
nuf0xxany advice on wheather or not to upgrade to kernel 3.9.x to fix a card reader issue?00:57
Poisoned_DragonIt's hard to say. The last time I had a card reader issue was in arch. I don't think it was the kernel.00:58
nuf0xxI have confirmed that the issue with my reader is fixed in the 3.9 kernel. just wondering if it may cause othe unforseen issues. Is it stable?00:59
Poisoned_DragonI try not to update the kernel beyond the version included in a release. I'm not that savvy yet.01:02
Poisoned_DragonBut, it can be done. I've seen people do it sucessfully.01:03
xabstertumblerd crashes all the time01:07
xabsteris it needed?01:07
Poisoned_DragonWell, it shouldn't crash all the time.01:09
Poisoned_DragonBut, it's not super critical.01:09
xabsterit's annoying is what it is :)01:09
Poisoned_DragonIt's just a thumbnailer for picture and video files.01:09
xabsterbesides, it crashes before it generates any thumbnails01:09
xabsterso, why have it?01:09
Poisoned_DragonAre you by chance accessing videos from a share?01:09
xabsterit's a torrent downloaded video clip01:10
Poisoned_DragonThat's when it use to crash for me.01:10
Poisoned_DragonSame difference.01:10
xabsterI reboot many times since01:10
xabsterthe file is still just a file...01:10
Poisoned_DragonThe thumbnailer cycles through the file for thumbnails as it's downloading.01:10
xabsteron the harddrive01:10
xabsterit's been correctly and fully downloaded for long now01:10
Poisoned_Dragoneventually, it gets tired01:10
xabstersudo apt-get remove tumbler ?01:11
Poisoned_Dragonworst case, sudo apt-get remove tumblerd01:11
Poisoned_Dragonlol, jinx01:11
xabsteri'm scared now01:11
xabster"Removing xubuntu-desktop ...01:11
xabsterit said that01:11
xabsteroh, i guess that's an "umbrella" kind of package01:12
xabsterbecause i no longer have ALL the standard packages in that "group", it removes it01:13
xabsterand leaves me with each package individually?01:13
Poisoned_DragonOh, the meta-package01:13
Poisoned_DragonI'm told those are safe to delete. But, I get kinda scared.01:13
Poisoned_DragonWhen I delete meta-packages, sudo apt-get autoremove wants to remove all kinds of things that I still use.01:14
Poisoned_DragonI'm on the fence about meta packages.01:14
gdosis it possible to use symbolic links (either hard or soft) to point from /var/www/doc (http://localhost/doc) to file://localhost/usr/share/doc/HTML/index.html ...???02:15
`Fibz`nnot sure what your trying to accomplish but yes, a symbolic link is usable. maybe an entry into the hosts file might be needed based on whatever it is your trying to do02:18
xabstergdos, you want http://localhost/doc to load a file that is not in var/www ?02:23
gdosyes dhelp is not loading the files in /var/www/doc/HTML as per the description but rather /usr/share/doc/HTML instead.02:24
gdosi used 'sudo ln -s /usr/share/doc/HTML /var/www/help' and it nearly did it. sorta. but everything did not appear to link correctly.02:31
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gdosadd "FollowSymLinks" as an option for your DocumentRoot03:15
xabsterhah, chrome crashed and gave a report, then apport crashed trying to show me the report, and the lsb_release crashed04:18
holsteinxabster: chrome? or chromium?04:22
holsteinxabster: in 13.04?04:23
gdoshow do i install seamonkey?04:35
holstein!info seamonkey04:36
ubottuPackage seamonkey does not exist in raring04:36
holsteingdos: i think its been removed.. what are you trying to do?04:36
gdosholstein: install it. i actually prefer that browser over ff/chromium.04:37
holsteingdos: it bascially is firefox.. but, you'll need to manually install it, or find an un-offically supported ppa04:37
holsteingdos: you'll see links to ppa's and other references at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SeaMonkey04:38
gdoshow'd manually install it? copy the installation directory over to /var?04:38
holsteingdos: i would visit the site where the creators make the application available, and follow whatever directions they offer.. or just add one of the ppa's.. or use a more supported browser04:39
gdosholstein: ok. i'm trying bratherlui's ppa04:42
gdosi prefer the email app in seamonkey over thunderbird.04:42
holsteingdos: as long as you are not expecting it to be an up to date, or well supported, or secure/safe product, do what you like04:43
gdoshow hard is it to convert a tar.bz2 to a .deb file?04:55
holsteingdos: thats not the way it'll work05:00
holsteingdos: you might download something in a compressed format, and open it, and build it, and then you could make a package from that05:01
holsteingdos: i would just use a PPA05:01
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=== buu-_- is now known as buu
ubottucfhowlett_, please see my private message08:49
buuso uh10:13
buuHow exactly do you use dc?10:13
buuOh, you have to print10:13
buuThat's not very friendly =[10:13
MegabyteHello, guys10:39
buuIs there someway to change which libraries a dynamically linked executable uses?10:39
MegabyteI tried to unzip seamonkey, but when I run it, I get a "file not found error"10:40
Megabytewhat is wrong?10:40
buuMegabyte: Paste the shell session in a pastebin10:40
Megabytex@Amber:~/seamonkey$ ./seamonkey10:41
Megabytebash: ./seamonkey: No such file or directory10:41
Megabytebuu, It's as simple as that...10:42
Megabytethe file *is* there, though10:42
Megabytebuu, what is going on?10:44
buuMegabyte: what is the first line of ./seamonkey ?10:51
MegabyteIt's a binary file10:51
buuAnd why are you unzipping things?10:51
Megabytebuu, there's no package of seamonkey for xubuntu10:51
Megabyteso you must unzip a binary package10:51
buuMegabyte: what does 'file ./seamonkey' say?10:52
Megabytex@Amber:~/seamonkey$ file ./seamonkey10:52
Megabyte./seamonkey: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, stripped10:52
buuMegabyte: Generally speaking that particular error means that linux can't figure out how to execute that file. Its either a binary it doesn't understand or an "interpreted file" with a shebang it can't find10:58
buucan you run strace ./seamonkey10:58
elfyworks here ok - or would if it didn't have a libasound2 error10:59
MegabyteThere it is11:02
Megabyte(Sorry, I'm using Links 2 for now)11:02
buuMegabyte: what is uname -a11:03
MegabyteLinux Amber 3.8.0-31-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 10 20:03:44 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux11:03
buuDoes the x64 version work any better?11:04
MegabyteI didn't see any. Perhaps it is a little obscure to find?11:05
bekksbuu: No. But 64bit is state of the art nowadays.11:11
elfyMegabyte: there is a 64bit version http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/ - at the bottom, contributed11:15
elfyruns here ok11:16
Megabyteelfy, I got the source package here, so I'll try to build from it11:20
Megabytelet's see if it works...11:20
Megabyteelfy, I intend to build a deb package. Is there any way I can make it available in the repository?11:46
elfyMegabyte: I don't know anything about ppa's other than people can do it I'm afraid11:51
gregor3005hi, does anybody know a robust solution to disable the update notifier in xfce? i set that it should be displayed, also in gconf but it is show every time i did: sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get update13:23
cfhowlettgregor3005, software center center > settings > software sources > updates > When there are updates ...13:25
gregor3005cfhowlett: i can't disable it there13:28
gregor3005cfhowlett: i can remove the ticks on "install updates from" but then i can't update in the background with "sudo apt-get upgradE"13:30
olbiis USC there is last option which you should choose: Never. It should help :)13:30
gregor3005olbi: but this is only for new releases not for software updates13:30
olbisorry, 1 option and change to never13:31
olbithis should never check the updates13:31
olbiso there will no be any notifications13:31
gregor3005olbi: should but it doesn't do it in that way13:31
olbiunless you check this manually13:31
gregor3005olbi: ah, ok maybe now i understand it13:31
gregor3005olbi: but i think every time when "apt-get update" is running the notification is displayed, so also when new software will be installed it notifies you about new updates13:32
olbiyes :), you have ridht13:33
olbibut when you install it it will be gone13:33
olbiI have choose checking the updates one per week and it works13:33
gregor3005olbi: ok, its the pc for my mother who has a prepaid internet access and there she has not much download volume. and i wan't to avoid that she installed updates13:34
gregor3005olbi: so from time to time i come to here with my internet stick and install the updates13:34
r7_Hi everyone14:03
r7_I installed Xubuntu on BTRFS filesystem. And I have this error at startup: "sparse file not found, press any key to continue"14:03
gdoson an another account (using desktop profile) one is unable to access desktop (wallpaper) settings. locks up everytime.14:33
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xubuntu586Could you pls instruct me how to enable system sounds?  I've checked the box enable system sounds but to no avail.17:24
xubuntu586I would really appreciate your expertease in solving this mystery :)17:26
xubuntu586There are sound folders, and "enable event sounts"  checkbox checked... so what's happening in between is outside of my current knowledge...17:33
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aicasnthis is totally OT so i apologize but i thought you folks might have a better idea....  i need to put a free office suite onto a lady's PC. does anyone know whether OOo or libreoffice works better on windows?  thanks19:21
Piciaicasn: try asking in ##windows19:22
aicasni shall try...19:22
cubaicasn: Better is depending on how you ask. I have run both with no issues, though I prefer libreoffice19:22
cub-how +who19:23
aicasnmost compatible vs. MS office. this lady is older and not techie.  if the program she uses to open her .docx files garbles them then the program isn't useful19:24
bekksaicasn: that may happen - blame it on M$.19:25
cubhmm then I'm not sure. I get some docx which opens in libreoffice, but layout and fonts might be different and not look so good sometimes19:25
buuIsn't libreoffice the newer/more maintained one19:27
aicasnMS is completely freekin retarded. They won't sell me a copy of Office 2010 for her. The want her to upgrade (pay $$) for Windows 8 (on her dual-core 1.2GHz, 512MB RAM dinosaur), then get her to buy a copy of Office Live19:27
aicasni was on the phone for like 3 hours this morning looking for a little help. Nada19:28
bekksaicasn: Office 2010 isnt sold anymore by MS, and you may get it officially from various stores. And it is offtopic in here :)19:32
bgardner...very, very OT...19:32
Pop-TartHiya! I just installed Xubuntu. I know this is a dumb question and I should Google more, but how do I change the color of the titlebar? Does a theme do that, or is it an option under Appearance?20:07
buuPop-Tart: Have you tried settings -> appearance?20:08
Pop-TartYes, I've checked there.20:09
knomePop-Tart, the xfwm themes mainly control the window borders. see under settings manager -> window manager -> tab style20:10
buuIsn't the top bar actually a panel?20:10
knomePop-Tart, some xfwm themes allow the gtk themes (in settings manager -> appearance -> tab style) to manage the colors though20:11
buuTitlebar of windows?20:11
buuHeh, I thought you meant the top panel =]20:11
Pop-TartI just want to change the color from white/grey to something darker/black, like the top panel. It hurts my eyes.20:12
Pop-TartI still haven't managed to figure it out yet, but basically I just want this: http://i.imm.io/1iph8.png to look like this: http://i.imm.io/1iphp.png20:24
`Fibz`window manager -> themes , + panel options -> appearance20:26
`Fibz`all are in launcher -> settings -> settings manager20:26
`Fibz`might need to right click task bar -> properties -> show flat buttons20:28
gregor30051hi, i have a problem with the networkconnection on an workstation, when i do "dhclient eth0" it works perfect. but when i configure the network with the network applet i didn't get any connection. also is it not possible to see my networkconfiguration in the applet to click on it20:37
gregor30051in grayed text i see that the device is not managed. what should that mean?20:38
`Fibz`xubuntu version?20:38
gregor30051`Fibz`: 13.04. clean installed and updated20:39
`Fibz`you can disable network manager from autostart and use /etc/network/interfaces instead20:43
gregor30051`Fibz`: thx i try it20:45
gregor30051`Fibz`: now i have dhcp automatically on that device but the applet configuration are not shown20:47
`Fibz`if you have a chance, try confirming it on a virtual machine or something and submit a bug report20:48
`Fibz`i've got a box running 13.04 32bit with internet access through eth0 with no issues over here20:50
gregor30051`Fibz`: i found a solution and the cause: in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf in the ifupdown section managed was set to false :-)20:52
gregor30051`Fibz`: the next problem will be to fix the problem with the gsm usb stick20:53
dvanduzerI've got something very broken about my 13.04 install and my nvidia twinview. Is 13.04 supposed to still be using xfce 4.10?21:48
`Fibz`i wouldnt expect a new xfce untill 1221:51
`Fibz`but i dont know21:52
theixleWhen I boot Xubuntu I get an error message that I'm trying to diagnose to speed up booting time. Does anyone know what 'usb 1-1.1: string descriptor 0 read error: -22' means?21:55
linuxuz3rhow do i make xubuntu turn off monitor after not using for a while21:58
dvanduzer`Fibz`: thanks much.  the configuration is working in lightdm, but I log in, wait for a minute, and it kicks me back to the login screen. any hints you'd suggest?21:59
theixlelinuxuz3r: Settings Manager -> Power Management or Screensaver whichever you prefer22:03
`Fibz`theixle, http://www.cm19a.com/2013/02/how-to-disable-linux-kernel-drivers.html22:05
linuxuz3rtheixle, i cant find the screensaver22:05
`Fibz`linuxuz3r,  launcher -> settings -> settings manager -> Power Manager -> On AC -> Monitor22:06
linuxuz3r`Fibz`, thanks22:08
theixleThanks Fibz22:09
`Fibz`dvanduzer,  maybe something in here?  http://askubuntu.com/questions/129610/login-screen-wont-accept-my-password22:13
dvanduzer`Fibz`: thanks, I'll try nuking my .Xauthority.22:15
yeikanybody here good with dpkg that could possibly help me look at an issue http://pastebin.com/X7KW8v7w22:55

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