
MooDoomorning all07:17
ali1234wow i found out how to win at reddit07:33
ali1234all you have to do is bash republicans apparently07:34
MooDooali1234: something to keep you busy today then :D07:42
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:10
brobostigonmorning MooDoo09:16
MooDoomorning alan09:33
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet
=== em is now known as qman
bashrcis there any way to dismiss notifications before they disappear?15:37
=== qman is now known as em
shaunothe only reliable method I've found, is to close your eyes and count mississippis15:38
bashrcit's a paper cut really15:38
bashrchave been trying and failing to get a t-mobile usb broadband adapter working15:50
shaunono help here .. I gave up and got a little 'mifi' gizmo that shares my 3g over wifi.  compatibility issues disappeared15:52
bashrclike a hotspot?15:52
bashrcI might do the same.15:54
shaunothere's probably much more straightforward solutions.  just saying I've got nothing to offer because I gave up on that one.  wifi made it work on everything in one swoop15:55
bashrcseems pretty hopeless, and the amount of time I've spent on this is silly15:55
ali1234bashrc: on xfce there is15:57
ali1234you could probably even just swap out the notifiation daemon15:58
leo_33\are uk recruters all liars?16:06
shaunoI'm not sure it's specific to the UK.16:06
leo_33\the UK ones are worst than some of the ones i came accross in europe16:07
bashrcI don't have experience with continental recruiters, but UK ones are typically rotten16:13
shaunowell, the premise is flawed from the outset, imho.  their best interest isn't your best interest, and the outcome is pretty predictable16:15
bashrcits the old saying "if you're not the customer you're the product being sold"16:15
bashrcIn the recent past I've found recruiters to be unreliable and sometimes rude.16:16
bashrcThe mifi device looks like a better option16:20
bashrcthen I could set up a wifi hotspot anywhere, in theory16:21
shaunothat's pretty much what I do, yeah.  it was a combination of my modem having exceptionally ancient drivers for osx, and bad 3g reception meaning the desk was a bad place to put the modem16:28
brobostigongood evening everyone.17:45
brobostigonevening your popey'ness17:48
popeyPancakes for tea!17:50
Cloud80Hi Popey. Nice!17:51
brobostigonthe brobostigon'ator has sausages and rice.17:51
popeywell technically the kids are having pancakeds17:59
ali1234ok i just got a password reset request email from instagram18:58
ali1234but i don't have an intragram account18:58
ali1234but now i do18:59
ali1234i think i must have pissed someone off as i'm getting a large amount of spam from fake dating sites and so on19:01
popeyyeah, sorry.19:06
popeyis it going to a catch all address, or your real email address?19:06
ali1234my real email address, except without the .'s19:12
ali1234maybe they are just making instagram account with like, aaaaaaaa@gmail, aaaaaaab@gmail.com and so on19:13
ali1234i would be the 8 billionth spam account under such a scheme19:13
ali1234i sent a bug report anyway19:14
ikoniaali1234: send me the IP that it's being relayed from, I'm building a new personal RBL for spamming fools19:14
ali1234it was sent legit from instagram19:14
ali1234that's the point19:14
ali1234someone signed up for an account there using my email, without me knowning19:15
ali1234which should be impossible19:15
popeyyeah, i had that with xbox live and sky19:15
popeyi still get stuff from both19:15
ikoniaI've never seen that19:15
penguin42I don't think I've had that; although I keep getting catalogues delivered by post addressed to a 'Rolf Neversyn'19:17
brobostigonare the stas working fine still ?19:35
popeylooks like it19:44
dutchiehi daubers19:48
daubersintellij + github seems to = lots of fun :(19:48
popeypip pip19:49
brobostigoncool, thank you popey .19:50
brobostigonif anyone notices any issues please be free to tell me.19:50
penguin42daubers: What's the UI designer like - I normally spend ages fighting to get layout how I want (although I very rarely do stuff like that)19:50
dauberspenguin42: The little I've used of it, it's ok19:51
smilinHi, wondering if anyone can give me a bit of help with connecting windows phone as msd in linux21:49
smilinhi popey21:51
bigcalmA quick google says that WP doesn't support MSD but does have MTP21:52
bigcalmThis is a quick google, your mileage may vary21:53
bigcalmMorning popey21:53
bigcalmI just ordered a Hudl for Hayley as a wedding present - I hope she realises by now what kind of monster she's marrying21:54
smilinthe problem i have, is that i moved files using mtp in windows, and it corrupted them, and everyone plays the same video. even thought the files are all different sizes. I want to get access to the device as msd so i can use testdisk or similar to recover these very personal videos21:55
bigcalmdirecthex: do you still use a WP?21:56
smilinbeen scouring the web for the pas two hours with no luck. tried three variants of windows, and now ubuntu21:56
bigcalmpopey: what news from the Southern front?21:57
directhexbigcalm, no. and you're correct, it's MTP-only22:04
bigcalmdirecthex: ta, can't remember who has one now22:05
smilindamn. wonder if i can get an image of the phone say as a vhd backup and mount that instead22:06
* popey is at his mums house22:32
popeyher silly wifi only seems to work in a very isolated spot22:32
popeywhich happens to be my old bedroom22:32
MyrttiI'm still totally surprised that there's an awesome book publishing kickstarter platform22:42
MyrttiI just learnt about this about half an hour ago22:42
Myrttiso much for "I'll go to bed before 2am, I promise"22:47
popeyMyrtti: you should listen to the podcast ☻  we mentioned unbound a few times23:10
popeylaura got a book from some UK green car celeb from it23:10
bigcalmpopey: Kryton23:22
bigcalmScrap heap challenge23:22
AlanBello/ czajkowski23:51

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