/ - So I set up vsftpd as an anon ftp but it keeps asking for a password.19:57
ikoniaChaosInMind: please don't cross post19:57
ikoniayou're getting help in #ubuntu so no need to cross post it here19:58
ChaosInMindI figured this was a server issue, so I joined this channel.19:58
=== lionel_ is now known as lionel
GH0On ubuntu server 12.04.3 LTS, how does one install the whois package if it doesn't appear to be in any repo?23:28
GH0Or rather, is there actually an official package and is something that I have just screwed up?23:29
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med_GH0, http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/whois23:57
med_looks like it is in precise.23:57
med_zul, does the Ubuntu Cloud Archive purge the previous version when new versions of Havana become available or do they just get hidden somewhere? (Ie, can I find b3 packages of Havana in UCA somewhere?)23:59

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