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James_EppI'm looking for a software recommendation as well as a guide possibility. I want to get a mail server up and running (preferably smtp/imap) that can host multiple domains. Nothing super fancy. Mailpile would be great for this, but yeah.....it's in dev. My skills are not what they could be. I'm one of those people where if they can't apt-get it or download a .deb, they are lost. GUI would be preferred, but I'm not scared of a lit02:14
tjjIf there's an ubuntu server that I'm rebooting remotely, is there a way to know the very instant that ssh becomes available?02:37
James_Epptjj: you could just ping the server. idk about ssh specifically, though.02:38
tjjJames_Epp: Yeah that was my first thought but unfortunately the system responds to pings way before sshd starts02:39
James_Epptjj: mmkay02:39
James_Epptjj: IDK how well it would work, but you could try "watch ssh user@server"02:40
tjjJames_Epp: Yeah I was hoping for something scriptable...I'll just head over to serverfault02:44
James_Epptjj: Good luck!02:44
rostamHI if i need to modify initramfs (/etc/fstab), are there any references how to do it? thx02:47
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jamespagezul, I pushed and uploaded cinder rc3 fyi08:07
jamespagekeystone rc3 should be out shortly will do the same08:07
jamespageno neutron rc3 planned as yet08:07
jamespagezul: both done and pushed08:30
g0tchaheya guys, i have an ubuntu server VM running, anyone can advice on how to create a full system backups of it?08:48
g0tchamy ubuntu got compromised some how, i found some commands in the 'history' that i did not run08:50
g0tchai rebuilt the OS and now in the process of moving the data over to the new install08:50
g0tchabut im wondering whats the best way to create weekly backups so incase something like this happens again i just revert back to an older, cleaner backup08:50
g0tcharight now i cant even be sure of my database for example is compromised or not, so moving that to the new install is an issue08:51
g0tchaive read about rsync but thats not what i want08:51
g0tcharsync would already have synced the compromised files (if any)08:51
Anomie_workg0tcha: What VPS provider are you using? Some offer automatic updated (Linode)09:05
Anomie_workBut if you're moving the data over, you're probably moving the malicious code over with it too09:05
g0tchaAnomie_work, its a VM im running from home actually09:06
g0tchaand yeah, i figured that i might be moving the malicious code over thats why im moving only what i think is necessary for now to minimize the risk09:06
g0tchabut at the same time i want to future-proof by backups incase this happens or simply if the server just breaks down09:07
rbasakI use tarsnap with the server having a write-only key. Then if I can be confident about the date/time of compromise I can be confident that older backups are not compromised.09:07
g0tcharbasak, how does that work?09:12
rbasakg0tcha: tarsnap works like tar, but deduplicates, encrypts and writes out to a "cloud" location. The key can be split into separate write and read keys if desired. However, it's proprietary (though client source is available). See the tarsnap page for details.09:13
rbasakIt's very Unix-y09:13
g0tcharbasak, ib te gettubg started page it says its required to have a Tarsnap account and to egister my machines with that account09:17
g0tchais that done only on the "cloud" ? cant be used without creating an account and backing up localy?09:17
rbasakCorrect. Can't be used locally.09:17
rbasakI wrote "ddar" which is similar but can be used locally. It doesn't do encryption, though (relies on filesystem/ssh encryption)09:18
rbasakddar isn't packaged though. I really should get round to doing that.09:18
rbasakThere's also bup and one or two others.09:18
g0tchasounds complicated heheh09:25
zottaI have one program on my server which has a minor bug. Googling around i came to the conclusion that it was introduced in the very version i have and fixed in the next09:28
zottahow can i install another version?09:29
hitsujiTMOzotta: how was it installed?09:33
zottaofficial repos09:33
zottai have looked in aptitude and only one version seems aviable from there09:34
hitsujiTMOif the later version is not in the repo, then you may want to look for a ppa for the software ... failing that you would prob have to build the latest version yourself09:34
rbasakzotta: what is the bug, and in what package? We do fix bugs in stable releases by backporting the fixes, provided that they meet some stability criteria: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates09:37
zottarbasak: The problem is that symbolic links are displayed as files which can not be downloaded or accessed in filezilla09:45
zottarbasak: i am using ubuntu 12.04 lts09:46
zottarbasak: It worked with 10.04 lts09:47
zottarbasak: on google i found this thread: http://forum.directadmin.com/showthread.php?t=4240209:47
zottarbasak: but it did not work http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.network.proftpd.devel/2109:47
rbasakzotta: so a filezilla bug?09:48
zottait worked with the old server09:49
zottait seems to be the combination of proftpd and filezilla09:50
hitsujiTMOzotta: have you looked at http://askubuntu.com/questions/32001/need-proftpd-to-follow-symbolic-link09:50
zottahitsujiTMO: i tested DefaultRoot / and no effect09:52
zottawell screw it09:53
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BrixSatanyone with fluentd experience11:19
hitsujiTMO!details Z BrixSat11:22
ubottuhitsujiTMO: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:22
hitsujiTMO!details | BrixSat11:22
ubottuBrixSat: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:22
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BrixSathitsujiTMO:  i wold like to know how to make my machines log to fluentd. Im a beguinner on this.11:26
zuljamespage:  cool im going to start prepping final branches so they will be ready to go11:27
jamespagezul, okay11:27
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BrixSatI cant find any info on that, i see fluentd loggers but i want something like loggger connect  to local fluentd with cache and then that fluentd connect to remote central fluentd11:28
BrixSatlike logger ---> fluentd_localmachine ---> internet --->fluentd_central_server11:29
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zuljamespage:  im going to update the boto version patch we are carrying13:01
jamespagezul, you know it sucks upstream still right?13:02
zuljamespage:  yeah13:03
smoserwhat is this ?13:03
zuljamespage:  its not in the milestone-proposed tree either13:03
smoserrbasak, just an fyi, i uploaded a change yesterday to simplestreams filter logic13:04
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1238227 in simplestreams "should not insert version if all items were filtered" [Medium,Fix committed]13:04
zulsmoser: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/123922013:04
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1239220 in nova "boto version checking in test cases is not backwards compatible" [Medium,Fix committed]13:04
smoseri was/am moderately concerned that i could have broken someone expecting the old logic (although i think that old logic was quite odd)13:04
johestdoes someone may have experiene with dell idrac 7 ? i cant connect to the remote shell13:48
g0tchaquick noob question, is backing up the '/' directory means backing up the whole OS filesystem?15:15
zuljamespage:  i got keystone rc416:06
jamespagezul, coolio16:09
zuljamespage: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/keystone/rc4/+merge/19145416:22
jamespagezul, +1 (conditional) - add full stop at end of changelog line :-)16:23
zuljamespage:  fixed16:24
zuljamespage:  uploaded16:28
Thirtysixwaycould someone tell me if whoopsie/apport on ubuntu server automatically sends crash reports to canonical?16:41
Level15Hi, all. Got some big issue here: i have an ibm ts3100 tape library. lsscsi shows me the two drives but no media changer device... any hints?16:41
phillwHi good people, anyone know why the 13.10 RC has been marked as disabled on the iso-tracker? http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/305/builds thanks :)16:59
DanielSaIs there any issue with the update of package procps? I'm getting a error after executing 'sudo apt-get upgrade'17:05
jamespageDanielSa, under LXC or some sort of VPS hosted instance?17:08
jamespagebug 115764317:08
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1157643 in procps "procps fail to start" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115764317:08
DanielSaThank you guys. Next time I'll look at launchpad first.17:12
Level15hi, all: what kernel driver/module should I use for a FC tape autoloader? So far the modules I have loaded show the drives but not the changer device. Thanks.17:16
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smoserzul, 'ipxe' on the server cd bzr blames in ubuntu seeds to you17:56
smoserthe commit message was 'Add ipxe'17:57
smoserdo you have any more information on that that you could provide me with ?17:57
smoserserver cd is oversized, and that seems like a good candidate for shrinkage17:57
smoserDaviey, maybe you remember something there?>17:57
zulsmoser:  lemme think17:57
zulsmoser:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ipxe/+bug/80034017:59
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 800340 in ipxe "[MIR] ipxe" [Undecided,Fix released]17:59
adam_gjamespage, cinder charms test suite is fixed if you'd like to do the honors of mering the last of the redux branches :)18:50
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zuljamespage:  neutron rc3 coming down the pipe in  a minute19:25
zuladam_g: ^^^19:25
adam_gzul, yippie19:27
zuladam_g:  https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/neutron/rc3/+merge/19148819:37
zuladam_g:  thanks19:45
Davieysmoser: ipxe for qemu, no?19:48
smoserit was a build dep of xen19:48
smoseripxen-qemu was19:48
smoserbut that surely doesn' tman it needs to be on the cd19:48
Davieyno, it could most likely be unseeded19:49
Davieysmoser: Are we respinning?19:49
Davieyroaksoax / jamespage: Did the maas upload get in?19:49
smoserDaviey, maas upload in. yes to respinning to fit on media.19:50
smoserutlemming, i uploaded cloud-init and walinux for you to precise.19:52
Davieysmoser: Silly question... but when did it become oversized?19:52
Davieyzul: neutron accepted into proposed19:52
roaksoaxDaviey: it fid thabkd.19:52
roaksoaxit did*19:52
roaksoaxfid you spprove it?19:52
smoseri dont know.19:53
smoser<cjwatson> Nobody from the server team is on the server image failure notification list, otherwise you'd have been being mailed about this for some time19:53
smoserDaviey, ^ "for some time"19:53
Davieysmoser: Ah, i guess i was removed.19:55
Davieysmoser: probably worth checking with QA that it should be the most basic of tests. :)19:57
Davieyzul: couldn't rc4 tracker have been the same bug number for all packages? :)20:00
zulDaviey:  we only had one rc420:07
zulDaviey:  but the other rc3 could have probably had one bug number as well20:08
jamespagesmoser, do we need todo anything about size of the iso?20:21
jamespageI can review the seed list now if need be20:21
smoserjamespage, fixed.20:21
smoserdroped 48M of ipxe20:21
jamespagesmoser, good-oh20:23
jamespagewe have a smaller subset for kvm/qemu from memory20:23
smoserwell, yeah. ipxe-qemu20:23
smoserbut we didn't add that to the cd.20:23
smoseri'm not really clear on why we necessarily want any package on the cd20:24
jamespagesmoser, I see lots of stuff that we could drop20:24
jamespageI don't see iso as much more than something to hang our hat on for release and for small, single server installs anyway20:24
jamespagedrop/move from iso to supported seed20:24
smoserjamespage, is there some well defined "you put stuff on the cd because..."20:24
smoserthats my feeling to.20:25
jamespagesmoser, for example all of the cluster stack is on the iso20:25
* jamespage does not understand why20:25
jamespagesmoser, I think there may have been confusion about supported == on the iso20:26
jamespagewhich is not the case20:26
jamespagemunin is on the iso as well20:26
smoserand coupled with "look at all the space the server iso has empty!"20:26
smoserwhich, over time, turned into -30M20:27
jamespageI think it should really be stuff you can install from the menus20:27
jamespagetasksel + the boot menu for maas etc..20:27
phillwexcellent. Just as I got told why the ISO's on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/305/builds had been disabled with no bug reported :)20:33
harushimoopenstack question20:53
harushimoits more use on the IAAS side right?20:53
Davieysmoser / zul / jamespage: Does this make sense to you? https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Saucy/view/AutoPkgTest/job/saucy-adt-neutron/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/48/consoleFull21:21
Daviey(i386 was successful)21:21
jamespageDaviey, I was just looking at that21:22
jamespageDaviey, i suspect something racey - I've re-run the test - its executing now21:23
jamespageDaviey, yeah - the lbaas agent starts but then exist due to missing base configuration21:25
Davieyjamespage: it certainly doesn't sound right...21:26
jamespageI guess the check sometimes runs quick enough to catch it OK21:26
jamespagebut not in this case21:26
jamespageDaviey: that test passed this time round - I'll raise a bug and we can address early next release21:27
jamespageDaviey: bug 124071221:30
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1240712 in neutron "neutron-lbaas-agent DEP-8 test sometimes fails" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124071221:30
Davieyjamespage: thanks21:30
savidWhat program controls messages such as "The program foobar is not currently installed. You can install it by typing: apt-get install foobar."? I'm getting an erroneous error message from this when running a command that exists.21:30
savidThere's something ubuntu does to bash that does this. I'm not sure where to find it.21:35
shaunosavid: /usr/lib/command-not-found, from the package 'command-not-found'  (and the hook should be planted in /etc/bash.bashrc)21:46
savidshauno, awesome, thanks21:47
zuljamespage:  ill get rc3 horizon tonight as well21:51
Davieyzul: Did you see horizon rc3 posted? The only change is, https://github.com/openstack/horizon/commit/d3e8e29f1e252e7bffc836056b52c8e4e5a0307c22:11
phillw13.10 iso images for server have now been re-built and should be CD sized. http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/305/builds22:12
zulDaviey:  yeah i saw it22:24

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