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pittiGodo morning05:32
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jibelGood morning05:55
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om26erubuntu-qa does unity crash for you when you open a local song's preview08:21
pittiom26er: you just copy some .ogg or .mp3 to ~/Music/ ?08:21
om26erits like a 100% reproducible crash for me. I have the crash file in /var/crash but seems I cannot report the bug due to some reason08:21
om26erpitti, yes mp308:21
om26erseems the crash is in qt itself08:23
jibelom26er, no crash on mako #9908:24
om26erjibel, All I did was flash 98 and then update to 99 from the update manager.08:24
om26erI have changed nothing else :/08:24
jibelom26er, do you have any specific steps to reproduce. I tried preview, play, switch back and forth to scope, switch between songs and no crash so far08:25
om26erpitti, can I report a crash from my desktop using a crash file from the phone ?08:25
pitti$ system-image-cli -i08:25
pittiFileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/log/system-image/client.log'08:25
pittiI just flashed this morning08:25
jibelom26er, you can, you need to collect info on the pohne first08:25
om26erjibel, I just open the preview and it hangs and eventually vanishes08:26
jibelom26er, with apport-cli <crash file>08:26
pittiom26er: I scp -r'ed an album to ~/Music/, now I see it on the leftmost unity page08:26
pittiI can tap on one, and it starts playing08:26
pittii. e. I see the album cover08:27
om26erpitti, if you press and hold on it. it will open its preview08:27
om26erjibel, I tried apport-cli it get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/6244481/08:27
pittiom26er: WFM08:27
pittiom26er: you need to press "v" to collect data, then "s"08:28
pittinext/prev doesn't work here, tohugh08:28
om26erpitti, I pulled the crash file to my desktop and reported the crash with ubuntu-bug <crash_file> that worked08:31
om26erbug 124040808:31
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 1240408 could not be found08:31
pittiom26er: right, as long as you collect information locally on the phone08:32
pittiom26er: with the same approach I just reported bug 124040008:32
ubot5bug 1240400 in dialer-app (Ubuntu) "dialer-app crashed with SIGSEGV in __GI___pthread_mutex_lock()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124040008:32
pittiI can make dialer-app crash easily by receiving a phone call08:32
om26erthat looks like a mir crash as well :/08:33
rhuddieanyone else notice that you can't close an app by long pressing on it? I'm on build 9908:34
pittiom26er: yes08:34
pittiUbuntu 13.10 - armhf (20131015.2)08:34
pittiwhich build is that?08:34
pitti(I flashed devel-proposed this morning)08:34
om26errhuddie, you have to tap on the close icon now.. not the entire thumbnail. I contributed that fix ;)08:34
pittibut system-image-cli doesn't work08:34
om26erpitti, 9908:34
pitti/var/log/system-image/ doesn't exist at all here08:35
rhuddieom26er, ok thanks for clarification!08:35
pittiit seems it gets removed on reboot or so08:35
pittiom26er: thanks08:35
om26erpitti, hey! I need to mock evolution data server to test address-book-app I have not looked into it much but do you think python-dbusmock will help ?08:40
pittiom26er: that's what it is meant for indeed08:40
pittiom26er: we don't have an existing template for e-d-s in dbusmock, it seems nobody mocked e-d-s before08:41
pittiom26er: but I guess you only need a small subset of its D-BUS API08:41
om26erpitti, yeah only need to save and delete a contact, and probably update08:42
pittiok, the API doesn't look *that* big08:42
jibelpitti, I reported several "__GI___pthread_mutex_lock" and they've all been marked as duplicate of bug 123398808:44
ubot5bug 1233988 in qtubuntu (Ubuntu) "With Mir enabled: platform-api apps crash with SIGABRT in __gnu_cxx::__verbose_terminate_handler(), thrown from mir::client::DisplayConfiguration::copy_to_client()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123398808:44
pittijibel: ah, thanks; retracer got me https://launchpadlibrarian.net/153888313/Stacktrace.txt which looks quite reasonable; I'll compare08:45
pittijibel: ah, it's very similar; I'll dupe it08:46
pittijibel: but it says "Mir fix released", apparently there's still something missing?08:46
pittijibel: I do have that mir version08:48
pittijibel: ah, your crash is a SIGABRT, I have a SEGV08:49
jibelpitti, right, I don't really understand why they set the status to "fix released", this bug has already been reopen once, that'd need discussion with Saviq IMO08:49
jibelah okay08:49
jibel0.19+13.10.20131015.1-0ubuntu1 is on 9908:49
jibelsame version08:50
pittijibel: I'll look back into the messaging-app tests on amd64; it indeed looks like the tests get skipped08:51
rbasakpitti: around? I think autopkgtest 2.3.7 is still regressed wrt. stdout/stderr handling and bug 1235189, though it doesn't completely fail now. It still isn't giving me test output on failure.08:53
ubot5bug 1235189 in autopkgtest (Ubuntu) "adt-run broken except when used with adt-virt-null" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123518908:53
rbasakpitti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6244581/ - from 2.3.3. http://paste.ubuntu.com/6244585/ - from
pittirbasak: how does it fail now? In trunk I recently fixed something there08:54
pittirbasak: I fixed a bug with the -schroot runner, but that resulted in an OSError crash on mkfifo() when running adt-run as non-root08:55
pittiso it looks like it's something else08:55
Saviqpitti, jibel, it aborts 'cause Mir is not yet ready08:55
rbasakI'm going to see how far I get today with adt-virt-lxc fixes from jibel's review. Hopefully I can get them all done and land it. Then everyone will be able to test against lxc more easily.08:56
pittirbasak: but would you mind re-trying with git head? (git://git.debian.org/git/autopkgtest/autopkgtest.git)08:56
Saviqpitti, jibel although that stacktrace should contain a qFatal() now08:56
rbasakpitti: sure, I'll try now.08:56
Saviqpitti, jibel, we're fixing unity8/unity-mir/mir to notify upstart when we're ready, so that maliit doesn't start too early08:56
pittirbasak: right, and let's fix that stdout/err regression too08:56
Saviqpitti, jibel, if you see SIGABRT from maliit, ignore for now08:56
pittiSaviq: that is for #1233988?08:57
Saviqbug #123398808:57
ubot5bug 1233988 in qtubuntu (Ubuntu) "With Mir enabled: platform-api apps crash with SIGABRT in __gnu_cxx::__verbose_terminate_handler(), thrown from mir::client::DisplayConfiguration::copy_to_client()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123398808:57
Saviqpitti, yes08:57
pittiSaviq: ack08:57
pittirbasak: I suppose if you run that test with -null you do get stderr?08:58
jibelSaviq, we were talking about bug 1240400, does dialer-app crashes for the same reason?08:58
ubot5bug 1240400 in dialer-app (Ubuntu) "dialer-app crashed with SIGSEGV in __GI___pthread_mutex_lock()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124040008:59
pittiSaviq, jibel: that looks different; 5 tests before work fine, and Mir is definitively read08:59
pittiand it's a segfault, not an abort08:59
pittiand dialer-app doesn't involve maliit, too09:00
Saviqpitti, yeah, different09:00
rbasakpitti: still no stderr with lxc and git HEAD: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6244602/. Trying null next.09:01
jibelSaviq, so why bug 1239522 as been marked as dupe of 123398809:01
ubot5bug 1233988 in qtubuntu (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1239522 With Mir enabled: platform-api apps crash with SIGABRT in __gnu_cxx::__verbose_terminate_handler(), thrown from mir::client::DisplayConfiguration::copy_to_client()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123398809:01
pittirbasak: ok, thanks for verifying09:01
Saviqbug #123952209:02
Saviqubot5, ping?09:02
jibelthe bot shows the master report, and it is lazy and won't show it again because it already did it few minutes ago09:04
pittirbasak: I have explicit tests for -null and -chroot runners for stderr output; I manually tested with schroot, but I suppose lxc is plumbed differently, so I guess the logic is buggy for that09:04
rbasakpitti: I've been wondering about the practicality of adding lxc tests (once it's landed of course). It'll need to hit cloud-images.u.c; that's OK, right?09:05
Saviqjibel, not sure, they do look different to me, but maybe had the same underlying cause09:06
pittirbasak: for autopkgtest perhaps, but running the test suite locally should be really quick09:07
pittirbasak: for the -chroot tests I build a mini-chroot09:07
pittirbasak: perhaps that suffices for lxc as well09:07
slickymastermorning all09:08
rbasakpitti: how about if the lxc test only runs if a suitable lxc container is already defined? Then it is really quick.09:08
pittirbasak: that sounds fine09:08
pittirbasak: I might do something similar for the -schroot runner (I use that for e. g. postgresql testing)09:09
rbasakpitti: IMHO, in the end we should all be using the lxc runner for speed, and the kvm runner for accuracy. None of it is ready yet of course.09:09
pittirbasak: well, run-adt-test kind of provides a KVM runner (except "inside out"), it just lacks the "revert-testbed" part09:10
jibelrbasak, couldn't we create a libvirt driver instead, so we'd have the same interface for lxc and kvm?09:10
rbasakjibel: sort of. I have plans in this area. My tool "uvtool" now in universe is a front-end for libvirt and Ubuntu. I intend for it to include an lxc wrapper with a similiar interface (so there is a common interface for non-backend-specific features)09:12
rbasakpitti: the null driver works as expected on git HEAD with my test: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6244672/. I noticed it was giving real-time output as designed too.09:20
pittirbasak: oh, but no stderr09:20
rbasakpitti: the set +x output is there which is stderr, but isn't tagged as such. I'm not sure what your intention is there.09:21
pittirbasak: ah right, it doesn't currently show stderr explicitly for rc != 009:23
pittirbasak: I think that's ok09:23
pittifor -null anyway, but it doesn't sound right for runners which don't have real-time output09:23
pittirbasak: I'll look into that09:23
pittirbasak: hah, in fact I just ran into that when writing some schroot runner tests09:29
pittiah no, it's missing stdout09:29
pittirbasak: ok, I think I can reproduce this with the schroot runner, too; does your lxc container have /tmp bind-mounted?10:00
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pittirbasak: I pushed a fix for missing out/err10:11
pittirbasak: and I added a test suite for the schroot runner with the "specify existing schroot" approach; the same ought to work for your lxc runner, so you can more or less just copy&paste the schroot test and adjust the environment variable and the runner args accordingly10:12
pittirbasak: mind testing current git?10:12
davmor2Morning all10:27
rbasakpitti: testing current git now.10:38
rbasakpitti: still not working on 2.3.7-8-gf963945: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6244970/10:46
pittirbasak: mind running with -d?10:47
pittirbasak: it should not use the teeing now10:48
rbasakpitti: if you can grab just the adt-virt-lxc from my branch, then you can quite easily run it yourself. Just "sudo lxc-create -t ubuntu-cloud -n adt -- -s daily -r saucy" and then "adt-run --gain-root=sudo ... --- /path/to/adt-virt-lxc --ephemeral adt".10:48
rbasakSure I can run with -d. One minute.10:48
pittirbasak: lxc-create is running10:49
pittirbasak: did you actually call runner/adt-run from git? (or built/installed the pkg)10:50
rbasakpitti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6244973/ for -d. Yes - I built and installed the package.10:50
rbasak$ md5sum /usr/bin/adt-run10:50
rbasak327da15ec6b3efe0a47f9d663feb1b3a  /usr/bin/adt-run10:50
rbasak$ md5sum ~/autopkgtest/git/runner/adt-run10:51
rbasak327da15ec6b3efe0a47f9d663feb1b3a  /home/ubuntu/autopkgtest/git/runner/adt-run10:51
rbasakIs that what you expect?10:51
pittiright, thanks10:51
pittirbasak: running that now, but it seems to take ages; lsx-ls --fancy says "RUNNING" without IPV4/6", and no progress for several minutes11:17
pittirbasak: is there a way to see what the container does?11:17
pittirbasak: I am trying "sudo lxc-console -n adt-virt-lxc-lthfcu", but that doesn't do anything11:18
pittii. e. it says "Connected to tty 1", but pressing enter doesn't give me a login prompt11:18
rbasakpitti: I use "sudo lxc-attach -n adt-virt-lxc-lthfcu -- ps ax"11:20
pittiuh, I got a new ephemeral instance now11:21
rbasakIt creates one for every rollback11:21
rbasakeg. between build and every test11:21
pittiso it perhaps just takes several minutes to boot11:21
rbasakThat doesn't seem right.11:22
rbasakI think maybe your lxcbr0 isn't working for DHCP?11:22
pitti$ sudo lxc-attach -n adt-virt-lxc-iwapbe -- dmesg|pastebinit11:22
pittirbasak: several apparmor denials11:22
rbasakForget adt-virt-lxc. Let's test LXC on its own first.11:22
* pitti control-C's and then runs the lxc-destroy bits to clean up the temp container11:23
rbasakTry "sudo lxc-start-ephemeral -o adt -n foo"11:23
rbasakThat gives me a login prompt in about five seconds.11:23
pitticonencted to tty1, not doing anything further visibly11:24
rbasakCtrl-a then q to kill that then11:24
pittiyep, done that (that works)11:25
pittihttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6245120/ is the dmesg for container start11:25
rbasaksudo lxc-clone adt foo and then we'll work on foo persistently11:25
rbasakI'm still waiting on mine :)11:26
pitti(I wish I could do all that in /tmp11:26
rbasakYou can but the tools don't let you do it quickly/easily :-/11:26
pittiI only have a 10 GB root, but 16 GB RAM11:26
pittitoo bad; schroot, kvm etc. all do that easily, and it's blazingly fast11:26
rbasakNow do lxc-start -n foo, but have another window ready11:27
pittianyway, should I start foo?11:27
rbasakYou get console output directly then11:27
pitticloud-init-nonet[1414.27]: waiting 10 seconds for network device11:27
pitticloud-init-nonet[1424.27]: waiting 120 seconds for network device11:27
rbasakI get:11:27
rbasakcloud-init-nonet[1020718.95]: waiting 10 seconds for network device11:27
rbasakcloud-init-nonet[1020720.85]: static networking is now up11:27
rbasakLet's wait for it to finish, then get you in, and you can fix the bridge from the host while testing from the guest11:27
pitti$ ip a | pastebinit11:28
rbasakIn fact, I think you can do it now. "sudo lxc-attach -n foo -- login -f root" in another window.11:28
pittilogged in11:28
pittiip a says that eth0 has no address11:28
pittihm, no /var/log/syslog11:28
rbasakYeah nothing's started yet11:29
rbasakIt's still in early boot11:29
rbasakI think we need to get your host to the point where "ifup eth0" works in that guest. Then we'll be good.11:29
pittiah, boot resuming11:29
pitticloud-init-nonet[1544.27]: gave up waiting for a network device.11:29
pittiand then ssh key gen/locale stuff11:29
rbasak25700 ?        S      0:02 dnsmasq -u lxc-dnsmasq --strict-order --bind-interfaces --pid-file=/var/run/lxc/dnsmasq.pid --conf-file= --listen-address --dhcp-range, --dhcp-lease-max=253 --dhcp-no-override --except-interface=lo --interface=lxcbr0 --dhcp-leasefile=/var/lib/misc/dnsmasq.lxcbr0.leases --dhcp-authoritative11:29
rbasakDo you have a similiar process on your host?11:30
pittino I don't11:30
pittionly the main one from NM11:30
pittilxc-dnsmasq: command not found11:30
pittioh, that's not a command I suppose11:31
rbasakWhat's your /etc/defualt/lxc?11:31
rbasakAlso status lxc-net11:31
pitti$ cat /etc/default/lxc | pastebinit  -11:31
pitti$ status lxc-net11:32
pittistatus: Unknown job: lxc-net11:32
pittirbasak: whic package is supposed to ship /etc/init/lxc-net.conf?11:32
pittioh wth, I have it11:32
pitti$ sudo status lxc-net11:32
pittilxc-net start/running11:33
pittisorry, I thought status would work without sudo (through dbus)11:33
rbasaklxc-net starts the dnsmasq process that you appear to be missing11:34
pittirbasak: btw, I installed lxc about half an hour ago on a saucy box that got installed on Monday11:34
rbasakpitti: desktop or server?11:34
rbasakI wonder if it's conflicting with some dnsmasq desktop thing11:34
rbasakCan you try restarting lxc-net?11:35
pittistopped and started, still no lxc-ish dnsmasq11:35
pitti$ brctl  show11:36
pittibridge namebridge idSTP enabledinterfaces11:36
pitti(in case that's helpful)11:36
pittiyay for not being able to copy&paste tabs11:36
rbasakI think your interface is fine, from your earlier "ip show" on your host.11:36
pittivethCWCGU1 is up, but doesn't have a nontrivial IP11:36
rbasakHmm. I don't know what that part is.11:37
pitti(i. e. no ipv4, and only a fe80:: ipv6)11:37
rbasakI have many veth devices11:37
rbasakThat looks like a bug to me, but I think probably unrelated11:38
pittino dmesg output at all for all of above operations (i. e. no AppArmor denials in particular)11:38
rbasakI presume I have one per LXC container I had started previously11:38
pittirbasak: right, that looks rather temporary; lxcbr0 does have an IP11:38
pittirbasak: but let's presume its the missing dnsmasq?11:38
rbasakYes, I believe it is.11:38
rbasakIt would certainly stop your guest getting DHCP11:39
rbasakNext I'd "set -x" the upstart job, grab the output and then try running dnsmasq not as a daemon11:39
rbasakBut your guess is as good as mine11:39
pittiI ran your dnsmasq from above11:40
pittidnsmasq: failed to create listening socket for Address already in use11:40
rbasakWhat's using it? The other dnsmasq?11:40
pittiit shouldn't really11:40
pittirbasak: the NetworkManager one has --listen-address=
pitti(and you really need that, otherwise you stop being able to resolve anything)11:42
pittirbasak: ah, red herring; I had aanother dnsmasq instance from an incomplete copy&paste of yor command, sorry11:42
pittirbasak: I manually started it now11:42
rbasakNow ifup eth0 from the guest I suppose?11:43
rbasakIf that doesn't work then we can tcpdump for dhcp on the host and see if it's getting through11:43
pittirbasak: I just stopped the container and re-started11:43
rbasakand/or what dnsmasq is doing11:43
pittithat was fast now11:43
pittiso for some reason dnsmasq doesn't start for me11:43
rbasakSo it works if you start dnsmasq manually, but not from the upstart job?11:43
pittiyes, apparently11:44
pittihm, now stop/start lxc-net works, too11:44
* pitti reboots to get a clean slate, brg11:44
pittirbasak: hm,  it's running after a reboot; weird heisenbug, sorry for the waste of time11:46
rbasakBack to adt-virt-lxc then?11:46
rbasakLet's see if that still works. Perhaps it'll trigger the heisenbug :)11:47
pittirbasak: start-ephemeral looks fine now11:47
pittirbasak: that's for a test that simply does an echo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6245219/11:50
pittirbasak: looks good from here11:50
rbasakThat's odd.11:51
pittirbasak: with stderr: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6245222/11:51
pittialso LGTM11:51
rbasakpitti: maybe drop the stdout output?11:51
rbasakpitti: if not I'll try again and maybe need to send you my source11:52
pittiecho STDERR FTL! >&211:52
pittithat's my test now11:52
pittiadt-run: & tree0t-hello:  - - - - - - - - - - results - - - - - - - - - -11:52
pittitree0t-hello         FAIL status: 0, stderr: STDERR FTL!11:52
pittiadt-run: & tree0t-hello:  - - - - - - - - - - stderr - - - - - - - - - -11:52
pittiSTDERR FTL!11:52
pitti$ AUTOPKGTEST_BASE=`pwd` runner/adt-run --gain-root=sudo --no-built-binaries /tmp/testpkg/ --- `pwd`/virt-subproc/adt-virt-lxc --ephemeral adt11:52
pittirbasak: ^ that was my command (to run from trunk)11:52
* pitti grabs some lunch, high time11:53
pittirbasak: yay for running into each other's nonreproducible bugs today :/11:53
rbasakpitti: what's your md5 of runner/adt-run, please? Same as mine?11:53
rbasakYeah same as mine. Thanks.11:53
pitti9bb428d00471a23d4524d7bfee8bfac4  virt-subproc/adt-virt-lxc11:55
pittirbasak: ^ FTR11:55
pitti(from your branch)11:55
rbasakThanks. Mine matches.11:55
pittirbasak: building the autopkgtest package and trying again11:55
rbasakI've just reproduced my failure. I'll try your test case instead of mine.11:55
pittirbasak: send me your hello?11:56
pittirbasak: I installed the built autopkgtest, then11:56
pitti$ adt-run --gain-root=sudo --no-built-binaries /tmp/testpkg/ --- ~/debian/autopkgtest/virt-subproc/adt-virt-lxc --ephemeral adt11:57
pittirbasak: still works fine11:57
davmor2ubuntu-qa is anyone on a fresh flash?11:57
rbasakpitti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6245246/ against hello 2.8-4 in saucy11:57
pittidavmor2: I can re-flash mine in about 30 secs if needed11:57
pittirbasak: ah, *this* hello :) I used tests/testpkg and added a simple echo11:58
rbasakpitti: ah. Is this because I'm allow-stderr?11:58
davmor2pitti: have you set the timezone but not set a city in the clock app?11:58
pittirbasak: ah-haa, I didn't have allow-stderr11:58
rbasakSeems so obvious now. Sorry I didn't mention that before.11:58
* rbasak writes all his tests with allow-stderr11:58
pittiheh, I don't, so I tend to forget about it11:59
rbasakAnd I forget to tell you about it, since I do it automatically :-/11:59
pittirbasak: right, confirmed (not specific to lxc, happens with all runners)12:01
rbasakOK. Thanks. Sorry it took so long! At least we got there in the end I guess.12:01
pittirbasak: I thought to not print stderr separately with allow-stderr as one sees it in live output already, and allow-stderr essentially means "I don't care"12:01
pittirbasak: but we don't (ATM) have live-output with other runners12:02
rbasakpitti: I do care! stderr provides valuable debugging information on failure.12:02
pittirbasak: yes, of course12:02
pittiit's a bug :)12:02
rbasakI see.12:02
rbasakSorry, I misunderstood.12:02
pitti(just explaining how I got there)12:02
rbasakYeah that makes sense12:02
pittirbasak: so, I don't think we need to print it again for -null (for live output)12:03
pittibut we of course must show it for the other runners12:03
pitticombinatorial explosion FTW, good to have tests now12:03
rbasakThat seems reasonable. One comment though. Without allow-stderr, the difference between stdout and stderr matters. If they're not distinguished, then it may not be clear what is causing a failure.12:03
rbasakThis reminds me of annotate-output, though of course that is prone to races12:04
pittirbasak: I always show it without allow-stderr12:04
rbasakAh, I see. Got it.12:04
pittirbasak: (in trunk, at least; there are some bugs with 2.3.7)12:04
davmor2pitti: if you have the timezone set but no city in the clock, can you add your city please and see how far out the time is?  I think it is treating the Default time as always being UTC which obivously it isn't if you set your timezone12:07
pittidavmor2: so, I did set the timezone with something like "adb shell timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Berlin"12:07
pittidavmor2: I think that means "yes" to your question from 10 mins ago12:08
pittiphone shows correct time12:08
davmor2pitti: now open the clock app and add you city to the clock app12:08
pittidavmor2: system-settings shows Europe/Berlin, UTC+2 (correct)12:08
davmor2pitti: is the clock app now +4 if you add your city12:09
pittidavmor2: I. e. click on "time settings" in the indicator, to get system-settings?12:09
davmor2rather than plus 212:09
* pitti selects Augsburg12:09
pittibah, it doesn't go back automatically any more; I thought that got fixed already12:09
davmor2pitti: as in the clock app rather than timezone or indicator clock12:10
pittidavmor2: hang on, are we talking phone or desktop?12:10
davmor2pitti: phone12:10
pittidavmor2: oh, clock *app*12:10
davmor2yes app :)12:10
pittiboo, no Augsburg in the search12:11
pittiwe do have that in the indicator ;)12:11
pittiand no München!?!12:12
pittic'mon, that's the second largest city in Germany12:12
pittiah, if you search for "Munich" it shows "München"; go figure12:12
pittidavmor2: anyway, it now says "World... Muenchen 14:13" which is right12:13
pittidavmor2: you think it adds the UTC offset twice?12:13
pittino search results for "new y". poor!12:13
pittidavmor2: New York City (found it with just "new") says 00:14 which is wrong12:14
pittishoudl be 08:1412:14
davmor2pitti: it did for me but I'll get some steps together and double check it, However I set the timezone via settings rather than adb so that might of had an effect12:15
pittidavmor2: yeah; the settings eventually call timedated as well, but they might do some additional bits12:15
pittirbasak: fixed in trunk (added two new tests to reproduce the bug)12:25
rbasakpitti: thanks!12:25
jibelit would be too easy to use the same code than what is in ubiquity. all these timezone bugs have already been reported/fixed there12:25
jibelxnox, select a location, apply the right tz, all these details12:26
jibelxnox, the phone is going through all these bugs again12:27
jibeland also, 3 different places (clock, u-s-s, weather) to select a timezone and 3 different way to do it12:27
pittialso, -EBADARCHITECTURE12:28
pittihow come I don't get the same list of cities and searches in clock and the indicator?12:28
=== _salem is now known as salem_
rbasakpitti: confirmed fixed. Thank you!12:33
pittirbasak: \o/12:39
plarspsivaa: if you get a moment, could you try running software center after an install completes? see bug #124053014:06
ubot5bug 1240530 in software-center (Ubuntu) "software-center crashed with signal 5 in _XReadEvents()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124053014:06
psivaaplars: ack14:08
psivaaplars: i did not see that on my oem installation on a hardware with i38614:11
plarspsivaa: hmm... perhaps try it if you do one without network14:12
psivaaplars: will do. but i hit bug #1240531 on my oem. but dont see any impacts on the usage14:12
ubot5bug 1240531 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124053114:12
plarspsivaa: I'm actually doing an oem install right now, I'll see if it happens to me there14:12
psivaaplars: just in case you have not seen it in #u-release there will be another ubiquity related respin14:22
plarspsivaa: no I wasn't watching... thanks for the heads up14:23
alesagejibel, commented #124037714:52
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1240377 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) ""time & date settings" must link to "Time & Date" settings panel in every language" [Medium,New]14:53
jibelalesage, ah, thanks, I marked mine a duplicate.14:55
alesagejibel, thx, that's a rarity for me :)14:56
jibelalesage, oh, I can set duplicate the other way around if you prefer ;)14:56
alesagejibel, leave me at least one ;)14:57
elopiogood morning qa!15:00
elopioone day to go.15:00
nkv_sgpHi, anyone faced system hand while creating the USB Startup Disk using "Startup Disk Creator"?15:33
smartboyhwnkv_sgp, usb-creator-gtk has been widely deemed unstable, you should use dd or unetbootin....15:33
smartboyhwunetbootin is the best choice:)15:34
nkv_sgpi observed the whole system getting hanged once after 57% progress and second time after 85% completion15:34
nkv_sgpoh ok15:34
nkv_sgpconcern though is that the whole system was hanged15:36
cgoldbergnkv_sgp, "Startup Disk Creator" in 13.10?15:50
balloonscgoldberg, did you get ubuntuuitoolkit.emulators pushed to d.u.c?16:08
balloonsor was that dependant on landing the mp/16:09
phillwballoons: do you have any knowledge as to why the server images were disabled? We share the same installer for alternate and we have no issues; bor can I find bugs listed on the iso tracker that would cause a respin.16:24
balloonsno, I don't16:25
balloonsi saw it a bit ago, but was confused myself16:25
rbasakjibel, pitti: adt-virt-lxc MP updated with all of jibel's review issues fixed, and I've tested that it works against current git head. Sorry it took so long for me to get back to it, and thank you for the review jibel.16:27
cgoldbergballoons, new version of emulators doc isn't published yet.  I'm working on the importer script today for API website.  it doesn't depend on the MP landing (but that would be nice)16:27
rbasakPlease merge ;)16:27
jibelrbasak, awesome, thanks for this work!16:28
rbasakjibel: np. adt-virt-kvm next :)16:28
balloonscgoldberg, thanks for the update ;-) You got me used to the nice layout, and seeing the old stuff made my eyes hurt when I ref'd it :-)16:28
nkv_sgpcgoldberg, "Startup Disk Creator" in 13.04 for 13.10 image16:29
cgoldbergnkv_sgp, are you letting it format the usb drive for you first?  does that complete ok?16:30
cgoldbergor "erase disk"16:30
nkv_sgpno, while coping the iso to to disk16:32
nkv_sgperase too hanged this app alone so I ereased it from Mac16:33
nkv_sgpthe bigger issue is that the whole system hanged while creating the disk16:33
cgoldbergnkv_sgp, hmm.. do you know what format/filesystem the USB drive is using?16:34
nkv_sgpthe USB drive was the startup disk for 13.04 which I was replacing with 13.1016:34
cgoldbergnkv_sgp, does copying a 13.04 iso still work?16:35
nkv_sgpdid not try from Ubuntu16:35
cgoldbergnkv_sgp, also.. do you have another USB drive to try with?.. I find most thumbdrives to be unreliable and break often.  sometimes a bad USB drive is the culprit16:36
nkv_sgpbad USB drive doesn't look like the problem as I used the same drive to create the startup disk from win7 and that worked16:37
nkv_sgpi installed the 13.10 on VirtualBox using that same drive16:37
nkv_sgpthe problem appears with the package "Startup Disk Creator".16:38
nkv_sgpI shall try using another drive as well and share how that goes16:38
cgoldbergnkv_sgp, ok.  the same works for me... using 13.04 startup disk creator, and a 13.10 image16:39
nkv_sgpoh, ok16:39
jfunknuclearbob, hey Max, I am seeing a lot of stuff on the untriaged list that shouldn't be there, what's going on?16:51
elopioping om26er for when you are around. Where are the tests that test multiple applications?17:44
om26erelopio, https://code.launchpad.net/~om26er/gallery-app/camera-integration-test/+merge/18968517:45
elopioom26er: thanks!17:46
om26ernot merged yet because things were broken a few days ago where inter-app integration was hanging things. now that veebers have a unlock emulator I am going to improve this branch17:46
om26erthere is also another branch for camera-app as well17:46
elopioom26er: got it. I'm thinking about this because now I have to test the integration between system settings and ubuntu one online accounts.17:49
elopioand also between the update manager, and online accounts.17:50
elopioom26er: what do you think of creating a separate project for testing inter-app integration ?17:50
om26erelopio, yeah better to set initctl env variable so that all apps launch in testability inside unity817:50
elopioping ubuntu-qa. Who has a galaxy nexus?17:51
robotfuelelopio: me17:51
elopiorobotfuel, om26er, can you try to reproduce this one? but #124016017:51
elopiobug #1240160 :)17:51
ubot5bug 1240160 in Click Update Manager "Update crashes on startup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124016017:51
davmor2elopio: I might17:51
om26erelopio, does not crash for me17:54
robotfuelelopio: I am using a newer version than he was, it has not crashed for me yet17:54
elopiothanks om26er.17:54
elopiothanks robotfuel17:54
om26erits even downloading a few updates17:55
robotfuelI'll have to retry when there is no update17:55
om26erjibel, once you install a deb by yourself does the system update even work after that?17:57
om26eraka apt-get install17:57
davmor2elopio: http://ubuntuone.com/4J9UwYspQkEaXqx9BDjypG works fine here17:59
elopiothank you davmor2.17:59
* elopio <- lunch18:22
balloonselopio, does the back button have no default objectname :-(18:34
elopioballoons: give me 5 seconds to implement it18:40
elopioballoons: here you go: https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix1239751_go_back/+merge/19100218:40
balloonselopio, :-)18:40
balloonsseriously, WTF mate18:41
balloonsthis is the third time you've done something before I asked18:41
* balloons thinks I'm just behind elopio's infinite prowess by 2 days18:41
elopioit's Costa Rican time zone. Two days early :D18:43
phillwxnox: do you have any thoughts on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1240622 ?18:43
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1240622 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "only the second of two devices available for installation side-by-side" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:43
balloonsI've really got to visit..18:43
elopioballoons: the truth is pitti asked for it on monday.18:43
balloonselopio, of course.. it's just awesome.. you are 3 for 3.. I'm going to start expecting things now, haha18:43
davmor2elopio: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICjyAe9S54c  I expect this to be playing the next time we meet18:51
Letozaf_balloons, Hi18:52
davmor2elopio: if only because it is a track I have on my phone :D18:52
balloonsLetozaf_, hello :-)18:52
Letozaf_balloons, howzit ?18:53
balloonsLetozaf_, well https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-rssreader-app/+bug/124061718:53
jibelom26er, yes it does. I only installed packages with apt though. What did you install?18:53
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1240617 in Ubuntu RSS Feed Reader App "Smoke test failure due to _remove_topic expecting 'Back' button on main_view toolbar" [High,Confirmed]18:53
balloonsLetozaf_, yourself? :-)18:53
Letozaf_balloons, fine18:54
om26erjibel, I only installed ubuntu-download-manager and ubuntu-system-cli et al.. There is no update yet. But in the past whenever I installed things with apt-get ..updates generally got broken for me18:54
jibelom26er, make sure the FS is RO before upgrading, I think it blocks the upgrade in this case.18:54
om26erwill test in a few when a new image appears18:54
Letozaf_balloons, I also found I think a bug  when adding a feed by hand today18:55
Letozaf_balloons, but probably it's the same thing indicated in this bug18:55
jibelom26er, to test u-d-m and system-image, I installed build 92, switch to rw, installed latest u-d-m and system-image, switched back to ro, reboot18:55
jibelom26er, and it is upgrading to 9918:55
Letozaf_balloons, tomorrow is release day, are you too busy today to look at that click packages thing ?18:56
jibelom26er, I havent tried to pause downloading or shutdown wifi while it's upgrading18:56
om26erjibel, i'll try it once 100 comes up18:58
jibelom26er, all the interest of the test is to test system-image _before_ it's in 100, after will be too late18:59
om26erjibel, aah, ok. I have quite a few images in my system. I can try those18:59
balloonsLetozaf_, ahh yes the click stuff19:07
balloonsI don't remember but I think I solved it right after you left19:07
balloonsLetozaf_, want to tackle the back button issue?19:08
Letozaf_balloons, sure I reported another bug19:09
Letozaf_balloons, bug 124065819:09
ubot5bug 1240658 in Ubuntu RSS Feed Reader App "unable to add a feed to a topic" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124065819:09
Letozaf_balloons, and I am having another problem: when I enter adb shell /system/bin/screencap /data/screenshot.png to take a screenshot, the command stalls, it does nothing19:13
Letozaf_balloons, I have already taken screenshots before and this used to work19:13
balloonsLetozaf_, indeed19:13
balloonsmir doesn't take screenshots that way19:14
Letozaf_balloons, :(19:14
Letozaf_balloons, how do I19:14
Letozaf_balloons, with MIR ?19:14
balloonsLetozaf_, http://people.canonical.com/~j-lallement/touch/mirfbdump19:14
Letozaf_balloons, thanks19:14
balloonsi'll add that to the wiki19:15
Letozaf_balloons, yes it's a good idea :P19:15
balloonsLetozaf_, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/TouchTesting#Take_a_screenshot :-)19:19
Letozaf_balloons, sorry but the output of that script, is it an image ? if I run file filename I get data file and if you open it with image viewer you see nothing19:21
balloonshmm, I honestly due it a different way, but it seems like he has a convert step in there to make it a png or jpg or whatev's you want19:26
Letozaf_balloons, do I need imagemagick ? maybe that's why19:26
Letozaf_balloons, ok so that's why I have to install it19:27
Letozaf_balloons, I will right away19:27
Letozaf_balloons, oops it is installed :(19:27
balloonsyou pass dump.png to it?19:29
Letozaf_balloons, no I was reading the script now, I just used /mirfbdump.sh filename19:30
Letozaf_sorry ./mirfbdump.sh filename19:30
plarspsivaa: 16.1 for desktop at least has arrived19:34
psivaaplars: ack, will take on i386 and mac19:34
plarspsivaa: thanks, I know it's getting late. Do what you can and I'll pick up whatever I can tonight19:35
psivaaplars: ack19:35
Letozaf_balloons, If I don't get it wrong I think you just have to launch the script with output-filename, so ./mirfbdump.sh filename should be right19:36
balloonsLetozaf_, good :-)19:37
Letozaf_balloons, but that filename with what do you "see" it19:37
* balloons laments uitk is getting as bad as gtk in making objects19:37
balloonsLetozaf_, pick an ending and open it in an image viewer19:38
Letozaf_balloons, can't believe it I just forgot the .png thing, now it works :D19:39
Letozaf_balloons, instead of calling the file screenshot I called it screenshot.png and it worked !19:40
Letozaf_balloons, thanks19:40
balloonsLetozaf_, yw19:40
Letozaf_balloons, just another question, when you open rssreader app on the device, shouldn't there already be some feeds, I got it empty now19:44
Letozaf_balloons, even if you tap refresh19:45
Letozaf_balloons, should be a bug I think19:45
balloonsat one point yes, but they may have removed those19:45
Letozaf_balloons, ah ok so I will not report it19:45
balloonsLetozaf_, you can report it.. I can't check , my phone isn't happy atm19:46
balloonsthey might just say it's supposed to be that way :-)19:46
Letozaf_balloons, ok19:47
plarspsivaa: I'm still able to reproduce this problem with the ubuntu one login sometimes19:49
plarspsivaa: it's infrequent it seems, but still happens19:50
psivaaplars: i'll try to reproduce that19:50
plarsxnox: ^ - this time I noticed something else... I hadn't been able to reproduce it since I mentioned it to you but it's happening now and ubiquity is eating 90% cpu at the moment also19:50
Letozaf_balloons, I do not get the error indicated in bug 1240617 running the test on a desktop, I get a failure, but it's in the test_edit_topic at line 364 totally different one20:00
ubot5bug 1240617 in Ubuntu RSS Feed Reader App "Smoke test failure due to _remove_topic expecting 'Back' button on main_view toolbar" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124061720:00
phillwballoons: I've asked on #ubuntu-server and no one has replied back as to why they should be disabled; could you ask around?20:15
phillwballoons: ah, okies :) Thanks!20:20
balloonsyw phillw20:20
Letozaf_balloons, can you still run the tests on the device with: phablet-test-run -n ubuntu_rssreader_app  ?20:21
balloonsLetozaf_, you can do it the old way20:32
balloonsbut it messes updating up, etc, as you'll have to install packages and turn on rw mode20:33
balloonsclick is much easier because you can pull your own code too20:33
Letozaf_balloons, but click doesn't work for me unfortunatly, remember yesterday ?20:34
balloonsLetozaf_, yes, but ...20:38
plarsballoons: psivaa: how long does re-install system normally take for you?20:58
psivaaplars: it normally takes nearly the same time as the fresh install20:59
balloonsplars, an upgrade from image?20:59
plarspsivaa, balloons: bug #124069920:59
ubot5bug 1240699 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "reinstall system extremely slow" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124069920:59
plars30 min. later it's still going20:59
balloonsahh, right that's more or less an inplace upgrade21:00
plarsballoons: but the system on there before was pretty stock - no extra packages or anything21:00
balloonslet me try again21:00
plarsballoons: it's still nowhere close to done, 30 min later21:00
phillwthe ability yo use an alternate ISO to upgrade was dropped when all the teams dropped the alternates from their builds :)21:00
balloonsI'll replicate what you did and use vbox too21:01
plarsballoons: cool21:01
phillwI did ask on behalf of lubuntu what had happened to it.21:01
balloonsohh shoot, this is an encrypted volume, hehe21:02
* balloons boots another21:02
balloonsk I'll do the encrypted one also, but I want to stay simple21:03
psivaacan we upgrade image on an encrypted install?21:04
balloonspsivaa, you simply have to mount it first from a live session, then yes21:04
slickymastergood night all21:05
psivaaballoons: ack21:05
plarspsivaa, balloons: it finally finished, and I'm on to another install21:19
plarsit took a good long while though21:19
balloonsplars, one went fine21:20
balloonsthe other had an error21:20
plarspsivaa, balloons: ubuntu one login worked this time... failure seems to be pretty random with it21:20
psivaaplars: i've done a few erase and reinstall and they dint seem to take that long21:20
balloonsso not sure what happened to you.. one of the re-installs was really old, it too went fine21:21
psivaai've also done some reinstall (keeping the home folders and files) that also did not take that long21:21
balloonsI broke my encrytped install tho.. hehe21:21
balloonsI didn't tell it to encrypt again21:22
phillwhi melodie just waiting for 20131016.1 to land for lubuntu :) Patience is the by-word :)21:51
melodiehi phillw21:51
melodiephillw no problem, it will be there when it will21:52
melodieI have lots to do in many fields anyhow21:52
melodiephillw what was it about the test cases?21:52
phillwindeed, I'm about to create a couple of machines up with room to install side by side. Mine are now full with reslicing for alternate testing :D21:53
melodieI had a great difficulty at first to see how that was working and when on sunday night I finally got the point, where to click and so to see the list of points to be checked it was marked all as "Archived" and seemed not possible to post there anymore : is that what was expected?21:53
phillwif you find a bug in the actual test case, then please register it. e.g. if you look at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/testcases/1439/info you will see the link to report a bug against the test case. All test cases have that link for reporting.21:54
melodiephillw I send you my highest thoughts and congratulations for the central information you are providing, by the way. You are doing a fantastic job21:55
melodiehow much time will this test case be available?21:55
phillwballoons: and the rest of the team here are the drivers, I just annoy them :P21:55
melodieI don't see their posts at the ml, I do see your's, and that allows a handful of us to bring crumbs of contribs :)21:56
phillwthe manual test cases should only ever be updated as releases move on and they need updating. The process to update them has changed and as I'm going to be concentrating more on docs next cycle; so I will be happy to keep you updated :)21:57
phillwyay.. server has landed!21:57
melodieI see21:57
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
melodiewhere are the alternate isos? I don't have all the links under the hand21:57
melodiehi _salem o/ !21:57
phillwmelodie: all the builds for RC (Final) are at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/305/builds21:58
melodiedownloading with wget now22:00
phillwthe iso tracker itself holds everything we test on the iso's/ It has sister areas e.g. http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/300/builds22:00
melodieI wonder if usb creator gtk in 12.04 can put it to usb stick?22:00
melodiephillw I don't take more info than I need...22:00
phillwmelodie: a hint... use zysnc, there are a couple of 'cheats' that both reduce the time they take, but also lessen the load on the poor server that issues them all out :)22:01
melodieisn't zsync to be used when the first iso has been downloaded? I only had the desktop version so far22:02
phillwI've seen a lot on usb sticks, the 12.04 'from' 12.04 seems to work okay. other than that it seems dd is the fail safe with people also reporting that unetbootin works okay.22:02
melodiephillw I said on the mailing list dd is horrible for creating usb boot isos, it destroys the fs of the usb stick22:03
melodieI would bet that it would reduce the life span of the stick : I don't have benchmarks to confirm, but this seems likely to me22:04
phillwI've not built a usb disk in a long time, does not http://www.pendrivelinux.com/ have a working solution?22:06
balloons+1 thomi I missed this landing :-) ARNING dbus:522 - Your query '/comubuntuclock/QQuickView/MainView/OrientationHelper/QQuickItem/QQuickItem/PageStack/PageWrapper/Tabs/QQuickItem/Tab/AlarmPage/QQuickFlickable/QQuickItem/QQuickColumn/QQuickListView[id=104]//Label' returned a lot of data (20 items). This is likely to be slow. You may want to consider optimising your query to return fewer items.22:06
phillwmelodie: depends on the usb stick. one of the few things that windows gave us was certified speed-boost disks. I am glad I spent the extra to get mine. they are designed for 'heavy' re-writes.22:07
melodiephillw the working solutions are always the one some succeeded in applying : this to say I didn't test all the pendrivelinux solutions :)22:07
phillwI'll have a play with pendrive linux on Friday evening and let you know how I get on. I do agree that we do need a system that works that allows us to have our linux on a stick for when we are out and about and also for helping out other people.22:09
melodiephillw as I said on the ml, some methods are fine for everyday use, and are not for testing because they don't provide all the same features as in a cdrom22:12
phillwI till have my 9.10 usb, bought from the canonical shop many moons ago. That little critter is still going :)22:13
phillwI'll back up my high speed one and have a play. But we can discuss that on the other channel :)22:14
melodiewhich channel?22:15
melodiewhich other* channel? :)22:15
melodie#linuxvillage ?22:15
thomiballoons: :)22:25
phillwballoons: permission to cry?23:40
balloonsI laugh instead of crying23:40
balloonsit's a choice23:40
balloonssoon it might be silently sobbing in a corner23:40
melodiegood night23:41
phillwballoons: I'd not have cried, but they respun all the lubuntu alternates and the only one that was over sized, is still over sized :'(23:44
phillwAhh, here come the desktops.... stop the sheepdogs pincing at my heels :D23:44

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