
smartboyhwOvenWerks, thank you for verifying the SRU.07:52
cubMorning all08:02
smartboyhwHello cub, please test the RC images08:02
=== smartboyhw changed the topic of #ubuntustudio-devel to: Ubuntu Studio Development Channel | https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio | find Ubuntu Studio stable Releases at https://ubuntustudio.org/download/ | latest current ISO http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/dvd/current/ | PLEASE TEST THE 13.10 RC IMAGES
cubwill be busy at work until after lunch since I was away a couple off days last week. but then I will start up my VMboxes08:10
OvenWerkszequence: is there any way to link blue print items in more than one blue print? I just added 4 items to 4 blueprints, but really they should all be done at the same time as one change.18:04
OvenWerksIn general any new application will require this. The app is added one place, settings in a second and menu changes in a third. If it applies to more than one workflow, that adds another link again.18:07
cubzequence: Is there a special way I should submit a bug for the RC tests?18:44
cubOr anyone else who might know18:50
cubNever mind. The Swedish translation of ubuntu studio seems quite unfinished. :)18:56
cubShould the Live Session reflect my time zone? It seems to show UTC which might be the default?19:01
OvenWerkscub yes that is the default19:02
OvenWerksIt used to change to local part way through an install19:03
cubgood. I would prefer not to create any bugs. :P19:03
cubyeah, right now I running the i386 live session first19:03
cubOvenWerks: when testing "Use and execute the default applications found for the desktop enviroment being run"19:04
cubDo you really try every application in three?19:04
OvenWerksI never have19:04
OvenWerksI try to pick a few at random though19:04
cubI can't run Ardour on this VMbox, never have. stupid mac.19:05
OvenWerksI always try jack and make sure it starts in RT19:05
cubJACK starts fine19:05
OvenWerksI only have so much time19:05
cubI might run both on my proper ubuntu laptop later on19:06
OvenWerksSomeone has put a bug in that we don't have offline docs19:06
cubdo you know how it's done with the translations? Are there someone doing translation of Ubuntu Studio or do we piggyback on Xubuntu?19:06
OvenWerksWe should at least grab xubuntu's desktop (xfce) stuff19:07
cubhaha was that smartboyhw himself since he want to have the offline docs in there?19:07
OvenWerksWell for 14.04, but this was against 12.0419:07
cubOvenWerks: yeah, most of the menus were in Swedish when I tried. Not all of it and none of the US specific menus of course19:08
cuboh 12.0419:08
OvenWerksI think we are relying on the apps to have their own documentation19:08
cubI haven't used a Swedish installation of anything since early 90s19:09
OvenWerksBut we would like to have something on workflows19:09
OvenWerksThat should be part of the workflow meta I think19:10
madeinkobaiaHi all.19:10
madeinkobaiacub: I sent you a design for the "youtube tutorial frame info picture". When you have the time let me know what you think of it.19:10
cubYeah I was meaning to have a look this weekend but life got in the way. :/19:11
madeinkobaiaNo worries, I sent you also a new version that I just made19:11
cubMy daughter was in the hospital on Thursday so we took a family weekend.19:11
cubmadeinkobaia: great, I liked the look. I had some questions about an outro page but the new version might expalin that already?19:12
madeinkobaiacub: Sorry to hear that, hope nothing goes to bad.19:12
madeinkobaiacub: Just tell me19:13
cubmadeinkobaia: It was scary for a day and the ran a lot of tests and checks but everything showed she was just being healthy. So we were sent home. :)19:13
madeinkobaiacub: Great : )19:14
madeinkobaiacub: About the tutorial send me any questions you want by mail.19:15
cubyeah absolutely19:15
cubhmm when I report the tests on the RC should I log it to "Saucy Final" or "Saucy Daily"?19:19
madeinkobaiacub: I can't help for that, I have an hardware problem and I still can't install the 13.10 for testing.19:21
cubOvenWerks: any thought? Are we testing Saucy Daily or Saucy Final?19:23
cubhmm it still requires a power plug. I have like 9 hours of battery life on my laptop come on.19:32
cubAre we still reporting on the slideshow showing wrong desktop background?19:38
OvenWerkscub: slide show will not get fixed for 13.10 no bug. I would put it into the saucy final if it is there.19:56
OvenWerksIf final allows you to put pass/fail then the last daily will be the same as final or RC.19:57
OvenWerksmadeinkobaia, cub: do either of you use scanners and have comments on the best scanner apps to use?19:57
cubNo, I haven't used mine in years but when I did it was xsane19:58
knomeOvenWerks, simplescan is a pretty basic tool, but worked for me when i had to scan some stuff19:59
cubyes both are open for testing, so Final it is.19:59
zequenceHi folks20:01
zequenceOvenWerks: I don't think the blueprint functionality is advanced enough for that. Why not create one workitem for the four tasks?20:02
knomeOvenWerks, if you file a bug that covers those four items and link it to each blueprint, marking that bug fixed marks the work items as done20:04
zequencemadeinkobaia: I think "tutorials" is a bit hard to see again, because of the effect20:05
zequencemadeinkobaia: Also, I hade the idea we could use different colors for each main subject, audio, video, graphics, etc..20:06
zequencemadeinkobaia: Let's just skip the word "tutorials". What do you think? It's superfluous in a sense20:07
zequencemadeinkobaia: Instead of "tutorials", we could have "audio, video, graphics.."20:10
zequenceWe need to have that somewhere anyway. 20:11
madeinkobaiaHi Kaj, ok I will keep in mind your interesting suggestions. 20:23
madeinkobaiazequence: ^20:23
zequencemadeinkobaia: We need to have the subjects for the workflows, one way or another20:24
zequencemadeinkobaia: So, the words must be there20:24
zequencemadeinkobaia: But, using colors would make it much easier to spot the tutorials when searching for the topics in youtube20:24
zequenceSo, it all makes perfect sense20:24
zequenceWe don't need the word tutorials. It's self explanatory20:25
madeinkobaiazequence: Could you send me a picture (you can edit the .xcf  sent you) and let me know what you would like ?20:26
zequencemadeinkobaia: I suppose you make the text in Incscape?20:30
madeinkobaiazequence: I used inkscape for the main design and then added some effects on gimp.20:31
madeinkobaiazequence: I can send you the inkscape file if you want20:32
zequencemadeinkobaia: I'm doing a preprod now, just to show you20:34
madeinkobaiazequence: ok20:34
zequencemadeinkobaia: Ok. You have mail20:54
zequencemadeinkobaia: The colors are the same as on the menu icons20:55
zequenceI'm not 100% sure of those exact colors. So, we would need to decide that once and for all, before the release of 14.0420:56
OvenWerksknome: Thankyou, I will try that.20:58
zequencemadeinkobaia: The placement of the CoF and the workflow category I didn't put much effort on21:05
madeinkobaiazequence: I took a look, I will not change our branding color (the actual ubuntu studio blue) in the left part. But I will keep in mind the interesting suggestion to make 5 sub-section (audio, publishing etc.) with some colors attributions. Also, I would like to keep a "tutorial" text somewhere but maybe more discreetly. 21:11
zequencemadeinkobaia: I'd like to move forward in using those colors for the workflows, so it would make sense to use them thoroughly on the youtube covers as well. For me, clarity is the most important. Design is nice, but the first problem to solve is clear flow of information21:14
zequenceHow you do it, is up to you21:14
zequencemadeinkobaia: Feel free to play with the colors, and see if you can find other ones that work better21:15
madeinkobaiazequence: No worries, I will try various combinations. 21:17
madeinkobaiaSee you all.21:31

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