
xnoxhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libdbusmenu/+bug/1239473 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libappindicator/+bug/123947400:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1239473 in libdbusmenu (Ubuntu) "do not build-depend on valgrind on AArch64, not yet available" [Undecided,New]00:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1239474 in libappindicator (Ubuntu) "do not build-depend on mono on AArch64, not yet available" [Undecided,New]00:04
xnoxhave been uploaded into the archive to enable arm64 builds.00:04
xnoxI will convert it into branches and propose for the respective upstream projects.00:04
xnoxno-change / no-affects on any other architectures.00:04
xnox(or maybe not uploaded, can't see at the moment)00:05
xnox#1 https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/libappindicator/fix-arm64/+merge/19084600:14
xnox#2 https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/libdbusmenu/fix-arm64/+merge/19084700:19
xnoxright those two uploads are in unapproved.00:29
xnoxbut if we can push them via CI that's fine as well.00:29
rsalvetitriggering a new build, with the fixes for the multimedia stack, plus new ofono and telepathy-ofono04:58
jibelogra_, cjwatson where are changelogs for click packages?05:44
didrockspsivaa: good morning!06:01
jibelsalut didrocks06:10
didrocksbonjour jibel06:10
didrockshey Mirv06:16
Mirvhey didrocks06:17
didrocksMirv: how was your week-end?06:17
Mirvdidrocks: after I got to spend it, relaxing :)06:18
didrocksheh ;)06:19
didrocksMirv: do you feel ready to handle landing request 208?06:19
Mirvdidrocks: yeah I actually flashed the latest image + upgraded *url-dispatcher* already, I just don't know what all to test06:24
didrocksMirv: launching apps through AP (so just ensuring one app starts) or dogfooding launching some apps from unity806:25
Mirvyeah, so launching of (click) applications is the key. trying various ways then.06:25
didrocksMirv: oh also, if you have a media, clicking on that media to get the app launched06:26
popeydidrocks: we releasing #95?06:58
popey(also, good morning)06:58
rsalveti96 is out, should have a few fixes for media playback06:58
didrockspopey: good morning! It's hard to track what we want, there is #96 which was kicked as well (I upgraded to that one)06:58
rsalvetithumbnailing should work fine as well06:59
rsalvetijust tested, worked fine with my sample videos06:59
* popey flashes06:59
rsalvetiand I'm gone :-)06:59
didrocksrsalveti: nice news! (but in an email in the future for images we didn't expect would be great)06:59
didrocksrsalveti: enjoy your night! and thanks again for the thumbnail, we're going to test it :)06:59
rsalvetididrocks: lool knew that06:59
didrocksrsalveti: I'll tell him to email then06:59
rsalvetiwe synced before he went off, image is just out :-)07:00
rsalvetithat's why I'm saying here instead07:00
rsalvetianyway, later :-)07:00
didrocksrsalveti: yeah, I looked over and figured it out this morning. But thanks for confirming (try to sleep more, you should be fine now for 13.10) ;)07:01
didrocks(one or two cycles of sleep :p)07:01
Mirvbtw dx-autopilot-intel was gone, power cycling helped07:09
didrocksMirv: :(07:10
didrockspsivaa: tell me once you are around07:11
Mirvdidrocks: with the new url-dispatcher I seem to lose ability to launch music or video from Dash. reverting to the old one fixes that, and upgrading again (+reboot) loses it.07:22
Mirvapps themselves seem to launch fine07:22
didrocksMirv: ok, please note it and ping upstream07:22
didrocks(nice catch ;))07:22
jibelpsivaa, almost nothing ran on latest smoketest (build 96) 82 test against 312 for builkd 9507:30
Mirvjibel: isn't it in progress, numbers increasing?07:32
didrocksyeah, it started running like 45 minutes ago07:33
jibelMirv, okay :)07:33
jibelpsivaa, nm07:33
didrocksI still wonder why we had 0% of unity8 AP tests running on 9507:33
jibelMirv, didrocks is there a way to know when test is complete?07:35
didrocksjibel: looking at the private jenkins instance is the only way AFAIK07:37
didrocksone sec07:37
didrocksthis is the master job07:39
didrockshey sil2100, how are you?07:40
* sil2100 inserted a SIM-card into his Ubuntu Touch during the weekend07:40
didrocksoh nice! how was it?07:40
sil2100And! It more or less works, although it seems the shell hangs up rather frequently for no reasons, hm07:41
didrocksthostr_: hey, FYI, we rejected the hud upload, see in landing plan req 20207:41
didrockssil2100: which image #? normally, image 94 contains a fix for this07:41
psivaadidrocks: hey07:41
didrocksmorning psivaa :)07:42
psivaadidrocks: morning07:42
thostr_didrocks: arghhhh, will have a look07:42
sil2100didrocks: aaah!07:42
sil2100didrocks: I think I was running 9307:42
sil2100Let me upgrade07:42
didrockspsivaa: I wanted to ask if you can give a look at why unity8 AP didn't run at all on run 95? (even if they seem to have passed on run 96, will be interesting to know why they got stuck)07:43
psivaadidrocks: sure will have a look07:43
didrockssil2100: I never remember if you have a maguro or mako07:43
sil2100It's mako07:44
didrocksok ;)07:44
sil2100I didn't like that data transfer was enabled by default ;p In Poland using phone internet is not so super cheap and frequent, especially with pay-card phones07:45
didrockssil2100: I even don't know how we can turn that off07:46
sil2100I hoped that switching that off in settings actually switches it off07:46
psivaadidrocks: unity8 tests in mako(mir) did in fact run but got stuck in the middle. The test timed out and failed to collect the test results.07:47
didrockssil2100: or can yell at seb if it doesn't :p07:47
didrockspsivaa: ok, so we still have those stucking issues (I have the same here)07:47
didrocksI think as we don't have a lot to land for now, we should focus on improving the quality07:47
didrocksand work with upstream for this07:47
didrocksmakes sense?07:47
psivaadidrocks: this time it happened with mako.. we used to have this issue with maguro when it ran notes tests but that issue has gone away lately07:49
didrockspsivaa: yeah, we should investigate those07:50
didrockslet's try to get something in order for the meeting07:50
psivaadidrocks: ack07:50
didrocksogra_: once you are back from a well deserved (working apparently?) week-end :) mind testing 96 on maguro?08:11
loolHi folks08:11
didrockspopey: 96 looks good to you?08:11
didrockshey lool08:11
popeydidrocks: no worse than 94 ☻08:11
popeywhich I think is our measure ☻08:11
didrockspopey: I'll take the positive path? :)08:11
popeyglass half full08:11
didrockspopey: mind testing the thumbnailer thing?08:12
didrockslike adding a video, seeing the thumbnail…08:12
jibeldidrocks, thumbnails now is working for videos, but mediascanner is a bit crashy08:13
didrocksjibel: do you have a bug # handy?08:13
jibelbug 123956108:13
ubot5bug 1239561 in mediascanner (Ubuntu) "mediascanner-service crashed with SIGABRT in raise()" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123956108:13
didrocksjibel: do you mind joining our meeting this morning? As we don't have a lot to land, I think we should focus on AP tests and crashers08:14
didrocksjibel: it's in 15 minutes08:14
jibeldidrocks, okay08:14
looldidrocks: images >> you might be worrying a lot because the .changes files are huge (even the update is huge); I wanted to have a build as late as we could on Sunday to get everything in archive in an image with test results on Monday morning08:14
popeydidrocks: thumbnailing works, but looks awful08:14
loolthe actual landings are in the spreadsheet; I've just updated the last line which went into image #9608:15
popeyaspect ratio is all futzed08:15
evmorning folks08:15
didrockslool: well, tests results are still not there for 96 ;)08:15
didrockslool: I'm just asking that we sync by email for things not planned so that we have some infos when starting the day08:15
loolpopey: the head is flipped to to bottom too!08:15
didrocksI'll reiterate during the meeting08:15
looldidrocks: Yeah, I think that's too late08:15
popeyshe's laying upside down lool ☻08:16
didrockslool: for that one, yeah, let's try to get better at it in the future :)08:16
loolpopey: I know  :-)08:16
popeyoh ☻08:16
popeyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAn0wqfzNxE nice video IMO08:16
didrockspopey: well, at least, better than nothing :p08:16
loolpopey: can't open08:16
loolvideo unavailable08:16
loolmight be reserved to UK08:17
didrockslool: use a real webbrowser :p08:17
ogra_didrocks, after the meeting (cant download and hangout at the same time)08:23
jibeldidrocks, can you send me the link to the meeting pelase?08:26
didrocksogra_: sure sure :)08:27
didrocksjibel: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/1585c45e6625d227fc27864efb6eeb247667a3e208:27
cjwatsonjibel: il n'y a rien08:29
loolJe palerai à Colin en Français à partir de maintenant08:30
didrockssil2100: joining?08:30
popeydidrocks: we publishing 96?08:31
sil2100Yes yes08:31
loolpopey: might be too early to tell08:31
didrockspopey: want to join to the meeting?08:31
didrockssee the url above ^08:31
cjwatsonça n'est pas une bonne idée :-P08:31
vilaev: joining ^ ?08:31
didrockslool: waiting for you as well :)08:31
ogra_lool, i dont see a single maliit .crash file in the tests08:35
ogra_lool, they are all unity808:35
asacpsivaa: can you share the spreadsheet where we try to keep a log of retries?08:48
asacpsivaa: share it with lool and didrocks08:48
psivaaasac: ack08:48
asac(as they seem to start retrying jobs now)08:48
asaclool: didrocks: the idea is that we dont just retry jobs, but if we retry also notes what we retried and a very high level reason in a spreadsheet08:50
asacso we can later look whats there08:50
psivaalool: didrocks: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjwxZmhDIclsdHMzTmF6RjM0ek5pODJ4aFdINmRoUWc#gid=008:50
looldidrocks: I was actually some important mir changes in the pipe; some might be in devel branch but not in trunk, but no ask in plan and I guess not a lot of mir folks here today08:53
loolcjwatson: when do we try to have the last desktop build?  tomorrow?08:53
loolthostr_: hey!08:54
popeysil2100: i need a reliable way of re-running tests on device.. do you have one?08:54
cjwatsonlool: infinity was going to try to have one today, but I think it'll need fixing and tomorrow's probably more realistic08:54
loolthostr_: heads up on hud: so as I think you saw already, there was some issue in testing it; it's unfortunate because we also really want the fixes; there's a threat that we soon cant update it anymore as desktop images get finalized08:55
loolcjwatson: Ok; so we should track super closely the last seeded-in-desktop uploads we still want to try to get in08:55
cjwatsonYes, definitely08:55
sil2100popey: what do you mean by 'reliable' ;) ?08:55
loolcjwatson: hud is one, ubuntu-sounds is another one; mir might be one too I guess, albeit not sure it gets into the desktop image08:56
popeysil2100: well, it didnt work at all the other day.08:56
cjwatsonlool: mir doesn't08:56
popeysil2100: do you use utah, phablet-test-run... etc what do people actually use that works08:56
sil2100popey: you mean for the unity8 tests?08:56
loolseb128: ^ ubuntu-sounds upload is getting a shrinking upload window; we might have to push back on getting the sounds in08:56
popeyno, application tests08:56
cjwatsonlool: you can use "seeded-in-ubuntu" for quick checks08:56
seb128lool, what upload?08:56
sil2100popey: for normal application tests I always used phablet-test-run and that was working08:56
didrocksthanks psivaa08:56
popeysil2100: ok08:56
sil2100Not sure how it is with the latest image08:57
loolcjwatson: yes, that's what I meant on mir: it's in supported seed but not in desktop image08:57
Mirvusually it ~works for non-unity808:57
cjwatsonlool: Right, so not a problem08:57
loolcjwatson: so will be stuck in review but doesn't need a respin IIUC08:57
Mirvand non-uitoolkit08:57
cjwatsonlool: (since xmir never happened)08:57
seb128lool, the design guys didn't open the bug I asked them to open/didn't share their files yet, so I guess that's not going to be for release08:58
sil2100hm, hangout crash08:58
loolseb128: ok08:59
loolseb128: would you or should I tell them in a email?08:59
seb128lool, if you want to do it, feel free08:59
loolseb128: should I offer an upload deadline for 2pm UTC?08:59
seb128lool, also I think they said on friday that they got the OK to replace the desktop login sound, but not the ringtone/message ones yet08:59
seb128lool, I'm not even sure we want/can replace the desktop login sound without a FFe09:00
loolseb128: I think we want a FFE09:00
loolseb128: I didnt know it affected the desktop sound thouhg09:00
loolI thought it was a phone login sound  :-)09:00
loolwhich I found weird09:00
seb128lool, @re upload limit, 2pm wfm, but I'm not the one to ask, that's a release team topic09:00
seb128lool, no, I think Mark liked their login sound and want it used for the desktop09:00
seb128lool, but maybe I misunderstood ... ;-)09:01
didrockssil2100: Mirv: ok, so please, each time you see a crash on your phone as well, try to retrace it (jibel can help if you have difficulties with this)09:04
didrockssil2100: Mirv: I personnally always have a lot of crashes still on the phone09:04
didrocksseb128: that's my understanding as well (hey btw ;))09:05
seb128didrocks, hey ;-)09:06
ogra_jibel, did you notice that my changelog has click packages included now ? i guess you will need to adjust for this on your side09:06
loolseb128: sent09:06
seb128lool, thanks09:06
thostr_lool: having Pete on HUD09:08
looljust 2 fails on unity8 tests?  wow09:08
didrocksthanks thostr_!09:08
thostr_lool: it's that one, right: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hud/+bug/123901609:09
loolthostr_: right that's who I thought09:09
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1239016 in hud (Ubuntu) "latest hud totally busted" [Critical,New]09:09
didrockslool: yeah, I guess we got "lucky" on crash09:09
looldidrocks: get lucky!09:09
Mirvdidrocks: yep, I'll continue with my retracing attemps (have had some problems so far)09:09
loolthostr_: yes09:09
loolthostr_: we have another similar regression, but specific to touch images: url-dispatcher09:10
loolthostr_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/url-dispatcher/+bug/123956509:10
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1239565 in URL Dispatcher "Current trunk breaks launching music or video clips from Dash" [Critical,New]09:10
Mirvjibel: on desktop retracing I seem to always get a complaint (E: ) about missing source package, this time unity8 - is that normal? an updated .crash file does get outputted09:11
Mirvwith about the same size as the original .crash file09:11
Mirveh, and what, trying to apport-cli that updated .crash file, I get complaint that it's invalid error report, plus then it also deleted it09:13
looldidrocks: I just checked on what was missing for PPA09:15
looldidrocks: we pull 2 coreapps from it + 2 plugins for these; filemanager and music-app09:15
loolfilemanager was ready and music-app had a candidate; I think we should try to get them in if sergiusens can09:16
didrockslool: do they fix AP bugs?09:16
looldidrocks: No sorry, this was about dropping the PPA from builds09:16
didrockslool: would be nice to only take them if they fix AP issues as both are failing09:16
didrocksah ok09:16
didrocksMirv: added the sdk FYI (as some AP tests don't pass)09:17
looldidrocks: I'm concerned we might have uploads to do before release as part of the final image end game09:17
didrocksMirv: sil2100: popey: as soon as you have infos from upstream, please add them to the google doc (on why the tests are failing)09:17
loolworst case would be if we have to change anything in the desktop image09:17
sil2100didrocks: aye!09:17
didrockslool: yeah, I know/agree09:17
didrockslool: hence I guess working on hud first09:17
looldidrocks: yes exactly09:17
looldidrocks: you guys had a meeting on how stuff works post-release already; should we reconvene later today?09:18
thostr_lool: which version (from when) of url-dispatcher regresses?09:18
didrockslool: there is one for the details which is coming (but asac knows more on when he want to setup the meting)09:19
loolthostr_: the one in PPA; should be noted in the bug report09:19
loolthostr_: this is the one adding the desired appid feature09:19
looldidrocks: ok09:19
thostr_lool: ok.09:19
popeydidrocks: ya09:20
Mirvthostr_: updated the bug report a bit to have steps09:23
seb128lool, so yeah, that's what I though, they login sound is for desktop, and they didn't get ack to use the ringtone one yet09:24
thostr_Mirv: just to double check: have you updated music app to very latest version as well?09:26
=== vrruiz_ is now known as rvr
Mirvthostr_: I didn't, as it's not in landing plan09:30
thostr_Mirv: can you still give it a try?09:30
evvila: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/867919d6e2c69ad7bbee757788adcca760fd22a609:31
popeyogra_ / didrocks do we have a bug somewhere for the "2 characters inserted" problem?09:32
ogra_popey, not sure09:32
ogra_bfiller would know09:32
jibelpopey, yes, there is one let me find it09:33
popeythanks jibel09:33
ogra_(if he was up already)09:33
didrocksev: hey, once you have some time, can you try to check with doanac on the truncated crash files so that utah wait for apport to finish its collect?09:35
thostr_Mirv: just updated the dispatcher... still works for me09:40
ogra_seb128, Laney, my language selection seems to alwas set LANGUAGE=de:en ... if there is no de_DE in that list it automatically picks the first which makes the UI show me austritan german (de_AT)09:41
Mirvthostr_: later yes. and video? the landing plan would need updating to mention which components to test and land at the same time.09:42
jibelpopey, I found one with character inserted when pressing the power button but I cannot find the other, can you report a new one?09:42
seb128ogra_, yeah, I noticed that as well ... can you open a bug on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+filebug ?09:42
seb128ogra_, thanks09:43
thostr_Mirv: I'm running #96 and updated the dispatcher to 2013101409:43
thostr_Mirv: nothing else, and I can still launch music and videos09:43
popeyjibel: ok, where should I file it?09:44
jibelpopey, against ubuntu-keyboard, it affects all the apps09:44
thostr_Mirv: or, wait...09:45
seb128jibel, popey: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-keyboard/+bug/1237341 ?09:45
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1237341 in ubuntu-keyboard (Ubuntu Saucy) "Extended characters incorrectly inserted into browser address bar when Mir enabled" [High,Confirmed]09:45
ogra_seb128, bug 1239593 for you09:46
ubot5bug 1239593 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "LANGUAGE= needs more detailed settings on Ubuntu Touch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123959309:46
seb128ogra_, danke09:46
popeythanks seb12809:46
jibelseb128, thank you, that's the report I was looking for09:46
seb128popey, jibel: yw (took me a while to find it back as well)09:46
jibelpopey, maybe change the description to something that better describe the problem09:47
loolfginther: thanks for your fantastic support to CI/autolanding issues, over the week-end too  :-)09:48
thostr_Mirv: got it reproduced. We'll look into it09:50
loolseb128: can you help Jouni for the FFE part?09:51
seb128lool, yes, he just /queried me09:51
popeyjibel: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/touch_mir/mako/96:20131014:20131014/4715/music-app-autopilot/483486/ is opaque to me.. can't see what's causing it..09:51
loolvery classy to use dropbox for a proposed update to the official ubuntu sound  :-)09:52
loolseb128: hmm I'm getting garbage at the end of the sound09:53
ogra_hah, cool09:53
ogra_between two reboots the ubuntu authenticator showed up on my phone09:54
* ogra_ installs09:54
Mirvthostr_: ok, thanks!09:55
jibelpopey, not sure but it seems to be a test that can only run on X1109:55
evdidrocks: is there more context to this somewhere?09:56
didrocksev: just what we discussed with Saviq, one sec09:56
seb128lool, no garbage here, how do you play it?09:56
didrocks09:34:34   didrocks | http://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/saucy-touch_mir-mako-smoke-unity8-autopilot/21/artifact/clientlogs/_usr_bin_un09:56
didrocks                    | ity8.32011.crash/*view*/09:56
didrocks09:34:49      Saviq | didrocks, smokes truncate .crash files09:56
didrocks09:35:04      Saviq | didrocks, I won't get anything out of it09:56
didrocks09:35:12      Saviq | didrocks, they do09:56
didrocks09:35:20      Saviq | didrocks, a unity8 crash needs to be some 12MB at least09:56
didrocks09:36:14      Saviq | didrocks, utah doesn't wait for them to be completed, AFAICT09:57
didrocksev: ^09:57
didrocks(just pasting the interesting bits)09:57
evwill do09:57
evdidrocks: going to send an email for this, since it's a public holiday in 'merica10:00
didrocksyep, sounds better to not loose it10:00
loolseb128: vlc; that might be the reason10:01
loolseb128: thanks for infirming10:01
seb128lool, works fine in totem and aplay here10:01
loolev, didrocks: I also pinged plars and doanac about this last week and they said they had an idea on how to fix this IIRC10:01
loolbut not sure it's underway10:01
t1mpis it known that CI is still failing on ui-toolkit MRs such as this one? https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/crossFadeImage_SourceSize_fix/+merge/18745410:02
popeydidrocks: doc updated10:03
didrockspopey: great! you are going to work with baloon (probably tomorrow) and the community to get them looked at and fixed by release?10:04
popeydidrocks: yup!10:04
didrocksogra_: has your download finished?10:06
didrocks96 seems good from an AP front10:07
ogra_didrocks, yes, its fine, i had one hard lockup during webvideo playback10:09
ogra_(though i madly started and stopped the video)10:09
didrocksogra_: oh? but after a reboot, it was fine?10:09
didrocksahah ;)10:09
didrocksogra_: be patient, don't ask for trouble, we are not there yet :p10:10
didrocksogra_: popey: promoting #96 then?10:10
ogra_i guess its still not 100% ...10:10
ogra_but close ... at least on maguro :)10:10
ogra_will do, gimme a sec to finish breakfast :)10:10
didrocksbreakfast… but but, it's 12!10:12
ogra_didrocks, popey, 96/20131014 promoted10:12
sil2100Strangeness, on 96 my keyboard stops appearing after a while10:12
didrocksthanks ogra_ :)10:12
ogra_didrocks, i dont eat in the morning :)10:12
sil2100I have to restart maliit to get it working again then ;/10:12
didrockssil2100: do you have a crash file?10:13
ogra_hmm it should respawn10:13
sil2100It's not crashing10:13
sil2100It's still running10:13
sil2100Just not appearing - I need to *restart* it to get it working10:13
didrocksthostr_: any idea? something around that known? ^10:13
sil2100It already happened twice here10:14
mardyhi, could please someone check what is wrong with this job:
mardyI suspect that it's using some old PPA for Qt510:17
sil2100But anyway, I like the speed improvements in Mir on Touch we got now10:18
popeydidrocks: ogra_ ok10:22
loolsil2100: I'm getting weird behavior like that too10:23
loolsil2100: hmm we haven't got the speed improvement yet, did we?10:23
loolor are you testing an updated mir?10:23
* lool pulls mir10:23
popeymail sent10:26
didrockslool: not there yet10:29
* lool pulls tvoss10:30
ogra_did anyone notice that were at 30sec boot time now ?10:48
ogra_(30+ on maguro, 30- on mako)10:48
Mirvif someone has time, please try to debug the "Killed" that comes quite soon with phablet-test-run ubuntuuitoolkit - I don't see a surge of memory usage at least10:50
loolonline audio / video playback is pretty poor10:50
Mirvalso, can someone explain why I get this http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6235380/ simply with gdb /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/bin/qmlscene ?10:50
loolvideo >> stops after a frame or so, then audio only for first video, other videos dont open anymore10:50
loolaudio >> grooveshark ends up failing due to missing flash10:51
lool7digital worked10:51
lool(ah volume indicator fixed!)10:51
ogra_video playback is smooth on maguro if you dont mistreat it to badly10:56
ogra_(start/stop a youtube video fast gets the browser to hang)10:56
ogra_sintel is flickering though :/10:57
lool== Publishing upstart-app-launch (misc stack) ==10:57
ogra_we should get our multimedia devloper a mako ;)10:57
thostr_Mirv: lool: didrocks: following up the dispatcher issue: this is because it expects video and music app to be click packages. So, testing that has to go hand in hand with applying music click package11:03
didrocksthostr_: Mirv: lool: can we revert that and land it? then, sergiusens can put that back once he's doing the real transition11:07
loolthostr_: not sure mediaplayer will be right now11:11
loolthostr_: let's backout the update to the routing tables11:11
thostr_lool: you mean mediascanner was already updated to become click?11:12
loolthostr_: mediaplayer11:12
loolthostr_: no11:12
loolthostr_: but it's less critical to clickify it11:12
loolcause it's in archive11:12
thostr_right, mediaplayer I meant...11:12
loolbah it kind of sucks to go back and forth11:13
loolbut we dont have the choice11:13
thostr_ok, then let's go back11:13
loolthostr_: we want to land the new code except the routing table updates; just update for the ones currently clicks11:13
thostr_and foward again on this later/tomorrow then11:13
loolthostr_: list in http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/pending/saucy-preinstalled-touch-armhf.manifest11:13
loolthostr_: very bottom11:14
loolthostr_: click:com.ubuntu.calendar is probably only one11:14
thostr_lool: can we wait for patch once Ted is online?11:14
loolthostr_: it's US holiday though?11:15
thostr_ok, then I get mhr3 doing it... it's just reverting some stuff11:15
loolthostr_: it should be easy to do11:15
looleven I could do it  ;-)11:15
sergiusenslool, thostr_ on Friday I talked to Bill; he says it's too risky now o switch the apps he owns11:15
loolbut it's about lunch time, so about to run out11:15
ogra_all my clocks are gone !11:15
ogra_not even one on the lock screen11:15
loolsergiusens: uh11:15
thostr_lool: then please do, and I"ll double check you didn't leave one out11:16
loolsergiusens: ah non-coreapps11:16
loolsergiusens: but coreapps still underway?11:16
sergiusenslool, yeah, media, camera, gallery11:16
loolthostr_: please find someone cause I'm gone for 3 hours at least11:16
sergiusenslool, yes11:16
thostr_lool: ok11:16
* ev lunch11:16
sergiusenslool, core apps are mostly done; they just lack proper testing11:16
loolI could do late in the day, but I'm sure there will be other things11:16
loolsergiusens: ok; you're landing this today?11:16
sergiusenslool, proper testing being that they work, but the autopilot stuff is screwed up11:16
loolsergiusens: filemanager and music-app I guess11:17
sergiusenslool, yes, that's the target11:17
loolsergiusens: can you update us here once you have them later today?11:17
loolsergiusens: excited that we can drop the PPA then!11:17
loolsergiusens: we need to sync your upload with an url-dispatcher update (see above)11:17
loolsergiusens: for music-app11:17
mhr3sergiusens, let's take it here :)11:18
thostr_sergiusens: so, just to be clear: we aim now at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/pending/saucy-preinstalled-touch-armhf.manifest (listed click packages at bottom) + filemanager and music app as click11:18
loolmhr3: mediaplayer is staying as a .deb in any case11:18
sergiusenslool, yeah, not sure how that MR got in, it was supposed to be in sync with the switches11:18
mhr3ok, so we need partial-revert11:18
thostr_mhr3: yes11:18
sergiusensthostr_, yes11:18
loolsergiusens: maybe prioritize music-app as to land with url-dispatcher?11:18
thostr_sergiusens: ok, then mhr3 adjust to that list11:19
sergiusenslool, ack11:19
* lool hugs everyone; all the right people to tackle this11:19
loolnow I can go and have lunch and pickup my sick kid  :-)11:19
sergiusenslool, the original autopilot test for these do some crazy moknkey patching on home that I'm trying to get out of11:19
loolsergiusens: aha11:20
sergiusenslool, I'm not sure why these tests weren't thought out from the start :/11:20
loolsergiusens: often the problem with our AP tests unfortunately11:20
loolthey are often writtne with less quality than the code11:20
* cjwatson removes the proposed-migration exceptions for calendar-app and ubuntu-terminal-app11:21
looland then we suffer a lot from them11:21
loolinstead of benefiting11:21
loolcjwatson: thanks, sorry for lack of heads up11:21
cjwatsonIt's OK, don't need one11:21
cjwatsonUnused exceptions aren't especially harmful, I just like to ratchet up the constraints11:21
mhr3sergiusens, calendar and clock are properly clicks now, right?11:24
didrockssil2100: any progress on the rss reader + discussing about the keyboard with upstream? (I didn't follow)11:24
mhr3sergiusens, so the only change is that mediaplayer will remain deb, and i'll keep the change to consider music click, ok?11:25
mhr3sergiusens, or should the music change be done later?11:26
didrocksogra_: clock -> crash?11:26
sergiusensmhr3, music should be done later today11:26
ogra_didrocks, probably, didnt check for charsh files yet11:26
sergiusenscjwatson, hey, did you see my MR/email?11:27
cjwatsonsergiusens: I was going to ask you what you meant by credentials and how I'd generate ubuntu-archive some of its own11:28
sergiusenscjwatson, I just used lp:click-toolbelt and generated an u1 login; it saves the token/consumer key/secret and put those into a json11:30
Mirvjibel: reping on my tracing problems11:30
cjwatsonsergiusens: Can this be attached to an existing SSO account?11:30
sergiusenscjwatson, the tokens are to never expire unless you manually revoke them from u1 (that's what the u1 folk told me)11:31
sergiusenscjwatson, yes11:31
jibelMirv, pong11:31
jibelMirv, which tracing problem?11:31
Mirvjibel: 2h ago at :11, I get a complaint that the retraced (on desktop) .crash file is invalid and apport-cli deletes it11:32
mhr3sergiusens, thostr_ https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/url-dispatcher/mediaplayer-still-deb/+merge/19092311:32
sergiusenscjwatson, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-hackers/click-toolbelt/trunk/view/head:/README11:32
sergiusenscjwatson, I'm guessing you won't like the python package names in there11:33
cjwatsonI expect I can run that on my desktop11:34
sergiusenscjwatson, yes11:34
Mirvjibel: so apport has run on device, I've apport-cli viewed + kept it there, transfered to desktop, and ran sudo apport-retrace -S ~/daisy/retracer/config/ _usr_bin_unity8.32011.crash -o updated_unity8.crash , then try to apport_cli that updated_unity8.crash11:35
sergiusenscjwatson, it fails on python3, hadn't had time to look at pindonga's code thoroughly yet; but works fine on 211:35
jibelMirv, do you have an entry in apt.conf you use for retracing for a deb-src with universe enabled?11:36
cjwatsonsergiusens: I'm mostly raising an eyebrow at its abuse of the click namespace11:36
cjwatsonand mailing pindonga about it11:36
Mirvjibel: yes, I added that but otherwise getting same results (just no complaint anymore about missing sources)11:37
jibelMirv, config file of daisy just have a source entry for main11:37
sergiusenscjwatson, he wanted to merge it with click; I already have an mr that changes it and we agreed he would talk to you about it11:37
Mirvjibel: yes, I noticed11:37
cjwatsonsergiusens: Only if there are enough C libraries that this won't be gratuitously painful for the rewrite11:38
Mirvjibel: both the original + after apport-retrace .crash files at http://people.canonical.com/~tjyrinki/unity8_apport/11:38
jibelMirv, thanks looking11:38
sergiusenscjwatson, right, told him that and that you wanted to keep the scope of responsibilities for click limited11:38
Mirvthe updated one gives error from apport-cli and gets deleted11:38
thostr_mhr3: jenkins fails...11:40
sergiusenslool, didrocks bw, calendar is release blocked waiting for some qt5 or eds lands; do you know if that happened?11:46
didrockssergiusens: qt5organizer-eds landed if that's the question11:46
sergiusensdidrocks, ack, I'll get in touch with dpm; was that today or late friday?11:47
cjwatsonwow, click-toolbelt even entirely overrides the click command and breaks whatever you have installed already (fortunately I used a virtualenv)11:47
dpmsergiusens, yeah, I saw that, but we cannot get the calendar EDS branch merged, as the jenkins upstream merger is not enabled for calendar app11:48
cjwatsonuse yer own namespaces, people :)11:48
didrocksargh, I guess lool cleaned the spreadsheet11:48
sergiusenscjwatson, oh, I thought that was implied (virtualenv)11:48
didrockssergiusens: Friday morning11:48
sergiusensdidrocks, to be honest if you aren't looking at that spreadsheet every day, it's really hard to follow :-)11:48
cjwatsonsergiusens: Yeah, but designing software so that it's unpackageable in conjunction with the obvious thing you might use it with is a fairly obvious fail11:49
didrockssergiusens: that's why I tried to keep 5 days of backlog11:49
didrockssergiusens: so that you can see what was crossed and in an image11:49
sergiusenscjwatson, I had that complaint as well11:50
ogra_didrocks, gdocs are totally not the medium for this kind of stuff (but we'll hopefully swithc to bugs soon for this)11:51
didrocksogra_: let's see, but I do agree11:52
t1mpis this bug known with CI people? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/123964611:52
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1239646 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "CI fails all tests on UITK trunk" [Critical,New]11:52
t1mp^ who can we assign there?11:52
cjwatsonsergiusens: click-toolbelt seems to give me a configparser-style output file.  Am I meant to transform this to json somehow?11:57
cjwatsonOh, I guess I see, maybe11:57
sergiusenscjwatson, just grab the 4 entries that matter and stick those into a json file11:58
sergiusenscjwatson, it's the last you will see of click-toolbelt if you wanted11:58
cjwatsonYeah, worked it out11:58
cjwatsonsergiusens: Seems to work, thanks12:01
sergiusenscjwatson, as soon as we release I'll add a create_credentials or something script into that branch12:02
sergiusensand a readme12:02
cjwatsonAnd if I crank up logging I can see it apparently doing the right thing for the webapps12:03
sergiusensfginther, I think you should really enable click testing on merges, it's not as flaky it feels (and uses upstart application). I can help with the setup12:13
vilat1mp: if you chase the report failures you end up with uitk test failing (https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-maguro/2413/testReport/ for example) looks like a uitk issue to me ? Or do you see something else directly related to ci ?12:26
=== gatox is now known as gatox_brb
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asact1mp: updated bug12:46
asact1mp: i wont read the reply in time, so if there is something let me know12:46
asacev: see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/123964612:46
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1239646 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "CI fails most tests on UITK trunk" [Critical,Confirmed]12:46
jibelMirv, I retraced you're U8 crash but it fails because several armhf packages are outdated on ddebs12:46
asact1mp: in short. best way to go is to submit a merge proposal that fixes your tests12:46
Mirvjibel: hmm, okay. anything that should be done, or are those just lagging days behind normally?12:48
jibelMirv, not sure what must be done, I'll ask pitti12:49
* ev nods12:51
asacfginther: 1239646 ... thought we kept upstream merger disabled for components that have failures on dash12:52
asacmaybe they can force tests somehow?12:52
asacfginther: morning12:53
asacfginther: mayube that bug is invalid ... assuming that its just failing because of test failures rejected12:53
fgintherasac, uitk tests are not passing on teach, even for trunk12:54
asacfginther: sure. thought we dont enable the upstream merger though12:55
asacuntil thats fixed on dashboard12:55
fgintherasac, the CI testing still runs, but not the auto-merger part12:55
asacfginther: ok, i thought we turned everythig off12:55
asacto avoid our infrastructure getting busted by folks retrying12:55
asacanyway, please update bug that the reason is indeed that the tests are failing./\12:56
fgintherasac, the infrastucture has been sufficient, as long as people don't keep retrying, which I don't see evidence that this is a problem. but if it does get out of hand, I'll disable12:58
asacfginther: the idea was we turn that part off so people dont retry12:58
asacyeah but do it12:58
asacas you please12:58
asacor... not sure12:59
asaci really think we shouldn't even risk that people believe its a retry issue12:59
asacwe dont have good data sources to find that out, can we?13:00
asacdidrocks: lool: do you know if the videos lense is broken on maguro? i cant start a MP4 that i see there in a thumbnail13:00
asacfginther: i think we should turn it off... we dont know how often people retry and we dont want people to believe that our infrastructure is buggy. also this is what was communicated, no?13:01
fgintherasac, we don't have the statistical data, but we have the fact that the tests are failing in smoke testing. If people are paying attention, they'll understand that the tests are simply not passing no matter how often they retry13:01
didrocksasac: I don't have maguro, I'm unsure ogra_ tested that13:01
asacfginther: they dont. they only start noticing issues when their tests fail or better, dont even get processed13:02
asacfginther: as you can see in the example above.13:02
asacrsalveti: ogra_: maguro doesnt work for me with thumnails and video13:02
fgintherasac, what projects then are we relying on for fixes? we surely need to keep testing these, right?13:04
fgintherotherwise we'll have no feedback that things are getting better13:04
fgintheris this just unity8?13:04
asacfginther: everything that has failing tests.13:05
asacfginther: well, i can see how they need to use this to see if things get better... however13:06
asacthey still need to somehow side-track it into the image anyway13:06
t1mpasac: about your reply on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1239646 I don't understand what you mean with " I think its likely that you are not in able to use upstream merger effectively again."13:06
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1239646 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "CI fails most tests on UITK trunk" [Critical,Confirmed]13:06
asacif they need it for release, so i am not sure if the upstream merger helps13:06
asact1mp: you have to fix your tests :)13:06
asact1mp: then you can use it13:06
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
asact1mp: it currently tells you that you have test failures13:06
asacnothing else13:06
asacfginther: anyway, guess lets not touch it anymore. is too confusing now that we kept that part running13:07
asacif we turn it off13:07
t1mpasac: all tests used to pass. None of the tests were changed and now almost all fail on weird things that I don't understand13:07
asact1mp: right. MIR was forced into the archive13:08
t1mpasac: perhaps something is broken and our tests apps are not even in the foreground... or something like that13:08
asacpeople understood that this would happen and now its a bit chaos13:08
asacuntil everyeone has done the best to get stuff back13:08
asact1mp: debug it :)13:08
asact1mp: its bad that this happened, but if we all just take a look and see if we can reproduce then things will be good soon13:09
asacif we hope that MIR team can fix everything for us, then we wont be done13:09
asact1mp: i would check with MIR team to see if they have an idea maybe?13:11
asacMirv: do we know anything about the ui-toolkit test regressions?13:11
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t1mpasac: does this particular test result tell you anything? https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-maguro/2413/testReport/junit/ubuntuuitoolkit.tests.gallery.test_gallery/ButtonsTestCase/test_buttons_standard_button_/13:14
t1mpit seems to fail on         self.app = self.launch_test_application(13:14
t1mp            base.get_qmlscene_launch_command(),13:14
t1mp            '-I' + _get_module_include_path(),13:14
t1mp            qml_file_path,13:14
t1mp            '--desktop_file_hint={0}'.format(desktop_file_path),13:14
t1mp            emulator_base=emulators.UbuntuUIToolkitEmulatorBase,13:14
t1mp            app_type='qt')13:14
t1mpso in the initialization before the actual test is even executed13:15
t1mpMirv: ^ ?13:15
t1mpelopio: ^13:15
ogra_asac, works fine for me, whats wrong ?13:17
ogra_asac, sintel works fine for me, web-videos works so/so13:19
asacogra_: forwarded you a mail with the example videos13:20
asacthat have the most common encodings/container13:20
asaccheck those out13:20
asacall those have problems with colors in thumbnails and the thumbnail experience in general is very odd...13:20
asace.g. you clickj it and it bounces sideways, but doesnt open the video really13:20
ogra_yeah, the aspect ration is a bit off13:20
sergiusenslool, Ran 5 tests in 89.309s for music app;not sure if balloons is in today,but I'll see who can merge our mr13:21
ogra_oh geez, cant people stop using BBB for video testing13:21
ogra_there are so many more free videos nowadays13:21
asacogra_: you need to standardize on something13:21
ogra_asac, note that rick uses a mako13:21
asacogra_: this is just content... the formats/encordings etc. is what matters13:21
ogra_asac, thats why we have sintel since day one13:22
asacogra_: i know that rick uses a mako. hence i say that maguro is broken13:22
ogra_so nobody needs to watch BBB :)13:22
asacwe dont have all the formats13:22
sergiusenst1mp, desktop file needs to be in the standard desktop file paths13:22
asacat least noone uses a common set of files13:22
sergiusenst1mp, check the unity8 log and look for rejects13:22
ogra_the mopvie we use for all video 1080p/h264 testing13:22
ogra_since we started13:22
asacwell, its one movie13:23
ogra_asac, http://people.canonical.com/~jhodapp/sintel_trailer-1080p.mp4 has a copy13:23
asacwe have a few combos to test13:23
ogra_we had more in the video demos13:23
asaci can add that too. but as i said, those videods dont work13:23
ogra_asac, rick has a mako13:23
t1mpsergiusens: this is on jenkins. how do I get the unity8 log there?13:23
ogra_mako is behind maguro wrt MM as far as i know13:23
asacogra_: not for me :)13:23
t1mpkalikiana: ^ do you have those failures on your device also?13:23
ogra_(since jim only has a maguro to develop on)13:24
asacogra_: maguro has troubles13:24
ogra_not here13:24
sergiusenst1mp, oh, which job?13:24
asactry the videos and formats above13:24
ogra_well, it does, but not something i would call a blocker13:24
sergiusenst1mp, nvm saw it13:24
ogra_(there is a slight flicker in sintel for me)13:24
* asac tries sintel stuff13:24
asacogra_: the thumbnails are green13:25
ogra_and the thumbnailer is awesome, it actually seems to use inotify now13:25
asacogra_: if you click them they dont really open the videoplayer13:25
ogra_if i copy stuff it is picked up directly now13:25
asacogra_: just a homescreen animation, but the video doesnt start13:25
ogra_asac, thats not how it works :)13:25
asacyou dont click?13:25
asacerr finger push13:25
Mirvasac: nothing from my side except getting the Killed (and eventual reboot) which I pinged ogra with a pastebin about13:25
ogra_asac, hold your finger on the thumbnail until the shell changes13:25
ogra_then click the play button that appeared13:25
sergiusenst1mp, from what I read earlier, fginther switched everything to using mir; the desktop file being loaded in you test job is /usr/lib/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/examples/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gallery/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gallery.desktop which is not a secure path13:26
sergiusenst1mp, does this work on your device with mir?13:26
sergiusenst1mp, I'm speculating here; the @ci guys can help you out more13:26
asacogra_: there is no play button :)13:26
ogra_asac, i have it in front of me13:26
ogra_get a new phone :P13:27
asacogra_: not nice13:27
asacogra_: sintel has the same issue on maguro13:27
Mirvt1mp: well I do get crash with qmlscene alone myself, but I don't understand it since it happens every time. I filed bug #1239617 about it13:27
ubot5bug 1239617 in Mir "Crash by running qmlscene from command line" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123961713:27
asacogra_: ok after trying 20 times it finally showed13:27
ogra_asac, the thumbnail moves  to the center of the screen if you tap it ... if you then hold it you get a similar UI to the click install one13:27
asacthe play scren13:28
asacbut its not working well13:28
ogra_works fine here after i know what to do13:28
ogra_took me as well a bit to figure it out13:28
evasac: can you give the "Standup" Monday calendar item over to me13:28
ogra_playback works okayish too13:29
ogra_as i said a slight flicker13:29
evasac: actually, let me put this on the team calendar13:29
asacrfowler: seems we are running out of maguros in the lab13:29
ogra_volume control, pause/play all works13:29
asacrfowler: can you go over there?13:29
asacev: ^^13:29
asacev: changed the owner to ubuntu ci engineering13:29
ogra_asac, how are web videos for you ? youtube plays for me (if i find a video that doesnt say "this cant be played on your device" at least)13:30
loolsergiusens: I can look at the mp13:30
ogra_the ones from the search seem to play too13:30
ogra_(a fullscreen mode for the web ones would be nice though)13:31
asacogra_: how do i find youtube videos?13:31
ogra_asac, using the browser and going to youtube.com13:31
didrockssil2100: are you struggling on ubuntu-rssreader-app-autopilot  ?13:32
loolhttps://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/music-app/test_fixes_click got it13:32
* didrocks still has issues trying to retrace unity8, no good stacktrace :/13:32
ogra_took me a while to find one that didnt complain about being not playable on my mobile device ... i guess the user agent string still bites us here13:32
asacogra_: which videos can i play there?13:32
sil2100didrocks: yes, trying to reproduce and get tests running - asking psivaa to help out as well13:32
asacogra_: this should just work, shoudlnt it?13:32
asace.g. we tell it that we are mobile with html5 video13:32
sil2100didrocks: and helping debugging the keyboard issue as well13:33
asacand it should be fine... but we dont13:33
sergiusenslool, https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/music-app/test_fixes_click/+merge/19095013:33
sergiusenslool, that's the mr13:33
didrockssil2100: good hunt :)13:33
evstandup: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/546fdf7256dff2066f5e78691849819a62e80a6713:34
ogra_asac, well, ask rsalveti and jhodapp what they used to test ... for me the videos that youtube allows on my device also play13:35
sergiusenslool, seems that the whole mediascanner database mangling made the mediascanner crash, so for click and for now, I just disabled the mangling13:35
ogra_i know for h264/1080p they use sintel ... not sure what they take for the pther formats13:35
looldidrocks: it's easy to readd the hidden things if you need to chekc something13:36
looldidrocks: just tick INIMAGE #95 etc. in the filter13:36
looldidrocks: but if it becomes too long, it's unmanageable13:36
didrockslool: ah, they are only hidden? ok, will know for next time13:36
looldidrocks: we still have landing for the last many weeks yes13:36
looldidrocks: however I stopped waiting for promoted images before hiding as the list of landings was getting too long13:37
didrockslool: yeah, but for upstream, it's nice to konw13:37
didrocksat least on the landing ask13:37
didrockskeep the lines crossed and greyed13:37
didrocksfor some days13:37
loolsergiusens: kicked CI for it13:38
looldidrocks: I did13:38
looldidrocks: I kept them since Friday13:38
looldidrocks: I kept all the landings past this morning's meeting13:38
loolthen once we had discussed everything for the next round, I've hidden up to the latest image13:39
didrockslool: this morning, the landing ask was cleaned, wasn't it?13:39
didrockslool: yeah, I'm talking about landing ask13:39
didrocksnot landing plan13:39
didrockswhat we cross in grey13:39
looldidrocks: I cleaned the landing asks up to image #96 yesterday, yes13:39
didrocks(I think most of upstream people just look at that one)13:39
didrocksyeah, I think we should wait for few days13:40
looldidrocks: I am not going to debate for the last 2 remaining days worth of landings13:40
loolI can say that I cant work with it anymore when the list is 20 entries13:40
looleither list13:40
didrockslool: well, we need to communicate to upstream, but anyway13:40
loolwe did, it went into landing plan13:40
looland then it actually landed13:41
loolwould it be failed, they would see it13:41
loolnot seeing it == in inimage13:41
didrockswell, seems sergiusens didn't know that qtorganizer5-eds landed or not13:41
loolhe has many ways to check13:41
didrocksor we need to be clear that no seeing == in image13:41
loolit had landed friday already when I was chatting with clock-app upstreams and dpm13:41
looldpm: is there another eds branch you're waiting on?13:43
looldpm: I dont see any waiting for review13:44
loolor merging13:44
mhr3sergiusens, could you ack the url-dispatcher branch?13:44
sergiusenslool, didrocks I wasn't guiding this; it was dpm; I'm just waiting for his ping and didn't get it so thought I'd ask13:44
sergiusensmhr3, me? oh, I thought it was an fyi for me13:44
dpmlool, I was only waiting on the package that landed on #94 for clock and calendar. For calendar it seems to fix the issues (the calendar developer had already tested against qtorganizer-eds trunk), but for clock I remember you said it still didn't fix alarms not being saved?13:45
mhr3sergiusens, well north america has holiday today, so i'm not getting an ack from ted13:45
loolsergiusens: So what I can say is that friday after we fixed startup of clock-app, we checked whether alarms would work; I pointed out URL handling was incomplete and first thought eds changes were not in but then dpm and I confirmed these were in; however alarm saving didn't work at all in the clock-app13:45
looldpm: Yeah; it just didn't work for me, perhaps I'm doing it wrong13:45
looldpm: Also URL handling is incomplete13:45
dpmlool, I think we'd need to pull in renato in this discussion for the EDS part13:45
sergiusensmhr3, all of america is on holidays, I seem to be the only dumbnuts on :-P13:46
sergiusensmhr3, I acked13:46
mhr3sergiusens, oh right, you should be holidaying too... workaholic! :P but thx13:46
dpmsergiusens, yeah, I hadn't pinged you since even eds landed, we could not merge the calendar branches depending on it, as the calendar upstream merger is still disabled (so nothing to do in terms of reenabling the click package builder), but fginther is looking into it right now. In any case, I think it's safe to reenable the job that creates the calendar click package now13:47
sergiusensdpm, which calendar branch has the new stuff?13:47
dpmsergiusens, https://code.launchpad.net/~pkunal-parmar/ubuntu-calendar-app/EDS/+merge/18818813:48
mhr3lool, didrocks, so url-dispatcher should land in the image only when music-app is migrated to click, otherwise launching music via dash/file-manager won't work, will you take care for that to land in sync?13:48
sergiusensdpm, I can test as click and provide feedback in the mr13:48
dpmsergiusens, that'd be great, thanks!13:48
sergiusensmhr3, music app is in progress....13:48
loolsergiusens: is south america on national holiday too?13:49
looldidn't know that13:49
loolI hope they are not celebrating columbus day though13:49
didrocksmhr3: if music app is in progress and not going to land today, we should revert, land url-dispatcher and revert13:49
loolmhr3: I've happroved the url-dispatcher mp and kicked autolanding for it13:49
sergiusenslool, it is13:49
sergiusenslool, but the name has changed in argentina13:49
mhr3didrocks, it is supposed to land later today13:50
didrocksmhr3: so, it means you won't have your fix until this is in13:50
sergiusenslool, it's called "Day of american cultural diversity acceptance"13:50
sergiusensor something like that13:50
looldpm: Could you update your needs fixing? https://code.launchpad.net/~pkunal-parmar/ubuntu-calendar-app/EDS/+merge/18818813:51
ogra_oh, does that mean i'm alone in the team standup today ?13:51
sergiusensuse to be called 'race day' but I think they changed it for it being to racy13:51
looldpm: the branch is already top approved, but just to confirm13:51
sergiusensogra_, I'm here :-P13:51
loolsergiusens: acceptance of north americans then?  :-)13:51
ogra_sergiusens, you are supposed to be off though13:51
sergiusenslool, no, americans everywhere in the americans means the full continent13:51
dpmlool, done, my Needs Fixing was related to the tests failing, but they passed now13:52
looldpm: yeah I know13:52
looldpm: I've kicked ubuntu-calendar-app autolanding now13:52
loolshould be in soon13:52
loolsergiusens: well I was under the assumption south americans already loved and tolerated each other13:53
loolsergiusens: so I thought it was just tolerance for the other americans  :-)13:53
dpmlool, cool, thanks. Have you talked to fginther? I know that he was looking into this as well, just to make sure we're all in sync13:53
sergiusenslool, lol13:53
fgintherdpm, lool, in sync at the moment13:54
dpmperfect :)13:54
* lool is speeding up the ci or autolandings we care for before the 15mn mark :-)13:54
fgintherlool, I would like to better understand the criteria you are using, but we can discuss later if you're busy13:54
loolfginther: IIUC, this runs every 15 mns and I just want to get them ASAP13:55
fgintherlool, calendar-app is on the disabled list13:55
loolfginther: it's manual work that I am willing to do in these special days before release but no issue I have with the setup13:55
loolfginther: the CI tests passed there though?13:55
fgintherlool, right, but there is still a failing test on the mir image testing13:56
loolfginther: Right, so changes need to get manually in?13:56
fgintherlool, right, so how do we decide what get's merged it?13:57
dpmsergiusens, looking at https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/music-app/test_fixes_click/+merge/190950 - it seems the tests pass locally but they fail for Jenkins?13:57
loolfginther: well I guess there are two schools13:57
loolfginther: there is the school of "you only get to merge things that are striclty improving the tests"13:57
loolfginther: and there is the school of "you get to merge was is needed for release"13:57
fgintherlool, ok, that helps.13:57
fgintherlool, thx13:58
sergiusensdpm, fail for jenkins :/13:58
sergiusensdpm, well jenkins is testing the debs13:58
sergiusensdpm, I've seen it fail a lot13:58
loolwith music-app?13:59
loolthere were various issues last week and over the WE13:59
sergiusensdpm, I can't create new events with that calendar, whatever I do I get that the start time can't be after the end time or something like that13:59
sergiusensdpm, lool wrt to autopilot tests failing on merger, I think it's failing due to the same reasons it was failing on/as click14:01
sergiusensdpm, lool but changing that can be tricky for those cases; these full tests need to be rethought14:01
sergiusenslet me see what I can do14:02
loolsergiusens: qmlscene: failed to check version of file '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/music_app/', could not open...14:02
loolsounds like click related breakage to me14:02
sergiusenslool, hmmm, balloons !14:03
loolballoons: ^14:03
ogra_asac, so i tested all your videos here from the mail, all of them run fine when started from the filemanager (with teh same slight flicker i have for sintel), not a single of them shows up in the thumbnailer14:03
dpmsergiusens, lool, balloons on holiday today14:03
sergiusenslool, dpm just saying it was his side of the changes ;-014:03
ogra_asac, ah, wait, i take that back, the WebM one doesnt run (though i think that needs to be embedded with video tag in a html fuile anyway)14:04
loolseb128, didrocks: Dropping ubuntu-sounds from asks / plan14:04
loolsergiusens: can you fix these or should we patch url-dispatcher to also defer the music-app thing?14:04
sergiusenslool, I'll fix14:05
seb128lool, cf #ubuntu-release ... can you replace by ubuntu-touch-sounds? ;-)14:05
loolseb128: right14:05
rsalvetilool: thumbnailing and video playback in the browser should be working with 9614:06
rsalvetiasac: tested 96? which video?14:07
loolrsalveti: playback in browser didn't work for me sadly14:07
loolhaven't tried thumbnailing yet14:07
rsalvetilool: which video did you try?14:07
loolrsalveti: a couple from the online ones14:07
loolthe first promoted ones14:07
rsalvetilool: right, might be a format issue as well14:07
rsalvetilool: http://html5demos.com/ -> Video14:07
loolrsalveti: yeah14:08
loolrsalveti: there was a difference that it played like one frame and audio only14:08
loolinstead of green rectangle14:08
loolrsalveti: in a HO, will try after that14:08
loolseb128: thanks14:08
seb128lool, yw14:08
dpmsergiusens, hm, re: the calendar changes, this might need the other branches which were blocking on the EDS branch to land for it to work. Let me ping the developers to get them in shape14:09
dpmsergiusens, I think until then it should probably be best not to release a new click package for calendar14:09
rsalvetilool: sure14:09
ogra_asac, i answered your video mail with my test results on maguro14:10
ogra_50% success isnt that bad i'd say :)14:10
ogra_even though the thumbnailer seems to be broken :(14:10
rsalvetilool: for the others that don't play, please let me know the link of the videos14:10
rsalvetiogra_: which videos?14:10
rsalvetiworked fine here with the samples I got14:10
sergiusensdpm, sounds good14:11
ogra_rsalveti, none of them shows in the thumbnails after copying them (sintel does immediately though) ... MPEG2 plays with black screen, WebM doesnt play at all (i'm starting them from the filemanager, i guess that doesnt knwo what to do about WebM)14:12
ogra_rsalveti, MPEG4 and H264 work fine14:12
ogra_oh WebM is actually called VP8 in the direectory above ...14:13
rsalvetiogra_: webm is known it be broken atm14:14
rsalvetimp4, h264, avi should just work14:14
rsalvetiand the green issue is just with maguro (thumbnailing)14:15
ogra_MPEG2 is a bit sad though14:15
ogra_i'm not talking about the gree issue14:15
ogra_i dont have any thumbnails at all for these files14:15
ogra_only for sintel14:15
rsalvetiogra_: sure, just replying about the issue asac had14:15
rsalvetiogra_: right, I'll check this today now that we got something to work at least14:16
looldidrocks: Mir >> I was speaking of the next round of platform-api / qtubuntu changes; not the first platform-api change from friday14:16
ogra_and yeah, sintel has the green and a broken aspect ratio14:16
rsalvetithat's only with maguro14:16
rsalvetiwe have a color conversion issue in there14:16
ogra_well, thats what im testing on :)14:16
didrockslool: oh ok, didn't get you, sorry. But yeah, it won't really fix it. Do you think we should get it now to get better infos then?14:16
ogra_and i dotn think thats a biggie14:16
looldidrocks: if you check out the 2 MPs against that bug, they are the same type (if error: return error)14:16
ogra_rsalveti, the flickering is a bit more worrying14:16
rsalvetiogra_: yup14:16
ogra_during playback14:17
rsalvetiogra_: that's with mir, and not mediaplayer related14:17
rsalvetiogra_: happens with camera as well14:17
rsalvetitry to open camera and zoom it14:17
ogra_ah i get a white frame there though14:17
ogra_that doesnt happen on video playback14:17
rsalvetiright, but you get a flickering as well14:18
rsalvetihm, my keyboard stopped working after a while on mir as well14:18
rsalvetiprobably known issue by now14:18
ogra_on 96 ?14:19
* ogra_ grumbles 14:20
ogra_so i get 25sec boot time on mako and 30sec boot time on maguro ...14:20
rsalvetiyeah, same as described by sil210014:20
kgunndidrocks: wrt our discussion about branching last week....instead of series #'s could we use codenames ? its a preference i would prefer...e.g. lp:~mir-team/mir/saucy14:20
ogra_*until* i make the image writable14:20
* ogra_ sighs14:20
ogra_rsalveti, oh, the thumbnailer picked them up after a reboot14:21
ogra_and it rightly only picked up the ones it can play14:22
ogra_thats something at least14:22
sergiusenslool, fginther can you make ci run again for music app?14:25
sil2100rsalveti: good to know it happens to others: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-keyboard/+bug/123963914:25
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1239639 in ubuntu-keyboard "The keyboard stops appearing" [High,New]14:25
sil2100The keyboard guys know about it14:26
rsalvetisil2100: thanks14:26
loolsergiusens, fginther: Running14:27
sergiusenslool, I hope that small fix does it; I just broke my install with debs + clicks14:28
fgintherlool, thanks I was still looking for the MP to run14:28
didrockskgunn: codename is fine for me14:30
sergiusenslool, fginther that was fast14:31
sergiusenslool, tests passed14:31
sergiusenssorry, I don't tests debs anymore and oversaw that14:32
loolsergiusens: passed!14:32
sergiusenslool, I understand why balloons made that change; it just doesn't mix and match with how it works on jenkins and such14:33
sergiusenslool, and uri handler as it is works fine with my music click build ;-)14:34
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
sergiusenslool, btw, can you prepare the powerd change for music to work correctly?14:39
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
asacrsalveti: sentil + the bbb we have selected for testing14:44
rsalvetiasac: right, but which formats14:45
rsalvetiasac: have the link?14:45
rsalvetiotherwise is just guessing14:45
ogra_asac, seen my mail answer ?14:45
ogra_rsalveti, still http://samplemedia.linaro.org/ :)14:46
loolsergiusens: So14:46
loolsergiusens: we have a recent qtpowerd news14:46
loolsergiusens: we'll need it for mediaplayer-app too14:47
rsalvetiogra_: that doesn't help14:47
ogra_rsalveti, ?14:47
rsalvetiogra_: I need link to the specific videos that doesnt work :-)14:47
rsalvetiogra_: we got a bunch of formats in there14:47
ogra_rsalveti, thats the videos asac and rick use for testing14:47
rsalvetiand all asac is saying is the name of the video14:47
ogra_oh right14:47
loolsergiusens: and since ricmm is the only person that can help from Michael's team today, I've just asked him to look at this (this came out of the review of important bugs that jfunk prepared)14:47
ogra_thats there like 50 times14:47
loolsergiusens: so we'll take qtpowerd from coreapps PPA, expand it, then move from PPA to archive14:48
loolricmm: ^14:48
loolricmm: sergiusens is in the final stages of clickifying music-app; the initial plan was to copy the qtpowerd module in music-app14:48
loolricmm: but since we will need it in image for mediaplayer-app...14:49
ogra_rsalveti, http://samplemedia.linaro.org/MPEG2/big_buck_bunny_480p_MPEG2_MP2_25fps_1800K.MPG http://samplemedia.linaro.org/MPEG4/big_buck_bunny_480p_MPEG4_MP3_25fps_1600K.AVI http://samplemedia.linaro.org/H264/big_buck_bunny_480p_H264_AAC_25fps_1800K.MP4 and http://samplemedia.linaro.org/VP8/big_buck_bunny_480p_VP8_VORBIS_25fps_1900K.WebM14:49
ogra_rsalveti, thats the four listed in asacs mail14:49
rsalvetiogra_: great, thanks14:49
ogra_for me MPEG2 and VP8 dont work, the others are fine14:49
ogra_not sure why asac doesnt manage to get them to work14:50
sergiusenslool, hmmm14:50
sergiusenslool, I'll sync with him14:51
sergiusenslool, who's making that land in the archive?14:51
sergiusenslool, can you happrove the music app MR so I have an initial working version built?14:51
sergiusenslool, to be honest, I'm not even sure what qtpowerd does14:52
loolsergiusens: it takes the suspend lock with powerd14:53
asacogra_: they videos pla14:53
loolsergiusens: so that music app keeps playing when screen turns off with idle timer14:53
sergiusenslool, can we do pros and cons here? would it be easier to ship mediaplayer as click?14:53
loolsergiusens: see dpm's comment in the mp14:53
asacthumbnails are a) broken (visual glitches with colourproblems) and b) hard to start from userexperience14:53
loolsergiusens: dont think it's easier14:53
asacalso the whole animation on the lense seems buggy14:53
sergiusenslool, so why do we need ricmm then?14:53
ogra_asac, for b) -> design is this way :)14:54
asacunlock sim setting discovered14:54
loolsergiusens: for the mediaplayer-app + qtpowerd work that is needed14:54
asaci was not asked ... had to go to cellular settings14:54
sergiusenslool, well neither him or I can land qpowerd in the archive14:55
loolsergiusens: he can develop and test it; I can sponsor14:56
loolsergiusens: I dont feel I have the speed/time to do it myself14:56
rsalvetiasac: the color conversion issue just happens with maguro14:57
rsalvetiworks fine with mako14:57
sergiusensdpm, merged your request14:57
asacrsalveti: ok so thats a known14:58
asacand the rest is guess slowness... gotcha14:58
asaclets hope for goodness from the mir front on that one14:58
rsalvetiright, that will help a lot14:58
sergiusenslool, ok, if someone takes over fixing the tests for filemanager as click I can look14:59
asacrsalveti: ogra_: so what is getting done on the uevent bombing front? is that bandaided somewhat for now?14:59
loolsergiusens: look at what?14:59
rsalvetiafaik xnox was cooking a patch for udev14:59
ogra_asac, xnox is looking into it but has higher prio duties14:59
sergiusenslool, filemanager tests need to be fixed for click too14:59
ogra_asac, he is also one of the main ubiquity devs and hogged for desktop fixes15:00
asacogra_: noone else can help?15:00
ogra_asac, he gave me a something to test today which sadly didnt help15:00
ogra_asac, not sure i guess slangasek might, or we could try to convince pitti ... but pitti will not like to add such gross hacks15:01
loolsergiusens: ack15:03
loolsergiusens: outside of ballons, who could help with this?15:03
loolsergiusens: would upstream be able to?15:03
loolpopey: ^ what do you think15:03
loolsergiusens: https://bugs.launchpad.net/qtpowerd/+bug/123920615:07
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1239206 in mediaplayer-app (Ubuntu) "Do not suspend device when a video is playing" [High,New]15:07
popeysergiusens: lool is that bug 1229571 ?15:07
ubot5bug 1229571 in Ubuntu File Manager App "Clicks are incorrectly offset when the toolbar is open" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122957115:07
popeywhich is supposed to be fixed already according to t1mp15:07
sergiusenspopey, no,click package testing for filemanager is broken completely15:07
popeyoh, how? where is this reported?15:08
looldidrocks: so15:08
looldpm, didrocks: I need some help for what needs to happen to move qtpowerd from coreapps PPA to archive (landing #213)15:08
looldpm, didrocks: https://bugs.launchpad.net/qtpowerd/+bug/1239206 explains the plan15:08
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1239206 in mediaplayer-app (Ubuntu) "Do not suspend device when a video is playing" [High,New]15:08
looldpm, didrocks: This project was originally started by music-app devs15:09
loolBut now is needed for mediaplayer-app15:09
loolI think we can start moving it to archive and to the other jenkins15:10
loolWould need a heads up to music-app upstreams, a change in ownership15:10
looland various setup changes15:10
sergiusenslool, it's also hardcoded for music app, so would require music app changes15:12
loolsergiusens: what do you mean?15:12
loolsergiusens: oh you mean the music-app string in it?15:12
loolsergiusens: Yeah I mentioned this to ricmm15:13
loolit's a minor thing15:13
sergiusenslool, yeah, that15:13
loolwe could change it to qtpowerd15:13
loolor make something nice15:13
sergiusenslool, I have little idea of how this works, I thought we'd create a lock per device15:14
lool== Building url-dispatcher ==15:14
sergiusensper app i mean15:14
loolsergiusens: Yes, but I think the names are just declarative15:14
loolHmm I hope at least  :-)15:14
looland it's not the same type of lock anyway15:14
loolI dont know how to cleanly get the app name from a QML module, there's certainly a clean way; or we could pass it through15:15
dpmlool, sure. What do you need?15:15
loolanyway, it's polish in any case15:15
looldpm: giving a heads up to music-app folks, changing ownership of the component15:15
dpmlool, ok, cool. The owner is coreapps-drivers. Who should be the new owner?15:16
didrockslool: sorry, was backlogging15:16
looldidrocks: Is ~phablet-team a good owner?15:18
dpmlool, and the next question: should I set the team you choose as Maintainer or Driver in the project?15:18
didrockslool: yeah, it's a nice one15:19
looldpm: ^15:19
looldpm: ~phablet-team/qtpowerd/trunk?15:19
looldpm: I'll update the packaging if you like15:19
thostr_lool: regarding https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hud/+bug/1239016: we cannot reproduce this at all, seems to work everywhere...15:20
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1239016 in hud (Ubuntu) "latest hud totally busted" [Critical,Incomplete]15:20
loolthostr_: Ok; I guess this needs retesting15:20
dpmlool, ack. Can you create the ~phablet-team/qtpowerd/trunk branch? I don't have permissions in the phablet-team, and I can't change the branch in the LP project until one exists.15:22
looldpm: can do15:22
dpmthanks lool15:22
looldpm: done15:23
looldpm: I hope this works alright with branch stacking and stuff15:23
loolCreated new stacked branch referring to /+branch-id/836516.15:23
dpmlool, project branch updated, maintainer set to phablet-team15:24
didrockswe can reconfigure if needed15:24
dpmlool, please feel free to change the driver too. By changing the maintainer to phablet-team, I locked myself out of administering the project :) but I think that should be all you need15:25
looldpm: thanks!15:30
didrockslool: so, we need to add that to dailies, right?15:30
looldidrocks: Yes I was just coming here to ping you about it15:34
looldidrocks: just reviewed the LP project settings; seems ok now15:34
looldidrocks: will send a packaging update mp now15:34
sergiusenslool, wrt to powerd, ricmm is going to take care of that and I'll take care of filemanager15:35
loolsergiusens: awesome15:36
sergiusenslool, where does this leave us with swapping music app to it's click counterpart?15:36
sergiusenslool, do we wait for all this?15:36
loolsergiusens: I think it doesn't change anything except you want to wait for qtpowerd to be seeded and drop the qtpowerd inclusion hack?15:36
loolsergiusens: or you could keep it and switch to click, then we update to drop the module?15:36
sergiusenslool, ack,I'll make the necessary changes15:36
sergiusenslool, I still need to update the seeds anyways15:37
loolsergiusens: actually it might be good to proceed with music-app click15:37
loolin the very worst case we break music-app and can revert15:37
sergiusenslool, althought the package name would need to be fixed, its' qtpowerd and convention is qtdeclarative5-powerd or something like that15:37
didrockslool: ok, keep me posted15:39
loolsergiusens: qtpowerd is just the source name15:40
loolsergiusens: binary is qtdeclarative5-qtpowerd0.115:40
looldidrocks: Hmm is GPLv3 ok there?15:42
sergiusenslool, right15:45
sergiusenswe use gplv3 for everything15:45
looldidrocks: https://code.launchpad.net/~lool/qtpowerd/qtpowerd-packaging-updates/+merge/19098815:46
loolsergiusens: but we're copyright holders too15:46
didrockslool: I think it would be better to have it LGPL15:47
looldpm: ^15:47
looldpm: do you think we could convince Victor to relicense and/or give copyright to Canonical?15:48
didrockslool: didn't he sign the CLA?15:48
loolhe did15:48
looldidrocks: So I should change to copyright canonical?15:48
slangasekasac: I believe the upstart memory leak is still a higher priority than fixing the udev load from uevent spam, especially since the uevent spam is maguro-specific.  If you think otherwise, I can have the team switch gears to work on udev, but currently that's "next" in the queue15:49
didrockslool: yes please15:49
didrocksand the license15:49
didrockssil2100: how busy are you? can you try having a look at latest hud and running AP tests again?15:51
ogra_slangasek, the memory leak is worked yround, the udev side isnt15:51
ogra_slangasek, the udev side is what breaks maguro atm, not upstart (which just filters these events)15:52
dpmlool, didrocks, the code headers are already copyrighted to Canonical, the only thing that would need change is debian/copyright. I assume he'll be ok with it, as he already assigned copyright to the code to Canonical15:52
slangasekogra_: the memory leak is only worked around *for maguro*.  We still have a memory leak everywhere.15:52
sil2100didrocks: will do that once my device is free out of autopilot tests!15:53
ogra_slangasek, right, but not one that kills the device in a short time15:53
looldidrocks: updated15:53
looldpm: done15:53
didrockslool: no COPYING?15:53
looldidrocks: Can add one15:54
didrocksyep, not mandatory for a so simple source, but better15:54
looldidrocks: one15:54
loolin r915:54
didrockslool: I find debian/rules weird, wdyt?15:55
looldidrocks: can we setup CI/autolanding etc.15:55
looldidrocks: Yeah I think it does a bit too much15:55
looldidrocks: probably dont need that much15:55
slangasekogra_: but it will kill *all* devices over the kind of uptime one expects from a phone, which is a lot more serious than a maguro-specific bug (IMHO)15:55
looldidrocks: but nothing there hurts and didnt want to play ball with it15:55
slangasekbut I want to hear from asac which he wants me to prioritize :)15:56
didrockslool: well, we won't clean it in the future, maybe it's time, want me to push?15:56
didrockslool: basically removing everything but %:15:56
didrocks    dh $@ --fail-missing15:56
didrocks(maybe override_dh_auto_configure:15:56
looldidrocks: Well15:56
didrocks    qmake15:56
didrocksis needed15:56
looleven this one should work15:56
looldidrocks: let me check15:57
didrockslool: oh, you didn't set it in split mode15:57
looldidrocks: ah the bzr bd thing15:57
sergiusenslool, didrocks ogra_ ? https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/ubuntu-seeds/music-app--/+merge/19099015:57
didrocksyep ;)15:57
ogra_slangasek, well, we have two devices one doesnt work at all for release due to the uevent spam, the other dies after a few days (using my mako since a week without running out of ram here) ... both can be upgraded right after release with fixes ... i prefer to have both working for release15:57
didrockssergiusens: +115:57
slangasekogra_: I can't give you both for release.15:57
loolsergiusens: Can I upload now?15:57
ogra_slangasek, mako works good enough15:58
looldidrocks: you staying after the meeting to help me land this?15:58
didrockslool: yeah, it works even without the override15:58
ogra_slangasek, maguro isnt in a releasable state at all atm15:58
looldidrocks: I'm comparing build flags over two builds right now15:58
didrockslool: I planned to leave, but I can stay for 10 minutes15:58
slangasekogra_: oh, if you mean "I prefer to have both devices working for release" - yes, we can do that, but only at the expense of not fixing the memory leak for release15:58
sergiusenslool, yeah, germinate and all15:58
looldidrocks: would like to test the cu2d/autolanding stuff works there15:58
looldidrocks: also need archive admin help for new source15:58
didrockslool: building works here15:59
ogra_slangasek, right, the memory leak will still leave me enough room to upgrade the device ... amnd since our release isnt actually a release i thinkit is fine15:59
sergiusensogra_, lool didrocks music app as click would likely sync in at :11' ... I'll brb16:00
loolI'm along in standup?16:00
* ogra_ doesnt want lool to be lonely and looks for his headset16:01
didrockssil2100: coming?16:01
didrocksrobru: ?16:01
sil2100Ah, be there in a moment16:02
ogra_slangasek, oh, btw, tvoss did some changes to the location examples MP, i was waiting for your ack on it (looks good to me)16:04
ogra_would be nice to get a NACK/ACK so we can land it16:04
loolfginther: qtpowerd16:09
loolis new project16:09
slangasekogra_: I will look at it when I can, but I'm off today so it'll be a few hours16:09
ogra_slangasek, k16:09
ogra_slangasek, enjoy celebrating that guy that got lost and famous for it16:10
=== charles_ is now known as charles
loolsergiusens: branch merged, preparing meta16:15
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
Laneylool: Could we take https://code.launchpad.net/~laney/ubuntu-seeds/touch-sounds if you're in there anyway?16:18
popeydidrocks: when is the next build going to start?16:22
didrockspopey: in some hours16:22
fgintherlool, qtpowerd is enabled for upstream merger16:22
popeydidrocks: after your EOD?16:22
didrockspopey: yeah16:22
popeyok, thanks16:22
didrockspopey: email on the way16:22
didrockspopey: did you get any luck in pinging any core apps contributors?16:23
popeyyeah, will chase them down16:23
loolsergiusens: we seem to have r190 of music-app with your changes in r189 and trunk being at r19116:24
loolsergiusens: so seems good to me16:24
loolfginther: \o/16:24
loolfginther: thanks16:24
loolLaney: sure16:24
didrockslool: seb128 will be around, I told him to just push the button once it's there16:29
seb128o/ ;-)16:29
looldidrocks: ok thanks16:29
loolLaney: merged16:30
Laneylool: great, cheers16:30
loolLaney: mind taking a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~lool/ubuntu-seeds/qtpowerd-seeding/+merge/190999 ?16:33
Laneylool: can't have those apps depend on it?16:35
loolLaney: music-app will be click, mediaplayer-app not ready16:36
sil2100Damn, this test run resulted in many failures instead - and I have like 20 webbrowser-app's open at once now, hm16:37
sil2100I'll downgrade16:37
loolLaney: so it's more to make sure we dont end up without it on the image16:38
loolLaney: eventually, it will go away16:38
loolLaney: well maybe we dont need this right now16:39
loolsergiusens: are you taking a qtpowerd copy in music-app?16:39
loolsergiusens: Right I see you do16:39
loolLaney: that's actually safer16:39
loolotherwise we have to keep supporting this secret API forever for old music-app clicks16:39
loolLaney: so forget it16:40
loolLaney: we can pull it in when mediaplayer-app needs it16:40
looland when it's in the archve music-app can consume the .so from there, but not rely on it being in the image16:40
loolthat way we can just update music-app from unconfined to confined without it16:40
loolLaney: rejected my own mp  :-)16:42
loolLaney, sergiusens: Meta uploaded16:46
loolsergiusens: does one need a livecd-rootfs change to pull new clicks in?16:46
loolsil2100: can you confirm to me what happens to hud when you've sorted out the webbrowser-app things?16:47
sil2100lool: I reverted hud and re-running tests to see if it's related16:49
sergiusenslool, so I downloaded the click app and tested before doing the MR, reason it took a bit16:53
sergiusenslool, no, not livecd-roofs, it's in click-sync for now16:53
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
loolsergiusens: uhoh17:06
loolsergiusens: had forgotten the special whitelisting we need17:07
sergiusenslool, powerd? well it won't break the tests. That's what I pinged you about; not sure how that hack works17:08
loolsergiusens: no the issue is wtih running in background17:08
sergiusenslool, yeah, that's the powerd hack17:12
loolsergiusens: the app manager hack rather17:14
ogra_the hack17:15
sergiusensyeah, the hack17:16
sergiusensplars, doanac music in next build is click17:24
doanacsergiusens: thanks. i'll update the test for it17:25
sil2100lool: ok, so it doesn't seem there's a direct relation between hud and the test failures17:27
loolsil2100: Ok, so you're pushing hud?17:28
sil2100lool: of course, testing takes time so I didn't test everything, but I would preliminarily say let's push hud17:28
loolsil2100: Ok17:28
loolsil2100: if device remains usable after a boot with an empty /var/crash, I saw do it17:28
looldoanac: Can you rename developer mode to writable image?17:30
doanaclool: where at?17:30
looldoanac: phablet-tools17:30
looldoanac:   [ Andy Doan ]17:30
lool  * add developer-mode subcommand to phablet-config This creates a new17:30
loolsergiusens: is phablet-tools otherwise good to go?17:30
looldoanac: Sorry for the churn, but we're trying to kill that confusing name17:31
doanaclool: okay. will do. could have sworn we'd done that already :/17:31
looldoanac: (app developer vs. platform developer)17:31
looldoanac: writable-image is probably most neutral17:31
looland maps to the flag nicely17:31
sergiusens@ci lool I'm noticing that my filemanager MR never merged.... https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/ubuntu-filemanager-app/click_improvements/+merge/190425 it's a noop for deb packages17:32
sil2100lool: published!17:32
doanaclool: actually - we named it "writeable-image": http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/phablet-tools/trunk/revision/20117:33
doanacits just the commit message that didn't get updated17:33
sergiusenslool, in the code, it's already renamed, missed the commit message I guess17:33
looldoanac: oh no17:34
looldoanac: please17:34
loolwriteable-image versus writable_image17:34
loolno end of fun17:34
* doanac just got an english spelling lesson from a Frenchman !17:35
doanaclool: i'll fix that.17:35
ogra_well, we still have the option to use writable^image somewhere at least17:35
popeyawww.. not writable☑ image17:36
popeyneeds more unicode17:36
sergiusensdoanac, and here I thought you did that on purpose :-/17:37
sergiusensfginther, btw, can we get this merged? https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/ubuntu-filemanager-app/click_improvements/+merge/190425 it's a noop for deb packages17:38
loolsergiusens: launched https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/ubuntu-filemanager-app/click_improvements/+merge/19042517:39
doanacsergiusens, lool: https://code.launchpad.net/~doanac/phablet-tools/spelling-fix/+merge/19101517:40
doanaci'm going to go eat my lunch in shame now17:40
looldoanac: tested + happroved17:41
loolsergiusens: are you +1 on the latest phablet-tools landing?17:47
sergiusenslool, I was yes17:47
lool== Publishing ubuntu-themes ==17:51
lool(misc stack)17:51
lool== Publishing phablet-tools ==18:49
jibeli've 2 more bugs that could be candidates for a fix for 13.10 if it is not too late bug 1239815 is a broken language and bug 1239811 which is very easy to reproduce19:10
ubot5bug 1239815 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Text not displayed properly in Chinese" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123981519:10
ubot5bug 1239811 in whoopsie-preferences (Ubuntu Saucy) "whoopsie-preferences crashed with SIGSEGV in _IO_new_fclose()" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123981119:10
kgunnlool: do you have a minute for me to bother you about debian changelog on mir ? (i'd bother didrocks but he's gone)19:18
loolkgunn: sure19:19
kgunnlool: thanks...so kdub landed the performance improvement, and we need to bump server api again...so i was going thru motions and19:20
looloh no19:20
kgunnlool: i noticed changelog was kinda different19:20
kgunnlool: it was marked saucy instead of "unreleased"19:21
loolkgunn: So I think it doesn't matter too much19:21
loolkgunn: cu2d will prepare an updated changelog entry on its own19:21
loolkgunn: I'll tell you if it causes problems, but I /think/ it' sok19:21
kgunnlool: so just to confirm...i can leave it as "unreleased"19:22
loolYes, but CAPS19:22
=== thomi_ is now known as thomi
loolsome tools make a difference there, so wouldn't want to try unreleased in small letters19:22
kgunnlool: oh yes...it is...i used dch -i...which does that formatting for me19:22
kgunnyeah..its in all CAPS19:22
kgunnok...i'm going to keep going....if it breaks something or makes didrocks mad, i'm sure i'll know :)19:23
kgunnfginther: ping19:41
fgintherkgunn, pong19:41
kgunnfginther: hey here's one that seems unfamiliar to me... https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mir-team-mir-development-branch-saucy-amd64-ci/160/console19:41
kgunnfginther: maybe it just needs a re-run....but kinda weird pbuilder failing19:42
fgintherkgunn, yes it needs to be re-ran... This happens whenever an apt-get update occurs in the middle of an archive update.19:43
fgintherkgunn, we actually have a workaround for this, but it just wasn't deployed to this slave, will get that fixed19:43
kgunnfginther: np...it was just unfamiliar to me19:45
lool== Publishing url-dispatcher (misc stack) ==19:46
loolkgunn: Are the ABI changes libmirserver only or libmirclient too?20:03
kgunnjust libmirserver lool20:07
sergiusenslool, can you trigger a ci for https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/ubuntu-filemanager-app/fix_ap/+merge/191051 ?20:59
sergiusenswant to see if it works on jenkins20:59
rsalvetilool: got some changes for the media stack again, improving texture_id handling but more important is the extra caps in mirsink20:59
rsalvetiso we can render videos that support I42021:00
rsalvetihybris, android, gst-plugins-bad1.021:00
rsalvetiadding to the landing...21:00
loolsergiusens: building21:01
sergiusenslool, thanks21:01
loolrsalveti: Ok, seems this doens't hit desktop images21:02
rsalvetilool: nops21:02
sergiusenslool, seems to be a problem there.... fginther still around?21:13
fginthersergiusens, hey21:13
fginthersergiusens, https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/ubuntu-filemanager-app/fix_ap/+merge/191051 ?21:14
sergiusensfginther, hey, can you familiarize yourself with this error? ?21:14
sergiusensseems the deb wasn't installed?21:14
fginthersergiusens, "Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have21:14
fgintherrequested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable21:14
fgintherdistribution that some required packages have not yet been created21:14
fgintheror been moved out of Incoming."21:14
fgintherubuntu-filemanager-app : Depends: qtdeclarative5-nemo-qml-plugin-folderlistmodel but it is not installable21:15
sergiusensfginther, oh, that still needs the coreapps ppa21:15
fginthersergiusens, that can be fixed ....21:16
sergiusensfginther, this one https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/+archive/daily/+packages?field.name_filter=file&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=saucy21:16
sergiusensfginther, so filemanager and terminal will always need the PPA for deb building, which is fine; for click it's embedded (that's the plugins.json magic in the code)21:17
fginthersergiusens, with the ppa21:20
lool== Publishing unity-mir (unity8 stack) ==21:20
sergiusenslool, look at this: https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/ubuntu-filemanager-app/fix_ap/+merge/19105121:54
sergiusenslool, might be able to get rid of the PPA today!21:54
loolsergiusens: :-)21:54
sergiusenslool, do I need to strip out the powerd plugin now?21:54
sergiusensfrom music app?21:54
loolsergiusens: I can only approve it though, not happrove it21:56
loolsergiusens: No keep it there, but you can point at archive if you like21:56
sergiusenslool, any reason to do so?21:57
loolsergiusens: the reason to keep it is so that we can remove it from image and keep running old unconfined music-app with new images21:57
sergiusenspopey or fginther  can you happrove https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/ubuntu-filemanager-app/fix_ap/+merge/19105121:57
loolremoving it is breaking an internal ABI that one click uses21:57
fginthersergiusens, done21:58
sergiusenslool, so that means it's not going to be seeded?21:58
sergiusensfginther, ty!21:58
sergiusenslool, in any case, I'll point to the new one and see how it works22:00
loolsergiusens: Yes, I was about to test that22:00
loolsergiusens: No, I almost seeded qtpowerd, but after discussion with Laney I opted not to22:00
loolsergiusens: for that very rason22:00
loolsergiusens: but qtpowerd will be pulled by mediaplayer-app22:01
looland copied into music-app22:01
sergiusenslool, ok,so when mediaplayer goes click it would recourse to the same path22:01
sergiusenswhich is basically next week ;-022:01
loolsergiusens: so removing the qtpowerd plugin from music-app works with binaries from ricmm22:02
sergiusenslool, what's the binary name for the package?22:03
loolsergiusens: qtdeclarative5-qtpowerd0.122:03
loolThe following package was automatically installed and is no longer required: qtdeclarative5-qtgrilo0.122:04
loolso that should go away in next image22:04
loolwith click22:04
sergiusenslool, I'm doing autoremove to make it easier to track breakage22:04
sergiusenslool, https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/music-app/powersource/+merge/19106822:07
loolsergiusens: I've tried copying the binary in music-app click dir and it worked fine22:08
loolsergiusens: I'm not pushing this one as qtpowerd still needs transitioning to saucy22:09
loolin fact removing the happrove22:09
sergiusenslool, this worked fine with the way I pull it in22:09
sergiusenslool, I use launchpad22:10
lool  Unable to connect to
loolsergiusens: ah it's in now22:11
sergiusensfginther, lool can you for the ci to run for filemanager if it isn't already?22:24
fginthersergiusens, same MP as before?22:25
loolsergiusens: done22:25
loolfginther: yep, running22:25
sergiusensfginther, yeah22:26
sergiusensack, thanks22:26
loolfginther: any idea on: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-maguro/2437/console22:27
lool  Unable to connect to
lool22:11:20.780 INFO __init__:407 - dbus.DBusException while attempting to get PID for com.canonical.Friends.Dispatcher: DBusException("Could not get PID of name 'com.canonical.Friends.Dispatcher': no such name",)22:28
fgintherlool, the "Unable to connect to" messages are annoying, but a problem. It just means the local jenkins archive isn't being used when reverting packages back to the archive versions22:31
looloh mediaplayer-app-ci never passed in last weeks22:31
loolfginther: yeah, found some actual test failures22:31
loolnot quite sure why the tests pass on image testing, but neveron ci22:31
loolfginther: the history of mediaplayer-app-ci is full of failures for weeks22:31
loolsame for autolanding22:32
fgintherlool, I remember a note on IRC about that having known test failures in trunk I belive.22:33
loolfginther: Ok22:33
loolI'm fried22:33
fgintherlool, can't say why they pass on image testing either. Will look into once I get the test runner updates ready22:33
loolfginther: thanks22:34
loolI think I'll call it a day and kick an image22:34
fgintherlool, good iea22:34
loolsergiusens: https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/ubuntu-filemanager-app/fix_ap/+merge/191051 failed22:34
sergiusensfginther, lool yeah, seems there's still flaky tests in there22:35
sergiusenslool, from the video seems like an incorrect coordinate is passed
sergiusenslool, fginther can we retrigger, I can look into that in the meantime; but it seems random as all the tests start out the same22:37
loolsergiusens: I've retriggered it, but not sure it works without top approve22:39
sergiusenslool, it won't... needs fginther22:39
fgintherlool, sergiusens done22:40
sergiusensfginther, thanks, so for my info, the filemanager tests are flaky, right?22:40
fginthersergiusens, not to my knowledge, but not much history to go one22:42
fgintherI'll build trunk for a compare22:42
sergiusensfginther, from what I'm looking at, the tests weren't running before22:42
fginthersergiusens, right, they're kinda new22:43
sergiusensfginther, ok,new == flaky :-)22:43
sergiusensfginther, they are sort of in a very needs fixing state tbh22:43
fginthersergiusens, merged22:46
sergiusensfginther, thanks!22:46
* fginther -> food/family22:46
sergiusenslool, so 3 changes and no PPA22:47
sergiusenslool, sound reasonable?22:47
loolsergiusens: sorry was doing ESTA22:49
loolsergiusens: which changes?22:49
sergiusenslool, https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/livecd-rootfs/ppa--/+merge/191070 https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/ubuntu-seeds/filemanager--/+merge/19107222:49
loolsergiusens: removal in meta?22:49
loolsergiusens: which one is the third one?  the mp above?22:50
sergiusenslool, this one https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/click-sync/filemanager/+merge/19107422:50
loolsergiusens: did you land the click in the click_list already?22:51
sergiusenslool, it's that 3rd MR22:51
loolsergiusens: what's the staged thing?22:51
sergiusenslool, things that aren't in yet... sorry, just thought I'd clean up22:51
loolsergiusens: approved this last one22:53
loolsergiusens: but hmm maybe I shoulnd't have?22:53
loolI guess you might have been waiting for a build22:53
sergiusenslool, you mean this ?22:54
loolsergiusens: are the debian-cd changes auto deployed?22:55
loolI doubt they are ci-ed22:55
sergiusenslool, no they aren't manual merge22:55
sergiusenslool, I can merge the lp:click-sync one22:55
loolI can too I think22:56
sergiusenslool, if you are on cdimage team yes22:56
sergiusensas soon as it's merge it will be synced into click_list at xx:1122:56
loolsergiusens: pushed22:56
sergiusenslool, that's the cron on snakefruit22:56
sergiusenslool, livecd-rootfs requires a package push though22:56
loollet's start with the meta though22:57
sergiusenslool, great22:58
loolsergiusens: if you're twiddling thumb and you want to test that mediaplayer-app change, that would be cool22:59
loolhave been sitting on this one before going to bed22:59
sergiusenslool, which one is it?23:02
sergiusensthe MR23:02
sergiusensI can say that just 4 minutes ago I am twiddling thumbs :-P23:03
loolsergiusens: https://code.launchpad.net/~lool/mediaplayer-app/qtpowerd-keep-screen-on/+merge/19106123:03
loolsergiusens: you need qtpowerd from PPA for it to work though23:07
loolwhich I'll push manually if things work for you23:07
sergiusenslool, might need a longer video than sintel,one sec23:11
loolsergiusens: you can see the lock with powerd-cli list23:12
sergiusenslool, right23:12
loolbut it's good if you actually test for longer cause I haven't23:12
sergiusenslool, so Name: display-request, Owner: internal, State: 1 is what I see23:14
sergiusenslool, but I also the that after closing the mediaplayer23:14
loolsergiusens: that's not the one23:15
loolsergiusens: you should see a -backgrund one23:16
loolsergiusens: but only while actually playing23:16
loolsergiusens: make sure you've killed mediaplayer-app too23:16
loolthis meta build is long23:16
sergiusenslool, yeah,it's not working for me then23:16
sergiusenslool, let me monitor the bus23:16
loolsergiusens: you have qtpowerd from PPA?23:17
loolsergiusens: maybe look at .cache/upstart/application-legacy-mediaplayer-app-.log for hints?23:17
sergiusenslool, yeah, from the ppa23:18
loolsergiusens: maybe make sure with ps that you kill mediaplayer for real23:18
sergiusenslool, so I do get this over the bus http://paste.ubuntu.com/6238278/23:20
looluploaded ubuntu-touch-meta_1.091_source.changes23:20
loolsergiusens: it's not exactly it23:21
loolsergiusens: you should see a requestDisplayState23:21
loolsergiusens: but the bus is too polluted with kernel events23:21
loolsergiusens: I can't understand why it wouldn't work for you23:21
loolsergiusens: could you upload /var/log/upstart/powerd.log and .cache/upstart/application-legacy-mediaplayer-app-.log?23:22
sergiusenslool, yeah,media player logs show nothing23:22
loolweirder and weirder23:22
sergiusenslool, hmmmm.dbus name lost or unable to acquire dbus name, is another copy of powerd running?23:23
sergiusensg_dbus_connection_real_closed: Remote peer vanished with error: Underlying GIOStream returned 0 bytes on an async read (g-io-error-quark, 0). Exiting.23:23
loolsergiusens: maybe reboot23:23
sergiusenslool, let me flash fresh, my maguro can be busted23:23
sergiusenslool, ok, but I did that before starting23:23
loolnot sure we tested on maguro either23:23
loolI tested on mako23:23
loolmaybe powerd is busted on maguro23:23
sergiusenslool, also, unpolutted bus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6238287/23:24
* sergiusens flashes23:24
loolsergiusens: Yeah; that looks clean, but it's missing the expected calls23:24
loollivecd-rootfs uploaded23:24
sergiusenslool, can you test with that monitor line?23:25
sergiusensflashing maguro takes 15'23:25
loolsergiusens: here powerd-cli list works, but the dbus traffic is quiet23:26
loolsergiusens: I only see similar startup as yours23:26
looltraffic when unlocking23:26
loolbut no requests when pausing / playing23:27
loolalbeit I see:23:27
lool  Name: 6910-background, Owner: :1.138, State: 1, Flags: 0000000023:27
loolcome and go23:27
loolsergiusens: I wonder whether dbus snooping is prevented by AA23:29
sergiusenslool, not if unconfined23:31
sergiusenslool, media player isn't confined23:31
loolsergiusens: ok, only signals are visiuble by default23:36
sergiusenslool, right, I think I saw pitti make a comment wrt23:37
loolI see powerd-cli list now23:41
loolneed to reboot23:41
loolsergiusens: I added the snippet from: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingDBus23:41
loolthen did dbus-monitor --system 'interface=com.canonical.powerd' type=method_call23:41
looland saw powerd-cli list23:42
loolover there23:42
loolnow rebooting to see mediaplayer-app I hope23:42
sergiusenslool, ack, just finished flashing + installing23:44
sergiusenslool, I installed this one too though https://code.launchpad.net/~robertcarr/platform-api/fix-event-translation/+merge/19105923:44
sergiusensto see if I get rid of the double events23:44
loolsergiusens: ah23:46
loolit needs to be last23:46
sergiusenslool, signal sender=:1.3 -> dest=(null destination) serial=38 path=/com/canonical/powerd; interface=com.canonical.powerd; member=DisplayPowerStateChange23:47
sergiusenslool, what needs to be last?23:47
loolthe config file23:47
sergiusenslool, I lost you..23:48
loolsergiusens: it needs to be named zz_something23:48
sergiusensbut my head is feverish23:48
loolsergiusens: ah get some rest23:49
loolsergiusens: anyway we shouldnt need this23:49
loolit just worked for ricmm and for me, albeit with different binaries23:49
sergiusensfair enough23:52
loolI give up on the monitor stuff23:52
loolsergiusens: if it doesn't work, I guess we should add some deubg around qtpowerd and/or mediaplayer23:52
sergiusenslool, change has to go in here: /etc/dbus-1/system.conf23:53
sergiusenslool, one sec, I'm getting the latest and greatest to test23:53
loolsergiusens: I had put it into system.d/zz_foo.conf23:55
rsalvetilool: just pushed gst-plugins-bad as well, in case you didn't yet trigger a new image23:59

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