
marlonbrando78Can anyone help with a sound issue i am having00:49
Kilosmorning superfly and others05:26
superflymorning Kilos 05:29
superflyneed more sleep05:29
Kilosyou and family well superfly ?05:29
superflyyup. we're going to visit my boet in George this weekend05:31
Kilosgreat give him my regards please05:31
superflyit's just been a long weekend05:31
superflywill do05:31
Kilosyou are supposed to rest weekends05:32
superflyheh. I rest at work05:32
superflyKilos: how are your girls? I haven't heard you mention anything from them in a while05:33
Kilosthey are ok ty superfly debs suffering with that ankylosing spondilitus and had to stop work05:34
Kilosluckily govt pays her and pays tara to look after her05:35
superflycan't she get a government grant? Australia is also quite socialist like the UK, isn't it?05:35
Kilosshe has times when it flares up that she can get up unaided and gone cripple in one leg05:35
Kilosotherwise life goes on05:36
Kilosyeah sad05:36
superflyI am blessed. I might have asthma and feel old from time to time but at least I'm fit for work and my life is not negatively affected by it.05:38
Kilosyeah one doesnt see how you are blessed till you look around hey05:38
superflywell, I'm here. time to trudge up to the office05:39
superflylater Kilos 05:39
Kiloshave a good day05:39
nuvolario/ mornings oom Kilos 05:50
Kiloslo nuvolari mazal 05:50
nuvolarilo mazal 05:50
mazalMore oom05:50
nuvolarihoe gaan dit oom Kilos ?05:50
Kilosnog n week nĂȘ05:50
mazalMorning nuvolari 05:50
nuvolarihello JoTraGo 05:50
Kilosgoed dankie nuvolari en jy?05:51
nuvolarija oom, ek sien kans daarvoor05:51
nuvolaridit gaan goed dankie oom05:51
Kilosyo JoTraGo 05:51
Kilosvan jy darem op met die werk?05:51
Kiloshet jy hulp gekry met daai ding?05:51
nuvolariKilos: nee oom, ek't nie hulp gekry nie, maar ek het so bietjie gevorder 05:53
nuvolarispook vandag voort05:53
Kiloshou aan jy sal dit uitwerk05:54
Kilosskryf neer wat jy doen vir die record05:54
Trixar_zaLe sigh05:56
Trixar_zaDon't you just love it when people intentionally break something with the set goal of replacing it with something 'better', but then that something better gets stuck in developmental hell and your stuck with a half-working solution?05:57
Kiloshi Trixar_za 05:57
Trixar_zaHey Kilos05:57
Kiloswho broke what now?05:58
Trixar_zaThe Qt devs with QtWebkit. They replaced phonon with QtMultiMedia, which is part of qt-mobility, but because of some support issues and coders disappearing, it only half works. This means that QtWebkit only works partially for HTML506:00
Trixar_zaSupposably, it's done better in PyQt than PySide, so I'm giving the prior a chance06:01
Trixar_zaIt's also just a windows issue, I think Linux and MacOs still use phonon06:02
Kilosso can you fix it Trixar_za ?06:05
Kilosfor yourself anyway06:05
Kiloshi Xethron 06:05
Trixar_zaMaybe, but it may require two recompiles - first Qt without QtWebkit and then Qt with QtWebkit going off the one blog I read... and then it's down to having the right codecs on the target systems06:06
nuvolarioh hi Trixar_za 06:09
nuvolarilol, oom Kilos, hierdie is soos 'n magic black box, 'n mens gee input, skommel dit rond, gooi uit en kyk wat die result is06:09
nuvolariwel, dit is hoe ek dit sien... nog nie 'n reproducable recipe gekry nie :P06:10
Kilosohi kbmonkey 06:18
Kilosnice to see you here onna weekday06:18
kbmonkeyyes it is a party06:20
nuvolario/ hello's kbmonkey 06:21
kbmonkeyhello nuvolari 06:22
Kiloshi Symmetria 06:37
Symmetriaheh tdk recons they gonna have 20TB disks out by 202006:38
Symmetriaseagate already demonstrated that they can do a 6 or 8 terabyte drive right now but its not yet commercially viable06:38
Symmetria(thats 20TB 2.5" drive, they recon they can do a 60TB 3.5" drive)06:38
Kilosnormal drive or ssd?06:39
Symmetriathey are HAMR drives, which is kinda like, a normal drive in terms of how it reads but they changed how it writes06:40
SymmetriaHAMR = heat assisted magnetic recording06:40
Kilosoh but still moving platters06:41
Symmetriabasically allows them to record data using a combination of magnetics and lasers on 12.7nm segments 06:41
Symmetriayeah, though will be interesting to see how ssd tech develops06:41
Kiloswhere will it end06:41
Kilostech advancing too fast06:41
Symmetriapeople been talking about 3D holographic devices for *years* but nothing has ever really come of that06:42
* Symmetria is trying to read up about dnssec06:43
Symmetrianever read a paper on it and know less than nothing about it06:43
Kiloslife is a permanent learning curve06:46
kbmonkeyhow goes it Kilos 06:48
kbmonkeyoh hai maiatoday 06:48
kbmonkeyand hello Symmetria 06:48
Kilosgood ty kbmonkey and you?06:48
Kiloshiya maiatoday 06:48
Kilosput router timeouts on hold06:48
kbmonkeyyou know Kilos, ever had a Monday which felt better than the weekend? 06:49
Kiloslol thats good06:49
kbmonkeywell I have not. lol.06:50
Kilosnot even today?06:50
Kilosdont you like parties06:50
maiatodayhi kbmonkey Kilos 06:51
kbmonkeywhat parties Kilos ? tell me I am curious ... *)06:55
Kiloskbmonkey> yes it is a party06:55
kbmonkeyoh yes, Monday parties. sorry I thought there was another party happening, hehe.06:56
kbmonkeypreparing for morning meetings, catch you later my friends06:56
Kiloshi Squirm 06:57
Kiloshows you today?06:57
Squirmbut had a fairly decent weekend06:58
Kilosoh so nothing new then06:58
Symmetriadnssec is odd06:58
Kilosim good ty06:58
Kilostrying to understand whay that bot wont auto identify with freenode06:59
Kilosso it can be masked06:59
KilosMaaz, ibid channel07:02
ThatGraemeGuymorning peeps07:21
kbmonkeymorning ThatGraemeGuy 07:25
kbmonkeyhello zeref 07:26
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 07:26
Kiloshi zeref 07:26
SymmetriaMTN is so screwed up07:29
SymmetriaI've been trying for a week to get someone at head office on the phone 07:29
Kilosthats why most of us went to 8ta07:36
Symmetrialol kilos, the funny thing is, Im not even trying to get support outta them, Im trying to get through to their *executive* for things that have serious impact on their own business07:37
Symmetriaand I cant even get through to the head office reception07:37
Kilosfind their ceo and tweet him07:38
Kilosmost of them peeps tweet07:38
Kilosthats how i got voda and 8ta help here07:38
Kilosor email the ceo07:39
Symmetrialol Im gonna start tweeting at their CTO just now ;p07:40
Kilosthats the only good thing i find about twitter07:41
Kilosthey can hide and have to answer otherwise other peeps see they are slack07:41
kbmonkeyyou tweet kilos? 07:42
kbmonkeyyou are more tech savvy than I am!07:43
Kilossharpeys and i do the ubuntuza tweet07:43
Kilosno man its horrible07:43
kbmonkeylol, I agree07:43
Kilosthe pro made me do it or said i wont be welcome here anymore07:43
kbmonkeyvery good of you though, very good07:43
Kiloshelp a whip over me07:44
kbmonkeypah, that was an empty threat man ;)07:44
kbmonkeyit was a cheap chirp, if I may be so daring 07:44
Kilosbut twitter messed up. most clients dont work there anymore07:45
Kilosnow he hides, scared hell have to work07:45
* Kilos waits for ai!07:45
kbmonkeyoh well that is a pity to hear about the clients being broken.07:46
Kilosthats his way of showing 07:46
Kilosya twitter blocks them the swines07:46
Kilosbut birdie and choqok work07:47
Kilosthe new choqok07:47
kbmonkeyare the clients blocked by accident or on purpose?07:48
Kiloslooks like on purpose07:48
Kilosblocked pidgin twitter even07:49
kbmonkeywe should create twatter07:49
Kiloswhere you gonna host it07:49
Kilosdont tell me that vm stuff, i get lost07:50
kbmonkeynah, dont care much for micro blogging. my heart is not in it. sorry man.07:51
Kiloshehe np i hardly go there anyway07:51
Kiloswow 40 nicks on a monday morning07:53
Kilosnormally need flamewars or meetings to get there07:53
kbmonkey40 nicks? what do you mean Kilos ?07:59
kbmonkey40 nicks in this channel?07:59
Kilospeeps connected here07:59
Kilosonly 5 showing away08:00
kbmonkeydo you think any of them even know they are on irc in this channel?08:01
Kilosya most are lurkers08:03
Kilosand blaze is at school08:04
Kilosdunno what happened to Banlam and bakuman , they online but never say anything08:05
ThatGraemeGuyi haven't seen half of these people say anything, ever!08:15
Kilosthey used to chat and help. dunno what happened08:15
Kiloshi psyatw 08:15
psyatwHI Kilos08:16
psyatwhi ThatGraemeGuy08:16
psyatwhad caps lock switched on there ...08:16
ThatGraemeGuy'lo :-)08:17
Kilosnp psyatw 08:27
kbmonkeythey probably auto connect to a hundred channels and forget about them :p08:38
KilosBanlam, ping08:39
Kiloslewe jy nog?08:39
maiatodayI just  had an impromptu chat with a colleague at work and we are going to try an impromput release party in stellenbosch next weekend 26 Sept 11:00 am at Ginos, I'll post in the necessary places, everybody welcome. I'll just bring a usb disk with isos if people want to get the release.08:49
Kilosgood for you maiatoday everything has gone queit with the changes in releases08:51
Kiloswhats the next one terrible turtle08:55
Kilosaha its the e220 modem timing out not my router09:42
Kilosback to the drawing board09:44
=== Sub_Oracle is now known as SubOracle
mazalAg sorry , see it's just been posted already :P10:07
Symmetrialook at this10:11
ThatGraemeGuybrought to you by Irony Inc.10:17
KilosTrixar_za, shout when you come back10:36
Kilosi would like to know if one can use sakis3g to get into a e220 to disable timeouts10:36
Kilosthe timeout settings must be somewhere in the thing right?10:37
KilosSymmetria, whats with afrinic? just got a mail again. Please note that AFRINIC is looking for an IP Analyst.10:45
nuvolariO jissie. ek gaan omkap van die suurstof-tekort11:53
kbmonkeyhoe so nuvolari ?11:59
Kilosdurbs has plenty sour dust12:09
kbmonkeyespecially with all this construction happening. constant hammering, drilling, craning, cabling, grinding... dust all over here for 18 months now12:13
Kiloswhat are they building?12:14
Kilosarent you okes in airconditioned rooms?12:19
nuvolarikbmonkey: probeer met minder kos en koffie oor die weg kom :P12:22
nuvolariek wil my vaatjie kleiner kry12:22
Kilosnou waar  kom die suurstof in?12:23
nuvolariKilos: kaffeine12:32
nuvolariek't die laaste 4/5 dae nie koffie gehad nie12:32
Kiloskbmonkey, did you see, its my modem timing out not the router12:34
mazalEnjoy the evening everyone12:45
kbmonkeynuvolari, that is a tough one! since I been backon excercise I eat like a horse :P13:30
kbmonkeyif you can train your body to crave fruits as a snack, you are sorted13:31
kbmonkeytakes about 3-4 weeks13:31
Kilosbbl goona see what sakis can do to e22013:49
XethronHello hello13:56
XethronAnyone here using 13.10 yet?13:56
Symmetrialol that makes me laugh14:40
aquarathey kilos14:46
Kiloshi aquarat 14:47
Kilosim sleeping looks like hey14:47
Kiloswas corraling the sheep14:48
Kiloshows things?14:48
aquaratSymmetria; lol14:48
aquaratis good :)14:48
superflyOhi aquarat14:56
aquarathey superfly 14:56
aquarathowzit going ?14:56
Symmetriasuperfly btw15:02
Symmetriawhy the dislike of bind?15:02
Symmetriaconsidering that the worlds root servers run it :)15:02
superflyaquarat: busy thanks. lots of stuff to do and not much time to do it. good problem to have.15:04
superflySymmetria: old, clunky and insecure. 15:04
aquarat1st world problem :)15:05
aquaratwhich is good15:05
superflySymmetria: not so much a dislike of it, just found other software that was better15:05
Kiloshi nlsthzn 15:25
nlsthznhiya uncle Kilos 15:26
Kilosyou got food?15:29
nlsthznnot yet :p but I did order >.<15:29
Kilosid walk around with pockets full15:29
nlsthznthat doesn't sound hygenic :p15:30
Kilosplastic packets man15:30
Kilosor wash clothes often15:31
Kiloshmm... noisy bunch17:50
Kilosyou working hard nlsthzn ?17:55
Kilosinetpro, ping18:11
nlsthznwell I am at work18:13
psychicisthi l18:13
psychicistnlsthzn: 18:13
psychicistI was at work until one hour ago18:13
Kiloshi psychicist 18:14
psychicisthi Kilos 18:14
Kilostummy full nlsthzn ?18:14
nlsthznjust about thanls18:15
Symmetriathere will soon be a new mirror 18:17
Symmetriamirror.ac.za since I left tenet kinda went to hell, and I know that18:17
Symmetriaand the current mirrors are slow as shit 18:17
Symmetriaso we're putting up a new mirror at liquid, a huge and very fast one 18:17
Symmetriaactually significantly bigger than the old mirror.ac.za18:17
Kilosgood man18:17
Symmetriaand with dedicated admins 18:17
Symmetriaand the nice thing is, it will be low latency to everywhere 18:18
Kilosare you at least promoting ubuntu while you are there?18:18
Symmetriathe mirror server will run ubuntu ;p18:18
Symmetriatheir dns servers run centos and ugh I hate it18:18
Kilosbut i mean to everyone you talk to as well man18:18
Symmetrialol, for server based stuff yes18:19
Symmetriafor notebooks and desktops? I am, and have always been an osx fan ;p18:19
Kilosno man for office and hotel and other use too18:19
Symmetriano one will convince me that ubuntu makes a better desktop than osx ;p18:19
Kilosi havent seen it yet18:20
Symmetrianever worked on an apple?18:20
Kilosis that the mac stuff18:20
Kilosnever seen one even18:20
Symmetriayeah osx is apple18:20
Symmetriadude, go to an istore, and play with an osx based machine18:20
Kilosi dont travel anywhere18:21
Symmetriait is smooth, beautiful, pretty, stable, and can do everything a linux box can do ;p18:21
Symmetriasorry to say it, but I still believe that opensource geeks have no clue how to design a decent user interface for some whack reason ;p18:22
Symmetriatheir backend shit is awesome 18:22
Symmetriabut the GUI's? ugh :)18:22
nlsthznitunes.... hmmm.... tasty18:23
Kilosi rather like the old unity and kde18:23
Symmetriaheh the last decent GUI I saw on a *nix based system that wasnt osx 18:23
Symmetriawas on IRIX 18:23
Symmetria;p irix was awesomeness, 3D GUI ftw 18:23
Kilosoh well just keep pushing ubuntu servers then18:24
Kilosthats better than nothing18:24
Symmetriaso long as they are best suited for the purpose I'm using em for, I will :)18:24
Symmetria(there is one particular server application I won't push ubuntu for)18:25
Symmetria;p and I'll get hated for saying this18:25
Kilosso when can we expect the new mirror Symmetria ?18:25
Kilossay it18:25
Symmetriakilos waiting for budget signature 18:25
Symmetrianew mirror = 60 thousand dollars worth of hardware18:26
Symmetrianeed a second signature 18:26
Symmetrialol kilos, microsoft exchange 18:26
Kilosin timeless africa18:26
Symmetriafor business purposes, in terms of task integration, calender integration, mail integration and as an overall package for all that stuff 18:26
Symmetriathere is nothing out there that provides the same level of seemless integration and functionality18:27
Symmetriait just doesnt exist, if it did, I'd use it 18:27
Symmetriabut I have a simple rule, I will not sacrifice functionality and efficiency for operating system religion :)18:27
Kilosim sure the dev guys will work on things like that so keep your eyes open18:27
Symmetriakilos *shrug* when they get it right, I'll be open to it 18:27
Kilosthey will18:28
Symmetriabut Ive waited a long time and there have been many attempts and nothing has worked so far :)18:28
Kilosjust be patient18:28
Symmetrialook at novell groupwise ;p18:28
Symmetriathat runs under linux 18:28
Symmetriaits fuckin aweful :)18:28
Symmetriaanyway brb, I gotta go fetch a harddrive quick18:28
Kilosnight all. sleep tight. have a good shift nlsthzn 18:34
nlsthznthanks uncle Kilos 18:34
nlsthznsleep tight18:34
Kilossee ya morrow18:34
inetproKilos: pong18:34
Kilosthe swine18:34
Kilosnaand boetie18:35
inetproKilos: ai!18:35
Kilosjy moenie so skaars wees nie18:35
* inetpro is nie skaars nie18:35
Kiloswat maak jy of jy so kwaai besig is inetpro ?18:35
inetproonkruid vergaan nie so maklik nie18:35
inetproKilos: besig, hoekom?18:36
Kilosja man maar jy is besig om n ernstige lurker te word18:36
Kilosek wou net se jy moenie so skaars wees nie18:37
Kilosanders gaan ons maar aan18:37
inetprojulle moet in elk geval aangaan18:37
Kilosja met die hoop dat jy een of ander tyd sal opdaag18:37
inetprosal maar moet sien hoe ek meer tyd hier kan spandeer, maar dink nie dit sal vinnig gebeur nie18:38
Kilosal work and no play makes jack a dull boy18:38
Kilosok nou kan ons gaan slaap18:39
inetprojammer oom!18:39
Kilosnever mind ek sal jou terug kry18:39
inetprogoeie nag oom :-)18:39
Kiloslekker slaap julle ook18:39
inetpronlsthzn: howzit18:40
nlsthznhey inetpro ... not to shabby and yourself?18:40
inetproall good thanks18:41
inetprono reason to complain18:41
superflyhi inetpro, nlsthzn18:41
nlsthznsweet :) I never complain as nobody ever listens18:41
inetprohello superfly18:41
nlsthznhiya superfly ... long time :)18:41
superflyyeah, I don't get much time in front of the keyboard these days18:42
nlsthznit happens18:43
nlsthzngui's via ssh is so slow .... zzzzz18:43
inetprosuperfly: you still ride the train?18:43
* nlsthzn was running firefox from home @ work :p18:43
nlsthznI am going to log out a bit and give some other chaps a chance on the PC...18:44
nlsthznhope you all have a good night :)18:44
inetprosuperfly: I thought by now you must have gotten a promotion and with that a nice new sporty vehicle18:45
superflyinetpro: heh.18:45
superflywishfuil thinking18:45
superflyinetpro: it's not the car, it's the petrol18:46
superflyeven riding the Gautrain would be about a third of the price of petrol spent getting to work in a month18:46
superflyand that doesn't include the cost of wear and tear on the car18:47
inetprohmm... you think it's that much of a difference?18:47
superflyit costs me R290 per month for a first class monthly ticket to Cape Town from Muizenberg18:49
inetprohow many km?18:49
superflyit would cost me R3000+ per month in petrol and wear and tear on the car (not to mention parking at upwards of R70 per day)18:49
inetproin that case you made a very good choice to use the train18:51
inetprosuperfly: but tell me is there no way that you can rather work from home?18:51
superflyno, and I don't want to either18:52
superflyI have two small children, I wouldn't get any work done.18:52
superflyWhy do you think I'm hardly in front of the PC at night?18:52
superflyI have to run after the kids18:52
inetprogood point18:53
inetprobut with a bit of planning you could always build yourself a isolation chamber at home :-)18:54
inetproanyway, I'm just twisting my mind around the issue a bit18:56
inetpromore and more people seem to be able to pull it off these days18:57
superflyinetpro: we also do pair programming at work18:58
inetproahh, nice!18:58
Symmetriaso, who's gonna be learning delphi to teach to the school kids ;p19:11
* Symmetria is amused19:11
* superfly knows Delphi, but isn't a teacher19:19
* Tonberry does not know Deplhi and is also not a teacher.19:19
* inetpro wonders how many teachers actually know Delphi19:20
SymmetriaI could probably still write delphi code if I tried19:25
SymmetriaI wrote a lot of very very evil shit in pascal back in the day19:25
Symmetria;p the school was forever wondering why stuff on their computers kept breaking badly19:25
Symmetriamy tsr's were evil 19:25

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