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xnoxLaney: did i break transition tracker or has it not updated yet?00:50
xnox(see my recent commits on +junk)00:51
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pittiGood morning05:04
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tvoss_doko, ping06:34
tvoss_cjwatson, you might know, too: which package contains the STL pretty printers for gdb?06:38
tvoss_doko, we are looking into getting pretty printers for the STL working and would need some help :)06:47
pittiRAOF: hey Chris, how are you?06:58
pittiRAOF: are you still doing SRU? it would be great if some SRU member could accept the postgresql uploads for all releases (it has an MRE, no packaginag changes, all auto-tested, so shoudl be easy)06:58
pittipeople keep asking me for them..06:58
RAOFpitti: Sure.06:59
dholbachgood morning07:13
RAOFpitti: 9.1 or 8.4?07:16
RAOFpitti: Or, I guess, both?07:16
pittiRAOF: both for precise, 9.1 for quantal/raring, 8.4 for lucid07:16
* RAOF will deal with that after dinner, it seems.07:16
rbasakinfinity: what do you think about an SRU for http://launchpadlibrarian.net/144462697/dpkg_1.16.10ubuntu2_1.16.10ubuntu3.diff.gz? We're backporting juju-core for the cloud archive, to build against a barely modified Precise, and so I we need to carry that dpkg patch - either in the cloud archive or as an SRU in precise-updates.07:17
rbasakI assumed we'd need to carry it but just noticed and wondered.07:18
rbasak(we'll probably need to carry it in the short term anyway, so we can have a working juju-core on Thursday)07:18
pittiRAOF: thanks (btw, no need to actually review the upstream diff that much)07:21
pittislangasek, xnox: I tested automatic and manual partitioning with EFI in qemu, and manual partitioning on my workstation, and it has always worked, so it seems this bug either got fixed, or I can't reproduce it any more07:28
sorencjwatson: I'd never heard of RUNPATH before... Reading the docs about it, I'm a bit confused then RPATH would be preferable over over RUNPATH  (particularly since man ld-linux.so(8) explicitly says RPATH is deprecated).07:39
Laneyxnox: looking08:15
xnoxLaney: thanks.08:15
Laneydidn't expect you to be up08:16
* xnox why not?08:16
Laney14/10 01:50:54 <xnox>08:16
xnoxoh that... =) well..... release week jibbies.08:16
infinitymlankhorst: xdiagnose could do without all the .git noise in the package.  Can you build it with '-i -I'?08:17
mlankhorstyeah just delete it, I'll ask for tjaalton to responsor, didn't notice it. :P08:17
infinityrbasak: I'd be happy to SRU that back ASAP.08:19
infinityrbasak: It's easy enough to validate and push through without a 10-day wait, IMO.08:19
rbasakinfinity: thanks. I'll get on to it now then. What do you think about regressions for rebuilds of other armhf packages? I can't think of anything specific, but it does seem to have a rather large window.08:20
infinityrbasak: Hrm?  It shouldn't cause any regressions.08:21
infinityrbasak: I need to SRU to add ppc64el too, let me prep it.08:21
rbasakinfinity: yeah I can't think of anything either. Just that it has the potential to impact many things.08:22
rbasakinfinity: OK, I'll leave the patch/upload to you then? I'll do the bug paperwork.08:22
infinityrbasak: It shouldn't impact anything.  If things have the new ABI tags, they'd pass both tests, if they lack the new ABI tag, they'll fall through to the old test, if they lack both, they'll fail as always.08:22
infinityrbasak: And yes, please SRUify the bug for me, that would be great.08:23
Laneyxnox: It has the revision, waiting to see if it runs normally08:23
caribouI need advice from someone familiar with start-stop-daemon in init-scripts;08:27
caribouthe stud init-script stop portion uses --pidfile (as the start section) which restricts the SIGKILL to the parent PID08:27
caribouif I understand it correctly08:27
cariboubut STUD has children processes so when we do 'invoke-rc.d stud restart', the start comes in while the children still have the socket open and fails08:28
cariboubug 112395008:29
ubottubug 1123950 in stud (Ubuntu Precise) "/etc/init.d/stud restart does not start the daemon" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112395008:29
cariboumy question is : would it be a problem to remove the --pidfile from the 'start-stop-daemon --stop' while keeping it in use in the 'start-stop-daemon --start' section ?08:30
caribouthe --pidfile in the start section is required so STUD can start multiple instances08:31
xnoxLaney: looks good. Hm I wonder why it didn't update before? how often is it cronned for?08:32
xnoxLaney: (after the move)08:32
LaneyI found a missing occurence of arm6408:33
Laney(in the runner script)08:33
rbasakinfinity: the bug is ready08:35
rbasak(bug 1187722)08:35
ubottubug 1187722 in dpkg (Ubuntu Precise) "dpkg-shlibdeps fails on armhf ELF binaries that do not define architecture specific information" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118772208:35
cjwatsontvoss_: I always assumed those were in the gdb package itself08:36
cjwatsonsoren: I think RUNPATH is generally better, it's just newer08:36
infinityrbasak: Cool, I'll upload today, and we co do a quick verification turnaround.08:39
infinityrbasak: Verifying my ppc64el change takes about half a second, so that won't hurt your chances. :)08:39
rbasakThank you!08:39
rbasakjamespage: ^^ infinity will SRU the dpkg fix to Precise08:39
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xnoxLaney: ah, ok. and why is boost1.53 still there? i thought that should be auto-garbage collected (or is it removed only after X days of not being updated or some such?) /me's memory is fuzzy09:06
Laneyxnox: 3 days09:07
infinitycaribou: The point of pidfile is to limit the stopping to only the thing you started.  If children take a while to eff off, you might want to find a way around that...09:07
caribouinfinity: yeah, I understood that, but in the case of stud, it loops through the whole set of parents to stop them anyway so I thought that stopping all procs at once would be acceptable09:09
infinitycaribou: It loops through all the parents *it started*, I assume.  Not all the occurrenced of that process name on the host.  Subtle, but important, difference.09:10
caribouinfinity: the alternative is to have stud manage the ramping of of his children when the parents is told to exit, which is what the Debian maintainer suggest09:10
infinitycaribou: Having the parent not exit until all the children do is probably the right answer.09:10
caribouinfinity: indeed; ok that answers my query; thanks09:11
caribouinfinity: in the case of stud; it does stop --pidfile on all the stud configurations present in /etc/stud so that would be all of them anyway but it is indeed a better solution09:12
infinitycaribou: That's not all of them on the system, that's all of them on that root.09:13
infinitycaribou: Think chroots.09:13
caribouinfinity: yup, true I have too much of a server centric view09:14
caribouinfinity: and this is *exactly* the clarification I was after!09:14
infinitycaribou: I have a server-centric view too, clearly just different types of servers. ;)09:14
caribouinfinity: btw, we have a current workaround to add a "sleep 1" in the start sequence that seems to work; does that sound like a valid option for SRU up until we get the final fix from Debian ?09:16
caribouI have a debian bug opened on this one btw09:16
infinitycaribou: A sleep is an icky but valid workaround, a second seems optimistic, if it could potentially be under load or running on a slow machine.09:17
cariboubug 112395009:17
ubottubug 1123950 in stud (Ubuntu Precise) "/etc/init.d/stud restart does not start the daemon" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112395009:17
caribouinfinity: ok, I'll look into it09:17
infinityrbasak: What was the bug number for that?  I didn't seem to mention it in my previous changelog entry (naughty me).09:44
rbasakinfinity: bug 118772209:47
ubottubug 1187722 in dpkg (Ubuntu Precise) "dpkg-shlibdeps fails on armhf ELF binaries that do not define architecture specific information" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118772209:47
infinityrbasak: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6235232/ <-- Sanity check.09:56
* rbasak looks09:56
rbasakinfinity: lgtm09:59
infinityrbasak: Alright, I'll do a quick test build and local test and then upload and see if I can find a fellow SRU member to review and let it in for me.10:05
rbasakinfinity: FWIW, before I spoke to you earlier I verified that the patch applied against dpkg precise successfully builds saucy golang on precise. Just another (non-SRU-team, non-dpkg-uploader) data point.10:10
infinityrbasak: Shiny, it's uploaded.10:11
infinitycjwatson: Can I get you to do a quick SRU review of dpkg in precise-proposed?  We need to fasttrack this for server team stuff.10:11
cjwatsoninfinity: done10:19
infinitycjwatson: Danke.10:19
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infinityrbasak: Once that builds, want to re-verify your bug with the archive binaries?  I'll verify my bug.10:54
infinityrbasak: Oh, look, it's already built and published, even.10:55
rbasakinfinity: ack. Working on it.11:01
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wgrantdidrocks: Around? unity needs a trivial arm64-specific patch to build there (just extending the existing -fPIC that's conditional on amd64 and armhf to arm64). But it would need to be uploaded quickly.11:03
wgrantdidrocks: Is it reasonably practical to get something like that in ASAP, or does the autolander make it awkward?11:04
didrockswgrant: we can always fast-pass the merge in trunk11:04
didrockswgrant: let me look at what's in trunk that was not released11:04
wgrantI'll pretend I know what that means.11:04
infinityIdeally very fast, I intend to lock down the archive for seeded uploads after I've had lunch.11:04
infinityBut I'd like to see this fix in for kicks, if we can make it.11:05
didrockswgrant: first, do you have a MP somewhere?11:05
wgrantNo, I'm still downloading the branch11:05
wgrantis the line, needs to also match "aarch64"11:05
didrocksinfinity: there are 2 commits in unity trunk that are not released yet, if I test that quickly, does the release team +1 for them?11:06
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infinitydidrocks: Toss me a quick diff somewhere?11:08
infinitydidrocks: But if they're both bugfixes and obviously sane, I'm fine with that.11:08
didrocksinfinity: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/trunk/revision/3567 and http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/trunk/revision/356811:09
didrocksthey seem sane to me, I want to give them a 10 minutes poke first though11:10
looldidrocks, infinity: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6235437/11:10
infinitydidrocks: Both those look fine to me.11:13
didrocksinfinity: I'm currently testing, as soon as wgrant has the MP ready, I'll push that and run a build11:13
infinitydidrocks: If those test fine, and you grab wgrant's change, we'll call that the final non-SRU upload for the release. :P11:13
didrocksinfinity: \o/11:13
cjwatsoninfinity: (ubiquity, possibly)11:14
wgrantNo changelog change required?11:14
didrocksoh no, wanted to be the latest!11:14
didrockswgrant: no, just give a sane commit message :)11:15
infinitycjwatson: I meant the final non-sru unity upload.11:15
infinitycjwatson: I'm confident that we'll have installer uploads.11:15
infinitycjwatson: I have to do one or two myself still. :/11:15
infinityOkay, lunch.  Back in a bit.11:16
cjwatsonah right11:16
wgrantdidrocks: https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/unity/arm64-pic/+merge/19091911:19
didrockswgrant: pushing your change to trunk and then kicking a rebuild11:20
didrocksthanks :)11:20
wgrantThank you :)11:20
looldidrocks: are you running the ci stuff?11:22
looldidrocks: can kick it if you like11:22
didrockslool: already on the page11:22
loolalready merged I guess11:22
looland cu2d building ok11:23
dokotvoss_, hi11:32
tvoss_doko, hey11:33
dokotvoss_, should be in the libstdc++6-4.8-dbg package11:33
tvoss_doko, those are all python2, and gdb is linked against python 311:33
dokotvoss_, wait, I had a patch for that ...11:35
tvoss_doko, would be quite helpful :) plus: can we wire that up to our retracing infrastructure, too? Would love to have more readable stack traces11:36
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steveireIs it known that clang++ doesn't work with the stl in 13.10?12:16
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tvossdoko, did you have any luck digging up your patches?12:59
sabdfl_hi folks, quick q re whoopsie in syslog13:08
sabdfl_seems like I have a steady stream of debugging info there - whoopsie online / offline13:09
sabdfl_is that expected, or a bug? can we dial back on the chatter?13:09
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evsabdfl: yes, filed as https://bugs.launchpad.net/whoopsie/+bug/123969013:17
ubottuUbuntu bug 1239690 in Whoopsie "syslog doesn't need to know about offline / online" [Medium,Confirmed]13:17
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dokotvoss, won't be for saucy13:35
tvossdoko, can you point me to the patch?13:36
dokotvoss, http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/gcccvs/branches/sid/gcc-4.8/debian/patches/libstdc%2B%2B-python3.diff?view=log13:37
sabdflack, thanks ev13:39
rbasakinfinity: verification-done on bug 1187722. Thanks!13:39
ubottubug 1187722 in dpkg (Ubuntu Precise) "dpkg-shlibdeps fails on armhf ELF binaries that do not define architecture specific information" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118772213:39
tedgxnox, Hmm, did you push to this branch?  https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/libdbusmenu/fix-arm64/+merge/19084713:56
xnoxtedg: yes.13:56
xnoxtedg: on behalf of doko (he didn't want to deal with branches/upstream merger / daily landing etc)13:56
tedgxnox, Hmm, seems LP doesn't think there's any diff...13:57
xnoxtedg: i believe that's in the archive already thus, needs merge into upstream branches to unbreak integration.13:57
xnoxtedg: LP sent me an OOPS via email failing to generate diff.13:57
cjwatsonLP is on "updating diff" implying it oopsed13:57
cjwatsonxnox: delete the branch and repush13:57
cjwatson(and probably re-MP)13:57
xnoxcjwatson: ok.13:57
cjwatsonthat's usually the simplest way13:57
xnoxhm, branch is updating as well.13:58
cjwatsonmight want to keep the MP window open in a tab :)13:58
cjwatsons/window //13:58
cjwatsonxnox: same thing13:58
cjwatsonrare on small branches, sadly pervasive on large ones like ... er, LP itself13:58
cjwatsonso I've got used to it13:59
xnoxok. first time happening to me =)13:59
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xnoxtedg: https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/libdbusmenu/fix-arm64/+merge/19096714:08
xnoxtedg: better?14:08
tedgxnox, No hugs and kisses in the MR? ;-)14:09
tedgxnox, Thanks!  Approved.14:09
* xnox blows a kiss to PS jenkins integrator14:10
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psusianyone know how to translate a UTF-16 string into whatever the native C string format the process is using?15:09
dokotvoss, http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/gcccvs?view=revision&revision=698015:20
xnoxpsusi: libicu?15:22
tvossslangasek, ping15:23
pittipsusi: wcrtomb() convers a wchar_t string to an UTF-8 char string; that might be what you want?15:24
pittipsusi: sorry, that's for an individual character; you probably want wcsrtombs()15:24
psusipitti: I don't have a wchar_t, I have UTF-1615:25
pittipsusi: iconv_open("UTF-16", "UTF-8");15:26
pittipsusi: or use libicu (haven't tried that, though)15:26
psusithere's really nothing in the standard C library to do that?15:26
psusiI hate to add another dependency15:26
cjwatsonlibiconv is a bit fiddly but not hopelessly painful15:27
cjwatsonIf you're already using glibc, it's there15:27
pittilibiconv is reasonably close to glibc, isn't it?15:27
cjwatsonIt's built into glibc on GNUish systems15:27
cjwatsonIt's not in every libc15:27
psusiwell here's the other thing... I don't know if I want to convert it to UTF-8... doesn't the locale determine the proper encoding, which may not be UTF-8?15:27
cjwatsonnl_langinfo (CODESET)15:28
pittiyes, that's right; if you want to directly show that on stdout or so (most toolkits actually always expect UTF-8 as input regardless of the locale)15:28
cjwatsonagain somewhat libc-dependent, there are bits in e.g. gnulib to help15:28
cjwatsonso with gnulib it's locale_charset ()15:29
psusiwell parted right now is using the w*mb* family of functions and passes around char *15:29
cjwatsonparted uses gnulib, so it wouldn't be particularly painful to add more modules from there15:29
cjwatsonin fact you already have locale_charset15:29
cjwatsonand for that matter all the iconv bits15:30
dokoxnox, did you get feedback from ev about whoopsie's b-d on valgrind?15:30
psusithe problem seems to be that when it reads a UTF-16 string from the gpt, it discards the upper 8 bits and calls it a char *... for non ascii strings, that leaves it with bogus encodings when it tries to convert that to wchar_t from the locale encoding15:30
cjwatsonif you have a known source encoding you should store it in that encoding if you need to round-trip, and iconv to the locale encoding for display15:31
psusiso I need a char * that instead has valid encodings in whatever the correct locale is15:31
cjwatsonchar * is just a sequence of 8-bit characters, it would depend on the function you're using to read into it what gets discarded, not on the type as such15:31
xnoxdoko: he is in front of me, and says he does not care for saucy about that =)15:31
xnoxdoko: since no-one will be using whoopsie for a while on arm64.15:32
cjwatsonalthough for the case you're talking about I would be inclined to treat the GPT data as a byte array except when converting for display15:32
psusiright.. the function just has a loop assigning each 16 bit source char to an element in the char *, thus discarding the upper 8 bits15:32
xnoxdoko: i'll fix it in saucy? or do you want it for bragging points?15:32
cjwatsonyeah, that's not too smart15:33
psusithe name is displayed and I think also sometimes substitued into messages that are then translated with gettext15:33
cjwatsonBut surely the code itself gives you the answer15:33
cjwatson  char name[37];15:33
cjwatson  for (i = 0; i < 72 / sizeof (efi_char16_t); i++)15:33
cjwatson    gpt_part_data->name[i] =15:33
cjwatson      (efi_char16_t) PED_LE16_TO_CPU ((uint16_t) pte->PartitionName[i]);15:33
cjwatsonrather suggests (reasonably) that name should be an array of efi_char16_t15:34
psusiso with the 8 high bits chooped off, it doesn't survive the trip through gettext to wchar_t and back to utf-8 for printing15:34
psusicjwatson: sure, but then get_name and set_name only pass/excpect a char *15:34
psusiso it needs converted15:34
cjwatsoneither that, or, if it's more convenient for iconv, a byte array in whatever endianness is correct15:34
cjwatsonpsusi: right, get_name and set_name are to/from display clearly, and want converters at their borders15:35
cjwatsonpsusi: but I'd suggest that you should otherwise store in a fairly raw format, since otherwise you may introduce round-trip errors15:35
dokoxnox, just did see avtivity-log-manager dep-waiting, but that's an ev package too. but well, with his new hat on ... ;)15:35
cjwatsonthe user's encoding may not be able to represent all the characters in the label, for instance15:36
cjwatsoniconv () takes pointers to char * buffers15:36
cjwatsonwhich is fair enough, so that would suggest you just want to fix the loop there to be less rubbish15:36
cjwatsonI can sort of see what it's trying to do in _partition_generate_part_entry15:37
psusiyea... fix the terrible loop, and convert in the get/set methods15:37
cjwatsonYou could instead do *((efi_char16_t) &gpt_part_data->name[i]) = ...15:37
cjwatsonor something like that.  But I'm not sure that's the clearest option15:38
cjwatsonactually i * 2 and bump the size of the array15:39
cjwatsonyou get the idea :)15:39
dokotvoss, http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/gcccvs?view=revision&revision=698015:40
cjwatsonpsusi: bug 1220165 is indeed weird, but reproducible every time here.  I wish we were using udev cookies in the right way15:41
ubottubug 1220165 in parted (Ubuntu) "Error informing the kernel about modificatons" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122016515:41
psusicjwatson: iirc, cookies are a device-mapper thing arent' they?15:42
cjwatsonpsusi: they're a fairly general concept that device-mapper happens to be one thing that implements15:42
psusicjwatson: so who is adding the partition?  did we enable a partx rule or something?  a change event that makes someone else open the device shouldn't cause that...15:42
cjwatsonI've seen buggy udev rules in the past that responded to change events that way15:43
cjwatsonthey're a proper nightmare to track down15:43
psusiwhat way?15:43
cjwatsonby opening the device ...15:43
psusisure, we have plenty of those15:43
psusibut they won't cause that error15:43
cjwatsonoh I think I see what you mean15:43
psusithis has to be someone else actually ADDING the partition, after it has successfully been removed15:44
cjwatsonI wish I could find a way to instrument this without it vanishing15:44
psusican you set a kprobe on the blkpg stuff?15:44
psusior trace15:44
xnoxdoko: pushed fix to lp:whoopsie, but infinity doesn't want it in, as it wasn't ev who proposed the fix =))))))15:45
psusiand besides partitioning tools, the only other thing I know of that adds partitions is partx15:45
psusiso unless someone added a udev rule to run partx -a...15:45
cjwatsonthere is /lib/udev/rules.d/95-partx.rules15:46
cjwatsonkpartx sorry15:46
cjwatson(and a similar thing for dmraid but I doubt it's that)15:46
psusiright, those only apply to dm15:46
cjwatsonthe kpartx rules should also only be for dm-*15:47
cjwatsonbut, let me try removing them and seeing what happens15:47
cjwatsonnope, not kpartx15:48
psusiblast... doesn't seem to be a kernel trace event in the partition add path15:48
psusiyea, kpartx just creates a new dm device anyhow, doesn't know about BLKPG15:48
psusiit's regular partx that does that15:49
psusiunless... someone is calling BLKRRPRT?15:49
cjwatsonI could strace -f udevd; it'll probably make the bug vanish, but I could look for block ioctls15:51
psusiI'd say kprobe it at the source in the kernel... get exactly what you want without dragnetting and changing timing15:51
psusijust one printk in those two ioctls15:52
cjwatsonpsusi: I can't realistically install a new kernel; which existing trace event would you suggest?15:52
cjwatson(I've not used kprobes before - if you have a recipe I'd appreciate it)15:52
psusiI don't see an existing trace event... and I've not yet figured out how to use kprobes myself either15:52
psusibut supposedly it is fairly simple to add a printk somewhere, build and insert the module, and bam15:53
psusiwhere fairly simple is, as usual, once you climb the initial learning curve ;)15:54
cjwatsonstracing udev didn't perturb the bug away, actually15:54
cjwatsonbut it also doesn't show any BLKPG* or BLKRRPART15:54
psusiit wouldn't be issued by udev directly but by something it executes15:55
cjwatsonyes I used -f, of course15:55
psusiahh, right15:55
cjwatsonare you sure that a duplicate add is the only possible cause of EBUSY here?15:55
psusionly way I can see... you only get to the add call if the remove succeeds or fails with ENXIO15:56
cjwatsonalso happens if the add attempt overlaps an existing partition15:56
psusii.e. the device was removed, or already does not exist15:57
psusiohh, right15:57
cjwatsonor if the partition number already exists, or if kzalloc fails15:57
psusiI bet it's overlapping15:58
cjwatsonlet me strace parted_server to see what it's doing15:58
psusiyea... didn't think of this when I made the patch to avoid removing and re-adding unmodified partitions15:59
psusithere's a higher numbered partition ( thus has not been removed yet ) that overlaps with the partition we are trying to add16:00
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psusiyea... that loop needs to be split in two passes... first remove partitions that don't match the new table, then loop again adding the new ones after the first loop has already removed all of the modified old ones16:02
psusiso yea, it isn't a race at all ;)16:04
cjwatson17:00 <cjwatson> psusi: hm, this is an "erase disk" install16:06
cjwatson17:01 <cjwatson> psusi: but maybe some of the partitions happen to coincide in extent16:06
cjwatsonpsusi: yes, looking at the trace, there's an add with no matching remove16:06
psusiworking up a patch now16:06
cjwatsonwhat's the bug?  you're a little ahead of me here16:07
cjwatsonin fact, it's attempting a resize, not an add16:07
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cjwatson4041  16:02:52.716798 ioctl(6, BLKPG, {0x3 /* BLKPG_??? */, flags=0, datalen=152, {start=1048576, length=52613349376, pno=1, devname="/dev/sda1", volname=""}}) = -1 EBUSY (Device or resource busy)16:07
psusiI guess you lagged out... I think there's an existing partition on the disk that we are wiping out and it overlaps the new partition we are trying to add16:07
psusibut it has a higher partition number than the one we are trying to add16:08
cjwatson3 == BLKPG_RESIZE_PARTITION16:08
cjwatsonjust checking that theory against the logs16:08
psusiso it hasn't been removed yet16:08
cjwatsonyeah, that's right16:08
cjwatsonprior state:16:08
cjwatson1   1048576-28468895231     28467846656     primary ext416:09
cjwatson6   28469886976-52615446527 24145559552     logical ext416:09
cjwatson5   52615446528-53686042623 1070596096      logical linux-swap      /dev/sda516:09
cjwatsondesired state:16:09
cjwatson1   1048576-52614397951     52613349376     primary ext4    /dev/sda116:09
cjwatson5   52615446528-53686042623 1070596096      logical linux-swap      /dev/sda516:09
slangasektvoss: asynchronous pong16:09
tvossslangasek, pong16:09
tvossah, sorry :)16:10
tvossslangasek, wanted to check on the mem leak? was that fixed?16:10
slangasektvoss: it is not fixed, we haven't root caused it yet; jodh has been working on it16:12
slangasektvoss: please pick his brain about the progress :)16:12
tvossslangasek, yup :)16:12
tvossjodh, ^16:12
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cjwatsonpsusi: more than happy to test things here BTW16:27
cjwatsonsince I have a nice 100% reproducer handy16:27
psusicjwatson: about to email you the git patch16:29
cjwatsonpsusi: awesome16:29
jodhtvoss: still investigating I'm afraid: putting together a simple dbus server + client (without upstart and (with+without) nih) to try to simulate the problem.16:37
jodhtvoss: trigger it even.16:37
tvossjodh, is there any way we can get valgrind results?16:37
jodhtvoss: there are valgrind logs on the bug if you're interested. However, neither I nor slangasek have been able to get it to show the leak.16:38
psusicjwatson: patch sent... I haven't tested it though16:39
tvossjodh, do you have a theory in which subcomponent the leak might occure?16:39
jodhtvoss: all our findings are on the bug. We believe the problem is in libdbus "somewhere". That's about as much detail as we've got so far.16:40
psusioff to lunch16:42
cjwatsonpsusi: OK, I'll look it over, thanks!16:42
tvossjodh, looking, thx16:50
jodhtvoss: progress! see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1235649/comments/5916:54
ubottuUbuntu bug 1235649 in unity (Ubuntu Saucy) "uevent spam causes libdbus client code in session upstart to consume massive amounts of memory on Ubuntu Touch" [Undecided,New]16:54
tvossjodh, \o/16:59
tvossjodh, might be an artifact of pool allocation, though17:01
tvossjodh, a though: does nih replace libdbus memory allocation routines? I would think that it tries to force libdbus to allocate from a preallocated memory slice to avoid malloc at all cost17:01
jodhtvoss: no - nih does have its own alloc rouintes. But it just makes libdbus calls and is careful to document which nih routines return memory managed by dbus rather than nih.17:03
tvossjodh, got a link to source?17:04
jodhtvoss: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/saucy/libnih/saucy/files/head:/nih/17:05
infinitysarnold: Any hope for bug #1220434?17:06
ubottubug 1220434 in curtin (Ubuntu) "[MIR] curtin" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122043417:06
DiegoTchi bkerensa17:18
DiegoTchi lfaraone17:18
apacheloggerpitti: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-langpack/langpack-o-matic/main/revision/446 it appears you'll also need to add kubuntu-debug-installer kubuntu-firefox-installer desktop-kubuntu-notification-helper desktop-kubuntu-web-shortcuts desktop-kubuntu-firefox-installer17:20
apacheloggeror source package kubuntu-debug-installer kubuntu-firefox-installer kubuntu-web-shortcuts kubuntu-notification-helper17:21
apacheloggeroh, template list is actualy  kubuntu-debug-installer kubuntu-firefox-installer desktop-kubuntu-notification-helper desktop-kubuntu-web-shortcuts desktop-kubuntu-firefox-installer notificationhelper kcm-notificationhelper17:22
DiegoTc /join #ubuntu-locoteams17:30
Riddellapachelogger: I am not sure thy will need to be added to the language packsbeacuse they are in universe19:10
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tedgev, What's the LP project for the geoip data?19:43
thad_pitti: logind gets stuck in PrepareForSleep mode after suspend/hibernate, it happens occasionally, but I already saw it on two complete different machines. should I file a new lp report or continue commenting on this one bug 1234469 ?19:51
ubottubug 1234469 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Network does not come up after resuming from suspend." [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123446919:51
pittithad_: I think that bug is the very issue, so continuing investigation there is fine19:54
thad_pitti: alright, guess I'll test kernel 3.10 and 3.12 to get some more information, not quite sure how to debug this systemd/logind "madness" :)19:56
pittithad_: thanks; you can run logind in the foreground to see what it's doing, perhaps there's an error message somewhere19:57
thad_ok, hopefully I can gather some useful debugging information19:59
psusiso what if characters can't be reprepsented in your current code page?  it looks like iconv fails the conversion by default, or has an option to ignore... shouldn't you substitute a generic block like character like you get when you don't have the correct font installed?20:15
cjwatsonpsusi: sounds like you want //TRANSLIT20:51
cjwatsonpsusi: changing the default behaviour would break things that use iconv to tell whether something is valid text in a given encoding20:51
psusicjwatson: the man page says it tries to use multiple similar characters, but isn't clear on what happens if it just plain won't work... like if you are using straight asci or latin120:51
cjwatsonYou tend to get "?" for ASCII//TRANSLIT20:52
psusiok... sounds good then, maybe I'll use that20:52
psusicjwatson: that patch work out earlier?20:53
cjwatsonJust testing it now following your clarification20:53
cjwatsonThat still fails, but a bit differently20:54
cjwatsonNow fails to add (or resize?) /dev/sda520:54
psusiwhat's sda5?20:55
cjwatsonWhich is odd since that should've been in the exact same position as before20:55
cjwatsonYeah, same before and after20:56
cjwatson5   52615446528-53686042623 1070596096      logical linux-swap      /dev/sda520:56
cjwatsonOh, you have no handling in the add loop for same start/length before and after20:57
cjwatsonso lift the start/length handling up out of the ifdef I guess20:59
cjwatsonwant me to just do the obvious fix?20:59
psusiit's just slightly tricky because of the #ifdef for the resize21:00
psusiyou want to handle unchanged partitions with or without the resize21:00
psusibbl, heading home21:01
cjwatsonpsusi: This is looking better now - http://paste.ubuntu.com/6237966/21:36
cjwatson(My changes are around lines 81-105)21:36
cjwatsonSeems to work, trying a resize21:38
psusicjwatson, looks good21:43
cjwatsonThere's no single non-confusing view of this change, unfortunately, apart from looking at the patched source file21:43
cjwatsonThe patch is enough of a refactoring that it's difficult to read on its own, and a patch of the patch is even worse ...21:44
cjwatsonpsusi: Thanks very much for the help - I'll get this into Debian as well once I'm not in such a hurry21:44
cjwatsonAnd have slept21:45
psusihehe, yep21:46
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