[16:38] highvoltage: got any edubuntu time this week for release? [16:39] highvoltage: I've just tested the live session on amd64, translations are now fine, ltsp-live works as expected, the installer looks fine and I don't see any remote content in unity [16:39] so all of our final beta bugs appear to have been solved [16:40] now doing a standard install, then doing the same thing with Chinese on i386 and will try and run standard update tests too [16:40] I'm doing all that today since it's a public holiday here, then will mostly do Ubuntu stuff the rest of the week [16:48] highvoltage: btw, I really like the new Edubuntu wallpaper! [16:50] and install works fine including LTSP [16:50] we still have that problem where the system doesn't reboot properly post-install though but I think I've got an idea as to what's going on there, will see if I'm right and if I am, I'll update edubuntu-live to fix that one for good [17:15] stgraber: yep, will have some time. bandwidth is a greate issue since I moved and waiting for my dsl to come along. but I guess rsync on 3g won't be /too/ heavy [17:16] stgraber: and... nice :) [17:48] highvoltage: oops, looks like we've got an issue with edubuntu_default (the wallpaper) [17:48] we're currently shipping a 0 byte .png and a .jpg that's the symlink [17:48] ubiquity loads the .png and so do some older installs [17:49] so those result in either crash or black screen [17:49] I'll see if just making the .jpg a symlink is enough [17:54] fix uploaded