[12:51] hey loco team ... any thoughts about setting up a meetup for Thursday for the release party? [12:59] ChanServ, do you do anything interesting? [13:00] ChanServ is boring. He has the personality of a robot. [13:21] * adom lawls. [13:21] hey adom, ChinnoDog [13:21] * adom waves. [13:21] would you guys come out to a little celebration on THursday night? [13:21] Whereabouts? [13:21] I'm looking to reserve a table for us at Bread and Soda [13:22] it's on Wisconsin Avenue in Glover Park [13:24] that's a 45min drive from my work. i dont get out until 5:30, so i wouldnt get there until 6:15 at the very earliest. more likely closer to 6:45 probably. [13:24] if everyone will be tryign to go, i could try to attend as well [13:25] but cant guarantee anything yet [13:26] rickspencer3: I've got plans on Thursday night already :\ [13:26] marcoceppi, bring them! [13:28] rickspencer3: If only! Unfortunatley these plans put me in Southern VA [13:55] ChinnoDog, adom, marcoceppi what do you guys think about me setting a meetup on meetup.com? [13:55] rickspencer3: for the release party, or for more regular events? [13:55] marcoceppi, for the release party as a start? [13:56] rickspencer3: I don't really have a problem, with the exception that meetup is a paid for platform [13:56] marcoceppi, yeah, I can pay for it [13:56] it may bring some more people into the loco, I was thinking [13:57] arg ... I have to name the meetup group and stuff [13:57] marcoceppi, how does "DC Ubuntu Parties" sound for a group name? [13:57] I presume I can change it later [13:58] maybe DC Ubuntu Get Togethers ? [13:58] rickspencer3: Ubuntu DC LoCo might be a better umbrela name, or "Ubuntu DC" [13:58] marcoceppi, is it ok if I use "LoCo"? [13:58] Meetup for this purpose seems useful but unnecessary [13:58] I didn't want to be presumptious [13:59] rickspencer3: I'd recommend at least mailing the ubuntu dc mailing list with this idea too, since only a small amount of us are in IRC [13:59] marcoceppi, well, I tried the mailing list, but got rejected because I was not accepted tot he team yet :( [13:59] rickspencer3: I assume so? [13:59] I'll leave LoCo out of it for now [13:59] rickspencer3: that's lame, we really need to figure out who has the power of what in the loco and get some more active bodies in places [14:00] I don't feel like it would be right for me to claim that I represent the Loco [14:00] marcoceppi, well, in fairness, I applied like 1 hour ago :) [14:00] rickspencer3: ah, that's probably why! ;) [14:00] I sent a message to the list requesting access to moderate and the response was that all pending membership requests have been taken care of [14:00] Oh. 1hr ago is not long. [14:00] ChinnoDog, :) [14:17] hey marcoceppi ChinnoDog adom, etc... http://www.meetup.com/DC-DMV-Ubuntu-Meetup-Group/ [15:05] * marcoceppi joins [15:37] * adom joined. [15:46] yeah! [15:46] I'm confirming a venue in a few minutes, then I'll make the invite for the event [16:06] http://www.meetup.com/DC-DMV-Ubuntu-Meetup-Group/events/145669202/ [16:07] ChinnoDog, any chance you could send that through the loco mailing list or something? [16:09] Just wait for them to auth you. If it takes too long I can send a message to the list to nudge them. [16:10] thanks ChinnoDog [17:56] rickspencer3: you might want to update bcurtiswx, he's OP here. [17:57] hey rickspencer3 what can i do for you ? [17:57] adom, what did he want befre ? [18:03] bcurtiswx: \o/ [18:04] bcurtiswx: he's waiting for approval on the dc loco list [18:04] bcurtiswx: also, can you op someone eles in the channel, or add them to chanserv? [18:06] i can op anyone, but we've approved everyone we have in waiting [18:11] hi bcurtiswx [18:11] bcurtiswx, I joined the dc loco team this morning (I think) [18:12] bcurtiswx, and also, I am organizing a little release event [18:12] I would like to invite the loco to that [18:13] bcurtiswx: sorry for late response, at work...just that i think ^^^ [18:13] rickspencer3, lemme go look, once sec [18:13] thanks bcurtiswx [18:15] rickspencer3, what is your launchpad id ? [18:16] rick-rickspencer3 [18:16] bcurtiswx, ^ [18:21] rickspencer3, I don't see it https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-districtofcolumbia [18:22] bcurtiswx, hmmm [18:22] let me try again [18:23] bcurtiswx, ok, I have no idea what team I tried to join earlier :) [18:23] we've had to change our name before, since we're the weird part of the US in that we aren't a state, but a territory [18:24] bcurtiswx, taxation without representation :) [18:29] ;) [20:13] bcurtiswx, so, can you come on Thursday? [20:13] not looking good for me specifically, things can change tho. [20:13] rickspencer3, so what brings you to DC from Seattle ? [20:14] bcurtiswx, well, we (my wife, son, and I) lived in Alexandria in 90s, before we left so I could work at Microsoft in 1998 [20:14] that's why we went to Seattle [20:14] after the boy graduated High School, I had already been working for Canonical for 4.5 years, so ... [20:15] we decided to move back [20:15] my wife didn't love Seattle, but we both love DC [20:15] rickspencer3, ah I'm sorry you had to deal with MSoft ;) [20:15] (we have a daughter now too, but didn't when we left for Seattle) [20:15] bcurtiswx, almost 10 years there! [20:15] rickspencer3, well then, welcome back :) [20:15] thanks bcurtiswx [20:16] bcurtiswx, I'd love to be part of other loco events, btw [20:16] you introduced me to Mr. Shuttleworth at the UDS-O so I'm still thankful for that [20:16] I should have planned this party weeks ago, but I was so heads down driving the phone release [20:16] bcurtiswx, oh? I don't recall, though I'm sure he does [20:17] sabdfl never forgets anyeone [20:17] rickspencer3, i'm not very happy with how touch has taken away from the Desktop, but hopefully when things start getting more "gelled" the Desktop can regain that focus [20:18] We usually meet once a month in here for formalities as we try to get "official LoCo" status back [20:18] we're not official? [20:18] hmmm [20:19] i'm sure we could, but with how busy everyone is, we haven't attended a "let us back in" IRC chat [20:19] bcurtiswx, hold on, just took a call [20:19] brb [20:19] rickspencer3, sure thing [20:50] rickspencer3: I would be curious about the relative merits of living in DC vs Seattle. [20:50] ChinnoDog, then come on Thursday! [20:50] ;) [20:50] we can talk all about it [20:50] personally, I like both places [20:51] Meteorologically speaking, Seattle's a rainy place, but probably not as rainy as the past week has been [20:51] I can't on Thursday. :-( I already have plans. [20:52] Yeah, typically there's two points that have to be met in order for people to show up at events.. A) Metro access and B) Weekends [20:54] I would be up for it most weekdays but can't this time. [20:54] bcurtiswx good to note about the metro access, I'll keep that in mind for next time [20:54] I like having my weekends to myself. [20:54] probably more than 2 days notice too ;) [20:54] we had a small, but successful two outings from just the people in IRC on weekdays, but weekends are way better (and more notice) [21:22] bcurtiswx, marcoceppi is there a Loco wiki page where I should put the breadsoda thing? [21:23] rickspencer3, haha.. There is [21:23] the reason i laugh, is that we have a drupal page.. well.. had one.. and Canonical is having a troubled time getting it back up.. [21:24] rickspencer3, http://dc.ubuntu-us.org/ [21:24] oops [21:24] it's been that way for a good month now [21:24] bcurtiswx, well, now you have an escalation point :) [21:25] rickspencer3, if it helps it's been in purgatory in rt "rt.ubuntu.com #22941" [21:26] bcurtiswx, I need to go, remind me tomorrow and I'll chase it up :) [21:26] rickspencer3, i will try. Have a great evening [21:26] bye! [21:26] bye [21:28] bcurtiswx: YOU'RE THE ONE I NEED TO TALK TO [21:29] marcoceppi, yes? [21:29] bcurtiswx: IS contacted me a while ago, they can't update it and took it off line because of a plugin incompatibility [21:29] it, the site [21:29] after the forums were comprimised, they went through and upgraded all the properites. They asked me about the site but I didn't know who to mention it to [21:29] and it slipped my mind [21:29] they contacted you? [21:29] when? [21:29] before the site was taken offline [21:30] shortly before* [21:30] they can put it back online but the plugin needs to be removed or whatever. Let me find the email [21:30] i've been on contact with them after that, in e-mail threads, i gave them perm to get it back up with a newer Drupal [21:30] they told me all that in their initial communication [21:30] marcoceppi, but, thanks :) [21:30] bcurtiswx: cool [21:30] I can help push it along if need b [21:31] marcoceppi, OK, Thanks