
apwsnadge, file the bug against the linux-image-NNN which is the broken one07:34
apwand say which you are running in the commentary07:34
* apw yawns08:07
apwmorning ...08:07
=== fmasi_afk is now known as fmasi
* smb goes to get more tea09:23
tjaaltonapw: so, should I create a 'update i915_hsw to current 3.8.13.x' pull request first, and then the two new commits on top of that? 11:00
tjaaltonit's just a bit of manual work11:00
apwtjaalton, that going to be like commits11:04
apw57 commits11:04
apwhmmm ... for SRU11:04
tjaaltonthey just keep piling up :)11:05
tjaaltonbad kamal :)11:05
apwi guess if we have applied them 11:05
apwalready for 'master' then they should be on hte ubuntu version11:05
tjaaltonI'll try with a few to see how awkward it is..11:06
apwtjaalton, ok thanks ... i guess11:07
tjaaltonhmm, yesterday I got 57 commits as the diff, but only 37 now11:20
tjaaltonah, that's the pure stable tree diff.. raring has more11:33
kamaltjaalton, what'd I do?15:24
kamaltjaalton, apw ... should I be terrified about whatever it is that you're talking about here ...  because I am!15:24
apwyes, you should indeed, you are getting the blame at least15:25
kamalapw, while I'm sure the blame is rightly directed . . .  what exactly am I getting the blame for?  :-)15:26
apwneeding 37 patches for i915 in quantal15:26
* kamal looks sideways at apw15:26
kamalnext you'll point out that we need 137 patches for i915 in precise!15:27
apwyeah the 37 in q is to avoid that in p i think15:33
kamalapw, are we really talking about quantal here?   tjaalton mentioned raring above (and I maintain 3.8, not 3.5, anyway) . . .  anyway...15:34
tjaaltonkamal: no worries, just kiddin ;)15:35
kamalI am of course open to suggestions, but it seems implausible that we could call any 37-patch set reasonable for application to "stable"15:35
tjaaltonkamal: it's from your stable tree :)15:36
kamaloh oh, do I have this all backwards?15:36
tjaaltonthe diff .13..13.1115:36
kamaloh.  in that case . . .15:36
kamalI'm sure those patches are freaking awesome! . . .  perfect code, fully worthy of stable!  ;-) ;-) ;-)15:36
apwi think he was saying the quantal needs a bunch of fixes already applied in stable for raring, but on quantal, or something15:37
apwi am hoping some day he will send us a pull so we cna review15:37
* kamal goes back to hiding under a rock then :-)15:37
tjaaltonso I went through the 57 commits that git claimed that is the diff between .13 and raring, but in fact a bunch of those were already in .13, so the diff between quantal i915_hsw and raring is around 36 commits15:38
tjaaltonthree only in raring, and one of those valid for haswell15:38
kamaltjaalton, I'm curious about the three only in raring (you mean they're in raring, but not in, right?) ... send me that list?15:39
tjaaltonkamal: yeah I bet they are awesome, that's why I think it makes sense to merge to ubuntu/i915 in quantal :)15:39
kamal(not that that relates to your quantal project)15:40
tjaaltonkamal: 0d0ecad2c0dd07e, e8c14411e539718, 0009bd009e9ec8b15:40
kamaltjaalton, thanks15:40
tjaaltonthe first one didn't make it upstream, actually15:44
rtgjjohansen, when Linus merges 'Apparmor bugfixes for 3.12' you should propose both patches for stable15:46
jjohansenrtg: ack, I will check if there is anything for stable. However I think all the bug fixes sent up lately have only been against the 3.12 pull request15:56
rtgjjohansen, oh, right. 13.10 is carrying the AA development branch.15:57
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smoserstupid question18:14
smoser(familiar pattern when smoser speaks)18:14
smoseron https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/88214718:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 882147 in coreutils (Ubuntu) "overlayfs does not implement inotify interfaces correctly" [Undecided,In progress]18:14
smosercould we have that ? if its functional? or help push it upstream ? 18:15
smosergoogling for CONFIG_INOTIFY_STACKFS doesn't really show anything18:15
bjfsmoser, that's not implemented upstream, downstream or any of the tributaries18:19
smoserthe patch is not.18:19
smoseroverlayfs is upstream, right?18:19
bjfsmoser, you are asking about inotify interfaces, right?18:19
bjfsmoser, in overlayfs18:20
smoseroverlayfs is upstream. right?18:20
smoseri'd like to have inotify support in overlayfs, because lots of stuff sucks without it.18:20
smoseri see that patch which seems to report that it is adding inotify to overlayfs18:20
xnoxapw: ^18:21
xnoxsmoser: no, it doesn't not work and has performance penalty.18:21
smoserdoesnt work woudl be enough reason to not have it 18:22
smoserxnox, you've tried it thoug?18:22
rtg-afksmoser, overlayfs is not yet upstream18:22
smoserah. ok. i had thought it got accepted.18:23
rtg-afksmoser, multiple attempts,. but no joy yet18:23
smoserright. ok. well, move along then, nothing to see here.18:24
=== rtg-afk is now known as rtg
smoseri saw that patch and hoped magic inotify support materialized from the ether18:24
smoserxnox, you've tried it?18:25
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* rtg -> EOD21:27

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