
=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam
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mihirnik90: ping !!!05:19
mihirmhall119: ping05:33
mihirpopey: ping !!06:36
popeymi pong06:50
mihirdpm: good morning :)07:03
dpmmorning mihir :)07:03
mihirdpm: I just upgraded my system , and also installed qtOrgainzor-eds07:03
dpmmihir, ah, awesome, did the upgrade go well?07:04
mihirstill i am unable to create any event any idea ? am I left with any more dependency?07:04
mihirdpm: yeah it went well , but still not able to run calendar app smoothly :|07:04
dpmmihir, try 'sudo apt-get install qtdeclarative5-qtorganizer-plugin'07:05
mihirdpm: it is already installed on my machine07:06
mihirdpm: when I try to save event , the app get closed automatically07:06
dpmmihir, any error messages on the console?07:10
dpmmihir, you can try to do 'sudo apt-get install calendar-app' to make sure all dependencies are indeed installed07:11
dholbachgood morning07:12
mihirdpm: i also did that too07:14
dpmmorning dholbach07:14
dpmmihir, so what messages are shown in the command line before the app crashes? Without that, I'm running out of ideas07:15
mihirdpm: this is what I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/6244273/07:15
mihirIf i run app, create event & save (the app get closed)07:16
dpmmihir, what do you get when running 'apt-cache policy qtorganizer5-eds' ?07:16
dholbachhey dpm07:17
mihirdpm: this is what I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/6244275/07:17
dpmmihir, and what happens when you try to run '/usr/lib/evolution/evolution-source-registry' ?07:20
mihirdpm: bash: /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-source-registry: No such file or directory07:20
dpmmihir, try to run 'sudo apt-get install evolution-data-server'07:20
mihirdpm: bingo it did work :-D07:23
mihirdpm: why this wasn't installed as dependecy ? :(07:23
dpmmihir, awesome. I don't know, I would have expected it to be :/07:23
dpmmihir, would you mind reviewing https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/ubuntu-calendar-app/event-detail-fix-fields-1240241/+merge/191301 ?07:24
dpmmihir, note that in that branch I disabled the "Edit event" action until the edit event branch has landed07:26
mihirdpm: okay :) yes I am just reviewing the code07:27
mihirdpm: approved :)07:31
mihirdpm: I guess those changes I had already covered into my MR , anyway I approved it07:32
dpmgreat, thanks mihir. I wanted to have them in there in case the edit event branch doesn't make it to the image07:33
dholbachdaker, great blog post!07:36
dpmmihir, how are you getting on with your edit event branch?07:54
mihirdpm: I am stuck , but trying to resolve it , i am not much aware of EDS , so need some time07:54
mihirdpm: ping !!08:12
dpmhi mihir08:13
mihirdpm:  the guest entries should be comma seprated?08:13
dpmmihir, I don't know, sorry. I was also struggling to find any documentation on Qt Organizer or EDS. You might have to do some trial and error in the meantime.08:14
mihirdpm: okay i am almost done, how much time do we have ??08:14
dpmmihir, actually, we don't have any time left, but it'd be good to get this in and make it available post-release08:15
dakerdholbach: thanks!08:25
janimo`what are comments like //![0] and //![1] used for in QML? I cannot seem to find anything on google08:32
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Global Dignity Day! :-D08:34
t1mpjanimo`: I haven't seen that before.08:57
mihirhi dpm08:57
janimo`t1mp, it is in many qml example files, for ex: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/examples/quick/tutorials/samegame/samegame1/samegame.qml08:58
dpmmihir, pong09:11
guschoSoMoN: hi - sorry forgot to log into IRC this morning09:32
guschoSoMoN: that bug - yes it's know, it's a duplicate in fact09:32
oSoMoNgusch: hey, no worries, that happens to me sometimes too :)09:32
guschoSoMoN: I have a workaround, but not a perfect one09:32
oSoMoNgusch: ok, can you mark it as such?09:32
guschoSoMoN: did already09:32
oSoMoNgusch: thanks!09:33
mihirdpm: here is my MR , I am done with editing  https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni-123/ubuntu-calendar-app/editEvent/+merge/190106 :)09:36
dakerhey mihir line 123 why did you do this event.description = "messageEdit.text"; ?10:30
dakerit should be event.description = messageEdit.text; no ?10:30
mihirdaker: yes ,10:36
mihirdaker: my mistake10:36
mihirdaker: updated :)10:37
mihirand pushed , thank you for your time10:37
dakermihir: i do get NewEvent.qml:69: ReferenceError: errorDlgComponent is not defined10:42
dakermihir: it's has been changed to errorPopupDialog10:44
mihirdaker: Hmmm, when there is an error regarding time right ?10:46
dakermihir: yes10:46
dakerstartDate >= endDate10:47
mihirdaker: i didn't change anything..i just merged code and also couldn't find any conflicts in this10:51
dakerhey oSoMoN11:06
oSoMoNhey daker11:06
dakeri am trying to install the webbrowser deps (libqt5v8-5-private-dev) but i am getting : Les paquets suivants contiennent des dépendances non satisfaites : libqt5v8-5-private-dev : Dépend: libqt5v8-5-dev (= 5.0.2-3) mais 5.0.2-3ubuntu1~quantal1~test1 devra être installé11:07
oSoMoNdaker: you’re on quantal?11:08
dakeroSoMoN: no Saucy11:08
dakeri upgraded from 13.04 months ago11:09
mihirdaker: found issue , resolved11:10
dakermihir: ok :)11:11
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dakeroSoMoN: any idea ?11:25
oSoMoNdaker: no, let me test something, I’ll ping you back11:26
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dakeroSoMoN: :( http://paste.ubuntu.com/6245151/11:32
oSoMoNdaker: looks like you have a quantal PPA enabled somewhere11:34
oSoMoNdaker: 5.0.2-3ubuntu1~quantal1~test1 is suspicious, on saucy…11:34
oSoMoNdaker: I just successfully installed the build deps and compiled webbrowser-app in a clean saucy chroot11:41
dakeroSoMoN: ok trying to figure out how to clean the source.list11:41
oSoMoNdaker: grep -rn quantal /etc/apt/sources.list*11:42
dakerl moved all files from sources.list.d11:43
dakeroSoMoN: because i did this Quantal -> Raring -> Saucy11:44
dakeroSoMoN: anyidea how to cleanup the APT db ?11:45
oSoMoNdaker: no, but you can do the following to see which packages have a quantal version installed: dpkg -l *qt5* | grep quantal (be sure to do this in a wide-enough terminal window)11:48
oSoMoNdaker: then for each of those packages, apt-cache policy $packageName will tell you what versions are available11:48
dakeroSoMoN: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6245216/11:50
oSoMoNdaker: ok, so what’s the output of "apt-cache policy $packageName" for each of those packages?11:54
dakeroSoMoN: not all http://paste.ubuntu.com/6245248/11:57
oSoMoNdaker: ok, so for those packages that already have a "*quantal*" version installed, you’ll have to manually downgrade to the other version that’s available from the archive, e.g. "apt-get install libqt5v8-5=5.0.2-3"11:59
dakeroSoMoN: ah ok i see12:00
dakeroSoMoN: it works!12:09
dakeroSoMoN: i am trying to implement bug 117013812:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 1170138 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "[browser] Add support for HTML5 time input" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117013812:19
mihirdpm: i did revert, but it shows no change .12:19
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dpmmihir, as you've committed the change already you'll need to revert to a previous revision of the manifest, then commit, and then push12:28
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mihirdpm: done :)12:39
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oSoMoNdaker: sounds good, you should get in touch with Zsombor from the SDK team, I think he’s been working on a generic date/time picker widget12:54
oSoMoNdaker: he’s on holidays atm though12:54
dakeroSoMoN: i'll use the one used by the calendar app12:55
dakeroSoMoN: so far http://paste.ubuntu.com/6245499/ i am still unable to figure out how to trigger a signal on the app not the plugin12:57
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mhall119mihir: pong13:03
dpmmihir, approved the edit event branch, thanks!13:06
mihirdpm:  thank you :)13:06
dpmmihir, since it's related to editing events, would you be interested in looking at this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ux/+bug/124050513:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 1240505 in Ubuntu Calendar App "There is no way to delete an event" [High,Triaged]13:06
mihirdpm: sure I'll now look into it :)13:07
dpmmihir, cool, thanks. Once you start, could you assign yourself to it and mark it as In progress, so others know it's beind worked on?13:08
mihirdpm: sure , once I start I'll do it :)13:08
dpmperfect, thanks again mihir!13:08
dholbachbeuno, and a new myapps deployed - nice13:44
dholbachlooks like we can close a couple of bugs of https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/+bugs?field.tag=appstore - right? :)13:44
beunodholbach, indeed we can. And the complete re-design is in the queue for deployment today13:45
dholbachbeuno, it looks different already13:45
beunodholbach, oh!  it just got deployed  :)13:48
dholbachthere you go :)13:48
GuidoPallemansmhall119: got a link?14:00
GuidoPallemanssmartboyhw: are you in a hangout?14:02
smartboyhwGuidoPallemans, no and can't attend, I have to revise for the biology test....14:03
smartboyhwdpm, ^14:03
mhall119GuidoPallemans: link to what?14:07
smartboyhwdpm, can you sent some sort of summary or anything to me abut the meeting results after you guys finished?14:07
GuidoPallemanssorry, it was to the hangout, but i got the wrong name14:07
dpmsmartboyhw, sure14:09
dpmsmartboyhw, what's the status of [smartboyhw] Get a list of notes from the Evernote API and display them: INPROGRESS ?14:10
smartboyhwdpm, actually, I'm investigating about the Apache Cordova library, the API best works with it, but dunno what to do with the library....14:11
dholbachmhall119, do you know if the source of "random images" is available somewhere?14:16
dakeroSoMoN: remember one thing for the ua-override if it's a Google product use the Android UA14:18
oSoMoNdaker: yeah, I think it’s a rather good rule of thumb :)14:21
mhall119dholbach: I don't, no14:21
dakeroSoMoN: try using the same rule as G+14:26
oSoMoNdaker: for maps you mean?14:26
dakeroSoMoN: yes14:26
dholbachmhall119, ok, thanks14:27
oSoMoNdaker: I tried that, and I also tried a plain Chrome on Android string, but it’s not any better14:27
dakeroSoMoN: thoses cases where you only get the desktop version only the UA of the second request get overrided (https://maps.google.com/mapfiles/home3.html)14:31
oSoMoNdaker: nope, the UA of both requests is overridden14:32
dakeroSoMoN: that's not the case for me14:32
oSoMoNdaker: how do you evidence that?14:33
dakeroSoMoN: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6245921/14:34
dakeroSoMoN: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6245923/14:35
oSoMoNdaker: heh, you’re right, I’m seeing that too now14:36
oSoMoNdaker: so it seems there’s something broken in the UA override mechanism itself…14:37
dakeroSoMoN: ya14:37
dakerthe first request is not overrided14:37
dakeroSoMoN: try this : http://maps.google.com14:37
dakerit will redirect to https14:37
dakeralways the first request is not overrided14:38
oSoMoNdaker: interesting, there’s something really wrong there, I’ll dig in QtWebKit’s code to understand why that’s happening (in theory the onNavigationRequested handler should be called before issuing the HTTP request)14:41
dakeroSoMoN: i am also trying to see what's wrong here it's correct http://paste.ubuntu.com/6246074/ but the inspector shows that the UA of the first request is Mozilla/5.0 (Ubuntu; Mobile) WebKit/537.2115:09
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wellsbdpm: Thanks for getting the judges' showdown feedback out15:26
wellsbIt seems some of the judges had difficulties figuring out the basic navigation structure of Ubuntu Touch.  I wonder if general users may have the same issues.  https://plus.google.com/110587021591787005452/posts/ZYA1k6bSERg15:28
balloonsping nik9015:30
dpmwellsb, you're welcome15:41
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dpmnik90, you use the qt organizer plugin in clock, don't you?16:19
dpmThe reason I'm asking is because it seems the QML plugin for it is not installed by default in the images16:19
dpmso the latest calendar does not run properly when trying to save an event. I'm wondering why we didn't notice this before with the clock16:20
WebbyIThey popey, can you set this branch for calendar as "approved"? Mihir did it, but then an autopilot fails, and now branch waiting only a change of status :)16:32
* popey looks16:33
WebbyITwas an odyssey that branch16:35
WebbyITthanks popey :)16:36
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nik90dpm: sry, was cooking dinner17:05
nik90dpm: I dont use qt organizer17:05
dpmnik90, no worries, I've figured it out17:05
dpmyeah, I forgot about the alarms api17:06
nik90dpm: I only use the Alarms API whihc in terms uses EDS17:06
nik90dpm: exactly17:06
balloonsping nik9017:09
nik90balloons: pong17:13
balloonsnik90, so I'm playing with alarms trying to write tests and finding some interesting interactions. got a min?17:15
nik90balloons: yeah go ahead17:15
balloonsnik90, so first of all, sometimes the option I selected disappears from the dropdown. Secondly, I'm unsure of why the save button stays locked for so long. it seems like i have to change every field before I can save17:16
nik90balloons: I noticed the option disappearing rarely..however the save button locking is due to the EDS processing...only after EDS has saved the alarm, the add alarm page will disappear taking you back to the main page.17:18
nik90balloons: but what did you mean by changing every field?17:18
nik90balloons: changing the time alone should be sufficient17:19
balloonsnik90, I mean go create a new alarm and immeadiately hit save17:19
balloonsit won;'t let you.17:19
nik90balloons: on phone?17:19
balloonschange the time, still can't17:19
balloonschange label, nope17:19
balloonschange occurs and repeats too? ok17:19
nik90balloons: if you are setting the time for today, that time has to be after the current time17:19
balloonshehe, that did it17:20
nik90balloons: yeah you cant set an alarm in the past :)17:20
balloonsthe lack of response isn't helpful, but yes makes sense :-)17:20
nik90balloons: I will report a bug about the lack of response17:21
nik90balloons: the thing is we dont have a design for showing user about failures etc17:21
balloonsok.. so that just leaves the option for disappearing things17:21
balloonsnik90, yes it's lacking across the board I think17:21
nik90balloons: true17:21
nik90balloons: so If I am right, today is wednesday, and if you choose wednesday that option disappears17:22
nik90is that right17:22
balloonsnik90, yes17:23
balloonsit gets the alarm correct still17:23
nik90balloons: yes..it is an interaction bug with the option selector alone,. shouldnt affect the alarm saving..17:23
nik90but I agree it is a bug17:23
balloonsnik90, alright I'll keep moving17:28
popeybeuno: "Changes can not be accepted and published at this time. Please try again later.17:31
beunopopey, checking17:35
nik90balloons: bugs reported17:41
beunopopey, trying to figure out what it is17:49
beunoretrying may work17:49
popeybeuno: retrying did work17:50
beunopopey, I have the original error, so I'll chase that into oblivion17:50
popeythank you!17:51
popeybeuno: There was an error connecting to the download server. Please try again later.17:59
beunopopey, yeah, something like half the threads are in an error state18:00
popeyretrying worked18:00
beunogetting it restarted18:01
balloonsnik90, the alarmlist objects persist after you delete them18:10
balloonsit's weird18:10
balloonsnik90, ping18:34
om26errenato_, what talks to eds in the address-book-app chain ?18:40
om26erdoes the address-book directly talks to EDS or QtOrganizer does that ?18:41
renato_om26er, the contact-service18:41
renato_app -> contact service -> eds18:41
om26errenato_, what's the project name ?18:41
om26errenato_, I have not digged much deeper, so I was thinking of mocking eds dbus api for writing autopilot tests for the address-book18:42
renato_om26er, I am trying to figure out how to create unit test for the server without change the the user space18:42
renato_om26er, let me show something18:43
renato_om26er, i am trying to help the folks guys on that18:43
ubot2Gnome bug 648811 in general "Add a dummy backend" [Normal,New]18:43
renato_this should solve our test problems18:43
renato_but this will take a while to get ready18:44
om26errenato_, right. So I guess you will get a bit time in the 14.04 cycle to solve that ?18:45
renato_om26er, yes this is what I want, I need to check with bfiller the priorities but I hope I can spend some time on that,18:45
renato_om26er, I am working on that right now18:45
renato_om26er, but this will take more than days to get ready18:46
om26errenato_, do you think we can go with a short term "hack" for this problem? once you complete that branch we can switch tests to your solution18:47
om26erbut for now I am willing to create a contact on the fly. it will atleast give us some coverage18:48
renato_om26er, I do not have a short solution for that18:48
renato_om26er, you can try to change the manager to use "memory" this should give you something to work18:48
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om26errenato_, if I change the manager to memory I was still seeing my old contacts18:49
renato_I can add a argument on the app to make this easy18:49
bfillerrenato_: that's what I was going to suggest, no need to mock eds18:49
renato_bfiller, but this does not solve the server  test problem18:49
bfillerrenato_, om26er : either flat file or memory backend should be fine for testing the api18:49
bfillerrenato_: what is the problem exactly?18:49
om26errenato_, ok add an argument to change the backend to memory instead of galera and I'll write tests with that18:50
renato_bfiller, for the server we need to get this bug fixed: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=64881118:51
ubot2Gnome bug 648811 in general "Add a dummy backend" [Normal,New]18:51
renato_the app I think we are fine with memory18:51
renato_since this does not try to interact with dialier-app or message-app18:51
renato_om26er, ^^^18:51
om26errenato_, I actually want to write integration tests as well. to make sure the phone and message button takes us to the related app.18:52
renato_om26er, "memory" backend does not share contacts btw apps18:52
om26errenato_, alright, lets first get started on writing a few UI tests then18:53
renato_om26er, ok give me some time to implement that18:54
bfillerrenato_, om26er : why can't we use address-book-service with it's eds backend for testing?18:54
renato_bfiller, eds backend will create users on "user space/address book"18:55
bfillerrenato_: is that a problem?18:55
renato_besides that the user "address book" is unpredictable you do not know which is the address book exists, how many users they have18:56
bfillerrenato_: can make a temporary address book that gets deleted after the tests?18:56
renato_bfiller, if the tests crash in the midle18:56
renato_you can corrupt the user address book18:56
renato_this is not the correct way to go18:56
mrqtrosHi folks!18:57
balloonsdpm_, popey nik90 https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/ubuntu-clock-app/alarm-tests/+merge/19148218:57
om26ermy idea was backup the contacts, delete the db, paste our test database, run the test, delete the db and then restore the original database back..18:57
om26erbut as renato_ says if the test crashes, we won't restore it18:57
bfillerrenato_: if you have a know address book for tests and use that I don't see what the problem is. Can be different for each test or the same and can be deleted when tests start or finish18:58
bfilleryou can have multiple db's with eds I think18:58
mrqtrosIs there any work in progress about localized input? :) Currently there are only one english keyboard18:58
bfillermrqtros: yes there is19:00
renato_bfiller, we can no relay on user enviroment to create unit tests, this will cause more problems than solve  :D19:00
renato_bfiller, lets go with the dummy folks backend this is the correct solution19:00
bfillerrenato_: I think I'm confused about what we're trying to accomplsih. dummy folks backend seems like the wrong place to me19:01
renato_meanwhile I will help om26er to to use memory backend on contacts app19:01
bfillershould have nothing to do with folks19:01
renato_bfiller, we use folks on the contacts-service we do not talk direct with EDS19:02
bfillerrenato_: if we're trying to write unit tests for the address book service, then address-book-service needs to bypass EDS for unit tests19:02
renato_bfiller, the dummy backend will allow us to programatically create/remove/edit users19:02
mrqtrosbfiller cool! Can you approximately say when we will see this feature19:03
renato_then we can simulate any change and tests the results on the server19:03
bfillerrenato_: lets discuss this more next week before you guys do anymore work on it19:03
om26errenato_, btw do you if eds provides a dbus api to lets say add/delete contacts ?19:04
bfillermrqtros: within the next month or so. there is already language switching support in the keyboard it just hasn't landed and we only have about 5 or 6 langs impelmented19:04
bfillerom26er, renato_ : just to be clear: we should not be doing anything eds specific. All tests should be exercising the address-book-service api or the QtContacts api. those are our public api's19:05
renato_om26er, EDS uses dbus API, but we should use the C library for that19:05
mrqtrosbfiller I (from Russia) and my mate (China) can help :)19:05
renato_bfiller, I am talking about the address-book-service unit tests :D19:06
renato_om26er, is talking about the contact-app tests19:06
om26erand I am talking about address-book-app autopilot tests.19:06
renato_to solve the omer problem we can go with memory backend this will be enough I think19:06
mrqtrosbfiller we can take care of our native languages support :)19:07
renato_since omer wants to test the app itself not the service19:07
renato_the service need to have his own tests19:07
bfillermrqtros: cool, take a look at this MR: https://code.launchpad.net/~thomas-moenicke/ubuntu-keyboard/ubuntu-keyboard-language-menu-2/+merge/190657. It adds initial support to the keyboard to switch langs19:07
bfillerrenato_: yes agreed19:08
popeynik90: are you able to review that from balloons ?19:09
balloonsdpm_, popey nik90 it's not quite ready, sorry I meant to say that as well. I've got more stuff to add, it's just the first pass19:10
bfillermrqtros: basically you just need to make qml layouts for your keyboard language and that is basically it19:10
bfillermrqtros: once this MR lands then you can switch langs via a key on the osk19:10
mrqtrosbfiller I can try make it :)19:18
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Guest52583Hello guys19:20
Guest52583howz going19:20
nik90popey: will review when it is ready19:26
nik90balloons: just let me know when it is ready ofr review19:26
iBelievepopey, ping19:52
popeyiBelieve: yo19:53
iBelievepopey, I've got a few questions about LP #123946019:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 1239460 in Ubuntu File Manager App "Selecting file and tapping 'Open' does not open the file" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123946019:53
iBelievepopey, first of all, do you experience that bug at all?19:54
popeylets see19:56
popeythats what I get, clicking open does nothing ☹19:57
iBelievepopey, okay, thanks. Do you know if URL opening is working on the phones at all? I know it wasn't working awhile back, but I thought it got fixed.19:58
popeyiBelieve: works on app by app basis, docviewer should work..19:59
iBelievepopey, so is there a specific type of file I should ask the bug's reporter to try opening to see if it is a problem in our code or an SDK bug?20:00
popeypdf should open in the doc viewer, if it doesnt and you can't launch from file manager to doc viewer then its a bug20:01
popeywhich may require changes in both apps20:01
iBelievepopey, okay, thanks. I'll ask the bug's reporter to try that.20:02
mrqtrospopey ping20:02
mrqtrospopey it's already midnight in Russia (in part of Russia where I am living), and do you wanna know what I can see on the screen of my phone now? :) Top right corner clock says "12:04 AM", while "Clock" app says "0:04"20:05
mrqtrospopey desktop Ubuntu says "00:04" too20:06
mrqtrospopey I think UP should use unified format of displaying time20:07
popeymrqtros: I agree! :D20:10
mrqtrospopey you know who is responsible, I think, so notify them please ;)20:11
randomcpphi everybody :)20:11
popeymrqtros: pretty sure it's well known :)_20:15
mrqtroshello randomcpp20:15
randomcppsorry if I'm not working on touch app as promised, but I've been very busy with university lessons..tomorrow is the big day, isn't it? :)20:17
mrqtrosrandomcpp which app do you mean? :)20:17
mrqtrosrandomcpp for me it's already today :)20:18
randomcppsaucybacon and calendar (I wanted to help on that app)20:19
randomcppmrqtros, almost 2 hours to go for me :p20:19
mrqtrosrandomcpp cool :)20:21
mrqtrosI don't event know who won Showdown, forgot to see results20:22
mrqtrosrandomcpp congratulate you ;) I've seen result only now :)20:24
randomcppmrqtros, eheh thank you20:24
mrqtrosrandomcpp Sad that I was disqualified (already got phone from Canonical as core app developer), but I like competitions.20:25
mrqtrosrandomcpp my app - YaD20:25
mrqtrosrandomcpp ported from MeeGo - but my app, not stolen snake :)20:25
mrqtrosrandomcpp strange results for ported app :)20:26
randomcppyeah, but I don't know which were the other ported apps participating20:26
mrqtrosrandomcpp it's sad that I was not able to participate just for interest, not for prize :)20:27
randomcppyad is pretty cool, unfortunately I didn't know Yandex before you started working on yad for ubuntu touch20:28
mrqtrosrandomcpp yad is very limited in function by OS sandbox :(20:28
randomcppI know, apparmor is limiting sometimes :/20:29
mrqtrosrandomcpp I hope this situation will change in future ;) In my discussion people says that ability to create 3rd party file managers will appear in future20:31
mrqtrosrandomcpp I need less than file manager :)20:31
mrqtrosrandomcpp just system wide file selection "dialog" and folder to download :)20:32
randomcppis still there the policy you can only write in your .local/share/<..> directory?20:34
nik90randomcpp, mrqtros: app confinement is important from the security perspective..at one point the whole app inclusion into the app store will be automatic..this cannot be done without assuring data protection.20:36
randomcppoh hi nik90 :D20:37
nik90randomcpp, mrqtros: The situation has improved quite a bit with extensive documentation on which ipolicy groups to use20:37
nik90randomcpp: hi :)20:37
mrqtrosnik90 hello! Is there any permission to use "Downloads" folder? :)20:38
nik90I dont know if you guys took a look at http://developer.ubuntu.com/publish/apps/security-policy-for-click-packages/20:38
nik90mrqtros: I think at the moment you are limited to just your own application folder for write access20:39
nik90which should be .local/share/app-name20:39
mrqtrosnik90 it's not cool for user to see that directory20:41
nik90balloons: hmm..alarm is buggier than I hoped :(20:53
nik90balloons: sry, the eds fix now exposes issues that I couldn't test for before the fix landed20:54
vthompsonballoons: Do you know if we expect the music app to be able to play mp3s in the build environment with Jenkins?20:54
balloonsnik90, no worries.. I'm trying to work through it20:55
balloonsit's complex but I want to land something20:55
balloonsvthompson, I haven't heard from fginther about that at all actually20:55
randomcppgood night, good luck for the launching :)20:56
fgintherballoons, what's up?20:56
balloonsfginther, vthompson is wondering about our friendly neighborhood music app and mp3 play :-)20:56
vthompsonfginther: I'm trying to do mp3 playback testing for the music app and it fails when mp3s are played20:56
balloonsin theory we should be able to add the decoder to the system easy enough20:57
vthompsonfginther, do you think it may be a dependency issue?20:57
fgintherballoons, vthompson, I did get jack working for the one MP that I had.20:57
fginthervthompson, what's the current failure?20:57
fgintherlink would be good20:57
balloonsremember our conversation about proprietary codecs?20:58
balloonsI assume that's what vthompson is referring to20:58
vthompsonfginther, in my lp:~vthompson/music-app/add-ap-test-shuffle-and-mp3 branch when it attempts to play back an mp3 it doesn't load the media and isPlaying never turns true20:58
vthompsonfginther, here's a recent failure
vthompsonballoons, you are correct20:59
vthompsonfginther, also the branch is currently working because I swapped out the mp3 with a flac file20:59
fginthervthompson, ok, so it's likely that the mp3 dependencies are not present21:00
vthompsonfginther, is that something the build system will need to be fixed for? Or something in the app?21:00
fginthervthompson, if mp3 playback is needed by a test, then it should be a dependency for music-app-autopilot21:04
vthompsonfginther, Ok, I'll try to add such a dependency21:04
fginthervthompson, balloons, any idea what package provides this?21:05
balloonsfginther, yes a moment21:05
=== bfiller is now known as bfiller_afk
balloonsubuntu-restricted-extras is the metapkg21:06
balloonsfginther, vthompson gstreamer1.0-fluendo-mp3 is what you want21:06
vthompsonballoons, excellent! Thank you!21:07
fgintherballoons, thanks21:07
balloonsit's from here: http://www.fluendo.com/shop/product/fluendo-mp3-decoder/21:07
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
vthompsonballoons, fginther, I actually had to specify gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly as a dependency to get the mp3 test to pass. I also included gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly because it seems like we have both in the build environment22:12
balloonsugh, you had to grab the whole thing eh?22:13
vthompsonballoons, maybe I could do gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3 if there is such a thing?22:13
balloonsvthompson, yes there is22:13
vthompsonI'll try that22:13
balloonsthere is 1.0 and .122:13
balloonsbut it worked n'est pas?22:14
vthompsonWe'll see if just  gstreamer1.0-fluendo-mp3 and gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3 will make it work22:16
vthompsonballoons, could you review https://code.launchpad.net/~vthompson/music-app/add-ap-test-shuffle-and-mp3/+merge/191111 assuming just the fluendo package dependency is what's needed?22:19
vthompsonIn particular, I'd like to know your thoughts on my shuffle test22:20
balloonsvthompson, hmm22:24
balloonsnik90, where are you hiding the clock db? it keeps coming back even if I delete it22:44
balloonsI take it it's an eds thing22:45
rotomasnew to qml and the ubuntu sdk. i was sad to see quickly/python fade away, but moving on. is it possible to use a sqlite database with only qml or do i need to learn c++?23:21
WebbyITrotomas, you can use storage in qml, see for an example https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-calculator-dev/ubuntu-calculator-app/trunk/view/head:/Storage.qml23:23
WebbyIThi popey, just read your mail23:23
popeyhey WebbyIT23:23
WebbyITpopey, Kuanl and mihir  are definitely sleeping, they are both from asia23:24
popeyyeah, they'll wake before me ☻23:24
popeybut Kunal is living in Europe I think23:24
rotomasthanks WebbyIT, that's perfect for what I need to do!23:24
WebbyITdo you think that they can fix it tomorrow morning? :)23:25
WebbyITrotomas, you're welcome ;)23:25
WebbyITpopey, so, last night before Ubuntu Touch 1.0 :) They were awesome month!23:26
WebbyITI'm going to bed that is late also here in Italy :)23:26

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