
PaulW2Upleia2: sorry that my UWN contribution has been minimal this weekend, still 13 summaries to do05:07
dholbachgood morning07:13
pleia2PaulW2U: no problem17:31
pleia2anyone else around to write summaries? http://bit.ly/vDkJyf17:31
pleia2we'll probably just bullet-point the "In The Blogosphere" ones, but press and planet still need some love17:32
josepleia2: tomorrow's deadline for calendar updates and have received no emails22:52
pleia2jose: sounds like we'll need to rethink this22:57
pleia2can't just delete everything :\22:57
pleia2maybe some manual evaluation of what meetings actually happen each week by looking at logs?22:57
joseI've checked which ones are the active meetings and which one aren't22:57
joseyeah, that22:57
josetomorrow I'm taking a decision about the loco meeting on the fridge cal22:58
joseand then that's it for now, I'd say22:58
joseah, I also need to check on the foundations one22:58
josepleia2: is the CC meeting scheduled to last for two hours?22:59
pleia2jose: we can probably change that to 122:59
josefrom 17 to 18 UTC?22:59
pleia2it used to be 2 and we liked blocking off that time in case, but we haven't gone over an hour in years22:59
pleia2yeah, just chop off the 2nd hour22:59
josealso, I'm deleting the accomplishments one - that doesn't happen anymore23:00
joseand channel's empty too :P23:00
joseanyways, the calendar looks much more sane right now23:01
pleia2great work23:01
joseyou too, on the summary writers poll23:02
josehope we can get some nice input on that23:02
pleia2so far only people who contribute have responded :)23:03
pleia2which is useful!23:03
pleia2I would like to hear from one of the 35 or so lurkers23:03

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