
sarnolddoko,infiniti,jdstrand, curtin's MIR still requires a MIR team member review: 122043401:16
NoskcajHas anyone looked at bug 823254  recently?01:21
ubottubug 823254 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Port to python3" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82325401:21
FourDollarsLaney: Yes. Please see my comment at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/1065979/comments/37.01:47
ubottuUbuntu bug 1065979 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "external/internal monitors mirrored on boot when laptop lid is closed" [Wishlist,Confirmed]01:47
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pittiGood morning05:31
dholbachgood morning07:12
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infinitysmoser: Can you get a team subscription to curtin set up?08:11
dokoinfinity, did you see 1203496 in other packages too?08:40
infinitydoko: I don't remember if I saw it elsewhere, sorry.08:42
snowyrooftopsI read about plans to include only Python 3 in Ubuntu 14.0409:19
snowyrooftopsI'd love to help, but don't know where to look09:20
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cjwatsonjamespage: could you add a server team (or whatever) bug subscription to curtin?12:01
jamespagecjwatson, done12:02
smoserinfinity, done.12:20
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infinitysmoser: Danke.12:22
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mantas-baltixxnox: Hi Dmitrijs12:53
mantas-baltixLatest ubiquity build fails on amd64, see https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/2.15.2512:54
mantas-baltixIt would be nice if you update ubiquity-debconf translations from Launchpad in next build -  Lithuanian translation is missing in Ubuntu one step because of bug #123519212:56
ubottubug 1235192 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Saucy) "Strings in U1 window for 13.10 installer are not in pot file" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123519212:56
mantas-baltixI'm currently finishing translation of missing strings in Ubiquity-debconf template12:57
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mantas-baltixcjwatson: few years ago you helped us to update ubiquity-debconf translations from Launchpad, could you help again ? ;)12:59
cjwatsonmantas-baltix: Too late13:05
cjwatsonmantas-baltix: That's an arm64 build failure, not amd64.  ubiquity/arm64 is not yet expected to work.13:05
cjwatsonmantas-baltix: And I updated translations four days after the non-language-pack translation deadline, I don't think that's unreasonable ...13:07
xnoxcjwatson: well the strings to be translated weren't there 4 days ago.13:07
cjwatsonAlthough I know that those strings were only added four days after *that*, but I believe that was on the understanding that they weren't expected to be translated for release13:08
xnoxah, ok.13:08
ScottKxnox: Did you figure out what the boost version for "T" is?13:13
mantas-baltixcjwatson: ok, sorry, our translation team isn't very fast...13:13
cjwatsonmantas-baltix: I think this was just not expected to be translated; we accepted the bug-fix because having it untranslated and in the .pot is no worse than having it untranslated and not in the .pot, and gives translators more of a head-start for next release13:13
cjwatsonmantas-baltix: If there's another build, I'll update, but I don't know of a cause for one at this point13:14
xnoxScottK: 1.54 with multiarch.13:14
ScottKxnox: OK.  That's probably worth a mail to u-devel or u-d-a.13:15
xnoxScottK: also thinking libav9,  emacs24 as default.13:15
xnoxScottK: yeah I know, but I'm not yet preparing / evaluating for T opening yet.13:15
cjwatsonperl 5.18 too13:15
ogra_do we have a name yet btw ?13:16
cjwatsonrickspencer3: ^-13:16
ogra_no-name-yeT Tiger13:16
mantas-baltixcjwatson, xnox: OK, thanks, Lithuanian users will be happy if you update ubiquity-debconf translations from Launchpad in next build - we will create localized Ubuntu 13.10 installation image next week using ubuntu-defaults-builder, it would be nice to see fully translated installation :)13:17
xnoxtclk/tk 8.6 maybe.13:17
cjwatsonmantas-baltix: I'll do it in bz rnow13:17
cjwatson*bzr now13:17
* mdeslaur votes for Tasty Turkey13:17
cjwatsonsing it13:17
* xnox says Tasty TinTin13:17
xnoxmdeslaur: don't still my adjective!13:17
ogra_TinTin isnt an animal13:17
rickspencer3if it helps to know, I made several suggestions last week, but they each got shot down13:18
ogra_Terrific Tapir !13:18
mdeslaurToxic Tuna13:18
LaneyQuality LTS name :P13:18
mantas-baltixcjwatson: please wait 5 minutes, I'm finishing translation13:18
cjwatsonmantas-baltix: *sigh*13:19
cjwatsondon't ask before you're finished :)13:19
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jibelbarry`, lool I reported bug 124051613:28
ubottubug 1240516 in system-image (Ubuntu) "autopkgtest failure: test output goes to stderr" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124051613:29
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barryjibel: will look13:30
jibelbarry, I'm looking at the failure on amd64, it is a timeout in download.py but on different tests between my run and automated runs13:31
looljibel: thanks13:32
barryjibel: sigh.  i've been fighting this one for days.  i think there's a weird problem with download manager13:32
barryjibel: it's hard for me to tell from that jenkins page what exactly is going to stdout13:33
mantas-baltixcjwatson: thanks for waiting, I've just finished :)13:35
mantas-baltixgood luck with Ubuntu 13.10 :)13:36
cjwatsonmantas-baltix: ok, re-requested a tarball13:36
infinitysmoser: Is curtin itself (and python3-curtin) meant to be seeded to main, or are you happy with just the bits that maas depends on being in main?13:38
smoseri really dont care about 'curtin' and 'python3-curtin' themselves at the moment.13:39
smoserinfinity, i have a related question though...13:39
infinitysmoser: Alright, good.13:39
infinitysmoser: What's the related question?13:40
smoserwhat is the reason why you'd have something split like that?13:40
infinitysmoser: Because we only have binaries in main that are needed in main.13:41
smoseris there any real beneift?13:41
smosersince we have to support the source package anyway.13:41
smoserok. thats fine.13:41
infinitysmoser: The benefit is for times when a binary produced from a main package happens to be something we don't WANT to support, so we only have things in main explicitly.13:41
infinitysmoser: nscd being the pathological case here.13:41
smoserinfinity, ok. then one more related question.13:42
smosergive binary upackage 'foo', is there a way that i can easily13:42
smosera.) know what the source package is (other htan 'apt-cache show')13:42
smoserb.) know if other binaries from that source are in main13:42
smoserinfinity, i know you're busy13:42
infinitysmoser: For (b), 'rmadison -S foo' works.13:44
infinitysmoser: For (a), apt is the simplest method.13:44
smoserthanks infinity13:44
ScottKxnox: While you're multi-arching boost, you might look at splitting the python binaries into python and python3 packages so they can have proper depends.13:47
xnoxScottK: maybe. but boost is already multi-arched.13:48
xnoxScottK: (1.53 in saucy)13:48
xnoxi just was going to multiarch 1.54 into debian and sync it.13:48
ScottKIn any case, it needs doing.13:48
xnoxScottK: true. but at the moment those boosts libs are still not abi-tagged and there is a request for dbg builds.13:48
ScottKYes, but they don't have correct python/python3 depends at all right now.13:49
ScottKSo even splitting py/py3 would be progress.13:49
jibelbarry, ah, I pasted a link to the console, on https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Saucy/view/AutoPkgTest/job/saucy-adt-system-image/5/ARCH=i386,label=adt/ stderr is dsc0t-unittests-stderr14:03
barryjibel: so *all* the test output is going to stderr?14:04
jibelbarry, yes14:04
barryjibel: okay14:04
mptmvo_, hi, do you have five minutes to look at <https://code.launchpad.net/~brunonova/software-properties/update-apt-on-exit/+merge/190498>?14:09
mvo_mpt: hi, sure! done - sorry I saw your question yesterday but did not quite manage to get to it14:14
bdmurraymvo_: Hi, I was wondering if you might have a look at bug 1024590.14:29
ubottubug 1024590 in update-manager (Ubuntu Saucy) "update-manager crashed with AttributeError in _on_download_changed(): 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_value'" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102459014:29
mvo_bdmurray: sure, I can do that later this evening, gtg now :) but thanks for the pointer to the report14:29
barryjibel, didrocks, lool i'm uploading this change now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6246069/15:06
loolbarry: keep it for next release15:07
barrylool: ?15:07
loolbarry: I mean it doesn't need to be uploaded15:07
loolbarry: we've forced system-image in15:07
loolbarry: unless you want to use uploads to debug autopkgtests issues15:07
barrylool: ah, okay.  no, i don't ;)15:07
loolbarry: there was another issue on the other arch too15:09
barrylool: i haven't seen that.  i'll bet it was a timeout error in the autopkgtest15:10
loolbarry: one has FAILED (SKIP=3, errors=1)15:10
loolbarry: the other one FAILED (SKIP=3, errors=4, failures=2)15:10
barrylool: were those all timeouts?15:10
loolbarry: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Saucy/view/AutoPkgTest/job/saucy-adt-system-image/15:10
loolbarry: jibel looked into reproducing these, you might want to sync with him to debug15:10
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barrylool: those are going to be extremely difficult to debug.  we may need to enlist mandel to get more debugging out of u-d-m15:11
loolbarry: sounds good15:15
barrylool: it'll be a fun project for tremendous tadpole15:15
loolbarry: cant wait for the fun15:15
seb128tedg, hey, do you know if anyone is looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1230222 ?16:06
ubottuUbuntu bug 1230222 in unity (Ubuntu) "unity-panel-service assert failure: dbus_error.c:69: Unhandled error from nih_dbus_error_raise: Connection was disconnected before a reply was received" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:06
seb128not sure if that's a libnih or unity issue16:06
seb128that's the most reported unity bug in saucy16:06
tedgHmm, no I don't know if anyone has.16:07
syeekickim willing to upgrade its just that, im having trouble with my wificard not being supported properly16:07
tedgBut it'd be a no-op.16:07
seb128tedg, wdym "no-op"? if the error is harmless we shouldn't bother users with apport prompt for it...16:07
syeekickwould the bcm4312 work fine in the beta?16:08
tedgseb128, yeah, I think that's the solution.16:08
seb128tedg, who would be the right person to own it? you? bregma? ;-)16:08
tedgseb128, Though, has it been in recent versions?  I think slangasek was changing that code to fire-and-forget.16:08
slangasekwho am I firing and forgetting?16:09
tedgslangasek, The nih signals in unity16:09
seb128tedg, https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/bdbd27d4a927ab7cb0fa8edbd1787564e7be885216:09
seb128tedg, yes, still happening16:09
seb128slangasek, ^16:09
slangasek"still happening" - seems unrelated to the changes we were making16:09
bregmaI think that bug started happening when u-p-s was moved to an upstart job16:09
bregmadbus stops first, u-p-s barfs and dies16:10
tedgI think it's related to the indicator signals16:10
tedgThose are the only ones using libnih16:10
tedgslangasek, Oh, were you only changing the Unity8 ones?16:11
slangasektedg: that's the only code we touched16:12
slangasekthat's a strange backtrace - is it really throwing an error in an exit handler?16:13
tedg\o/  NIH!16:13
tedgHmm, interesting, we're emiting the events sync...16:15
jodhslangasek: nih registers an atexit handled to make sure the app dealt with all errors.16:18
slangasektedg: so basically, this backtrace can only occur when u-p-s is exiting, so why is u-p-s exiting?16:19
tedgslangasek, user logged out?16:20
jodhtedg, slangasek: all the calls need their return checking to ensure no NihErrors are lurking.16:20
tedgjodh, But they're all _sync calls.16:20
tedgjodh, Wouldn't that do that already?16:20
slangasektedg: the bug report says "Unity doesn't load, no Launcher, no Dash appears" - are we looking at a user-affecting bug here, or not?16:20
slangasektedg: a sync call just means you know immediately whether an error occurred; you still have to check the retval to handle the error itself, AIUI16:21
tedgslangasek, So we're checking to see if it's non-zero, but we need to remove it from the nih stack?16:22
jodhtedg: if we're talking about indicatorsmanager.cpp, nih_dbus_proxy_new() isn't checked and it can return an error and create an NihError in the process. That code doesn't handle the failure scenario by consuming the NihError if there is one.16:22
tedgjodh, We're talking about panel-service.c16:22
jodhtedg: package?16:23
tedgjodh, unity16:23
bregmathe bug is confusing, because the stack dump is from unity-panel-service but he's complaining about Unity proper not working (which is unrelated)... then apport marked a bunch of other u-p-s crashes as dups16:24
jodhtedg: right - my comments still apply.16:24
jodhtedg: if priv->upstart = nih_dbus_proxy_new () fails, you need to call "NihError *err = nih_error_get(); nih_free (err);"16:25
tedgjodh, Okay, and the same for the emit events?16:26
jodhtedg: you may want to print err->message somewhere before freeing the object to get a human-readable message.16:26
slangasektedg: this is the only nih_dbus_* call in the code, FWICS, so the only place it needs to be handled.  However, fixing that nih api issue will prevent apport crashes from being generated, but not actually get to the heart of why this error is happening16:27
slangasektedg: oh, but of course the upstart_* calls could also raise nih errors, yes16:29
jodhtedg: Looking at the auto-generated code, yes, it does seem to raise NihErrors on failure.16:29
tedgslangasek, Sure, this is probably masking another error, but we have to get this cleaned up before the other becomes visible.16:29
slangasektedg: well, no, because handling the error is going to give you the exact same message: "Connection was disconnected before a reply was received"16:29
tedgslangasek, Sure, but I'm fairly certain that's unrelated to the comment on the bug.  Which is probably a different error.16:31
slangasekright, that seems likely, since if upstart crashed I would expect the session to end16:31
slangasek(crashed, was killed, whatever)16:32
tedgSo does this look correct? https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/unity/nih-signals-complete/+merge/19145716:32
tedg(for the proxy)16:32
tedgDo I need to check if nih_error_get() returns NULL?16:33
bregmaI'm actually using https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1236720 to track that particular bug to avoid confusion16:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 1236720 in Unity 7.1 "unity-panel-service crashed with SIGABRT" [High,Triaged]16:33
slangasektedg: that code looks correct to me; none of the upstart code checks for a NULL return in that scenario, it's pretty safe to assume it won't be16:34
tedgOkay, now building Unity... we should have a fix by tomorrow.16:38
seb128tedg, thanks for working on that one ;-)16:41
chilukbdmurray, or any other coredev can one of you guys revert the fix that went in for 1150413...   It seems to have cause a regression bug 1157643..16:47
ubottubug 1157643 in procps (Ubuntu) "procps fail to start" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115764316:47
bdmurraychiluk: bug 1157643 seems to deal with a couple of different issues, can you explain what happened with your SRU to me?16:55
ubottubug 1157643 in procps (Ubuntu) "procps fail to start" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115764316:55
chilukbdmurray... I'm still trying to figure it out myself.16:55
chilukI just found out 5 minutes ago that a number of users are complaining about procps in bug 1157643 since yesterday when the update was released16:56
ubottubug 1157643 in procps (Ubuntu) "procps fail to start" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115764316:56
chilukI can run service start procps just fine..16:56
slangasekchiluk, bdmurray: I don't think it's a regression; I think 'service procps start' fails for these users every time they boot, but it doesn't block anything when it happens at boot17:14
slangasekso the issue is that this is the first time they've upgraded procps since making whatever customizations they have made to /etc/sysctl*17:14
bdmurrayslangasek: I agree I was just testing with an lxc container and the old version of the package had the same issue17:16
verterokchiluk: I'm here :)17:17
seb128so my laptop is not booting anymore since today's update17:18
seb128is there a known issue in saucy?17:18
chilukverterok, slangasek and bdmurray think this is not a regression, but instead simply the first time procps has been upgraded17:18
seb128the boot stops on plymouth and displays "waiting for network" after a bit17:18
slangasekbdmurray: it still seems an SRUable issue in its own right, but it's not a regression and trying to revert the change won't help ;)17:19
sidneichiluk: ah, that's likely yes. i mean, i do remember now trying to restart procps for some other reason and the start always failed17:19
slangasekseb128: "waiting for network" should only wait for 120 seconds max17:20
seb128intel driver fails to load as well... kernel issue?17:20
slangasekshouldn't be any kernel changes in today's update17:20
seb128slangasek, I got bored enough 120s, went to a vt and did startx from there17:20
slangaseklooking to see what came in with the latest updates17:21
slangaseknew X packages yesterday17:21
seb128slangasek, well, I didn't update yesterday either17:21
seb128dmesg has17:22
seb128[   16.371270] wlan0: Limiting TX power to 27 (30 - 3) dBm as advertised by 18:317:22
seb128[   17.492514] init: Failed to spawn nmbd main process: unable to execute: No su17:22
seb128ch file or directory17:22
seb128[  128.597580] audit_printk_skb: 180 callbacks suppressed17:22
verteroksidnei, chiluk: so, what are our options here? fix lxc config to allow access to those sysctl keys?17:22
slangasek"no such file or directory"? is your fs corrupted? :/17:22
slangasekor is the samba package in state 'rc'?17:23
sidneiverterok: i think procps needs an update to fix the start/restart initscript target17:23
sidneiverterok: or something along these lines17:23
seb128rc  samba                                                 2:3.6.9-1ubuntu1                               i386         SMB/CIFS file, print, and login server for Unix17:23
seb128slangasek, yeah, I uninstalled it some days ago to test something17:23
slangasekok, so ignorable17:23
seb128hum, I wonder if uninstalling samba is what created the issue17:24
sidneiverterok: although, yeah, the failure is because of perms17:24
slangasekseb128: not sure how it would17:24
seb128slangasek, yeah, me neither...17:24
seb128ok, let me fsck and try old kernel (and need to get lunch)17:25
slangasekseb128: oh; except you're waiting for network, and the nmbd job starts on network, so if the job managed to get itself into a bad state...17:25
slangasekwell, timing17:25
slangasektedg: so I have a question about dbus best practices, maybe this is something you can help me with17:26
verteroksidnei: looks like the apparmor profile is the culprit17:27
verteroksidnei: /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/lxc/container-base17:27
slangasektedg: we've been working on the memory leak in upstart, and jodh has succeeded in pinpointing the source of the leaking memory, and thinks he has a way around it - when we go to send messages, if the client still has one queued we drop instead of appending to the queue.17:27
sidneiverterok: that's in the host?17:27
verteroksidnei: yes17:28
slangasektedg: but my question is... why are we sending these messages to all clients anyway.  Apparently any time we see an upstart event we broadcast the message to all clients, and rely on the clients to filter out which events they care about... is that really the dbus way?  Because this seems to me to be an awful lot of cycles wasted sending messages that the clients know they don't care about17:28
sidneiverterok: uhm, that's not even installed on my machine, im using a precise host17:29
verteroksidnei: this is a saucy host17:30
verteroksidnei: probably in another file?17:31
sidneiverterok: which line you think it's the culprit on that apparmor profile for saucy host?17:31
sidneideny @{PROC}/sys/kernel/*/** wklx ?17:31
verteroksidnei: yes: https://pastebin.canonical.com/99156/17:32
sidneiverterok: right, so /etc/apparmor.d/lxc/lxc-default in precise17:33
verteroksidnei: see the part: # deny writes in /sys except for /sys/fs/cgroup17:33
sidneiverterok: so yes, while it's the apparmor profile that's blocking it, i don't think that needs to be changed. perhaps the fix is to not try to set those keys when running within lxc, or to fail gracefully instead.17:34
verteroksidnei: you'r probably right :)17:35
sidneiand the files that try to set those keys are part of the procps package17:36
bdmurraysmoser: did you see my comments in bug 1239893?17:37
ubottubug 1239893 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "PPAs added using GUI Software and Updates have an extra space added to repository line" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123989317:37
sidneiverterok: so if i understand the whole context, procps start has always been broken in lxc, but when called from upstart the failure to start is ignored. dpkg is not as forgiving, so trying to upgrade the package blows up because the service start step blows up.17:38
sidneiverterok: and we only hit this on lxc because of the apparmor profile17:38
verteroksidnei: I think that's the whole thing17:38
sidneichiluk: ^ dropping that into a bug, against procps i suppose?17:38
smoserbdmurray, it doesn't seem to make sense to me to ad dthe newline there.17:41
smoser(in your ocmment 8)17:41
smoserfwiw, i'm not terribly personally interested in this. i think its not good that there is apparently a regression (but i've never tested ppa: in the gtk box on raring).17:42
smoseri was primiarily concerned that i'd cauased a regression so thats why i initially  jumped in.17:42
chilukthanks sidnei...I'm really not the one to decide where the fix needs to be ..17:44
sidneichiluk: i'll append that as a comment to the existing bug then, let someone else sort it out.17:46
chilukso sidnei if I understand this correctly this only happens in an lxc guest17:46
sidneichiluk: yes, best i can tell.17:47
chilukor some other virtualization guest...17:47
chilukthat has sys mounted from the host?17:47
sidneichiluk: possibly, or anything that has an apparmor profile restricting /sys?17:47
chiluksorry, I haven't had much of a chance to play with lxc..17:47
chilukalright.. I need to step away for a bit, but I'll take a look later today with this... at least document in the public bug what the understanding of the problem is.17:48
sidneislangasek: do you have any opinion on this? since the sysctl setup that's breaking under this environment is added by procps itself, but the failure only manifests under lxc (and apparently openvz too?) im unsure if the bug should be filed on procps or lxc.17:51
slangaseksidnei: which option is breaking under lxc/openvz?17:55
slangasekor are they all breaking?17:55
bdmurrayIn my case it was the kernel ones17:55
slangasekwhat kernel ones are those?17:56
sidneislangasek: there's 3 of them, let me get you a list17:56
sidneithanks bdmurray17:56
slangasekstgraber, hallyn: ^^ so /etc/init/procps.conf does not work reliably in containers because lxc doesn't want us writing to /proc/sys/kernel (apparently).  What should we do here?17:57
stgraberslangasek: what's the problem caused due to LXC preventing writes in there?18:00
stgraberslangasek: most of the files under /proc/sys/kernel aren't namespace aware so we certainly don't want to allow writing to them18:00
stgraber(kernel.yama.ptrace_scope is one of those at least, I suspect the two others might be too)18:00
hallynaccept that it might fail?  not run in containers?  what exactly is it failing on?18:00
bdmurrayupgrading the procps package18:01
hallynwhich variables i mean18:01
sidneihallyn: see a couple lines above18:01
hallyni thought procps used to proceed if it couldn't st seomthing18:01
slangasekstgraber: the problem is that we expect the sysctl command to be reliable, and the procps maintainer script expects the upstart job to be reliable, and so these writes, which are allowed in a normal system, will fail18:01
hallynthere are cases where the sysctl ceases to exist too right?  how are those handled?18:02
slangasekhallyn: '-e': 'Use this option to ignore errors about unknown keys'18:03
slangasekbut that's specifically unknown keys, not "ignore errors when the kernel hates us" ;)18:03
stgraberso if we want the upstart job to succeed we'll have to teach sysctl to ignore EACCESS18:04
slangasekinteresting, sysctl now has a --system option that makes the cat in /etc/init/procps.conf gratuitous18:04
stgraberas there's no way we'll allow it writing to those files in a container18:04
slangasekstgraber: and they can't be hidden in the container?18:04
slangasekI guess you still want to be able to read them18:04
stgraberunfortunately not, short of doing some very bad magic like using a fuse overlay on /proc18:04
stgraberand indeed you still want read access18:04
stgraberand some of those should actually be writable (and probably are, we unblock any entry that we know is namespace aware)18:05
bdmurraysmoser: fwiw I tested software-properties in raring and it doesn't have the bug18:15
smoserso it is regression, probably shoudl tag that on the bug.18:16
bdmurrayin line 707 you can see a strip()18:16
smoserbdmurray, yeah, that would make sense. but i tested.18:18
smoseri tried with version before my changes. and it was present.18:19
smoserunless i just completely screwed that up18:19
tedgslangasek, So the clients set up filters in the dbus daemon, so it doesn't really send them to all clients.18:20
tedgslangasek, So from the perspective of the sender, they're going everywhere, but we're not waking everyone up.18:21
slangasekin the case of a dbus daemon, right18:21
slangasekbut these are direct connections to the upstart server18:21
slangasektedg: what's the api for the client to set up the filter?18:21
* tedg looks for a link18:22
tedgslangasek, http://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-specification.html#bus-messages-add-match18:23
tedgslangasek, And then click on the match rules link to see the format of the string.18:24
tedgslangasek, Generally, point to point DBus interfaces don't install match rules.18:24
slangasektedg: got it, thanks.18:24
tedgslangasek, Is there a reason we're not putting the session Upstart on the session bus?18:24
bdmurraysmoser: anyway, will you fix it or should I?18:25
slangasektedg: I don't know.  Up to now, the clients of upstart's dbus service have been either upstart bridges or short-lived clients18:26
slangasekso there probably was no perceived need18:26
stgrabertedg: the session bus doesn't exist when upstart starts, though that's fixable with something like is done for the system bus. I think we just assumed it wouldn't gain us much since the socket address is exported to all sub-processes anyway18:26
slangasektedg: but even if we put it on the session bus, we would still have point-to-point clients (the bridges), for whom these emitted events are *also* a waste18:26
tedgYeah, I was just noticing how the system bus worked there.  Was thinking that might be a nicer solution.18:26
smoserbdmurray, you're welcome to.18:26
tedgslangasek, The bridges could send directed signals.18:27
slangasektedg: meaning the bridges become dependent on the dbus session bus18:27
tedgI'm probably more okay with everything being dependent on dbus than you are :-)18:28
slangasekstgraber: curiously, I see that all the bridges in the user session already 'start on started dbus'18:28
slangasekstgraber: do you happen to know why that is?18:28
sidneistgraber, hallyn: as a result of this sysctl issue, anyone using (precise, at least) lxc containers has a broken system since procps landed on precise-updates yesterday. the maintainer script fails, and further apt invocations fail until that's resolved.18:29
stgraberslangasek: no idea. I know that the first version of my event bridge was using upstart on session bus, but I changed that a bit later on. Maybe I forgot to change the start condition and everyone else copied it without thinking much about it? :)18:30
slangaseksidnei: workarounds are possible (e.g., editing /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d to ignore requests for procps; or editing the config file in the container to comment out the problematic bits).  A proper fix is going to take a bit.18:31
slangasekand it's going to have to be fixed in procps, not in lxc.18:31
slangasekstgraber: heh, could be18:31
hallynsidnei: is there an open bug to track that?18:33
slangasektedg: so you would argue for having upstart register on the session bus and moving its clients over there, where we get filtering for free and only have to send our signals to one "client" (dbus); and not for adding support to upstart for supporting matches, which in the common case would avoid us having to send any signals about upstart events?18:33
sidneihallyn: bug #1157643 seems like it could be it18:33
ubottubug 1157643 in procps (Ubuntu) "procps fail to start" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115764318:33
tedgslangasek, Yes, that would be my suggestion.18:34
tedgslangasek, I think it also masks sense for the "DBus in the kernel" possible future, where we wouldn't want that support in Upstart as well.18:34
hallynsidnei: th18:34
smoserbdmurray, please go ahead and apply your fix.18:34
slangasektedg: wouldn't want what support in Upstart?18:34
smoseri verify that it *was* broken by me. :-(18:35
tedgslangasek, The matches.   It would be dead code as we'd use the kernel support.18:35
slangasektedg: I don't follow you at all18:35
slangasekis moving to the kernel intended to change the API for matches?18:35
tedgslangasek, I'm just saying that adding support to Upstart to allow for matches on point to point connections wouldn't be used in the future.18:36
slangasekstill not following18:36
slangasekhaving dbus in the kernel changes nothing about what interfaces upstart exposes18:36
slangasekupstart is still a server that speaks dbus18:36
hallynslangasek: stgraber: so would teaching sysctl to check whether it is in a container, and, if so, check access(2) to the file, and not try writing if it gets EACCESS; seem reasonable?18:37
tedgSure, the question would be whether it's a service that talks to a DBus server or supports more DBus server functionality on its own connection.18:37
slangasekhallyn: the "check whether it's in a container" worries me a little18:37
slangasektedg: upstart will *always* support more on its own connection, there are privileged operations that upstart (as pid 1) only allows on its private socket, not from the system bus18:38
hallynslangasek: well we *could* just not do that.  but /bin/running_in_container is supposed to be trustworthy...18:38
hallyni can see why that would be unsettling though18:38
slangasekhallyn: I don't think sysctl should be shelling out to /bin/running_in_container18:38
tedgslangasek, Why is that?18:39
slangasekhallyn: and I don't like having to invoke running_in_container, because I don't like it when things are different inside containers than out :)18:39
slangasektedg: because upstart doesn't trust the system bus ;)18:39
tedgslangasek, Does Upstart trust the kernel?  :-)18:39
slangasektedg: not as far as it can throw it18:39
* tedg may know the answer18:39
hallynslangasek: EACCESS is probably a good enough check.18:40
hallynthe question is only, if you're on the *host*,. then you may want startup to actually break if you weren't able to set /proc/sys/FOO_i_rm-rf-/-if-unset18:40
stgraberhallyn: just ignoring EACCESS seems reasonable, there's nothing sysctl can do about it, so just plain failing on it seems suboptimal. We can have it whine about it though.18:40
hallynstgraber: nothing it can do about it, but it *could* be a case where you're better off breaking boot (or upgrade) if it failed.18:41
stgraberwell, it wouldn't actually block startup though18:41
hallynthen i guess it's worthless :)18:41
hallynok lemme whip up a patch18:41
hallyn(i assume noone else is yet?)18:41
stgrabernothing appears to block on procps, so having it fail wouldn't really do anything18:41
seb128back from lunch18:51
seb128still no booting laptop though :/18:51
slangasekseb128: so I think you're right about nmbd being involved18:52
seb128slangasek, oh?18:53
slangasekseb128: you're waiting for network, and the nmbd job starts on network, so if the job managed to get itself into a bad state, maybe it's blocked the static-network event18:53
seb128slangasek, how do I see what is blocked?18:54
slangasekseb128: do you have interfaces configured through ifupdown besides lo?18:54
slangasek(i.e.: is NM in charge of everything?)18:54
seb128nm is on charge of everything afaik18:54
slangasekthat shoots a hole in that theory, then18:54
slangasekas for seeing what's blocked, have a look at the output of 'sudo initctl list' and see if anything looks askew18:54
slangasek(or pastebin it and I can have a look)18:55
seb128slangasek, that's a bootchart: http://ubuntuone.com/2RwScS79hEMlQA7oxsRLmU18:56
* seb128 gets initctl list18:57
stgraberseb128: are you at the office?18:57
seb128slangasek, http://paste.ubuntu.com/6247160/18:58
seb128stgraber, yes18:58
stgraberI was thinking of coming to say hi, I guess I could take a look at that directly if that helps18:58
seb128stgraber, that would be nice, but no hurry, I've a "working" system through ctrl-alt-f1/startx, so I'm not stucked18:59
seb128stgraber, slangasek: does the pastebin gives you any clue?19:08
seb128half of that list is stop/waiting :/19:10
hyperairhmm, odd. for some reason i had a root-owned ~/.config/upstart and ~/.cache/upstart which blocked upstart from starting up in 13.10.19:14
slangasekseb128: ... "boot-hooks/unity8-setcap"?  so you have unity8 packages installed on your laptop?19:23
seb128slangasek, yes19:23
seb128slangasek, ok, that was it19:25
seb128slangasek, moving the boot-hook unblocked immediatly things19:25
seb128stgraber says it's lool's fault19:25
stgraberthat boot-hooks is "on starting lightdm" and was introduced this morning I believe19:25
stgraberso anyone with that hook on a non-touch machine (that doesn't get the boot-hooks event) will get stuck19:25
seb128lool, thanks for making my desktop not booting... :-(19:25
seb128we have lot of unity8 testers/hackers on desktop19:26
stgraberthe solution would quite likely be to only ship the boot-hook on machines that have boot-hooks19:26
* seb128 reboots in a proper session19:26
seb128stgraber, slangasek: thanks! system back to normal19:29
chilukso stgraber, slangasek... did we ever decide how to fix the lxc, procps not starting issue?19:31
chilukor was teaching sysctl how to and eaccess the proposed solution.19:32
stgraberchiluk: yep, hallyn is working on patching sysctl not to fail on EACCESS19:33
chilukstgraber, ok... can I make a suggestion to make it print an error in the log on failure... that..19:33
chilukway, people who expect it to fail on error should hopefully still see a log entry19:34
stgraberI'm fine with it printing a permission denied or similar error, not sure whether hallyn did that already19:34
seb128lool, stgraber, slangasek: so, any taker on making unity8 not screw non-touch systems, before that bites more users?19:35
slangasekstgraber, chiluk: hallyn has already posted a patch which does output a message to stderr, which means it'll go to /var/log/upstart/procps.log19:36
chilukclose enough19:36
chilukdo we have a new bug number?19:37
slangasekseb128: no immediate ideas, other than moving the job to a separate package as stgraber said19:37
slangasekchiluk: no, there's an existing bug report19:37
chilukah nm.. I reloaded.19:38
chilukmy earlier comment was based on trusting that others had done their due diligence.19:38
hallynyeah i didn't make a change, sysctl already prints out an error message and i left that there.19:39
alkisgHi, the last version of firefox in 12.04 no longer reads /etc/firefox/pref/apturl.js, breaking all apt:// URLs like e.g. https://apps.ubuntu.com20:14
alkisgIf we move apturl.js to e.g. /usr/lib/firefox/defaults/pref, then it works fine again20:14
smoserjoy. firefox now has 1.8g resident.20:56
smoserthis is possibly related to recent pentadactyl upgrade20:56
=== bfiller is now known as bfiller_afk
loolseb128: Bah21:45
seb128lool, just got somebody else here bitten by it21:45
loolseb128: the worst is that I tried to design the contents friendly for desktop, but didn't remotely imagine it was already used21:45
seb128lool, well, it's used to screw boot only it seems...21:45
loolI guess one option is to move it to another package21:45
loolanother option is to remove it21:45
loolseb128: problem is that this thing will also break apt/dpkg upgrades of unity821:46
loolnot an issue on touch though21:46
seb128lool, well, just move the conffile to the lxc package (what stgraber suggested before) and clean the conffile behind in unity821:48
loolseb128: Yes, that's what I was thinking by moving21:49
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
loolslangasek: Mind reviewing r114 and r115 of lxc-android-config?22:10
loolslangasek: in lp:ubuntu/lxc-android-config22:11
loolslangasek: I wish I remembered the code.launchpad.net/ name for these branches22:11
slangasekcode.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxc-android-config - much too long to type, not worth remembering :P22:11
stgraberthe real branch is code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/saucy/lxc-android-config/saucy (and that's defnitely not worth remembering :))22:12
loolAh didn't try with +source22:13
slangaseklool: structurally, it looks fine; I'm assuming the only thing you changed was the [ -e /usr/bin/unity8 ] check and that the job is otherwise unmodified from the previous version, so not reviewing that part22:14
looland the stgraber syntax is the one I dind't remember22:14
loolslangasek: correct22:14
loolslangasek: and it should work even if both jobs are in22:14
loolso will upload this now22:14
loolslangasek: and https://code.launchpad.net/~lool/unity8/drop-setcap-conf/+merge/19152022:19
slangaseklool: acked22:21
slangaseklool: so taking a step back... why is this crazytown 'exec' mount needed?22:21
loolslangasek: so yesterday I was told unity8 had to be setcap CAP_SYS_RESOURCE, but this didn't work on ext222:23
loolslangasek: we use ext2 because we only have mkfs.ext222:23
loolslangasek: I also didn't really like shipping xattr over system-image updates22:23
loolslangasek: I chekced whether /etc/system-image/writable-paths would allow taking a tmpfs copy of unity8 to patch it there, but it didn't22:24
loolslangasek: so the best option we found was a job to copy it before it starts, and add the xattr -- ugly, as noted there22:24
loolslangasek: the hunt for writable locations only returned /run, but that's noexec22:24
loolslangasek: hence the tmpfs on top of run; could also have been /var22:25
loolslangasek: a proper way would be to use some root utility to gain this22:25
loolslangasek: but the truth is we dont even truly need this22:25
loolso we ought to revert it soon22:25
stgraberin short it's a terrible hack for a case where we should have a service to do that kind of stuff (oom_adj changes) instead of giving fs caps to unity822:25
stgraberCAP_SYS_RESSOURCE isn't something you usually want to give to your users to begin with22:27
stgraberman capabilities if you want to know why ;)22:27
slangaseklool: right, what was the original justification for giving unity8 privileges to fill up the filesystem? ;)22:27
slangasekI guess maybe it was for naughty rlimits22:28
stgraberslangasek: unity8 apparently needs to set oom_adj22:28
slangasekso of course, upstart supports this natively, as we discussed before22:29
slangasekbut you only get that from the system upstart22:29
loolslangasek: So unity-mir gained yesterday the ability to set oom_score_adj as to recommend the Android OOM killer to prefer backgrounded apps22:29
stgraberwouldn't exactly help for a user session22:29
stgraberunless you give upstart cap_sys_ressource22:29
loolthe truth is you need no power to set oom_score_adj22:30
stgraberwhich would be just as difficult (and arguably wrong) as giving it to unity822:30
loolyou can do it, if you use a higher score than yours22:30
loolso I think unity8 should just set scores higher thann its own22:30
slangasekyeah, agreed22:30
loolalso, the whole session is already started with -10, but that too isn't needed22:30
lool(this is via upstart BTW  :-)22:31
lool/etc/init/lightdm.override from lxc-android-config22:31
* slangasek nods22:31
loolslangasek: Do you know why the released image need to match archive?  is this for GPL compliance?22:31
looldoes that imply we should do the same for touch?22:31
stgraberlool: this is amongst other things to avoid re-downloading the whole release pocket indexes after install, match between the source CDs and the binary CDs is another reason for that indeed22:32
slangaseklool: yes, broadly speaking it's about making sure we have the source for the images; less of an issue for touch where the images will be superseded soon after release22:32
loolseb128, slangasek: http://people.dooz.org/~lool/unity8-drop-setcap-conf/23:01
loolseb128, slangasek: Tested by dpkg -i -O installing .debs here; I had the boot-hooks before, and now it's gone23:01
seb128lool, great23:01
slangaseklool: looks good print it23:02
seb128lool, the files permissions are wrong on that people page, can't see those23:02
loolah sorry23:02
seb128in fact only some of the files23:02
loolnot sure why either, source file coming out of sbuild or something23:03
seb128lool, your debdiff has code source changes, the debian diff looks fine to me23:07
loolseb128: debdiff only misses changelog update for me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6248252/23:12
loolthis is from unity8_7.83+13.10.20131016.1-0ubuntu1.dsc23:12
seb128lool, oh, your version is unity8_7.83+13.10.20131016-0ubuntu1dooz1.diff.gz23:13
seb128lool, so I diffed with 16 not 16.123:14
seb128lool, so yeah, looks fine to me like that23:15
loolseb128: yeah; the root cause of the changelog diff and of that version delta just hit me23:15
loolthe changelog had not been automerged23:15
loolI've merged it by hand now23:15
loolFYI the broken conf was published ~7 hours ago23:16
cjwatsonIt's "distro-info-data is broken" day23:26

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