
bazhang<RoboC0der> any body can help me to resolve my issue in kernel programming?07:31
bazhangnow cleans rooms twice as fast07:32
ikoniaauto ban, webchat...08:09
ikoniadidn't notice08:09
Myrttiyeah, it took me a while to notice it was floodbot08:10
Myrttistill sleepy08:10
ikonianot at all, it was a good spot08:10
ikoniaI totally missed it08:10
bazhang<Wug> popey: are you still there? googling intensely maybe, or perhaps using your vast neckbeard to scan man pages?09:15
Myrttino, he's using his sideburns for that09:15
bazhangoopsie ! popey's in here!11109:16
topylithere's a band in finland called Flaming Sideburns09:49
topylii bet they sell gold every time just for the name09:49
ikoniathere must be a better channel other than #ubuntu for the default IRC client to point at in ubuntu12:14
ikoniapretty much zero questions are anything to do with ubuntu12:14
ikonia"how do I setup my router"12:14
ikonia"how do I install mate"12:15
bazhang"how do I IRC?"12:19
ikoniathere you go12:19
jussiikonia: we could set up #ubuntu-doorman :P :P :P :P :P13:43
IdleOnewhat we would need in #ubuntu-doorman is a smart bit that can redirect users after they ask their question13:45
WafamdeWINDOWS IS THE BEST!!! :D16:33
bazhang* [Guest60993] (~doe@pool-74-103-155-240.phlapa.fios.verizon.net): john16:41
bazhangtroll detected16:41
DJonesRemoved once under BT 5775216:42
DJonesAfter a warning about nickspam16:42
DJonesAnd enough nonesense16:45
ikoniajust to remind people that fixmywifiplz isn't actually running ubuntu but some raspbian version.17:18
ikonianot sure why he's sticking around other than to appear to try to push buttons17:19
ikoniatoo many people trying to be a problem, I'm going to do something else17:43
k1l_chemist (~chemist@188-230-252-205.dynamic.t-2.net) aka [chemist^] is logged in as chemist^ ban evading for more drama17:48
Myrttiif someone could18:48
MyrttiI cant18:48
bazhang<likemike> the gui is so terrible that it makes me to vomit19:31
bazhanganother upvote for unity19:31
ikoniadidn't we ban bzshells as a host provider ?20:06

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