
zerefherro ubuntu-za06:37
Kilosmorning nlsthzn and others07:07
nlsthznhow are you uncle Kilos?07:10
Kilosok ty nlsthzn and you?07:10
nlsthznalways good uncle Kilos:)07:10
Kilosyou clever, can one wget http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ov17bRbtCxU07:10
nlsthznI never tried to use wget for youtube vids... I installed minitube to do that...07:11
Kilossis wants it but i dont wanna go there, data min atm07:11
nlsthznif you want I can rip it and give you a link to use wget with?07:12
Kilosplease nlsthzn 07:12
nlsthznwhat bitrate would you prefer, normal or HD (will effect size)07:13
Kiloshow much diffs?07:14
nlsthzndunno.. let me see07:14
nlsthznah that an old song... reminds me of growing up :)07:15
Kiloshd is high definition hey? its audio i want not a video07:15
Kilosyeah very catchy song too. play it loud and now now everyone is singing it07:16
nlsthznwell the HD will also have better audio ... so what I will do is get the vid, rip the audio and make a link for you...07:17
Kilosty so much07:17
Kilosi go feed sheep quick07:19
nlsthznno hd available... so got 360p file is 21mb07:19
zerefnlsthzn: Could you perhaps provide insight into http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19331550/database-change-with-software-update?07:27
nlsthznzeref: wow... way above my paygrade...07:28
Kilosisnt the audio only about 4m07:28
nlsthznKilos: that is the size of the video... busy installing a converter... will have a smaller file soon :)07:28
Kilosah cool ty07:28
zerefnlsthzn: lol07:29
kbmonkeyhello there07:30
Kilosmorning kbmonkey 07:30
kbmonkeymorning Kilos 07:31
nlsthznjust busy uploading... link will be forthcoming shortly... file size 4.2mb07:33
* Kilos hates youtube i dont want videos of everything07:33
Kilosthats great ty nlsthzn 07:33
nlsthznwhy then go to a site dedicated to videos 07:33
kbmonkeylol Kilos  - I agree man :)07:33
nlsthznthat is like going to the bank and complaining cause you hate money :p07:33
Kilosits the only link i found for that song nlsthzn 07:33
Kilosi bang to just go to other places07:34
kbmonkeyzeref, you can either use a migration tool, that requires some setup. or you can write the sql to do the upgrade and run it during an upgrade process.07:34
Kilosbut every thing nowadays is youtube/watch07:34
confluencyYou can extract the sound from youtube videos. It's a bit involved, but it's possible. And it's often impossible to find really really obscure songs anywhere.07:39
zerefkbmonkey: thanks, how would the sql do it? could you perhaps send linky or example?07:40
confluencyYou download it with youtube-dl, and then use some app related to mplayer. I can't remember what it is; it has changed recently (the old one became obsolete).07:40
confluencyOh, snap. I see nlsthzn already mentioned this. :)07:40
confluencyI think there are howtos on the intertubes.07:41
kbmonkeyyou can use youtube-dl, a command line tool to download yt videos07:41
kbmonkeyI also use videotop instead07:41
kbmonkeyalso, you can play a youtube link directly through mplayer, and possibly pipe it through to extract the audio, all without downloading07:42
Kilosthe trick is to rip the audio from there without having to see the whole video too07:42
nlsthznyup... video was 20mb07:42
nlsthznaudio rip only 4mb07:42
kbmonkeyit will need to download the entire stream regardless of what you do with it, unfortunately07:42
Kilosthats why it helps to have friends with uncapped07:43
nlsthznI used minitube to get the vid and soundkonverter for the audio... both which are just gui front-ends to all the decoders already on the system (ffmpeg etc)07:43
KilosMaaz, nlsthzn ==07:44
KilosMaaz, nlsthzn ++07:44
KilosMaaz, karma07:44
MaazKilos: Sorry...07:44
Kilosai! i forgot that too07:44
kbmonkeyzeref, I cant help you there. the script is totally dependant on your database structure07:45
KilosMaaz, karma nlsthzn 07:45
MaazKilos: nlsthzn has karma of 207:45
kbmonkeyyou will need to learn how to do database alters, and script those by hand07:45
kbmonkeywhat is karma?07:45
nlsthznstuff you can give in for toys07:45
nlsthznat the end of your life07:45
Kilosits like a gauge of how helpfull a person has been07:46
kbmonkeymy karma ran over my dogma07:46
Kilosbut peeps have forgotten to do the ++ when someone has been helped07:48
KilosMaaz, karma superfly 07:48
MaazKilos: superfly has karma of 2307:48
Kiloshes the leader methinks07:48
Kilosoh nlsthzn kbmonkey weird things here, my 500g drive that was so crashed that bios didnt even see it is working again but with power from another psu outside pc07:49
Kilosand fsck -f from maverick07:49
Kilosdiskutility shows it has 3 bad sectors07:50
Kilosi think my m/board is corrupt07:50
nlsthznsounds like the PSU07:51
nlsthznKilos: that mp3 may have some adds of other songs at the end it seems... perhaps you might need to edit it slightly... if you have audacity07:52
Kilosnp ty nlsthzn , nice song though hey?07:54
nlsthznwell it does bring back a lot of memories :)07:54
nlsthznwhen I was a wee lad :p07:54
nlsthznoh I don't think anyone was here when I mentioned it last time... I am going to be a dad again :D07:55
Kilosoh my congrats nlsthzn 07:55
Kilosbut the child will be an arab07:58
Kilosmommy must come home for birthing or then you got visa probs again07:58
kbmonkeyzeref, I'll write you a reply on SO. Do you have a sample code that connects/creates a sqlite db in python I can play with?08:01
kbmonkeyoh that is weird Kilos, best to not use the psu again in case it damages something for good!08:03
kbmonkeywow nlsthzn congrats on the new little one :)08:03
Kilosi just put it in here a week or so ago kbmonkey because the other one was giving probs08:04
nlsthznthanks all... and yes, visa's and passports are going to be a PITA... but what to do 08:08
Kilosthats part of the reason im stretching data so i can maybe upgrade the pc08:08
nlsthznwhat system you got now uncle Kilos?08:09
Kilosnlsthzn, maybe its easier to get the child registered there and then sort visa stuff with za08:09
nlsthznKilos: we won't be going home for the birth etc so it will have to happen that way08:10
Kilosim on unity 12.04 here now but have another drive with kubuntu 12.04 and an old one with maverick08:10
nlsthznI meant hardware...08:10
Kilosoh a p4 dual core by gigabyte08:11
nlsthznI have a mobo / cpu /ram here that I can get sent to SA with the next oppertunity...08:11
nlsthznit is a core 2 quad Q6600...08:11
nlsthznwas the first quad out there but still rock solid...08:11
Kiloswhew that sounds good08:11
Kilosany quad is better than dual08:12
nlsthznlet me see what I can arange ... no promises on when however...08:12
Kilosthese old ones that use ddr ram you battle to get ram08:12
nlsthznI won't sent the cpu cooler, that to big and heavy... will need to arrange for one inside SA08:12
Kilosnp ty08:12
nlsthznthis one uses DDR2... it has 4gb08:12
Kiloswonderful ddr2 is easily available08:13
zerefkbmonkey: http://pastebin.com/NrtmvGVM08:15
nlsthzncool, because more memory is always good :)08:15
Kilosyeah the drr comes only in 1g and smaller and i tried 2 1g's here but they clashed08:16
Kilosmurphy-as jy kan sukkel sal jy08:16
KilosMaaz, karma kbmonkey08:18
MaazKilos: kbmonkey has karma of 208:18
KilosMaaz, karmaladder08:19
MaazKilos: 0: superfly (23), 1: cocooncrash (19), 2: tumbleweed (16), 3: maiatoday (11), 4: drubin (10), 5: Vhata (8), 6: morgs (8), 7: Kilos (8), 8: highvoltage (7), 9: confluency (6), 10: inetpro (4), 11: nuvolari (3), 12: Symmetria (3), 13: ubuntu-za (2), 14: russell (2), 15: |3o|3 (2), 16: yusuf (2), 17: nlsthzn (2), 18: queery (2), 19: maverick (2), 20: magespawn08:19
Maaz(2), 21: kbmonkey (2), 22: sars (1), 23: youtube-dl (1), 24: ScorpKing (1), 25: Web Afric…08:19
kbmonkeythanks zeref, I am having a look :]08:19
Kiloshi Mezenir 08:24
Mezenirhi kilos08:24
Mezenirhow are you?08:25
Kilosgood ty and you?08:26
Kiloswhat a schlep tablets are08:27
Kilosandroid same as everything else, each manufacturer has to change things08:28
nlsthznandroid is the awesome08:30
Kilosyeah but too much for old heads to figure08:30
Kiloskeeps sis busy though08:30
Mezenirgood thanks08:31
nlsthznandroid is easier than learning ubuntu ;)08:31
Kilosno there aint a help channel on irc08:31
Kilosubuntu was a lekker experience for me08:32
Kilosfound help and friends08:32
* nlsthzn wonders if Kilos has actually looked for help... there is IRC channels for everything 08:32
nlsthznthere are channels >.<08:33
nlsthznstupid grammer08:33
Kilosshe needs the help not me08:33
Kilosi see andchat is the app for them08:34
nlsthznfor IRC... 08:36
nlsthznthere are many apps that can be used...08:36
nlsthznthe trick is to get one that has a way to autocomplete nicks cause it is always annoying writitng them out and getting them wrong08:36
Kiloslemme see if she can work out how to find the song onna stick first08:36
nlsthznneeds a file browser08:37
Kilosher model doesnt have a nice user guide yet08:37
* nlsthzn needs to get his phone to see what he uses ;p08:37
Kilosso i got her some common android userguide08:37
Kilosand she has her daughters fone book as well08:38
nlsthznes file explorer is good and powerful08:38
nlsthznworks well to browse files08:39
nlsthzncopy/paste etc.08:39
Kiloslemme see what she has08:39
kbmonkeyzeref, I updated my answer with your code sample. I hope that helps!08:45
kbmonkeythis is kinda fun, I always wanted to try sqlite in python, now I have :]08:45
zerefahhh, thanks kbmonkey, that was what I was looking for :)08:46
zerefjust one thing. After each make_* statement, shouldnt you connection.commit()?08:50
kbmonkeynoo problem. you should let me know if you put your program on github or somewhere, it sounds interesting08:51
kbmonkeyit does not matter to commit each time, it works the same08:52
zerefk cool08:53
zerefit's on github atm08:53
kbmonkeyit looks like alters or any ddl statement (data definition schema change) is not put in transactions, so they happen even without any commit :/08:53
kbmonkeywhich is strange, buy ya08:54
kbmonkeybut you need the commit to save the new version insert row XD08:55
KilosMaaz, kbmonkey ++ [[For doing geek stuff]]09:18
Kiloshmm... he didnt complain09:19
zerefkbmonkey: 09:24
charlgood morning09:25
charlMaaz: coffee on09:25
* Maaz flips the salt-timer09:25
Kiloshi charl 09:25
charlhi Kilos 09:25
charlhow's it going09:26
KilosMaaz, coffee please09:26
MaazKilos: Sure09:26
Kilosgood ty and there?09:26
charlpretty good thanks09:26
charli'm finally starting to get over this cold09:26
charlit's one of those colds that lasts for a while09:26
Kiloseat lotsa raw onion on sarmies09:27
charlooh raw onion, i think i'll stick to orange juice :)09:27
Kiloseish they dont make men like they used to09:28
Kilosonion is a natural cold/flu blocker fighter09:28
charli should actually eat more onion09:28
charlit's nice to eat finely chopped onion on mash potato09:28
Kilosyeah thats good too09:29
MaazCoffee's ready for charl and Kilos!09:29
charlMaaz: thanks09:29
Maazcharl: Sure09:29
KilosMaaz, danke09:29
charlso i was trying manjaro linux through the week inside virtualbox09:55
charllooks quite good and is very fast09:56
charltakes a while to get used to pacman and different packages but it's rather fast too09:56
charllooks very promising09:56
charli took a look at setting up arch "plain vanilla" but to have to do an entire manual install in 2013 feels a little too ridiculous09:57
kbmonkeymorning charl 10:04
kbmonkeyhey kilos you giving me more karma? he he10:05
kbmonkeythanks man. I can cash it in for toys later...10:05
Kilosmight encourage you to be here more often10:05
Kilosyou gotta help peeps to get karma though10:06
charlhi kbmonkey 10:06
zerefhey kbmonkey: 10:06
charlhi zeref 10:07
kbmonkeysorry Kilos - I prepared some roast veg I put in the oven. I can't wait10:07
zerefsay user upgrades from 0.1.0 to 0.1.3, they will miss the changes for 0.1.1 and 0.1.2, so the database_verions variable needs to be updated :)10:08
zerefhi charl 10:08
kbmonkeyzeref, it will upgrade each version they missed10:09
kbmonkeyah... yes I see what you are saying. good catch zeref :]10:09
magespawngood day all10:35
Kiloshi there magespawn 10:35
kbmonkeyhello magespawn 10:35
magespawnhey Kilos kbmonkey 10:36
charlhi magespawn 10:37
charlwb Snowy2 10:37
kbmonkeywoohoo, the oven veg are done, I think I am going to have a chow today XD10:37
magespawnhowdy charl 10:37
charlhow's the new job magespawn 10:37
magespawnhectic, lots of learning10:37
kbmonkeywhat technology are you learning about magespawn ?10:38
magespawnasterisk and sip 10:41
magespawnlearning how to integrate a sip door phone into a asterisk server10:42
kbmonkeythat is some exciting stuff10:42
Symmetriaso from the first of november I will officially have a new job title10:43
magespawnindeed, and the door phone runs over a wifi network that is about 5kms away from the reception10:43
magespawnhey Symmetria 10:43
Symmetria<== head of IP Strategy - Liquid Telecommunications10:44
magespawnso no more freelance set your own hours10:44
magespawnkbmonkey, one of these http://ipdoorphones.com/10:45
Symmetriamagespawn reality is, not much will change in that department10:45
magespawnand one of these too http://www.ads-worldwide.net/products/10-6208-c07_jedia_jpa_1240_-_240w_100v_line_4_zone_public&address_mixer_amplifier.php10:45
magespawnthe asterisk is running on centos10:50
charlhi Symmetria 11:06
charlcongrats on your new job11:06
charlis that an international company? http://www.liquidtelecom.com/11:06
Symmetrialargest fiber network on the continent11:24
Symmetriaand growing all the time :)11:24
charlwell good for you, sounds like an exciting job11:26
Symmetrialol, its a challenging one which is why I took it :) I love the difficult ones 11:26
Symmetriakeeps me on my toes11:26
charlare you going to be in kenya all the time now?11:27
charlor at least, most of the time :)11:27
Symmetriawell, moving to Kenya just because its easier to travel to all the other places I work in outta there11:29
charlyeah kenya is more central11:30
charlsouth africa is on the one point and it's hard to get around11:30
charlif you need to travel frequently kenya is best11:31
charlhi space 11:33
Symmetriaheh Im about to put down a giant gaming server11:35
Symmetriain east africa11:35
Symmetriathe really cool thing about it, people who wanna game off it from south africa, will still get < 80ms latency to it11:35
charlisn't that a lot, 80ms?11:36
charli'm not really a gamer so i don't know what the expectations are11:36
nlsthznthat is good ping11:36
nlsthzn< 100ms nice 11:36
charloh ok11:36
nlsthznwhen I game on servers in US you sometimes go > 200ms... that sucks for anything fast paced like FPS11:37
charleven working on servers via ssh in the us is painful11:39
Symmetriaheh, we've specced a server that can handle virtually any load you can throw at it as well11:39
Symmetria10 packets transmitted, 10 packets received, 0% packet loss11:41
Symmetriaround-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 64.110/73.713/86.091/9.468 ms11:41
Symmetriathats pinging kenya from bloemfontein11:41
charlfor such a long distance that's quite good i guess11:41
charlthat's half a big continent11:41
Symmetriaactually would be curious to know what someone on a dsl link in joburg would get pinging kenya, someone ping and then tell me the latency and which za ISP you're behind11:42
charli'm not in south africa but i'll ping it for comparison11:45
charlletting it run for a while11:46
KilosPING ( 56(84) bytes of data.11:50
Kilos64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=55 time=932 ms11:50
Kilos64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=55 time=391 ms11:50
Kilos64 bytes from icmp_req=3 ttl=55 time=388 ms11:50
Kilos64 bytes from icmp_req=4 ttl=55 time=384 ms11:50
Kiloshi Symmetria 11:50
Kilosthats via 8ta11:50
charlphew that's high11:52
charl--- ping statistics ---11:52
charl425 packets transmitted, 425 received, 0% packet loss, time 424239ms11:52
charlrtt min/avg/max/mdev = 163.115/165.054/174.425/1.564 ms11:52
charlthat's also pretty high compared to bloemfontein11:53
charli don't think we are so much further away geographically speaking11:53
charlalthough, if you have to go all around the cost, i am indeed significantly further away than south africa11:54
charllooking at google maps now11:54
charltracepath http://paste.ubuntu.com/6226522/11:57
Kiloswho are these peeps http://www.acc.umu.se/technical/hosts/linux.html14:41
Kilosi see them on iftop here14:42
Kiloswell this is what iftop shows leguin.acc.umu.se 14:42
Kilosor are they one of the irc servers?14:52
kbmonkeyhello again15:04
kbmonkeyit is raining here, it is nice.15:04
kbmonkeyso I try to view google plus again, its been a while, and it just never stops loading. 15:10
kbmonkeyI am glad that irc works much better!15:10
Kiloslo kbmonkey 15:30
Kilossend the rain here15:30
kbmonkeywill do Kilos !15:33
kbmonkeyMaaz, do a rain dance15:34
Maazkbmonkey: What?15:34
zerefweo weo16:15
Kiloswhats that zeref ?16:32
KilosMaaz, defiine weo weo16:32
MaazKilos: Sorry...16:32
KilosMaaz, define weo weo16:33
MaazKilos: I don't have a definition for that. Is it even a word?16:33
zerefpew pew16:36
Kilosoh that16:36
Kilosi wonder how one spells that 16:37
Kilosnope not that either16:38
Kilosuse sjoe in afrikaans16:38
zerefpew pew <<----- sound the guns in star wars make :)16:40
Kilosoh that16:40
Kiloshi superfly 16:43
superflyhi Kilos 16:45
Kiloszeref, you are as bad as me17:07
nuvolarihi oom Kilos, lo superfly, zeref17:33
Kiloslo nuvolari 17:33
nuvolariand kbmonkey 17:33
nuvolarihi oom :) Gaan dit goed?17:34
Kilosja dankie seun en self?17:34
nuvolaridit gaan oraait dankie oom17:34
nuvolaribietjie afgepie by die werk want ek moet nou sukkel met software wat ek nie kan uitfigure nie17:35
Kiloskry hulp man17:36
nuvolaridaar is 'n wiki vir die sagteware maar dit is die basics17:38
nuvolariniks in die lyn van wat ek mee moet sit nie17:38
nuvolarias ek hare gehad het, het ek hulle een vir een uitgepluk17:39
Kiloswatse safteware17:39
Kilosinetpro, slaap jy nog?17:43
nuvolariKilos: ETL, Extract, Transform, List. Dis 'n tipe datamining17:46
superflyhi nuvolari 18:02
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:57
bajayiHi peeps19:56
bajayicould someone tell me what ports to open on my web server in the DMZ so i can pull updates and packages from ubuntu repository19:57
superflyport 8019:58
superflyuh, your web server?19:58
superflyI presume you're talking actual server machine, not software19:58
superflybajayi: how do you browse the net normally?19:59
bajayiupdates for packages et al stuffs like apt-get .....19:59
superflydo you use a proxy?19:59
superflyyes, you said that19:59
bajayithe web server is placed on the DMZ and we have port 80 and 443 opened20:00
bajayibut i still cant get updates or packages to install on the web server when i run apt-get20:00
superflybajayi: when you say, "web server" is this the box you're trying to update?20:00
superflywhat does apt-get say?20:00
bajayiyes superfly20:00
bajayiunable to retrieve packages ...something along those lines 20:02
superflywhich tells me everything, of course.20:02
superflyhow about you give me the actual error message... or better yet, the entire output you get from the moment you type "sudo apt-get update"20:03
superflyand then explain how you browse the web from inside your DMZ20:03
bajayii cant provide that now....i'm home20:03
bajayii'll revert back with e specific error messages on monday when i'm at work20:04
superflyreport back20:04
superflyto revert is to put back to what it was20:04
bajayii hear you!20:07
bajayihang in there20:07
bajayihere you go!20:10
bajayiconnected via my vpn20:10
bajayiLast login: Fri Oct 11 17:44:07 2013 from root@web1:~# apt-get update Err http://ng.archive.ubuntu.com precise Release.gpg   Temporary failure resolving 'ng.archive.ubuntu.com' Err http://security.ubuntu.com precise-security Release.gpg   Temporary failure resolving 'security.ubuntu.com' 0% [Connecting to ng.archive.ubuntu.com]20:10
superflyso you have a DNS issue20:10
superflyand why are you connecting to ng.archive.ubuntu.com ?20:11
bajayithats my location20:11
superflythere isn't a local Ubuntu presence in Nigeria?20:11
superflywelcome to South Africa ;-)20:12
superflybajayi: so it looks to me like you need to sort out your DNS in your DMZ - or on your web server, at least20:12
bajayithanks alot20:14
bajayione more issue i ran into whilst setting up the DB server still on ubuntu20:14
bajayii disabled the firewall when i couldnt connect via ssh remotely20:15
bajayiit worked for a while and stopped20:15
bajayii can no longer connect to it via ssh remotely20:15
bajayido i need to ufw allow 22?20:15

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