
waykool99haven't used IRC in over 10 years. does old AOL usernames/passwords still work for Logging in?00:57
waykool99by chance, any ubuntu studio devs here?01:03
=== [Batou] is now known as HisaoNakai
InsertUsernameDoes anyone know where the AMD Graphics Driver keeps its config file?14:58
InsertUsernameDoes anyone know where the AMD Graphics Driver keeps its config file?15:02
InsertUsernameI'm trying to find the amd driver config file so I can change the resolution in it and stop it from bluescreening15:04
=== _raven_ is now known as __raven
InsertUserHow can I run Ubuntu Studio in low resolution ode?19:21
wiakput VGA in boot?19:26
InsertUserthanks... I'll have a look19:27
InsertUserand thanks for the amd link just what I was looking for19:28
wiakamd uses xorg, soo the config file is the current xorg config file19:28
wiakit should be around /etc/xorg19:28
InsertUseralso when you do Ctrl+Alt+F1 how do you exit the terminal when you're done?19:29
wiak/etc/X11/xorg.conf is more corret19:29
wiaki think thats F9 or something19:29
wiakor just reboot *19:29
InsertUsernope it's none of the Function Keys19:30
InsertUserI did that19:33
InsertUserbut I want my drivers D:19:33
InsertUserIf I install my driver, is there a way to configure ut before I reboot?19:33
InsertUserwait I'll join on y Ubuntu Studio coputer19:35
InsertUser_Do I actually need my AMD graphics drivers?19:36
InsertUserHi, Is there any way I can install the AMD Catalyst Driver without it messing up my resolution?21:05
InsertUserIs this the wrong place to ask?21:07
wilee-nileeno is this a propietary?21:12
wilee-nileeInsertUser: this is ubuntu studio?21:13
InsertUser? yeh21:13
InsertUseryes it is for ubuntu studio21:13
InsertUserI'm running on ubuntu studio and every time I install the driver my resolution gets messed up21:14
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1221:18

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