
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
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pittiGood morning05:32
mlankhorstHello, world!\n07:55
didrockshey mlankhorst!07:56
didrockshow are you?07:56
mlankhorstExcellent, you?07:57
didrocksI'm fine thanks!07:57
czajkowskididrocks: Congrats!07:59
didrocksthanks czajkowski ;)07:59
czajkowskiLaney: ello ello08:07
Laneyhello czajkowski08:08
Laneywhere in the world are you today?08:08
czajkowskiLaney: :) just back in Guildford, no more travel for 10 days then off to Italy, Ireland, NYC, Toronto08:10
czajkowskidid just get back from Paris and Munich. so need a little downtime :)08:11
didrockshey Laney!08:19
Laneyola didrocks!08:21
Laney¿cómo estás?08:21
didrocksthanks for the fix! (didn't tested it)08:21
didrocksgoing well. Seems a busy day ahead, but fine!08:21
didrocksand you?08:21
Laneygot a doctors appointment later, otherwise fine!08:22
Laneynot sure which fix you're referring to, but thanks08:22
didrocksLaney: I guess the language selector seems you/cyphermox landed it :)08:23
Laneyah well I just approved it08:23
Laneyattente did the work08:23
didrocksyeah, nice to get that fixed! (again not tested, just trusting you ;))08:27
didrocksattente: thanks!08:27
Laneyjust got scared that we broke it09:33
Laneyturns out that the latest image doesn't have new uss ;-)09:33
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didrocksLaney: yeah, it was blocked in proposed, no-one hinted it10:47
didrocks(I did it this morning)10:47
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=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
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pitti$ cat /etc/default/lxc | pastebinit  -11:31
pitti$ status lxc-net11:32
pittistatus: Unknown job: lxc-net11:32
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seb128good morning desktopers13:46
=== pstolowski|brb is now known as pstolowski
kenvandinehey seb12813:50
seb128kenvandine, hey, how are you?13:50
kenvandinegreat, and you?13:50
seb128I'm good thanks13:51
seb128hacking in the Montréal office with larsu desrt and attente13:51
desrtwe had bagels this morning13:52
desrtthey were extremely delicious13:52
kenvandinerub it in...13:52
larsudesrt: ...13:52
desrtlarsu is a hater13:54
desrthe doesn't like montreal-style bagels13:54
desrtcrazy, right?13:54
larsudesrt: stop trolling, it's not Friday!13:56
LaneyWelcome to #ubuntu-bagel-lovers13:58
cyphermoxdidrocks: indeed I had not hinted it because it was not in the landing plan, and I wasn't sure anymore14:35
didrockscyphermox: ok, no worry ;)14:35
cyphermoxseb128: what, dude, you in the office too?14:35
didrockscyphermox: we didn't spin an image anyway14:35
seb128cyphermox, hey, yes I am! do you plan to come work here one day this week?14:35
cyphermoxdidrocks: ok14:35
cyphermoxseb128: yeah, tomorrow and friday I can14:36
* cyphermox should get in the office more14:36
Laneyall the fun in montreal14:36
cyphermoxso, you guys want to come back for a sprint in January :D14:36
Laneystgraber should come in too!14:36
cyphermoxLaney: poke him, he might14:36
Laneyjust did14:37
cyphermoxI went to lunch with him yesterday14:37
cyphermoxLaney: are you there too?14:37
cyphermoxit's like I'm missing a big party :)14:37
LaneyJust living vicariously through the hourly bagel updates14:37
cyphermoxseb128: desrt: larsu: attente: anyone else?14:39
stgraberah sounds like I'll have to walk a whole 5 minute and get to the office then ;)14:39
stgrabermaybe this afternoon, depends on how testing is going as I doubt we've got gigabit access to the ISO images at the office, so probably best to do that here than to annoy everyone there by saturating the link ;)14:41
seb128cyphermox, not desktopers no, but there is one table of certification people next to us14:42
cyphermoxyeah I guess I'm usually at that table14:42
cyphermoxsil2100: poke, you still around?14:43
sil2100cyphermox: always14:45
sil2100cyphermox: what's up?14:45
cyphermoxsil2100: curious if you could tell me what's up with mediaplayer-app for landing?14:46
seb128Laney, sorry, I think we did conflicting changes to g-s-d :/14:50
seb128Laney, I just pushed/uploaded a 0ubuntu7, then saw your email about keybindings/screensaver14:50
Laneyyou'll get a reject then :-)14:51
seb128Laney, https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-settings-daemon/ubuntu14:51
seb128Laney, well, I've those pushed in the vcs14:51
LaneyI didn't push as it didn't get accepted yet14:51
seb128Laney, did you forget to commit?14:51
Laneybut it is now14:51
Laneylet me merge14:51
seb128Laney, is your 0ubuntu8 a SRU or for release?14:52
Laneyalready in14:52
sil2100cyphermox: ok, so I was still getting a crash file when testing the bug in mention14:53
seb128Laney, maybe just push --overwrite your vcs and I can redo my changes14:53
Laneyseb128: It's ok, I'm just merging it14:53
Laneyapplies apart from changelog14:53
seb128Laney, should I reupload as 0ubuntu9 or do you it as well?14:53
Laneyyou can do that14:53
seb128Laney, ok, thanks for fixing the vcs14:53
Laneyi should have pushed without the tag14:54
Laneyseb128: okay, pushed14:56
LaneyI had to overwrite the tag14:56
seb128Laney, thanks14:56
seb128Laney, how do you do that?14:56
Laneyjust push --overwrite14:57
Laneybut after merging trunk normally14:57
Laneybackground writing to AS works15:00
Laneyturned out that reading from it was broken too15:00
seb128Laney, is that what leads to the preview to always show the fallback image?15:03
seb128is there a bug open about it?15:03
LaneyI guess QDbusInterface::property() didn't do what I thought15:03
seb128didrocks, do you know if there a landing planned for qmenumodel?15:03
Laneyhm, don't know because that UI is hidden15:04
sil2100cyphermox: actually, I'm publishing mediaplayer-app now if you have nothing against it - I received some info from upstream so all is ok15:04
LaneyI'm going to build it for armhf now and see if that weird same/different logic actually works15:04
didrocksseb128: I didn't see one15:04
seb128Laney, I guess it's part of what I reported in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/123786015:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 1237860 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "[background] the greeter selector isn't working" [High,In progress]15:04
seb128didrocks, ok, I'm adding one15:04
Laneyoh yeah I fixed that too15:05
Laneylet me steal the assignment15:05
seb128didrocks, ok, added to the landing asks list15:12
didrocksthanks seb12815:13
seb128didrocks, it's a segfault fix (unity8 segfaulting when using indicator)15:13
didrocksseb128: yeah, I'll schedule it then15:13
seb128didrocks, qmenumodel is not used in the desktop, what do you mean "desktop component migrates to..."?15:14
seb128didrocks, thanks15:14
didrocksseb128: did I say there here?15:14
seb128didrocks, f22815:14
seb128didrocks, well you added that blob on text in the comment column15:14
didrocksnot me writing this15:14
seb128ok, the line has your color around it15:15
didrocksor it's a wrong past15:15
seb128so I though it was you15:15
cyphermoxsil2100: great, thanks15:15
* didrocks had bug with pasting previously15:15
seb128didrocks, google doc history says it's you15:16
seb128didrocks, ok, all good, I put the bug link back instead15:16
didrocksseb128: oh, I clicked on the link15:18
didrocksseb128: there is a bug15:18
didrockswhen makes when you click on the link, it's copying from your paste15:18
didrocksalready had this this morning15:18
seb128do you middle click?15:18
didrocksto open in a new tab15:19
didrocks(which works)15:19
seb128didrocks, left click open in a new tab by default in gdocs15:19
didrocksok, I should try to map my mind with that15:20
LaneyListening to Sam's Song, one is to notice calm and elegance, the sound takes the ear to higher peaks and gradually diminishes the rhythm to close the quiet-yet-vivid pattern, setting a natural gap of silence contrasting with its bold start.15:25
* Laney wonders how ogra_ feels about that :P15:26
seb128Laney, you need to stop grouping unrelated changes!15:27
Laneywhat did I do?15:27
* seb128 looks at https://code.launchpad.net/~laney/ubuntu-system-settings/wifi-scrolling/+merge/191223 doing code cleanups in background15:27
seb128Laney, ^ :p15:27
seb128Laney, ChangeImage got dropped in that merge15:27
Laneyit wasn't meant to15:27
LaneyI bet I did that on the wrong branch15:27
seb128kenvandine, ^ no cookie for not spotting that15:27
Laneyah whoops sorry15:28
seb128no worry ;-)15:28
LaneyI probably forgot to close the project in qt creator15:28
seb128some wrapping in the middle as well :p15:28
kenvandinewait... wasn't meant to?15:29
kenvandinethe commit said removing dead code... and i tested the package15:29
kenvandineso i didn't complain :)15:29
Laneyit wasn't part of the same change15:29
kenvandineLaney, yeah... but i wasn't going to nitpick about that ;)15:30
kenvandinelike seb128 does :-D15:30
* kenvandine ducks15:30
seb128kenvandine, well, as a rule it's good to do separate commits for separate logicial changesets15:30
kenvandineseb128, agreed... but not a good time to do a few round trips15:30
seb128kenvandine, wait for next time you need a review, I'm going to show you what nitpicking means :p15:30
Laneymake him fix things that he didn't even do15:31
kenvandineand it was a separate commit, so easy to bisect if we ever needed to15:31
seb128kenvandine, the commit msg/description are "[wifi] Properly set the list of networks up for scrolling"15:31
seb128kenvandine, nothing there about cleaning or removing code ;_)15:31
kenvandineseb128, grr... well the commit message for the merge15:31
kenvandinebut there are more levels :)15:31
seb128kenvandine, nah, no excuse there :p15:31
LaneyI was going to put it in the as-background MP15:31
* kenvandine passes seb128 another bagel15:32
Laneywhere it would have been unrelated but a bit less so ...15:32
Laneyat least in the same plugin15:32
seb128yum ;-)15:32
seb128Laney, kenvandine: well anyway, no real issue15:32
kenvandinei knew the bagel would make seb128 happy :)15:32
alan_gcyphermox or stgraber - on Monday seb128 referred me to you about a problem I have on my PC. Short version: I got my system in a state where I had to switch IP6 to "Local" to get dhcp working. Can you help?15:41
stgraberalan_g: I'm slightly busy with releasing Ubuntu 13.10, not sure about cyphermox15:41
alan_gstgraber: I can relate to that. (I may well bug you next week though.)15:43
seb128didrocks, do you plan to do a indicator-datetime landing soon? can you get r274 with it?15:47
didrocksseb128: it's building now15:49
seb128didrocks, including r274?15:54
mhr3_pitti, any ideas why choosing [S]end report in apport-cli on the phone doesn't do anything/15:54
* seb128 really wants that fix in15:54
pittimhr3_: it does, it marks the .crash for whoopsie upload (that happens in the background)15:55
pittimhr3_: we disabled upload to Launchpad for the final release15:55
mhr3_pitti, oh, so there is no way to get to the report?15:55
pittimhr3_: it should end up on errors.ubuntu.com15:56
mhr3_pitti, i haven't seen anything armhf-y there :/15:56
pittimhr3_: if you want a LP report, you can manually comment out the 'problem_types': ['Bug', 'Package'] line in /etc/apport/crashdb.conf15:57
mhr3_pitti, will try that, thx15:58
didrocksseb128: yes (or I would have say so :))15:58
seb128didrocks, great, thanks (getting apport to trigger everytime I use the unity-greeter here due to this buggy g_error)16:00
didrocksok ;)16:00
didrockssil2100: joining?16:02
seb128bregma, do you know if anyone is looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1221673 ? (it's ranked high on e.u.c for saucy)16:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 1221673 in unity (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in CompAction::initiate()" [Medium,Triaged]16:02
* bregma looks16:03
didrockscyphermox: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/calendar/Y2Fub25pY2FsLmNvbV91cTRvNmQyMWJvNmJ0bm1mcW9xZWtsNTdnOEBncm91cC5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t.cg7k3h1nmqml7psc1nn68223i016:04
czajkowskididrocks: you know one day we're all just going to join it :)16:28
didrocksczajkowski: that would be fun :)16:28
seb128Laney, should I play with https://code.launchpad.net/~laney/ubuntu-system-settings/as-background-fixes or do you still want to do work on it before that?16:31
Laneyyou can see if it works16:32
Laneythe basic functionality16:32
Laneybut I'm trying to fix the 'same/different' thing back up16:32
Laneyseems some bugs crept in16:33
Laneylike people calling setUpImages() unnecessarily16:33
seb128Laney, yeah, I had a look at the code but it's more complex that I though it would be for what it has to do ;-)16:35
seb128well, part of the complexity is to handle the "keep track of what image changed the most recently"16:35
seb128Laney, so yeah, with your branch the preview displays the right image now ;-)16:40
cyphermoxalan_g: I tried to answer you before, there has been issues with that previously, but if you could paste the config file for your connection, without the password if there are any16:41
cyphermoxalan_g: that would be a fine in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections16:41
Laneyseb128: \o/16:41
alan_gcyphermox: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6246521/16:43
seb128Laney, setting the image still doesn't work, but I'm testing on the desktop and getting desktop-exec and desktop-single apport prompt, so maybe issues with upstart-app-launch16:43
seb128blaming tedg for that16:43
LaneyI never tried content hub stuff on desktop16:44
cyphermoxalan_g: ah, that should just work, what happens if you set ipv6 back to auto?16:44
alan_gcyphermox: trying...16:44
seb128Laney, I get the gallery-app properly spawned but when I click pick I get the bugs16:44
LaneyI don't think it's really been worked on there16:45
* Laney does some small refactoring to make this toggle work16:45
seb128it aborts on ""Unable to find keyfile for application ''"16:45
seb128Laney, right16:45
alan_gcyphermox: that breaks it16:49
alan_gcyphermox: that breaks it16:49
alan_gcyphermox: It's a bad time for me now - hitting EOD with family commitments. I'll try again tomorrow.16:51
Laneyokay notifying of the as change is broken16:59
Laneylet me check that, might have to fix it in the morning though17:00
seb128Laney, no hurry, those controls are currently disabled on the touch image17:04
Laneythey work though, would be nice to get it back17:04
seb128Laney, indeed, I'm not sure what to do about the "reset" button if we re-enable the second control17:10
seb128just as a warning, if some people have the unity8 saucy package installed, it might make your boot hang after today's update, remove /etc/init/boot-hooks19:34
seb128oh, a robert_ancell20:11
robert_ancellwell hello seb12820:12
seb128hey robert_ancell, how are you?20:12
robert_ancellseb128, good. I was looking at gnome-control-center bugs yesterday. Man, we need to declare bug bankruptcy there :)20:12
seb128haha, not only there20:12
robert_ancellBut errors.ubuntu.com is great for finding the bugs that matter!20:12
seb128yes, I stopped trying to clean bugs lists20:13
seb128I just glance over titles to spot interesting ones, and use e.u.c20:13
robert_ancellWe need to stop apport dumping bugs in there until they float to the top of e.u.c, it's just making it too hard to follow the list20:14
seb128robert_ancell, is g-c-c list that spammed?20:16
seb128robert_ancell, btw you picked a segfault in a panel we don't even use :p20:16
seb128we still use system-config-printer20:16
robert_ancellseb128, oh, really? So all those bugs are from the gnome ubuntu people then :)20:16
seb128robert_ancell, guess so20:16
robert_ancellIt was #44 on e.u.c I think20:16
seb128one the daily view?20:17
robert_ancellmonthly 13.1020:17
seb128I don't like the default daily20:17
seb128not enough data points there20:17
robert_ancellThat seems the most useful list to look at20:17
seb128I tend to do "time range" and enter 10 days worth of backlog20:18
seb128because on a month you get just too many "already fixed"20:18
robert_ancellseb128, aren't the fixed ones hidden from the list?20:19
seb128robert_ancell, they are supposed to be striked in the list, but that works only when there is a bug report linked which got closed, which is often not the case20:20
robert_ancellThe month view I had seemed to have all active bugs, but that might have been a coincidence20:20
robert_ancellLaney, did you see you introduced a crasher in the logind changes in lightdm :P20:21
seb128robert_ancell, the website is slow, it takes a while before the view refresh and get striked and colored lines20:21
robert_ancellI thought that was fixed because I didn't see the update. Maybe it's even slower now!20:21
seb128bah, and urls are buggy in firefox20:22
seb128e.g https://errors.ubuntu.com/?release=Ubuntu%2013.10&from=2013-10-06&to=2013-10-1620:22
robert_ancellseb128, oh, did slangasek let the g-c-c fix through anyway? I was expected it would be SRU'd20:22
seb128that redirect to the day view20:22
seb128robert_ancell, they still need to do respins for ubiquity fixes so they get proposed pending updates in20:22
robert_ancellseb128, also clicking through the options sometimes leaves a filter active in the URL but not in the UI, e.g. &version=1.2.320:23
robert_ancellso it ignores all the packages not version 1.2.320:23
seb128yes, that's buggy20:23
robert_ancellI think evan would say help welcome :)20:23
seb128robert_ancell, do you use firefox?20:23
seb128robert_ancell, https://bugs.launchpad.net/errors/+bug/117985920:23
robert_ancelljust because it's the default20:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 1179859 in Errors "Release combo broken in Firefox" [Undecided,Fix committed]20:23
robert_ancellseb128, I'm struggling to find appropriate bugs to fix in the u-s-s... Not sure if that's a good or bad sign20:25
kenvandinerobert_ancell, they might be easier to find in a couple days... :)20:27
kenvandineassuming we get a spike of people using touch20:28
robert_ancellkenvandine, i.e. users filing bugs in the bug tracker?20:28
kenvandinei wonder how the demographic will change... less people filing bugs... and just rely on crash reports20:29
kenvandineseb128, is apport going to be disabled in touch for tomorrow?20:29
seb128kenvandine, is it enabled20:29
kenvandinei see apport hogging cpu a few times a day..20:30
seb128kenvandine, we don't turn off whoopsie in released, and that's not user visible on the phone (should happen in background)20:30
kenvandineah, right20:30
kenvandine /etc/default/apport has enabled=120:31
seb128robert_ancell, well, u-s-s are mostly owned/done for v1, but we have quite some panels/UIs hidden than we are going to enable back next cycle20:32
seb128though a bit part of the missing is blocked on backends and apis missing20:33
seb128e.g not on us20:33
robert_ancellseb128, yeah, that's what it looked like to me. Might be best to wait until the sprint to plan that work20:33
seb128robert_ancell, are you looking for bugs to stuff to work on? or are you happy to just pick from e.u.c?20:37
robert_ancellseb128, looking for useful work to do, which is mostly cleaning house in lightdm at the moment and browsing e.u.c for opportunities20:38
robert_ancellWas looking at cleaning bugs but after g-c-c have decided that's not a worthwhile use of time :)20:38
seb128robert_ancell, ok, I might bounce a few things your way as I cross them20:38
seb128robert_ancell, no, it's not20:38
robert_ancellplease do20:38
desrtrobert_ancell: hey.  welcome back!20:39
robert_ancelldesrt, hey!20:39
seb128robert_ancell, if you feel like hacking on a "feature", https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/1164016 might be worth addressing for the lts20:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 1164016 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "restore type-ahead find" [Medium,Triaged]20:39
seb128robert_ancell, we might want to think about polish for the lts20:40
robert_ancellsure, looks fun20:40
robert_ancellmterry is the phone build 99 supposed to be using Mir? My one still have lightdm configured to use surfaceflinger20:41
seb128robert_ancell, it should since e.g 9620:41
mterryrobert_ancell, it's in "surfaceflinger mode" but it's using Mir.  It just isn't using u-s-c20:41
robert_ancellmterry, but surfaceflinger isn't running?20:42
seb128robert_ancell, ps aux | grep surface20:42
mterryrobert_ancell, right20:42
seb128robert_ancell, it shouldn't20:42
robert_ancellok, cool20:43
Laneyrobert_ancell: haha, oh dear21:06
Laneyis it fixed?21:06
robert_ancellLaney, yeah, seemed really unlikely in practise for some reason, but noticed it looking through the untriaged lightdm bugs - fixed in 1.8.221:07
robert_ancellI probably reviewed the MP, so you can blame me :)21:07
Laneysorry about that21:07
seb128Laney, do you plan to SRU the new glib point release? (just asking to not dup work)21:34
Laneyseb128: yeah, at some point this week21:35
seb128Laney, can you include https://git.gnome.org/browse/glib/commit/?h=glib-2-38&id=44edc3829d6db3fabe22d837eaaf2638003516c9 (it fixes lp #1217230)21:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 1217230 in gvfs (Ubuntu) "[Regression] Can't copy files from digital camera (Operation not supported by backend)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121723021:36
seb128Laney, I tested the commit today/confirmed it works21:36
Laneyyeah, saw that one go past21:37
seb128Laney, great, thanks21:37
seb128for the record I'm looking at SRUing the new GTK21:37
seb128just dealing with a regression in the gtkicontheme code in that update (should be fix in git soon, I'm going to backport the fix)21:37
robert_ancellRAOF, is there really no equivalent to bzr init-repo in git? It's really frustrating how git is optimizing me for disk space (which I have loads of) over ease of working on different branches...21:43
RAOFrobert_ancell: There really is no equivalent to bzr init-repo.21:44
RAOFrobert_ancell: When I want to do that, I just git clone a bunch of times.21:44
robert_ancellRAOF, yeah I'm doing that, and it's not optimising for network usage due to the multiple downloads - or should I clone from a "trunk" checkout?21:44
robert_ancelli.e. mkdir nautilus; cd nautilus; git clone ssh://rancell@git.gnome.org/git/nautilus master; git clone master 3.8 etc21:45
RAOFRight, that'll work.21:45
robert_ancelltime to relayout my git trees21:45
RAOFYou just get to manually update your remote clone whenever you want to pull into any of its derived clones.21:46
RAOFBecause in that example, ‘git pull’ in the 3.8 branch will pull only from nautilus/master, not from git.gnome.org.21:47
robert_ancellRAOF, ah, so I have to create the remote branches in master, then clone those instead?21:57
RAOFrobert_ancell: “git clone” will clone all the remote branches anyway; you always get all the branch data in a git clone.21:58
robert_ancellRAOF, right, but I had to go an do a git checkout -t -b ... in master/ so I could see these branches in 3.8/21:58
RAOFOh, yeah.21:59
RAOFAll the data's there, but master/ would lack the actual branch pointer until you did that.21:59
robert_ancellI guess from 3.8/'s point of view a remote branch is a local branch in master/21:59
robert_ancellwhat an amazing user experience :)22:00
RAOFGit only supports the git way ☺22:01
seb128robert_ancell, can you rebase the fix for bug #861171 on trunk and get charles to review it?22:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 861171 in OEM Priority Project precise "Shutdown from greeter does nothing when multiple accounts open" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86117122:30
seb128Sweetshark, just assigned you https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+source/libreoffice/+bug/123179922:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 1231799 in libreoffice (Ubuntu Saucy) "Libreoffice quicklist doesn't work says "label empty"" [High,Triaged]22:44
seb128would be nice if you could have a look22:44
robert_ancellseb128, oh, that code has changed quite a bit :)22:49
seb128robert_ancell, yeah, nautilus got mccanned22:50
robert_ancellseb128, no, the indicator-session changes22:50
seb128oh, I though you were speaking about nautilus :-)22:50
seb128robert_ancell, yes, and we stopped using the indicator dialog in the session (using unity)22:50
seb128but that's still useful for the greeter22:50
seb128I'm getting a dialog in the session when trying to shutdown with other users logged in, iirc22:51
robert_ancellseb128, well, it was using the dialog in indicator-session, but that no longer exists!22:51
seb128(I think I saw that)22:51
seb128I wonder if gnome-session got fixed to do that as well22:51
seb128robert_ancell, hum, are you sure? what is displayed in unity-greeter?22:51
* robert_ancell looks harder22:52
robert_ancellseb128, hah, it uses Zenity now22:53
robert_ancellWe should just implement the dialogs in u-g-22:54
Sweetsharkseb128: hohum ...22:54
Sweetsharkseb128: I just had a look at the .desktop files -- there seems to be no difference compared to raring ... maybe a regression in dash/unity?22:55
Sweetsharkseb128: yep. the version in raring and saucy are exact the same ...22:58
seb128bregma, Trevinho, did anything changed on the unity side that would make the libreoffice launcher list being buggy?23:00
seb128Sweetshark, the .desktop is weird, I think that uses the old syntax23:01
seb128Sweetshark, they changed for the new fdo action spec some cycles ago iirc (though the old syntax should be support for compat)23:01
Sweetsharkseb128: urgh.23:02
seb128Sweetshark, the other .desktops use23:03
seb128[Desktop Action <name>]23:03
seb128seems to be what is used by nautilus, chromium, etc23:03
seb128with an "Actions=<name>;" as well in the main section23:04
Sweetsharkseb128: yep, found it with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UnityLaunchersAndDesktopFiles23:04
seb128robert_ancell, I saw "Light Display Manager" in my unity-greeter users' list a bunch of times recently, did you see that?23:20
robert_ancellseb128, no23:20
robert_ancellseb128, is accounts service showing it?23:21
seb128robert_ancell, what info would be useful while in this state?23:21
robert_ancellseb128, see if accounts service is reporting it - if so, it an a-s problem23:21
seb128I doubt it is23:21
seb128let me check23:21
seb128but it's not happening in my session nor in the greeter 3 minutes ago23:21
robert_ancellalso check what logind is reporting. It might have broken when when switched from CK23:22
seb128well, what is weird is that it does it 1 on 10 tries23:23
seb128e.g it's not consistent23:23
seb128I wonder if it fails to get infos from a-s and fallback to some other method23:23
Trevinhoseb128 Sweetshark: I noticed that in recent releases of LO there's a StartupWMClass flag23:24
Trevinhothat's generally correct for normal files, but with LO it seems to cause troubles23:24
TrevinhoI didn't see this in Saucy, though23:24
TrevinhoOnly in precise (submitted a  workaround for it)23:24
seb128Trevinho, well, in that case the issue is the right-click-list in the launcher23:24
* robert_ancell -> lunch23:25
robert_ancellseb128, possible, look in the x-0-greeter.log to see if there's anything being reported there23:25
Trevinhoseb128: ah... let me see23:26
Trevinhoseb128: mh, I have an "empty label" menu item on it23:26
Trevinhoseb128: it's not something related to unity though, in case it's libindicator23:26
Sweetsharkseb128: I _really_ shouldnt edit bug at this time of the day (night rather) -- does more damage than it does good.23:27
seb128robert_ancell, http://ubuntuone.com/3dEWj5J4VboRveJBvL772e23:27
* Sweetshark goes to bed. night guys ...23:27
seb128Sweetshark, yeah, time to sleep for you!23:27
seb128Trevinho, ok, so something for ted I guess23:27
seb128or charles/larsu23:28
Trevinhoyes... well, I probably could do something as well, but if they do it I'm ok with that :)23:28
seb128Trevinho, if you want to have a look, please do ;-)23:29
Trevinhoquite busy now... :/ I see if tomorrow i can23:29
Trevinhoor just ping the indicator people23:29
seb128Trevinho, thanks23:30
Trevinhoseb128: I think we've high prio troubles with indicator-appmenu or other indicators that make often u-p-s to become crazy.. are these issues already addressed by them?23:32
seb128Trevinho, no, how crazy?23:36
seb128Trevinho, there is a bug where u-p-s stop getting sync/status updates from indicators which is known23:36
seb128e.g the sound indicator icon stops changing23:36
Trevinhoseb128: sometimes it gets cpu 100%, and menus takes age to open23:36
seb128the bus side is fine, seems it's the compiz/ups side which is buggy23:36
seb128never saw that one mention (nor ran into it)23:37
Trevinhoseb128: there are some very popoular bugs around, I can grab the numbers23:37
Trevinhoseb128: mh navigating over menus is often impossible... the menu can take seconds while the screen is grabbed23:37
Trevinhoand this leads to unsuable state untill you don't kill u-p-s23:37
Trevinhoseb128: a part that Alt+F or Alt pressure is broken with GTK apps23:38
TrevinhoI don't know if it's due to the fact that I've long uptimes, but after few hours it happens23:38
seb128Trevinho, well, few hours is not a long uptime23:44
Trevinhoseb128: no, I can't give a number for that... but we've some bugs indeed and imho we should find a fix asap23:48
seb128Trevinho, right, easier if we can trigger them easily to test/debug23:49
Trevinhoyes, sure... unfortunately things like this are probably races or hard to reproduce23:50

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