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Roeyhi.  Why does my Python script (it uses virtualenv) complain it cannot find concurrent.futures even though I've installed it with apt-get and can import it fine at the Python command line?00:55
t2mknmy DVD writer died, I have kubuntu 12.04 .iso downloaded. is it possible to use the .iso from other partition to install it without writing it to a DVD ?01:46
YOYOflash drive it yo01:46
t2mknyes i have01:47
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TheLambdais irc normally this 'boring'?01:50
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wolftunehelp, I am not updating correctly because of an error with procps03:47
wolftuneI tried apt-get -f install03:47
wolftuneno luck03:47
wolftuneI found something somewhere indicating to try: cat /etc/sysctl.d/*.conf /etc/sysctl.conf | sudo sysctl -p -03:47
wolftuneI did that and got a response that included:03:48
wolftuneerror: "Invalid argument" setting key "fs.inotify.max_user_watches"03:48
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xtrizhi guys :D06:14
hateballhello to you06:14
xtrizi created custom Kubuntu, now should i remove the kubuntu related files or i can keep it ?06:14
xtrizhi hateball :)06:14
xtrizfor eg, i customized plymouth theme, just changing logo and images, hence leaving the same kubuntu script. So is that ok ? or i should change where ever kubuntu is mentioned in that script ?06:15
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ooriggsoohey all quick question or two, the ia32-libs have been dropped for 13.10...... whats the alternative , and why was it dropped06:29
xtrizxtriz, anyone ?06:37
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tsimpsonxtriz: it's probably a good idea to change the branding if you create a custom spin-off06:41
xtriztsimpson, ok06:42
xtriztsimpson, thanks :)06:43
xtrizcan i set the default theme i need to set from the kubuntu-settings-desktop ?06:49
tsimpsonif you want, sure06:54
tsimpsonKubuntu generally uses whatever the KDE default is anyway06:54
xtriztsimpson, great06:58
xtriztsimpson, if in the config files i am replacing the dir with /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/ with /usr/share/my_custom_default-settings/06:58
xtrizthen will the directory of /my_custom-default-settings/ will be automatically created ?06:59
tsimpsonxtriz: I don't think so07:03
xtriztsimpson, that means i need to create all those directories. ok07:03
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eagles0513875hey guys im using kvm based vm's how can i take a snapshot of my vm?07:18
rauldukeHey, what is the packet manager GUI for Kubuntu 12.04?07:25
rauldukesomehow I disinsstalled it acidently07:26
alvin_What's the current Twitter client of choice for Kubuntu?07:27
alvin_raulduke: personally, I have been using aptitude since 2004, and there have never been any problems. The graphical package manager changes almost every release. I think the current one is called "muon".07:28
alvin_i   kubuntu-desktop Recommends muon07:29
raulduketank u07:29
rauldukebut it's really ugly this muon07:29
alvin_I have no idea. Never started it.07:31
alvin_Well, let's do that for a change. muon-discover is the new one in Sauxy07:33
alvin_Looks good actually07:33
noaXessanybody also have problem, that device notifier don't reconnect usb hd's which are configured to automount?07:33
alvin_Haven't tried that one either. Are the devices shown, but not mounted?07:42
alvin_Will there be a new version of Kubuntu Active? I've tried the daily two days ago. It was a disaster.07:43
noaXessalvin_: yes.. shown, settings corect. but need to manually mount it over dev. notifier08:14
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gaga_rinhi, how  i can update Ubuntu 13.04 to Kubunut 13.04 ? with out reinstall system08:53
skreech__gaga_rin: sudo do-release-upgrade08:54
gaga_rini don't want upgrade system, i want change unity to kde08:56
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is an open community that creates and maintains software including the Plasma desktop.  To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install  kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See  http://kubuntu.org for more information.08:56
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde »08:56
skreech__gaga_rin: Welcome09:10
yossarianukhey - is the new kubuntu out tomorrow ?09:26
tsimpsonyossarianuk: yes09:46
yossarianuktsimpson: groovey !09:51
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yossarianukevery version of kde is better than the last ......09:51
ubottukarlbehave: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».09:52
partahi everyone09:57
partaI was looking to install kubuntu and got this page09:57
partabut i am already on ubuntu, this page assumes that the user is coming from other operating systems. It will be awesome if this also has link to get kubuntu repos09:58
lordievaderparta: You already have the kubuntu repos ;)09:58
lordievaderparta: Simply run "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" to install the kubuntu desktop :)09:58
partabut generally backports and others are not enabled09:59
tsimpsonyou don't need them to install stock kubuntu09:59
partamy bad though I assumed that even kubuntu will not be there09:59
partaI saw that after I had posted the question09:59
eagles0513875hey guys does the calendar feature in kontact if setup to use google calendar does it auto sync betwee what I have there and what I am putting on the calendar here10:03
monkeyjuiceive used thunderbird to do that eagles051387510:14
alvineagles0513875: It used to work, yes. I'm no longer using it though. Too risky putting your data on USA servers.10:17
alvin(So, yes, it'll probably still work)10:18
eagles0513875what other alternatives do i have to sync calendars between an android device and linux?10:18
eagles0513875unless i host my own calendar on my own server.10:18
alvinThere are no alternatives to hosting your own server. No free ones at least. There's https://mykolab.com/10:20
eagles0513875i do have a server so that wouldnt be a problem10:21
alvinThen I think it's more important to know what actually works on Android. Kubuntu (Akonadi) has good standards support.10:22
alvinThere's simply no comparison between Kmail and the Android mail app. (Please, please, let Kubuntu Active be active again.)10:23
alvinThere was talk about the Kubuntu developers working together with Kolab, but nothing was heard after the initial annoucnement some years ago.10:27
alvineagles0513875: I haven't thought about http://runners-id.com/ yet. Maybe you'd like to try that? 2GB free, and based on Owncloud, which has clients for Kubuntu.10:49
jussialvin: everything on mykolab is able to be run on your own server...10:53
alvinIndeed. If you manage to install Kolab. My own installation is still Kolab2 on OpenPKG.10:53
alvinThere was talk about cooperation between Kubuntu and Kolab, but at the moment their platform of choice is RedHat/CentOS. There are no Kolab packages in Debian/Ubuntu repo's.10:54
alvin(no working or up-to-date packages that is)10:54
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ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde »11:19
BluesKajHowdy folks11:34
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skreech__Hi BluesKaj11:52
BluesKajhey skreech__11:54
hackndoes_Hi guys a small question, when should an automatic upgrade to 13.10 be available?11:54
BluesKajhackndoes_. sometime tomorrow . if your package manager/updater is set to do so11:57
hackndoes_BluesKaj: what do you mean by meant to do so?11:57
BluesKajset not meant11:58
hackndoes_yes sorry, what do you mean by set to do so?11:58
BluesKajto upgrade to the next release11:59
hackndoes_BluesKaj: my realease upgrade category in software sources is set to Normal11:59
hackndoes_is that OK?11:59
hackndoes_will this release come with the 3.11 kernel?12:00
BluesKajno , you have to find the setting in the package manager , or use the terminal and do , sudo do-release-upgrade12:01
hackndoes_BluesKaj: which setting do I need to find in muon?12:01
BluesKajI Imagine it's full upgrade , dunno for sure12:02
BluesKajwhen the new release is available , I do know that this works in the terminal , sudo do-release-upgrade , hackndoes_12:04
hackndoes_I find under software sources -> updates -> release upgrade -> "Normal Releases or Never or LTS" and I have Normal Releases selected12:04
hackndoes_BluesKaj: OK thanks. nothing else to do than that command? it's a single command that does the magic?12:05
BluesKajhackndoes_. yes if the release is available in the repos12:05
hackndoes_great thanks12:05
BluesKajhackndoes_. you might need some patience , sometimes it takes some time in my experience12:06
hackndoes_BluesKaj: that's OK I will do it when I am not on the computer giving it as much time as it needs. so you say I should try it tomorrow.... I will12:07
BluesKajhackndoes_. make sure you do a regular update and dist-upgrade before running the do-release-upgrade command , to make sure you present packages are in an upgraded state.12:13
hackndoes_BluesKaj: thanks a lot man I will12:14
hackndoes_BluesKaj: appreciate it12:14
Macerwhy doesn't my system settings have the ability to upgrade to 11.10?12:30
skreech__Macer: It will be rolled out for the auto system soon12:31
Maceryeah but i don't see the icon described in the kubuntu page in system settings12:31
Macerin that example they are showing in system settings there should be a software management icon. i'm not seeing that12:32
skreech__Oh 11.1012:32
skreech__Macer: what version are you on?12:33
Macer13.04 heh12:34
Macerdidn't notice that was for 11.x12:34
skreech__Macer: Then it will be out soon. You can do an early upgrade if you want to. if not comfortable with that then just wait a bit :)12:34
Macerah ok12:37
Maceri just thought for whatever reason my install wasn't working properly. thanks12:37
skreech__Macer: it hopefully isn't ":)12:43
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leftistwhen i install konversation, doesnt matter what distro i am in, it always defaults to kubuntu as my starting channel. why is that?13:28
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tsimpsonleftist: if you share a $HOME between them, the settings will be shared13:33
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leftistno these are independent drives tsimpson13:37
tsimpsonleftist: but is there a separate partition?13:38
lordievaderGood afternoon.13:39
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leftisttsmpson no. they are different drives with different os's on them.14:14
leftisti was just curious actually tsmpson14:15
leftistlet me format this drive bbl14:15
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rethusafter upgrade kernel to 12.04.3 i can't login to x15:00
rethuseven the dropdown where i can choose different plasma-sessions (below textfield for username and password) appear still default an safe-mode.15:01
rethusif i enter user and pass, the loginscreen disappaer, but the background-image still there. Nothing else happends.15:02
rethusany idea, what i can try to got this back to work?15:03
Macerkubuntu still doesn't allow streaming video to a video player using dolphin?15:07
Maceror should i say kde?15:08
Macerthat seems a bit fail15:08
rethustry vlc15:09
Maceri did15:10
Macerit seems like it is a known issue15:10
Macerdolphin can't seem to properly pass a method for video players to stream the video15:10
Macerit can't do it. it's borked15:11
Macerand even if it did manage to work. it does some idiocy like copying an entire file to a tmp dir then opening it15:11
Macerthe smb support in dolphin is horrid15:11
Macerthere also seems to be a problem wtih the built in wifi in this dell inspiron. i don't know what this proprietary module is doing but it totally destroys my 2.4GHz side of my router15:12
Macerthen only gets 350K/s15:13
Macerit will spike at 700K/s15:13
Macerbut this video streaming.. i mean it was a problem in 4.0.. now it's 4.10 or so and still can't simply double click a video on a smb share to play it?15:14
PimpSmurf-SchoolI'm trying to boot kubuntu 13.10 beta 2 on a brand new Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro. When it gets past grub, the screen goes black and doesn't recover.15:14
PimpSmurf-SchoolIs there something I can do to help get it to work?15:14
PimpSmurf-SchoolI'm downloading 13.04 to see if it works. Then when I get home I have a gentoo system recovery disk that I can use to get hardware info off of the machine (hopefully)15:15
Macerhardware info off your machine?15:17
ronnoc_jussi: Ping15:39
rethuscan i do a scan to got the needed driver for my graCard?15:39
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rethusat the moment, xorg.log say "(o drivers available15:40
xtrizi am deriving a distro based on kubuntu, now i am modifying a packaged called kubuntu-system-settings, should i have to remove all the occurrences of the kubuntu from that file ? or just changing basic stuff like logo and text which is displayed as kubuntu is enough ?15:52
rethuswhen kubuntu 13.10 release?16:37
rethusbut i cant upgrade fram 12.04 to 13.10, right?!16:38
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BluesKajrethus. no , a clean install after backing up your data is best16:43
xtrizi am deriving a distro based on kubuntu, now i am modifying a packaged called kubuntu-system-settings, should i have to remove all the occurrences of the kubuntu from that file ? or just changing basic stuff like logo and text which is displayed as kubuntu is enough ?16:44
xtrizif i want to ask some one from the kubuntu community where can i ask ?16:45
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xtrizany senior to guide me ?16:52
ikoniaxtriz: just ask the questions16:58
ikoniaxtriz: if someone knows, they will respond16:59
xtrizikonia, ok :)17:00
xtrizi have derived a distro based on kubuntu. Modified the packaged kubuntu-system-settings to change the icons and logos of kubuntu.17:02
xtrizother than that i have kept the package as it is with no changes.17:03
ikoniahow is this anything to do with kubuntu - as you have built your own distro, not kubuntu17:03
dolomiteI wouldn't even call it "building your own distro" lol17:04
xtrizikonia, because kubuntu is a trademark and i need to consult them before i do anything.17:04
xtrizdolomite, just cuztomizing :P yeah you are correct17:04
ikoniaare you using kubuntu logos ?17:04
xtrizikonia, no i am not using kubuntu logos17:04
ikoniaxtriz: then whats the problems ?17:04
xtrizalso removed the kubuntu text that is displayed.17:04
dolomitextriz are you planning on selling this distro to others?17:05
xtrizdolomite, not at all, it's completely free17:05
dolomiteI'm no lawyer but this doesn't sound like an issue at all17:06
rethusi have an i7, should i use 64bit download, or x86?17:06
dolomiterethus 64bit17:06
rethusk, thanks17:07
xtrizikonia, i am confused that customizing kubuntu-system-settings, with only changed logos and keeping everything intact and renaming the package to  custom_distro-system-settings will that be fine ?17:07
xtrizdolomite, hopefully that's the case :)17:07
rethushow can i reset choosed selections in aptitude17:07
dolomitedid aptitude replace muon in latest releases?17:08
xtrizikonia, so i can use it in my custom distro ?17:11
lordievaderdolomite: Why would aptitude replace muon? One is cli the other a gui.17:11
ikoniaxtriz: I don't see why not17:11
ikoniaxtriz: you are not using the kubuntu name or logos in anything17:11
xtrizikonia, no i am not using kubuntu name or logos in anything.17:11
ikoniaxtriz: I don't see an issue then17:11
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xtrizikonia, only some custom directories  are made for plymouth under the heading /kubuntu. i don't think that's a prob.17:13
xtriz lib/plymouth/themes/kubuntu-text/kubuntu-text.plymouth.in17:14
xtrizbut the text displayed is not kubuntu.17:14
xtrizin the theme when the system boots.17:14
xtrizikonia, is that fine ?17:16
ikoniaxtriz: I don't see why it wouldn't be17:23
xtrizikonia, great :) thank you so much for creating all the confusions for me :)17:24
RoeyHello.  I'm trying to get OpenGL working for an OpenSUSE Virtualbox guest / Kubuntu 12.10 host.  I have OpenGL working on the host; when I try to switch KDE desktop effects' rendering mode from XRender to OpenGL, it complains that OpenGL is not available.  I have the latest Expansion Pack and Guest Additions installed.  How do I fix this?18:06
PimpSmurfI was trying to install kubuntu 13.10b2 to my Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro (haswell + intel hd4400 graphics). It black screens when it tries to load Xorg18:08
PimpSmurfShould I try something before changing to 13.04 or another distro?18:08
backjlackHello. I'm running into this issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-baseapps/+bug/995138 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unattended-upgrades/+bug/975909 Is there some way to CLEAR these software upgrade notifications?18:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 993672 in intltool-debian (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #995138 Ships malformed interactive upgrade hook which causes translations to be shown in the dialog" [Medium,Confirmed]18:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 975909 in unattended-upgrades (Ubuntu) "strange dialog appears every now and then" [Undecided,New]18:10
backjlackIt's annoying me up to the point where I'd just switch to anything at all to not get the same warning about flash not being able to install...18:11
sbivolRoey: you are more likely to get help on #vbox on this issues18:16
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RoeyI cross-asked there.18:16
RoeyI don't know if this is an issue iwth VirtualBox or with the OpenSUSE host18:16
Roeyso I might as well ask in #suse as well.18:16
sbivolRoey: you should first find out whether opengl is supported by the driver you are using in OpenSuse. kinfocenter is a good tool for that18:22
Roeyyes perfect, thank you18:22
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Guest68639got an issue with my sound on kubuntu18:44
Guest68639my HDMI output is not listed in phonon18:44
Guest68639my USB headset works fine, and the regular sound card is listed, but not the HDMI18:45
Guest68639any ideas how to fix this ? where to start ?18:45
rodniceQuestion: Need help with Linux Audio :_(19:00
apbHello.  Using ubuntu 12.04... Getting an error: The server protocol version is 28, but at least version 33 is required. Install a newer version of the Akonadi server....   sudo apt-get install akonadi-server:  akonadi-server is already the newest version.  #akonadi says:then that really means your akonadi-server package isn't the right one19:03
apbso I'm not sure where to go from here19:03
yossarianukrodnice: whats the issue?19:24
rodniceyossarianuk: after a few weeks, I've found that I need to route Pulse to Jack in order to here audio from VLC with pro audio applications open19:25
rodniceyossarianuk: http://trac.jackaudio.org/wiki/WalkThrough/User/PulseOnJack19:25
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rodniceWhat would I need to do to edit alsa.conf?  "Access Denied"19:37
lordievaderrodnice: You need root rights, put "sudo" in front of your editor command (nano, vi, vim, etc)19:39
BluesKajrodnice. kdesudo kate /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf19:39
rodnicecome on... it can't be that simple.19:40
rodnicelol OK hold on...19:40
lordievaderrodnice: Oh as BluesKaj said, if you use a gui editor, use "kdesudo".19:40
BluesKajrodnice. what are you editing there?19:40
rodniceBluesKaj: I'm trying to feed Pulse to Jack19:41
lordievaderrodnice: May I ask why?19:41
rodnicelordievader: So I can have audio play with diverse latencies programs19:42
BluesKajrodnice. my understanding about jack , which is very limited , is that youdon't need pulse19:42
rodniceplay VLC tutorial while using Ardour19:42
rodniceBluesKaj: I'm not going to disagree with you since I need a good 2 years before I get used to Linux, but pro audio programs steal the sound and never relinquish it19:43
lordievaderrodnice: Not another pc/tablet around by any chance?19:43
rodnicelordievader: Actually I didn't notice it on mines until my friend noticed it on his.  We both jumped into Linux several weeks ago on our laptops.19:44
BluesKajyes rodnice , linux audio , especially the pro stuff is very arcane and difficult for laymen like me to understand19:44
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lordievaderrodnice: Imo it is more toruble that it is worth.19:46
rodnicenoooo!!! You guys are my role models! don't tell me that now! lol19:48
rodnicethere has to be a solution!19:48
ikoniapro-audio + linux = fail19:49
rodniceBluesKaj: what is the "kdesudo kate" command? I would never have thought to do that.19:50
BluesKajrodnice. what are you trying to do, setup a recording method with various inputs on your computer19:50
lordievader^ that, for me it's one of the reasons to keep Windows around on my laptop. The other being photo-editing.19:51
lordievaderThe ^ was referring to ikonia's comment.19:51
BluesKajalt+F2 , the enter the command I posted in the textbox aks krunner / run command19:51
BluesKajthen enter19:51
rodniceBluesKaj: I just want to hear audio from Hydrogen and something like VLC simultaneously19:52
BluesKajwhy simultaneosly ?19:52
rodniceBluesKaj: watch a tutorial while using the software19:52
BluesKajuse the tutorial on computer and run the coomands etc on the other , your friend's19:53
rodniceBluesKaj: yeah my setup logic probably makes no sense to begin with19:55
BluesKajcorrection ;read the turtorial on one computer , run the commands on the other, rodnice19:55
rodniceBluesKaj: Pro audio setups I guess don't really share with any other unnecessary programs19:56
BluesKajif you guys are serious look into something like ubuntu-studio , rodnice19:58
rodniceBluesKaj: I kinda sort of am.  Looking at this line: Redirecting PulseAudio to JACK19:58
rodniceOn Debian-like systems, be sure to install pulseaudio-module-jack. (TODO: Add information about Fedora, OpenSuSE and the lot)19:58
rodniceThen, use the following configuration if you intend to run jackd all the time:19:58
rodniceBluesKaj: How do I access  ~/.pulse/default.pa?19:59
rodniceit seems empty19:59
BluesKajrodnice. in your /home/user  enable hidden files20:00
rodniceBluesKaj: sweet! OK20:01
rodniceBluesKaj: Grrr... I'm attempting to use the windows method :-(20:02
BluesKajrodnice. ~/  is short for /home/user20:02
rodniceBluesKaj: thanx, that was in the book I read but I need to keep practicing20:03
BluesKajlook in dolphin view > enable hidden files , if you installed default.pa20:03
BluesKaji don't have that file20:04
rodniceBluesKaj: OK got it20:04
rodniceBluesKaj: And.... I'm no good :-(  Directory isn't on my system either20:05
rodniceBluesKaj: I guess tomorrow is another day20:05
BluesKajrodnice. ok20:06
rodniceBluesKaj: brings me to what lordievader said about Windows20:07
rodniceCan I have a Linux system host a Windows 7 one?20:07
BluesKajyes , in VirtualBox ...I ran windows7 on it for a while20:08
BluesKajVB is just one of many virtual machines one can use on linux20:09
rodniceBluesKaj: OK, so I would get Virtual Box from the download center and go from there, correct?20:16
apbI don't seem to have printer manager installed...20:22
apbso I did an apt-get install print-manager ... but it doesn't show up on the K menu20:22
PimpSmurfKubuntu 13.04 and 13.10 beta 2 confirmed not to boot on the Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro (Intel Graphics HD4400)20:26
lordievaderrodnice: You don't want to run pro-audio within a VM...20:30
lordievaderrodnice: For pro-audio you want your program to be as close to the hardware as possible. When you run your program inside a vm you add another virtualization layer in between program <-> hardware.20:33
lordievaderrodnice: Also the ~/.pulse folder is empty by default. That folder is for user-configs of PulseAudio. I.e. if you want certain settings different from the system-wide config and only on your account you would place them in ~/.pulse/20:36
rodnicelordievader: Thanks much!  The VM thing was another challenge I was planning on tackling before I start bragging of Linux to my Windows-only friends.20:40
rodnicelordievader: I wasn't going to try to have such a complex setup on this old laptop :-D20:41
rodnicelordievader: ~/.pulse/ does not exist on my system at the moment though. I guess I need to do my research into that20:41
rodnicelordievader: I'll return again on some other day.  Thanx for all the help20:46
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Macerbluedevil is malfunctioning21:29
Macerthe wizard for DUN and PAN won't start21:29
Macerlinux: 20 years later and basic functionality still doesn't work heh21:29
PimpSmurfI finally got kubuntu 13.10beta2 installed by using acpi_backlight=vendor. Install went without error, however when it reboots, it hangs at the grub prompt.21:48
PimpSmurfIs there something I can do to help?21:48
AddlePimpSmurf: Do you mean it drops you at a grub> prompt?21:49
AddlePimpSmurf: I fixed that by using boot-repair. Whoever wrote that deserves a medal. :)21:49
PimpSmurfthe grub command?21:50
AddlePimpSmurf: Just make sure to disable stupid Secure Boot.21:50
AddlePimpSmurf: No, let me find a web page for it... sec...21:50
AddlePimpSmurf: Basically, boot into the bootable DVD, install boot-repair and follow instructions exactly.21:50
PimpSmurfI already disabled secure boot. I'm guessing linux isn't secureboot friendly.21:51
AddlePimpSmurf: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair21:51
PimpSmurffirst computer with secure boot21:51
PimpSmurfTY Addle21:51
AddlePimpSmurf: Sure didn't work out for me with SecureBoot. But my buddy's Win8 boots and seems to run fine without it. Better without that abomination, anyways.21:51
AddlePimpSmurf: You're welcome :)21:51
AddlePimpSmurf: You can probably technically boot your system from that grub> prompt, BTW. For me, with the drive being the EFI partition and using GPT, "configfile (hd0,gpt2)/EFI/kubuntu/grub.cfg" worked. You can ls the contents with, for example ls to see the partitions and ls (hd0,gpt2)/ for seeing GPT partition 2. But anyways, boot-repair from DVD should fix it.21:54
soeealso dont use beta2 but the final :)21:56
Addlesoee: Oh, it's out! Thought that was tomorrow. Time zones, I guess. Sweet...21:58
soeeAddle, not yet21:58
Addlesoee: Did they fix those boot issues? Was a bit annoying.21:58
soeebut the current iso is final21:58
Addlesoee: Ah, ok. Thanks for the info.21:58
soeeAddle, i just tested few installation options, they all worked just fine21:59
Addlesoee: Good stuff :)21:59
soeeand boot laso21:59
Daskreechapb: Still here? did you get the Akonadi figured out?23:38

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