
micahgactually upstream maintenance and development00:01
brainwashcurrently I lack the motivation to help with an app I never use00:04
micahgnah, it should be something used00:04
micahgit's the default bluetooth manager for Xubuntu00:04
brainwashso it's not maintained anymore?00:05
brainwashlike users-admin00:05
micahgyeah, upstream had issues, there are some efforts to revive it, volunteers welcome00:06
micahgs/had issues/lacked time/00:06
brainwashI'll continue with some general debugging/codding before I even try to maintain a whole project :)00:09
brainwashmicahg: aah, don't want to bother you, but what's up with https://code.launchpad.net/~smd-seandavis/xubuntu-default-settings/b2_fixes ?00:11
brainwashI keep seeing the warning about the invalid dconf key, which reminds me that a fix has been already committed some time ago :)00:12
brainwashmaybe we can combine the upload with a fix for bug 123901800:17
ubottubug 1239018 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Disable overlay scrollbars by default in Xubuntu 13.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123901800:17
brainwash(if it's a valid request to disable them)00:17
micahgdisabling overlay scrollbars would need a UIFe at this stage of the game00:35
Unit193They are rather unused, not installed by default, but cause issues if they are.  This would just disable them if they are installed.00:36
Noskcajmicahg: I'll have a look at the blueman source and see what i can do, but don't expect much01:11
micahgNoskcaj: I was asking if anyone wanted to maintain it upstream, casual fixes are always welcome01:16
Noskcajbluesabre, I'm going to try and put a new version of catfish into debian. Do you want to be a co-maintainer of it? (python-apps is maintainer)05:23
Noskcajmicahg, Did you get the pkg-xubuntu team set up yet?05:53
NoskcajWhat happened to Cody A.W. Somerville? I assume he no longer wants to maintain catfish?05:57
pmjdebruijnhi folks06:40
Noskcajhey pmjdebruijn 06:43
pmjdebruijnI'm not sure if here or the plain channel is the best place07:02
pmjdebruijnI'm wondering how gnome-keyring-daemon is being started in xubuntu?07:02
pmjdebruijnas the /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-keyring-*.desktop files aren't being used07:02
* pmjdebruijn is wondering if it's being started by pam-gnome-keyring07:03
pmjdebruijnanybody a clue?07:03
Noskcajpmjdebruijn, I don't know, sorry. Just stay around and someone should07:05
pmjdebruijnyeah I'll wait07:21
brainwashmicahg: we just want to disable the unity overlay scrollbars during the xubuntu session, they are not installed by default in xubuntu, but cause some trouble if installed manually or by installing unity side by side10:59
brainwashmicahg: so basically we want to keep xubuntu free from incompatibility issues caused by these scrollbars11:00
brainwashwe got the bug reports and maybe we could add a little info to the release page, so maybe there's no need release a "fix"11:08
ali1234add this one to the list of bugs in other desktops directly caused by unity11:22
elfyis there a bug for that :)11:25
brainwashbug 1229486 still an issue?11:25
ubottubug 1229486 in xfce4-session (Ubuntu) "Resuming from suspend flashes the desktop, then shows unlocking dialog" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122948611:25
elfybrainwash: it was when I did tests on saturday11:26
brainwashthe bug reporter stated that it was fixed by installing pm-utils11:26
elfybrainwash: I was testing the final release iso - not fiddling to see if I could fix it :)11:26
brainwashI cannot confirm it tough11:28
elfyfrom a default vanilla iso on hardware?11:28
elfythere have been a couple of new released iso's since there - not checked them today11:28
slickymastermorning all11:29
brainwashmy 3 week old test installation11:29
brainwashincluding pm-utils11:29
elfyhi slickymaster 11:29
slickymasterelfy: hi elfy :)11:29
elfybrainwash: well that isn't really what we need testing - we need the iso testing :)11:30
elfywe've had 9 x 32bit tests and 11 x 64bit tests 11:30
slickymasterelfy: I'm currently testing yesterday's image but I noticed that there's already available today's http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/305/builds/55705/testcases11:32
elfyslickymaster: you can subscribe to builds to get notification that it's been rebuilt11:33
slickymasterelfy: I'm subscribed, that's how I know that today's is already available, going to download it at lunch11:34
elfyaah 11:34
slickymasterelfy: I'll have to download at home so I won't waste communications resources over here at work11:35
brainwashmaybe a hardware specific problem, suspending so fast, that xflock4/xscreensaver are not able to popup just in time :D11:35
elfypossible 11:36
elfylaptop I run tests on isn't that slow though I would have thought 11:37
brainwashcan you also do several suspend/resume cycles and see if the network-manager stops working at some point?11:38
elfybrainwash: how fast does ctrl+alt+delete run the lock screen - because on this machine it takes a couple of seconds to do so and that is about as fast as it comes up after suspend11:38
brainwashcouple of seconds o.o11:38
elfyexactly the same thing seen coming out of suspend11:39
brainwashit takes exactly 1 sec for xscreensaver to blank the screen (old machine, 2006)11:43
elfynot got any network-manager issues11:49
elfythis suspend thing - if I suspend from menu and resume - no screensaver at all11:50
elfyshut lid to suspend - resume - screensaver after a few seconds11:51
thadelfy: yes, you need to activate locking for the menu entries (session and startup, last tab)11:53
elfyas long as it's expected that's fine - I rarely use it11:54
elfyso the only issue is the bug then11:54
thadand lid closing might trigger the screen locker twice, via sysdemd/logind and xfce power manager11:55
elfythad: not sure if you saw <elfy> not got any network-manager issues11:55
thadok, so yet another hardware specific problem11:56
thadit happens occasionally for me, like 33% of all suspend/resume cycles11:56
thadmaybe even less11:57
elfythis issue I can replicate 100%11:57
pmjdebruijnhi again, is anybody aware how gnome-keyring-daemon is started in xubuntu? since I'm fairly confident the .desktop files in /etc/xdg/autostart are not used12:00
pmjdebruijngnome-keyring-daemon is interfering with proper operation of OpenGPG smartcards12:00
pmjdebruijnso I need to pass --components to it12:00
thadgnome components can be loaded on session start, see settings manager, session and startup, last tab12:02
pmjdebruijnok thanks, but do you know to which files in the filesystem those relate?12:03
pmjdebruijnpreferably I'm looking to make a systemwide modification12:03
thadI assume the .desktop files located in /etc/xdg/autostart12:03
pmjdebruijnwhen I move /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-keyring-*.desktop to /root nothing changes at all12:04
pmjdebruijnI'm wondering if pam-gnome-keyring is actually starting it12:04
pmjdebruijnoh wait12:05
elfygot the kernel error again during install12:05
pmjdebruijn pam_gnome_keyring.so auto_start12:05
pmjdebruijnthat's on my regular ubuntu, I should crosscheck on xubuntu tonight12:05
thadelfy: "People never guess that KeyRelease deactivates the screen saver too, so if we're issuing an activation command, wait a second."12:39
thadhardcoded 1 sec pause12:39
elfythad: ok - where did you find that ?12:43
thadxscreensaver-command.c line 32012:49
thadelfy: do you think that removing that pause would make difference? it's just 1 sec12:53
thadoptionally ofc, so the normal behavior would still be to wait 1 sec12:54
elfyperhaps it is a second - I've not timed it :)12:55
thadit has to be fixed post release and before 14.04 (light-locker)12:56
thadif at all12:56
elfywell it's on the known issues list so won't get missed, might not get any love - but at least it's there and known12:57
thadit is actually a big deal for people who are affected13:00
elfynot disputing that 13:01
thadlight-locker has (had?) the same problem13:01
elfybut I don't fix bugs I'm afraid13:01
thadyou could rebuild xscreensaver and remove the pause, then test again13:02
elfynot this week I can't - a) I've got all sorts of things in r/l going in b)got release week stuff and testing going on c)seem to be suffering with a chest infection and should be in bed doing neither of a or b13:04
thadoh, get well soon! I'll add a comment to the report :)13:06
elfythanks thad 13:06
elfybrainwash: thanks for commenting :)14:59
thad_spot the mistake http://en.zimagez.com/zimage/steam22.php18:11
skellatLP Bug #1239556 can be brought up for discussion, I guess21:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1239556 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Remove dependency on package printer driver for HP-GDI printers" [Undecided,Opinion] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123955621:33
brainwashskellat: what about the ppd packages?21:56
skellatprinter-driver-pnm2ppa matches the description they give21:57
skellatEverybody who shows up in rdepends has it as a hard dependency21:58
skellatWhich is every desktop seed except for GNOME21:58
brainwashso is it a valid request? why depend on stuff for printing?22:01
skellatbrainwash: I need to pull up the seeds to see if there is a note as to why.  I'm marking it as an Opinion for now as micahg & mr_pouit would need to really pass judgment in the end since we're not the only ones with it as a hard dependency.22:03
Unit193It's in the desktop-command seed. :/22:04
skellatIs there a note that it is required by Technical Board resolution?22:05
skellatIf it is in desktop-common that gets kicked all the way up22:07
skellatUnit193: desktop-common would be set in debian-installer, no?22:11
brainwash"Which is every desktop seed except for GNOME"   package ubuntu-gnome-desktop?22:13
skellatbrainwash: Well, GNOME didn't exist as a flavor for 12.04.322:17
brainwashah right :)22:17
skellatFound it!  http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/seeds/platform.saucy/desktop-common22:23
skellatWhich means the branch that a merge proposal can be addressed to is: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/platform.precise22:24
brainwashso a change is very unlikely22:27
brainwashif basic printing support is a goal of ubuntu22:27
knomewe can blacklist packages in our ISO22:27
brainwashexclusively for precise? T will offer the xubuntu core meta package, so it won't be an issue anymore I guess22:29
knomeper release, sure22:30
skellatbrainwash: That depends if we keep desktop-common incorporated by reference in the seed22:30
skellatknome: The note says that a bunch of PPDs require that driver so breakage was found to be more likely if not there.22:30
Unit193Yeah, I removed that reference from my test openbox session and moved everything I wanted in the seed itself.22:30
brainwashmmh, changing stuff, because "one" user complains about it.. reminds me of my report about deactivating the overlay scrollbars during the xubuntu session :)22:32
skellatThat's why I marked it Opinion and noted it needed to be discussed by our devs22:33
skellatLots of breakage possible with this one22:33
brainwashyes, no need to break a LTS release22:46

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