
Psil0Cybinhey guys have a quick question, i have an external hard drive after im done copying over files i try to unmount it, and it keeps saying its in use01:08
Psil0Cybinand never lets me unmount and eject what can i do01:09
FoxBJKwhat OS?01:13
DeepfriedicePsil0Cybin, What windows do you have open at the time?03:13
Psil0Cybini had thundar open03:17
Psil0Cybinin order to unmount and eject via gui03:17
newboyHelp! :)03:18
newboyTrying to install onto netbook from usb flash drive, download gives me option of 32 bit desktop or 32 bit alternate torrent any tips on which one I need?03:19
newboyGot it :)03:28
xubuntu915can you plz tell me password management policy07:18
bazhang!find keepassx07:18
ubottuFound: keepassx07:18
bazhang!info keepassx07:18
ubottukeepassx (source: keepassx): Cross Platform Password Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.3+dfsg-0.1ubuntu1 (raring), package size 1098 kB, installed size 3081 kB07:18
xubuntu915thank you..07:20
xubuntu615Hi Everyone, There is a customized LiveCD which has my wanted screen resolution. Which folder sholud I copy to my system to has those settings. Please don't tell me the only way is xorg.conf.d and xorg.conf creation because they are not working. The live system also works without them as well.08:58
Svetlanawhat xfce theme is sufficiently Mac-like? trying to translate documentation somewhere, it asks for mac screenshots so I'd be happy to fake that a bit09:45
bekksSvetlana: the menu structure, etc. is totally different. Just adjusting borders and button layout wont help you much.09:46
SvetlanaredmondXP theme is ok for win screenshots but I can't find anything mac-like in the default set; tried using http://xfce-look.org/content/show.php?content=149800 but I don't see it in the list09:46
Svetlanano, not OS screenshots, screenshots of an appication which actually is same on all platforms09:46
TheSheepSvetlana: they want mac screenshots because the font rendering is completely different09:46
TheSheepSvetlana: and that cannot be faked because of patent09:46
SvetlanaI have been using wine for faking wine screenshots, it does have different looking fonts indeed09:47
Svetlanawhat to use for mac-like?09:47
TheSheepedit it in gimp ;)09:47
Svetlanathose blue scrollbars aren't very easy09:48
bekkscopy&paste :)09:48
Svetlanammm looking at https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159007609:48
xubuntuNewbie007Hey, I have a question about installing xbuntu via unetbootin and the hard disk option rather than Live USB:10:09
xubuntuNewbie007When I get to the part that partitians the table it errors out if I try to format it. So I just ran the install over mint 15 without formatting.10:10
xubuntuNewbie0071.) is that going to hurt me?10:10
xubuntuNewbie0072.) is it because I'm using the hard disk option with unetbootin?10:10
xubuntuNewbie007hey mongy - are you an expert, here to solve my woes?10:12
xubuntu217Goodday to all, from me, with a litte question.13:57
xubuntu217how do I get the right version Skype?13:58
xubuntu217 silence is golden .....14:01
=== makimac_________ is now known as makimac
gdosi was using dwww to browse through man pages and it worked for a while but not anymore. now my webserver settings seemed to have been hosed. even when i type http://localhost i get a page not found error. how can i fix this?15:03
pinqvin_Is it possible to get my sd drive work in my toshiba? Device is Toshiba America Info Systems SD TypA Controller (rev 03)15:10
gdoshow do i get file:///var/www/index.html to display on http://localhost or http://192.168.*.* or http://hostname(systemname) - when i open these pages i get an ERROR 40415:24
dingus_khanhi, I was on here recently and someone pointed me to a link on how exactly to repair a botched GRUB installation via the LiveCD session; anyone know what I'm talking about?18:51
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub218:52
dingus_khanmost helpful bot I've ever seen18:53
Thisegzzhey, can anyone tell me when xubuntu 13.10 is planned to be released?19:56
Thisegzzawesome, thanks19:57
Thisegzzwill it be downloadable on xubuntu.org by then?19:57
Myrttiprobably yes19:58
Thisegzzok, thanks :)19:58
gdosjust installed freevo. its nice but how do i keep it from starting up automagically (i.e. before the lightdm panel)?22:06
PhoenixSTFhey guys gotta  small issue23:13
PhoenixSTFseems like xfdesktop-settings went all nuts after a failed suspend23:13
PhoenixSTFcannot change desktop anymore23:14

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