
tamerglobal menu yokmu olm bu gnome da02:53
tamerekranin ustunde 120 px bedava bosşluk02:53
tamerolacak iş değil02:53
richardsdmai have just tested ubuntu gnome and the display does not turn off. i have an amd laptop with a x1270 video card. 5.5 years old!05:50
AlumniUShey when is Ubuntu Gnome 13.10 going to be released?08:49
ForageI've been staring at my brand new laptop for two days now because I didn't want to waste time upgrading from 13.04 to 13.10 with two days ahead of me. Just in case: will Ubuntu GNOME 13.10 be released tomorrow as well or is this still unsure?13:12
mgedminAFAIU, since Ubuntu GNOME uses the same repositories, you'll get upgrade prompts from Update Manager  at the same time13:14
mgedmininstallable CD images are a different question13:14
Foragedownloadable iso's will do just fine :-)13:14
Foragethe wait safes me installing 13.04 now and update to 13.10 two days later, but the baby just screams to be taken for a spin and I don't want to leave her hanging for another week ;-)13:16
bjsniderForage, i really don't think that's a very good plan13:21
bjsniderthe latest daily spin is 99.9999% of the final release13:21
bjsnideronly a few minor bugfixes at most will be different13:21
Foragei.e. 13.10 final will be available tomorrow?13:22
ForageNice: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/10/gnome-irc-app-polari-in-development at least it can't be worse then using Empathy :-/13:30
bjsniderthat should be "than"13:33
Foragehehe, ty :-P13:33
mgedminah, but is it packaged for ubuntu?13:38
Foragemgedmin: too soon, it's still very early in development, self compile only at this stage13:39
phillwyour 13.10 iso's are back for testing, expect a further re-spin though.16:45
Morgushey when is ubuntu gnome 13.10 going out?16:52
phillwMorgus: same time as all the others! thursday PM (UTC). #ubuntu-release will have the announcement16:53
Morgus<3 it16:54
phillwMorgus: sorry, it is #ubuntu-release (not plural :) )16:55
phillwMorgus: 3rd time lucky? .... #ubuntu-release-party :D16:57
nadrimajstorI have my private dedicated server located in Germany, with a 100MBit/s connection (unlimited data plan), which usually is doing nothing. Is there a need for mirroring some ISOs? Or I could just seed them via torrent...17:04
phillwnadrimajstor: you can torrent if you wish, I use a script for http://phillw.net/isos/ which pulls in all the flavours with the exception of ubuntu 'main' (they have enough seeders for that) for direct download.17:09
phillwI take each milestone and final.17:09
phillwnadrimajstor: to save hammering the cd.server, it uses the previous milestone and then does an zsync. I'll be happy to pass you the script; but I did not write it! If you have any queries you'd need to ask the author who looks after it.17:15
nadrimajstorI could manage some BASH scripting on my own.. Thank you... (I always forget that I could do diff downloads)17:20
nadrimajstorI like the features of GNOME 3.10... And could spare 3-4 hours per week to help.17:21
nadrimajstorHowever, beside admin BASH and Python scripting, my coding skills are limited.17:23
nadrimajstorI could do Serbian Latin/Cyrillic translation :?17:24
phillwnadrimajstor: all teams are always looking for translators :)17:27
phillwzsync is the fastest way to download if you already have a base ISO. it needs installing as is not the default (rsync is, but needs more data to refresh an image).17:28
phillwif there is no image for a base, zsync will go and grab the entire file :)17:29
nadrimajstorTranslation wiki... COMING SOON! :'(17:35
bjsniderricotz, so, for whatever it's worth, i managed to build empathy 10.1 debs here19:15
bjsnideras long as you're not trying to build it with unity or uoa it's more or less fine19:16
bjsniderso that's where the underlinking is19:16
bjsniderbut it's going to be a huge change, because all of these little account-plugin-xx packages will be gone. so the end result will be more like debian's packaging19:17
bjsnideralso /usr/share/dpkg/buildflags.mk is causing a ftbfs, so i had to comment that out19:18
bjsniderand almost all the builds get a dpkg-shlibdeps: error: no dependency information found for debian/empathy/usr/lib/empathy/libempathy-3.10.1.so19:19
bjsnidertotally spurious because i can manually run it and it get the dependencies. might be a multiarch issue19:19
bjsniderdarkxst, totem being held back at 3.8 because of clutter?19:35
xjuniorHey people. After I have a Dell XPS 13. After I installed ubuntu-gnome, I no longer have access to the laptop BIOS Setup or Boot loader. Not even the Dell logo shows up. It goes straight to ubuntu gnome. Can anybody help me or try to?20:32
bjsniderxjunior, is this efi?20:40
bjsniderdid you try holding delete continuously?20:41
bjsnideri'm sure this h as nothing to di with gnome specifically though20:44
xjuniorbjsnider: Is there a way to, from ubuntu I restart straight into windows?20:45
xjuniorthen I can do a bios update20:45
xjuniormaybe if I change the boot order20:45
bjsniderthat's it20:46
darkxstbjsnider, I havent even looked at totem yet, does it need updated clutter?20:47
bjsnideri dunno, i just mentioned it because you talked about it in relation to empathy20:48
bjsnideri'll try to build it here and see what happens20:48
darkxstempathy doesnt need a new clutter though20:49
bjsniderno, i built it here and it didn't complain about that20:49
bjsniderit did complain about a million other things, but not that20:50
darkxstclutter update is needed for wayland however20:51
bjsnideri don't see that wayland is used here20:52
darkxstits not20:54
bjsniderwhat's the difference then20:54
bjsniderforget about it20:54
darkxstanyway there probably not anything holding back totem, empathy etc, if you wanted prepare the updates ;)20:55
bjsniderall of the unity/uoa patches are holding back empathy20:55
bjsniderplus, huge changes to the packaging are necessary20:56
bjsniderthey made a lot of change sunder the hood20:56
bjsniderall of the account-plugin-xx packages will have to be turned into transitional20:56
xjuniorbjsnider: flashing the BIOS fixed the issue. That was a crazy issue thoguh21:08
bjsnidercould be a grub2 bug21:09
phillwEFI and UEFI can be a pain :)21:10
xjuniorbjsnider: I believe so…21:10
xjuniorphillw: yeah… I think it's some messed up stuff the boot repair did21:10
darkxstbjsnider, can temporarily disable unity/uoa patches while its in staging21:10
bjsniderdarkxst, ok, so there are still 2...21:11
bjsniderhold on21:11
phillwI've never had the (mis) fortune to have to install on such kit. My last machine was win7, which just got wiped :)21:11
bjsnideryeah, still 2 ftbfs issues21:11
bjsniderdarkxst, /usr/share/dpkg/buildflags.mk is causing a ftbfs, so i had to comment that out21:12
phillwdarkxst: hopefully your RC will arrive in next couple of hours. The build machine has been busy today!21:12
bjsniderand a dpkg-shlibdeps: error: no dependency information found for debian/empathy/usr/lib/empathy/libempathy-3.10.1.so21:12
bjsniderif you're ok with not adding those buildflags and can figure out the shlibdeps issue i can build it21:13
bjsnideri tried about 10 builds and that happened 9 times21:15
darkxstbjsnider, are you using pbuilder?21:15
bjsniderit may not happen in the ppa i guess21:18
darkxstyou should always test builds in pbuilder, since it much closer to the ppa builders!21:18
bjsniderif you want to try a build i'm up for it21:19
bjsnideri can send you the scripts or whatever you prefer21:19
darkxstphillw, ok cool!21:19
darkxstbjsnider, debdiff21:19
bjsniderjust from the one in saucy?21:20
darkxstbjsnider, and use filterdiff -i "*/debian/*"21:20
phillwit will have the verision number 20131016.1  They are building now.21:21
phillwwe're eagerly awaiting them on lubuntu, as well :)21:21
darkxstbjsnider, yeh21:22
darkxstbjsnider, do something like `debdiff old.dsc new.dsc | filterdiff -i "*/debian/*"`21:23
bjsniderif you want21:23
darkxstbjsnider, you might need to add DPKG_EXPORT_BUILDFLAGS = 1 before buildflags.mk21:26
bjsnideralright, i'll run a build here to test21:28
darkxstbjsnider, and use this patch https://bug701903.bugzilla-attachments.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=25391521:40
bjsniderwhat would you like me to name it?21:43
darkxstbjsnider, it replaces the similar patch already in there21:49
darkxstbjsnider, I have to run, will be back later21:57
bjsnideralright, got the debdiff21:59
phillwHi ubuntu-gnome people. you final ISO should be arriving within the next hour (or three). http://launchpad.net/bugs/966480 is fix released and should not trouble you on the 20131016.1 build. Please just be patient and watch on #ubuntu-quality for the bot announce they have landed. Re-testing and finding older bugs is just frustrating :)23:52
ubot5Ubuntu bug 966480 in casper (Ubuntu Precise) "The prompt asking for media removal is not shown at the end of the installation" [High,Triaged]23:52

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