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GMMiggeHi guys, question related to launchpadlib. In the browser I can get the archivesubscriptions, and when I view one of the subscriptions I get an id, .e.g. ...+archivesubscriptions/2872611:16
GMMiggeUsing the launchpadlib APIs I can get the subscriptions via getArchiveSubscriptionURLs(), and from the URLs figure out the PPA and then get the actual archive link.11:16
GMMiggeBut how would I go about to extract the id from above (i.e. 28726)11:16
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lfaraoneIf someone is hosting proprietary software (just binaries) on Launchpad, to whom should that be reported?15:06
czajkowskilfaraone: please file a question on lp15:06
czajkowskilinking the project in question and it'll be looked into15:07
lfaraoneczajkowski: Okay. If I'd rather not do this publicly?15:07
lfaraoneor is that the only mechanism.15:07
czajkowskilfaraone: you can also mail help@launchpad.net15:09
lfaraonemeh, whatever. https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/237445 reported.15:10
czajkowskiwell you asked for one privately that was the reply :)15:11
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philsfhello, I published code for two projects in lp, but in my innocence I used (bzr) tags to identify release versions. what is the best practice to track those in lp? do I need to branch at each version?15:47
JonnyJDphilsf: I personally also only have tags for versions and create branches only when I need to backport some fixes15:55
philsfJonnyJD, I'm new at lp hosting. Does this mean I'll only see the trunk timeline, not the versions?15:56
JonnyJDphilsf: you can track the versions when you add "milestones"15:58
JonnyJDphilsf: you can also add a regex to your branch for the downloads and it will track versions from that15:58
JonnyJDphilsf: "Release URL pattern:" in the settings for a "series" is what I am talking about (automatic version import)16:01
JonnyJDimporting milestones/versions by tag isn't possibly afaik16:01
JonnyJDlfaraone: what do you mean? this is a python package and the code isn't even obfuscated16:06
shadeslayercurious, do Launchpad builders not allow files in /usr/local16:06
JonnyJDlfaraone: or are you talking about xflux, which is included in binary from (in fluxgui), but probably shouldn't?16:08
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philsfJonnyJD, my projects are perl apps, I create deb packages locally with debian tools. if I keep an updated debian/ dir in the trunk, can lp automatically create the deb for me?16:14
philsfJonnyJD, or is there a better place for debian/* ?16:14
JonnyJDphilsf: yes you can keep "debain" in your trunk and you can crate a recipe that builds this automatically or by request (automatically taking version info from debian/changelog)16:15
JonnyJDphilsf: I personally keep the packaging in a different repository16:16
JonnyJDphilsf: because when somebody else wants to package your software for debian and doesn't want to use your packaging he has to remove your "debian" folder16:16
JonnyJDwell, you can have both in a repository. My point is rather that a repository without "debian" should be available16:17
philsfJonnyJD, by "repository" you mean another branch associated with the project?16:19
philsfJonnyJD, can you show me an example?16:19
JonnyJDphilsf: https://code.launchpad.net/~musicbrainz-developers/+recipe/python-discid16:20
JonnyJDthis recipe takes a bzr branch with "debian" packaging and code in one branch. However, it was created by merging packaging and code. The original code is in https://code.launchpad.net/~jonnyjd/python-discid/master16:21
JonnyJDphilsf: another recipe can then take only your code and mix it with only the packaging part of that repository: https://code.launchpad.net/~musicbrainz-developers/+recipe/python-discid-daily16:22
philsfJonnyJD, cool16:32
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philsfJonnyJD, I think I found some more documentation about deb packaging and recipes. but what about tarballs? can lp generate that from the bzr tags?16:38
JonnyJDphilsf: from what I grasp, orig.tar.gz are allways created16:40
JonnyJDbut if you do want to use automatic milestone generation you normally already have versioned tar.gz archives16:40
JonnyJDphilsf: like I said, launchpad doesn't care much about the tags themselve. But you can add "milestones" to list versions on the launchpad page and include versions in "debian/changelog".16:43
philsfhmm, I'm looking at the milestone creation page now. trying to wrap my tiny brain around all this stuff, lol16:44
philsfJonnyJD, much thanks for all the help!16:44
philsflast question: is "register a new series" the same as creating a milestone in trunk?16:45
dobeyphilsf: no, trunk itself is a series.16:53
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JonnyJDhttps://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/237445 says "answered" as the status, but isn't actually dealt with (the propriatary software from above). Is there anything I can do to reset this?17:07
czajkowskiJonnyJD: you can't no, but the admins can if they need to17:25
czajkowskias they are based in AU they'll review it tomorrow17:25
czajkowskiJonnyJD: also to answer your question non open source projects can be hosted on LP, they just pay commercial  hosting17:26
lfaraoneJonnyJD: I reopened it.17:26
lfaraoneJonnyJD: I'm talking about xflux, which (to the user) is presented as part of the app.17:27
dobeyczajkowski: this is about putting non-free code from other people in PPAs, not hosting full projects17:27
lfaraoneregardless of whether they are technically separate, as a user I wouldn't know the difference.17:28
lfaraonedobey: well, they could purchase a commercial subscription and still publish proprietary code in their PPAs :)17:28
czajkowskidobey: yes they are seperate issues. was also just clarifying about hosting also.17:28
czajkowskiwgrant: and StevenK are hopefuly asleep at this hour and they review the questions17:28
dobeylfaraone: sure. except the person in question probably also doesn't have explicit permission to redistribute the xflux binary anyway17:29
dobeylfaraone: so they'd still be in violation of whatever the xflux license is in that respect17:29
lfaraoneEntirely unrelated, if I were part of an org interested in using Launchpad PPAs / project management, if I had a commercial subscription is there any support for offering packages built for Debian in the same PPA?17:29
lfaraonedobey: they appear to have tacit approval from http://justgetflux.com/linux.html, but there's no license grant17:30
dobeyno, PPAs only support building for ubuntu at the moment17:30
cjwatsonlfaraone: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/188564 applies to commercial-subscription PPAs too17:30
ubot5Ubuntu bug 188564 in Launchpad itself "Build also packages for Debian in PPA's" [Low,Triaged]17:30
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philsfI just created milestones for my project past releases. how can I link particular bzr revisions for the code hosted there, so I can offer download tarballs?17:47
JonnyJDphilsf: you can specify which revision to build: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/SourceBuilds/Recipes#Specifying_revisions17:48
JonnyJDyou can also use tags there.17:48
JonnyJDYou will need either one recipe per tag or you just change your recipe for every version17:49
JonnyJD(I would just change/update the recipe for every version)17:49
philsfJonnyJD, oooohh, THAT'S what I was look for. thanks, mate!17:50
philsfi renamed my tags (create new tag, delete old tag), but after I pushed to lp, now I have both tags in the repo. If I branch to a test dir, I get both the new and old ones. what did I miss?18:38
JonnyJDphilsf: hm, I don't remember how to delete a tag remotely in bzr18:43
cjwatsonbzr tag -d lp:blah --delete TAG18:43
cjwatsongenerally bzr is pretty transport-agnostic - you can give it remote URLs anywhere it might be able to take a local branch18:43
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philsfcjwatson, thanks18:50
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jderosecan anyone shed any light on why so many of the UDD saucy packaging branches are out of date currently? gnome-settings23:17
jderoseer, gnome-settings-daemon and qemu, for example23:17
cjwatsonStraight answer?  Because udd is a really hard thing to do right and there's been very little maintenance effort available for it.23:21
cjwatsonThe problems show up on package-import.ubuntu.com and I think most of them at least have bugs23:22
jderosecjwatson: gotcha... yeah, i know you folks are all kinds of busy, np :)23:24
jderosecjwatson: so what's the recommended workflow with UDD is possible for a package?23:25
jderoseer, *when* UDD isn't possible23:25
cjwatsonGet the source package directly23:26
cjwatsonTBH that's the workflow I use with the bulk of packages at least for drive-by fixes23:26
jderoseand then debdiff to propose a change/fix?23:27
cjwatsonYou can throw it into a local repository if you like although it wouldn't necessarily be mergeable into others'23:28
cjwatsonDepending on the complexity of your changes23:28
cjwatsonThis is in the category of "things that would be much easier if we used git"23:28
jderoseokay. i'm realizing how naked and vulnerable I feel without VCS for this... and shows how awesome UDD can be, when working :)23:28
jderosehmm, okay23:28
cjwatsonIf you're feeling really keen you could try to fix udd, but I don't have much specific advice to offer there23:28
cjwatsonIt's lp:udd23:29
jderoseno time at the moment, but maybe next week i'll have a keen feeling moment or two, and will take a look23:29
jderosecjwatson: anyway, thanks. and thanks again for the last minute ubiquity fixes... huge help for system7623:31
cjwatson[6~[6~[6~you're welcome.  been a busy week or two23:32
cjwatson(gah, lag)23:32
jderoseand congrats on the 13.10 release, and ubuntu touch 1.0! not sure if you're celebrating yet, or still working :)23:33
cjwatsonstill working I fear23:38
jderoseyeah, me too... so i'll let you get back to it, and i'll do the same. thanks again!23:39

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