
* bigjools waves at roaksoax00:27
roaksoaxbigjools: here01:15
bigjoolsroaksoax: howdy01:16
roaksoaxbigjools: howdy!01:16
bigjoolsjust seeing where we're at with that filtering bug on imports?01:16
roaksoaxbigjools: huh?01:16
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1240215 in MAAS "changing the default arches in import_pxe_files prevents maas-import-ephemerals from running" [Critical,Confirmed]01:16
bigjoolsI wasn't sure if it needed more work or if the simplstreams library fix helped01:17
roaksoaxbigjools: well I was thinking it might be easy to fix provided that we split('/')01:17
roaksoaxbigjools: no I don't think it is the simplestreams stuff01:17
roaksoaxsmoser: ^^01:17
bigjoolswe're all deep fixing the multi-environ thing at the moment01:18
roaksoaxbigjools: ok i'll see what i can do with the ephemerals stuff01:19
roaksoaxbigjools: this fixes it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6243363/01:31
bigjoolsroaksoax: nice.  Add a test and I'll approve it.01:36
smoserroaksoax, i replied to that MP02:01
smoserbut you also have to consider '/highbank' might be in there.02:01
smoseryou might as well do somethign like:02:01
roaksoaxsmoser: there's something further down for highbank02:02
smoseri dont thinkt hat covers it02:02
smoser' '.join([f.split("/")[0] for f in legacy_config.get('ARCHES', '').split()])02:03
smosersomething like that maybe02:03
roaksoaxsmoser: yeah that works! thakns!02:09
roaksoaxbigjools: https://code.launchpad.net/~andreserl/maas/fix_lp1240215/+merge/19132702:18
roaksoaxsmoser: ^^02:18
roaksoaxbigjools: all yours. Im gonna patch the mpackage and upload02:19
bigjoolsroaksoax: looks ok I'll approve02:19
bigjoolsroaksoax: there's another fix landed recently to support multi-environs02:19
bigjoolscan you take that too?02:19
roaksoaxbigjools: what's the rev?02:19
roaksoaxbigjools: rev's and bug number please :)02:19
bigjoolsroaksoax: see branches attached to https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/123948802:20
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1239488 in MAAS "Juju api client cannot distinguish between environments" [Critical,In progress]02:20
bigjoolsr1708, 1709, 1710 basically02:21
roaksoaxbigjools: are all of those the actual fixes?02:21
roaksoaxbigjools: i mean02:21
roaksoaxfinal fixes?02:21
roaksoaxno more fixes for that bug?02:22
bigjoolsroaksoax: I think so - the rest of the fixes are in juju02:22
roaksoaxok cool02:22
bigjoolsroaksoax: also see 1707, bug 122808502:22
ubot5bug 1228085 in MAAS "The commissioning script 00-maas-03-install-lldpd outputs to stderr." [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122808502:22
bigjoolspossibly bug 119098602:23
ubot5bug 1190986 in MAAS "ERROR Nonce already used" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119098602:23
bigjoolsnot *critical* though02:23
roaksoaxbigjools: yeah.. that's the thing...02:23
bigjoolsbug 123837602:23
ubot5bug 1238376 in maas (Ubuntu) "maas-import-ephemerals no longer inherits config from maas-import-pxe-files" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123837602:23
bigjoolsyou got that one I think02:24
roaksoaxbigjools: yeah so only the critical bugs will get in02:24
roaksoaxthere's 4 fixes, already02:24
roaksoaxand the multienvironment02:24
roaksoaxis 3 patches02:24
roaksoaxnot sure that the release team will be happy about that02:24
roaksoaxsmoser: ^^02:24
bigjoolsyou can merge three into one02:24
bigjoolsthey're consecutive02:24
roaksoaxbigjools: yeah02:25
bigjoolsI can't see why they would be unhappy to take critical fixes02:25
bigjoolsI'd be fucking ecstatic02:25
roaksoaxbigjools: one day before release... whgen the ISO isprobably read already?02:26
roaksoaxbigjools: which would cause an ISO re-spin02:26
roaksoaxi don't think they'll be happy02:26
bigjoolsit's not on the iso though is it?02:26
bigjoolsoh server iso02:26
bigjools0-day fix it is :)02:26
roaksoaxbigjools: yeah, so the ephemeral stuff is important for the ISO02:27
bigjoolswell apparently the cloud-installer would take much longer without this fix02:27
roaksoaxbigjools: this is what I have so far: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6243516/02:27
bigjoolsroaksoax: and you need the multi-env one02:28
bigjools~400 lines though :/02:28
roaksoaxbigjools: ahh02:29
roaksoaxbigjools: then release team *wont* be happy02:29
bigjoolsdunno why they would get unhappy about the size, it is either critical or it isn't02:29
roaksoaxbigjools: yeah i think i know how to approach taht one02:30
roaksoaxbigjools: let me know when you approve the ephemeral fix plz02:30
roaksoaxbigjools: the fixes for juju don't look so bad.. since I only take the actual patch and not the changes in the test02:34
bigjoolsroaksoax: yeah I have one more fix coming for juju02:35
bigjoolsworking on it right now02:35
roaksoaxbigjools: ok02:35
roaksoaxi'll be back later then02:35
bigjoolsthanks roaksoax02:35
bigjoolsremind me to buy you a beer next week :)02:35
roaksoaxlol will do02:36
roaksoaxbigjools: remind me to make you drink lots of pisco :P02:36
bigjoolsroaksoax: I can't drink at the moment :(02:36
roaksoaxbigjools: how's the fix looking?03:33
bigjoolsroaksoax: slow .... this is Go after all03:33
bigjoolsnearly there03:33
bigjoolswell,  nearly ish03:33
roaksoaxbigjools: i might have to get that package uploaded tomorrow then03:33
roaksoaxcause I'm about to die03:33
roaksoaxunless we do sru03:34
bigjoolsroaksoax: yeah it won't get done in the next hour :/03:34
roaksoaxbigjools: so my take is this, I can upload a new maas package with the fixes, and tomorrow, i make another upload which willk most likely be as a 0day sru03:35
roaksoaxunless they can process it03:35
bigjoolsroaksoax: ok03:36
bigjoolsthat's the best we can hope for then03:36
roaksoaxbigjools: yeah cause eitherway I don't think they will process the upload today03:37
roaksoaxbigjools: but at least I ensure that the fixes up until now are uplaoded03:37
roaksoaxand easier to negotiate on getting them released03:38
bigjoolsroaksoax: great03:38
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bigjoolsroaksoax: my juju change landed on trunk06:32
gnuoyI'm doing a fresh deployment with juju on a MaaS cluster. I can bootstrap the juju env fine using a tag to specify the bootstrap node but when I try and deploy a charm I don;t see any physical servers getting allocated in the maas UI and after a minute os so juju reports "error: cannot run instances: gomaasapi: got error back from07:51
gnuoy      server: 409 CONFLICT" as the agent state info for the new machine07:51
gnuoyI have 16 servers in the Ready state using juju-core  1.16 and maas 1.2+bzr1373+dfsg-0ubuntu1~12.04.207:53
gnuoyNot sure if this is relevant but all the machine have a manual tag and I'm not specifying a tag constraint  to juju at the moment07:54
gnuoyI'll try removing a tag and trying again07:56
bigjoolsgnuoy: I think the tag for bootstrapping gets applied by default in juju07:57
gnuoyhi bigjools, looking in the maas.log I see "NodesNotAvailable: No matching node is available". So if all machines have a tag and you try to deploy a charm without specifying tag is refusing to allocate a machine the desired behaviour ? I'm trying to think if that makes sense08:00
gnuoyBy not specifying a tag constraint with juju are you saying "This can go anywhere I don't care" or are you saying "This can only go to machines which haven't been preallocated with a tag"08:01
bigjoolsgnuoy: it uses the constraints from the bootstrap node IIRC08:03
bigjoolsso if you put a tag on it then it expects all machines to have that tag08:03
bigjoolsdid you say all the machines have that tag?08:03
bigjoolssorry I have to run - try asking in the juju-dev channel08:04
bigjoolsback later08:04
gnuoybigjools, ok, thanks.08:04
jamespagebigjools, still around? I need to understand which MAAS bugs are still outstanding for Saucy10:10
jamespageand which ones we must land pre-release (i.e. it matters if they are on the ISO)10:10
jamespageallenap, maybe you can help with that if bigjools is eod?10:11
bigjoolsjamespage: I am EOD but I can help10:11
jamespagebigjools, marvellous!10:11
bigjoolsI did give a list to roaksoax earlier10:11
jamespageyeah - I was just looking through those10:12
bigjoolsbug 12280510:12
ubot5bug 8422 in tsclient (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #122805 Error message on ending VNC session" [Medium,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/842210:12
bigjoolsbug 122808510:12
ubot5bug 1228085 in MAAS "The commissioning script 00-maas-03-install-lldpd outputs to stderr." [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122808510:12
bigjoolsbug 123837610:13
ubot5bug 1238376 in MAAS "maas-import-ephemerals no longer inherits config from maas-import-pxe-files" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123837610:13
bigjoolsbug 123948810:13
ubot5bug 1239488 in maas (Ubuntu Saucy) "Juju api client cannot distinguish between environments" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123948810:13
bigjoolsbug 124021510:13
ubot5bug 1240215 in MAAS "changing the default arches in import_pxe_files prevents maas-import-ephemerals from running" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124021510:13
jamespagebigjools, ok so bug 1238376 got patched in10:14
ubot5bug 1238376 in MAAS "maas-import-ephemerals no longer inherits config from maas-import-pxe-files" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123837610:14
jamespageditto bug 124021510:15
ubot5bug 1240215 in MAAS "changing the default arches in import_pxe_files prevents maas-import-ephemerals from running" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124021510:15
bigjoolsI saw roaksoax made a patch for everything except 123948810:15
bigjoolsthat's a big one10:15
jamespageI think bug 1239488 and bug 1228085 are still outstanding10:15
ubot5bug 1239488 in maas (Ubuntu Saucy) "Juju api client cannot distinguish between environments" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123948810:15
ubot5bug 1228085 in MAAS "The commissioning script 00-maas-03-install-lldpd outputs to stderr." [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122808510:15
jamespagebigjools, i guess this is related to bug 122927510:16
ubot5bug 1229275 in juju-core "[maas] juju destroy-environment also destroys nodes that are not controlled by juju" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122927510:16
bigjoolsrvba: is https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/1228085 fixed?10:16
rvbabigjools: yes10:17
bigjoolsjamespage: that one is all done actually I marked the maas task as fixed10:17
bigjoolsrvba: uh why does it say triaged?10:17
rvbabigjools: someone forgot to flip the switch.10:17
bigjoolsjamespage: sorry to be clear, bug 1239488 is all done10:17
ubot5bug 1239488 in maas (Ubuntu Saucy) "Juju api client cannot distinguish between environments" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123948810:17
jamespagebigjools, landed in maas but not yet in distro right?10:18
bigjoolsjamespage: right10:18
jamespagebigjools, and there is an associated juju-core fix I need to pull for that as well I think10:18
bigjoolsjamespage: correct- but that ones a little complicated because after Gavin and I landed branches, they wanted to change something again10:19
bigjoolsso talk to roger peppe10:19
jamespageI am10:19
bigjoolstip top10:19
* bigjools has the Norfolk lingo down pat10:19
bigjoolsjamespage: ok anything else?10:21
jamespagebigjools, I thinks thats OK for now - thanks for the help10:24
jamespage(I was being asked in #ubuntu-release)10:24
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jpdsHow does one find out which tests failed for a machine in MAAS?14:37
jpdsroaksoax: Would you know? ↑15:32
roaksoaxjpds: the webui should show which failed15:35
jpdsI see a 02-maas-virtuality.15:36
roaksoaxjpds: 2 out of 5?15:37
jpdsroaksoax: Yes.15:38
roaksoaxjpds: so that's probably the one that failed15:44
roaksoaxjpds: you can get into the image and debug15:44
roaksoaxjpds: https://lists.launchpad.net/maas-devel/msg00808.html15:44
jpdsroaksoax: Is there anything in the docs about debugging?15:45
roaksoaxjpds: yes15:45
jpdsroaksoax: And got it to work, helps if I give them a proxy so they can get to the internet.17:02
roaksoaxjpds:  yep :)17:07
allenapsmoser: Ought there to be a lock around critical parts of maas-import-pxe-files too?19:25
smoserallenap, i suppose probably. i have not really thought about that.19:27
allenapsmoser: I'll look into doing it. Do you think this is a critical bug?19:28
smoserallenap, well i'm not sure how matsubara hit it19:29
smoserits trivial to lock such things19:29
smoseri pointed at the apparently "correct" way to do it in celery19:29
smoserbut you could just do it below celery with 'run-one' in ubuntu (although that is in universe).19:29
allenapsmoser: That's a good solution, but unfortunately it means pulling in django on the clusters, which I'd rather avoid.19:31
matsubarasmoser, allenap: I tried maas-import-pxe-files with run-one but it didn't work:,label=lenovo-RD230-01/113/console, I guess you meant running import_ephemerals.py with run-one then?19:31
matsubaraallenap, and the qa-lab-tests found that bug. sometimes the tests pass but more often than not it hits the checksum error19:31
allenaprun-one also uses the whole command line when considering locks, iirc, but we want to restrict anything in the datadir.19:31
allenapmatsubara: It's great they hit it. Did it take a lot of work from there to figuring it out?19:32
smoserallenap, oh. i didn't know.19:32
matsubaraallenap, annoyingly yes, specially because I thought initially the problem was with the proxy, so wasted a lot of time checking that squid was doing what it was supposed to be doing19:33
smoserallenap, i dont know *why* they hit it ghouth.19:33
matsubaraallenap, and the qa-lab-tests had horrible debug output when maas-import-pxe-files fails (which is now fixed by a another branch of mine)19:33
matsubaraso it was painful but I think it'll turn out to improve the quality of the tests at least19:34
matsubaraallenap, if you have a fix, I can help test it in the qa lab19:49
allenapmatsubara: I'm looking at that now.19:50
matsubaraallenap, thank you19:50
adam_gafter updating MAAS to 1.4+bzr1693+dfsg-0ubuntu2~ctools,  'juju status' giving me: ERROR TLS handshake failed: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority 1.20:14
adam_gany ideas?20:14
roaksoaxadam_g: nope, but the updates do not mess with juju sections at all.... unless related to the bson issue... but that';s weird either way20:52
roaksoaxbigjools: ^^20:52
adam_groaksoax, hmm must have been something unrelated. cleared ~/.juju/environments and its working again.. but now it seems IPMI stopped :|21:59
adam_groaksoax, hmm. nvm. looked like celery wasn't connected properly22:02
roaksoaxadam_g: hehe ok :)22:05
bigjoolsroaksoax: did a newer version get uploaded with the patch for multi-envs?22:53
roaksoaxbigjools: nope22:53
bigjoolsroaksoax: SRU then?22:53
roaksoaxbigjools: we determined that's not release critical22:53
roaksoaxbigjools: yep22:54
roaksoaxbigjools: i'll upload tomorrow and bug for it to get in tomorro22:54
bigjoolsit's release day here!22:54
bigjoolssadly, my desktop is riddled with problems :(22:55
roaksoaxbigjools: he,... mine running smoothly22:56
bigjoolsI currently have an awful unstoppable noise coming from the speaker... brb, rebooting22:56
bigjoolsah better22:57
bigjoolsroaksoax: fyi http://maas.ubuntu.com/docs/changelog.html23:38
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1240570 in MAAS "please add exynos5 support to ephemerals" [Undecided,New]23:38
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