
hallynwhen i do a juju bootstrap with saucy targets, juju status hangs, and the /var/log/cloud-init-output.log file shows "01:07
hallynThe program 'juju-admin' is currently not installed. To run 'juju-admin' please ask your administrator to install the package 'juju'01:07
hallyn(but juju is installed, juju-admin is not)01:07
davecheneyhallyn: i'm confused01:33
davecheneywhich are you running juju status ?01:33
davecheneyand were are you observing output to /var/log/cloud-init-output.log ?01:34
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hallyndavecheney: juju bootstrap from my laptop to ec2.  juju status from my laptop.  /var/log/cloud-init-output.log  from the bootstrap node02:00
hallynis default-series: saucy supported?02:01
davecheneyhallyn: yes, but not recommended02:04
davecheneyonly precise charms are used heavily02:04
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hallyndavecheney: yeah, just tried precise, it worked.  i can work with that for now.  will look into the saucy bit later :(02:17
hallyndavecheney: thanks02:17
* hallyn out02:17
davecheneyhallyn: the simple fact is02:23
davecheneythere are few (i'd almost say no) saucy charms02:23
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synergy_Help Help!!! :-)07:27
synergy_ Import of boot images started on all cluster controllers. Importing the boot images can take a long time depending on the available bandwidth.07:27
synergy_It's been almost 24 hours...07:28
synergy_BitMessage: BM-NB7JjF6C3KfsT7tK1v8QKJJLjBMPsFPs07:29
synergy_How long does it take to import boot images?07:32
jamespagesynergy_, can be quiet here in the mornings :-)08:06
jamespagesynergy_, which maas version?08:06
gnuoy I'm doing a fresh deployment with juju on a MaaS cluster. I can bootstrap the juju env fine using a tag to specify the bootstrap node but when I try and deploy a charm I don;t see any physical servers getting allocated in the maas UI and after a minute os so juju reports "error: cannot run instances: gomaasapi: got error back from  server: 409 CONFLICT" as the agent state info for the new machine08:06
gnuoyI have 16 servers in the Ready state using juju-core  1.16 and maas 1.2+bzr1373+dfsg-0ubuntu1~12.04.208:07
gnuoymaas.log shows: NodesNotAvailable: No matching node is available.08:07
gnuoyWhen bootstrapping I specified the bootstrap server using a maas tag if thats relevant08:08
synergy_I can check.08:42
synergy_juju-core (
synergy_maas 13.0408:46
synergy_sorry, the juju is from my laptop...08:46
synergy_maas 13.0408:46
synergy_(came with Ubuntu Server 13.04).08:47
jamespagesynergy_, hmm - that message might be a red herring; have you been able to commission and boot nodes?08:52
jamespagegnuoy, can you check that the servers are tagged correctly in maas - you can see that through the webui08:57
gnuoyjamespage, ~10 have tags and 4 do not08:58
gnuoyshouldn't maas just use an untagged server /08:58
jamespagegnuoy, might be that the tag constraint for the bootstrap node is applying to all subsequent deploys of charms08:59
jamespageand I guess you only have one marked for bootstrap tag right?08:59
gnuoythats correct08:59
jamespagegnuoy, OK - check juju get-constraints09:00
gnuoyis that telling me it will only use servers with that tag ?09:01
gnuoyfor all charms deployments not just for specifying the bootstrap node?09:01
jamespagegnuoy, yup09:08
jamespageyou can unset the constraint09:08
gnuoyok, I'll give that a try but I think this is a bug. I'm not trying to do anything exotic. Specify my smallest server as the bootstrap server and then deploy subsequent charms to any other server09:10
gnuoyjamespage, do that seem fair or am I missing the point ? ^09:11
jamespagegnuoy, the problem is that when you bootstrap an environment with --constraints, the constraints are applied environment wide09:13
jamespageunless you a) override then during charm deploy or b) unset them post bootstrap09:13
gnuoyjamespage, ok, how do I remove it post bootstrap ? juju set-constraints "tags=" ?09:14
jamespagehrm - probably09:14
gnuoyjamespage, that seems to have done the trick. thanks for all your help09:15
FourDollarsHi, I follow the instructions of https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/getting-started.html on LXC local provider (Linux). But it failed after I upgrade to 1.16.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu13.04.1~juju1. It does work on 1.14.09:57
gnuoyDoes juju support booting  instances from a ceph volumes (on Openstack grizzly) ?10:11
jamespagegnuoy, yup10:27
jamespagethe charms should support that10:27
gnuoyjamespage, its not a questions of the charms supporting it is it ? juju would need away of specifying a volume when bringing up the VMs ?10:28
jamespagegnuoy, oh - I see10:28
jamespagein which case no10:28
gnuoyjamespage, are there any plans to support it that you know of ?10:30
jamespageno idea -  sorry10:30
gnuoyok, np10:31
gnuoyjamespage, does this mean that when using openstack the root volumes for your instances are always going to be the local disk on the compute host ?10:43
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hallyndavecheney: the charms aren't an issue.  a saucy host won't bootstrap.  There is a packaging issue in saucy juju12:26
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adeuringbac: could you please have a look at this MP: https://code.launchpad.net/~adeuring/charmworld/fix-config-yaml-linting/+merge/191391 ?12:46
bacadeuring: sure12:47
bacadeuring: i think you have a typo in the MP description s/charmworld tarball/charmtools tarball/.  Could you that just to avoid confusion?13:06
adeuringbac: argh... yes, that should be "charmtools tarball", soory13:07
bacadeuring: approved, thanks.13:07
adeuringbac: thanks!13:07
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sidneimarcoceppi: seems you're the one doing charm reviews this week? i got 3 that have been through multiple reviews over almost a year and should *really* get landed14:03
marcoceppisidnei: yes, I'm on review this week and will be going through them today/tomorrow14:04
marcoceppisidnei: link them here and I'll peak at them first14:04
sidneihave fun *wink*14:05
jcastrojamespage, I missed this: "Juju 1.16.0 is also available for Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS in the Ubuntu Cloud Tools Archive."14:29
jcastrojamespage, I added some bullets to the release notes, I miss anything major? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/ReleaseNotes14:30
sinzuibac, benji_ : https://bugs.launchpad.net/charmworld/+bug/1229179 is killing me with hate mail. I think the root problem is that routing doesn't know how to select tip when it does not find a version in the URL15:46
_mup_Bug #1229179: Revisionless bundle requests raise ValueError <oops> <charmworld:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1229179>15:46
* bac looks15:47
rick_h_sinzui: just filed a bug for that on the charm side. Adding cards to the board for those.15:47
bacsinzui: i can confirm 'gui' is not a base-10 number!15:48
bacthanks rick_h_ for the cards15:48
arosalesHello, we are getting kicked off for the weekly charm sync if anyone would like to join us16:05
arosalesTaking notes @ http://pad.ubuntu.com/7mf2jvKXNa16:06
arosalesGoogle G+ URL: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/683a5a7220f041d63d29ffd87cbe2e8a031ce20b?authuser=0&hl=en16:06
arosalesalso being brodcast @ ubuntuonair.com16:06
josemarcoceppi: have a min?17:07
marcoceppijose: I will in about 3017:07
marcoceppijose: o/17:41
josehey marcoceppi, I'm having a problem with this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6246832/17:42
marcoceppijose: try re-installing lxc17:43
josewill do17:43
marcoceppijose: make sure juju-local package is also installed17:43
joseit is17:43
josereinstalled lxc and same prob17:44
hazmatsidnei, have you used the lxc thin provisioning bits you added?18:18
sidneihazmat: i have, locally. the patch hasn't landed in lxc yet, need to polish it a little bit.18:18
sidneiand of course the branches in juju didn't land either because of that.18:19
gary_posteromgponies, hey.  fwiw, I landed a fix for the gui problem that caused the deployer to be upset about subordinates in the exported file.  I'm trying to dupe your other gui issues now, using both gui 0.10.1 and trunk.  we should have a new release tomorrow with at least the first fix; we'll see on the second19:10
omgponiescool thanks :)19:11
Guest62958I have a problem with relation-joined or -changed not firing between services. In particular it's in my hue charm that i'm writing and trying to relate to hadoop namenode and jobtracker20:56
Guest62958I do see  hook.output DEBUG: Cached relation hook contexts on 'hive:122': ['jobtracker:120', 'namenode:119']20:56
Guest62958Not sure if something is preventing their hooks from firing20:56
Guest62958f I remove relation between hive and jobtracker, the -departed hook fires20:56
Guest62958but when I add the relation, no hooks fire whatsoever20:56
Guest62958Basically I can remove the relation20:59
Guest62958 relationworkflowstate: transition complete depart (state departed) {}20:59
Guest62958then when adding it again,  relationworkflowstate: transition start (None -> up) {}21:00
Guest62958 relationworkflowstate: transition complete start (state up) {}21:00
Guest62958but no hooks21:00
Guest62958Can someone help?21:01
Guest62958juju 0.6.121:01
davecheneyGuest62958: are your hooks executable ?21:02
Guest62958Hooks are symlinks to an executable file21:05
Guest62958They indeed work if I redeploy BOTH of the services21:05
Guest62958davecheney: But hadoop master gets somehow "stuck" and I can't get the relation hooks to fire on the existing node without bringing it down21:06
Guest62958So basically something happened to the relation state so that this particular service is prevented from firing hooks or something21:06
davecheneyGuest62958: hmm21:17
davecheneyi don't have any useful suggestions apart from upgrading to Juju 1.14.121:17
davecheneybut that is quite an upgade jump21:17
Guest62958yeah, can't do that any time soon. The machines in question are used b the development team...21:18
Guest62958davecheney: I did find an intersting detail about the problem though21:19
Guest62958there was a "service" in my environment that was called just hadoop (not hadoop-master or hadoop-slave)21:19
Guest62958but it was not up... not sure for what reason. and when I tested some stuff I accidentally tried to relate to i, rather than hadoop-master21:20
Guest62958When I destroyed that service, I got a bunch of fired repeated events  unit.lifecycle DEBUG: processing relations changed when i tried to create the relation from hue to master21:22
Guest62958as if something got released21:22
Guest62958from some stck queue21:22
marcoceppidavecheney: 1.16.0 *21:23
davecheneyhallyn: oh crap22:47
davecheneyis there a bug for saucy not working ?22:47
hallyndavecheney: i didn't open one22:47
hallyndavecheney: you've reproduced?22:49
davecheneyhallyn: no, i am childless23:00
hallyndavecheney: good to know :)  on a different note, have you run into the bug yourself?23:31
davecheneyno, i did not attempt to reproduce23:35
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