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mzanettiSaviq: you around yet?08:28
Saviqmzanetti, yup08:31
mzanettiSaviq: any hints on how to clip something to an Ubuntu Shape while still allowing mouse interaction?08:33
mzanetticouldn't really understand why it works in the popover's code tbh.08:34
Saviqmzanetti, UbuntuShape { source: ShaderEffectSource { sourceItem: foo } }08:34
Saviqimage: ShaderEffectSource08:35
mzanettiright... that's what UbuntuShapeForItem does08:35
mzanettihowever, it does also "hideSource: true"08:35
mzanettiwhcih is obviously needed for clipping08:35
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, but that's only visual hiding, not for input08:35
mzanettioh really... I wonder why my code doesn't work then08:35
mzanettibecause that's what I do08:35
Saviqmzanetti, it's not same as visible: false AFAICT08:35
mzanettiI had the same impression when doing the Launcher. but somehow it doesn't pick up input right now08:36
mzanettiwell, I'll figure it08:36
om26erunity8 crashes for me whenever I open a music preview :/ bug 124040808:36
ubot5bug 1240408 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8 crashed with SIGSEGV in QCoreApplication::postEvent()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124040808:36
dednickMacSlow, Saviq: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/1237752 what's going on there?08:42
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1237752 in Unity 8 "alarm / appointment times aren't displayed on touch" [High,In progress]08:42
Saviqdednick, dunno :D08:43
MacSlowdednick, that's me having picked bugs to work on...08:43
dednickWhy has it been set to ubuntu-settings-components ?08:43
SaviqMacSlow, dednick please sync, then :)08:43
MacSlowdednick, Saviq: I'm just trying to figure out what/where stuff is missing08:44
dednickMacSlow: ubuntu-settings-components not in archive and not used by unity8 yet08:44
MacSlowdednick, I rather pick high/critical bugs in components I know... but there are none :)08:45
dednicksil2100: what is the status of ubuntu-settings-components landing in archive?08:45
MacSlowdednick, so this "bug" is rather a missing / unimplemented feature?!08:45
Saviqgreyback, on https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/unity-mir/listen-for-server-start-stop-ready/+merge/19122408:45
dednickMacSlow: it's "half implemented", the impl is there, but it's not available yet.08:45
Saviqgreyback, think we could post a custom event on the loop instead?08:46
Saviqgreyback, maybe not now - but ultimately08:46
Saviqgreyback, would rather not have unity-mir tied to unity8 that closely08:46
greybackSaviq: do-able I think yes08:46
MacSlowdednick, ok... removed myself then... and look for something else...08:46
Saviqgreyback, feels like that'd be the cleanest?08:47
dednickMacSlow: ok. sorry about the confusion08:47
dednicki'll assign myself08:47
greybackSaviq: well if we drop SF support, is not thing something only unity-mir should worry about?08:47
MacSlowdednick, np... not your fault... the bug-description could be a bit more detailed :)08:47
Saviqgreyback, I don't think unity-mir should "know" about what upstart requires of unity808:48
MacSlowdednick, would be good if you could add some info there to avoid anyone else running into this assuming it's a plain bug08:48
Saviqgreyback, after all we don't want unity-mir to be tied to unity8, if possible08:48
Saviqgreyback, and unity-mir shouldn't just raise SIGSTOP 'cause unity8 needs it08:49
dednickMacSlow: well, now that i'm assigned hopefully nobody will try pick it up :)08:49
MacSlowdednick, crap... I can't get the bug-status back to "Triaged"08:49
Saviqgreyback, sure, the $UPSTART_JOB check helps us there08:49
greybackSaviq: depends on who you should should be responsible for talking to upstart. Technically it is Mir who is notifying upstart, not unity08:49
dednickMacSlow: i've updated it.08:49
MacSlowdednick, ah ok... even better that way08:50
Saviqgreyback, IMO technically it's unity08:50
Saviqgreyback, it's a unity8 job, after all08:50
dednickjust leaving it in progess so nobody steals08:50
Saviqgreyback, unity just listens to Mir/unity-mir to know *when* to raise that08:50
Saviqgreyback, ah wait08:50
Saviqgreyback, stupid, we've not yet exec()'d08:50
Saviqgreyback, so we won't get that event until then08:51
SaviqOTOH that's probably not such a big problem08:51
greybackSaviq: ok, thinking about it, it is upstart-specific, so shouldn't always be in unity-mir.08:52
Saviqgreyback, yup08:52
Saviqgreyback, aaaanyway08:53
Saviqgreyback, 'tis good for now08:53
Saviqgreyback, we need to bump the build dep on mirserver when we know what to bump it to08:53
greybackSaviq: actually, must test it with lightdm...08:53
Saviqgreyback, how so?08:53
greybackSaviq: think lightdm using unity-mir.08:53
greybackthough since I check the job name it'll probably be fine08:54
Saviqgreyback, yeah08:54
Saviqgreyback, it would actually make sense for lightdm to expect stop, too08:54
Saviqgreyback, since we'll have maliit as a client there, too08:55
Saviqat some point at least08:55
veebersSaviq: ping09:04
Saviqveebers, pong09:07
veebersSaviq: hey re: your question in the MR for unlocking greeter, wanted it catch you before i was off for the night. Are you suggesting that the unity8 tests should use the same functions for unlocking the greeter/starting unity?09:08
veebers(to clarify)09:08
Saviqveebers, yes09:09
Saviqveebers, so that there's only one breaking point - that we'll know of 'cause our tests will fail if we break it09:09
veebersSaviq: yeah that's a good thought I like it. Right now the unity tests would need re-jigging (I'm not to sure how much off the top of my head) we could always have a single test that 'tests unlocking greeter' which uses those methods etc.09:10
Saviqveebers, shouldn't be huge I don't think09:11
veebersSaviq: but will hit that tomorrow and see if I can work it in09:11
Saviqveebers, yeah, cool o/09:11
veebersSaviq: but that shouldn't hold back that specific MR if doanac needs it right(unless you see any issues w/ it)? We/I can update the tests to use them after it's been merged09:13
Saviqveebers, ah no, yeah, not a prerequisite09:15
veebersSaviq: sweet, if I could bother you to comment approve if you're happy and I'll hit up doanac tomorrow and top approve if he's sorted too09:16
Saviqveebers, yeah, still need to read through09:18
veebersSaviq: understood. Thanks, I'm off for the night have a good one09:20
Saviqmzanetti, ping09:43
mzanettiSaviq: pong09:44
Saviqmzanetti, hey, can you please have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/unity8/disable-ui-on-actions/+merge/190145 and confirm what I wrote in the comment09:44
Saviqmzanetti, and if that's correct, let's just yank out the "block input" part from it09:45
Saviqto avoid breaking scopes and stuff09:45
mzanettiSaviq: hmm... not so sure you're right there09:51
Saviqmzanetti, if I'm not, then even better09:51
mzanettiSaviq: well... I'm not sure either. would need to see how it looks like on top of switching-previews09:52
Saviqmzanetti, didn't have time to do it proper09:52
Saviqmzanetti, it would conflict with switching-previews09:52
Saviqmzanetti, but that's ~ok09:52
mzanettiSaviq: as this one only wants to disable one preview, not all of them09:52
Saviqmzanetti, and then there's bug #123543009:52
ubot5bug 1235430 in Unity 8 "[dash] Should support previews of different height." [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123543009:52
mzanettithere is no real overlay in switching-previews09:52
Saviqmzanetti, right, it's replaced on preview loaded?09:53
mzanettinot really, it's a underlay so to say09:53
mzanettiactually it's only the spinner as the dakened background is supposed to be there all the time09:53
mzanettiyeah... the variable height is another one... the openEffect won't do as it is09:54
mzanettias the openEffect splits the background09:54
mzanettihmm... might still look good09:55
Saviqmzanetti, no, it will look fine10:04
Saviqmzanetti, only there's a lot that needs to be answere d around dynamic height of the preview10:04
mzanettifirst question: is it really dynamic or is it just another fixed height?10:05
mzanettiwell, I'll take care about it. probably not today tho10:05
Saviqmzanetti, yeah no, of course10:07
Saviqmzanetti, I'd say dynamic - even if just because we don't know the height beforehand10:07
Saviqmzanetti, we don't know what preview will we get10:08
mzanettiSaviq: hmm.. we kinda do. i.e. the previewDelegateMapper will give us some preview that has some fixed height10:08
Saviqmzanetti, that's too late10:09
Saviqmzanetti, that's when the preview is already back10:09
Saviqmzanetti, not when we open the dash10:09
Saviqmzanetti, say if a preview takes 2s to generate10:09
mzanettioh, is it10:09
Saviqmzanetti, we open the dash straight away10:09
Saviqmzanetti, and wait for the preview to come back10:09
Saviqwithout knowing what type it's going to be10:10
Saviqand only then the mapper goes into play10:10
mzanettihmm... but the type is mapped according to the filtergrid we're in, not according to the actual content response iirc10:10
mzanettiSaviq: yep, just checked, it queries the delegateMapper immediately10:11
Saviqmzanetti, that's wrong then10:11
mzanettidon't see why10:11
CimiSaviq, on the issue with the inversemousearea for application grid10:11
CimiSaviq, it might be that other mouse area are on top of it10:12
Saviqmzanetti, because we don't know what type of a preview the scope comes back with10:12
mzanettiSaviq: oh right... it uses previewData.rendererName10:12
CimiSaviq, I did a test app and indeed mouse area can overlap and stop the inversemousearea to work10:12
SaviqCimi, that's broken then10:12
CimiSaviq, are you aware of a way of detecting, from inspector or so, that mouse areas are overlapping?10:12
SaviqCimi, IMA should be the first to take any input - that's its whole purpose10:13
SaviqCimi, please file a bug with your testcase10:13
CimiSaviq, that should explain nic-doffay issue on search box dismiss kbd?10:13
Saviqmzanetti, wait10:14
Saviqmzanetti, we don't want Diego's branch on top of switching previews yet10:14
Saviqmzanetti, we need it for v1, we won't get switching previews in10:14
* greyback bbiab10:14
mzanettihmm... ok10:14
Saviqmzanetti, would've loved to, but it's just too late :/10:14
mzanettiI agree10:14
Saviqmzanetti, we might SRU it ;)10:15
Saviqmhr3_, should we be seeing "publisher" in app previews yet?10:16
mzanettiI probably should know what SRU means. but I don't10:16
Saviqmzanetti, Stable Release Update10:16
Saviqmzanetti, but yeah, it's mostly for security fixes ;)10:17
CimiSaviq, maybe we should start using prevent stealing more often?10:17
SaviqCimi, why?10:18
mhr3_Saviq, no such field in our schemas, "copyright" is the closest i guess, still don't think it's filled in by click10:18
CimiSaviq, because our shell is populated by mouse areas10:18
SaviqCimi, so you don't want to be able to flick the shell any more?10:19
Saviqmhr3_, hmm bug #1226265 ?10:19
ubot5bug 1226265 in Click Package Index "no indication of publisher in click app preview" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122626510:19
CimiSaviq, come on, we don't need flicking10:20
CimiSaviq, all results should stay in the window frame :)10:20
SaviqCimi, file an ubuntu-ux bug! ;)10:20
Saviqoh jeez click previews are slow today :/10:21
mhr3_Saviq, ah, they're passing it as generic info hint, in that case it should work10:21
Saviqmhr3_, k10:22
mhr3_Saviq, i mean, if app previews display those :)10:22
Saviqmhr3_, that bug says it would10:22
mhr3_Saviq, i don't see it in single preview though10:24
Saviqmhr3_, me neither10:31
mhr3_Saviq, my guess is that it's cause app preview is misusing info hints and passes super-special-click-scope-only variants that are used to build the ui10:33
CimiSaviq, actually10:35
CimiSaviq, z index works in my testcase10:35
CimiSaviq, I can put the inversemousearea on top10:36
CimiSaviq, I can't in the dash10:36
SaviqCimi, shouldn't happen anyway10:36
CimiSaviq, you know how can I debug this in the dash?10:36
SaviqCimi, IMA should be z: ∞10:37
CimiSaviq, what about when you have two?10:37
Cimitwo of them?10:37
SaviqCimi, two of IMAs? dunno10:37
Cimiwe might have two in the dash10:38
SaviqCimi, Cimi but only one active at any given time, afaik10:38
SaviqCimi, either way, z-order shouldn't matter for them10:38
SaviqCimi, please file a bug against uitk10:38
CimiSaviq, I will but doesn't help to fix my bug10:38
SaviqCimi, it does - 'cause people that know IMA will look at it10:39
CimiSaviq, I can look at ima too10:39
CimiSaviq, I can read c++, just cannot write it :P10:39
SaviqCimi, please talk to Zsombor first10:40
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Saviqmhr3_, grr you broke our autopilot tests on desktop ;P10:50
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mhr3_Saviq, oh haven't you heard? ap-test-breaker is my job title now :P10:51
mhr3_also, you're welcome :P10:51
mhr3_Saviq, anyway, what did i do this time?10:52
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Saviqmhr3_, we can't launch the fake apps10:55
Saviqmhr3_, so no Hud tests10:55
Saviqmhr3_, 'cause you "fixed" application:/// to not have full path10:55
Saviqmhr3_, granted, all that's broken anyway ;P10:55
mhr3_Saviq, so i guess ap reads the uris directly?10:56
mhr3_why doesn't it go via the regular shell.activateApplication route?10:56
mhr3_Saviq, also, if you revert it back you'll break the previews ;)10:57
Saviqmhr3_, because the desktop files don't exist on desktop10:57
Saviqmhr3_, and Scope::fallbackActivate bails at that point10:58
Saviqmhr3_, nah, I'm seeing if I can find an actual fix10:58
mhr3_actual fix is to have proper test environment10:59
Saviqmhr3_, care to enable mir on desktop? kthxbai10:59
mhr3_Saviq, i meant dropping a few .desktops in test data dir and pointing a few envvars to it11:01
Saviqmhr3_, ah well, except they're not really required11:01
Saviqmhr3_, but yeah, I get what you mean11:01
Saviqmhr3_, and maybe it's the safest bet now...11:05
mhr3_Saviq, need pointers how to set it up?11:06
Saviqmhr3_, nah11:06
Saviqwe only really need the camera for now11:06
Saviqmhr3_, and it's really only about it _being_ there, not about the contents11:06
CimiSaviq, we can enable disbar bottomswipe11:13
CimiSaviq, line 62 of dashbar.qml11:13
SaviqCimi, probably won't happen - we're getting rid of dash bar anyway11:17
CimiSaviq, I know, but it's one liner :P11:17
SaviqCimi, post v1, k?11:18
Saviqmhr3_, huh, actually it was as easy as fixing application:// → application:/// ;)11:24
mhr3_Saviq, you mean in the model?11:25
Saviqmhr3_, yeah11:25
mhr3_Saviq, then you broke the preview11:25
Saviqmhr3_, why? application:// is wrong11:25
Saviqmhr3_, application:/// is correct11:25
mhr3_Saviq, /// is correct if it continues with full path11:26
Saviqmhr3_, no11:26
mhr3_Saviq, yes11:26
Saviqmhr3_, NO11:26
mhr3_Saviq, YES11:26
Saviqmhr3_, no, because it doesn't support uppercase11:26
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Saviqmhr3_, hostname part needs to be always empty11:27
Saviqmhr3_, bug #123144411:27
ubot5bug 1231444 in Unity 8 "Use /// to remove hostname element" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123144411:27
mhr3_Saviq, ehm? application schema isn't defined to have any hostname11:27
Saviqmhr3_, it's not a correct url then11:28
Saviqmhr3_, when parsed with QUrl, the hostname part is downcased11:29
Saviqwhich is correct11:29
Saviqyou can't just "omit" the / to say there's no hostname part11:29
Saviqthe part after :// is always hostname11:29
mhr3_Saviq, in that case the app id should be considered the hostname, no?11:32
Saviqmhr3_, no it can't be11:32
Saviqmhr3_, 'cause it's meant to be case sensitive11:32
Saviqmhr3_, and hostname is not11:32
mhr3_you're making me read the rfc11:33
Saviqmhr3_, hostname is case insensitive, that I guarantee you11:33
Saviqmhr3_, but ok, fixing with XDG_DATA_HOME now11:33
mhr3_Saviq, ok, the application schema isn't exactly well defined according to the URI rfc, and that's why we introduced the appid schema, right?11:39
mhr3_but that doesn't change the fact how application schema is used11:39
mhr3_it's either application://[app_id] or applications://[/full/path/to/.desktop]11:40
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Saviqmhr3_, https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/add-ap-data/+merge/19138211:57
mhr3_Saviq, prepending to XDG_DATA_DIRS would be better11:58
Saviqmhr3_, hmm ok11:59
mhr3_Saviq, reason being that home is just one dir, you're likely to break something by changing it, data_dirs is a set of dirs12:00
Saviqmhr3_, mhm12:00
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Saviqmhr3_, pushed12:04
mhr3_Saviq, sure you don't want to put something inside the .desktop?12:05
Saviqmhr3_, not needed atm12:05
Saviqmhr3_, so don't want to12:05
Saviqmhr3_, it's just to trick Scope::fallbackActivate12:06
Saviqmhr3_, I'll wait for ci to be happy12:08
CimiSaviq, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/123876312:09
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1238763 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "[greeter] doesn't like ubuntu-wallpapers-saucy images" [Medium,New]12:09
CimiSaviq, my nexus cannot handle 2560x … images12:10
Cimican someone try this with nexus 10?12:10
SaviqCimi, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/122778312:10
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1227783 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu Saucy) "Black backround image -CrossFadeImage does not set the sourceSize for the images" [Critical,In progress]12:10
CimiSaviq, ok, marking duplicate then12:11
SaviqCimi, already done12:16
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tsdgeosSaviq: why does it break append_hint ?13:05
Saviqtsdgeos, it breaks more I'm afraid13:06
Saviqtsdgeos, must be the lookup is broken somehow13:06
Saviqtsdgeos, anything that updates notifications13:06
Saviqtsdgeos, this is as far as I got http://paste.ubuntu.com/6245541/13:06
tsdgeosthis is just fixing the autopulot, no?13:07
tsdgeoshow did you find the append_hint is broken?13:07
Saviqtsdgeos, I ran the tests13:08
Saviqtsdgeos, but I can also see13:08
tsdgeosand they worked?13:08
Saviqtsdgeos, no they didn't13:08
tsdgeosthe tests still don't pass here with that chang13:08
tsdgeosbut because it can't find notification113:08
tsdgeosnot because anything else13:09
Saviqtsdgeos, did you install the modified unity-notifications?13:09
tsdgeoswhy would i need that for the notification1 to be found?13:10
Saviqtsdgeos, notification1 *are* all the notifications that are displayed - 0 is the placeholder13:10
tsdgeosobviously i do13:10
tsdgeossilly me13:10
Saviqtsdgeos, we're down to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6245556/13:10
Saviq4 failures that I don't think are ap issues13:10
Saviqtsdgeos, scratch that, the urgency_order is fine, as I'd expect it13:11
Saviqtsdgeos, but none of the ones that *update* a notification are good13:12
Saviqtsdgeos, I expect the backend to be updating the wrong notification object13:13
tsdgeosi'll check13:13
Saviqor something like htat13:14
Saviqtsdgeos, you can use "examples" from unity-notifications to see what happens13:14
Saviqtsdgeos, but well, ap tests are probably even better, 'cause they'll tell you if stuff's fine13:15
dednickSaviq: my device keeps asking for ssh password lately. any way to get it to stop?13:16
Saviqdednick, ssh-copy-id13:16
Saviqdednick, probably ssh key failed to copy for some reason13:17
pstolowskicharles, ping13:17
tsdgeosi hate autopilot13:17
tsdgeoswhy is it not using my compiled unity8 and instead using the system one13:18
tsdgeosdon't we have code exclusively for that?13:18
dednickSaviq: thanks. worked13:18
tsdgeos../../../builddir/install/bin/%s :_S ¿13:19
charlespstolowski, pong13:19
dandradergreyback, updated https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/ubuntu-keyboard/osk_rotation_lp1236489/+merge/19094613:20
greybackdandrader: cool, will take a look in 30mins or so13:20
pstolowskicharles, hey! indicator-datetime-service crashes quite often for me on the desktop (almost daily); today it was https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-datetime/+bug/864530 but I'm not sure if it's the same every time. can I collect any more info to help fix it?13:22
ubot5Ubuntu bug 864530 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) "indicator-datetime-service crashed with signal 5 in ffi_call_SYSV()" [Medium,Confirmed]13:22
charlespstolowski: !13:22
* charles clicks13:22
pstolowskicharles, sometimes it results in ~5 apport windows open in one session, but perhaps it's a separate issue with apport13:22
Saviqyeah, the weird "StateNotFoundError" is basically the same13:26
Saviqtsdgeos, ↑ as the notification times out due to not being updated13:26
mzanettiyou know what's cool: with 3 fingers you can swipe the launcher, greeter and indicators simultaneously :)13:26
tsdgeoslooking at it :)13:26
tsdgeosmzanetti: you have 3 fingers? that's what's cool13:27
mzanettiI have 10. believe it or not13:27
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dednicksil2100: ping13:30
sil2100dednick: pong13:31
mzanettiMacSlow: git://anongit.kde.org/marble.git13:32
dednicksil2100: hi. just wanted to check on the landing status for ubuntu-settings-components. Is it in the pipeline?13:32
mzanettiMacSlow: branch qt513:32
MacSlowmzanetti, thx13:33
mzanettiMacSlow: compile with "cmake <srcdir> -DQTONLY=1 -DQT5BUILD=1"13:34
sil2100dednick: didn't see any plans for it - is it required by anything right now? I can poke the landing guys if we can maybe prioritize it if needed13:34
MacSlowmzanetti, k13:34
Saviqgreyback, standup?13:36
charlespstolowski|brb: that ticket is way too old, the backtrace is in code that doesn't exist anymore. Was that the link you intended to share, or do you have a newer crash report?13:36
dednicksil2100: it's not a major priority yet. Just didnt want it to be forgotten; will need it soonish.13:36
Cimifree karma https://code.launchpad.net/~cimi/unity8/fix-1231731/+merge/19141413:40
CimiSaviq, I can spend some hours digging into this if you don0t have other high prio https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/119534913:44
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1195349 in Unity 8 "First few items in Carousel don't switch correctly" [Medium,Triaged]13:44
SaviqCimi, sure, we're past high prio bugs, really13:44
CimiSaviq, we still have a good list of unassigned https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-importance&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&assignee_option=none&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=&field.structural_subscriber=&field.tag=&field.tags_combinator=ANY&field.has_cve.used=&field.omit_dupes.used=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.affects_me.used=&field13:45
Cimineeds to shorten than13:45
SaviqCimi, unassigned is fine, New is worse13:45
SaviqCimi, that's ok, *we* are assigned by default13:48
SaviqCimi, but we need to triage13:48
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1238232 in Unity 8 "User can bypass lockscreen." [Undecided,New]13:48
SaviqCimi, yeah, that one's interesting :)13:48
Cimiquite funny :)13:48
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pstolowskicharles, hmm, right.. looking, I still have a crash file around13:51
pstolowskicharles, this is my backtrace http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6245754/13:53
pstolowskicharles, I think ffi_call there made me think it was the same bt13:54
charlespstolowski: what a happy coincidence, seb128 and larsu and I were just talking about that bug13:56
charlesthat's been filed already, bug #123873713:57
ubot5bug 1238737 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) "indicator-datetime-service crashed: "Unable to get bus connection to own name 'com.canonical.indicator.datetime'"" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123873713:57
charlesseb128 figured out the fix13:57
pstolowskicharles, awesomeness! thanks13:57
mzanettidandrader: ping14:01
dandradermzanetti, pong14:01
mzanettidandrader: I can reproduce the edge drag crash and have some findings. looks like a bug in DDA14:01
mzanettidandrader:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/624579214:02
mzanettidandrader: now, I'm not sure how m_touchId works14:02
mzanettidandrader: afaics you're only setting that in touchEvent_absent(). I assume when a new gesture starts14:03
mzanettidandrader: but for some reason it can happen that the m_touchId is 0, while there is only one available touch point with id 114:03
dandradermzanetti, m_touchId is the id of the touch that is performing (or that we expect to perform) the gesture14:05
dandradermzanetti, did you happen to have two fingers at the same time on the screen at any given moment?14:06
nic-doffaySaviq, ping14:07
Saviqnic-doffay, pong14:08
dandradermzanetti, but in any case, we should get a "touch 0 ended" notice before it disappears from subsequent TouchEvents14:08
dandradermzanetti, and that's what the code asusmes14:08
nic-doffaySaviq, so I've moved the searchHistory ListModel to be a shared asset, however it appears that queries are not being added correctly because the search count never increase above 0. Any inclination what might be causing this?14:09
nic-doffayThey are definitely being added to the same searchHistory.14:09
dandradermzanetti, to make sure we are missing events you would have to log all touch events received14:09
Saviqnic-doffay, console.log() agrees with you?14:10
mzanettidandrader: that's what I do14:12
mzanettidandrader: got a touch event ...14:13
mzanettidandrader: thats the first line touchEvent()14:13
mzanettidandrader: oh... actually it's not... it's after the check for visible && enabled14:13
mzanettiso we _could_ miss something in there I guess14:13
nic-doffaySaviq, yeah.14:15
Saviqnic-doffay, and you're not getting any onCountChanged in the ListView?14:16
nic-doffaySaviq, negative.14:19
Saviqnic-doffay, so what changed between them working per-scope, and not working shared?14:19
nic-doffaySaviq, I moved the initialisation to Dash.qml.14:20
nic-doffayAnd passed it through to the page header.14:20
mzanettidandrader: here's all: http://paste.ubuntu.com/624587314:21
mzanettidandrader: doesn't seem we're missing a touch event. more like the m_touchId gets confused when there are multiple touch es ongoing14:21
Saviqnic-doffay, I've no ready-made answer, if you show some code and tell me how it's not working, we can see14:23
dandradermzanetti, so looks like we have a unit test already :)14:23
dandradermzanetti, just feeding those events to DirectionalDragArea and seeing it crash14:24
mzanettidammit... doorbell 3rd time in 10 mins14:24
Saviqkgunn, sorry, tab-based navigation in dash is TODO14:24
dandradermzanetti, although your log doesn't say anything about the contents of those events, which is the interesting part14:24
Saviqkgunn, sorry if I made it confusing14:24
Saviqmhr3_, had to fix https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/add-ap-data/+merge/19138214:26
nic-doffaySaviq, I figured as much. :/14:26
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CimiSaviq, https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/fix-1238232/+merge/19142414:28
SaviqCimi, request a review from mterry please14:29
CimiSaviq, done14:29
mhr3_Saviq, k, waiting for another ci run, or want me to re-approve?14:29
Saviqmhr3_, let's wait it out14:30
mzanettidandrader|afk: I think I got it. there is touch event of type TouchEnd coming in as first thing for touch id 1. that's where you start a new gesture for touch id 1. but as it as a TouchEnd, it's not contained in the list of available touch points any more in the next run and boom14:30
Saviqmhr3_, or well, you can approve, I won't merge before the CI run anyway14:30
mhr3_Saviq, eek, still manual merging? :)14:31
nic-doffaySaviq, here's the branch, the diff is pretty small. https://code.launchpad.net/~nicolas-doffay/unity8/scope-search-refactor14:31
Saviqmhr3_, indeed14:31
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dandradermzanetti, awesome!14:43
mzanettidandrader: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/fix-1228336/+merge/19142714:43
mzanettidandrader: hmm... that's really shitty to test14:47
mzanettidandrader: as QTest::touchEvent doesn't let me generate a release only14:47
mzanettiand afaics I can't modify the QTouchEventSequence to remove the TouchBegin event14:47
Saviqtsdgeos, btw, file a QTBUG so we don't forget about ListView stealing focus?14:48
mzanettiwait... I might understood something wrong14:48
tsdgeosSaviq: ok, will do14:48
Saviqmzanetti, hey, so what's the status of https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/unity8/disable-ui-on-actions/+merge/19014514:51
Saviqmzanetti, are we getting a MouseArea overlay or?14:51
mzanettiSaviq: well... what should I say... it won't work with switching-previews. but as we need to get this in before the other... just get it merged and I'll remove it again when merging the switching-previews14:52
Saviqmzanetti, ugh... can we get the overlay animating or not?14:52
mzanettiwhat do you mean with animating?14:53
Saviqmzanetti, fade in/out14:53
Saviqmzanetti, it was just blinking here for me, and AFAICT it couldn't be otherwise, 'cause it was created / destroyed with the preview itself14:54
Saviqmzanetti, that's what I wanted yo to confirm14:54
Saviqmzanetti, anyway, I got some time now, will look14:54
mzanettiSaviq: oh ok... got you wrong there14:54
mzanettiSaviq: right... the backend sends us a new preview object when something changes14:55
Saviqmzanetti, and that recreates the overlay as well14:55
mzanettiSaviq: so I guess what you can do is to make this overlay opacity: 0 by default, and change that in component.onCompleted14:56
Saviqmzanetti, sure, but as soon as the new preview comes in14:57
Saviqmzanetti, it will disappear in one frame14:57
Saviqmzanetti, so yeah, we can fade in, but not out14:57
mzanettibut actually imho having such an overlay would look bad anyways. why not just disable the buttons?14:58
SaviqI'm fine with not showing it at all and just prevent people from causing mayhem in the backends14:58
Saviqmzanetti, we need to show that stuff is happening14:58
Saviqmzanetti, but yeah, there's no design for long-running tasks while in preview14:58
mzanettithe action button that is causing the wait could have a spinner on it :)14:59
mhr3_ui fixes for bugs in scope :(14:59
mzanettimhr3_: right..... fix the scope :P15:00
mhr3_wish it were that simple15:00
Saviqmzanetti, did you notice, btw, that LazyImage does not display the X on broken_image on the phone?15:10
mzanettiSaviq: nope didn't notice15:10
Saviqmzanetti, I think the SDK bails out on rescaling that image for some reason15:10
mzanettidandrader: hmm... have a problem15:25
mzanettidandrader: if I just enject a release in a test, it never ends up in the actual code15:25
dandradermzanetti, install an event filter on the DDA and filter out the press15:32
Saviqmzanetti, you filed a bug about the private / no number issues?15:48
Saviqmzanetti, there's a mention of it on ubuntu-phone15:48
Saviqwould be good to link a bug report15:48
mzanettiSaviq: done15:53
Saviqmzanetti, thanks15:54
tsdgeosSaviq: can't file the bug about LV and focus, since can't create a testcase :-/15:58
tsdgeosSaviq: http://pastebin.kde.org/pk7031r0r "works"15:58
tsdgeosi.e. doesn't shuffle the focus15:58
Saviqtsdgeos, put it in a FocusCope15:58
tsdgeosjust thhought that15:58
tsdgeoslet me see15:58
* tsdgeos headdesks15:59
mzanettidandrader: found another issue with this so I added a check that only the starting finger is processed and other fingers are rejected.16:22
Cimiis there a way to get the minimum real value available per platform?16:22
mzanettidandrader: also updated tests16:22
dandradermzanetti, if a second finger lands, you've to reject the gesture16:22
mzanettidandrader: why is that?16:22
mzanettiI would not say so16:23
dandradermzanetti, becuase it's a single-finger drag gesture16:23
mzanettidandrader: sure... but why shouldn16:23
dandradermzanetti, if you use two-fingers it's not a single-finger drag gesture anymore16:23
mzanettidandrader: sure... but why shouldn't I be able to use one finger to swipe the left edge and another to swipe the right edge?16:23
mzanettidandrader: I'm voting against that16:24
Cimilike Math.minium valid Real16:24
Cimicrap like that16:24
dandradermzanetti, if you have one finger on the left edge, and one finger on the right edge. each DDA will get only one finger16:25
mzanettidandrader: one DDA only works with one finger at a time16:25
mzanettidandrader: yeah16:25
dandradermzanetti, so there's no problem there16:25
mzanettibut prior to my branch one DDA can get confused by another16:25
dandradermzanetti, but if you lay two fingers on the same edge, they both have to be rejected16:25
mzanettidandrader: I wouldn't say so16:26
mzanettidandrader: makes it harder to work with, for example if you accidentally touch something with your palm16:26
mzanettidandrader: it's only the first finger that is used for the gesture detection anyways16:26
dandradermzanetti, wanna join mumble. I'm tired of typing16:27
mzanettidandrader: actually I don't want to discuss that either right now16:27
mzanettithis branch fixes the crash. I don't want to change something else in there16:28
dandradermzanetti, ok16:28
CimiSaviq, I'm on fire these days https://code.launchpad.net/~cimi/unity8/fix-1195349/+merge/19146016:40
greybackSaviq: I need a review, asap: https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/unity-mir/fix-leaks/+merge/19144916:42
Saviqgreyback, yes sir16:43
Saviqgreyback, so setting session to nullptr makes sure Mir does the right thing?16:44
Saviqor well, shared_ptr does16:44
greybackSaviq: yes, the shared pointer releases it's hold on the object, probably deleting it as it is last to hold it16:44
Saviqgreyback, shall I test?16:44
Saviqgreyback, i.e. should I see a difference16:44
greybackSaviq: alf_ has already in #ubuntu-mir16:45
greybackSaviq: <alf_> greyback: tvoss: verified ubuntuuitoolkit tests run fine, system fluid after tests16:45
greybackSaviq: but don't let that stop you16:45
Saviqgreyback, anything in mir needed?16:45
greybackSaviq: nope16:45
Saviqcool beanz16:46
bjsnideri'm wondering if this still looks relevant: http://paste.debian.net/58424/16:48
bjsniderit's the patch that makes empathy work with unity's progress bar16:48
Saviqgreyback, wow, we're down to below 100MBs RSS16:50
SaviqAlbert did good with LVWPH :)16:50
greybackSaviq: yeah, we've done well16:50
Saviq200MB already :D16:51
Saviqand counting ;)16:51
Saviq(before the fix)16:51
tvossgreyback, alan_g \o/16:52
Saviqshite, 600MB already16:54
Saviqand died16:54
mzanettidandrader: actually you're right I guess...16:55
Saviqlet's see - 90.3MB to start with16:55
Saviqyeah this is looking much better16:56
Saviqgreyback, happroved!16:57
greybackSaviq: thank you16:57
CimiSaviq, I finished my list of assigned bugs (apart the applications grid but it's on hold for now). Tomorrow I'm going to the office to see if there is feedback on something not reported that we want to fix, otherwise I can start pickup unassigned bugs16:57
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|lunch
Saviqgreyback, hmm seems like we're still leaking somewhere now and again16:58
Saviqgreyback, been going down to 87MB in between tests, ~10MB for a launched app16:58
Saviqafter a few tests it's 99MB low, 110MB high16:58
Saviqso it seems like we've leaked one at some point16:59
Saviqgreyback, but yeah, let's see where it settles16:59
Saviqgreyback, still a huge improvement16:59
greybackSaviq: yep. The 2 screenshots may be held onto at times when they're not needed. Want to profile to see what else could be to blame tho16:59
Saviqwe're still leaking smaller amounts constantly it seems17:00
Saviqbut yeah, that's much appreciated all in all :)17:00
Saviqfreakin' smart pointers :P17:00
Saviqnot so smart anymore, are ya!17:00
Saviq60 tests OK17:01
Saviqand we've leaked some 10MBs17:01
mzanettiSaviq: where is the code for the sim pin stuff?17:19
mzanettithe UI, that is17:19
Saviqmzanetti, Panel17:34
Saviqmzanetti, NotificationMenuItemFactory and start from there17:34
Saviqor well, that's it17:35
Saviqmzanetti, so not Panel - Notifications17:35
mzanettime actually needs to enable the sim pin17:36
mzanettinooooo. qtbus not preinstalled :D17:37
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seb128just as a warning, if some people have the unity8 saucy package installed, it might make your boot hang after today's update19:33
seb128if it does, remove /etc/init/boot-hook19:33
kenvandineseb128, that makes me want to install unity8 on my desktop :)19:42
seb128kenvandine, lots of fun to debug boot hanging on plymouth, I'm glad stgraber helps19:44
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tedgbregma, Okay, I can't build Unity.  I think it's because of my nvidia driver.20:24
tedgbregma, Can I disable the headless tests for the build?20:24
tedgbregma, Using bzr bd currently.20:24
bregmaI know I usually do20:24
tedgbregma, How does one do that?20:24
bregmaI just manually edit them out of the CMakeLists.txt and check that in temporarily20:25
* bregma is a dirty cheater20:25
tedgbregma, Okay, this builds and works on my machine: https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/unity/nih-signals-complete/+merge/19145721:10
bregmatedg, if you stop the session dbus server, does it still cause unity-panel-service to call abort()?21:12
tedgbregma, Sure, wrong bug?21:14
bregmanot necessarily21:14
tedgbregma, That's normal behavior for dbus clients.21:14
bregmathe biggest problem is u-p-s emitting "(unity-panel-service:1686): Indicator-Appmenu-CRITICAL **: OMG! Unable to get a connection to DBus" on shutdown, which calls abort()21:15
bregmabecause the dbus daemon is shut down by upstart before yu-p-s is21:16
bregmahowever, it'sways near "(null):dbus_error.c:69: Unhandled error from nih_dbus_error_raise: Connection was disconnected before a reply was received" in the log21:17
bregmawhich comes at process startup21:18
bregmaeither way, tedg, your proposed change is still correct and does the right thing, I just don't think it will fix the bug21:21
tedgbregma, That does seem odd considering dbus dies last.21:23
tedgbregma, Is that still happening?  It could be that it was starting too fast for dbus.  That was an issue in the dbus job.21:24
bregmaI haven't see it duped since last week21:27
bregmaMP approved anyway21:28
tedgHopefully they're both fixed :-)21:28
bregmalet's hope21:31
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