
rickspencer3morning all14:42
marcoceppirickspencer3: where abouts are you in the city?16:00
rickspencer3hi marcoceppi, I live in Glover Park16:00
marcoceppirickspencer3: ah, cool16:00
rickspencer3how about you marcoceppi?16:01
marcoceppirickspencer3: Falls Church, VA16:01
marcoceppiplanning on moving in to the city proper come december16:01
ChinnoDogThis neighborhood not good enough for you marcoceppi? lol16:03
marcoceppiChinnoDog: I find myself riding in to DC more often then not during the week16:04
rickspencer3marcoceppi, where in the city?16:06
ChinnoDogIsn't everything going to cost 2x as much if you move into DC?16:06
marcoceppirickspencer3: I'm not sure yet, just started looking16:06
bcurtiswxmarcoceppi, where in Falls Church?20:02
bcurtiswxI live inside the 495/66/7 triangle20:03
bcurtiswxthankfully not quite the bermuda one.. ... i think20:03
marcoceppibcurtiswx: At the new Mosaic town center, where the Target is20:29

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