
PouriaWould anyone like to help me find a name for my app?00:13
popeyPouria: heh, a friend tells me the two hardest things in computing. 1) Caching, 2) Naming things.00:25
popeyGood luck!00:25
PouriaActually I have a bunch of names.00:26
PouriaBut since Im not natively english, I wonder if a name that I have chosen is stupid, or resembles something foolish.00:26
popeyfeel free to ask00:27
PouriaMy app is basically a feed reader.00:27
popeyan RSS Reader?00:27
popeycool btw ☻00:27
PouriaRSS and atom.00:27
PouriaSo, users have the ability to upvote/downvote stuff.00:28
PouriaAlso, by just clicking a news item, you are kinda upvoting it.00:28
PouriaThen feed items that have better ratings are shown higher-up to the user.00:28
popeySounds like reddit ☻00:29
PouriaBut it is for feeds.00:29
PouriaDoes reddit do that exactly?00:29
popeynot based on clicks00:29
popeyonly votes00:29
popey<- not an expert00:29
popeyBut I can play one on TV.00:30
PouriaI'm no expert my self.00:30
PouriaDoes reddit work with rss feeds?00:30
popeyso what names have you come up with?00:30
popeydont think so00:30
popeynewsblur sounds like this00:31
PouriaSo the code name for the project (i.e in the source code), is "TopFeed".00:31
popeythat lets you share stuff, and tag it, not sure if you can vote up/down00:31
PouriaSo, what about "TopFeed" for a name?00:31
popeyas opposed to the negative sounding "bottom feed"(er)00:31
PouriaSo, it kinda reminds you of bottom feeder?00:32
PouriaI have other names too.00:32
popeyJust not sure about it. TopFeed sounds like it should be TopFeeder, and that sounds like "Top Feeder" which sounds like "An excellent Feeder"00:33
popeyi like feedmob00:33
popeynot the others00:33
PouriaWhat about feedJam?00:33
popeymeh ☻00:33
popeyfeedmob is a taken name00:34
popeyhard to find names that aren't tbh00:34
PouriaHow do you check whether a name is taken?00:34
popeygoogle it ㋛00:34
PouriaI think I have probably googled most of these names, but i'll check again.00:35
popeyI like the name "Bubbler" - I thought "Feed Bubbler" because it lets the users "Bubble" news to the top (like Top Feeder)00:35
PouriaAhhhh! Nice!00:35
popeybut removing the word "feed" means you just have a nice simple name00:35
PouriaYes, I'll remember this.00:36
PouriaWhat about FeedRev, as in Feed REvolution.00:36
popeythinking ☻00:37
popeyall of these imply feeds00:37
popeyare people reading feeds, do they know what feeds are00:37
popeyor are they reading articles / news00:37
popeyis "feed" a word people use commonly?00:37
PouriaYour last question I;m not sure.00:37
PouriaBut yes.00:38
PouriaDon't you know about feeds?00:38
popeyi mean there's FeedReader, Feedly etc00:38
popeyi do00:38
popeyjust wondering about Normal People00:38
popeythem.. out there00:38
PouriaWell , I'l be releasing for linux first, so the users are probably savvy.00:38
popeyAs I said, I'm not an expert ☻00:38
popeyI named my recent app by taking what it does and convert to another language then take the first letter of each word ☻00:39
popeyOelssi ☻00:39
popeyunpronouncable, but nobody else has the name ☻00:39
PouriaWhat does your app do?00:40
popeyTracks the International Space Station00:40
popeyoù est la station spatiale internationale  = oelssi00:40
PouriaDude, that name is hard to type into google.00:40
PouriaYou have to copy paste.00:41
popeysee, told you I wans't good at this ㋛00:41
PouriaI could also name it Discord.00:41
PouriaCause its kinda chaotic.00:41
popeyoh i like that00:41
popeyno relation to feeds or news or anything00:42
PouriaYeh, that's a negative I guess.00:42
PouriaOr is it?00:42
popeyits good IMO00:42
popeyamazon, ebay..00:42
popeynothing to do with books or auctions00:42
popeybut you remember them00:42
PouriaThanks. I appreciate it.00:43
PouriaAnd that bubbler name seems way cool to me.00:44
PouriaBut its probably taken.00:44
popeySounds like a chat app to me00:45
popeyas Gossip has two meanings really00:45
PouriaGossip. SOunds like chat to me too.00:45
PouriaExcuse my slow typing, I've been too busy to cut my nails.00:46
PouriaActually, googleing it, it Bubbler seems to be not taken.00:46
popeyyeah, i didn't see anything immediately spring up00:46
popeyRight, time for bed. Good luck! I look forward to seeing your app in the store - whatever it's called!00:47
PouriaGL to you too.00:47
naresh_hello everyone03:10
AskUbuntuLetting the users of my application select whether the app should start on login? Most cross-platform way to implement? | http://askubuntu.com/q/35739904:16
mrqtrospopey hello! :)12:09
mrqtrospopey I am from RSS Reader team as you may remember. We have big changes in our app (finished work on it few minutes ago), is it normally to merge it today? :) When is the deadline? :) It fixes two bugs, makes app more robust, code more clean and so on :)12:10
popeymrqtros: of  course I remember ☻12:13
popeymrqtros: yeah, get stuff landed today if you can.12:13
popey(tomorrow will be okay if jenkins isn't landing - we may have a datacentre outage preventing you landing today)12:14
mrqtrospopey ok, we will do our best ;) Awaiting Joey, he may want to test too before merging :)12:15
ahayzenpopey, Jenkins is back up after yesterday...but now bzr seems really slow lol :/12:15
ahayzenpopey, do we have an expected time for the outage later?12:16
* popey reads his email12:19
popey Sun Oct 13 21:00 UTC - Mon Oct 14 04:00 UTC12:19
ahayzenpopey, thanks12:22
ahayzenpopey, still lots of stuff landing in the music-app if hadn't noticed by the number of emails :)12:23
popeyyeah! Thanks for keeping on top of those!12:25
ahayzenpopey, think we are down to the last few now though...would you/lisettte/dpm/mhall be able to look at this? https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/album-art-toolbar-when-no-back-button/+merge/19082312:25
ahayzenpopey, i feel it needs design input but if you are ok with it then please approve :)12:26
popeyi will after lunch12:26
ahayzenpopey, thanks12:26
popeyahayzen: its looking likely we'll get a good few more builds over the next couple of days12:28
ahayzenpopey, cool, will lisettte be in on Monday to review things?12:28
ahayzenpopey, did they want to change the default cover art as well?... if they need us to merge it in then just email the team the image and one of us can do tht :)12:29
ahayzenpopey, i'm off for lunch speak later12:30
popeyahayzen: yes, i think lisette asked for a new cover art, i asked for it to be delivered by EOD monday12:31
JoeyChanpopey  Hi,   a question about the translation of project,    maybe I should ask David(dpm), but seems he is not here14:11
popeyJoeyChan: dpm is the best person to ask about translation stuff. if you drop him an email he'll get back to you first thing in the morning14:11
JoeyChanpopey  ok thanks  :)14:12
mhall119man, music-app MP emails are filling up my inbox today, those guys have beebn busy15:24

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