
MooDoomorning all07:19
MyrttiI'm reminded why I dislike most tea brands07:25
MooDoolol morning Myrtti twinnings?  Surely you can't dislike that07:30
Myrttiwell I ran out of milk last night and I don't really have time to go shopping until evening07:32
Myrttiso I made a pot of lipton forest fruit tea07:32
Myrttiwhich is fine, until it's steeped more than 15 minutes, which happens to me quite often07:32
Myrttiat that point it has a metallic aftertaste, like *all* Lipton has, that makes me wonder did it dilute my fillings07:33
Myrttior erode them07:33
popeyI set kitchen timer to 3 mins to steep my tea07:33
popeymeans I rarely leave it sat for too long07:34
Myrttithis is why I'm willing to pay 10 pounds for 80 bags of Yorkshire07:34
Myrttipopey: what can I say, I like it strong. Yorkshire and other nice teas don't mind if I steep it long. Lipton isn't nice.07:34
Myrttiif only I had milk.07:35
popeyi thought you meant you forgot it07:35
MyrttiI'm not sure forgetting it is the right way of describing it07:36
MyrttiI neglect to take it out.07:36
Myrttias a happy accident I usually get nice full four cup pot of tea07:36
ali1234who else drinks "warm up"?07:50
popeyali1234: wat?08:03
* dwatkins feels decidedly unbritish due to starting the day with coffee08:15
Myrttidwatkins: yeah, imagine that, I beat you.08:23
* dwatkins bows graciously in Myrtti's general direction08:24
ali1234popey: it's when you make 1 teabag last all day: for the first cup you put 1.5 cups worth of water in the teapot, then you leave the teabag stewing in the remaining water until you make the next cup08:27
ali1234for each subsequent cup you put another cup worth of boiling water in the pot, which "warms up" and dilutes the stewed tea from last time08:28
ali1234you repeat this until you stop getting tea and start getting hot water08:28
popeyheh, never done that08:29
directhex<insert potentially racist stereotype about group considered tight with money here>08:29
ali1234it is more about being too lazy to clean out the teapot really08:30
popeyoh, Scotts?08:30
directhexpopey, filling in the blank says more about you than me :p08:31
diploMorning all08:33
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Bald And Free Day! :-D08:33
directhexJamesTait, do you have a script to do this?08:34
JamesTaitdirecthex, I don't.  If I scripted it, *I* wouldn't know what day it was, and then I'd be all confused when people started asking me about it.08:34
JamesTaitdirecthex, no, I really am that sad.08:35
MooDooJamesTait: I'm free......hmmm spent to much of my childhood watching that show lol08:39
JamesTaitAre you being served? :)08:39
* dwatkins redresses the balance with tea08:43
MooDoowell I watched the intership last night, not brilliant, but it made me smile :)09:24
MooDoonice to see sergey brin with a cameo :)09:25
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:46
MooDoomornign brobostigon09:47
brobostigonmorning MooDoo09:47
brobostigonmorning Cloud8009:51
* mungbean_ is back from a holiday on the island09:58
mungbean_life off-grid09:58
popey"the island"10:03
popeyTaransay? ☻10:03
MooDoowere you cloned?10:04
brobostigondid you see any white baloons?10:04
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DJones"The Island" mungbean is Richard Branson?10:11
davmor2Morning all10:12
Cloud80Morning davmor210:12
mungbean_lovely place. the opposite of weymouth in many places, although weymouth is lovely10:14
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MooDoomorning davmor210:14
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Guest65473brought home a dinosaur vertebrae \o10:36
=== Guest65473 is now known as mungbean_
* mungbean_ likes fossils10:38
popeybut but but...10:50
popeyDinosaurs are Gods way of testing your faith!10:50
* dwatkins hands popey an apostrophe 10:52
dwatkinsthat reminds me, I need to find out what the video was my sister-in-law was watching, so I can apply some science to it10:52
davmor2popey: more worryingly, God made them in his image, so God is a Lizard,  must be something to what Ike was babling about after all :D10:59
MooDoodavmor2: ike was right, we have lizards as leaders.11:00
davmor2nice bit of ultravox on absolute 80's11:08
mungbean_funny story about how i came across the vertebrae but can't really share on the internet11:08
mungbean_supposed to be part of a plesiosaur11:09
mungbean_AKA seal11:09
mungbean_or thats what it looks like11:10
mungbean_also found a large imprint of ammonite http://i.imgur.com/Te3LgpA.jpg11:14
mungbean_randomly on the beach11:14
popeyThat was the best pot noodle ever12:05
MooDoopot noodle o/12:05
davmor2popey: you got a piri piri didn't you :D12:06
popeynoodles, peas, corn, egg, chicken, bullion, tabasco, soy, worcester, salt & pepper12:06
* Myrtti looks at her dry piece of toast12:06
MyrttiI hate you12:07
jussihrm, I left the drinking youghurt out for about 8 hours... still drinkable ?12:09
popeydoes it smell off?12:09
jussiit smells normal. curiousity, what does off yoghurt smell like? :P12:09
ali1234woo someone clicked on an advert on my webpage last month and i got £1.09 for it12:19
MooDooali1234: awesome, I'm using making about 25p ;)12:19
ali1234most months i get 3p12:20
popeyis that the one on your file index thing?12:23
ali1234there are adverts on my wordpress too12:24
ali1234but i never write anything on it12:24
popeyi made 7.84 last month12:24
popeynever actually seen any payments from amazon12:24
ali1234i need a thing that reposts G+ to wordpress12:25
popeymade 48.84 since 200812:25
MooDooI had a google cheque a few months back12:25
popeyyeah, i had a few of them12:28
popeynot much12:28
dwatkinsali1234: how about a wordpress plugin that posts to G+ when you publish?12:28
popeythats hard given G+ is read only12:28
dwatkinsoh, I guess my friend who does this sort of thing just pastes a link, then12:29
ali1234besides the problem is that G+ is much nicer to use than wordpress12:29
Myrttiit's hard to get things play right either way12:32
MyrttiI'm looking for a way to get at bare minimum some kind of clips from Google+ to Drupal and it's hard.12:32
Myrttioh dear, I'm looking at the api examples so hard I'm getting a headache from squinting12:36
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mungbean_NASA apod site is down :(13:45
mungbean_due to some american political guff13:45
directhexnasa is 97% fired right now13:46
neuros/fired/on unpaid leave/13:52
mungbean_ah, apod.com still works for now13:53
mungbean_script fixed/amended13:53
mungbean_is anyone here forced to use exchange/o365?13:54
mungbean_or outlook.com13:54
neuroi use office 365 home premium but not exchange13:54
mungbean_just been migrated from a working email system to o36513:54
mungbean_the web client is rather deficient13:54
mungbean_cannot see number of items in a folder13:55
mungbean_cannot run filters retrospectively13:55
mungbean_activesync wants full permission to remotely wipe my personal phone - not likely13:56
mungbean_rather slow13:57
diddledanmungbean_: ouch13:59
diddledanmungbean_: the activesync wiping I guess is because they presume you'll be using business provided windows phone phones rather than BYOD13:59
mungbean_hence fail13:59
mungbean_its a per company decision13:59
mungbean_but 0.1% of the company have company phones14:00
mungbean_maybe 0.0114:00
diddledan"company" IT dept is wonky then :-p14:00
diddledanI suggest penning an email using your new o365 account to whoever is in charge and point out that they're wonky :-D14:01
diddledanthen prepare a new cv listing your current job as previous experience14:02
diddledanbecause they're bound to take umbrige14:02
mungbean_when you scroll the messages window, it goes white/blank. nice14:04
mungbean_no way to scroll through messages to look for correct one14:05
diddledanadobe muse produces evil markup - don't let designers believe that if they build a version of a site in muse that it will be easy to migrate that into a cms!14:07
shaunowe have exactly the same for byod - if it's enrolled, they have access to remote wipe14:08
diddledanshauno: suckage14:09
diddledanshauno: tell them you'll not be responding to email out-of-hours then :-p14:09
mungbean_shauno: this is just activesync though14:10
mungbean_and they have students connection14:10
mungbean_some of which have inadvertently wiped their devices - fasctory reset, no warning14:10
MyrttiI just realised I'm not sure the IT support have ordered the right size sim card for my phone, I hope they have14:11
shaunoours don't care what's going on there.  even if all you're getting is the cert that lets you use the campus wifi instead of the guest wifi, you're enrolled14:12
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mungbean_neuro: i delete/move emails with thudnerbird, but still see them on teh web ui?14:39
mungbean_even comapcted and expunged and deleted trash14:39
davmor2mungbean_: have a look and see if there is a plugin for 36514:40
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popeyooh. power just blipped here14:57
popeyfirst time I've seen that in years14:57
popeyyay for batteries in laptops14:59
popeyssh just carried on when the power came back14:59
popeyand again15:01
* popey hopes his btrfs volume is okay ⍨15:01
diddledanI like that ssh can sometimes carry on when there's a momentary blip15:02
diddledanand irc does it too15:02
popey/dev/sdc on /srv type btrfs (rw,noatime,nodiratime)15:02
dwatkinsI tend to use autossh just in case the blip lasts a while.15:18
dwatkinsIt also handles changing network interfaces fairly well.15:18
funkyHatAUTOSSH_GATETIME=0 is very useful too, I use it to set up tunnels with @reboot cron jobs15:31
mungbean_my son (3) got rather stressed when he couldn't turn his light on a couple of weeks ago when the kettle tripped the power early in the morning and didn't notice15:35
dwatkinsmy nephew used to have a light-based alarm clock - he'd wake up really early, and was told he wasn't allowed to get out of bed until the light came on15:40
dwatkins(apart from to use the bathroom)15:40
mungbean_my boy gets 3 marbles in his marble jar for every morning he stays in his room until the 2nd alarm (1 snooze)15:41
mungbean_fill up the jar, get a prize15:42
dwatkinsI see you're preparing him for a lifetime of MMORPGs, mungbean_ ;)15:42
* awilkins bets that he secretly takes a marble out when he's not looking15:53
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mungbean_who me?15:58
mungbean_it's funny  because the prize is usually something as trivial as watching wallace and gromit and the were rabbit.15:59
dwatkinsmarbles == XP, of course15:59
mungbean_but we give him lots of treats like zoo visits and softplay all the time15:59
mungbean_but when you make a target it seems to focus their behaviour better15:59
mungbean_less tantrums. i was worried the neighbours on holiday would call teh police after hearing the tantrums16:00
diddledanmungbean_: terrible two's or troublesome threes? :-p16:07
diddledanor fearsome fours?16:07
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mungbean_more like a teenager though16:08
diddledanmy nephew is nearing that milestone in a couple months16:08
diddledanI went up to my sister's yesterday to see her newborn - my cute-as neice! - my nephew at one point looked over at his nanna holding his sister and decided to bash his sister on the head - gotta love siblings16:10
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BigRedSThe thinkpads are generally pretty robust; does anyone know if tht goes for the Thinkpad Edge, too?17:48
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bigcalmGood morning peeps :)18:39
BigRedSGoood Morning!18:46
diddledanhmm, I need sleep18:49
BigRedSDon't worry, it's not really morning18:49
diddledanmorning indeed *mutters incoherently*18:49
bigcalmConsidering I've been asleep for most of the day. It might as well be morning18:53
davmor2diddledan: I think your find that morning is bright and breezy and does mutter incoherently at all18:53
davmor2doesn't even18:54
mungbean_this isn't crimewatch, its a prolonged interview with the parents20:26
mungbean_certainly ther's an agenda here20:27
* daubers sighs at another evening wasted reading up on Project Management software20:28
mungbean_i see the ostrich pill ow has been updated20:30
mungbean_no longer cyberman, now michelin  man20:30
mungbean_seen this? http://op-co.de/blog/posts/android_ssl_downgrade/20:37
diddledanmungbean_: that's pretty scary20:49
popeyhow odd20:52
BigRedStop comment on reddit appeared to explain21:26
BigRedSbut I don't know enough about the subject to say whether it actually did or not21:26
bigcalmAnybody else here ordered a hudl?21:28
BigRedSis that the tesco tablet?21:30
bigcalmI've ordered one as a wedding gift - expected delivery by 25th October - my wedding date21:31
BigRedSoh, I thought they already existed and were in stock; I thought I saw them on the shelves in TEsco21:32
bigcalmI didn't see one the last time I was in a store so ordered online21:32
bigcalmI may regret this21:32
bigcalmWere they available in different colours in the shop?21:33
bigcalmI sent Hayley this and asked which she preferred. I don't think she knows what I'm up to. http://discworld.cuth.eu/dump/colours.png21:33
* bigcalm wants his Xoom back for himself :D21:34
BigRedSI'm not sure what was available; I was dumfounded at a Tesco branded tablet that didn't look like it was probably awful :)21:38
bigcalmBigRedS: the fact that it has respectable specs and has the play store without messing about were good reasons to order one21:47
* bigcalm sleeps21:50
shaunowith only 3 hours uptime?  hardware issues?21:52
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diddledanshauno: you played with sickbeard at all?22:33
shaunoactually, I set that up just friday or so22:34
diddledanI'm just setting it up now22:34
diddledanjust plugged defiance into it22:34
diddledannetwork activity appears to be doing something, so I'm assumpting it's downloading22:35
daftykinsmy local Channel Islands news has the South-West England (Cornwall, etc) regional news tacked on after it22:38
daftykinstoday's had this nugget: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8qr9pqx3n46h84e/VID_20131014_210055.mp422:38
diddledanwhat the?22:40
diddledanit really is a slow news day today then22:42
diddledanI wondered why someone linked me to "sci fi isn't fact enough" earlier22:43
diddledanalso by the beeb22:43
shaunothey completely ignored the rest of what NDG had to say about it, apparently22:50
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daftykinsBeeb must be taking on too many newcomers at low pay to set off all the troubles ;)23:03

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