
=== Nakkel_ is now known as Nakke
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fractalinehi, can't seem to get opengl to work on 13.04 or 13.1002:54
AddleHi fractaline, what card do you have?02:58
fractalineintel integrated rev203:02
fractalineAddle, ^^03:03
Addlefractaline: Hm, not much of an expert on the Intel stuff, alas. First thing I'd do is look at the Xorg log file, which should be /var/log/Xorg.0.log03:06
Addlefractaline: Perhaps that will also tell you the exact card model. Is that a hybrid card?03:07
fractalinei'll check it out03:08
Addlefractaline: In the Xorg log file, any errors should have (EE) on the line, so that's one thing to look for that might give some hints.03:10
fractalineAddle, if you care to have a look...03:17
fractalinei'm working on adding some entries to the environmental variables..  not sure yet where to put what03:19
Addlefractaline: There do seem to be errors in there with loading GLX. Let me look them up...03:21
fractalineoh thanks03:23
Addlefractaline: Hm, not really sure, but I think it may have something to do with it being hybrid. But I really don't know much about those, so possibly in over my head.03:31
Addlefractaline: You might want to try and find the exact card(s) you have on there. lspci command should list that stuff. Probably with "VGA compatible controller" on the same line.03:32
Addlefractaline: At least you'll know what you're dealing with. :)03:32
Addlefractaline: My card on this terrible laptop says this, for example: VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)03:33
Addlefractaline: If you have that same card, I've never gotten it to work on Ubuntu, only Arch. Terrible card. lol03:34
Addlefractaline: I'll also add that, on my card, opengl is pretty spotty. xbmc doesn't work, but a few 3D games do (slowly). I really hope you have a better card than this laptop. Thank goodness for my desktop.03:38
fractalinei think my card is more less the same i'll check03:46
fractaline00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)03:49
fractalinethat's all it says03:49
AddleHm, I expected a model number or something.03:50
fractalineit was working before on kde 4.1003:51
fractalineit went bad after an upgrade03:52
AddleOuch. Well, I guess that's technically a good sign.03:52
Addlefractaline: One idea comes to mind. Do you have a file called /etc/X11/xorg.conf? If so, backing it up and removing it, e.g. mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak as root.03:56
fractalinenot there..03:58
AddleOk, that's good.03:59
AddleOnly thing I can think of right now is to try updating with the xorg-edgers PPA, but since it used to work, I don't think that'll help. Plus it could just cause more problems.03:59
AddleThis probably won't help, but can't really hurt: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel04:02
fractaline0 to install/upgrade04:03
fractalinehow do i check/update the driver??04:05
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AddleOh yeah, right. Add the --reinstall flag to it. sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-video-intel04:06
fractalinedang... bit stumped04:10
AddleAlas, same here.04:11
AddleBTW, glxinfo can also sometimes give useful info.04:11
AddleOh yeah, and sudo lspci -v will also give you more info on the card details.04:14
AddleLastly, so can "sudo lshw -class display". Don't know if those will help figure it out, but that's all I have left. lol04:16
fractalinepuddle@puddle-Satellite-L500:~$ glxinfo | grep OpenGL04:21
fractalineX Error of failed request:  BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)04:21
fractaline  Major opcode of failed request:  154 (GLX)04:21
fractaline  Minor opcode of failed request:  19 (X_GLXQueryServerString)04:21
fractaline  Serial number of failed request:  1204:21
fractaline  Current serial number in output stream:  1204:22
FloodBotK1fractaline: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:22
Addlefractaline: Yep, definitely OpenGL issues. Maybe mesa is messed up. This is "at your own risk", obviously, and since I don't know what the issue is... But perhaps https://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads/2013/intelr-linux-graphics-installer-version-1.0.2 would help. Just don't blame me if it messes anything up. ;)04:23
Addlefractaline: If you go that route, this might also help: http://linuxg.net/how-to-install-the-intel-graphics-installer-on-ubuntu-13-10-ubuntu-13-04-and-ubuntu-12-10/04:27
Addlefractaline: Meh, really, ignore that last one. It's downloading 1.0.1, and the graphical installer is up to
fractalinei can't seem to install it04:34
fractalinei need to put this down ... things to do04:34
fractalinethanks for the tips Addle04:34
Addlefractaline: No problem, good luck fixing it! :)04:35
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valliganPlease someone can help me ?11:46
lordievader!ask | valligan11:47
ubottuvalligan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:47
valliganOf course thank you11:47
valliganThe capture on PlayOnLinux doesn't work  "Error in main Please install lame"  have a better way to do a video capture of POL games ?11:49
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lordievadervalligan: Have you installed kubuntu-restricted-extras?11:51
valliganI'm new on kubuntu so, no...11:51
lordievadervalligan: Install the package and see if you still get the error.11:51
valliganI'll do..11:52
valliganthe command is : sudo apt-get install  kubuntu-restricted-extra ?11:55
lordievadervalligan: Indeed it is :)11:55
valliganSorry i'm new :)11:55
lordievadervalligan: We all have to start somewhere ;)11:56
valliganImpossible to find the package kubuntu-restricted-extra11:56
lordievadervalligan: Ah it's "extras" not "extra".11:57
valliganAh ok )11:57
valliganAh... now is Please install vorbis-tools12:02
lordievadervalligan: Go ahead ;)12:04
valliganffmepg2theora now...12:05
lordievadervalligan: How did you install the PlayOnLinux thingie?12:06
valliganjust install playonlinux12:06
lordievaderHmm odd that they are not dependencies.12:07
valliganhow can i install the thingie ?12:08
lordievadervalligan: That was just me refering to playonlinux ;)12:09
valliganHow do I know if I use opengl ?12:13
lordievadervalligan: For kwin you mean?12:16
valligancapture ask me if i want to capture with opengl or not12:17
lordievadervalligan: Ah, saying no is a safe bet. Do you happen to know what graphics card you have and what driver you run?12:21
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valliganlordievader: i use Nvidia version 31912:25
valliganWith a Geforce 9600M GS12:26
lordievadervalligan: Then your system probably supports OpenGL.12:26
valliganbut have a better way to capture a game ?12:27
valliganOr the desktop ?12:27
valliganRecordItNow lag12:27
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lordievadervalligan: I don't have the faintest idea. Never do such a thing.12:30
valliganthere is no forum to talk about12:31
BluesKajHiyas all12:38
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arjen_Hi all, after a regular upgrade my Kubuntu 12.04 will not start KDE anymore. I end up on the login screen every time (also if password is correct). Can someone help me diagnose/solve the problem? I have no idea where to find logfiles/messages describing what's wrong.13:17
Strewardlogged in?13:18
lordievaderarjen_: Sounds like a failing graphics driver.13:18
arjen_OK... (I do see the graphical login screen though...)13:19
arjen_How could I solve this?13:19
arjen_Could the configured screen driver be lost after the upgrade or so?13:19
BluesKajarjen_. can you drop to a tty , ctrl+alt+F1 to F6 , login and to the update/upgrade from there13:20
lordievaderarjen_: What driver are you running and how did you install it?13:20
BluesKajdo the update13:20
arjen_BluesKaj: I've done that, no effect...13:21
BluesKajthen as lordievader asks which grapics driver ?13:21
arjen_I think I have an intel graphics driver that was detected at install a long time ago, but I would have to check13:23
arjen_It's an intel graphics card in any case13:23
lordievaderHmm that makes a failing gfx driver less likely. Those Intel drivers usually work pretty good.13:23
lordievaderarjen_: Do you see errors in your .xsession-errors file?13:24
arjen_.xsession-errors is empty...13:25
arjen_Justdid another upgrade through console which gave a lot of KDE updates, seeing if that helps...13:26
arjen_Nope :-(13:26
arjen_I think it's the i915 driver by the way13:28
lordievaderarjen_: Can you start kde by logging in to a tty and running "startkde"?13:28
arjen_It says: $display is not set or cannot connect to the X server13:29
lordievaderarjen_: Try "startx" then.13:30
arjen_Fatal server error: already active for display 013:31
arjen_That's strange13:31
arjen_It says I can remove a lock file13:31
arjen_Should I do that and try again?13:31
arjen_Because the X server doesnt seem to be running13:31
lordievaderarjen_: It probably is, run "sudo service lightdm stop" and then try "startx" again.13:32
arjen_Unrecognized service13:33
arjen_lightdm is the right spelling?13:33
lordievaderarjen_: Oh wait you where using precise: sudo service kdm stop13:33
arjen_Ah OK13:33
arjen_Precise yes :-)13:33
arjen_Well something seems to be running now13:34
arjen_But it keeps saying "no protocol specified"13:34
lordievaderarjen_: After the startx command?13:36
arjen_If I go to the graphical screen (ctrl-alt-f7) it shows some status messages but no graphical screen13:36
lordievaderTry the 8th one ;)13:36
arjen_Nothing there...13:36
lordievaderarjen_: Hmm, well I have another workaround... Make sure X isn't running: ps aux|grep X13:37
arjen_It shows /usr/bin/X and xinit13:38
arjen_(And grep X ;-)) So I suppose it's running13:38
lordievaderarjen_: Kill then both. btw what I'm about to tell you isn't recommended for daily use.13:38
lordievaderarjen_: ?13:39
arjen_"whoops" was about what you said :-)13:40
arjen_I've killed the processes but they still seem to be running13:40
arjen_just "kill 2078" right?13:40
lordievaderarjen_: You probably need sudo for that.13:41
arjen_Ah yes, did that, sorry13:41
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arjen_but still running13:41
lordievaderarjen_: Then use -9.13:41
lordievaderkill -9 207813:41
arjen_Yep that works :-)13:42
lordievaderarjen_: Then on tty1 start X by running: sudo /usr/bin/X :013:43
lordievaderarjen_: After some flickering go to tty2 and login.13:43
lordievaderarjen_: And from here run "export DISPLAY=:0; startkde".13:43
arjen_command not found...13:43
arjen_Oops sorry13:44
arjen_I see there's a space after X13:44
arjen_OK i'm on tty2 now13:44
arjen_OK trying...13:45
arjen_Oh no13:46
arjen_Now it hangs completely13:46
lordievaderarjen_: Ahh, I was afraid of that... :( After starting X I presume?13:46
arjen_I see the KDE startup screen with the logo and progress "dots" but it hangs completely13:46
lordievaderarjen_: Oh, that is further than I expected.13:47
arjen_Yes I did /usr/bin/X as you said13:47
arjen_and then startkde on tty213:47
lordievaderWhat you could try is creating a new user and seeing if you can login to that one through kdm.13:47
arjen_Hmm OK13:48
arjen_I have to reboot now first :-\13:48
arjen_Just sudo adduser xxx and it should be able to login to KDE?13:49
lordievaderarjen_: Yes, a simple test to see if the .kde folder is the culprit.13:50
arjen_No, created user "test" and can't login with that one either :-(13:51
lordievaderarjen_: Did the adduser command make a home dir for the test user?13:52
arjen_let's see13:53
arjen_yes it's there13:53
lordievaderarjen_: With a .kde?13:53
arjen_containing a few dot-files13:53
arjen_No, no .kde13:53
lordievaderarjen_: Hmm that is odd... what are the right on the home dir?13:55
lordievaderls -l /home/test13:55
arjen_On the /home/test itself? So '.' in the listing?13:56
lordievaderAnd it is owned by test I presume?13:56
arjen_Should I have restarted KDE with the commands you gave after creating the user?13:57
arjen_I've done this now:13:57
arjen_create user test13:57
arjen_select "restart X server" from KDE login screen13:58
arjen_(now user test shows up in the list of users)13:58
arjen_try to login as test13:58
lordievaderarjen_: Didn't it show up before?13:58
arjen_Yes it did show up before... This is what I did earlier, but suddenly asked myself if it was correct13:59
lordievaderarjen_: That should be fine, you could try to reboot to be sure.14:00
arjen_OK I'll try14:01
arjen_No... no effect14:02
lordievaderarjen_: Was afraid of that one.14:02
arjen_Does KDE keep a log where we could find what's happening?14:03
arjen_It is a KDE problem?14:03
lordievaderarjen_: I'm not really sure where the problem lies, to be honest. There might be a clue in /var/log/syslog.14:04
arjen_I'll have a look14:04
arjen_Well I see mostly "kernel" messages... nothing that looks alarming14:06
arjen_There is also a kdm.log14:07
lordievaderarjen_: And something interesting?14:08
arjen_Ah, this might be something. In kdm.log:14:08
lordievader!paste| arjen_14:09
ubottuarjen_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:09
arjen_kdelauncher(1518) kdemain: no dbus session-bus found. check if you started the dbus server14:09
arjen_and after that:14:09
lordievaderarjen_: It might just be that.14:09
arjen_kdeinit4: communication error with launcher. Exiting!14:09
lordievaderarjen_: Is qdbus installed?14:10
arjen_Thanks for the pastebin thing, but I can't paste from a half broken laptop :-)14:10
arjen_Hmm dont know14:10
lordievaderarjen_: Paste the output of "apt-cache policy qdbus" please.14:11
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:11
arjen_Ah pastebinit :-) Sorry hadn't read that :-D14:13
arjen_Ah "policy" :-) Thanks14:13
arjen_I was looking at apt-cache show14:13
lordievaderarjen_: Someone here had the same problem, he fixed it by uninstalling qdbus and reinstalling it: http://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?62957-qdbus-broken-on-12-04-backports-upgrade14:17
arjen_OK... thanks, hadn't seen that one14:19
arjen_So apt-get purge qdbus and then reinstall?14:19
lordievaderarjen_: Purge is a bit drastic, "sudo apt-get remove qdus" and see if it is only the qdbus package being uninstalled.14:20
arjen_Holy crap14:23
arjen_It's trying to remove 9 packages and add a whole load of KDE packages14:23
lordievaderarjen_: What 9 packages is it trying to remove?14:24
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lordievaderarjen_: Hmm those aren't really packages you want to remove. Are you currently in a tty?14:26
lordievaderarjen_: Though if you install the kubuntu-desktop package you should get all of them back.14:26
BluesKajthose removed packages will be reinstalled upgraded , arjen_ , nothing strange about that14:29
arjen_Ok I'll remove it and reinstall, then also install kubuntu-desktop14:31
arjen_lordievader: sounds good?14:31
lordievaderarjen_: Jup.14:31
lordievaderarjen_: It should work ;)14:31
arjen_OK :-)14:31
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arjen_lordievader: Oh, no... same problem... and now my root partition is full :-( :-(14:56
thingol_hi everyone, i'm missing the normal text terminals for the f1-f6 keys. Anybody knows how i can get them ?15:00
BluesKajarjen_. run sudo apt-get autoremove , then sudo apt-get autoclean15:08
BluesKajthingol_. ctrl +alt_F1 , not working ?15:09
* BluesKaj shrugs15:09
arjen_BluesKaj: thanks, done that and retrying...15:10
BluesKajarjen_. you have to run those command periodically to keep your / partition nice and lean15:11
thingol_hi everyone, i'm missing the standard text terminals on keys f1 through f6. Anyone knows how i can get them ?15:13
BluesKajthingol_. so ctrl+alt+F1 to F6 not working ?15:15
thingol_BluesKaj: ctrl+alt+f1 to f6 giving a black screen with a blinking cursor15:16
BluesKajthingol_. so you have no login screen either ?15:17
thingol_BluesKaj: only the kdm login screen15:17
BluesKajthingol_. and it won't start X ?15:18
thingol_BluesKaj: it does, i only want to have my text terminals back :)15:18
BluesKajlordievader. any ideas , abou thingol_ issue?15:19
BluesKajthingol_. what's the output from  cat /etc/issue ?15:20
thingol_BluesKaj: Ubuntu 13.04 \n \l15:20
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thedarkjedissup guys15:30
thedarkjedianybody here15:30
thedarkjedihow are you doing?15:30
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BluesKajthingol_. an expert suggests: if `ps -A |grep tty` lists a bunch of getty tasks the TTYs are running, suggesting a problem with KMS15:38
thingol_BluesKaj: i found a bunch of getty tasks, thus my question becomes : how can i diagnose what's wrong with kms and my NVidia proprietary drivers ?15:40
BluesKajcan you launch konsole , thingol_ ?15:45
arjen_lordievader: still no solution unfortunately. Made space on / and redid the whole thing, removed qdbus and reinstalled. Contents of /var/log/kdm.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6236488/ Googled the errors, more people seem to have this problem, but can't find a solution... :-( If you have any ideas they're very welcome!15:55
thingol_BluesKaj: yes, i can16:04
BluesKajok thingol_ which nvidia driver is installed , proprietary or the nouveau ?16:10
thingol_BluesKaj: proprietary16:11
BluesKajthingol_. the nvidia-current as listed in muon ?16:13
thingol_BluesKaj:  i don't think so because my nvidia card is pretty old and if i recall correctly it was reported not to work with the latest nvidia-drivers16:13
BluesKajthingol_. which card is it ?16:14
thingol_GeForce 620016:15
BluesKajthingol_. the appropriate  nvidia-current driver is determind by your card , not by a particular driver afaik , so if you install it we can go from there.16:20
thingol_BluesKaj: i installed it now, i'll report back on next reboot (i currently am on an extremely important Battle of Wesnoth battle :P)16:23
thingol_BluesKaj: thanks for the advices for now16:23
julian__Hola a todos...16:23
julian__hello, hi!!!16:24
thingol_hi julian__16:25
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julian__where are you from thingol???16:25
thingol_julian__: i'm from Italy, you ?16:26
julian__I'm form Argentina. Io sono un homo descendente di Italia. Calabria.16:26
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lordievaderarjen_: Are you still around?17:14
arjen_Yes I'm here17:14
lordievaderarjen_: Ah, ok. I've read the actions weren't successfull?17:15
arjen_Tried several things like reinstalling kdm and other kde components but still the same problem17:15
arjen_No, no success :-(17:15
lordievaderarjen_: Is qdbus installed this time round?17:15
arjen_I'm about to reinstall...17:16
arjen_yes it should be.. but let me check17:16
lordievaderarjen_: Reinstall qdbus or Kubuntu?17:16
lordievaderarjen_: A newer version of Kubuntu? I was about to suggest just that ;)17:16
arjen_Don't know what else to do and want it to work tomorrow17:17
arjen_Well I wanted to reinstall the same version and were hoping not to have the same problem then17:17
arjen_Prefer the LTS release17:17
lordievaderarjen_: Any specific reason to stick with the LTS?17:17
arjen_Yes qdbus is installed from backports ppa17:18
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arjen_Because I'm a developer and would like to work with the same versions of things as on our server17:19
arjen_and because I'm hoping it's more stable :-\17:19
lordievaderarjen_: Ah right, yes a very good reason. Yes, you could try reinstalling Precise to see if that fixes things.17:20
arjen_Unless you have any other suggestions?17:20
arjen_It's so silly that everything seems to be up to date etc but still not working :-(17:21
lordievaderarjen_: What do you get when you run "service dbus status"?17:22
arjen_What if I reinstall packages qdbus depends on like libqt4-dbus17:23
arjen_dbus start/running, process 63617:23
lordievaderarjen_: And what do you get when you run "qdbus"?17:24
lordievaderMaybe you have to point it towards X.17:24
arjen_Hmm yes, it says: Could not connect to d-bus server: org.freedesktop.dbus.error.notsupported: unable to autolaunch a dbus-daemon without a $display for x1117:28
arjen_It won't let me paste this by the way, "you are trying to paste an empty document"17:28
lordievaderarjen_: Set the display variable: DISPLAY=:0 qdbus17:30
arjen_Ah OK17:31
arjen_Yes now I have another error17:32
arjen_I'm trying to paste it with: qdbus | pastebinit, but it says i'm sending an empty document17:33
arjen_Maybe it doesn't catch stderr? Do you know how to do this?17:33
lordievaderarjen_: DISPLAY=:0 qdbus 2&>1 qdbus.txt; cat qdbus.txt|pastebinit (if I remember correctly)17:34
arjen_Ah yes :-)17:34
arjen_I was trying someting like that ;-)17:35
arjen_lordievader:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/6236894/17:36
arjen_"No protocol specified"! That's also what I got when starting X manually!17:37
lordievaderarjen_: Was afraid of that message, so you really need to be in an X environment.17:37
arjen_Ah... so this command just can't be run from the commandline?17:37
lordievaderI'm starting to like the reinstall option.17:37
lordievaderarjen_: It probably can, I just don't know the proper way...17:38
arjen_Any other gurus around here that might be able to help?17:39
arjen_lordievader: if you have any more suggestions or know someone else who might know more, let me know... otherwise I'll reinstall, not much time left...17:44
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Guest65580hey friends ,  i  cant record soud from spotify with audacity ... dont know what i am doing wrong ...  i can see spotify in pulse controler  but no visuals for playing sound19:31
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dougielhow do I get my bluetooth emblem back on the bar by my clock and usb stuff?20:03
valoriedougiel: do you see the little downward-pointing triangle?20:05
valoriepress that, and you'll see the hidden icons20:06
valorieright-click on the bluetooth one and tell it to display20:06
k_fuiorhi all, may someone help me? my kubuntu 13.10 system won't boot (black screen or hang) after today's update. I'll provide any additional info. thanks in advance.20:30
valoriepfff, ask a question and then split20:43
noaXessdoes anybody use docky with a two monitor setup?20:46
noaXessif i start it, it always goes to the second, external monitor of my notebook20:47
noaXessinstead of the internal20:47
AddlenoaXess: No, but there should be a gconf setting for it that might help.20:48
noaXessAddle: what you mean exactly? on startup docky?20:49
AddlenoaXess: /apps/docky-2/Docky/Interface/DockPreferences/Dock[0-9]+ should have a property called "MonitorNumber"20:49
noaXessAddle: indise .kde/share/apps?20:50
AddlenoaXess: I'm just going off of wiki.go-docky.com/index.php?title=GConf_Settings20:51
noaXessah in .gconf20:51
WDavisDont know if this matters but.... "docky" is for GNOME and you appear to be using KDE for your gui.20:52
noaXessjep.. but found it thanks20:52
AddlenoaXess: gconf-editor would allow you to edit it. And yeah, WDavis, I was wondering about that...20:52
WDavis"COULD" get some unpredictable results from that....20:53
WDavisGood Luck  :-)20:54
noaXessgrrrrrrrrrrrr... vlc is broken again.. why that..20:56
noaXessupgrade some packages right now, and vlc is gone20:57
noaXessok.. for gconf, external monitor is o and internal 1.. strange21:00
AddlenoaXess: Well, glad that worked, at least. ;)21:02
AddlenoaXess: What does vlc do when you try and launch it?21:02
noaXessit isn't installed now.. it was removed.. cause sme dependencies, check this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6237838/21:03
noaXessseams that some packages are not yet build for it21:03
noaXessif i try sudo apt-get install vlc-plugin-notify vlc-plugin-pulse vlc-nox libvlccore5 vlc-data21:04
noaXessthen: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6237840/21:04
noaXesslibvlccore5 seams the problem or not yet build correct21:04
AddlenoaXess: Yeah, my guess is you caught the repo in some intermediate stage, or something. WOuldn't be surprised if it starts working in a bit.21:05
noaXessoh.. now.. i can install..21:05
AddlenoaXess: Yep. lol21:05
AddlenoaXess: Just bad timing, I bet.21:05
noaXessjep ;)21:05
noaXessneed a reboot, cause i whant have vlc pulse backend in amarok ;)21:06
noaXessvlc-plugin-pulse is tha backend i also can use for multimedia, right21:09
AddleNot sure about the package name, but VLC is certainly a possible backend in "System Settings > Hardware > Multimedia > Backends"21:11
AddleThat or gstreamer are the options I have (granted, on a Mint 14 installation).21:12
noaXessAddle: yea.. i had that too, but now only gstreamer is ther, even if vlc-plugin.pulse is installed.21:16
noaXessah thats it: phonon-backend-vlc21:18
AddlenoaXess: haha Yeah, was just going to say that.21:18
noaXessgot it now..21:19
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arjen_lordievader: reinstalled and all works fine so far. Thank you so much for your time and effort!22:06
arthurfiggishello :) i recently switched to kubuntu, i had happily been using ubuntu and gnome 3 for a while but decided to change...for one i like the more recent versions of kde better :) for another there's no dash lens mining my searches, and that's what my question was along the lines of...does the "team" or company behind kubuntu plan to data-mine searches or other indexed information for...22:19
arthurfiggis...monetizing purposes? it seems like most of the news out of the kubuntu camp is more encouraging :)22:19
Addlearthurfiggis: Can't speak for the KDE or kubuntu devs, but I seriously doubt it.22:32
arthurfiggisAddle: oh, i know this isn't actually an official channel for development, a general idea is all i was looking for really ;) but i suspect you're right...i was quite pleasantly surprised when they announced that they would support wayland (the community's solution) rather than mir in future releases22:34
Addlearthurfiggis: Agreed, that made me very happy. :)22:34
arthurfiggisAddle: Myself as well, I was afraid  that they might follow suit...I like having a lot of choice with Linux, but it's hard for anyone to target it as a commercial platform with frag like that on the horizon :( fortunately it looks like most of the major distributions are actually announcing their intent -not- to support it...even intel22:37
Addlearthurfiggis: Thank goodness...22:37
arthurfiggisAddle: As one friend said, they've shot themselves in the foot and now they're going for the vital organs as well :P on the plus side from what i heard unity is now going to be based in qt...that's a sensible decision, qt5 and qt quick 2 are great :) write the ui in something like javascript and all the fiddly performance bits in c++...and a cross-platform viewer22:39
Addlearthurfiggis: Yep, nice to see the rise of Qt.22:40
Addlearthurfiggis: Can't wait to see if I can port my app (QMentat, a mental arithmetic practice program) to Android soon.22:41
arthurfiggisAddle: definitely...i'd like to learn c++ to an extent that i could write native qt apps, but learning c++ by -itself- to a certain competency can take years...then learning the toolkit on top of that...qt quick 2 is as fast as a swing gui build in netbeans :) qmentat...that sounds interesting actually, i've been watching a lot of "numberphile" videos on youtube so i've been interested in...22:41
arthurfiggis...math...type...things lately :P i'll have to look it up!22:41
Addlearthurfiggis: Always glad to have more people use it. XD22:42
arthurfiggisAddle: i'd like to write more gui apps like that myself, even little ones, but it's a massive subject to take on...or feels that way at least :P kubuntu makes it a lot easier including things like a relevant version of qtcreator and up to date qt quick support...i think languages like qml are probably the future of gui apps in a lot of respects, the learning curve of some of the low level...22:44
arthurfiggis...languages is intense22:44
Addlearthurfiggis: I do admit C++ has a heck of a learning curve. But hey, it's computer science, not basket weaving. lol22:45
arthurfiggisAddle: that's very true, yes :) and to be fair there are a lot of libraries and gui's to make it easier...regretfully our own cs program based most of its programming around java instead, c and c++ were both crammed into one course along with perl...you can't learn much about any language with only 2 weeks to do it :(22:57
arthurfiggison the other hand i know lots of java...but nobody wants to run a java gui app any more :( not unless it's either for some internal corporate app or a torrent program22:59
Addlearthurfiggis: Ouch, that's sad to hear.22:59
arthurfiggisAddle: I'd say :P At some point along the line I'm guessing that our university got some Sun hardware on the cheap...I like Java but it's kind of like Canonical and Ubuntu, Oracle and Java...so much potential wasted on poor design decisions :(23:00
Addlearthurfiggis: And putting C and C++ together is probably a mistake. In a way, knowing C is a barrier to learning C++ properly.23:00
Addlearthurfiggis: So true.23:01
Addlearthurfiggis: Also, I hate Perl. lol23:01
arthurfiggisAddle: I thought it didn't make much sense really...in six weeks it went something like this: "here's everything you need to know about c, memory management...here's c++ and a laundry list of things you've never seen before, fun and exciting ones like templates...and if you weren't confused enough already we're doing to finish the course with perl and regular expressions23:02
arthurfiggisbetween that and the graph theory course i was doing it was like a hell composed entirely of weekly assignments :P23:02
Addlearthurfiggis: What a terrible idea. Absolutely terrible.23:02
arthurfiggisAddle: Sadly it was an idea from an otherwise smart professor as well...he had his heart in the right place, he knew we were all learning java and he wanted to give people some exposure to real programming...the end result was something like an 85% course failure rate though :( i remember the exam, that was even better...hand-writing c++ and perl programs23:05
arthurfiggisi think the only thing we were allowed to bring in was a piece of paper explaining what the more commonly used regex syntax was, as if that was any use at that point :P23:06
Addlearthurfiggis: That's just nasty. lol23:06
valoriewe will never have any spyware on kubuntu if I have anything to say about it23:07
valorieand since I'm a member of the Kubuntu Council, I do23:07
Addlevalorie: Good to know, valorie :) And thank you for that stance.23:07
valoriewe aren't a company, we are all community produced23:07
arthurfiggisAddle: Yeah, the computer science program at my particular university (which shall remain nameless :P) was an utter joke...all theory and math based, which is fine, you need to know that stuff...but there were like five courses in which you actually wrote code23:08
valoriethere is a company which does commercial Kubuntu support, and they give us a small amount of their profit23:08
valoriewhich we use to send devels to confs and such23:08
arthurfiggisvalorie: thanks very much for your input on the matter! i wasn't sure how kubuntu's "team" itself was structured...i was glad to see that there was a company stepping in to provide commercial support at all, at the very least it shows there's a very high interest in things that -aren't- unity and mir :P23:09
AddleThank goodness for KDE. <3  I like the choices and diversity, but I don't understand why KDE isn't completely dominating, right now.23:11
valoriewe have always been community produced23:12
valoriealthough Canonical used to pay a person or two23:12
valorienow Blue Systems pays more than that, although they don't work only on Kub.23:13
valorieKDE is doing well23:13
AddleYes it is!23:15
arthurfiggisi think if you saw a few more major distributions turn to kde as their default DE, it would probably sway in the other direction :) fedora still defaults to gnome 3 so newbies get gnome 3 if they download it and kde if they do extra work...if red hat switched over to kde that'd be a huge blow to gnome for one, and unity/mir/dash lens as well23:15
valoriesupport from a number of smaller companies is better, imo, than being wagged by one big one23:16
arthurfiggisplus there's pc-bsd now, so people can actually install freebsd without too much hassle and get a good kde environment :)23:16
Addlearthurfiggis: I think a lot of the trouble was Ubuntu putting in KDE 4.0 when (iirc) explicitly told not to.23:16
arthurfiggisvalorie: absolutely...it prevents one from going off the rails and making a lot of poor design decisions for one :(23:16
arthurfiggisAddle: hmm? that i didn't know about...although i do remember the first releases of kde4 for ubuntu, so i can understand why it would have lost popularity around that time :/23:17
arthurfiggisthat's not exactly kde's fault though, that's someone deciding to put up packages that aren't ready for prime time23:18
Addlearthurfiggis: Yep, that's pretty much my point.23:18
Addlearthurfiggis: It certainly was rough around the edges at that time. That was quite a long time ago, now. KDE has rocked for quite a while.23:19
arthurfiggisAddle: ahh, i see..yes, that does make sense then :) and i can see why people would have been turned off kde under ubuntu given the earlier releases...but canonical are screwing up so often that Linux-oriented folks are scrambling for an alternative, i think kubuntu is going to get more popular in the next few years :)23:19
Addlearthurfiggis: I agree, and really hope so. :)23:20
arthurfiggismaybe even more popular than the mainline distro...hell, even debian is beating ubuntu on distrowatch (though that's hardly scientific or even relevant really :P)23:20
arthurfiggisAddle: With any luck Canonical will eventually see the light and stop poisoning the well, I think they just went through a stage where they realized that they were at the top of the Linux desktop game...and exploited it in a poor manner23:20
arthurfiggis(especially considering the whole Community Promise that ubuntu was based around...so much for that treatise :()23:21
Addlearthurfiggis: I guess we can hope they improve, but Mir tells me otherwise.23:21
arthurfiggisAddle: yeah, that says to me that a committee somewhere in Canonical has gone full-on crazy for the tablet fad...they'd like to have their own DE, their own graphical subsystem, their own packaging format...so that when they eventually sell a decent phone they'll have their own os, and i would suspect they'll require copyright assignment to canonical as per usual :(23:23
arthurfiggisthey backpedalled a bit and "anonymized" the dash lens data...which is about as comforting as someone crossing their fingers and saying "I promise i won't do that again" :P but Mir makes their strategy rather obvious...to hell with the community, let's make some money23:24
Addlearthurfiggis: My only worry is that Stream might need Mir or something. That would annoy me, big time. Hopefully not. I recall something about Mir and Wayland being able to share drivers, or something. If that's so, at least they won't do too much damage, hopefully.23:26
arthurfiggisAddle: that was something i was eventually going to ask about here as well actually...assumedly at some point mir will be released...so canonical's packages are all going to be built against mir, making it a dependency...what happens to kubuntu then? do they fork the whole package database and all? can that even be done without massive amounts of work? :(23:28
arthurfiggisseems to me that the less dependence on canonical the better, but all the alternative spins of ubuntu are still pulling canonical's packages23:28
Addlearthurfiggis: I wonder a bit too, on that front. Mind you, at least it's based on Debian, and so you get all that stuff.23:29
arthurfiggisAddle: well that's true i suppose, debian is at the core of it all so if canonical really wanted to go their own way with ubuntu, they'd have to fork everything themselves as well...certainly good reason to avoid it :) but i suppose eventually if things keep going in the way they're going kubuntu would need entirely separate infrastructure...hopefully there's some planning in that regard, so...23:31
arthurfiggis...it won't just disappear or die like mandrake/mandriva/manetc. did :(23:31
valorieabout Mir - we'll have to cross that creek when we get there23:49
valorieno point in worrying about it now; who knows what the future holds23:49
valoriekwin won't run under Mir, and we need kwin23:49
valoriebottom line23:50
Addlevalorie: Makes sense. One way or another, Linux and KDE will continue. As will Wayland.23:50
valoriewe'll do what we can, as a community23:51
arthurfiggisi think so as well...people were up in arms when xorg forked away from xfree86 as well, the same sort of doomsaying was going on at the time...that's why community-based distro's are the ones with the most healthy future, the decisions are based on how people actually use the thing :)23:51
AddleYeah, I'm not that worried, in the longer term. I've been with Linux since around '93 or '94 and I've seen distros come and go, but it just keeps moving forward.23:52
valorieso we get worried at times, but stuff has to get done, so we do it23:52
valorieand let the future take care of itself23:52
valorienow, I need to go get dinner23:52
AddleThanks for your comments, valorie :)23:53
valorienice talking to ya23:53

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