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lucenutI've been playing with touch on the nexus 10 a few days.01:41
lucenutHow can I copy some files onto it? Movies.01:41
lucenutI have it plugged into a windows 7 PC now and it doesn't show in My Computer.01:42
wilee-nileelucenut, its linux and part ubuntu, is it supposed to?01:44
wilee-nileeandroid does by itself01:44
wilee-nileeI'm not sure the partition types with touch01:45
lucenutI have mounted shares in ubuntu before.01:46
lucenutThat you could see from windows.01:46
Conker_hey all i just installed the ubuntu touch dev preview, and im at a step that asks "ROM may flash stock recovery on boot. Fix? THIS CANNOT BE UNDONE." and basically "No" "Yes - Disable recovery flash" and "++++Go Back++++" as options01:47
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wilee-nileelucenut, All I can say is in general windows does not mount a ext type partition without software, not sure what the touch is, or what the partion types are.01:47
Conker_what exactly is this? what am i to do?01:48
wilee-nileeConker_, Installing touch wipes the device is what it means to install.01:49
lucenutYes, go ahead Conker.01:49
Conker_wilee-nilee, lucenut, then getting android back is impossible?01:50
wilee-nileeConker_, You will have to reload a saved image or the stock image01:50
Conker_okay so "Yes - Disable recovery flash" ?01:51
Conker_well, heres crossing my fingers01:55
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AndroUserMoto X?02:27
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tvossSaviq, good morning :)06:27
tvossSaviq, mind having a look at: https://code.launchpad.net/~thomas-voss/unity-mir/oom_adjust/+merge/19112306:27
UbuntuNewAnyone here that can help me troubleshoot the installation of Ubuntu Touch onto Nexus 4?06:30
tvossasac, o/06:32
asacmoin moin tvoss06:32
tvossmoin moin :)06:33
asacbzoltan: any news/patches in sight for the uitoolkit tests that we could consider taking today?06:49
asacdidrocks: ^^ guess you dont know either06:49
didrocksyeah, no news on that06:49
bzoltanasac: can not say much yet06:51
asacbzoltan: any leads/ideas?06:54
bzoltanasac: I try to reproduce what t1mp was doing ... and will see06:55
asacbzoltan: ok. please treat this as a priority. thjere is nothing else we would pretty much take until release and a few days after06:55
asacso ... :)06:55
asacnothing else to work on beyond this06:55
bzoltanasac: wow :) that sounds good06:56
asacbzoltan: its reality though06:56
bzoltanasac: we are working on this and only on this right now06:56
asacso there will be progress i am sure06:56
asacif yuou are stuck ask people for help06:56
bzoltanasac: we means t1mp, kalikiana and me ... the rest of us are off06:56
asacthgree should be enough to get some progress going at least06:57
asacogra_: moin07:10
asacogra_: do you know what sneaky change caused the ofono regression? :)07:11
dholbachgood morning07:17
Saviqtvoss, I don't mind, no, but since Gerry reviewed it already, can this wait for him?07:18
tvossSaviq, sure07:19
popeyasac: 22:09:51 < plars> rsalveti: what broke it? I haven't installed locally yet07:25
popey22:10:03 < rsalveti> plars: ubuntu-touch-session changes07:25
popey22:10:04 < rsalveti> https://code.launchpad.net/~rsalveti/session-manager-touch/ofono-setup-started-dbus/+merge/19129507:25
popey22:10:08 < rsalveti> we're testing that now07:25
asacpopey: ok. thanks07:25
bzoltanasac: what is the single line command from adb to execute an installed app?07:26
asacbzoltan: good question :)07:26
asacdidrocks: lool: do you know ^^ ?07:26
bzoltan asac:  :) well, that is where I could start07:26
popeybzoltan: is it an installed click package?07:26
bzoltanpopey:  not necessarily07:27
popeythats harder then, installed apps are started via upstart07:27
bzoltanpopey:  but that would be good to know too..07:27
didrocksadb shell sudo -u phablet -i sh -lc "initctl start <app>"07:28
didrocksfrom memory, not 100% prooved ^07:28
popeythats presumes its installed as a click package though07:28
popeywhich the sdk doesn't do AIUI07:28
bzoltanpopey, didrocks:  from the QtC (ya now, the thingy what most of the phablet devs ignore) the good old qmlscene way works07:31
bzoltanpopey, didrocks, asac: Open the QtC, create a simple app... push CtrlF12, the app will show up... the adb shell and su - phablet ... and execute APP_ID=untitled1 qmlscene ~/dev_tmp/untitled1/untitled1.qml --desktop_file_hint=~/dev_tmp/untitled1/untitled1.desktop07:34
bzoltanthat will segfault07:34
popeyworks here07:35
asacbzoltan: the app will show up?07:35
asacbzoltan: is that app showing up on the phone? or on your desktop07:35
asacbzoltan: how does the trace look like in gdb?07:36
asacis that anything readable in qml?07:36
popeybzoltan: http://popey.com/~alan/device-2013-10-16-083604.png07:36
popeyon image 9807:36
bzoltanpopey, didrocks, asac: there must be a way to launch apps in a simple way :)07:36
didrocksbzoltan: not sure you have the same environment though07:37
popeyphablet  11947  0.0  0.0   4564  1376 ?        Ss   08:35   0:00 bash -ic source /etc/profile; export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-i6VAfjzeqv; APP_ID=untitled3 qmlscene /home/phablet/dev_tmp/untitled3/untitled3.qml --desktop_file_hint=/home/phablet/.local/share/applications/untitled3.desktop07:37
popeythat's what it's doing on mine, and it works07:37
asacbzoltan: i agree that there shouyld be07:39
asacbut i am not sure there is07:39
asaci think we cut features to get where we are :)07:39
bzoltanpopey:  that is a hot piece of command :) let me play with it07:39
asacso the dbus socket. yeah07:40
popeybzoltan: thats from qtcreator btw07:44
bzoltanpopey: and does it work for you from the command line?07:51
popeynot tried07:52
MacSlowCimi, ping07:52
popeybzoltan: yes07:53
popeyadb shell07:53
popeysudo -u phablet -i07:53
popeybash -ic source /etc/profile; export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-i6VAfjzeqv; APP_ID=untitled3 qmlscene /home/phablet/dev_tmp/untitled3/untitled3.qml --desktop_file_hint=/home/phablet/.local/share/applications/untitled3.desktop07:53
popeyapp opens07:53
popeybash -ic source /etc/profile;  seems erroneous though.. "profile: source: filename argument required07:54
bzoltanpopey: the location of the desktop file is the one to check07:56
popeylrwxrwxrwx 1 phablet phablet 49 Oct 16 08:35 /home/phablet/.local/share/applications/untitled3.desktop -> /home/phablet/dev_tmp/untitled3/untitled3.desktop07:56
bzoltanpopey:  try to use the --desktop_file_hint=~/dev_tmp/untitled3/untitled3.desktop07:56
bzoltanFor me your command opens the app... and when I change the --desktop-file-hint it dumps core07:57
popeybzoltan: segfault07:58
bzoltanpopey: that is it... the fucker is captured07:58
popeybzoltan: i see why07:58
popeybzoltan: change ~ to /home/phablet07:58
bzoltanpopey: errr...wierd07:59
* popey celebrates with tea07:59
bzoltanpopey: correct08:00
* bzoltan looks at the wine bottle ... and at the clock... 08:00
* bzoltan goes for a tea08:00
didrockshey oSoMoN! do you know if gusch is on holidays?08:01
ogra_asac, this was all my fault, sorry ... Saviq and i cleaned up the unity8 upstart job, he didnt want to keep a dep with the ofono job to unity and instead of depending on dbus we used the desktop-start event ... i tested it in my already set up phone without thinking about the fact that ofono-setup only runs once ... so i couldnt catch that it doesnt work +08:02
Saviqogra_, asac, I want some blame, too!08:02
ogra_Saviq, well i suggested desktop-start and did the testing :)08:03
ogra_anyway, all we lost is a build number after all08:04
asacogra_: kk. thanks for explain08:04
ogra_asac, i would actually not have done a rebuild (since we would have done one in the morning anyway) but it seems everyone who matters only runs devel-proposed08:05
asacogra_: not sure what that means08:06
asaceveruone that matters runs devel-proposed... what does that have to do with a rebuild08:07
ogra_asac, well half our management seems to run -proposed08:07
asacogra_: and that means?08:07
asacwe have to fix devel-proposed asap?08:08
asacsorry, long line :)08:08
popeyasac: means they see the breakage before we release/publish08:08
ogra_asac, seems like ...08:08
popeyrick runs devel aiui08:09
asacpopey: right. but that shouldn't impact our operation08:09
popeyhe only updates when the mail goes out08:09
CimiMacSlow, pong08:09
asacso yeah. devel-proposed is not important because of users or managers08:09
popeyasac: sure, but you get more eyeballs on you when the higher ups run bleeding edge I guess08:09
asacits important for developers08:09
MacSlowCimi, do you happen to know where the mockups for https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeAndDate?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=phone-indicator-clock.png are... if there are any?08:09
asacthat means tests shouldnt break there08:09
asacso people can continue do nicely tested merge proposalss... and the landing folks can check that we really regress no tests etc. before integrating new stuff08:09
ogra_asac, well when i do a build at apm and at 9pm i'm drowning in pings and the phablet channel freaks out because nobody can do calls ...08:09
ogra_*at 8pm08:10
asacogra_: the fact that it made it into the image is the problem. however, we shouldn't freak out because of that08:10
ogra_dont tell me08:10
asacto be clear, i think you did the right thing08:10
CimiMacSlow, this looks like an mpt mockup, you need visuals?08:10
asacbut the reasons you did it for were not right... devel-proposed can be broken for one image08:10
asacwe will address such bad things in next image :)08:10
ogra_asac, right, thats what i said as well ...08:11
* popey adds "we will fix that in the next image" to "shit canonical people say" tumblr08:11
ogra_asac, but then there was the argument from all sides that "there are only two days to release"08:11
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MacSlowCimi, if possible I'd like a bit more closer to what it's meant to look like (colors, spacing etc) you know08:11
popeyalong with "that's fixed in mir" ☻08:11
ogra_popey, ++08:11
asacogra_: so what? we must not give in to the panic08:11
asacogra_: if we stay calm, the world will be good08:12
loolbzoltan: There is an upstart-app-launch command for that which is cleaner, but "start application-click APP_ID=com.xyz_Name_version" should work08:12
asacogra_: also we have good images in the bank08:12
ogra_asac, yeah, well, in the end i did and i knew rsalveti would handle it properly  (and we had a proper and tested fix)08:12
CimiMacSlow, there are ubuntu settings components to reuse08:12
asacogra_: we are safe to just continue working as decent as needed08:12
loolbzoltan: do you still need this?08:12
MacSlowCimi, if you don't know, I can just chase Design and see if they have more mockups just not uploaded perhaps yet08:12
asacwith all the care needed and all the checking that needs to be done08:12
asacif there is no good image anymore then bad luck08:12
ogra_asac, right, next time i'll resist :)08:12
asacwe release 9608:12
MacSlowCimi, sure08:12
CimiMacSlow, I don't have more, but I believe it's simply reusing the same designs of the desktop08:12
bzoltanlool: I think for us calling the direct qmlscene  is the interesting, as the autopilot test app is not a click app08:13
CimiMacSlow, with same paddings and other GU we use on the phone08:13
asacogra_: just dont spin 100... we wanted to release 100 :)08:13
asac99 removed one chance we had to iterate to make that fun release08:13
ogra_asac, well 101 isnt a bad number either :)08:14
asaclets do some spinning i guess08:14
asacphone v10108:14
didrockslet's try to get either 100 or 10108:17
loolbzoltan: Sorry I'm not sure I understand08:17
didrockswe should add that to annual objectives :)08:17
MacSlowCimi, how do one test-run ubuntu-settings-components best with unity8 for development (on the desktop)?08:17
looldidrocks: 66608:17
popey103 is a prime number though!08:17
popeyinsert more spurious reasons for respinning here...08:17
didrockspopey: not valid argument. rejected :p08:18
CimiMacSlow, I run qmlscene path/to/the/components/gallery08:18
MacSlowCimi, ok thx08:18
CimiMacSlow, there's a qml file with the gallery of the ubuntu settings components08:18
oSoMoNdidrocks: no idea, let me check08:23
didrocksoSoMoN: we have an ubuntu-keyboard issue in the one proposed for landing, do you know in that case who can takes this up?08:23
asacpitti: xnox: is there any hope for a fix for the socket filter or do we need dismiss the approach?08:23
didrocksoSoMoN: maybe it's not from your team, just pocking randomly :)08:23
MacSlowCimi, hm... doesn't seem to work08:24
CimiMacSlow, error?08:24
pittiasac: xnox was rather close yesterday, it just needs some hard thinking how to set up the netlink filter chain08:24
oSoMoNdidrocks: tmoenicke is your man, but I’m not seeing him around either08:24
didrocksoSoMoN: hum, can you keep me posted if they will be around today?08:24
MacSlowCimi, "TypeError: Result of expression is not an object" while trying to load the Calendar.qml08:25
CimiMacSlow, not run this08:25
CimiMacSlow, run the main qml file08:25
MacSlowCimi, how is it meant to be run then?08:25
oSoMoNdidrocks: they should be, but in the meantime maybe I can help?08:25
bzoltanpopey: and now I tried this08:25
MacSlowCimi, which is?08:25
bzoltanpopey:  bash -ic source /etc/profile; export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-k2xEWyIULe; APP_ID=calculator qmlscene /usr/lib/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/examples/calculator/calculator.qml --desktop-file-hint=/usr/lib/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/examples/calculator/calculator.desktop08:26
CimiMacSlow, guess it's called either SettingsComponents.qml or UbuntuSettingsCOmponents.qml08:26
CimiMacSlow, might be on root of the project08:26
MacSlowCimi, don't have that here08:26
Cimimmm ok08:26
didrocksoSoMoN: ok, so we have https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-keyboard/+bug/124040308:26
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1240403 in ubuntu-keyboard (Ubuntu) "OSK never reappear when dismissed in notes" [Undecided,New]08:26
didrocksoSoMoN: basically the landing was supposed to be able to dismiss the keyboard08:26
CimiMacSlow, sorry but last time I coded that was 2 and a half months ago :)08:26
MacSlowCimi, oh hold on...08:27
CimiMacSlow, it's in root08:27
MacSlowCimi, do I also have to provide the path the the menus explicitly?08:27
CimiMacSlow, let me try08:28
asacpitti: xnox: ok feels like there is actually hope... thanks for not dropping the ball :)08:29
pittiasac: it seems upstream starts moving video drivers away from the uevent hacks; apparently not the maguro one yet, though :/08:29
Cimibzr branch lp:ubuntu-settings-components08:30
Cimi cd ubuntu-settings-components/08:30
MacSlowCimi, of course :)08:30
asacpitti: right. but that sounds rather long term :)08:30
Cimiqmlscene SettingsComponents.qml08:30
Cimithat works for me08:30
pittiasac: most hopefully not; this should really be fixed properly for 14.0408:30
asacpitti: you think they will update the N4 drivers? i thought they dont really like touching such things for old devices08:30
pittiasac: I don't know08:31
bzoltanlool: do you know about any restriction of the .desktop file location?08:31
pittiasac: I've seen two patches for other drivers recently08:31
MacSlowCimi, I get... "Ubuntu.Settings.Menus" is not installed08:31
asacpitti: agree on 14.04... just hoping for a good enough bandaid that makes maguro not go boom08:31
bzoltanlool: I wold expect this command to work:  bash -ic source /etc/profile; export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-k2xEWyIULe; APP_ID=calculator qmlscene /usr/lib/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/examples/calculator/calculator.qml --desktop-file-hint=/usr/lib/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/examples/calculator/calculator.desktop08:31
CimiMacSlow, ah right, try installing the deb08:31
MacSlowCimi, so I guess you still have something elese installed (manually... left over?) on your system08:31
CimiMacSlow, qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-settings-components08:32
oSoMoNdidrocks: looking08:32
CimiMacSlow, nick redid the packaging and polished the repo, some things changed and I forgot08:32
MacSlowCimi, isn't that what I'm trying to test?08:32
CimiMacSlow, you want to test or see in action??08:33
CimiMacSlow, to test, I see there's a script run tests here08:33
MacSlowCimi, I just want to be able to test the thing I need to work on to fix the bug...08:33
CimiMacSlow, I am not sure we're using those components yet there08:34
CimiMacSlow, better to ask dednick08:34
MacSlowCimi, ok08:34
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Global Dignity Day! :-D08:34
CimiMacSlow, he did the unity integration08:34
oSoMoNdidrocks: I can’t reproduce the bug on maguro08:34
didrocksoSoMoN: jibel is going to add more infos08:34
asacSaviq: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/touch_mir/mako/99:20131015.2:20131015/4749/unity8-autopilot/ are those failing flaki ones (shall we retry?)08:35
Saviqasac, are they consistently those two tests?08:36
asacSaviq: asking you08:36
asacwhat you see locally08:36
Saviqasac, I see unity8 crashing on startup sometimes in ?? ?? ?? ??08:36
Saviqasac, during autopilot tests08:37
asacSaviq: and that makes random APs fail08:37
loolbzoltan: All I'm getting are core dumps08:37
Saviqasac, never managed to get any symbols out of it08:37
Saviqasac, random unity8 tests fail, yeah08:37
asacSaviq: well, did you see that this makes AP fail :)08:37
asacso you see that locally... gotcha08:37
asacguess you need to look at the crash first then08:37
bzoltan lool: yes, that is the problem08:37
Saviqasac, yeah, and the ones we get out from image testing are truncated08:38
Saviqasac, so we can't get anything out of them08:38
Saviqasac, i.e. utah didn't wait for apport to finish before collecting the .crash file08:38
oSoMoNdidrocks, jibel: ok, now I have managed to reproduce the bug, looking into it but I’m no OSK expert, I hope tmoenicke gets online soon08:38
Saviqasac, unity8 .crash files should be > 10MB08:38
jibeloSoMoN, FYI the mediaplayer crash I reported few days ago is fixed, I'll do more tests then close the report.08:39
asacSaviq: if you see it locally getting backtraces is best to get there i guess08:39
oSoMoNjibel: cool, thanks08:39
asacSaviq: you can even go further and build unity8 and other things with -O008:40
Saviqasac, yeah, that's the thing - the backtraces I get here are useless08:40
Saviqasac, the ones in smoke looked more promising - 'cause they're bigger08:40
Saviqasac, my .crash files for that were below 1MB08:40
Saviqasac, and 0 symbols - everything was in the non-debuggable android libs it seemed08:41
didrocksoSoMoN: good luck! :)08:52
tvossSaviq, ping08:58
tvossSaviq, do we have a bug for the slowness after having executed the uitk test suite?08:58
Saviqtvoss, pong08:58
tvossasac, ^08:59
Saviqtvoss, thought that was what was fixed by the mir fix?08:59
loolbzoltan: Before I dive into that (in a HO right now), is this breaking SDK features?08:59
Saviqtvoss, otherwise bug #1238684 maybe/08:59
ubot5bug 1227739 in Mir "duplicate for #1238684 Mir continues to render background application surfaces even when they're not visible" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122773908:59
loolbzoltan: backtrace is in code which was recently change about handling mir connections08:59
asacSaviq: nope09:00
asactvoss: i dont think we have a fix yet09:00
bzoltanlool:  do not dive into that ... yet09:00
asaczoltan is looking and i believe we need other teams loking as well09:00
asaclike MIR/unity809:00
bzoltanlool: I am on track to figure out the root cause09:00
tvossSaviq, nope, don't think so09:00
bzoltanlool: thanks for offering your help :)09:00
tvossasac, pointing alf_ in the direction, too09:00
asactvoss: i think Saviq also is still fighting weird unity crashes during unity89 testsuite09:01
asacnot sure what is more important and where alf can help most09:01
tvossSaviq, got bugs for me for the crashers, yet?09:03
Saviqtvoss, which ones?09:03
Saviqtvoss, unity8?09:03
tvossin 89, crashers in the u8 test suite09:03
tvossbasically, what asac just said09:03
Saviqtvoss, all I get are ?? ?? ?? ?? in the backtrace09:04
loolSaviq: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/124042009:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1240420 in apport (Ubuntu) "Shouldn't write directly to .crash file" [Undecided,New]09:04
asacright. i think we need to -O0 compile or somnething if we cant get anything useful09:04
loolbzoltan: I'd still like to know whether the SDK is currently broken; as in, something we'd like to track for release09:04
asacat least would be an idea... but would need to be done by the dev who triages09:04
loolasac: but is that with the incomplete crash file?09:04
tvossasac, can you paste the ui-toolkit testing instructions for alf_ again?09:05
loolSaviq: are you getting broken bt with complete or incompelte crash files?09:05
Saviqtvoss, the lab .crash files look more promising (bigger, mine were < 1MB)09:05
tvossasac, will open a bug with the instructions now09:05
Saviqlool, incomplete crash files09:05
pittilool: I'll have a look into that, but rewriting the whole .crash (including the big core dump) is a lot more expensive than just appending a few kB of stack traces and depenency info09:05
bzoltanlool:  for the stake of good terminology ... the SDK has not been broken for ages... it is the CI test cases what are broken09:05
asactvoss: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Testing#Testing_your_Ubuntu_Touch_Code_before_submission09:05
loolSaviq: right09:05
asactvoss: please bookmark and reshared that URL :)09:05
Saviqtvoss, but they're truncated, so can't get nothing out of it :/09:05
loolpitti: I dont understand09:05
tvossSaviq, happening locally for you, too?09:06
pittilool: oh, that's for the initial crash09:06
loolpitti: the bug is about racyness between apport-noui triggering and apport09:06
pittilool: I thought you meant during apport-cli data collection09:06
loolpitti: there are other possible approaches, such as writing a .done once the .crash is finished writing09:06
looland then have apport-noui trigger on done09:06
pittilool: right now it's done when you can actually read the file (before it's permisssions 000)09:06
bzoltanlool: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/123964609:06
Saviqtvoss, yes, but no useful trace09:06
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1239646 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "CI fails most tests on UITK trunk" [Critical,In progress]09:06
Saviqtvoss, just run unity8 suite, you'll get 1 or 2 failed tests with .crash files from unity809:07
Saviqtvoss, but at least here they were totally useless09:07
tvossSaviq, yup, running the test suite right now09:08
loolpitti: that might be a way to check then; maybe we want an apport-settle wrapper that waits for all .crash to be != 000 and use this in apport-noui.conf?09:11
pittilool: we already have /usr/share/apport/apport-checkreports, the upstart job might just use that?09:11
pittilool: although all it really does is to call whoopsie-upload-all09:12
pittiwhich will ignore non-readable reports already09:12
pittilool: aah, so I guess the problem is EVENT=create -> the job only gets called for creating teh (unreadable) empty .crash file, but not again once apport is done writing09:13
loolpitti: Yes09:13
loolpitti: it's even worse, if you write multiple crash files, upload-all is called in parallel multiple times (slangasek had researched this some time ago)09:13
pittilool: I wonder if it wouldn't be even more elegant to have apport emit an upstart event "apport-crash-added" or so09:13
pittilool: yeah, we'd need locking for that09:13
loolpitti: the short term problem we're trying to solve is the lab collecting incomplete .crash files09:14
popeylool: just clarified with nik90 that for 1.0 we want to have snap decisions triggered by indicator-datetime, but not launch clock->alarms from tapping events from indicator. So no url handling in clock app is required, which is why it's not there.09:14
pittilool: upload-all was written for autopilot/autopkgtests really, where it would be called once in a script, not by (possibly concurrent) upstart jobs09:14
loolpitti: if there was something to run before collecting them, it would help a lot09:14
loolpopey: Ok09:14
loolpopey: Thanks for confirming; I remember the initial idea was with URLs, so seemed odd these werent there  :-)09:15
popeyyeah, confused me this morning too ☻09:16
popeyneed more tea09:16
* popey looks for renato09:17
asacogra_: do you know how i can properly turn maguro off? seems whenever i turn it off through pressing power button for long time i have to remove the battery once09:22
asacbefore i can turn it on again09:23
loolasac: is it plugged to USB?09:23
tvossSaviq, where does unity8's stdout go to when started via upstart?09:23
loolasac: I find it's really hard to really turn off/on stuff when they are connected to USB09:23
Saviqtvoss, where *everything's* stdout go to09:23
asaclool: no... i remember that that doesnt work :)09:23
Saviqtvoss, .cache/upstart/09:23
asacso its not plugged09:24
asaclool: afaiui its impossible to turn it on while its plugged09:24
ogra_asac, works for me09:29
ogra_asac, you need to hold the power button for 5sec to switch it on09:29
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asacogra_: hmm. ok. will try harder :)09:41
tvossSaviq, do we use a QImage for caching the application snapshots?09:49
Saviqtvoss, yes09:49
Saviqtvoss, but when they are destroyed, they go away, and get rerequested from Mir again09:50
Saviqgreyback, correct ↑ ?09:50
greybackSaviq: correct09:50
Saviqtvoss, there's an image://application/ image provider09:50
Saviqgreyback, what we could do is make them cached: true09:50
mptCimi, MacSlow: Those are all bog-standard menu items, nothing special about them at all09:50
asac11:49 < alf_> tvoss: hmm, so how do you actually start an app with upstart? 'start <appname>' doesn't work09:50
Saviqgreyback, and add a ?timestamp= to the URL09:51
greybackSaviq: then they'll only be grabbed once per app09:51
asaccan we maybe document the one and only good way to run apps on our touch wiki?09:51
greybackSaviq: exactly my thinking09:51
asacmaybe a new section in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Testing#Testing_your_Ubuntu_Touch_Code_before_submission09:51
Saviqgreyback, that would save us requesting them unnecessarily09:51
asacbzoltan: would you mind adding a quick and dirty section about how to start apps from adb to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Testing#Testing_your_Ubuntu_Touch_Code_before_submission ? Seems this question is getting asked more than once :)09:52
loolasac: upstart-app-launch com.ubuntu.music09:52
loolbzoltan: ^09:52
tvossSaviq, so alf_ found that unity8 memory usage increases drastically when running the uitk test suite09:52
asaclool: thats for click only?09:52
asaclool: or same for packaged ones?09:53
loolsome environment must differ between running manually with qmlscene and with upstart09:53
asaclool: does that work from adb?09:53
loolasac: upstart-app-launch dialer-app09:53
loolasac: you need to sudo -u phablet -i first09:53
loolasac: that's from adb09:53
bzoltan asac:  I am still discovering the topic... I do not see a clear pattern on how apps should start09:53
asacbzoltan: read what lool says above. that sounds saner :)09:53
loolthat's meant for apps with a desktop file though09:53
MacSlowmpt, ok... but the "bug" I was gathering info on, is actually a not yet fully implemented/integrated feature09:53
loolit would seem good that qmlscene works09:54
asaclool: sure. guess those we care about have .desktp files09:54
MacSlowmpt, and it's dednick's baby... so he'll address it09:54
bzoltanlool:  Of course... desktop files we ahave a lot09:54
asaclool: qmlscene is not trivial it seems :)09:54
loolwell in the end this runs qmlscene09:54
loolit's just some environment difference or pathnames that would explain one working and not the other09:54
asacright. byut we should document our upstart-app-launch...09:55
loolphablet   3538  0.4  3.6 372996 70024 ?        Tsl  08:39   0:19              \_ /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/bin/qmlscene music-app.qml --file= -I ./plugins09:55
bzoltanlool, asac: this upstart-app-launch com.ubuntu.music is for click apps, right?09:55
asacgood to keep folks with a sane and stable interface :)09:55
loolbzoltan: asac already asked the same thing09:55
loolbzoltan: 11:53 < lool> asac: upstart-app-launch dialer-app09:55
tvossSaviq, greyback so I take it that we create the QImage from a pre-existing char*?09:55
asacbzoltan: its for ALL apps it seems ... maybe confirm. would be good news09:55
loolyes it's for all apps09:55
bzoltanlool: have you tried to start the calculator example app form the UITK example package?09:56
asaclool: so syntax is "upstart-app-launch <desktop-file-name>"?09:56
loolnote that the click ones will use a different internal code path than the "legacy" ones09:56
greybacktvoss: yes, the casterd char* coming from mir09:56
loolasac: it's "appid"09:56
tvossgreyback, who frees that buffer? as QImage won't09:56
loolasac: but yeah09:56
loolbzoltan: does it have a .desktop file?  :-)09:56
loolbzoltan: that's the thing, upstart-app-launch will only look at .desktop from /usr/share/applications or for click apps09:57
Saviqgreyback, only thing I'm worried... if we go for cached: true... we'll be holding all the previous screenshots in memory anyway09:57
tvossgreyback, Saviq see https://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qt/source/61570cd378e1b5a257ad90efcdac4098cb85262c:src/gui/image/qimage.cpp#L88909:57
jlcgibTrying to install Touch on my N709:57
bzoltan lool:  yes, it has... but it does not start with upstart-app-launch09:57
loolbzoltan: you might be able to hack around it by calling "start" with some overrides, but I guess we need to get to the bottom of the environment difference explaining why qmlscene works or doesn't work09:57
jlcgiband stumped on09:57
nerochiarokenvandine: hi, to fix the problems that bfiller mentioned yesterday in bug 1240145 I posted two MRs (linked to the bug), can you please have a look ?09:57
jlcgibThe following packages have unmet dependencies:  phablet-tools : Depends: bzr but it is not installable                  Depends: python-configobj but it is not installable                  Depends: python-lzma but it is not installable                  Depends: python-launchpadlib but it is not installable                  Depends: python-requests but it is not installable                  Recommends: ubuntu-dev-tools but it is09:57
ubot5bug 1240145 in gallery-app (Ubuntu) "problems configuring facebook for sharing" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124014509:57
loolbzoltan: is the .desktop file in /usr/share/applications?09:58
greybackSaviq: but it's a cache, it only gets so big, then starts throwing away unneeded pixmaps09:58
bzoltanlool: no, it is not there09:58
Saviqgreyback, true, true09:58
nerochiarogusch: maybe you can have a look too (bug 1240145 and related MRs) ?09:58
bzoltanlool: it is here /usr/lib/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/examples/calculator/calculator.deskto09:58
loolbzoltan: upstart-app-launch is a good interface for installed apps; typically the ones you'd see on the .desktop09:58
guschnerochiaro: ok - I'll take a look09:59
bzoltanlool: yes, i see...09:59
tvossgreyback, Saviq can you guys confirm for the image data not being freed by qimage?09:59
loolbzoltan: it worked after copying to /usr/share/applications09:59
loolbzoltan: upstart-app-launch calculator after cp /usr/lib/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/examples/calculator/calculator.desktop /usr/share/applications/10:00
bzoltanlool: good to know10:00
MacSlowdednick, ping10:00
dednickMacSlow: pong10:00
bzoltanlool: we have the /usr/share/applications/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gallery.desktop there but the upstart-app-launch does not start it10:02
asacadded https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Testing#Start_Applications_through_adb10:02
asacnot sure if thats good. please fix if not10:02
asaclool: ^^10:02
asacbzoltan: ^^10:02
Saviqgreyback, will you check?10:03
greybackSaviq: I am10:03
Saviqgreyback, thanks10:04
looldo we support Nexus 7 2013?10:04
tvossgreyback, QImage::fromData seems to be the correct way of doing it10:05
asaclool: given that we dont support tablets right now, i doubt it :)10:05
loolasac: we have Nexus 7 2012 image with mir though10:06
loolasac: it's going to the website10:06
asacwhat is going to the website?10:06
tvosslool, n7 2012 is difficult right now, a lot of issues as the HardwareComposer is disabled10:07
asaclool: you say we will feature our nexus 7 image for release?10:07
asaclool: tell me where you heard that so i can sort that out10:07
deiuHi all, has anyone updated the Nexus status document?10:09
deiuThe latest image can't be from 20130818...10:10
deiu(for mako)10:11
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asaclool: commented on the rick doc10:12
asaci think thats the place you refer to10:12
loolasac: web team pointed me at some text with it; I'll comment there too10:13
asaclool: will /msg you url i am talking about10:13
davmor2Morning all10:28
davmor2ogra_: did you get some sleep in the end?10:28
ogra_davmor2, indeed i did :)10:30
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jibellool, system-image tests pass locally with adt, I'm running them in the lab to find what is interfering10:36
looljibel: Great, thanks10:37
davmor2today I will mostly be breaking^wtesting 3g auto attach patch no upgrades for me10:39
pittididrocks, jibel: how can I locally reproduce an otto test for a MP on amd64? (https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot-testrunner-otto-saucy/1195/?)10:40
didrocksjibel: is that really otto used by those? ^ (I didn't know we have the tests running for upstream merger)10:41
guschdidrocks: most of notes-app and browser-app tests fail (on maguro) - but I'd guess there is another reason10:41
pittialso, it only ran the two tests from dialer_app.tests.test_dialer, but not the two from dialer_app.tests.test_calls10:41
jibeldidrocks, it seems it is10:41
jibelpitti, I don't really know how these tests have been setup10:42
didrocksgusch: keep us posted (and maybe try to get someone trying on mako?)10:42
pittididrocks: considering the huge "otto" ascii art logo in /var/log/upstart/otto-setup.log which you can see in the full console log, yes :)10:42
pittijibel, didrocks: ok, I'll ask fginther later; I'll just try to start current otto on the current saucy iso, and run the tests there10:43
* didrocks wonders why we didn't get that running for daily releases then10:44
didrocksasac: do you know? ^10:44
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asacdidrocks: otto?10:49
asaci think i lack a bit context ... /me reads a few more lines of backlog10:49
didrocksasac: it seems medium test run are using otto. I wonder if this is for phone or desktop only10:50
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didrocksmaybe it's only desktop, I hope the setup was easy because nor jibel or I were in the loop :)10:50
loolcan someone help me to force the modem to attach to 3G?10:51
loolit stays disconnecteed:10:51
lool  Driver:            ofono10:51
lool  State:             disconnected10:51
lool  Default:           no10:51
pittididrocks, jibel: doc says "To enable it make sure CONFIG_MEMCG_SWAP_ENABLED=Y is set in kernel configuration file and swapaccount=1 on the kernel boot parameters"10:51
pittididrocks, jibel: does that mean I need to rebuild my kernel for that? or is that "and" supposed to be an "or"?10:52
loolOct 15 08:21:10 ubuntu-phablet NetworkManager[999]: <warn> could not mark modem as powered: org.ofono.Error.Failed Operation failed10:52
asacdidrocks: i dont understand. all i know is that we used otto for desktop, but not for touch images10:52
asacthat doesnt sound very different from what you discovered, right?10:52
jibelpitti, you don't need to rebuild your kernel it is already set to Y by default in Ubuntu10:52
didrocksasac: not sure, as they setup otto for cases we didn't know, maybe there are some good new hidden, I'll check with Francis :)10:52
pitti# CONFIG_MEMCG_SWAP_ENABLED is not set10:53
pittijibel: ^ no, it isn't10:53
pittijibel: well, I'll try without; I need to shut down my normal session/lightdm, brb10:54
lool/usr/share/ofono/scripts/list-modems says Online = 010:54
jibelit is enabled on the machine we have in the lab and it is stock kernel10:54
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jibelpitti, try without, otherwise remove memory control from lxc configuration file that comes with otto10:54
jibelpitti, unless your intend is to huge crazy amounts of memory or test leaks in your app10:54
awafaais it possible to install an older image? say one with the dummy data?10:55
jibelpitti, the purpose of this parameter is to keep control of our machines when something goes wrong with the tests10:56
pittijibel: ah, good; but no luck, otto start fails with /tmp/otto-start.out | pastebinit -10:57
pitti"command get_init_pid failed to receive response10:58
mzanettiwhat's the correct bug tracker to file bugs for the app update manager?11:00
pittijibel: hang on, doc/README didn't mention the "sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor reload"; trying that now11:01
pittijibel: that wasn't it11:03
rickspencer3popey, so, 98 didn't get promoted?11:15
popey99 may be11:15
popey98 had a bad radio regression, so you couldn't make calls11:15
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rickspencer3popey, gotcha ... "couldn't make calls" sounds like "a bad radio regression". pretty much the definition :)11:18
popeyYeah. ☻11:19
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jibelpitti, if you lxc-start the container, the message should be better, python bindings doesn't log anything11:30
nerochiarofginther: do you know why this MR fails to build because it can't find dependencies ? https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-maguro/2490/console11:30
pittijibel: ah, thanks; I'll try that once I'm done with debugging lxc with rbasak11:31
jibel(and "failed to receive response" is a generic message when the container fails to start)11:32
mardydidrocks: hi! Do you know if there's a way to see the contents (packages and versions) of an Ubuntu Touch image, without downloading and installing it?11:39
tvossgreyback, any more insight into the QImage creation thingy?11:39
didrocksmardy: hey! yeah, you have the manifest files in both proposed and current images: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/current/saucy-preinstalled-touch-armhf.manifest11:40
greybacktvoss: not yet. I was under impression mir deletes the raw snapshot pixmap after I use it, so checking that. I avoided using loadFromData as that would be a copy.11:42
mardydidrocks: cool! And do you know how to map an image number to a date? (for example, tell that image #80 is 2013MMDD.X)11:42
kenvandinenerochiaro, done11:43
tvossgreyback, but even if it deleted under your feet, that would be quite bad, too :)11:43
tvossgreyback, asac, Saviq off for ~15 minutes11:43
didrocksmardy: yeah, for instance look at: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/touch_mir/11:43
mardykenvandine: are you already awake, or never went to sleep? ;-)11:43
nerochiarokenvandine: i'm not sure what you mean about the dependency11:43
didrocksthe first two digits in the image number11:44
didrocksthen, you have the ubuntu one11:44
mardydidrocks: oh thanks!!11:44
didrocks(then, for the end, I don't know, I guess against which version the android kernel was built against)11:44
greybacktvoss: yep, but a copy happens when I call scale()11:44
nerochiarokenvandine: i dind't update the name of the package with my change11:44
nerochiarokenvandine: so why would it change ?11:44
greybacktvoss: though I do suspect I'm being lucky :)11:44
nerochiarokenvandine: we weren't depending on a specific version number11:44
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kenvandinenerochiaro, there is one11:48
kenvandineqtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-extras0.1 (>= 0.1+13.10.20130829-0ubuntu1),11:48
nerochiarokenvandine: ah, why was it there ? i think it can be removed safely, no ?11:49
kenvandinewell it now needs a newer one :)11:49
kenvandineto get the update function11:49
kenvandinei guess it won't crash without it...11:49
nerochiarokenvandine: you're right. and yeah it won't crash, but the share popover will not come up11:50
kenvandinebut no reason not to bump that though11:50
nerochiarokenvandine: except that we don't know what version the new ubuntu-ui-extras will be no ?11:50
kenvandineso you could just make it >> 0.1+13.10.20130829-0ubuntu1, since that is currently the latest in the archive11:51
kenvandinewe know if it gets built today in daily release it'll be 0.1+13.10.20131016-0ubuntu111:51
kenvandineso >= 0.1+13.10.20131016-0ubuntu1 is safe11:52
davmor2lool: did you get you 3g issue resolved?11:52
nerochiarokenvandine: makes sense11:52
nerochiarokenvandine: bumped11:55
nerochiarokenvandine: it will now fail to build in jenkins though11:55
bzoltanlool: When I create an application package and install it on the device the .desktop file is put to the /home/phablet/.local/share/applications/ Is that th reason that manually installed click apps do not launch?11:58
bzoltanlool: have you ever tried out the QtC packaging and installing feature?11:58
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loolbzoltan: is that a .deb or a .click you're installing?12:07
loolbzoltan: upstart-app-launch uses click calls to get information about apps or uses /usr/share/applications for legacy apps12:08
looldavmor2: no12:08
davmor2lool: were you on image 98?12:10
asacdbarth_: any luck with the ua thingy for youtube?12:11
bzoltanlool: of course it is click... we do not do .deb for ages12:11
dbarth_asac: hi12:11
dbarth_asac: nope, really not12:11
dbarth_asac: the best i can do, is to force the site to serve the mobile UI12:12
bzoltanlool: Have you ever tried out the QtC for app package creation and installation?12:12
asacdbarth_: what i am looking for is some experience that delivers the videos12:12
dbarth_asac: which is a patch to webbrowser-app; merged as we speak12:12
asaci think the website look is secondary to the goal that youtube serves videos we can play12:12
dbarth_asac: but video won't work; the best i could do is html5 vids, but that triggers crashers in webkit12:12
ogra_asac, you need that so youtube doesnt tell you all the time "this device is not supported"12:13
dbarth_asac: and that does force a switch back into desktop mode, for youtube to serve html5 content12:13
dbarth_asac: besides rtsp is no go for the release12:13
dbarth_asac: at this stage, what i look into is injecting js to find hidden video links; but that's a bit borderline12:14
looldavmor2: Yes12:14
ogra_yay screen scraping12:14
looldavmor2: but had already booted, so ofono accounts should be there12:15
looldavmor2: and I get GSM12:15
loolbzoltan: No12:15
davmor2lool: on 98 there is a fix ofono package that is hopefully in 9912:15
Chipacaa silly question: how is one supposed to go "back"? e.g. to system settings from updates, or to updates from auto-download12:15
davmor2Location works woohoo!12:16
ogra_Chipaca, using the toolbar12:16
xnoxChipaca: pull up the toolbar....12:16
Chipacais the toolbar the thing that says, e.g., "Updates"?12:16
ogra_Chipaca, toolbar is hidden at the bottom12:16
asacdbarth_: right. i thought that webkit doesnt crash anymoore when playing videos12:17
ogra_swipe upwards12:17
Chipacaok :)12:17
asacdbarth_: i would have liked to hear about that issue more often and far louder in the last few days. my assumption was that the MM landing that phonedations did, made browser work12:17
asacrsalveti: known that we have a crashing browser when playing videos?12:18
asacread above12:18
* lool just saw video playing in the web browser for the first time12:18
dbarth_asac: not with 96 when i tried yesterday; works once, but then it crashes12:18
loolsame as dbarth_12:19
loolI opened a second video, same web site of online videos12:19
looland it crashed12:19
dbarth_asac: there are 2 things to consider here:12:20
dbarth_asac: play some video in the browser: it's doable for the relesae, with a special site that accepts to send the right html5 tags12:20
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dbarth_asac: but have a functional youtube.com, that's going to take time; youtube obviously will not serve content to random user-agents, to protect the content12:21
dbarth_asac: so i'd say, let's make a demo page and work on fixing that crasher12:22
dbarth_asac: wdyt?12:22
bzoltanlool: Dogfooding would be nice... It is kind of showstopper that app devs can make apps, package them in click format, install them on the device... but the shell does not launch it.12:26
loolbzoltan: Yes, I appreciate this is important, which is why I tried to understand which use case we try to cover12:27
loolbzoltan: I cant use qtcreator to create apps anymore since I purged all /opt/qt5 packages; I don't know exactly what's broken in my config since I removed them12:27
bzoltanlool:  The "launching app what I develop" use case ...12:28
bzoltanlool:  /opt/qt5 ??? The Qt is not installing there for about a year :)12:28
loolbzoltan: Yes, I could not get rid of these packages for months, then when I eventually did everything was screwed up12:29
loolbzoltan: anyway12:29
loolbzoltan: so do you have a sample click I can install?12:29
loolbzoltan: that seems like a good abstraction for reproducing the issue12:29
bzoltanlool:  just try the simple app template12:29
looltvoss: Hey12:29
looltvoss: do you have instructions to test the oom features?12:29
looltvoss: like how do you put the device into low memory mode to trigger some apps to be killed?12:30
bzoltanlool: open QtC go to Touch tab, create new project ....12:30
ogra_lool, disable swap and open a ton of apps12:30
tvossogra_, +112:30
tvosslool, ^12:30
loolbah qtcreator was opening a minute ago12:30
loolnow it doesn't launch12:30
loolCannot update Qt version information: /opt/qt5/bin/qmake cannot be run.12:30
loolah relaunching helped12:30
loolbzoltan: I see no QML template when I try to create new projects from touch tab12:32
looltvoss, ogra_: Hmm12:32
looltvoss: Is the expected behavior that the oldest app gets killed?12:32
bzoltanlool: It is called Ubuntu - Simple touch UI12:32
loolor just one of the stopped apps?12:32
tvosslool, one of the oldest apps so far12:33
tvosslool, yup, which are the stopped ones12:33
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loolbzoltan: I dont have it; I have Other projects > Code snippet; Non-Qt Project > C Project or C++ Project12:33
looland Import project12:33
bzoltan lool:  but obviously you need to have the latest SDK installed ... preferable from the SDK Release PPA, since Saucy is legacy12:33
loolbzoltan: I have ubuntu-sdk installed from saucy12:34
bzoltanlool: even with that one you should have the Ubunt section on the left list12:34
loolI dont12:34
loolbzoltan: can you tell me how to wipe my qtcreator config?12:34
bzoltanlool: then you do not have the SDK installed12:34
lool  Installé : 1.09412:34
asacdbarth_: a test page would be good, yes12:35
asacnot sure if i like the answer that youtube wont work12:36
asacbut ... :)12:36
bzoltanlool:  you should have something like this: https://pastebin.canonical.com/99124/12:36
loolbzoltan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6245420/12:36
bzoltanlool: you need to purge all qt5* PPAs first,  add the SDK PPA and do an upgrade12:36
loolI did purge all qt5 PPAs12:37
bzoltanlool: even Saucy has 2.7.1-0ubuntu1012:38
bzoltanlool: sorry, you have that12:38
awafaaerm, am i hallucinating or did i imagine that there were some gesture type features?12:39
awafaaas in a way to bring up additional functions in the browser?12:39
bzoltanlool:  did you start the Ubuntu SDK from the Dash?12:39
loolbzoltan: No12:39
loolbzoltan: I run qtcreator12:39
ogra_awafaa, do you mean the actions button (that gets you to history and bookmarks) ?12:40
bzoltanlool: try to rune the ubuntu-sdk12:40
loolbzoltan: same thing12:40
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loolbzoltan: I "fixed" this by rm -rf .config/QtProject12:41
loolbzoltan: I see the templates again now12:41
bzoltanlool: brutforce :)12:41
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loolbzoltan: So I tried running on device, but it didn't install a click; instead it ran qmlscene directly12:43
dbarth_asac: easier though: http://touch.dailymotion.com/ works almost12:44
dbarth_asac: ie, we get the right UI, and it starts an html5 video; once12:44
loolbzoltan: how does one "stop" the running application on device?12:44
bzoltanlool:  The CtrLF12 is for just running ... there is a packaging tab and an installing menu item12:44
dbarth_lool: ^^ i think that can be an easier test case to get rid of the webkit crasher12:44
bzoltanlool: Ctrl-Shift-F1212:45
loolbzoltan: I get "manifest does not exist" when creating package12:46
loolah right packaing tab12:46
loolbzoltan: FYI my name is rendered as "Loïc Minier <lool@dooz.org>"12:46
loolbzoltan: [14:46:57]  /!\Â transfer failed /!\12:47
bzoltanlool: know issue ... my name Zoltán too12:47
bzoltan lool:  at wich step it fails?12:47
awafaaogra_: no, i thought i managed to bring up an overlay type screen that had things like forward/back and other functions12:48
* awafaa can't seem to get it again12:48
loolbzoltan: FYI /tmp/click.err is insecure  :-/12:48
asachow can i take a screenshot?12:48
loolbzoltán: [14:46:56] /usr/share/qtcreator/ubuntu/scripts/qtc_project_click_create: ligne 83: /usr/share/qtcreator/ubuntu/scripts/manifest_description: Permission non accordée12:49
awafaaasac: by using this script http://people.canonical.com/~j-lallement/touch/mirfbdump12:49
loolpermission denied12:49
lool-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 100 sept. 20 15:20 /usr/share/qtcreator/ubuntu/scripts/manifest_description12:49
loolbzoltan: Looks like this file should be +x12:49
ogra_awafaa, ah the hud ... swipe from the bottom to the center of the screen12:49
bzoltan lool: on my installation it is executable12:49
awafaaogra_: aha!!! thank you for proving im not totally insane12:50
bzoltanlool: we have fixed lots of bugs in the SDK Release PPA ... because since the FF we did not push the QtC updates to Saucy12:50
asacE: Device 'maguro' is not supported. Supported devices are: mako manta grouper12:50
asacE: Device 'maguro' is not supported. Supported devices are: mako manta grouper12:50
asacjibel: ^^12:50
asacyour mirfbdump script...12:50
ogra_SUPPORTED="mako manta grouper"12:51
ogra_add maguro ...12:51
ogra_though i guess the resolution is actually to high12:51
asacogra_: right. but doesnt work it seems12:52
davmor2asac: doing adb pull /dev/graphics/fb0 kills maguro and you only seem to get a black screen12:52
ogra_hmm, no, not to high12:52
loolbzoltan: So I get a click, it installs, but then it's blank on statup12:52
bzoltanlool:  yep... that is the problem I am tacking with12:52
asacdavmor2: right. so no screenshot for me :)?12:52
looloddly, it doesn't seem to be launched with upstart12:53
davmor2asac: it's called cheese and a webcam12:53
ogra_asac, cat /dev/graphics/fb0 >/userdata/fb12:53
ogra_asac, that seems to work12:53
ogra_(needs the convert call from the script once you adb pulled it)12:54
davmor2ogra_: oh that is interesting let me have a play with that then12:54
asacogra_: odd... adb pull really killed maguro :)12:55
asacwonder what it does beyond read12:55
davmor2ogra_: nope that has locked up the maguro as well12:55
jibelasac, cat'ing /dev/fb kills maguro, it is a problem with the fb driver according to tvoss12:56
ogra_davmor2, works flawless12:56
ogra_for me12:56
ogra_i tested it before i posted it12:57
loolerr upstart-app-launch com.ubuntu.music doens't work anymore12:57
asacjibel: interestring... i was able to cat12:57
asacand then pull12:57
asacbut then the maguro was dead :)12:57
asacand the image is corrupted12:57
asacso... :)12:57
asacno luck for us12:57
jibelasac, okay, I'll change it instead of pulling directly12:57
asacjibel: not sure if it really is better...12:57
asacas i said, the device is still dead12:58
asacjust after the adb pull, which also might have been incomplete12:58
asacvery odd12:58
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davmor2ogra_: ^ I get the same as asac the phone is locked up completely12:58
davmor2ogra_: the best is when it finally sleeps you can't wake it again12:59
davmor2ogra_: I wonder if it is killing unity812:59
asacdavmor2: i can still adb in it12:59
asacunity8 process is still alive though13:00
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# cat /dev/graphics/fb0 >/userdata/fb13:00
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# exit13:00
ogra_ogra@anubis:~/Devel$ adb pull /userdata/fb screenshot.raw13:00
ogra_5553 KB/s (16777216 bytes in 2.950s)13:00
davmor2asac: so just mir inside unity8 that is dead then I guess13:00
ogra_no issues here13:00
ogra_i cat'ed five times yet13:00
asacogra_: dont say that. its all broken :)13:00
asacogra_: try harder :)13:00
ogra_asac, are you on a rw or ro image ?13:00
* ogra_ is ro13:01
davmor2ogra_: on maguro13:01
asacso i dont know. you also dont see corrupted video thumbnails on your home screen13:01
ogra_davmor2, yes13:01
asacdavmor2: do the thumbnails look good for you?13:01
asacmaliit still crashing here13:01
davmor2asac: thumbnails?  I have no videos on the home page I can add some once I've rebooted13:02
ogra_asac, you mean dieing or leaving a .crash file ?13:02
asacogra_: .crash file13:03
ogra_asac, yeah, fix is in proposed13:03
* asac doesnt like having crash files after a fresh boot13:03
asacogra_: sure?13:03
ogra_asac, landing #25613:03
davmor2asac: open maps.google.com enable location, stand by a window and make it find you :)  next hit directions and see if you can make the keyboard appear at all13:04
davmor2ogra_: ^13:04
ogra_davmor2, geez, stop playing with these super advanced features !13:05
ogra_location in websites ... crazy talk13:05
davmor2ogra_: well they are there13:05
davmor2ogra_: the loaction bit works I was over joyed13:05
davmor2then no keyboard for directions makes it kinda suck as a satnav ;)13:06
ogra_yerah, so stop whining about a broken keyboard ... cant have everything :P13:06
mardykenvandine: hi! So, this is the bug that could be fixed if we upload all the new libaccounts*: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts/+bug/123428213:07
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1234282 in Online Accounts setup for Ubuntu Touch "It's possible to add more than one U1 account from system settings on the phone" [High,In progress]13:07
mardykenvandine: I linked two branches, which completely fix the issue13:07
davmor2ogra_: although the indicator still says that location is disabled if you pull it down after getting your location point13:07
ogra_davmor2, blame tvoss13:07
lapori managed to get stuck with some problem on my nexus 4 and ubuntu touch and would need some help13:08
davmor2tvoss: it's all your fault ogra_ says so13:08
mardykenvandine: please tell me if there's some chance of getting them in, or if I should branch 13.10 off trunk and aim at merging them later13:08
lapori was speaking with my friend, and all of a sudden it turned off13:08
laporand now I cannot turn it on13:08
laporit just shows Google and after that nothing13:09
kenvandinemardy, so those two require updating libaccounts-glib and libaccounts-qt as well right?13:09
davmor2lapor: was your battery level low at all?13:09
kenvandinemardy, but not signon?13:09
laporI upgraded it yesterday13:09
lapornot exactly13:09
mardykenvandine: right13:09
lapor20 and something %13:09
lapori'll try to plug it in13:09
davmor2kenvandine: accounts google does it load a page for you?13:10
dobeywhere does one file bugs against the pre-installed click packages now?13:10
loolbzoltan: Ok, I think I'm on something13:11
loolbzoltan: I think it doesn't start due to lack of apparmor profile13:11
davmor2dobey: against the app in launchpad13:11
loolbzoltan: which is not visible in job output due to it being handled by upstart13:11
kenvandinedavmor2, indeed it doesn't13:11
loolbzoltan: I have a /var/lib/apparmor/clicks/com.ubuntu.developer.lool.boing_Boing_0.1.json -> /opt/click.ubuntu.com/com.ubuntu.developer.lool.boing/0.1/Boing.json13:11
kenvandinemardy, ^^13:11
bzoltanlool: that is a bug fixed in the SDK RElease PPA13:11
kenvandinefile:///usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ubuntu-system-settings/private/Ubuntu/OnlineAccounts/Plugin/OAuth.qml:139: Error: Invalid write to global property "p"13:11
loolbzoltan: but /opt/click.ubuntu.com/com.ubuntu.developer.lool.boing/0.1/Boing.json doens't exist13:11
jdstrandlool: are you referring to sudoku?13:11
looljdstrand: no, to clicks created by saucy SDK13:11
davmor2dobey: which app is it13:12
dobeydavmor2: https://launchpad.net/terminal-app13:12
loolbzoltan: Ok; how will you SRU SDK to saucy?13:12
laporstrange....at that time battery was more than 20%13:12
loolbzoltan: will you SRU it wholesale, or will you cherry pick fixes?13:12
bzoltan lool: I will not, Saucy is closed13:12
lapornow is 3%13:12
dobey404 not helpful :)13:12
bzoltan lool: legacy series got updates from the PPA13:12
loolbzoltan: we have this concept of stable updates where we fix the worst bugs13:12
davmor2dobey: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-terminal-app/+filebug  maybe?13:13
mardykenvandine: oops!13:13
dobeydavmor2: and how does one decipher what the launchpad page for filing the bugs, is?13:13
mardykenvandine, davmor2: do we have a bug for it?13:13
bzoltanlool: it is a bit more complicated ...13:13
lapori cannot add any URL source to Shorty and cannot get to the gmail because browser isn't supported (or something like that)13:14
davmor2mardy: nope I only just saw it and wanted a confirmation before continuing13:14
laporthis is normal and will be fixed13:14
kenvandinedavmor2, please file one13:14
kenvandinemardy, at least cancel works now :)13:14
davmor2mardy: it could of easily been the 3g connection that I am testing13:14
kenvandinedavmor2, i've reproduced it13:14
davmor2kenvandine: will do13:15
loolbzoltan: http://developer.ubuntu.com/apps/qml/tutorial/ " get Qt5 and the Ubuntu toolkit" link is broken for me13:15
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davmor2dobey: I just do a google search "Launchpad bugs <appname>" on the whole I get to the right page, I then ping the devs with the bug incase it is the wrong place and look where they put it :)13:16
kenvandinemardy, do you know what the problem is?13:16
kenvandinei can add more debugging output13:16
loolbzoltan: So some thoughts here: a) I personally would prefer avoiding PPAs, for reasons you can imagine  b) I'm also worried PPA might redefine frameworks or not be up-to-date with SDK components; maybe it just has qtcreator stuff though  c) we should not have a broken qtcreator in saucy13:16
mardykenvandine: yes, it looks like a forgot a "var" in JS13:17
looldpm: http://developer.ubuntu.com/apps/qml/tutorial/ " get Qt5 and the Ubuntu toolkit" link is broken for me13:17
mardykenvandine: weird that it happens with Google only13:17
looldpm: Since the SDK in saucy is broken, this is pretty bad; we need to point people at the PPA13:17
bzoltanlool:  I hear you... but legacz series, like Precise, Quantal, Raring and now Saucy we support from the PPA13:17
tvossdavmor2, tell ogra_: as usual13:18
dpmlool, ok, let me get the get started page we used to have back and point to the PPA for all releases. I'll have it ready by tomorrow13:19
looljibel: did you give back the autopkgtests for s-i?13:19
davmor2tvoss: ogra_ now come on you guys shake hands and make up ;)13:19
mardykenvandine: OK, I have the fix ready (tested on device as well)13:19
loolbzoltan: I dont really want to have this conversation now since it's too late to fix it, but consider we're still landing much riskier critical fixes all over the place13:19
kenvandinemardy, cool, i guess google is the only one that has parameters13:19
loolbzoltan: and that's hours from the final build13:19
popeyupstream openweathermap fixed.13:19
bzoltanlool: QtC is not broken in Saucy, it has bugs... I guess it is not the only sw in Saucy what has bugs :)13:19
mardykenvandine: ah, true13:20
loolbzoltan: Yes, so we should fix the worst bugs13:20
loolin saucy-updates13:20
loolwhich is what it is for13:20
tvossdavmor2, you might want to tell Mr. ogra_ that I totally don't want to argue about the fb :)13:20
jibellool, so on i386 tests fails because thre is output to stderr, on amd64 I am not sure, it is a timeout but on different tests13:20
loolthe fact the core features of the ubuntu plugin dont work is pretty important to fix13:20
looljibel: Mind logging a bug on the stderr output?13:21
bzoltanlool: I decided not to overload the Saucy updating process and reviewing engineers with SDK updates when devs can get update from the PPA anyway and the T queue is soon open13:21
jibellool, k13:21
bzoltanlool: but that is offtopic :) The problem is with the Shell not launching the Click apps13:21
ogra_tvoss, loool ...13:21
davmor2tvoss: haha13:21
* tvoss hugs ogra_ 13:22
loolbzoltan: so until dpm reinstates the web page, can you confirm which PPA this is?  I had ppa:ui-toolkit/ppa ppa:canonical-qt5-edgers/qt5-proper and canonical-qt5-edgers-qt5-beta1-raring13:22
tvossis it beer'o'clock, yet?13:22
loolppa:canonical-qt5-edgers/qt5-beta1 rather13:22
* ogra_ hugs tvoss 13:22
bzoltanlool: SDK Release PPA : https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/+archive/ppa About 7000 users (3000 on Raring) are using this PPA to get SDK updates13:24
mardykenvandine, davmor2: are you filing a bug about the Google issue? If not, I'll do that13:24
bzoltanlool: please purge all the PPAs you listed unless you know why do you have them13:24
davmor2mardy: https://bugs.launchpad.net/account-plugins/+bug/124051313:25
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1240513 in Online Accounts: Account plugins "Maguro: image 98 google account page never loads" [Undecided,New]13:25
mardydavmor2: thanks!13:25
loolbzoltan: these are the ones I had previously and had purged13:25
looladding ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team now13:25
bzoltanlool:  OK... those other PPAs are either legacy stuff or very experimental13:26
kenvandinedidrocks, to fix bug 1234282 we need updates to libaccounts-glib, libaccounts-qt, accounts-qml-module, ubuntuone-credentials and ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts13:26
ubot5bug 1234282 in Online Accounts setup for Ubuntu Touch "It's possible to add more than one U1 account from system settings on the phone" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123428213:26
kenvandinedidrocks, i'm thinking we just queue those for SRU?13:26
didrockskenvandine: yeah, please ensure all components that are shared with desktop follow the SRU procedure13:26
kenvandinedidrocks, what do you think?13:26
didrockskenvandine: so, bug filed, following SRU13:27
didrocksthen, we can process it13:27
didrockskenvandine: can you run/release all of them?13:27
didrockskenvandine: please add that to the landing plan (image #100)13:27
kenvandineok, so release them but we'll let them hang in -proposed for the SRU process?13:27
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didrockskenvandine: well, before releasing them (and after a lot of testing), you need to ensure that the bug SRU procedure is done and that we can release them in -updates13:28
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didrockskenvandine: then, just give a head's up to cjwatson, he'll accept them today for -updates13:28
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loolbzoltan: I dist-upgraded a couple of hours ago and I get this after adding the PPA: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6245646/13:30
loolsome are from ubuntu13:30
bzoltan lool:  These should be fine13:31
pittijibel, fginther: ah, FYI I can actually replicate the "otto/amd64" failure from https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/dialer-app/enable-phonesim-tests/+merge/19124813:33
pittiI just started a live iso in KVM and installed stuff there; dialer-app comes up,  but is all empty13:33
pittiboiko: ^ FYI13:34
loolbzoltan: Why is friends-app in the PPA?13:34
loolbzoltan: the remaining packages are reasonnably SDK-ish13:35
loolno qt udpate13:35
loolcordova/html stuff13:35
loolthe only weirdness is friends-app I guess13:35
bzoltanlool: yep13:36
loolbzoltan: are you removing it?13:37
pittifginther, jibel: so nevermind about the otto bits for now13:39
pittiboiko: I filed bug 191248 about it13:39
ubot5bug 191248 in Ubuntu Japanese Kaizen Project "Firefoxの「逆向きスクロール」がAnthyのキーバインドと衝突している" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19124813:39
pittierr, what?13:39
pittibug 124051913:39
ubot5bug 1240519 in dialer-app (Ubuntu) "Does not work on amd64" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124051913:39
boikopitti: nice! thanks! I was trying to reproduce it here13:40
pittiboiko: I suppose/hope it's mostly missing dependencies13:40
boikopitti: yep, should be13:40
pittiboiko: in principle, the Qt/QML stuff is supposed to work on desktop, too, right?13:41
popeyrickspencer3: 99 available.13:41
pittiboiko: it's "fun" that enabling https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/dialer-app/enable-phonesim-tests/+merge/191248 now uncovered two important bugs already :)13:41
boikopitti: ouch, it is a dependency problem indeed13:41
anders3408|afkstgraber: have you had time to write on that guide you talked about :)13:43
pittiboiko: something like qtdeclarative5-qtcontacts-plugin? I'll play around with that until it works13:43
boikopitti: I guess adding qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-contacts0.1 should be enough13:44
pittiboiko: what's the difference between qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-contacts0.1 and qtdeclarative5-qtcontacts-plugin ?13:44
boikopitti: qtdeclarative5-qtcontacts-plugin is the upstream qtcontacts QML module13:45
boikopitti: qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-contacts0.1 is the one providing the contact list and contacts picker13:45
pittiboiko: with the latter it still complains about missing QtContacts, trying the former13:46
boikopitti: yeah, I think we need both, but AFAIK qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-contacts0.1 uses QtContacts, so maybe it is a missing dep there too?13:47
pittiboiko: yes, apparently13:47
pittiboiko: now the QtContacts warnings went away, but it still says "No compatible telepathy account found"13:47
pittiboiko: I now have the keypad, but disabled dial button13:48
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stgraberanders3408|afk: I'm sort of busy with the whole releasing 13.10 thing, I guess you'll have to wait till next week13:50
pittiboiko: (followed up to the bug)13:51
kenvandinemardy, apparently you aren't an accepted author...13:52
pittiboiko: do you happen to know some CLI tool to show current telepathy accounts, which I could run on the phone to see what it sets up?13:52
pittikenvandine: or, do you? ^13:53
kenvandinei think13:54
pittikenvandine: thanks13:54
kenvandineyeah, that's it13:54
BrodcI've seen somewhere on the interwebs that Ubuntu-touch has a release out (stable?). Did I understand or read that wrong, or did i miss something :)13:54
pitti$ mc-tool list13:54
pittithat sounds plausible13:54
boikopitti: so, there is a ofono-setup script that creates the telepathy account,13:54
pittiboiko: ^ do you know how this gets created?13:54
pittiboiko: ah, perfect13:54
boikopitti: and the qml plugin should make sure it is enabled and tries to connect to that if it is offline13:55
mardykenvandine: sorry, I miss the context; author for what?13:55
kenvandinemardy, your branch13:55
kenvandinefailed to land13:55
pittiboiko: rock! outgoing and incoming calls working perfectly now13:55
boikopitti: nice! :D13:55
kenvandinedobey, can you help with https://code.launchpad.net/~mardy/ubuntuone-credentials/lp1234282/+merge/19134613:56
dobeywtf jenkisn bot13:56
kenvandinedobey, otto-pilot doesn't like mardy ;)  not sure what we can do to make them friends13:57
dobeythat i can fix13:57
dobeybut it won't land now because the stupid jenkisn bot13:57
boikopitti: so, do you want me to propose an MR fixing the dependencies or are you already taking care of that?13:58
dobeyi don't know how to work around that13:59
pittiboiko: I'd just add it to https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/dialer-app/enable-phonesim-tests/+merge/191248 if that's alright with you?13:59
pittiboiko: that's the branch to enable/fix CI tests, after all13:59
kenvandinedobey, why won't it try again?13:59
anders3408|afkstgraber:  fine by me :)13:59
dobeykenvandine: it will try. but it will fail because there is a needs-fixing13:59
pittiboiko: 5/6 success, the "incoming" call one doesn't work yet as the popup dialog works differently on desktop; I'll think about taht13:59
boikopitti: that's fine13:59
boikopitti: so, we used to have a dbus call to accept or reject incoming calls from command line, let me see if that's still the case14:00
pittiboiko: I currently use /usr/share/ofono/scripts/answer-calls14:00
pittiboiko: which works fine on touch14:00
dobeykenvandine: and i don't know if ps jenkins bot will try again or when it will, and if it does, if it will try to commit to the tree or not14:00
kenvandinedobey, if we trigger another CI rebuild, that should change that14:00
pittiboiko: but on desktop, dialer-app closes (!!) on an incoming call and I get a libnotify dialog14:01
dobeykenvandine: can you trigger it? it has to be done before it's set to approved again14:01
kenvandinedobey, done14:01
boikopitti: ah ok, well, it would be better to accept that on the telepathy level (to be more close to what happens in the real scenario)14:01
pittiboiko: agreed; but it remains that dialer-app closes immediately, which doesn't sound right (it doesn't do that on the phone)14:02
boikopitti: yeah, that shouldn't happen14:02
BrodcHi all, I've seen somewhere on the interwebs that Ubuntu-touch has a release out (stable?). Did I understand or read that wrong, or did i miss something :)14:05
rickspencer3thanks popey, upgrading now :)14:05
popeyBrodc: tomorrow14:06
boikopitti: com.canonical.TelephonyServiceApprover /com/canonical/TelephonyServiceApprover com.canonical.TelephonyServiceApprover.{Accept,Reject}Call14:06
pittiboiko: ah nice, thanks14:06
pittiboiko: I'll change the tests accordingly14:06
boikopitti: there is still one weird thing that on the desktop the dialog is not dismissed when we destroy the notification item14:07
looltvoss: I'm launching many apps14:08
looltvoss: things get slower and slower as I do14:08
pittiboiko: right, here too; on the  phone the snap decision goes away14:08
Brodcpopey: really, sounds interesting. Can you shed a little light on the state of Ub. touch? Maybe a little teaser?14:08
looltvoss: albeit the apps are in the T state14:08
pittiboiko: did you try with the ofono script or dbus call to TelephonyServiceApprover?14:08
popeyBrodc: tbh we're all a bit busy getting ready for the release, do you have a specific question?14:08
tvosslool, T state?14:09
looltvoss: I mean they are sigstoped14:09
tvosslool, mako or maguro?14:09
looltvoss: mako14:09
tvosslool, can you check dmesg?14:09
looltvoss: nothing obvious14:10
Brodcpopey: Will the realease be considered mature? stable (-ish)? Usable in everyday life without too much hassle?14:10
looltvoss: Only OOM I see is: [    9.939356] init (680): /proc/680/oom_adj is deprecated, please use /proc/680/oom_score_adj instead.14:11
tvosslool, please search for kill14:11
tvossrsalveti, ping14:11
ogra_lool, red herring, thats from the container14:11
ogra_(there is on eandroid binary that has this hardcoded somewhere)14:12
looltvoss: [  350.895589] send sigkill to 4041 (webbrowser-app), adj 1000, size 1521414:12
popeyBrodc: not mature, no. It's a first release.14:12
ogra_but usable in a day to day manner14:12
looltvoss: [  487.708194] send sigkill to 3710 (qmlscene), adj 1000, size 1397114:12
looltvoss: so slow down started much earlier than being close to no memory14:13
looltvoss: I still had hundreds of MiBs left14:13
looltvoss: it looks like a mir slowdown14:13
loolor possibly unity8 / qml14:13
tvosslool, *everything* looks like a mir slow down14:13
tvosslool, but yes, we are looking into the slowdown issue14:13
looltvoss: the OOM part seems to work ok14:13
tvosslool, ack14:13
looltvoss: I tested by having music-app running in background14:13
looland that worked14:14
ogra_did the broowser pick up where you left it afterwards ?14:14
kenvandinedobey, thxc14:14
tvosslool, yup, it was working locally for me, too14:14
looltvoss: not sure why music-app gets -1014:14
loolbut that's good14:14
tvosslool, we whitelist it explicitly14:15
looltvoss: Yes, wasn't sure we did for oom_scope_adj too14:15
tvosslool, pretty sure14:15
dobeykenvandine: sure14:15
looltvoss: I haven't reviewed the code, but in practice that seems to be the case14:15
tvosslool, yup14:15
looland we dont want to do it in the future anyway14:16
loolI also see unity8 is -1014:16
ogra_thats the default14:16
looland so is maliit14:16
ogra_set by the session14:16
loolAh I thought default was 014:16
tvosslool, oom_score_adj is -1000 to 100014:16
tvosswhere -1000 stands for: take it out of oom killing at all14:17
loologra_: ah I meant the default default14:17
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# grep oom /etc/init/*14:17
ogra_grep: /etc/init/boot-hooks: Is a directory14:17
ogra_/etc/init/lightdm.override:oom score -1014:17
loolthis is fine14:17
loolI just wanted to confirm that indeed everything was -10 by default14:17
loolBTW system processes are 014:17
ogra_that might cause some throuble14:17
loolSo I think we want everything to be 0 by default, background tasks like music-app to be 0 or less, and then adjust the score based on the stack of launching14:18
loolbut right now I guess we just set score to 100014:18
looltvoss: it would be interesting to try to set score depending on the order or the app14:18
loolso that oldest app gets killed first14:18
loolit might not be the most efficient in terms of memory saving, but it's the most user friendly14:19
tvosslool, yup, mentioned that as todo in the source code14:19
looltvoss: I'm sorry I have not read it all14:19
tvosslool, no worries :)14:19
nerochiarofginther: ping14:20
fginthernerochiaro, hello14:20
Brodcpopey: Thanks! Iĺl be looking forward to it. Good luck to you and the team!14:21
nerochiarofginther: hi, can you please give an hint of why jenkins is having problems with the dependencies of this MR ? https://code.launchpad.net/~amanzi-team/gallery-app/gallery-app-check-facebook/+merge/19136314:21
tvosslool, in case you are interested: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mir-team/unity-mir/trunk/view/head:/src/modules/Unity/Application/taskcontroller.cpp#L18814:24
fginthernerochiaro, yes. the mako/maguro problems are caused by a  previous unity8 test that failed to revert packages after testing and left the device in a bad state. I've made a change to jenkins in the past hour so that it now flashes the device after testing. The otto test is missing qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-extras0.1, I'm looking that one up14:24
nerochiarofginther: that's a dependency bump i did, and it's depending on a version of the package that hasn't been released yet14:25
nerochiarofginther: i had to choose between doing that, or allowing the app to be installed with a mismatched version14:26
looltvoss: ah so we do set it to 200 or something14:26
loolor min + 20014:26
fginthernerochiaro, ok, so it's just the mako/maguro runs you were asking about?14:26
kenvandinedobey, how does ubuntuone-credentials land in the archive?14:26
nerochiarofginther: yes14:26
looltvoss: Ah I found a bug14:26
dobeykenvandine: it's not on daily-release, if that's what you mean14:26
fginthernerochiaro, cool, want me to rebuild that MR?14:26
looltvoss: I switched back to last run app and its score is 100014:26
kenvandinedobey, i noticed that... manual upload?14:27
dobeykenvandine: i do uploads. is this change a critical fix?14:27
nerochiarofginther: it will fail on the qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-extras i suspect, but at least it will be a cleaner failure14:27
kenvandinewe want to land it with the rest of those packages today14:27
nerochiarofginther: so yes please try to re-run it14:27
tvosslool, hmmm ...14:27
tvosslool, let me look14:27
loolcrap, I've locked my phone14:27
dobeybecause a non-critical upload < 24 hours before release seems like something i don't want to do :)14:27
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fginthernerochiaro, it's building...14:27
nerochiarofginther: thanks14:27
kenvandinedobey, it's pretty important... U1 doesn't like having multiple accounts ;)14:28
kenvandinedobey, from what i hear14:28
kenvandinedobey, we're releasing 4 other packages that are needed for this fix, should do that one too :)14:28
dobeykenvandine: well, it doesn't really much care if there are multiple accounts. it just always uses the first one in the list that is returned by accounts/signon14:28
looltvoss: also got an unity8 crash14:29
looltvoss: not sure if related though14:29
tvosslool, ack, will look into the issue in a few14:29
dobeykenvandine: if it has approval from lool, then feel free to shove that one change in as a patch in debian/patches/ and do an upload14:29
tvosslool, could you check dmesg?14:29
dobeykenvandine: and include it with the landing request for those others14:29
loolSignal: 614:29
kenvandinedobey, it's included in the landing plan14:30
looltvoss: what shold I look for in dmesg?14:30
looltvoss: I get:14:30
lool[  350.895589] send sigkill to 4041 (webbrowser-app), adj 1000, size 1521414:30
lool[  487.708194] send sigkill to 3710 (qmlscene), adj 1000, size 1397114:30
lool[  610.720952] send sigkill to 4348 (webbrowser-app), adj 1000, size 1375214:30
looltvoss: would you think OOM killing might trigger an apport crash?14:31
looltvoss: does it send SIGABRT?14:31
tvosslool, nope, it sends sigkill as noted in dmesg14:31
looltvoss: so it seems we're not getting apport running in that case14:32
loolwhich is good14:32
loolnot sure where the SIGABRT comes orm though14:32
looltvoss: Concerning that 1000 score on last running app, do you think there's a chance that OOM killer agressively frees memory it doens't need?14:34
loolotherwise, it's relatively harmless14:34
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tvosslool, we can adjust it's agreessive-ness14:35
looltvoss: cause 1000 is max score14:35
looland we flag all as 10014:35
tvosslool, yup, I know14:35
pittiboiko: I pushed the two fixes (adding deppends and ofono-setup), let's see what it says now14:35
tvosslool, I will look into it in a few14:35
boikopitti: nice! I'm going for lunch, I will check when I'm back14:36
pittiboiko: it seems the otto tests only run test_dialer.py, not test_calls.py; I'll ask fginther about that14:37
pittifginther: ^ is that in cu2d? seems strange that on the phone we run all "dialer_app" tests, but on otto just dialer_app.tests.test_dialer14:37
fgintherpitti, both tests use the same test_suite parameter "dialer_app"14:38
looltvoss: from a quick look at mm/oom_kill.c, it seems it's only killed when the system is actually out of memory14:38
loolBut I guess this might include file caches14:38
mptEh, the "Wi-Fi" settings lists every network twice14:39
mptIf you've seen that bug reported already, speak up before I report it again. :-)14:39
tvosslool, you want to look at lowmemorykiller.c14:39
pittifginther: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot-testrunner-otto-saucy/1195/? only has the two test cases14:40
pittifginther: anyway, the tests should mostly run now, hopefully that was just an artifact of all tests failing immediately14:40
pittifginther: I sent you mail/patches for the phone test runner, btw14:40
fgintherpitti, I'm looking into those patches. very much thanks for those14:41
fgintherpitti, the test_calls have a skip, is that getting triggered?14:42
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pittifginther: perhaps; I can't reproduce the skip in a kvm live session (where I'm testing that)14:42
pittifginther: I can't get otto to work on current saucy, starting the container fails14:43
pittifginther: so I try in kvm with live session for now; but I'll definitively get back to trying in otto if the fixes I just pushed to my dialer-app branch aren't sufficient14:43
fgintherpitti, I'll make a note of that... there is an extra otto node in jenkins if you need it to debug14:44
looltvoss: Thanks for the pointer14:44
looltvoss: so looking at it, it looks that if we have at least 64 MiB free, nothing will be killed (min adj is MAX_ADJ + 1)14:44
pittifginther: btw, cool that we are doing that :) (extra effort to make stuff work on desktop/amd64, but it helped us detect those missing dependencies and all that)14:45
cyphermoxdpm: balloons: hey, didrocks tells me you may be aware of a plan to improve the autopilot tests for click apps, I'd like to check on that, wondering if there are new tests and all ? :)14:45
tvosslool, yup, quite conservative14:45
tvosslool, only if memory pressure sets in, lowmemorykiller starts killing off processes14:45
fgintherpitti, we also want to keep the tests working on x86 as that is the only platform for some devs14:46
balloonscyphermox, improve?14:46
pittifginther: ah, I just got an idea what could be wrong there (no at_console session so that the process isn't allowed to talk to ofono); that certainly sounds like the kind of thing that could happen in that environment14:46
cyphermoxballoons: add maybe?14:46
balloonscyphermox, sure. Everything should have click support, but yes we are constantly iterating on it and mir issues to get back to where we were14:48
cyphermoxballoons: cool, thanks14:48
pittiboiko: hmm: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6246009/14:52
pittiboiko: that's on the phone14:52
pitti/usr/bin/telephony-service-approver is running14:53
mhall119woot! build 9914:57
meeee_you like boobs ?14:57
meeee_i like fucking14:58
pittiboiko: ah, got it: com.canonical.Approver /com/canonical/Approver com.canonical.TelephonyServiceApprover.AcceptCall14:58
ubot5Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - oubiwann, corp186, popey,  k1l,  Corey, wgrant, idleone, and ogra.14:58
didrocksthostr_: can you ensure your team ping us when they do packaging changes?14:58
meeee_i love boobs14:58
pitti!op please kick meeee_14:58
ubot5pitti: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:58
didrocksthostr_: we have to reject and respin indicator-datetime because of a bad recommends14:58
pittipopey: cheers14:58
ogra_thanks popey14:58
thostr_didrocks: the json inclusion?14:58
pittiwell, I wouldn't call it an "OMG emergency"14:58
didrocksthostr_: no, a recommends on click14:59
didrocksthostr_: which would bring click on the desktop14:59
didrocksthostr_: I'm pushing this to trunk14:59
thostr_didrocks: it's only needed for phone, so is there another level, lighter than recommended15:00
didrocksthostr_: well, we already pull click another way15:00
thostr_didrocks: ok, but this still sounds like a more general problem we need to solve going forward15:01
thostr_didrocks: as convergance will not solve everything15:01
didrocksthostr_: yeah, it's possible, but first thing would be to have packagers involved when there are packaging changes :)15:01
thostr_didrocks: yes15:01
didrockswe can with alternatives and so on15:01
alecuSaviq: sergiusens is trying to choose the right icon sizes for the apps that he's uploading to the store15:02
alecuSaviq: I mentioned that the pngs should be square, and that the dash or ubuntushape would later take care of cropping15:02
alecuSaviq: but now sergiusens tells me that on ubuntu-mobile-icons the icons are 512x476, so it seems we have a discrepancy somewhere15:03
sergiusensalecu, Saviq yes, that; it15:03
sergiusensit's not a huge issue15:03
Saviqalecu, sergiusens it will crop fine15:03
Saviqsergiusens, alecu we can simply take both15:04
alecuSaviq, sergiusens: I much rather we have just one aspect ratio for the icon's pngs, and that we communicate this clearly15:04
sergiusensSaviq, ok, so the only limitation is the store now requiring 1:1 256px icons; it's ok, just bothersome15:05
Saviqalecu, that's not a question to me I'm afraid15:05
sergiusensalecu, yeah; we need designers15:05
sergiusensto update ubuntu-mobile-icons15:05
alecuSaviq: ack. So, do you have any idea who should we ping about this?15:06
alecudholbach: ^^^15:06
Saviqalecu, start with Patricia15:06
dholbachalecu, and maybe CC JohnLea15:06
pittiboiko: pushed scripts/answer-calls -> com.canonical.TelephonyServiceApprover.AcceptCall change to the branch, too; thanks for the suggestion15:08
bfilleroSoMoN: what are good sites to test the location service fix other than google maps? didrocks and lool were inquiring15:09
didrocksmaybe the mobile one is asking15:09
didrocksbfiller: fine, the mobile site does ask (but I can't be located it seems ;))15:10
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oSoMoNbfiller, didrocks, lool: http://html5demos.com/geo15:11
oSoMoNdidrocks: the first fix may take a very long time, and your device needs to be close to a window (or even better, outdoors)15:11
looloSoMoN: consider that it's raining outdoors right now15:14
oSoMoNlool: use an umbrella :)15:15
didrocksthostr_: a new indicator-datetime, really?15:15
thostr_didrocks: JohnLea wants to have this urgently15:16
thostr_it's just a label string change15:16
didrocksthostr_: it won't for V1, too low for it15:16
didrocksthostr_: and already spawn by people asking multiple times to release the same components the same day15:16
didrocksJohnLea: FYI ^15:16
didrocksoSoMoN: worked! thanks :)15:18
JohnLeadidrocks; this is actually a change that recently landed last week accidentally, the request is to role this change back.  Does this make it easier?15:18
didrocksJohnLea: no, it's a component in the desktop image15:19
didrocksJohnLea: and it's closed for released now15:19
didrocks(actually, there is a last rebuild with indicator-datetime)15:19
didrocksJohnLea: but this change is even not merged15:19
JohnLeathostr_, btw, does this change impact the desktop in any way, or is it something that lives in both phone and desktop but only impacts the UI of the phone?15:21
JohnLeadidrocks; np, thanks for reply, will hopefully then get this fixed just after release15:21
thostr_JohnLea: well, this label is not visible on desktop, so it only affects phone15:21
thostr_JohnLea: didrocks: so, should I take it off the landing request page then?15:22
didrocksJohnLea: will be Friday15:22
JohnLeathostr_, cool, just checking, thanks!15:22
didrocksthostr_: no, I just postponed it15:22
thostr_didrocks: thanks15:22
looltvoss: Hey15:27
looltvoss: trying to test latest location-service15:27
didrockskenvandine: think about hinting what's touch-only15:27
looltvoss: I dropped down location indicator, ticked Location detection and GPS, want to http://html5demos.com/geo with browser, but then indicator location had Location detection and GPS unticked15:27
looloSoMoN: How do you check status?15:28
loolInstantiating and configuring: gps::Provider^M15:28
loolis what I see in log15:28
oSoMoNlool: afaik the indicator checkboxes have no effect, location and GPS are always active atm15:29
loolI tried to reenter the locationin address bar and unity8 crashed15:29
loolafter webbrowser-app crashed15:29
lool---------- 1 phablet whoopsie  5498252 Oct 16 15:29 _usr_bin_webbrowser-app.32011.crash15:29
looloSoMoN: is there a command to tell whether you're located?15:31
tvosslool, you will see in the browser15:33
tvosslool, extending the reporting capabilities of the service ison the list15:33
loolOk, well I'll put the phone outside some minutes then15:35
loolin a ziploc15:35
didrockskenvandine: you do have the instruction for hinting?15:38
popeyogra_: do you know of a bug for systemd-udevd eating cpu?15:41
ogra_popey, yes, one sec15:41
ogra_popey, bug 123474315:42
ubot5bug 1234743 in systemd (Ubuntu) "omapfb module floods system with udev events on samsung galaxy nexus" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123474315:42
popeywill that land sometime? it seems not fixed in image 9915:43
looloSoMoN, tvoss, didrocks: I couldn't test location-service15:43
loolI left the phone in a ziploc 8 minutes outside15:43
looland webbrowser didn't get a fix15:44
loolthat said, I dont think the respawn would hurt in any way15:44
tvosslool, for a cold-start, it takes up to ~20 mintues15:44
kenvandinedidrocks, oh... sorry i missed that15:44
ogra_popey, not before release i fear, unless xnox had a secret breakthrough15:44
looltvoss: 20mn, no AGPS eh15:44
jonohas anyone else lost sound with image 99 on N4?15:44
loolmy gosh15:44
loolso I'll leave it outside then15:44
tvosslool, no supl server, hooks for agps are there15:44
oSoMoNlool: yeah, the respawn can’t hurt, as the service is supposed to be reachable at all times anyawy15:44
ogra_lool, just move to a higher up place :P15:45
ogra_lool, the alps or so15:45
looljono: music-app and phone calls work for me15:45
ogra_jono, same here on maguro15:45
jonolool, damn, I have no sound at all15:45
kenvandinedidrocks, so i just add an unblock in that bzr branch15:45
looljono: is the volume up?15:45
jonolool, yep, and I have an indicator15:46
looljono: there is no indicator feedback when you press it up15:46
didrockskenvandine: thanks!15:46
jonolool, no indicator when I press vol buttons15:46
ogra_jono, you mean no notification ?15:46
xnoxogra_: xnox is busy with ubiquity15:46
didrockslool: +1, please push15:46
ogra_thats fine15:46
looljono: yeah indicator is expected15:46
ogra_xnox, yeah, i thought so15:46
looljono: lack of notification that is15:46
jonooops, sorry15:46
jonoso I have a sound indicator15:46
jonono notifications on vol button presses15:47
ogra_no notification is fine15:47
ogra_thats wanted15:47
Laneythe indicator icon itself changes15:47
looljono: Right15:47
looldiwic: Can you help jono with a sound issue?15:47
looldiwic: he lost sound output entirely15:47
looljono: I think diwic did the pulseaudio stuff for N4, maybe he can help debug15:48
jonothanks lool15:48
jonodiwic, any ideas?15:48
ahayzenHi, anyone know why I am getting this error when running the music-app through dev mode but the one on the device runs fine? Thanks [16:41:17] file:///home/phablet/dev_tmp/music-app-fix-alignment-now-playing/music-app.qml:26 module "org.nemomobile.grilo" is not installed15:48
jonowhen I hold the phone to my ear I hear light cracking noise too15:48
looljono: NSA?15:48
jonolool, lol15:48
ogra_ahayzen, sudo -u phablet -i ?15:48
ogra_ahayzen, i.e. are you the phablet user and have the right environment15:49
slangasekjono: they're transmitting radio waves from INSIDE YOUR BRAIN to control your PHONE15:49
ahayzenogra_, i'm running from QtCreator? Ctrl+F1215:49
ogra_ah no clue about that, sorry15:49
jonoslangasek, radio waves inside my brain, eh? well, given the size of my brain, those waves should be pretty light :-)15:49
davmor2lool, ogra_: Don't worry I have the fix for this, jono you need more sleep you are holding the baby monitor ;)15:49
ahayzenogra_, it was working a few days ago :(15:49
kenvandinedidrocks, do i only need to hint the touch only packages?  what about the ones that are also in the desktop but also needed in touch to fix this bug?15:50
didrockskenvandine: yeah, for the others, check with the release team15:50
ogra_kenvandine, for these you need an SRU etc etc15:50
thostr_JohnLea: what's now the decision on the datetime label? Using "date time" or rather "upcoming" as I heard rumors mpt is voting for15:50
didrocksI think they are handling it15:50
kenvandineogra_, yeah, thought so15:50
ogra_kenvandine, the typical release process applies for these15:50
kenvandineyeah, they have the SRU bug15:50
question_So I just learned about Ubuntu Touch15:51
jonosound now works15:51
question_and I am looking into it. but my question is: Why?15:52
jonoI just tested calling my phone15:52
jonoand I heard the call, and it now seems to have unblocked sound15:52
ogra_jono, file a bug15:52
ahayzenogra_, i get 'Segmentation fault (core dumped)' when i try and run through the shell as phablet :(15:52
jonoogra_, will do - which project?15:52
ogra_jono, sounds like sound profiles arent changed back and forward properly15:52
popeyquestion_: Why what? Why are we here? That's a pretty huge philisophical question right there.15:52
davmor2jono: see putting down the baby monitor and picking up the phone worked ;)15:52
ogra_jono, puzzle^Wpulseaudio15:53
davmor2popey: that is already answered 4215:53
jonoogra_, ok I will file in pulseaudio :-)15:54
popeyof course15:54
ogra_davmor2, there is no "why" in tezh question to the answer of 4215:54
mptthostr_, "voting for"?? I discussed it with Oren and I'm updating the spec now.15:54
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thostr_mpt: ok, but the change won't get in for tomorrow... too late now15:54
question_popey: It is philisophical. Devices are here to communicate and consume content, docs, flash, video etc. Iphone does it, Android does it, Windows does it. Now Ubuntu Touch will eventually do it. It just don't see a overall goal. Is the goal just to have an alternate to the rest?15:55
davmor2ogra_: popey expanded it to why are we here which is 42 obviously :)15:55
jamalHi everyone15:55
popeyquestion_: alternatives drive innovation.15:55
mptthostr_, of course, Final Freeze was last week15:55
ogra_mpt, we dont do freezes in touch15:55
ogra_mpt, touch is constantly frozen ;)15:56
question_popey: Ok so it's like capitalism and the more competion the better.15:56
jamalis it going to be released on 17th Oct ( Ubuntu touch )?15:56
thostr_mpt: ok, so expectations are in sync. good.15:56
looljamal: Yes15:56
ogra_jamal, yes !!!15:56
boikopitti: oups, there might have been a wrong change then, it is not supposed to be com.canonical.Approver, I will fix that after we sort the rest out15:56
popeyquestion_: *shrug* form your own opinion15:57
pittiboiko: yeah, the name is certainly strange15:57
boikopitti: it is wrong :)15:57
mhr3_ev, can we somehow get to armhf crashes via errors.ubuntu.com?15:57
pittiboiko: wow, https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/dialer-app/enable-phonesim-tests/+merge/191248 PS test just came in; MUCH better!15:58
jamallool , ogra_ : is it going to be released on 17th Oct ( Ubuntu touch )?15:58
ogra_jamal, i already said yes :)15:58
pittiboiko: and https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-mako/2551/? reproduces bug 1240400 nicely15:58
ubot5bug 1240400 in dialer-app (Ubuntu) "dialer-app crashed with SIGSEGV in __GI___pthread_mutex_lock()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124040015:58
looljamal: Yes15:58
jamalthanks a lot15:59
jonoogra_, diwic, lool https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/124058515:59
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1240585 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "No sound after upgrade to image 99" [Undecided,New]15:59
question_popey: That makes sense and I am not against Ubuntu Touch. I will have wait until VOIP calling and SSL certification Mail is avaiable on Ubuntu touch until I jump on board. I was just wondering. Having 100% linux on my phone is definitly a thing I want. Android only goes so far16:00
question_popey: thank you for your time.16:00
JohnLeathostr_, "Date and Time", exactly as it was before this change, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-datetime/+bug/123640016:01
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1236400 in Indicator Date and Time "Indicator menu entry shows weekday instead of "Date and Time"" [High,In progress]16:01
popeyquestion_: np ☻16:01
boikopitti: ah, I got something similar, but that was because I was not passing the --desktop_file_hint argument to the app at startup16:01
boikopitti: not with dialer-app though16:01
boikopitti: this crash only happens on Mir right?16:01
pittiboiko: correct, and it's a crash deep in mir16:01
thostr_JohnLea: thanks for verifying16:02
pittiboiko: do you have a maguro?16:03
boikopitti: yep, only a maguro16:03
pittiboiko: so mako is fine now (modulo the two crashes, which are known bugs), but I don't know how to reproduce the maguro errors16:03
pittiboiko: could you perhaps run the tests on maguro and see whether they work, and if not whether you get similar errors?16:04
boikopitti: yep, I will try those16:04
pittiboiko: great, thanks; perhaps you can follow up on https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/dialer-app/enable-phonesim-tests/+merge/191248 to keep the discussion on one place? (I just sent a followup there)16:05
dbarth_lool: ping? does it take an ask in the landing spreadsheet to get a preinstalled click update?16:05
dbarth_(for gmail, twitter, ebay)16:05
pittifginther: is it possible to debug the otto test there? I bet that calling e. g. /usr/share/ofono/scripts/list-modem as "ubuntu" (or whatever test user) fails with a D-BUS permission error16:05
ogra_dbarth_, intresting question :)16:06
pittifginther: (not today any more though, need to run in a few mins)16:06
fgintherpitti, ack, I'll send you some info16:06
looldbarth_: Hmm yes I guess16:07
looldbarth_: and the code change is in lp:click-sync16:07
pittifginther: thanks16:07
looldbarth_: Actually, nevermind16:07
looldbarth_: it looks like click updates will be automatically pulled form appstore if they are there16:08
loolsergiusens: Is that correct?16:08
looldbarth_: store_click_packages in click-sync16:08
dbarth_i think so16:08
dbarth_but wanted to make sure it does go in, especially gmail16:08
sergiusenslool, yes16:10
sergiusensdbarth_, lool look for the versions in http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/click_packages/click_list16:10
loolsergiusens: Hmm I'm not sure it's always a good idea16:10
sergiusensdbarth_, lool if it's there, it's in16:10
loolpeople can still click update to the latest version if it's newer from app store16:10
sergiusenslool, why isn't it a good idea?16:11
sergiusenslool, if they can still update after install it's almost the same thing as during build16:11
loolsergiusens: cause they might regress and we have no way to point at a fixed one16:11
loolsergiusens: well not exactly16:11
loolsergiusens: in one case the user can still downgrade to the preinstalled known good version16:12
sergiusenslool, if the preinstalled app is not cooperative to regressions, it becomes a non preinstalled app16:12
pittiboiko: fun, messaging-app does the same: as soon as you receive a message, the app closes and you just see the libnotify dialog16:12
loolsergiusens: well that's a harder decision to make16:12
pittiboiko: anyway, something to investigate on Friday (got pulled into something else tomorrow), or maybe you have an idea16:13
loolsergiusens: but that's basically one part of the image we wouldn't control16:13
sergiusenslool, anyways, this came up at the previous vUDS16:13
pittiboiko: the messaging-app MP needs a similar "call ofono-setup" fix, I'll push that tomorrow16:13
* pitti needs to run, good night everyone!16:13
sergiusenslool, I'll do whatever cjwatson agress to do wrt to click apps16:13
loolsergiusens: I remember discussion about taking / dropping new preinstalled apps16:13
loolbut not specifically the part about taking the latest version from appstore16:13
loolsergiusens: not sure it's a click-sync thing16:14
boikopitti: night! thanks!16:14
loolsergiusens: I think it could be an image config thing16:14
sergiusenslool, click-sync is solely for image building purposes16:14
loolor a separate click-sync list of stable verified apps16:14
sergiusenslool, the only purpose of click-sync is image building16:14
loolsergiusens: Yeah I understand, I mean I dont care much where this lives in click-sync or in livecd-rootfs16:15
sergiusenslool, well, I would really think that we should pull the latest from the store, and if it regresses, fix it; just like we don't have a buffer archive for the archive16:16
sergiusenslool, note aside, seems the new calendar needs this in the meta qtdeclarative5-qtorganizer-plugin16:17
sergiusenslool, oh, our conversation is more of philosophical since I manually load the clicks for the com.ubuntu.[app] namespace still and dbarth_ does it for the webapps16:22
sergiusensdpm, popey https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/ubuntu-calendar-app/desktop_encoding/+merge/19145516:24
mfischpete-woods: ondra is having some issues with the usermetrics service16:27
mfischpete-woods: "Error 4:  Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)" on this line: MetricPtr metric(manager->add(dataSourceId, formatString ....)16:28
loolsergiusens: Right; as long as we're manually releasing them, that'sok16:29
loolsergiusens: it's just that we need some hook somewhere to block new untested stuff from going in and regressing the image16:30
loolcan't imagine we'd stop building images until $someone fixes app16:30
dbarth_lool: long story short: make sure that webapp-gmail version 1.0.*7* goes into the final image16:30
loolsergiusens: ^16:30
loolsergiusens: can you ping when that's in?16:30
davmor2ogra_: on maguro on 99 can you goto the music scope and click on search and type in julien16:31
dbarth_lool: also in the landing asks, just to make sure16:32
davmor2ogra_: for me the phone session restarts16:32
ogra_shows me 6 hits16:32
dbarth_lool, sergiusens: i've had it tested by yesterday by kenvandine, bfiller, oSoMoN for ex.16:32
ogra_if i only could swipe twh kbd away now16:33
ogra_davmor2, works fine here, no crash16:33
davmor2ogra_: works fine for me on home crashes on music, p.s. I did put my 3.8GB of music on the device16:34
ogra_ah, well, mine is just freshly flashed this afternoon16:35
ogra_with --no-backup16:35
davmor2ogra_: mine was I test mtp by transferring all my music across16:35
ogra_davmor2, well, all i can say is that it works with an empty image .... thouh its a bit strange that it finds miles davis when i search for julien16:37
davmor2ogra_: haha16:37
ogra_biut the links take me to grooveshark aonly anyway16:38
ogra_which is blocked in germany16:38
davmor2ogra_: oh that's interesting I think it is an issue while it search the music collection maybe,  If I type in 2 words quickly so julien funk it stop searching locally and only looks on the web by the look of it then it works as expected16:39
* ogra_ wonders whats that on the cover ... asparagus ?16:40
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davmor2ogra_: feathers16:40
davmor2charles: did you figure out why bt doesn't find my headset unless the device is RW?16:41
ogra_davmor2, oh, it finds it in rw ?16:43
davmor2ogra_: yeap16:43
davmor2ogra_: did you miss the big discussion we had on Monday?16:44
ogra_seems like16:44
sergiusensdbarth_, lool com.ubuntu.developer.webapps.webapp-gmail_1.0.7_armhf.click is in16:48
davmor2ogra_: why can you not connect your device either?16:50
loolsergiusens: thanks16:50
ogra_davmor2, well, i only tried with a BT speaker recently16:51
charlesdavmor2: I'm doing the datetime alarm code for popey atm, and have asked mfisch to look at bug #1234361 which I think is the same as your bug16:51
ubot5bug 1234361 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Bluetooth panel not getting scan results" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123436116:51
pete-woodsmfisch: what package is this error affecting?16:51
davmor2charles: cool thanks16:51
charlesdavmor2: though, that ticket doesn't discuss the ro/rw details, could you annotate it with what you were seeing about that?16:51
mfischdavmor2: ssweeny is looking as soon as his headset is charged16:52
pete-woodsmfisch: also, are there any crash files for the user metrics service?16:52
mfischpete-woods: I'll ask ondra about the crash files16:52
pete-woodsbasically that error makes me think the service is not running for some reason (crashed, or won't start for some other reason)16:53
mfischpete-woods: ondra says the service is running as shown by ps16:53
pete-woodsmfisch: is /var/lib/usermetrics writable by the usermetrics user?16:54
mfischpete-woods: thats the first thing we checked, the permissions matched my N416:54
davmor2ssweeny: check where bluez saves device configs I think it isn't writeable16:55
nerochiarobfiller: i think it's safe to top approve this one even without the sdk team looking at it: https://code.launchpad.net/~amanzi-team/ubuntu-ui-extras/ubuntu-ui-extras-facebook-check/+merge/191361 (i can't get their attention today it seems)16:55
ssweenydavmor2, ack16:56
davmor2charles, ssweeny: updated the bug thanks with a comment, thanks guys16:57
bfillernerochiaro: it looks good, I can't top approve it. only sdk team can (:16:57
pete-woodsmfisch: is there any reason the process might not have access to the system bus?16:57
charlesdavmor2, ty16:57
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mfischpete-woods: ondra any bus issues? ^^16:58
davmor2charles: I'll dupe mine to this one too while I'm at it16:58
ondrapete-woods: not really bus  issue. Just want to execute one binary with root permissions,  before unity8 is started.16:59
pete-woodsondra: are you sure that the system bus is up and running when this binary is being executed?17:00
pete-woodse.g. if it's started by upstart, does it have a clause to ensure that dbus is started17:00
ondrapete-woods: not at all, I want that binary be executed just before unity, that is all I care about17:00
ondrapete-woods: so I wonder where to put it17:00
pete-woodsondra: okay, so I would probably have the executable run by upstart as part of the session17:02
ondrapete-woods: OK, where to add it then?17:02
pete-woodsif it's going to try and stick some infographic data in, then it needs to be run as the user the data will be owned by (or the security policy will reject it)17:02
pete-woodsso you need to add an upsart session job at /usr/share/upstart/sessions/something.conf17:03
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
pete-woodswith a "start on started dbus" line17:03
pete-woodsand a "exec /usr/path/to/something" line17:04
pete-woodsthat will make it be started as soon as the user logs in17:04
loolondra: did you say as root?17:05
loolondra, pete-woods: User session is not running as root though17:05
pete-woodslool: it can't run as root if you want to create infographic data17:05
loolondra: You can only run before lightdm as root17:05
lool"Just want to execute one binary with root permissions, before unity8 is started."17:05
davmor2pmcgowan: if you make your device writable can you connect your bt headset then?17:05
pete-woodslool: I understand, but does it really need root? if so, then you need to have a separate binary17:06
loolpete-woods: I dont know, I've asked the same thing to ondra17:06
looljust pointing out mismatch in requirements from ondra and proposed solution  :-)17:06
loolI am for less root-running code!17:07
pete-woodsyeah, I am guilty of re-writing the requirements there17:07
ondralool: I need to run it as root, and as late as possible just before unity817:07
nerochiarobfiller: when that is merged and released, this other MR should pass the tests in jenkins (it's currently failing because it's depending on the new release of ubuntu-ui-extras)17:07
ondralool: this is pretty much only requirement17:07
nerochiarobfiller: https://code.launchpad.net/~amanzi-team/gallery-app/gallery-app-check-facebook/+merge/19136317:07
pete-woodsondra: you can't create infographic data for a user in a process that's running as root17:07
loolondra: Right, you typically want to do per user things as the user17:08
pete-woodsondra: is the data you're creating about the actual system, perhaps, like battery usage, etc?17:08
ondrapete-woods: not creating any data, nothing like that. I just need to kill one process, that is all17:09
pete-woodsondra: oh, the error that was given to me by fginther was that you were trying to create infographic data17:09
ondrapete-woods: that was some other issue :)17:10
pete-woodsondra: sorry, that's the issue I thought I was helping with17:11
pmcgowandavmor2, will try in a bit17:11
ondrapete-woods: no worries, my bad, I just jump in :)17:12
ondrapete-woods: we can have a look to infographics tomorrow17:12
pete-woodsondra: in terms of killing processes before unity8 runs, I'm sure there are people more knowledgable than me here who can tell you about the best way to make sure this "evil process" you want killed can be stopped17:12
pete-woodsI'd have thought disabling its job, or something like that would be more effective17:13
pete-woodsbut I don't have any details17:13
ondrapete-woods: it's long story, it's android process I want to kill ;)17:14
pete-woodsondra: that sounds like fun17:14
kedivesshi everyone17:15
kedivessi would ask if it is possible to change the time format in 24h on ubuntu touch17:16
diwicjono, there hasn't been any pulseaudio related changes lately so I don't know what's going on there17:17
jonodiwic, strange17:17
diwicjono, maguro, mako or both?17:18
sergiusensdpm, lool popey can you test this? http://people.canonical.com/~sergiusens/com.ubuntu.calendar_0.4.156_armhf.click it really doesn't work for me; it has the qtorganizaer plugin inside from the archives, but still no go for me17:18
jonodiwic, mako17:18
diwicjono, maybe your phone got stuck inside a phone call or something?17:19
jonodiwic, I am not sure17:19
diwicjono, did you reboot while a phone call was active, or similar strangeness?17:19
jonodiwic, oh I did do that17:19
jonoI called my voicemail and couldnt hang up17:19
jonoso rebooted17:19
jonowhile the call was running17:19
loolsergiusens: it doens't work for me (blank)17:19
jonoI will update the bug17:19
diwicjono, ah, that makes sense17:20
lool** (process:5750): WARNING **: Desktop file unable to be found^M17:20
dpmsergiusens, let me try. What's exactly not working?17:20
sergiusenslool, oh; did you reboot? the scopes don't update I think17:20
loolrebooting then17:20
sergiusensdpm, I get a black screen; no errors and no denials17:20
dpmsergiusens, I tend to get that black screen a lot lately, I've also seen it it music, but eventually the apps load. Anyway, let me install the click package...17:21
popeysergiusens: ok, installed that click package.. what am I testing exactly17:22
kedivessany help ?17:22
popeykedivess: i dont think so, yet17:22
dpmpopey, try to create an event. It should work without errors17:22
kedivessthanks anyway....17:23
popeybah, black screen17:23
popeysergiusens: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6246739/17:24
* lool didn't get any clicks listed on home scope17:24
sergiusenspopey, that it loads :-)17:24
loollog ends with:17:25
loolQUbuntuWindow::setGeometry (this=0xe58148)Detectable autorepeat not supported. ^17:25
loolalso I see: /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/bin/qmlscene: invalid option -- 'I'^M17:25
kedivessanother question.....there is the people lens? because i don't have it....17:25
loolsergiusens: ^17:25
loolsergiusens: the -I is worrying actually17:25
popeykedivess: no17:26
kedivessi saw some images whit......maybe it is removed....17:27
kenvandinekedivess, it was removed17:27
dpmsergiusens, same here, black screen17:27
sergiusensdpm, did qtdeclarative5-organizer-plugin bring in any deps when you installed it?17:28
dpmsergiusens, hm good point. Yes it did, I think. libversit or something like that17:29
dpmsergiusens, it installed libqt5versitorganizer517:29
didrockskenvandine: you are tracking your packages and ensure they land to the release pocket before 00 UTC?17:30
loolsergiusens: Good call17:31
loolsergiusens:         libQt5VersitOrganizer.so.5 => not found17:31
kenvandinedidrocks, yeah, all the touch only ones are in the release pocket17:31
didrockskenvandine: ok, once all good, please update https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au6idq7TkpUUdGNWb0tTVmJLVzFZd0doV3dVOGpWemc#gid=017:31
loolsergiusens: ldd /opt/click.ubuntu.com/com.ubuntu.calendar/current/plugins/QtOrganizer/libdeclarative_organizer.so17:31
kenvandinedidrocks, but we are at the mercy of the release team for the others17:31
didrockskenvandine: be convincing (or at worst, -updates)17:31
kenvandinedidrocks, they'll promote them when they do a respin17:31
kenvandinedidrocks, ah... so should i bug them more?17:32
didrockskenvandine: at worst, being in -updates so that ogra_ or whoever picks it with the touch image respin17:32
didrockskenvandine: or only half the fix will be in 1.017:32
didrockskenvandine: we won't have bad regressions if it's the case? ;)17:33
kenvandineno regressions17:33
didrocksok ;)17:33
kenvandinejust the bug won't be fixed17:33
didrocksso either -updates or release pocket17:33
sergiusenslool, dpm might be easier to get into the image then or I'll have to handcraft a click package for this17:33
ogra_seed it17:33
loolsergiusens: it doens't seem to be enough though17:34
ogra_it will be helpful for other programmers too i suppose17:34
loolsergiusens: I've installed that packge, and it still doens't start17:34
ogra_oh, then dont :P17:34
sergiusensogra_, lool but dpm said that installing the plugin made it work.17:35
dpmsergiusens, yeah, it did work with the older com.ubuntu.calendar_calendar_0.4.153 version17:35
dpmbut I get a black screen with 0.4.156 even with the dependencies installed as .deb packages17:36
loolsame here17:36
loolI stripped the -I from desktop files, but still empty17:36
loolI even dropped aa-click stuff17:36
sergiusensdpm, so your original one worked?17:37
dpmsergiusens, yeah, I can try to relaunch it to double-check, it's still installed17:37
loolphablet   3804  0.6  0.9 133612 19104 ?        Tsl  17:35   0:00              \_ /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/bin/qmlscene  /usr/share/calendar-app/calenda.qml17:37
loolso obvious in my face17:37
loolsergiusens: /usr/share again17:37
popeycalenda not calendar?17:38
loolthat's just adb shell17:38
popeystupid shell17:38
sergiusensdpm, so it works wih https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/calendar-app-click/59/artifact/com.ubuntu.calendar_0.4.155_all.click ?17:38
dpmsergiusens, I tested it with 0.4.153, but I can test with *.155 too17:39
loolyep, came up17:39
loolafter patching the .desktop file to not use /usr/share17:39
looldpm: So I've created 2 events, how do I test?17:40
sergiusenslool, wait, that's not good.17:40
loolok, the events were there after killing + restarting17:41
loolsergiusens: what's not?17:41
dpmlool, so without the plugin installed it didn't even let you create events, so the fact you were successful creating them already proves it's picking up the plugin17:41
sergiusenslool, /usr/share part17:41
loolsergiusens: Yeah, but we had that on another one didn't we?17:41
sergiusenslool, no, that's my doing...17:42
loolsergiusens: it's harcoded in trunk17:42
loolExec=qmlscene %u /usr/share/calendar-app/calendar.qml17:42
sergiusenslool, I have a stripper17:42
looland icon too BTW17:42
loolGot to go for dinner, I might check back later here17:42
loolI guess we want to seed stuff then17:43
loologra_: Do you want to do the seeding?17:43
dpmlool, either seed, or if it proves to be hard to get it working, we can always disable the event functionality17:43
loolsergiusens: you're fixing the .click generator?17:43
* lool goes for dinner17:43
sergiusenslool, yes17:44
ogra_<sergiusens> lool, I have a stripper17:45
* ogra_ wonders what that was supposed to mean 17:45
ogra_sergiusens, this is supposed to be a family friendly channel y'know17:46
xnoxogra_: why can't you just $ stop udev, before running tests17:46
xnoxogra_: you actually does not need udev at all.17:46
ogra_xnox, ? why would i care about tests17:46
mhall119ogra_: that belongs on /Quotes17:46
ogra_xnox, it eats my phone ... tests fail too and thats not great, but mainly it chews 10% of my CPU permanently17:47
ogra_xnox, which drains my battery etc17:47
xnoxogra_: do you need udev?17:47
xnoxogra_: start on startup; sleep 30; stop udev17:47
ogra_heh thats not how it works17:47
ogra_and we want udev for adding/removing devices17:47
xnoxogra_: what do you mean?17:47
xnoxogra_: there is no on-the-go usb, what devices do you have added & removed after you booted?17:48
ogra_xnox, udev starts after the container processing a ton of rules17:48
ogra_i surely wont do such a hack 24h before release17:49
ogra_and after release we have time to fix it17:49
kedivessdoes someone know if the ubuntu touch 1.0 will be released since 00.01 hours?17:50
ogra_00.01 hours ?17:51
ogra_it will be released tomorrow17:51
kedivessi mean from the first hours of tomorrow...17:51
ogra_Oct 17th ... at some point during the UTC/GMT  day17:52
xnoxogra_: boot, start udev, let it run, let everything settle, and after 60 seconds, stop udev17:52
ogra_xnox, right, nothing i will change before release17:53
ogra_way to risky imho17:53
xnoxogra_: only on maguro, which you can't release at the moment anyway, as you said.17:53
kedivessok...so just waiting....any idea for downloading web page or procedures?17:53
ogra_xnox, we have upstart jobs depending on udev and the like17:53
xnoxogra_: or at least try the testing.17:53
xnoxogra_: so.17:54
ogra_xnox, for the testing we know about the issue and can ignore at least the load tests17:54
xnoxogra_: they won't be stopped, unless the stop on stopped on udevd. remember upstart is not dependancy based.17:54
ogra_xnox, i really dont want to intoduce a last minute hack like this just to have a proper fix next week17:54
ogra_xnox, we are rolling ... so fixing it after T opened is fine17:55
ogra_it will juust cause a long "known issues" page for the release17:55
MDesignerhey guys, if I phablet-flash my Nexus 5 (which has a sorta older version of Touch on it), what argument should I use if I want the latest nightly build? cdimage-touch or ubuntu-system?17:58
MDesignerand do I need to use sudo?17:58
popeywe don't support nexus 5 yet17:58
MDesigner4, sorry17:58
popeyuse ubuntu-system17:58
popeyphablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel saucy17:59
MDesignerok. no sudo?17:59
MDesignerlast I tried, sudo was necessary because the adb command couldn't properly restart the server.. or something. I forget, it's been a while18:00
cwaynepopey: why do we even have cdimage-touch anymore?18:00
popeyMDesigner: no, no sudo18:01
popeyMDesigner: you remember well, yes, we had issues with adb in the past, should be okay now18:01
popeycwayne: great question. Ask again after release ☻18:01
popeyeek, what happened to my smiley18:01
* popey gets some food18:02
MDesignerpopey: I do remember... pulling my hair out ;) hehe. glad to hear things are smoother now.18:02
systimeMDesigner: Was that a Freudian slip?  Do you actually have a Nexus "5"? :)  Don't leave it in a bar.18:02
MDesignerhaha. no18:02
MDesignerI tried to do a wifi update and it said there was insufficient space, which was odd. I figure I may as well jsut use phablet-flash to wipe & update it18:03
MDesignerI contributed a ringtone. wonder if it's on there yet18:04
davmor2MDesigner: sam's song by any chance?18:04
davmor2MDesigner: yeap it's there18:04
MDesignerhey cool :)18:05
davmor2MDesigner: I actually have it as the preferred ringtone being as it is quite chirpy I can hear it easier than the default :)18:06
popeywait, MDesigner you're that guy!?18:06
MDesignerI wish I had more time for ringtones. my original idea was to develop a set of three, named by function.. "Bag Dweller" (for when it's buried in a backpack or purse; very loud, high frequencies); "Cubicle Pet" (low frequency, not disturbing, for people who like to leave their ringer on at work and then they leave their desk).. ;)18:07
MDesignerthe third was just a standard one18:07
MDesignerwhich is the one that is on the phone now18:07
MDesignera nice in-between18:07
popeyMDesigner: http://popey.com/~alan/device-2013-10-16-190726.png18:07
popeyit's on there18:07
MDesignerattention getting but not insane18:07
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MDesignernice :)18:07
MDesigneryou guys have done a killer job on Touch BTW18:08
MDesignerwow, damn. phablet-flash is really kicking some ass compared to when I used it a month or so ago.18:09
pmcgowandavmor2, for that BT issue, I was not seeing it in the scan, is that the issue you had?18:09
fishsceneMDesigner: I like your ringtone idea AND names..18:10
MDesignermaybe next release..18:10
sergiusensdpm, lool reason the usr/share snuck in was an extra commit in between...18:11
fishsceneaww… Well, I've waited this long for ubuntu touch. I suppose I can wait until next release.18:11
sergiusensdpm, lool fixed now18:11
dpmah, cool sergiusens18:11
davmor2pmcgowan: so for me if I use settings→bluetooth the spinner would just keep spinning, but the hcitool displayed it.  However charles ask me to install bluetooth-tools which meant dropping into RW on the phone and it connected straight away in RW mode18:12
ogra_sergiusens, so can i has an MP for the seed change ? (just to make sure i dont typo etc)18:12
MDesignerweird, I don't see any ringtones on mine18:12
MDesignerSettings > Sound > Ringtone. none of the new tones are there18:12
JHOSMANSee https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/123235018:13
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1232350 in ubuntu-system-settings "No vibrates" [Low,Invalid]18:13
fginthersergiusens, do you know much about the out-of-memory killer? Can it kill autopilot?18:13
ogra_MDesigner, they should be in since image #9818:13
* ogra_ definitely sees them18:13
MDesignerhmmm. I just did phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel saucy18:13
sergiusensogra_, ok, but let's have dpm review too ;-)18:13
sergiusensfginther, yeah, anything can be kill with oom18:13
davmor2MDesigner: you might be on the version before the ringtones landed18:13
ogra_late enough in the cycle that each extra pair of eyes helps18:13
pmcgowandavmor2, I did the same and ran bt-monitor and it still did not work at the time18:13
ogra_davmor2, i released 99 today18:14
ogra_davmor2, he should have gotten it18:14
MDesignerdavmor2: ahh ok18:14
davmor2ogra_: ah okay18:14
dpmogra_, sergiusens, if we're going to modify the seeds, there is a MP for that already https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/ubuntu-seeds/add-qtorganizer-plugin/+merge/19145818:14
MDesignerdavmor2: I'll update again later18:14
popeyMDesigner: adb shell system-image-cli -i18:14
ogra_dpm, awesome, thanks18:14
popeyMDesigner: that will tell you what version you're on18:14
popeycurrent build number: 9918:14
popeythats what I'm on18:14
MDesignerbuild number: 018:14
MDesignerI win18:14
sergiusensdpm, ogra_ so not as an sdk-lib?18:15
MDesignerI wonder why mine says 0. strange..18:15
popeyMDesigner: i dont think that flashed properly18:15
ogra_sergiusens, oh, yeah, i think it should be one18:15
MDesignerpopey: hmm.. maybe I'll run the flash cmd again18:16
dpmogra_, sergiusens, ok, on it18:16
popeyMDesigner: paste the output in http://paste.ubuntu.com/ if it's interesting18:16
sergiusensdpm, ogra_ well being one or not is a matter of huge discussion18:16
MDesignerwill do.18:16
sergiusensdpm, ogra_ that will make it an sdk 13.10 api18:16
ogra_well, do we plan to drop it in 14.04 ?18:17
* ogra_ wouldnt think so 18:17
ogra_so its all fine then18:17
dpmthe calendar app should still use Qt Organizer in 14.0418:17
ogra_dpm, right, the question is more, is it useful to others18:17
ogra_(for which i guess the answer is "yes" ... i.e. i can use a calendar widget in my $random_app)18:19
dpmogra_, yeah, it can be useful to Contacts, for instance, but I'm guessing the contacts app is C++ and doesn't need the Qt Organizer QML plugin right now? bfiller, renato_?18:19
renato_dpm, the contacts app is c++ and QML18:20
renato_dpm, the contacts app has components that is shared with other apps like dialer-app and message-app18:20
MDesignerpopey: the only fishy thing is that it takes a LONG time on this step: INFO:phablet-flash:Waiting for recovery image to boot18:21
MDesignerpopey: black screen on the phone18:21
MDesignerbut it's on.18:22
popeyyeah, can take a while18:22
dpmogra_, MP updated as per the sdk-libs discussion https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/ubuntu-seeds/add-qtorganizer-plugin/+merge/19145818:24
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ogra_i wonder why the front page didnt update18:25
ogra_still shows it in touch (i see it fine when clicking the commit directly)18:25
dpmyeah, weird18:26
* ogra_ pulls it just in manually 18:26
davmor2MDesigner: do you see ringtones now?18:30
MDesignerstill flashing. taking a while18:30
MDesignerdefinitely taking longer than last time18:30
MDesignerstuck on "Waiting for recovery image to boot"18:30
=== dandrader|lunch is now known as dandrader
MDesignerok something's wrong18:36
MDesignerok I pressed the power button once, and now I have the Google llogo18:38
MDesignersomething definitely went wrong though. it was "waiting for recovery image to boot" for a long time18:38
MDesignerERROR:phablet-flash:Command 'adb push /home/samh/Downloads/phablet-flash/imageupdates/pool/device-5ba3031cb0d6fc624848266edba781e3e821b6e1e8dd21105725f0ab26077d0a.tar.xz /cache/recovery/' returned non-zero exit status 118:39
davmor2popey, ogra_: ^ any ideas18:40
sergiusenslool, dpm_ https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/ubuntu-calendar-app/gettext/+merge/19148118:47
loolsergiusens: can't happrove it, but approved it18:48
=== ondra is now known as ondra|afk
sergiusenslool, can you kick ci for that?19:00
mfischtedg: is there an upstart event that will tell a system job that a user session is starting? start on unity8 doesn't work as a system job19:03
mfischtedg: or a hacky way for a session job to emit a system event?19:03
MDesignerpopey: phablet-flash is acting up. really truly stuck at "Waiting for recovery image to boot"19:03
jibelbarry, lool latest u-d-m spams syslog with debug messages, 1 upgrade from 92 to 99 generated more than 2MB of log messages, I'll file a bug19:03
popeyMDesigner: add -b19:04
popeyso, phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel saucy -b --no-backup -d mako19:04
tedgmfisch, So lightdm emits events for session starting.  Is that what you're looking for?19:04
mfischtedg: yeah19:06
mfischdesktop-session-start thats it!19:06
=== anders3408|afk is now known as anders3408
MDesignerpopey: trying now19:08
MDesignerINFO:phablet-flash:Waiting for recovery image to boot19:09
MDesignerpasting that just as a timestamp19:09
sergiusensMDesigner, popey use sudo, if that works, something wrong wth udev rules for device; are you on saucy?19:10
MDesigneri'm on raring19:10
MDesignersorry, I thought "saucy" in this case referred to the phone, not the desktop OS19:11
MDesignerso just run the same command, except s/saucy/raring ?19:12
popeythe phone runs saucy19:12
popeyjust add sudo i think sergiusens is suggesting, to workaround an adb issue19:13
sergiusenspopey, saucy is the only one with the full udev rules, we never backported them19:14
popeyah bummer19:15
popeysorry MDesigner seems I gave you a bum steer, I assumed you were on saucy19:15
sergiusenspopey, well I think it's in precise too19:15
popeyso yeah, basically the command I gave you with sudo on the front19:15
MDesignerok, running:  sudo phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel saucy --no-backup -d mako19:24
sergiusensogra_, can you look at https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/click-sync/all_store/+merge/19148619:29
sergiusenslool, ^^19:29
barryjibel: okay19:36
MDesignerpopey: got stuck again. weird.19:45
MDesignerpopey: do I need to kill the adb server?19:45
medriI tried to reflash my galaxy nexus with ubuntu-touch19:45
popeyMDesigner: sergiusens may be able to help here..19:47
sergiusensMDesigner, popey not right right now though19:47
sergiusensMDesigner, just run with a --debug flag and pastebin that to me, I'll look later, but most likely tomorrow19:50
MDesignerwill do, thanks!19:51
medriokay, once again19:51
medriI tried to reflash my galaxy nexus with ubuntu touch19:51
medrinow it is stuck on the black Google-screen19:52
medriany Idea how to19:52
medrireflash it?19:52
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk
Guest78176Is the stable release still due for tomorrow ?20:10
cwayneGuest78176: yep20:11
Guest78176and i just installed the saucy unstable20:13
Guest78176lol wow20:13
Guest78176whats new from the newest saucy image ?20:14
Guest78176erm, what's different about the stable compared to the latest saucy image, should I say20:14
kedivessi guess it sould be more "stable" with some bugs fixet and it should have more features...20:17
medrino idea for my bricked phone?20:17
Guest78176the installable apps dont install currently20:18
Guest78176on my nexus 7 anyway20:18
Guest78176mostly it's pretty stable, apart from the unfinished apps20:18
Guest78176medri define bricked20:18
=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
kedivessi hope they will fix the bluetooth....20:19
kedivesson my nexus 4 the bluetooth does not work....20:20
pmcgowankedivess, should work for most headsets20:20
Guest78176yeah the settings panel dont work atm20:20
Guest78176had to turn the wifi on via the top bar20:20
medristuck on the google logo while booting20:20
Guest78176medri: google android stock firmware, directly from google20:21
Guest78176will auto flash and restore your phone20:21
Guest78176Also are the apps HTML5 based or native .deb packages ?20:22
kedivessi installed the cdimage and i can turn on/off the bluetooth, but it does'n search any devices...20:22
medrieven if I just want to reinstall ubuntu-touch?20:23
Guest78176you can use fastboot20:23
Guest78176put your phone into restore mode, or whatever its called20:23
Guest78176and use fastboot to flash the images20:24
Guest78176also tutorial for that on google, but that didnt work for my nexus 720:24
ogra_medri, boot into recovery and start over (use: phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel saucy -d maguro)20:25
Guest78176anyone got a link to a release schedule ? or ETA on the release timezone used20:25
atomhundpatience, patience20:27
popeyGuest78176: we don't have a release schedule20:28
|Chris|Sony Xperia Z (Yuga, flipped) is listed as working, but there is no image on cdimage. Does anyone know if somebody has dumped the working image somewhere?20:28
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Guest78176popey: so it might not get released tomorrow then?20:28
popeyGuest78176: No, I'm saying we don't have a specific time or timezone at which it's released20:29
atomhundDoes anyone know if it will be possible to close Apps? I like to keep the phone tidy... just like my desktop20:32
Guest78176keep your finger on the running apps till the X appears20:33
omacThere's a guy at work that has the LG Nexus 4.  I was drooling because all I want is to install the Ubuntu Touch rom on it, but it's not mine. argh.20:33
omacCan I run a recent image of ubuntu touch in an emulator on my ubuntu 13.04 box?20:33
|Chris|omac, I'm the only one in the office without a nexus device. :(20:33
atomhundGuest78: Oh? I didn't know. Thanks!20:33
Guest78176nexus 7 are pretty cheap now20:33
Guest78176I picked mine up for £14020:34
popeyomac: we're working on emulator support, not ready yet20:34
omacthks popey.20:34
kedivessubuntu touch 1.0 should be read-only or read/write ?20:40
omaci checked out googles nexus 4 buy page.  they're available to buy again. 250$ for the 16GB. version. I would like to resell these phones with Ubuntu Touch on them providing that they can work on the Wind Mobile network.  I'll help people install it and give ubuntu 50% of whatever I sell.  The problem is I don't have anything to sell yet.  If there is something I would like to sell in the Ottawa area, this is it along with Ubuntu Laptops with20:40
omaca no fuss backup/restore  solution.  Everywhere I go, everyone is wanting to backup/restore their data.20:40
RobbyFGuest78176, 2am UTC i'm was told20:41
ogra_who told you that20:41
ogra_we definitely dont have a fixed time for the release20:41
ogra_it will happen most likely tomorro afternoon UTC/GMT20:42
RobbyFDidie Roche saaid "20:42
RobbyFThe image will be kicked no later than 2am UTC. "20:42
kedivess 2 am UTC ? really?20:42
ogra_RobbyF, thats just an image build20:42
RobbyFaww ok.20:42
RobbyFI should just not speak lol20:42
Guest78176i wont even be in tomorrow afternoon20:42
Guest78176ogra_: is it work flashing the new image? I have the latest build of saucy atm20:43
ogra_Guest78176, just update then ... :)20:43
Guest78176oh you can update ?20:43
ogra_sure, as long as you use the system-image install20:44
Guest78176oh is that through your phablet software ?20:45
ogra_no OTA on the phone20:45
kedivessi use the cdimage and i update via terminal...20:45
ogra_er, well, yes, the initial install has to be through phablet-flash indeed20:45
mike_colhay have question... its possible to have a change log for soucy-Preinstalled from 15 Oct20:45
popeyhttp://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2013-10-14-112340.png  thats what the OTA update looks like20:46
Guest78176ogra_: Yeah that's what I was getting at, I'm using a nexus 720:46
ogra_mike_col, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/20:46
mike_colthx :D20:46
Guest78176popey: is that included in the image ?20:46
Guest78176where :(20:47
Guest78176ive looked all over it20:47
popeysystem settings20:47
mike_colits work on this build gsm ?20:47
ogra_mike_col, in the galayx nexus ?20:47
mike_colyes I have20:47
ogra_yes, GSM works fine there20:47
ogra_and 3G ... wlan ...20:47
Guest78176ogra_: When I click system settings > update ... I just get the system settings header with a white page20:48
Guest78176seems broken for the nexus 720:48
ogra_Guest78176, do you use a system-image install ?20:49
ogra_it wont work otherwise20:49
Guest78176ogra_: I flashed the rescent image with CWM20:49
Guest78176it's pretty out of date then I assume20:49
ogra_OTA updates are  binary diffs ... they require a readonly image20:49
mike_colokay because i have installed an image from 10 Oct but isnt work20:49
kenvandineyou need the image installed with phablet-flash ubuntu-system20:50
ogra_right, then you can even let it semi automatically update20:50
Guest78176so ubuntu-system or system-image?20:50
popeyphablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel saucy20:51
ogra_ubuntu-system is the installl variant20:51
kenvandineubuntu-system is the argument you give to phablet-flash to get the system-image20:51
Guest78176sorry my brain doesnt work tired, linux tech drains me so hard lol20:51
RobbyFWill be be able to install non-click packages from say apt? or .deb files ?20:53
popeyRobbyF: you can make the image read/write and install debs20:54
popeybut you lose the OTA update mechanism then20:54
RobbyFwhat about  OTA updates from click packages?20:56
amarinois ubuntu mobile coming tomorrow?20:56
mike_colits possible to have a link for the phablet image maguro?20:58
mike_coli like installs over CWM20:58
|Chris|mike_col, http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/current/20:58
mike_colokay but i dont found the Phablet image20:59
amarinois ubuntu mobile coming tomorrow?20:59
popey13.10 and ubuntu for phones images are due tomorrow, yes20:59
mike_color its not necessarily20:59
amarinothank you21:00
Guest78176the terminal freedom is fantastic in this OS, compared to stock android21:00
spindleyhey guys, has an email app been added to the image?21:01
spindleyi saw that something was being worked on a while ago21:01
popeynot with this release, no21:01
popeyonly webmail21:01
spindleyi've never actually used gmail webmail21:01
spindleyis there any kind of notification handling?21:02
spindleyi suppose not21:02
popeynot yet21:02
popeyfor web apps21:02
cuqacant wait to install ubuntu touch21:02
amarinodid you got the pin/puk authentication working?21:03
Guest78176interesting to see if the kubuntu side of things will show some face21:03
Guest78176with KDE integration etc21:03
spindleypopey: not that i'm crticizing or anything, but how was an email client not basically at the top of list of core apps?21:04
popeyspindley: because we had a lot of other stuff to deliver, and not enough resources to do every app21:05
Guest78176Applications arent a necessity, a stable core is21:05
popeywe'll get to email in the next release21:05
Guest78176Although same cant be said for windows 821:05
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spindleypopey: fair enough, looking forward to trying it out21:05
RobbyFIs there an easy way to make my email book mark a web apps within this release?21:07
medrithanks flashing worked! have a good one!21:13
nedaljoany update about v 1.021:16
RobbyFimages should be available tomorrow21:20
mike_coland in what sequenz21:22
mike_colcan anybody say me which files are important if I flash with cwm i have maguro21:22
mike_coli mean from preinstalled21:23
fishsceneHey guys, I have to step out for a while, but I wanted to say thanks to everyone who helped develop ubuntu-touch. :)21:23
RobbyFmike_col, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install scroll down to manual install21:24
mike_colmööp but isnt posted with CMW21:25
mike_colonly when you have linux terminal21:25
RobbyFsame thing really21:25
RobbyFinstall boot saucy-preinstalled-boot-armhf+grouper.img then system saucy-preinstalled-system-armel+grouper.img21:26
RobbyFjust grab the right files21:26
mike_col:D :D thx21:26
mike_colthats what i mean21:26
nedaljowe will have something new tomorrow or simple fixes for today build?21:27
RobbyFnedaljo, https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg04674.html21:28
RobbyFfrom the list it looks like lots of fixes included.21:29
thwbetter to install new 1.0 build or update existant developer builds ota?21:29
johnjohn101roll out tomorrow?21:30
nedaljotill now the power button not working with google nexus 421:31
thwat which local time 1.0 is rolled out?21:31
popeywe don't give a time21:34
johnjohn101is this the version that you are recommending to the general public? hopefully with a nice FAQ21:35
RobbyFI wish i could install this over my BBZ10 paper weight lol21:41
looljibel: that's probably why it was so sllow21:42
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|Chris|Anyone got experience with porting a Sony Xperia Z?22:04
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Guest36993does the device have to be booted to work with phablet flash or can I do it from recovery (not having much luck with recovery22:08
popeyGuest36993: i usually do it while booted22:10
Guest36993also for grouper ... phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel saucy -d grouper22:11
Guest36993is that correct22:11
Guest36993excellent, thanks22:12
Tom___Hi there, can anybody tell me on what day/date Ubuntu Touch will be launched officially?22:14
Guest36993popey: you should put that in topic ^^ lol22:14
popeynobody reads the topic22:15
popeylook, I'll prove it22:15
=== popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-touch to: Ubuntu Touch Support & Discussion | Home: http://bit.ly/YEqEfo | Porting guide (advanced) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting | File bugs at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug | Under active development! | Nexus Status: http://bit.ly/18kIrhM | Dashboard: http://bit.ly/12AQV53 | Changelog: http://bit.ly/18xvTAA | Ubuntu releases on 20131017 at an unspecified time
popeynow.. we wait22:15
k1lyou should just set: "when its done" into topic :)22:16
Guest36993"how long is a piece of string@22:17
Guest36993im getting autodeploy.zip not found, would phablet-flash -d grouper -b fix that ?22:20
Guest36993as that downloads everything, or am i wrong22:20
popeyyeah, -b should be used the first time22:21
Guest36993ok now i cant boot ubuntu and the flash doesnt work in recovery, lol22:23
popeydid you re-flash it?22:24
popeysurprised it finished in 3 mins22:25
Guest36993i tried the first time and it gave me the zip error, and its wiped the previous ubuntu install22:25
loolmandel`: Hey22:50
loolmandel`: 21:03 < jibel> barry, lool latest u-d-m spams syslog with debug messages, 1 upgrade from 92 to 99 generated more than 2MB of log messages, I'll file a bug22:50
loolOct 16 12:20:51 ubuntu-phablet ubuntu-download-manager[3420]: �#021�#001#034#022�#001�1�#001�#021�#001�1�#00122:51
loolOct 16 12:21:00 ubuntu-phablet ubuntu-download-manager[3420]: 2013-10-16 12:21:00,632 - DEBUG - Timeout reached, shutdown service.22:51
loolOct 16 12:21:00 ubuntu-phablet ubuntu-download-manager[3420]: 2013-10-16 12:21:00,633 - DEBUG - Exit app 022:51
barrylool: yeah, i think that's a udm thing.  si logs to /var/log/system-image/client.log22:59
Guest36993phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel saucy -d grouper -b , whenever I run that command I get the autodeploy.zip missing, am I missing something?23:01
loolbarry: Yeah23:02
leniosthere's still a pretty long list of bugs, considering we're D-123:11
thisguy_hey all, I'm having an issue install ubuntu touch on my 2012 nexus 7, seems to be stuck on CWM saying autodeploy.zip not found.23:41
wilee-nileethisguy_: how are you loading it?23:48
thisguy_I was running it through terminal "$phablet-flash ubuntu-system --channel devel --no-backup"23:49
popeysomeone else said similar earlier.23:50
popeyare you flashing for the first time?23:50
wilee-nileethisguy_: been awhile since I did this on my older nexus 7, is that from a wiki?23:51
thisguy_yeah it's from the main wiki23:51
thisguy_I have flashed previously23:51
thisguy_but this is the first time I've seen this23:51
wilee-nileecool,must wondering.23:51
loolmandel`: https://code.launchpad.net/~lool/ubuntu-download-manager/udm-no-debug/+merge/19153623:53

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